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Business correspondence in English: phrases and tips. Standard phrases for business correspondence

An important task when composing a letter is its information saturation, i.e. including an appropriate amount of information. There are letters single-aspect And multidimensional. Often one aspect can make up the content of the entire letter, and most often these are letters that do not require a response. For multi-aspect letters, certain stable syntactic structures have already developed to express one or another aspect of the content. The text of a multi-aspect letter usually consists of sections, subsections, paragraphs, and subparagraphs. The presentation of each aspect must begin with a paragraph. However, modern business correspondence is characterized by a tendency to compose predominantly one-dimensional letters.

The simplest structure of a letter is two parts. The first sets out the facts and events (motives, arguments) that served as the basis for drawing up the letter, the second contains conclusions, requests, proposals. When composing any letter, you first need to outline a logical outline of its content. Here are examples of the structure of letters consisting of two or three parts.

Service letter of request:

1) justification for the relevance of the request;

3) the expected result if the request is fulfilled.

Covering letter:

1) a message about the material being sent;

2) clarifying information.

Letter of request:

1) a statement of the reason that prompted you to make the request;

2) statement of the request;

3) the expected result if the request is granted, an expression of readiness for further cooperation.

Letter of response (refusal of a request or rejection of an offer):

1) repetition of the request;

2) justification of the reason for not satisfying the request;

3) statement of refusal or rejection of the proposal.

Official correspondence. Another important part of business etiquette is official correspondence; of course, each business letter must be strictly individual.

It is imprinted primarily by the addressee, the specific situation, the personality and position of the writer. The approach to deciding what a business letter should be requires a certain amount of creativity, but nevertheless, there are general rules for business correspondence. Let us outline the most significant aspects of this problem.

Correspondence This is communication in miniature, mastery is both work, sometimes difficult, and art. Intelligent business correspondence helps to increase the turnover of a company or enterprise, improve the relationship between various services, improve skills, and establish strong connections with consumers.

One of the main requirements for a letter: it should not be long. If If you want your letter to be read, try to keep it to one and a half pages of typewritten text, or even better, one page. Good writing, like speaking, must be clear and concise; this is the second requirement for writing. Try to avoid polysyllabic, incomprehensible (foreign, highly specialized) words and expressions in a business letter; this is the third rule of writing a business letter; the same rule also involves composing letters in short sentences in which the main thoughts of the author are clearly and clearly formulated. Laconic letters written in monosyllabic words characterize the writers as good conversationalists who master the art of communication. Letters should not contain unnecessary adjectives or adverbs, which often makes the style too “florid”. This syllable is most often used in Eastern countries.

The letter should reflect individuality the author, department or company where he works. The letter should make it clear what kind of company it is, what it does, whether it is firmly on its feet, etc. This is another requirement for an official letter.

But even with this seemingly standard approach, there is a lot of room for creativity. First of all, think about the addressee, try to find out his interests, in turn, make an effort to interest him, so convey to him the essence of the question so that your letter is remembered. A sense of humor will help you solve these and other problems. A letter written with a sense of humor is usually read faster and remembered more firmly. It will help you win a future client. Such a letter shows the recipient that he was prepared by a person.

When writing business correspondence, one must remember that the impression a letter makes on the addressee depends on such “little things” as the envelope, the company’s letterhead, and the content of the letter. Take your time, even if it seems to you that the letter is written flawlessly, put off sending it for a while longer, and re-read it again. As a rule, there will be inaccuracies and overly emotional expressions. Correct them, and then send them. It is especially important to follow this rule when responding to customer complaints. Don’t try to unsubscribe; getting rid of a client is an unforgivable mistake. A client's dissatisfaction with a company's work spreads 100 times faster than its good reputation.

Try to start the letter friendly this makes the recipient feel good about the author. Personal touches will give your message more meaning. This is also facilitated by the conversational style of writing.

Forks of business correspondence.

Correspondence experts divide correspondence into six types:

* trade agreements, transactions and other similar correspondence;

* response letters with gratitude;

* congratulations;

* apologies.

* requirements and requests,


These six types of letters are in turn divided into two categories: formal And informal.

Office notes are also divided into types:

* orders on personnel issues, internal regulations of the institution, work rules;

* thanks and congratulations;

* reminders, requests, event holding. In informal business correspondence, abbreviations, monosyllabic words and adjectives are often used: they create the impression of close acquaintance, warmth, and mutual sympathy. Adjectives such as kind-hearted, skillful, sympathetic, amazing, wonderful, etc., bring the author of the letter and its addressee closer together. They convey an emotional state. They show how objective or subjective the author of the letter is; perhaps he prepared it, guided only by emotions.

There are many ways to prepare correspondence, but we will highlight the most common questions:

What does a potential client need? What are his main concerns? What doubts bother him? What are his financial considerations? Did he have any problems that still bother him today?

What are his goals?

And one more significant point: the letter should be structured according to this scheme attention interest request action.

You just need to remember that when formulating a request, provide the addressee with a limited choice of options. The fewer options, the greater the likelihood of success.

The etiquette and tact of a business person are manifested at every step: during a fleeting conversation with a subordinate, colleague, at a production meeting, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes officials abuse the form of address on "You". They address “you” to subordinates who are much older than them in age, but say “you” to a young superior. In the form of addressing “you”, disdain for the subordinate is manifested. Once upon a time, Maxim Gorky responded to a young writer’s request to be on a first-name basis with him: “I’m not a gentleman...”. Indeed, calling “you,” especially publicly to a subordinate, is a demonstration of lordly arrogance and a low level of intelligence. The position he holds does not give him the basis for such communication with a subordinate or employee. Such treatment degrades human dignity.

The etiquette of official and business relations requires strict adherence to speech norms both in interpersonal communication and during business conversations and meetings. When you talk to people (or even just one person), conduct the conversation without being interrupted. All matters, with the exception of urgent, sudden ones, can wait.

Standard phrases and expressions business letters

The business letter writer must know and use a set of standard phrases

For explanations of motives of one or another action, one or another reaction, the following expressions are used:

Due to the lack of financial assistance...;

Due to the difficult economic situation...;

In order to carry out joint work...,

According to your letter...;

In accordance with the protocol...;

In response to your request...;

In confirmation of our agreement...;

In order to strengthen responsibility...;

To your request...

If compiled letter of request, then the following expressions are used:

Please provide assistance...;

Please send to our address...;

Please take part...;

Please take action...;

Please take note...;

Please inform...;

Please clear the debt...

Cover letters usually start with the words:

We send information...;

We are bringing back reference materials...;

We send the contract signed on our part...;

We send reference literature...

Confirmation letters start like this:

We confirm...

We gratefully confirm....

The Krut company confirms.

IN reminder letters the following models are used:

We remind you that...,

We remind you that...

IN notification letters such

We inform you that...;

We inform you that

Letter of guarantee may contain the following phrases:

We guarantee payment...;

We guarantee the quality of the product. ,

We guarantee to meet deadlines...

Letters of invitation can begin with words:

We invite you to participate,

Please send a representative...

Refusal of the request And rejection of offer are built according to such models

Your proposal is rejected for the following reasons...

The draft joint action plan sent to us has been studied. We consider it unacceptable for the following reasons...,

We consider your request to work together... In closing words The text of the letter may be as follows:

We kindly ask you to allocate 10 million rubles. for a charity marathon

We kindly ask you to send information to us.

We kindly ask you not to delay your response.

We apologize for the delay in response.

We hope that our request will be fulfilled.

IN Lately Letters of offer of cooperation have become widespread. The logical scheme for constructing such letters is the same as the scheme for composing letters of request. They consist of two parts: a statement of the essence of the issue and a proposal for cooperation. The address before the text is not always used.

The Moscow entrepreneurial company OMNI-Energo, which has been specializing in supplying construction projects and industrial enterprises with electrical equipment and cable and wire products for about 10 years, considers it necessary to inform you that our company has the ability to organize for enterprises under construction and reconstruction a full supply of what they need domestic electrical equipment and cable and wire products.

Do you write business letters in English every day? Or are you just learning the basics of official correspondence in business English courses? Our selection of useful phrases and expressions will teach you how to write correct business letters in English and help diversify your speech.

Thanks to business etiquette, it is common knowledge that clients should be greeted at the beginning of the letter and goodbye at the end. Do problems begin when composing the body of the letter? How, for example, can you tell customers that the cargo is delayed, or how can you hint that it would be nice to receive money for services rendered? All this can be explained competently if you use the right “blanks” for various situations. With such “blanks”, writing letters will be a simple and enjoyable task.

Starting a letter or how to start a correspondence in English

At the beginning of every business letter, immediately after the greeting, you need to explain why you are writing all this. Perhaps you want to clarify something, get additional information, or, for example, offer your services. The following phrases will help with everything:

  • We are writing - We write to…
  • To confirm... - confirm...
    - to request ... – to request…
    - to inform you that... – to inform you that...
    - to enquire about ... - find out about ...

  • I am contacting you for the following reason... – I am writing to you with the following purpose / I am writing to you in order to...
  • I would be interested in (receiving/ getting information) - I would be interested in (acquiring/ receiving information)

Establishing contacts or how to tell your interlocutor how you know about him

Sometimes it is worth reminding your business partner when and how you last saw each other or discussed your cooperation. Maybe you already wrote a business letter on this topic a couple of months ago, or perhaps you met at a conference a week ago and started negotiating then.

  • Thank you for your letter regarding ... – Thank you for your letter on the topic….
  • Thank you for your letter of May 30. – Thank you for your letter of May 30.
  • In reply to your request, ... – In response to your request..
  • Thank you for contacting us. – Thank you for writing to us.
  • With reference to our conversation on Tuesday... - Regarding our conversation on Tuesday...
  • In reference with your recent letter - Regarding the letter recently received from you...
  • It was a pleasure meeting you in New-York last week. – It was very nice to meet you in New York last week.
  • I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed yesterday – I would like to confirm the main points that we discussed yesterday.

Expressing a request or how to tactfully ask your interlocutor in English

In business letters, sometimes you have to ask your partners for something. Sometimes you need a delay, and sometimes you need additional samples of material. To express all this, business English has its own established phrases.

  • We would appreciate it if you would ... - We would be very grateful if you...
  • Could you please send me/ tell us/ let us... – Could you send me/tell us/allow us
  • It would be helpful if you could send us ... - It would be very helpful if you could send us ...
  • I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. “I would appreciate your immediate attention on this matter.”
  • We would be grateful if you could ... - We would be grateful if you could ...

Complaining in English or how to make it clear that you are not happy

Unfortunately, it often happens that we don’t like something. But when writing business letters, we cannot give free rein to our feelings and say with a direct test what we think about the company and its services. It is necessary to use business English and carefully express your dissatisfaction. This way we can keep our business partner and let off some steam. Standard business correspondence phrases that will help with this:

  • I am writing to complain about ... - I am writing to complain about ...
  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ... I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ...
  • I am afraid there may be a misunderstanding... - I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding...
  • I understand it is not your fault, but... - I understand that it is not your fault, but...
  • We wish to draw your attention to…. – We would like to draw your attention to

How to convey bad or good news in business letters in English

In business correspondence it often happens that we have to upset clients. It’s worth doing this gracefully so as not to anger your partner even more.

Bad news

  • I am afraid that I must inform you that ... - I am afraid that we must inform you that ...
  • Unfortunately we cannot / we are unable to ... - Unfortunately, we cannot / we are unable
  • We regret to inform you that... - We regret to inform you that...
  • I"m afraid it would not be possible to ... – I’m afraid that it will be impossible…
  • After serious consideration we have decided to...- After serious consideration, we decided that...

Good news

Fortunately, sometimes everything works out well and we can please our clients with good news

  • We are pleased to announce that... – We are pleased to announce that...
  • It is our pleasure to announce that... - We have the pleasure to announce that...
  • I am delighted to inform you that .. – I am pleased to inform you...
  • You will be pleased to learn that ... - You will be glad when you find out that ...

Apologies or how not to anger the client even more

Of course, in business there are often problems. And it’s you who has to apologize for them. Be friendly, put yourself in the position of your interlocutor. Remember that it is better to apologize several times than to lose a valuable client.

  • I regret any inconvenience caused by... We regret all the inconvenience caused by...
  • Please accept our sincere apologies. – Please accept our sincere apologies.
  • I would like to apologize for the delay /inconvenience... - I want to apologize for the delay / inconvenience
  • Once again, please accept my apologies for... – Once again, accept my apologies for...

Money or how to show your partner that it's time to pay

Sometimes you want to write in plain text that it’s time to pay. But you can’t do this in business correspondence. Instead, we have to use softer constructions, behind which there is still the same tough question.

  • According to our records... - According to our records...
  • Our records show that we have not yet received payment of ... – Our records show that we have not yet received payment for ...
  • We would appreciate if you cleared your account within the next days. – We will be grateful if you pay in the next few days.
  • Please send payment as soon as possible/ promptly – Please send us payment as soon as possible.

Politeness in correspondence or how to hint at new meetings

You shouldn’t say goodbye to your business partners completely. Even after the end of the project, it is better for you to save the relationship for future orders.

Catch you later

At the end of business letters in English, it is often appropriate to remind your partner between the lines when you next expect information from him.

  • I look forward to seeing you next week. – I look forward to our meeting next week
  • Looking forward to receiving your comments, - I look forward to your comments.
  • I look forward to meeting you on the (date). – I’m looking forward to our meeting with you (date).
  • An early reply would be appreciated. – I will appreciate your quick response

See you

After a successful order, you should write the customer a short letter in English, informing him that you are not against a new project with him.

  • I would be happy to have an opportunity to work with your firm again. – I would be glad to have the opportunity to work with your firm again.
  • We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future. – We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
  • We would be pleased to do business with your company. – We will be happy to do business with your company.

Of course, business English is not always easy. Luckily, our selection of business phrases should make your task a lot easier. Now it will take you much less time to compose a letter. So choose the right phrases, add your information and please your boss with beautiful business letters to English language.

  • Shutikova Anna

  • In the modern world, business contact often begins with business correspondence - a written form of business interaction, which includes any type of correspondence (letter, message, etc.) sent by any official on his behalf and by virtue of his position.

    An important aspect is compliance with certain etiquette standards. Otherwise, established connections may be severed and a client or business partner may be lost. Well-designed business correspondence contributes to the most favorable impression of you or the company.

    Mastering the magic of letters is important for every person. Let's say when searching new job: compiling and sending a resume, test tasks, cover letters, additional information about yourself, agreeing on a meeting time.

    Interestingly, the rules of business correspondence that exist today were developed about 150 years ago in England.

    Types of business letters

    To decide how to compose a letter, you need to know the differences between its types. This will help you decide on the topic of the message and its correct design. This will help you avoid looking stupid in the eyes of an important opponent.

    According to the design structure there are:

    • Letters of communication

    This includes letters of refusal, claims, excuses, and confessions. Everything that an employee uses in the course of his professional activities.

    • Letters of agreement

    An important type of writing. Thanks to her, the results of the meeting are summed up, agreements are formed, the time for completing tasks is determined, and both parties are convinced of the correct understanding of the contract.

    Business Letter Rules

    The way bloggers allow themselves to express themselves is not your choice. There is no excuse for mistakes and typos. You cannot console yourself with the difficulties of learning a language from childhood. You need to be as demanding of yourself as possible. Otherwise, it paints an unfavorable picture of your personality and education.

    The peculiarity of business correspondence is that errors in the spelling of professional words are considered an indicator of a person’s incompetence in the chosen field.

    Basic Rules:

    1. Stop using words precise definition which you don't know. As a last resort, check their meanings in dictionaries.
    2. Avoid using specific terminology. Some words may be unfamiliar to the interlocutor and may be misinterpreted by him. Business correspondence etiquette involves in such cases providing an explanation of terms and abbreviations.
    3. Write in short sentences. Length and floridness of constructions are appropriate when writing a novel, and not during business negotiations.
    4. First type the message not in the body of the letter, but in a document on your computer or online editor. A positive aspect is the automatic spelling and punctuation check of the text. This also prevents the letter from being accidentally sent to the recipient prematurely or lost due to the browser being closed or the Internet being lost. Working in Microsoft word, use autosaving of material at certain intervals.
    5. You should avoid typing a message on your phone or tablet. There is a risk of inappropriate autocorrection.
    6. Before sending, check for errors and the consistency of the text. It is recommended to recheck the typed text again after an hour, temporarily switching to other things and forgetting about writing it. This will help you look at the text from a different perspective, seeing all the inaccuracies.

    Formatting a business letter

    Necessary Special attention to details when preparing and maintaining correspondence. It also shows respect for your opponent and allows you to save time that could be spent on redoing the material.

    The following aspects should not be neglected:

    • Correct filling of the subject line of the letter

    If this is the first message, the title may be bright. However, if communication with the opponent already exists, the subject of the letter should be stated briefly and concisely. These are the basics of communication. They help you find the message after a while so that re-reading will be easy for both the sender and the recipient.

    • Citation

    The message you send may contain questions that you must answer. It makes sense to answer them, quoting each one separately. When sending a letter with several forwardings, it is worth using numbering and breaking the text into paragraphs. This way it will be clear to the interlocutor what question you are answering.

    Excessive quotation chains create a sense of chaos in communications. However, if there is a need to return to previously sent messages or remind the interlocutor of something, it is worth doing. In particular, when it comes to budget, service package, and time.

    • Take into account all information received

    When composing a letter, you must briefly comment on all documents attached by you or your interlocutor. This way it will be immediately clear to the recipient what contents of the files await him.

    • Your own signature is an analogy to a business card

    Business correspondence requires a signature. It can be made automatic, then it will be present in every letter sent. How to create an informative signature? Use your first and last name, current position, work contacts and company logo.

    For example: “With respect, Ivan Ivanov, your project manager, phone number or any other messengers.” Or “Best regards, Ivan Ivanov...”.

    The signature can also be catchy and creative, indicating a special connection with the company or cause. For example, employees of a book industry network can use the phrase “I’m currently reading...” when inserting the name of current new products. But it is better to coordinate such things with your superiors.

    • Mailing address

    The rules of business correspondence require the display of a postal address. It would be better if he was purely a worker. The company name, position, first or last name may be displayed there, but not the year of birth or playful nicknames/words. It is better to think about the correct name of the address for many years if you plan to leave it even if you change activities or positions.

    • Font and spacing

    In documentation, the font most often used is Times New Roman, size 12 for tables or 14 for text. 1.5-2 intervals. These are the unspoken basics.

    Business communication style

    Business correspondence involves a delicate balancing act. Friendly communication is inappropriate here, but emphatically harsh communication is not appropriate either.

    Features of communication:

    • Severity of designs

    Diminutive words and slang expressions will be inappropriate.

    • Using emoticons

    Use emoticons carefully or avoid them. The first contact does not allow their presence in principle. In the future, brackets may be present, but only positive ones, in moderate quantities. Niceness and humor are unacceptable in this style of communication. This form is unacceptable if you are subordinate to your interlocutor.

    • Greetings by name and patronymic

    The rules for conducting business correspondence imply a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, attention and interest in his person. This increases your opponent's interest in you and increases the chance of his leniency. It is advisable to know in advance the name of the person you are addressing, as well as his preferences for address.

    • Reply within two days

    It is correct to send a response to the message within a few business days. Otherwise it is considered disrespectful. If the letter was sent before the weekend or vacation, you don’t have to respond to it if it’s not urgent. Otherwise, you need to warn your interlocutor about the temporary absence of your response or briefly unsubscribe about the contents of the letter.

    • Lack of intrusiveness

    Constantly asking about something, asking for confirmation will show you in a bad light. If confirmation from the interlocutor is required, you can remind him of the need to respond in three days. If the matter is urgent, it is better to mention it initially in your first message.

    • Mirror rule

    Business correspondence etiquette often allows you to address your opponent the way he does. This increases the possibility of mutual understanding and communication on the same level. Keep track of what terms, style of communication, and address your interlocutor uses.

    • Happy holidays

    If communication occurs near or during official holidays, it is worth congratulating your interlocutor. These are the rules of business correspondence. It is also useful to know when your opponent's birthday is.

    • Gratitude

    Elementary politeness would be words of gratitude in response to a congratulation, invitation, or explanation.

    Taking into account all the above features, it will not be difficult to establish contact with your interlocutor and form a favorable opinion about yourself.

    The importance of business writing rules

    In fact, any letter sent is a business card, a reflection of our chosen business position. So that she looks decent, inspires respect and trust, and negotiations are accompanied by comfort and efficiency in solving problems, knowledge of the rules of good manners and their constant observance is an unshakable guarantee of success.

    With regard to any correspondence, on the Internet or in letters, the same strict standards apply as when communicating by phone or personal negotiations. The principles on which the interaction is built:

    • mutual respect between opponents for the personality and business position of the other person;
    • attention to the business interests of the opponent;
    • maintaining confidentiality;
    • punctuality in solving important tasks.

    Business correspondence is necessary because:

    • when sending a letter there is no answer, even if it was implied;
    • letters get lost in the flow of unnecessary information and employees constantly call each other asking to check their mail;
    • after reading the email it is completely unclear what is needed from you;
    • Due to the abundance of details and chaos of information in messages, thoughts are confused, and a complex issue is never resolved.

    You can save a lot of free time if you implement general rules for conducting business correspondence. This will help avoid the above problems.

    Electronic messages make it possible to quickly exchange information over long distances. In terms of the speed of transmission of ideas, this equates them to a telephone conversation. However, emails are stored on email servers and used as printed evidence of our words. Therefore, electronic correspondence requires a responsible attitude.

    The task becomes more difficult if you communicate in a non-native English language with representatives of other cultures. In the article I will share what to pay attention to in this case, how to avoid mistakes and achieve mutual understanding with foreign colleagues and partners.


    Regardless of who you are communicating with and in what language, do not forget about the rules of email etiquette.

    1. Clearly indicate the subject of the letter (Subject).

    According to a study by the Radicati Group agency, business representatives receive up to 80 emails per day. How to convince someone to read your letter? Create a title that fully reflects the content. The clearer what is being said, the faster the interlocutor will read the message.

    No: « Idea".

    Yes: "H ow to boost online sales by 15% by the end of Q4 2017".

    2. Use a professional greeting and avoid familiarity.

    No:"Hey", "Yo", "Hiya".

    Yes: "Dear", "Hello", "Hi".

    3. Re-read the letter before sending. Errors and typos will negatively affect your image in the eyes of your interlocutor.

    4. If you are introducing a new interlocutor into the correspondence, briefly describe the background of the issue. Don't force him to scroll down and read all the posts on the topic. Describe the essence of the issue, what was discussed, what you want to say about it.

    5. Reply to messages. If you do not have time to conduct research on the topic now, please confirm that the email has been received and indicate when you will be able to address the issue.

    6. Don't use red to draw attention to an idea. Red speaks of danger and calls negative emotions. Use special words and phrases to stand out, not graphics or color:

    • I would like to underline→ I would like to emphasize.
    • I would like to draw your attention→ I would like to attract your attention.
    • Please pay attention→ Please note.
    • Please note→ Please be aware.


    English is the universal language of communication between people from different countries. But this does not mean that the correspondence style will always be the same. Let's look at the differences.

    China, Japan, Arab countries

    When communicating with colleagues and partners from these countries, especially at the beginning of your acquaintance, use the most polite forms. Begin each letter with a polite greeting and forms of etiquette, for example:
    • Hope this email finds you well→ I hope you are doing well,
    • Sorry for bothering you→ I apologize for the interruption.
    • Might I take a moment of your time? → Can I borrow a minute from you?
    Use the most polite form of request:
    • I would be grateful if you could...→ I would be very grateful if you could...
    • Could you please be so kind… → Will you be so kind…

    Germany, UK

    Reduce the modality of phrases, but do not give up polite forms and forms of etiquette:
    • Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.→ If you have any questions, please contact
    • I would appreciate your help in this matter.→ I would appreciate your help.
    • I await a response at your earliest convenience.→ Reply as soon as possible.


    Omit the forms of etiquette unless you are communicating with a colleague or partner who is superior to you. Be clear about what happened and what you need. The fewer designs with would, could, might, all the better.

    Africa, South America

    If you already know a colleague or partner from these countries, ask how he is doing and how his family is doing. Appealing to the personal is not perceived as bad form; on the contrary, it helps to establish a good relationship.

    Language principles

    Let's look at the general principles of composing an email.


    In business correspondence there is no place for figures of speech, complex constructions and compound tenses. The main task of the letter is to convey your message without loss. Therefore, anything that might make it difficult to understand should be removed.

    You may remember John whom we met at the conference, he was in his funny suite and talking aloud. When I asked him recently how he was doing he said he was working on a very interesting project and asked me to assist him.→ You probably remember John, whom we met at the conference, he was still wearing his funny jacket and talking loudly. Recently I asked him how he was doing, and he replied that he was working on a very interesting project and asked me to help him.

    John Johnson is now working on new partner program for his company. He proposed us to become his subcontractor on the project. → John Johnson is currently working on a new affiliate program for his company. He invited us to become a contractor for this project.

    Avoid jargon

    Avoid jargon, even if you are communicating with colleagues who understand the issue. Your correspondence may be forwarded to people who are not familiar with the topic.

    Pay attention to the title, name and gender of the interlocutor

    In Russian, everything is simple: Ivanova is a woman, Ivanov is a man. In English, everything is not so simple. For example, Jody Jonson, is he a man or a woman? The last name doesn't tell us anything. Moreover, both men and women bear the name Jody:

    If you are not sure who your interlocutor is, check with your colleagues, find his account in in social networks. Calling Mr Johnson Mrs Johnson will put you in an awkward position.

    Avoid jokes and personal comments

    A strictly formal style is not necessary, but it is important to sound professional.

    Remove prepositions where possible

    A large number of prepositions makes it difficult to understand and creates a “water” effect in the text. For example, instead of The meeting on December 1 about the marketing strategy→ “Meeting on the first of December on the topic of marketing strategy,” write The December 1 Marketing strategy meeting→ “Marketing strategy meeting on December 1st.”

    Instead of phrasal verbs come up with- come up with, and find out- find out, use their non-prepositional synonyms generate And determine.

    Avoid exclamation marks

    Conveying emotions through email is difficult. An exclamation in a text is perceived as an increase in tone.

    If a message has a lot of exclamation marks, they are devalued. The interlocutor will no longer perceive them as a call to pay attention.

    Limit yourself to five sentences

    According to Guy Kawasaki, if a message consists of less than 5 sentences, it sounds rude, if more, it is a waste of time.

    Use short words, sentences and paragraphs

    This principle is especially relevant for those who work with mail from a phone or tablet: you need to quickly read the letter, understand and respond, the screen size imposes restrictions. The shorter the text in the message, the faster it will be read.

    Avoid the passive voice

    No: The information was sentme by Peter→ The information was sent to me by Peter.

    Yes: Peter sent me this information→ Peter sent me this information.

    Use lists

    If you are interested in a colleague's opinion on an issue and offer him a choice of alternatives, list them in the form of a numbered list. Otherwise, you risk receiving a monosyllabic answer. Yes. The interlocutor wants to quickly respond to the message. It is more convenient for him to say yes, no, or indicate the number of the option he likes. In other situations, lists provide structure and aid comprehension.

    Set a deadline

    If you need feedback to specific date, indicate it in the letter. This will discipline the interlocutor, and he will not delay his answer.

    Letter structure

    The email consists of five semantic parts:
    1. Greetings.
    2. Message.
    3. Closing.
    4. Parting.
    5. Signature.
    Let's look at the standard phrases for each part.


    Use words Dear, Hello, Greetings(if you don’t already know the person you’re talking to) and Hi(closer to informal).


    This is the most informative part. In it we communicate information, give details, argue, offer ideas, etc. Let's look at useful phrases for different types of messages.

    How to open a message

    Use neutral phrases for everyday communication with colleagues and formal phrases for messages to bosses, clients and partners.
    Formally Semi-formal Neutral
    I am writing to…
    I am writing to...
    Just a quick note to tell you that…
    A short note...
    Thank you for your mail…
    Thank you for your letter…
    In accordance with your request…
    According to your request...
    This is to...
    This letter is to...
    Thank you for your mail regarding…
    Thank you for your letter regarding...
    We refer to our mail regarding…
    Referring to our letter regarding...
    I wanted to let you know that / tell you about / ask you if…
    I wanted to inform you that.../tell you about.../ask you...
    In reply to your mail…
    In reply to your letter…
    I am writing with regard to…
    I am writing about...
    Referring to your email dated…
    Referring to your letter from...
    Thank you for your e-mail of (date) regarding…
    Thank you for your letter of (date)…
    With reference to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to let you know that…
    Referring to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to inform you that...
    I am writing to enquire about… /in connection with.../to let you know that…/to confirm…
    I am writing to inquire/I am writing in connection with/I am writing to report…/I am writing to confirm…

    How to clarify the deadline

    Enter the hour and time zone. Without this, the deadline is blurred and perceived as a wish:
    Please submit your report (reply) on 10 March, EOB CET→ Please send your report/response by March 10th by close of business CET.

    How to ask and give details

    We give the details:
    Please details:

    How to report a problem

    1. To introduce a problem, the verb to flag is often used in the meaning “to indicate, emphasize”:
    Flagging you about the issue on…→ Pointing out to you the problem with...
    With this letter, I want to flag one problem to you…→ With my letter I want to point out one problem to you...

    2. To clarify or receive comments, use phrases on my/our/your end or from my/our/your side- “from my/our/your side.”

    3. Often a noun is used in the context of discussing problems workaround- a way out of the situation, a workaround.

    How to copy your colleagues

    1. To ask to be copied, use the phrase CC me, Where Cc acts as a verb “to copy”, i.e. to put in a line Cc. From the word Cc a participle is formed cc'ed- pay attention to the spelling. Phrase I was cc'ed translates as “They made a copy of me.”

    2. To indicate to your interlocutor that you are adding someone to the discussion, write Adding (name) to the thread- I add (name) to the conversation.

    3. Use the @ sign if the discussion is with several colleagues, but you need to address one of them: @Steve, I believe the next step is on you, right?- @Steve, I think the next step is yours, right?

    How to apologize

    Formally Neutral
    We regret to inform you that…
    Unfortunately, we have to inform you about...
    I am sorry to inform you that…
    It's hard for me to tell you, but...
    I am afraid that...
    I'm afraid that…
    Please accept our apologies for…
    Please accept our apologies for...
    I would be glad/delighted to/happy to…
    I would be glad/I would be happy...
    I sincerely regret that... I sincerely regret that... I’m sorry, but I can’t make it tomorrow.
    I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come tomorrow.
    I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Thanks for understanding.
    We apologize for…
    We apologize for...
    I am (extremely) sorry that/for…
    I apologize for the fact that...

    How to ask and offer help

    We offer assistance:
    Formally Neutral
    If you wish, I would be happy to…
    If you want, I'll be happy to...
    If you have any questions, please don"t hesitate to contact me.
    If you have any questions, feel free to write to me.
    We are willing to arrange another meeting with…
    We would like to make another appointment with...
    Would you like me to…?
    Can I (do)...?
    Should you need any further information/assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    If you require any further information/help please reach out.
    How about I come and help you out?
    Maybe I can come and help?
    If you would like to continue this conversation, please feel free to call (contact) with me.
    If you would like to continue our conversation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Please do let me know if I can be of further assistance.
    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
    Let me know whether you would like me to…
    Let me know if you need my help...
    We ask for help:


    Often electronic correspondence has the character of full-fledged business negotiations. To format them, use the following phrases.

    We express our satisfaction:
    We offer:
    We agree:

    • I agree with you on that point.→ I agree with you on this point.
    • You have a strong point there.→ You are right here.
    • I think we can both agree that…→ I think we both agree that...
    • I don't see any problem with that.→ I don't see a problem with this.
    We disagree:
    We invite:
    We express our dissatisfaction:

    How to attach additional materials to a letter

    If you are attaching a document to a letter, draw the interlocutor’s attention to this using the following phrases:
    • Please find attached → Attached to this letter.
    • You can find in attachment… → You can find in the application...
    • I am enclosing…→ I am applying...
    • I forward to you...→ I am sending you...
    • We are pleased to enclose…→ We are happy to send you...
    • Attached you will find...→ In the attached file you will find...


    Before you say goodbye to the other person, thank them for their time, express your willingness to help and/or provide clarification and details.
    Formally Neutral
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Waiting for your reply
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Waiting for your reply
    I look forward to your reply.
    Waiting for your reply
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance.
    Please contact us if you need any assistance.
    Let me know if you need anything else.
    Let me know if you need anything else.
    Should you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    If you have any questions, please get in touch.
    Have a nice day/weekend.
    Have a nice day/week.
    Thank you for your kind assistance.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Thank you for your help.
    Thanks for the help.
    Thank you in advance!
    Thank you in advance.
    Thanks for your e-mail, it was wonderful/great to hear from you.
    Thank you for your letter, I was very glad to hear from you.
    Apologize for the inconvenience!
    I apologize for the inconvenience!

    How to understand abbreviations

    Pay attention to the abbreviations that foreign interlocutors use in email correspondence, regardless of style:
    • EOB (end of business day) → end of the working day.
    • SOB (start of business day) → the beginning of the working day.
    • EOQ (end of quarter) → by the end of the quarter.
    • TBD (to be determined) or TBA (to be announced), we use it when information on the timing or date is not yet known.
    • PTO (paid time off) → vacation.
    • OOO (Out of office) → outside the office, not at work. The phrase is used in auto replies.
    • FUP (follow up) → follow, take control.
    • POC (point of contact) → contact person.
    • FYI (for your information) → for your information.
    • AAMOF (As A Matter Of Fact) → essentially.
    • AFAIK (As far as I know) → as far as I know.
    • BTW (By The Way) →by the way.
    • CU (see you) → see you
    • F2F (face to face) → alone.
    • IMHO (In My Humble (Honest) Opinion) → in my humble opinion.


    To say goodbye, use the following phrases: best regards, regards, kind regards, best wishes, warm wishes, sincerely yours (formally).


    Please provide your first and last name, position and contact phone number. This will give the other person the opportunity to contact you directly and find out the necessary details.


    If you don’t speak English well or often write the same type of letters, it’s convenient to have several ready-made templates on hand. Let's list some of them.

    Promotion Announcement

    Subject Line: Firstname Lastname- New Position

    I am pleased to announce the promotion of from to . has been with for and has worked in . S/he will be gaining these new responsibilities .

    attended and came to after graduation
    During her/his tenure here, has implemented protocols which have improved efficiency in the and has frequently been recognized for outstanding achievement.

    Please join me in congratulating on her/his promotion, and welcoming her/him to the New Department/Position.

    Warm Regards,

    Subject: First Name Last Name- new position

    I am pleased to announce the progress (First Name Last Name) from office (Name) per position (Name). (Name) works in a company (Name of the company) (number of years) years in the department (department name).

    (Name) studied at (name of university) and came to (Company name) after its completion.
    During his/her work here, (Name) launched protocols that increased efficiency in (department name), and was often recognized for his achievements.

    Let's congratulate together (Name) with a new position and welcome him/her to the new department (department name).

    Job title

    Congratulations on your new position

    Subject line: Congratulations on Your Promotion

    Dear ,
    Congratulations on your promotion to . I heard about your well-deserved promotion through LinkedIn. You have done a fine job there for many years, and you deserve the recognition and responsibility of the position.
    Best wishes for continued success in your career.

    Subject: Congratulations on your new position

    (Name), congratulations on your promotion to position/department (name of position/department). I learned of your well-deserved promotion through LinkedIn. You worked well in your previous job for many years and deserve the recognition and responsibility of your new position.
    Job title

    Hiring (for applicants)

    Subject line: Welcome!
    Dear ,
    I was pleased to hear that you accepted the position with our firm, and that you’ll be joining us September 7. Welcome aboard!

    You'll be working closely with me for the first couple of weeks, until you get to know the routine here.

    I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas. Don’t hesitate to call, text, or email me if you have any questions before your first day.

    Best wishes,

    Subject: Welcome!

    (Name), I am glad that you have accepted the invitation for a position in our company and you will be joining us on September 7th. Welcome!
    We will work closely together for the first couple of weeks until you become familiar with our routines.
    I'm waiting for your ideas. Call, text, or email if you have questions before your first day.
    Job title

    Hiring (for colleagues)

    Dear Staff:
    is joining our team on May 1. will work as a in the department.

    So, if you see a new face on May 1, let know that you are excited about his/her joining our team.

    has worked at two others companies over the past ten years, so he/she brings a wealth of knowledge about .

    's Bachelor's degree is from where he/she majored in .

    has a passion for .

    I appreciate you joining me in providing a warm welcome for .

    With excitement,
    Name of Department Manager/Boss

    Dear Colleagues,
    (First Name Last Name) will join our team on May 1st. (Name) will work as (job title) V (department name).

    So if you see a new face on May 1st, let them know (Name) that you are glad to have him/her on your team.

    (Name) worked in two others (name of companies) companies for the past ten years, so he/she will bring us a wealth of knowledge about (name of area).

    (Name) has a bachelor's degree (name of discipline) (name of university).

    (Name) gets carried away (Name).

    Join me in my warm greetings (Name).

    With excitement,
    Name of department head/supervisor.

    Leaving the company

    Dear colleagues
    I"d like to let you know that I am leaving my position at on .
    I have enjoyed my tenure at, and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for the support and encouragement you have provided me during my time at .

    Even though I will miss you, clients, and the company, I am looking forward to starting a new phase of my career.

    Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or my cell phone . You can also reach me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/firstnamelastname.
    Thanks again. It"s been a pleasure working with you.

    Best Regards,

    Dear Colleagues,
    I would like to inform you that I am leaving my post at the company. (company name) (date).
    I was glad to work in (Company name), and I appreciate the opportunity given
    Working with you. Thank you for the support and inspiration you gave me during
    my work in (Company name).

    But even though I will miss you, the clients and the company, I want to start
    a new stage in my career.

    Please stay in touch. You can contact me by personal email (address
    or phone (number). You can also find me on LinkedIn: (page address).
    Thanks again. I was glad to work with you.

    Your (Name)


    If you need to congratulate a colleague on his birthday, it’s useful to have a few stock phrases on hand:

    • May all your wishes come true → May all your dreams come true.
    • I wish you a happy birthday→ I wish you have a good day birth.
    • Happy Birthday! Enjoy your wonderful day → Happy Birthday! Enjoy your wonderful day.
    • I want to wish you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, because you deserve the best →I want to wish you all the best! I hope this day is as wonderful as you are, because you deserve the best.
    • Have a wonderful day! I wish you many nice presents and a lot of fun! → May you have a wonderful day! I wish you many pleasant gifts and a lot of fun!

    Rescheduling or canceling a meeting/call

    Hi everyone,
    Due to , the time of the has been changed from at in to at in .
    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best regards,

    Hi all!
    Because of (name of the problem) time (event title) changes: from (date Time) V (meeting point) on (date Time) V (meeting point).
    If you have any questions, please get in touch.

    Dear colleagues
    Because of some unavoidable circumstances, I have to reschedule our meeting to at . I hope you/everyone is comfortable with this new schedule. If you/any of you have a problem with this new program, please inform me at your earliest convenience.
    Sorry for the inconvenience caused!
    kind regards,

    Dear Colleagues!
    Due to unavoidable circumstances, I am forced to postpone our meeting to (date Time) V (location). I hope the new schedule suits you/everyone. If the new program is not suitable for you/anyone, please let me know as soon as possible.
    I apologize for the inconvenience!
    Job title

    Detailed advice on the principles of constructing standard letters and other templates are available at https://www.thebalance.com.

    Working with language

    Electronic communication is not limited to the use of standard phrases and templates. Messages contain description unique problem or situation. If you don’t speak the language well, how can you be sure that the letter is written correctly and in a business style?

    Use explanatory dictionaries

    Bilingual dictionaries will help if you don't know the translation of a word. But they are of little use when we're talking about about stylistics. Use English explanatory dictionaries: they indicate the style (formal and informal) and describe the situations in which the word is used.

    Dictionaries from professional publishers for teaching English are available online: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com, http://dictionary.cambridge.org, http://www.ldoceonline.com, http://www.macmillandictionary.com. The shortened version is provided for free, the full version must be purchased, but for the purposes of business correspondence the shortened version is quite sufficient.

    Structure of a dictionary entry:

    • Part of speech,
    • transcription with the ability to listen to pronunciation,
    • definition,
    • examples of using,
    • synonyms,
    • frequently used word combinations and phraseological units.

    Pay attention to the note formal/neutral/informal(formal, neutral, informal), use formal or neutral style words. If the selected word is marked informal, check the synonyms section.

    Don't ignore the examples, they help you place your chosen word or phrase correctly in a sentence.

    Use activator dictionaries

    These dictionaries are not built on the principle of an alphabet of words, as traditional dictionaries, but on the principle of an alphabet of concepts. For example, you want to convey the concept of “beautiful.” Find the concept beautiful in the activator dictionary. Below it is a list of synonyms for the word beautiful with definitions, examples and explanations of the difference between them. Everything is collected in one place possible options expressions of the idea “beautiful”, and you do not need to look for each word separately.

    Today the dictionary-activator is published under the Longman brand: Longman Language Activator.

    Check word compatibility using Google search

    If words are combined in a Russian phrase, their joint translation into English is not always correct. Enter phrases in English into a search engine and check if the words appear nearby.

    Check your text's grammar

    If your command of the language is poor, use special services to check grammar and punctuation, for example, Grammarly.


    If you conduct electronic correspondence with foreign colleagues, partners and clients, but do not speak English very well, use the checklist:
    • Define your audience. Take its specifics into account when composing your message.
    • Check to see if an existing template can be adapted to suit your purpose. Perhaps you want to wish a colleague a happy birthday? Use a template.
    • Make a writing plan. Rely on standard email structure. Make sure you haven't missed anything.
    • Choose common phrases that you will use. When choosing the style of phrases, focus on the audience.
    • Fill in the constructed structure with your own words and sentences.
    • Check the entire message for correct language using services, dictionaries and Google search. Have you taken into account the style of the chosen words? Do they go together?
    • Make sure you don't violate the email composing guidelines. Is it possible to shorten it without losing its meaning? Does it contain jargon?
    • Re-read the message. Make sure email etiquette is followed. Is the subject of the letter clearly stated? Are all typos corrected?
    • Click Send!

    Electronic messages make it possible to quickly exchange information over long distances. In terms of the speed of transmission of ideas, this equates them to a telephone conversation. However, emails are stored on email servers and used as printed evidence of our words. Therefore, electronic correspondence requires a responsible attitude.

    The task becomes more difficult if you communicate in a non-native English language with representatives of other cultures. In the article I will share what to pay attention to in this case, how to avoid mistakes and achieve mutual understanding with foreign colleagues and partners.


    Regardless of who you are communicating with and in what language, do not forget about the rules of email etiquette.

    1. Clearly indicate the subject of the letter (Subject).

    According to a study by the Radicati Group agency, business representatives receive up to 80 emails per day. How to convince someone to read your letter? Create a title that fully reflects the content. The clearer what is being said, the faster the interlocutor will read the message.

    No: « Idea".

    Yes: "H ow to boost online sales by 15% by the end of Q4 2017".

    2. Use a professional greeting and avoid familiarity.

    No:"Hey", "Yo", "Hiya".

    Yes: "Dear", "Hello", "Hi".

    3. Re-read the letter before sending. Errors and typos will negatively affect your image in the eyes of your interlocutor.

    4. If you are introducing a new interlocutor into the correspondence, briefly describe the background of the issue. Don't force him to scroll down and read all the posts on the topic. Describe the essence of the issue, what was discussed, what you want to say about it.

    5. Reply to messages. If you do not have time to conduct research on the topic now, please confirm that the email has been received and indicate when you will be able to address the issue.

    6. Don't use red to draw attention to an idea. Red speaks of danger and evokes negative emotions. Use special words and phrases to stand out, not graphics or color:

    • I would like to underline→ I would like to emphasize.
    • I would like to draw your attention→ I would like to attract your attention.
    • Please pay attention→ Please note.
    • Please note→ Please be aware.


    English is the universal language of communication between people from different countries. But this does not mean that the correspondence style will always be the same. Let's look at the differences.

    China, Japan, Arab countries

    When communicating with colleagues and partners from these countries, especially at the beginning of your acquaintance, use the most polite forms. Begin each letter with a polite greeting and forms of etiquette, for example:
    • Hope this email finds you well→ I hope you are doing well,
    • Sorry for bothering you→ I apologize for the interruption.
    • Might I take a moment of your time? → Can I borrow a minute from you?
    Use the most polite form of request:
    • I would be grateful if you could...→ I would be very grateful if you could...
    • Could you please be so kind… → Will you be so kind…

    Germany, UK

    Reduce the modality of phrases, but do not give up polite forms and forms of etiquette:
    • Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.→ If you have any questions, please contact
    • I would appreciate your help in this matter.→ I would appreciate your help.
    • I await a response at your earliest convenience.→ Reply as soon as possible.


    Omit the forms of etiquette unless you are communicating with a colleague or partner who is superior to you. Be clear about what happened and what you need. The fewer designs with would, could, might, all the better.

    Africa, South America

    If you already know a colleague or partner from these countries, ask how he is doing and how his family is doing. Addressing personal issues is not perceived as bad manners; on the contrary, it helps to establish good relationships.

    Language principles

    Let's look at the general principles of composing an email.


    In business correspondence there is no place for figures of speech, complex constructions and compound tenses. The main task of the letter is to convey your message without loss. Therefore, anything that might make it difficult to understand should be removed.

    You may remember John whom we met at the conference, he was in his funny suite and talking aloud. When I asked him recently how he was doing he said he was working on a very interesting project and asked me to assist him.→ You probably remember John, whom we met at the conference, he was still wearing his funny jacket and talking loudly. Recently I asked him how he was doing, and he replied that he was working on a very interesting project and asked me to help him.

    John Johnson is now working on new partner program for his company. He proposed us to become his subcontractor on the project. → John Johnson is currently working on a new affiliate program for his company. He invited us to become a contractor for this project.

    Avoid jargon

    Avoid jargon, even if you are communicating with colleagues who understand the issue. Your correspondence may be forwarded to people who are not familiar with the topic.

    Pay attention to the title, name and gender of the interlocutor

    In Russian, everything is simple: Ivanova is a woman, Ivanov is a man. In English, everything is not so simple. For example, Jody Jonson, is he a man or a woman? The last name doesn't tell us anything. Moreover, both men and women bear the name Jody:

    If you are not sure who your interlocutor is, check with your colleagues and find his account on social networks. Calling Mr Johnson Mrs Johnson will put you in an awkward position.

    Avoid jokes and personal comments

    A strictly formal style is not necessary, but it is important to sound professional.

    Remove prepositions where possible

    A large number of prepositions makes it difficult to understand and creates a “water” effect in the text. For example, instead of The meeting on December 1 about the marketing strategy→ “Meeting on the first of December on the topic of marketing strategy,” write The December 1 Marketing strategy meeting→ “Marketing strategy meeting on December 1st.”

    Instead of phrasal verbs come up with- come up with, and find out- find out, use their non-prepositional synonyms generate And determine.

    Avoid exclamation marks

    Conveying emotions through email is difficult. An exclamation in a text is perceived as an increase in tone.

    If a message has a lot of exclamation marks, they are devalued. The interlocutor will no longer perceive them as a call to pay attention.

    Limit yourself to five sentences

    According to Guy Kawasaki, if a message consists of less than 5 sentences, it sounds rude, if more, it is a waste of time.

    Use short words, sentences and paragraphs

    This principle is especially relevant for those who work with mail from a phone or tablet: you need to quickly read the letter, understand and respond, the screen size imposes restrictions. The shorter the text in the message, the faster it will be read.

    Avoid the passive voice

    No: The information was sentme by Peter→ The information was sent to me by Peter.

    Yes: Peter sent me this information→ Peter sent me this information.

    Use lists

    If you are interested in a colleague's opinion on an issue and offer him a choice of alternatives, list them in the form of a numbered list. Otherwise, you risk receiving a monosyllabic answer. Yes. The interlocutor wants to quickly respond to the message. It is more convenient for him to say yes, no, or indicate the number of the option he likes. In other situations, lists provide structure and aid comprehension.

    Set a deadline

    If you need feedback by a specific date, please indicate it in the email. This will discipline the interlocutor, and he will not delay his answer.

    Letter structure

    The email consists of five semantic parts:
    1. Greetings.
    2. Message.
    3. Closing.
    4. Parting.
    5. Signature.
    Let's look at the standard phrases for each part.


    Use words Dear, Hello, Greetings(if you don’t already know the person you’re talking to) and Hi(closer to informal).


    This is the most informative part. In it we communicate information, give details, argue, offer ideas, etc. Let's look at useful phrases for different types of messages.

    How to open a message

    Use neutral phrases for everyday communication with colleagues and formal phrases for messages to bosses, clients and partners.
    Formally Semi-formal Neutral
    I am writing to…
    I am writing to...
    Just a quick note to tell you that…
    A short note...
    Thank you for your mail…
    Thank you for your letter…
    In accordance with your request…
    According to your request...
    This is to...
    This letter is to...
    Thank you for your mail regarding…
    Thank you for your letter regarding...
    We refer to our mail regarding…
    Referring to our letter regarding...
    I wanted to let you know that / tell you about / ask you if…
    I wanted to inform you that.../tell you about.../ask you...
    In reply to your mail…
    In reply to your letter…
    I am writing with regard to…
    I am writing about...
    Referring to your email dated…
    Referring to your letter from...
    Thank you for your e-mail of (date) regarding…
    Thank you for your letter of (date)…
    With reference to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to let you know that…
    Referring to our telephone conversation on Friday, I would like to inform you that...
    I am writing to enquire about… /in connection with.../to let you know that…/to confirm…
    I am writing to inquire/I am writing in connection with/I am writing to report…/I am writing to confirm…

    How to clarify the deadline

    Enter the hour and time zone. Without this, the deadline is blurred and perceived as a wish:
    Please submit your report (reply) on 10 March, EOB CET→ Please send your report/response by March 10th by close of business CET.

    How to ask and give details

    We give the details:
    Please details:

    How to report a problem

    1. To introduce a problem, the verb to flag is often used in the meaning “to indicate, emphasize”:
    Flagging you about the issue on…→ Pointing out to you the problem with...
    With this letter, I want to flag one problem to you…→ With my letter I want to point out one problem to you...

    2. To clarify or receive comments, use phrases on my/our/your end or from my/our/your side- “from my/our/your side.”

    3. Often a noun is used in the context of discussing problems workaround- a way out of the situation, a workaround.

    How to copy your colleagues

    1. To ask to be copied, use the phrase CC me, Where Cc acts as a verb “to copy”, i.e. to put in a line Cc. From the word Cc a participle is formed cc'ed- pay attention to the spelling. Phrase I was cc'ed translates as “They made a copy of me.”

    2. To indicate to your interlocutor that you are adding someone to the discussion, write Adding (name) to the thread- I add (name) to the conversation.

    3. Use the @ sign if the discussion is with several colleagues, but you need to address one of them: @Steve, I believe the next step is on you, right?- @Steve, I think the next step is yours, right?

    How to apologize

    Formally Neutral
    We regret to inform you that…
    Unfortunately, we have to inform you about...
    I am sorry to inform you that…
    It's hard for me to tell you, but...
    I am afraid that...
    I'm afraid that…
    Please accept our apologies for…
    Please accept our apologies for...
    I would be glad/delighted to/happy to…
    I would be glad/I would be happy...
    I sincerely regret that... I sincerely regret that... I’m sorry, but I can’t make it tomorrow.
    I'm sorry, but I won't be able to come tomorrow.
    I would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    I apologize for the inconvenience caused.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Thanks for understanding.
    We apologize for…
    We apologize for...
    I am (extremely) sorry that/for…
    I apologize for the fact that...

    How to ask and offer help

    We offer assistance:
    Formally Neutral
    If you wish, I would be happy to…
    If you want, I'll be happy to...
    If you have any questions, please don"t hesitate to contact me.
    If you have any questions, feel free to write to me.
    We are willing to arrange another meeting with…
    We would like to make another appointment with...
    Would you like me to…?
    Can I (do)...?
    Should you need any further information/assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    If you require any further information/help please reach out.
    How about I come and help you out?
    Maybe I can come and help?
    If you would like to continue this conversation, please feel free to call (contact) with me.
    If you would like to continue our conversation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Please do let me know if I can be of further assistance.
    Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
    Let me know whether you would like me to…
    Let me know if you need my help...
    We ask for help:


    Often electronic correspondence has the character of full-fledged business negotiations. To format them, use the following phrases.

    We express our satisfaction:
    We offer:
    We agree:

    • I agree with you on that point.→ I agree with you on this point.
    • You have a strong point there.→ You are right here.
    • I think we can both agree that…→ I think we both agree that...
    • I don't see any problem with that.→ I don't see a problem with this.
    We disagree:
    We invite:
    We express our dissatisfaction:

    How to attach additional materials to a letter

    If you are attaching a document to a letter, draw the interlocutor’s attention to this using the following phrases:
    • Please find attached → Attached to this letter.
    • You can find in attachment… → You can find in the application...
    • I am enclosing…→ I am applying...
    • I forward to you...→ I am sending you...
    • We are pleased to enclose…→ We are happy to send you...
    • Attached you will find...→ In the attached file you will find...


    Before you say goodbye to the other person, thank them for their time, express your willingness to help and/or provide clarification and details.
    Formally Neutral
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Waiting for your reply
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    Waiting for your reply
    I look forward to your reply.
    Waiting for your reply
    Hope to hear from you soon.
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance.
    Please contact us if you need any assistance.
    Let me know if you need anything else.
    Let me know if you need anything else.
    Should you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    If you have any questions, please get in touch.
    Have a nice day/weekend.
    Have a nice day/week.
    Thank you for your kind assistance.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Thank you for your help.
    Thanks for the help.
    Thank you in advance!
    Thank you in advance.
    Thanks for your e-mail, it was wonderful/great to hear from you.
    Thank you for your letter, I was very glad to hear from you.
    Apologize for the inconvenience!
    I apologize for the inconvenience!

    How to understand abbreviations

    Pay attention to the abbreviations that foreign interlocutors use in email correspondence, regardless of style:
    • EOB (end of business day) → end of the working day.
    • SOB (start of business day) → the beginning of the working day.
    • EOQ (end of quarter) → by the end of the quarter.
    • TBD (to be determined) or TBA (to be announced), we use it when information on the timing or date is not yet known.
    • PTO (paid time off) → vacation.
    • OOO (Out of office) → outside the office, not at work. The phrase is used in auto replies.
    • FUP (follow up) → follow, take control.
    • POC (point of contact) → contact person.
    • FYI (for your information) → for your information.
    • AAMOF (As A Matter Of Fact) → essentially.
    • AFAIK (As far as I know) → as far as I know.
    • BTW (By The Way) →by the way.
    • CU (see you) → see you
    • F2F (face to face) → alone.
    • IMHO (In My Humble (Honest) Opinion) → in my humble opinion.


    To say goodbye, use the following phrases: best regards, regards, kind regards, best wishes, warm wishes, sincerely yours(formally).


    Please provide your first and last name, position and contact phone number. This will give the other person the opportunity to contact you directly and find out the necessary details.


    If you don’t speak English well or often write the same type of letters, it’s convenient to have several ready-made templates on hand. Let's list some of them.

    Promotion Announcement

    Subject Line: Firstname Lastname- New Position

    I am pleased to announce the promotion of from to . has been with for and has worked in . S/he will be gaining these new responsibilities .

    attended and came to after graduation
    During her/his tenure here, has implemented protocols which have improved efficiency in the and has frequently been recognized for outstanding achievement.

    Please join me in congratulating on her/his promotion, and welcoming her/him to the New Department/Position.

    Warm Regards,

    Subject: First Name Last Name- new position

    I am pleased to announce the progress (First Name Last Name) from office (Name) per position (Name). (Name) works in a company (Name of the company) (number of years) years in the department (department name).

    (Name) studied at (name of university) and came to (Company name) after its completion.
    During his/her work here, (Name) launched protocols that increased efficiency in (department name), and was often recognized for his achievements.

    Let's congratulate together (Name) with a new position and welcome him/her to the new department (department name).

    Job title

    Congratulations on your new position

    Subject line: Congratulations on Your Promotion

    Dear ,
    Congratulations on your promotion to . I heard about your well-deserved promotion through LinkedIn. You have done a fine job there for many years, and you deserve the recognition and responsibility of the position.
    Best wishes for continued success in your career.

    Subject: Congratulations on your new position

    (Name), congratulations on your promotion to position/department (name of position/department). I learned of your well-deserved promotion through LinkedIn. You worked well in your previous job for many years and deserve the recognition and responsibility of your new position.
    Job title

    Hiring (for applicants)

    Subject line: Welcome!
    Dear ,
    I was pleased to hear that you accepted the position with our firm, and that you’ll be joining us September 7. Welcome aboard!

    You'll be working closely with me for the first couple of weeks, until you get to know the routine here.

    I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas. Don’t hesitate to call, text, or email me if you have any questions before your first day.

    Best wishes,

    Subject: Welcome!

    (Name), I am glad that you have accepted the invitation for a position in our company and you will be joining us on September 7th. Welcome!
    We will work closely together for the first couple of weeks until you become familiar with our routines.
    I'm waiting for your ideas. Call, text, or email if you have questions before your first day.
    Job title

    Hiring (for colleagues)

    Dear Staff:
    is joining our team on May 1. will work as a in the department.

    So, if you see a new face on May 1, let know that you are excited about his/her joining our team.

    has worked at two others companies over the past ten years, so he/she brings a wealth of knowledge about .

    's Bachelor's degree is from where he/she majored in .

    has a passion for .

    I appreciate you joining me in providing a warm welcome for .

    With excitement,
    Name of Department Manager/Boss

    Dear Colleagues,
    (First Name Last Name) will join our team on May 1st. (Name) will work as (job title) V (department name).

    So if you see a new face on May 1st, let them know (Name) that you are glad to have him/her on your team.

    (Name) worked in two others (name of companies) companies for the past ten years, so he/she will bring us a wealth of knowledge about (name of area).

    (Name) has a bachelor's degree (name of discipline) (name of university).

    (Name) gets carried away (Name).

    Join me in my warm greetings (Name).

    With excitement,
    Name of department head/supervisor.

    Leaving the company

    Dear colleagues
    I"d like to let you know that I am leaving my position at on .
    I have enjoyed my tenure at, and I appreciate having had the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for the support and encouragement you have provided me during my time at .

    Even though I will miss you, clients, and the company, I am looking forward to starting a new phase of my career.

    Please keep in touch. I can be reached at my personal email address or my cell phone . You can also reach me on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/firstnamelastname.
    Thanks again. It"s been a pleasure working with you.

    Best Regards,

    Dear Colleagues,
    I would like to inform you that I am leaving my post at the company. (company name) (date).
    I was glad to work in (Company name), and I appreciate the opportunity given
    Working with you. Thank you for the support and inspiration you gave me during
    my work in (Company name).

    But even though I will miss you, the clients and the company, I want to start
    a new stage in my career.

    Please stay in touch. You can contact me by personal email (address
    or phone (number). You can also find me on LinkedIn: (page address).
    Thanks again. I was glad to work with you.

    Your (Name)


    If you need to congratulate a colleague on his birthday, it’s useful to have a few stock phrases on hand:

    • May all your wishes come true → May all your dreams come true.
    • I wish you a happy birthday → I wish you a happy birthday.
    • Happy Birthday! Enjoy your wonderful day → Happy Birthday! Enjoy your wonderful day.
    • I want to wish you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, because you deserve the best →I want to wish you all the best! I hope this day is as wonderful as you are, because you deserve the best.
    • Have a wonderful day! I wish you many nice presents and a lot of fun! → May you have a wonderful day! I wish you many pleasant gifts and a lot of fun!

    Rescheduling or canceling a meeting/call

    Hi everyone,
    Due to , the time of the has been changed from at in to at in .
    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Best regards,

    Hi all!
    Because of (name of the problem) time (event title) changes: from (date Time) V (meeting point) on (date Time) V (meeting point).
    If you have any questions, please get in touch.

    Dear colleagues
    Because of some unavoidable circumstances, I have to reschedule our meeting to at . I hope you/everyone is comfortable with this new schedule. If you/any of you have a problem with this new program, please inform me at your earliest convenience.
    Sorry for the inconvenience caused!
    kind regards,

    Dear Colleagues!
    Due to unavoidable circumstances, I am forced to postpone our meeting to (date Time) V (location). I hope the new schedule suits you/everyone. If the new program is not suitable for you/anyone, please let me know as soon as possible.
    I apologize for the inconvenience!
    Job title

    Detailed advice on the principles of constructing standard letters and other templates are available at https://www.thebalance.com.

    Working with language

    Electronic communication is not limited to the use of standard phrases and templates. Messages describe a unique problem or situation. If you don’t speak the language well, how can you be sure that the letter is written correctly and in a business style?

    Use explanatory dictionaries

    Bilingual dictionaries will help if you don't know the translation of a word. But they are of little use when it comes to style. Use English explanatory dictionaries: they indicate the style (formal and informal) and describe the situations in which the word is used.

    Dictionaries from professional publishers for teaching English are available online: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com, http://dictionary.cambridge.org, http://www.ldoceonline.com, http://www.macmillandictionary.com. The shortened version is provided for free, the full version must be purchased, but for the purposes of business correspondence the shortened version is quite sufficient.

    Structure of a dictionary entry:

    • Part of speech,
    • transcription with the ability to listen to pronunciation,
    • definition,
    • examples of using,
    • synonyms,
    • frequently used word combinations and phraseological units.

    Pay attention to the note formal/neutral/informal(formal, neutral, informal), use formal or neutral style words. If the selected word is marked informal, check the synonyms section.

    Don't ignore the examples, they help you place your chosen word or phrase correctly in a sentence.

    Use activator dictionaries

    These dictionaries are not built on the principle of an alphabet of words, like traditional dictionaries, but on the principle of an alphabet of concepts. For example, you want to convey the concept of “beautiful.” Find the concept beautiful in the activator dictionary. Below it is a list of synonyms for the word beautiful with definitions, examples and explanations of the difference between them. All possible options for expressing the idea “beautiful” are collected in one place, and there is no need to search for each word separately.

    Today the dictionary-activator is published under the Longman brand: Longman Language Activator.

    Check word compatibility using Google search

    If words are combined in a Russian phrase, their joint translation into English is not always correct. Enter phrases in English into a search engine and check if the words appear nearby.

    Check your text's grammar

    If your command of the language is poor, use special services to check grammar and punctuation, for example, Grammarly.


    If you conduct electronic correspondence with foreign colleagues, partners and clients, but do not speak English very well, use the checklist:
    • Define your audience. Take its specifics into account when composing your message.
    • Check to see if an existing template can be adapted to suit your purpose. Perhaps you want to wish a colleague a happy birthday? Use a template.
    • Make a writing plan. Rely on standard email structure. Make sure you haven't missed anything.
    • Choose common phrases that you will use. When choosing the style of phrases, focus on the audience.
    • Fill in the constructed structure with your own words and sentences.
    • Check the entire message for correct language using services, dictionaries and Google search. Have you taken into account the style of the chosen words? Do they go together?
    • Make sure you don't violate the email composing guidelines. Is it possible to shorten it without losing its meaning? Does it contain jargon?
    • Re-read the message. Make sure email etiquette is followed. Is the subject of the letter clearly stated? Are all typos corrected?
    • Click Send!


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