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Do-it-yourself didactic games and manuals for kindergarten. Didactic games for teaching the Tatar language

in teaching preschoolers Tatar language»


Within a few recent years and at present, in our preschool educational institution there is a rapid process of implementing a new educational complex for teaching children Tatar and their native language.

Home purpose This process is the effective organization of work on the use of teaching materials.

Based on this goal, the following have been identified tasks, which concern all participants in the educational process:

1. Study the normative and legal documents on the implementation of the new teaching and learning system in the educational process.

2. Develop a plan for working with Russian-speaking teachers to teach the Tatar language.

3. Contribute to the creation of a language environment in groups in order for children to acquire a minimum vocabulary.

4. Develop didactic games and material for teaching children the Tatar language.

As for educators, we have the following question:

How to reinforce with children the new vocabulary learned during the Tatar language lessons - vocabulary that is foreign to Russian-speaking children?

Of course, in the form of a game, but an instructive game. We should not forget that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the educational process must be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. And play is the main form of working with children preschool age and the leading activity for them. Was nominated hypothesis:

Along with the systematic use of the new teaching materials in classes and during routine moments, the development of didactic games will contribute to the high-quality assimilation of the minimum vocabulary and the skills of mastering the minimum vocabulary in colloquial speech (dialogues) of teachers and students.

Thus, the most important tasks for educators currently is:

Creating the conditions necessary for the wider introduction of original games into the educational process, in our case, in free time from classes.

General goals of the games:

v Development of coherent and dialogic speech;

v Expansion of vocabulary;

v Development of creative thinking skills;

v Development of attention, memory;

v Fostering independence.

The first game is “CAR PARKING”. The game helps to achieve the correct pronunciation of the main colors studied (red, green, blue, yellow, white, black) and various combinations of numbers from 1 to 10 in the Tatar language, develops logical thinking, attention, memory, coherent and dialogic speech, fosters desire in children bring the job started to completion. The child chooses a car for himself, saying the color of the car in Tatar, then driving up to a parking space and discovering that there is a lock with a code for back side. The code consists of not one, but several digits. The child names a combination of numbers in the Tatar language, observing their sequence. If naming one number does not cause any particular difficulties for a child, then naming several numbers is not an easy task for Russian-speaking children. Today a slightly modified version of this game was demonstrated to you. The game is intended for…….


During this game, children activate their vocabulary on the topics “numbers”, “furniture”, “family”, “food”, develop dialogical speech, visual memory; Unlike the previous game, here the children, on the contrary, make up a combination of numbers themselves, pronounced in the Tatar language (by the teacher or another child).

The combination of numbers in this case is the lock code for entering the house.

And, having already entered the house, children practice identifying family members, pieces of furniture, dishes, food, and determining their various properties (size, color, etc.), using the studied speech patterns. For example, “Kirill, nerse kirek?” - “Uryndyk kirek.” - “Nindi uryndyk?” - “Chista, matur, kechkene, yashel uryndyk.” Of course, it is difficult to get complete answers from children, but at least the basic vocabulary the children have learned is reinforced. Children pronounce Tatar words with great desire, and this alone is a huge achievement for them. During the dialogue between children, an educational goal is also achieved: children learn to listen to each other until the end and are always ready to help each other. The game is designed……..

Next game – “IN THE GARDEN » . This game is mainly used to reinforce vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables” and to practice counting (from 1 to 5 for senior group, from 5 to 10 in preparatory). It also takes the form of dialogue. Children count vegetables, compare them by size (zur berenge - kechkene berenge), by quantity (bish kisher - durt sugan), and determine their properties. This game can be used...

Next - the game “DRESS ALSU AND MARAT.” Here vocabulary on the topic “Clothing” is consolidated, the properties of clothing items are also determined, in addition to independence, this game cultivates such a personality quality as neatness. The game is good to use in……..

Next game – "Magic Apple Tree" The game is distinguished by its clarity.

The child approaches the apple tree, picks off the apple he likes and answers questions, for example, “Nindi alma?”, “Niche alma?”, “Niche sary (kyzyyl, yashel) alma?”, “Nindi alma kirek?”. You can also ask additional questions in Russian, asking children for short answers in Tatar, for example, “How many more apples are there?” yellow color on the tree?”, “What color are the other apples on the apple tree?”, “What color are the most apples on the tree?” etc. Opening his apple, the child discovers a magic word inside, with the help of the teacher reads this word, pronounces it several times, translates the word into Russian, at the same time, explaining the meaning of this word (already in Russian): in what cases and why, when expressing what this word is used. You can ask the child to give some situation using this word. If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher asks the child leading questions, thereby quietly forcing the child to enter into a dialogue in the Tatar language and helping the child understand the meaning of the magic word.

The game is called “The Magic Apple Tree”, that’s why magic apples grow on this apple tree (they melt magic within themselves). This also explains the fact that they are different colors on the same tree. What kind of magic these apples contain, children will learn during the game.

The game is multifunctional, as it includes goals such as consolidating vocabulary on the topics “Colors” (“Toslәr”) and “Numbers” (“Sannar”) and teaches you to answer the questions “How much?” (“Nothing?”), “Which one?” (“Nindy?”).

The game can be used both in group work with children and in individual work with a specific student.

Later, the reverse side of the tree was also used and the game was already called “Family Tree”. The name itself suggests that the game reinforces material on the topic “family”, but not only... On the back of the disk, the child discovers a family member already in the process of some activity and accordingly answers the question “Nishli?”.

What is the result of using these games? I would like to note that, indeed,

The developed games are captivating and, in a relaxed atmosphere, immerse the child in a language environment, where he absorbs new information. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds. In addition, children practice dialogic speech, which is an important factor in mastering language culture and a feature of the new educational complex.


promotes better assimilation of program material and deepening of knowledge,

replenishes and expands lexicon,

allows you to consolidate speech material in a playful form,

develops thinking,

fosters and maintains a keen interest in language among students.

Didactic games with your own hands

Layout "Pets"

was made from waste material (cardboard and newspaper tubes) for preschool children.
You can take a look at the master class on making a model
Target: consolidate ideas about domestic animals.
Strengthen children's knowledge about pets. Note characteristic features animals.
Strengthen the ability to compare, find similarities and differences.
To develop the ability to distinguish between animals and their young.
Develop compilation skills short story about animals.
To develop children's memory, thinking, and imagination.
To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness.
To instill in children a love for their native land.
Educate children good relations to animals, to create a desire to help them.

Model "Miller's Yard"

Purpose: the layout is intended for direct educational and play activity children of senior preschool age, for interior decoration.
Target– contribute to the emergence and development of emotional and cognitive interest in historical and cultural heritage Russia.
1. To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of peasant labor and the profession of a miller.
2. Expand the understanding of the life of a peasant family in Rus'.

Didactic game: “Feed the bun”

Target: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.
Equipment: not tall plastic jars with lids, beans.
Making a manual: depict a kolobok (or other character) from self-adhesive paper on the lid. Make a hole in the mouth with a stationery knife (it’s convenient to cut a hole if you twist the knife in a circle)


There are many variations of this game. It can be complicated depending on the age of the children. I offer my options with children of the younger and middle groups.
A child catches a fish with a fishing rod.
1. "What size and color is it"
Purpose: to train children in determining the size of a fish; consolidate knowledge of color.
2. "Where does it grow"
Goal: learn to classify objects according to the topics “Vegetables”, “Fruits”.
3. "Who lives where"
Purpose: to learn to classify objects according to the topics “Domestic and wild animals”
4. "Where is whose mother"(need additional cards with pictures of animals)
Goal: to teach how to select domestic and wild animals and name them correctly.
5. "The fourth wheel"
Goal: learn to classify objects by topic.

"Carnations and Rubber Bands"

For this game you need wooden plywood, stationery nails and rubber bands.
Purpose: for the development of fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, imagination;; consolidate knowledge of various types geometric shapes, lines.

Game "Funny Dwarfs".

Target: learn the names of the days of the week and their order, consolidate the concepts of yesterday, today, tomorrow.
First option.
"Which gnome is gone."
Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one gnome. Children open their eyes and guess which gnome ran away.
Second option.
Children close their eyes, the teacher changes the order of the gnomes. Children open their eyes and place them in the correct sequence.
Third option.
We teach together with the children yesterday and tomorrow, if today is Monday, yesterday and tomorrow, if today is Tuesday, etc. goal: to develop tactile perception in children; enrich children's active vocabulary with new words, develop memory, attention, imagination, imaginative thinking; fine motor skills.

"Tactile caps"

for the game I took:
- bottled water caps;
- different textured fabric, fur, sandpaper, leather, beads;
- glue.
- cut out circles of the same size as the lids from various materials and glued them.
How we play:
- Put all the caps in an opaque bag and ask the child to pull out a cap with a smooth texture, etc.
- "Find a Pair"
- "Find dissimilar caps"(eg fur and leather)
- "Guess what (who) it looks like"
-"Guess who am I"(red fur - fox, sandpaper - hedgehog, smooth skin - frog)

Educational game “Squares with a secret”

Goal: to enrich children’s active vocabulary with new words, to develop memory, attention, and fine motor skills.
The sense of touch or tactile perception plays an important role in development. And is associated with the development of imagination, imaginative thinking and creativity speech in children. And training fine motor skills of the fingers stimulates the timely development of speech skills.
Each “square” is sewn from opaque fabric. It's a flat 6x6 pad with a cardboard frame inside and one small object in the center. There should be a pair of “squares” with identical objects inside. This game is multifunctional.
First option "Find a match." The child feels the “square” and finds a match for it.
Second option. It is necessary to divide the “squares” into two piles so that each does not contain the same ones. Place the first pile on the table, and distribute the “squares” from the second to the players equally. Players place their “squares” in front of them. The adult becomes the leader, but can also take part in the game. The presenter takes the “square”, feels it and describes its contents in words. For example, he says that there is a large smooth stone there. The player who has the paired square takes it for himself. The first person to get a pair for each of their “squares” wins.

Educational game "Candy"

Goal: learn to differentiate non-speech noises, find identical-sounding “candy,” develop logical thinking, attentiveness, and memory.
Hearing is no less important a tool for understanding the world around us than sight and touch. The ability to hear and distinguish sounds also requires constant training. How better baby hears, the faster he will learn to understand the meaning of what is being said to him and the faster verbal communication will become for him effective way gaining new knowledge.
Each “candy” is made from kinder surprise. The “candies” are filled with various fillings that produce a certain sound when shaken, and are lined with bright fabric. A pair consists of “candies” that make the same sound when shaken, with the same filling. These can be beads, cereals, paper clips, etc.
The first option is “Find the same one.” Two people are playing. “Candy” is laid out on the table, the player takes any one “candy” and rattles it, and then takes another one and also shakes it. You cannot take more than two “candies”. If the sound is different, then the player puts each one in its original place, and the turn passes to the next player. If the sound is the same, then the player takes both candies for himself and gets the right to immediately make another move. The game continues until there are no more candies on the table.
And this is a similar game to “coffee girls”, the manual is made from chocolate eggs and covered with thermal film

Game for developing fine motor skills "Surprise Box"

Tatarstan Respublikasy Zay municipal districts

“Gomumi usesh torendage “Kukchәchәk” balalar bakchasy”

mәktәpkәchә belem birү municipal budget institution

“Tatarcha soylәshәbez”

digan umk ny uzlashter kysalarynda

mәktәpkәchә yashtәge balalar өchen

didacticist uennar card indexes

Shiapova Tanzilya Khabibovna – “Kүkchәchәk” balalar bakchas tәrbiyachese

Dudina Larisa Leonidovna – “Kүkchәchәk” balalar bakchasy өlkәn tәrbiyachese


Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Vasilek" for general development"

Zainsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Card index of didactic games for preschool children

within the framework of the implementation of the educational complex “Speaking Tatar”

Shiapova Tanzilya Khabibovna – teacher of MBDOU

"Kindergarten "Vasilek"

Dudina Larisa Leonidovna – senior teacher

MBDOU "Kindergarten "Cornflower"

Practitioner әһәmiyatlelege

Belem һәm tarbia birүdә didaktik uennar kullanunyn әһәmiyate bik zur. “Tatarcha soylәshәbez” digan UMK nigezendә tozelgan didaktik uennar җyelmasy balalarga ike dәүlәt telen үzlәshterүdә effective chara bulip tora. Bu uennarnny eshchәnlektә өyrәnelgәn material үзләшторү, kabatlau һәm nygytu maksatynnan kullanyrga bula. Uennar balalarda kyzyksynu uyata, igtibarlaryn җәләп itә. Problems mәsәlәlәrne chishү balalar өchen stimulus bulyp torah, alarny өstәkyyl bulyrga өyrәtә. Uennar belәn torkem tәrbiyachelәre dә, әti – әnilәr dә faydalana alalar, chөnki biremnәr ike telә yaeyldy.

Practical significance

As part of the implementation of educational and methodological kits for teaching preschool children two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, the use ofproposed didactic games for preschool children in Russian and Tatar languages, directly educational activities and routine moments, allows you to increase the efficiency of the learning process and consolidate the learned material. Colorful design and funny pictures will attract the child's attention for a long time. Challenges are stimulating cognitive activity children. The game accustoms the preschooler to independence and develops self-control skills.




“Who? Nishli? soraularyna dores җavaplar alu"

(Balalarga plots rasemnәr kүrsәtelә.)

Boo by whom?

Bu malay.

Malay nishli?

Malay is stupid and white.

Boo by whom?

Bu ani.

- Did they miss it?

- Ohni kitap ukyy.


Formation of the ability to answer questions:

"Who is this? What is he doing?"

This is a boy.

What is the boy doing?

A boy plays with a ball.

Who is this?

This is mom.

What is mom doing?

Mom is reading a book.




1. Uenchyklar lexikasyn nygytu

2. Hәter salәten үsterү.

“Bu nәrsә?”, “Nәrsә yuk?” uennary.

Bu nәrsә?

Bu kuyan.

Bu nәrsә?

Bu kerpe.

Bu nәrsә?

Bu әtәch.

Narsә yuk?



1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Toys”

2. Development of memory.

Games “Who is this?”, “Who is not there?”

Who is this?

This is a hare.

Who is this?

This is a hedgehog.

Who is this?

This is a rooster.

Who is absent?





1. Kyrgyi hayvannaryn atamalaryn nygytu.

2. “Asha, ech” figyllәren dores kullana beүlәrenә ireү.

Kuyan, mә kabestә. Asha.

Rәkhmat. That's it.

Tolke, mә sot. Ech.

Rәkhmat. That's it.


1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Our friends”

2. Promote the correct use of the verbs “Eat”, “Drink” in speech

Hare on cabbage. Eat

Thank you. Cabbage is delicious.

Fox, for milk. Drink.

Thank you, the milk is delicious.




Boo by whom?

Boo ayu.

Ayu nishli?

Ayu is cute.


Who is this?

This is a bear.

What is the bear doing?

The bear is playing.




“Who? Nishli?” soraularyna dores җavaplar alu.

Boo by whom?

Bu kyz.

Kyz nishli?

Kyz kitap uky.


To help develop the ability to answer the questions “Who is this?” What is he doing?"

Who is this?

It's a girl.

What is the girl doing?

A girl is reading a book.




1. Ashamlyklar lexikasyn kabatlau.

2. Sannarny nygytu.

Bu nәrsә?

Bu ipi.

Nothing? Sana.

Ike (1 – 10)


1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Products”.

What's this?

This is bread.

How many? Do the math.

Two (1 -10)




Yashelchәlәr, kiemnәr lexikasyn nygytu һәm alarga has bilgelәrne әytergә kүnekterү.

(bala drums әilyanderә)

Bu kyyar. Kiyar has arrived, it’s clean, that’s it.

Bu chalbar. Chalbar is clean, matur, kyzyl.


Activation of the dictionary on the topics “Vegetables”, “Clothing”. Contribute correct use in the speech of adjectives

This is a cucumber. The cucumber is green, clean, tasty.

These are pants. The trousers are clean, beautiful, red.




1. Yashelchә isemnәren nygytu.

2. Yashelchәlәrnen syyfatlaryn bilgelәү.

3. Sannarny Kabatlau.

4. “Nәrsә kirәk? Nindy? Nothing?” soraularyn birә alu һәm anlap җavap kaytaru .

Narsә kirәk?



Well, points.



Mә bish kisher.



2. To promote the ability to name the signs of vegetables.

3. Fix the score within 10.

4. Development of a dialogical form of speech.

What do you need?


What carrot?

Delicious, sweet

How many?


For five carrots.

Thank you.




1.Uenchyklar lexikasyn nygytu.

2. Balalarnyn uryndykta (өstәldә, karavatta) nәrsә bar? Soravyna dores җavap birүlәrenә ireshү.

3. Khater sәlәten үsterү, tөslәrne kabatlau.

Kyzyl uryndykta nәrsә bar?

Kurchak, stupid bar.

Sary karavatta nәrsә bar?

Ayu, kuyan bar.

Yashel uryndykta nәrsә bar?

Dog bar.

(balalar borylyp basalar)

Yashel uryndykta nәrsә bar?

Dog bar.


1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Toys”.

2. Formation of the ability to answer the questions “What is on the chair (table, bed)?

3. Development of memory, consolidation of colors.

What's on the red chair?

Doll, there is a ball.

What's on the yellow bed?

Bear, there is a hare.

What's on the green chair?

There is a cat.

(children turn away)

What's on the green chair?

There is a cat.




1. Kiyemnәr, өy җiһazlary isemnәren istә kaldyru.

2. Balalarda igtibarlylyk tәrbiyalәү, hәter salәten үsterү.

Narsә artyk?

Zәңgәr malay kүlmәk. Kyz kulmak, өstәl, uryndyk, chalbar – yashel. Malay kulmak – zәңgәr.

Narsә artyk?

Kyz kulmak. Uryndyk, chalbar, karavat, malay kulmәk – zur. Kyz kulmak – kechkenә.


1. Activation of the dictionary on the topics “Clothing”, “Furniture”.

2. Promote the development of attention and memory.

What's extra?

Blue shirt. Dress, table, chair, trousers - green. The shirt is blue.

What's extra?

Dress. The chair, trousers, bed, shirt are big. The dress is small.




1. Yashelchәlәrnen isemnәren dores әytergә өyrәtү.

2. Balalarda kuzәtүchәnlek, igtibarlylyk tәrbiyalәү, khәter salәten үsterү.

Yashel kәrzindә nәrsә bar?

4 kisher, 2 shalkan, 1 alma.

Kyzyl kәrzindә nәrsә bar?

1 sugan, 1 kyyar, 2 kәbestә.

Ak kәrzindә nәrsә bar?

2 alma, 3 sugan, 2 kabestә.

(balalar borylalar)

Kyzyl kәrzindә nәrsә bar?

1 sugan, 1 kyyar, 2 kәbestә.


1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Vegetables”

2. Development of observation, attention, memory.

What's in the green basket?

4 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 apple.

1 onion, 1 cucumber, 2 cabbage.

What's in the white basket?

2 apples, 3 onions, 2 cabbages.

(children turn away)

What's in the red basket?

1 onion, 1 cucumber, 2 cabbage.




“Who? Nishli?” soraularyna dores җavaplar alu.

(bala syuzhetly rasemnәr yabyshtyrylgan shakmakny yrgyta)

Boo by whom?


Kyz nishli?

Kyz kitap uky.

(dөres җavap өchen chip ala)

Uen betkәch fishkalarny sanyylar.


Develop the ability to correctly answer the questions “Who is this?” What is he doing?"

(the child throws a dice with plot pictures pasted on)

Who is this?


What is the girl doing?

A girl is reading a book.

(receives a chip for the correct answer)

At the end of the game, the chips are counted - who has more?




1. Yort koshlarynyn isemnәren kabatlau.

2. Sannarny nygytu.

3. Hәter salәten үsterү.

“Bu nәrsә? Nindi?”, “Nothing tavyk (әtәch)? Sana”, “Nәrsә yuk?” uennary.

Bu nәrsә?

Bu tavyk.


Clean, matur, zur.




1. Enrichment of the dictionary.

3. Development of memory.

Games: “Who is this? Which one?”, “How many chickens (roosters)? Count”, “Who’s missing?”

Who is this?

This is chicken.


Clean, beautiful, big.

How many chickens?





1. Uenchyklarnyң isemnәren nygytu.

2. Toslәrne kabatlau.

3. Hәter salәten үsterү.

“Bu nәrsә? Nindi?”, “Oh nindi?”. “Nәrsә yuk?” uennary.

Bu nәrsә?

Boo this.

- Oh nindi?

Kyzyl, clean, matur.


1. Activation of the dictionary on the topic “Toys”.

2. Formation of the ability to correctly name colors.

3. Development of memory.

Games: “Who is this? Which one?”, “Which house?”, “Who’s missing?”.

Who is this?


What house?

Red, clean, beautiful.






1. Dialogue soylamne үsterү.

2. Balalarda igtibarlylyk tәrbiyalәү.

Portfolio nәrsә bar?

Pencil case, pen, pencil, album, kitap.

Portfolio nәrsә yuk?

Dәftәr, ruler.


1. Contribute to the development of a dialogical form of speech.

2. Development of attention.

What's in the portfolio?

- Pencil case, pen, pencil, album, book.

What's not in the portfolio?

Notebooks, rulers.




1.Toslarne nygytu.

2.Uenchyklar lexikasyn, sannarny soylәmdә aktivlashtyru.

Nindy car?


Sary vagonda nәrsә bar?





Help reinforce colors, counting, and names of toys.

What color is the car?


What is there in the yellow carriage?


How many bears?



(ike bala uyny)


(two children playing)


“Nishli?” digan sorauny kuya belergә һәm dores җavap kaytaryrga өyrәtү"

Ayu nishli?

Ayu yokly. Ayu utyra. Ayu ashy.

Kyz nishli?

Kyz kitap uky.


Forming the ability to ask and answer the question: “What does it do?”

What is the bear doing?

The bear is sleeping. Teddy bear sits, Teddy bear eats.

What is the girl doing?

A girl is reading a book.




Pictogrammalar yardәmendә “Nishli?”digәn sorauga җavap kaytaryrga өyrәtu.

Why not?


Bure nishli?



Developing the ability to answer the question: “What does it do?” using pictograms.

What is Lisa doing?


What is the wolf doing?





“Asha”, “Ech” sүzlәren kullanyshka kertu.

Pesi, mә. sot. Ech.

Ayu, mә banana. Asha.


To promote the correct use of the verbs “eat” and “drink” in speech.

Cat, for milk. Drink.

Bear, for a banana. Eat.




“Sin nishliseӊ?” digan sorauny anlap kulana beүlәrenә ireү.

Sin nishlisen?

Min sot echem.


To promote the correct formulation of the question “What are you doing?”

What are you doing?

I drink milk.

In order for the baby to develop well and harmoniously, they need to be constantly engaged. But classes should not be boring and monotonous; it is better to turn them into interesting game so that the learning process goes unnoticed by the child, but he is not bored.

Any teaching materials are, first of all, learning, albeit entertaining. But the child does not know that by luring him into the game, he is also offered to learn something new. For any didactic game, certain rules are very important. The purpose of rules is to make children more organized and consistent. It is important to choose special didactic games on umk in kindergarten, made with your own hands.

There are good didactic games that can teach mathematics to children studying in middle group kindergarten. You can teach children how to count up to 10 in a playful way using a special manual that you can easily make with your own hands. The purpose of the exercise is to improve the counting skills of children aged 5-7 years, teach them to determine the number of objects, develop creative thinking, and teach them basic addition and subtraction.

Together with the children, you will need to cut out giraffes, clouds, hats with numbers, spots for giraffe skins, and also raindrops. You may also need a play mat, one large one, or you can take your own for each player.

You need to place cut-out giraffes on the math playing field, and each giraffe needs to wear a hat with a number. Now you need to place spots on the body of each animal in accordance with the number on the hat. The next pictures that need to be placed on the playing field are clouds. The clouds should also have numbers written on them, and under each number you will need to put as many drops as are written on the cloud. This math game can be practiced both in a group and with individual teaching of children 5-7 years old.

Games should be interesting for children and appropriate for their age. Visual aids are often used in games to explain rules. Team game will be interesting for older children.

Children of senior preschool age have the necessary experience to solve other complex logical problems. The didactic game has a specific structure that should be used in teaching preschoolers. The game can be created from suitable material that can be prepared in advance.

Vegetables and fruits

Eat great games, which can be practiced in a group in kindergarten, during which you can easily learn popular vegetables and fruits. and fruits you can draw with your own hands, or you can simply print on a printer. In any case, using such a playbook in kindergarten will be simple.

You can invite children 5-7 years old to choose vegetables separately and fruits separately. You can ask children to talk about the shape and color of each object. An interesting task could be an exercise in which children will have to select vegetables from which they can cook borscht, and separately put fruits from which they can cook compote.

A good workout can be a game that uses stencils rather than pictures. Draw vegetables and fruits on the leaves, cut them out so that the leaf remains intact, and a vegetable is cut out inside it. We will apply these leaves to colored paper to choose the right color for a particular vegetable or fruit. The purpose of this exercise is to remember the names of flowers, fruits and vegetables, and learn to find matches.

For the development of preschool children

For the development of preschoolers Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to such a concept as fire safety. You can make manuals with your own hands, such as a model of a fire shield, the purpose of which will be to teach children how each item in the model is used, what fire safety is and how to ensure it.

You can make a model during classes in the garden with your children. As a fire extinguisher, use a jar of liquid soap, which you paint red. Make a triangular bucket from a piece of cardboard and also paint it with red paint. A box of sand can be made from a tea box, and a fire hose from fabric tape. A hook, a hook and an ax can be cut out of colored cardboard.

With the help of such a manual in the garden, it will be much easier for children aged 5-7 years to learn what fire safety is and how the listed items are used. Fire safety This will be a complete topic for children, and when they go to school, they will be able to tell on their own what fire safety is all about.

Educational games for preschoolers

For speech development

If your goal is to develop dialogical speech in children, stimulate their attention, memory and thinking, then using the simple but interesting “Chamomile” task will suit you; it is quite suitable for simultaneous play by children aged 5-7 years.

You need to place an image of an animal in the center of the table, and give the children pictures depicting different actions. The teacher asks what we are doing with the chosen animal, and the children, holding in their hands pictures made with their own hands in the garden, apply petals to the image of the animal and say what it does, for example, “The bunny is jumping,” “The bunny is eating.”

Games for speech development

Sensory games

A game that perfectly develops motor skills is “Carnations and Rubber Bands.” To play this game with your children, you will need a small wooden board, approximately 50x50 cm, pushpins, and rubber bands.

Everything is very simple, you just need to place the buttons at the same distance from each other, just draw out your wooden shield and place each button in the cross of lines. Your guide is ready.

Now children can put rubber bands on the buttons, forming a variety of figures and practicing fine motor skills. Visual, color and spatial perception, imagination will also be trained, and knowledge of various types of geometric shapes and lines will be perfectly consolidated.

It is important to use a variety of didactic games in kindergarten, which are necessary for young children. You can come up with exciting games yourself that will help children learn quickly. Every year something new appears, so something unusual and new can be used in teaching children, which will greatly speed up the learning process.

It is necessary to conduct classes with children in which you can use prepared manuals, thanks to which they will quickly memorize new words and numbers. The learning process will require long time and the efforts of the teacher.

Sensory development

Didactic games for teaching children the Tatar language (UMK)

Didactic games can improve the quality of learning, promote better assimilation of program material, make it possible to master the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material in a playful form, and maintain interest in the language.

Each teacher, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the children, can complicate or facilitate game tasks in didactic games.

I have made the following educational games : “Who lives in the house?”, “Gifts for Alsou”, “Magic sun”, “Wonderful basket”, “Flower meadow”.

Such games not only reinforce the material covered, but also develop memory, attention, imagination, speech, and fine motor skills; cultivate perseverance.

UMK kysalarynda didactic uennar.

Didactician uennar balalarnyn suzlek zaspalaryn arttyru belen genә chiklәnmi, program materialin yakhshyrak uzlәshterergә yardәm itә, Tatar telenеn lexikasyn, soylәm materialin uyen formasynda uzlәshterergә mөmkinlek birә, tel gә karata kyzyksynu uyata.

hәrber tәrbiyache, balalarnyң yash hәm shәkhsi үzenchәleklәren isәpkә alyp, didaktik uennarnny katlaulandyra yaisә җѣeleәaytә ala.

Өйдә whom yashi?”, “Alsuga bulәklәr”, “Tylsymly koyashkay”, “Iskitkech kәrzin”, “Chәchәkle alan” kebek didaktik uennar tәdim itәm.

Bu uennar үtkәn(өyrәngәn) material nygytyp kyna kalmyylar,ә balalarnyң khateren,igtibaryn, soylәmen,fikerlәү sәlәten,kul chuklary muscular үsterәlәr.

Who lives in the house?” -

Who are you?"

Goal: to teach children to recognize and correctly name family members, develop attention, memory, speech, fine motor skills of the fingers, and cultivate perseverance.

Description: the teacher explains that a family lives in the house, but now there is no one there. We need to put everyone in the house. Children name all the family members shown in the pictures and lace the pictures with a “train” so that the whole family is at home.

2nd version of the game “Name who it is?” - “Who is it?”

The teacher shows the pictures and asks the question: “Who is this?” (“Who is this?”). The children answer: “This is mom” (“Bu ani”), etc.

3rd version of the game “Who is not there?” - “Who is yuk?”

Pictures are laid out on the table. The teacher and the children look at them, then the teacher asks the children to close their eyes. He removes one or more pictures from the table. To the question “Who is not there?” (“Who is yuk?”), children should answer, for example, әti yuk.

Gifts for Alsou” -

Alsuga bulәklәr”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the names of toys; to promote the development of memory, attention, speech, fine motor skills.

Description of the game: the teacher tells the children that It’s Alsou’s birthday. She needs to give her a gift. Alsou really likes to play with toys. Showing pictures of toys, the teacher pronounces the name of the toys together with the children. Each child chooses a picture with a toy, threads a cord into the hole of the girl figure, and says: “Alsu, mә kurchak (kuyan, tup).”

Option 2 of the game “What’s missing?” -

Narsә yuk?”

The game begins with two pictures, the rest are covered with paper. You need to name what is shown in the pictures: “This is a cat” (“Boo dog”).” This is a ball” (“Boo stupid”).

After this, the children must turn away, and the teacher closes one picture. Then he asks: “What’s missing?” (“Nәrsә yuk?”). Then another pair of pictures is taken and the game continues.squeezes similarly. Then you can increase the number of pictures.

Magic sun” -

Tylsimly koyashkai”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the names of toys, fruits, the ability to select objects by color and size; to develop speech.

Description of the game: the teacher and the children look at the sun, where pictures of toys are attached to the rays. Then the teacher asks: “Find where the bunny is?” The child points and says: “This is a bunny” (“Bu kuyan”). You can continue: “What bunny?” (“Kuyan nindi?”) “Little bunny” (“Kechkenә kuyan”).

2 game option Find a match ”-

Paryn tap”

You need to select a pair (in size) for the picture with the image of a toy that the teacher names, and attach it next to it. For example, a large car - a small car (zur machine - kechkenә machine).

3 game option Find it, name it ”-


You need to find, show and name the fruits that are located in the center of the circle.

4 game option Choose by color (shape) ” - “Tose (formasy) buencha sayla”

Each child is given fruit figurines. The child must find the fruit that is given on the sample and cover the sample with it.

5 game option What's extra? “-“Nәrsә artyk?”

Children are offered figures with fruits, where there is an extra item. The child must name all the fruits, find something that is not a fruit (it could be some kind of vegetable).

6 game option Treat yourself to fruit ”-“Җilyak-җimeshlәr belen syila”

Children choose fruits and treat their loved ones. Every child should say: “Әbi, mә pear asha" . “Babai, mә alma asha.”

Wonderful basket” -

Iskitkech kәrzin”

Goal: to consolidate the names of fruits and vegetables; to develop classification skills, attention, memory, speech, fine motor skills.

Description of the game: the teacher shows an “empty” basket and explains to the children that the grandmother collected a full basket of fruits and vegetables. But she was in such a hurry to get home that she dropped the basket and spilled everything. And invites the children to help the grandmother collect all the fruits and vegetables in the basket. Each child chooses a figurine of a vegetable or fruit, then puts it in the basket. To the teacher’s question: “What fruit (vegetable) do you have?” the child answers, for example, apple (alma).

2nd version of the game “Collect fruits (vegetables)” - “Җilyak-җimeshlәr(yashelchәlәr)җyy”

The teacher lays out pictures on the table and offers to group them: “Collect all the fruits (vegetables).” After this, the teacher asks: “What fruits (vegetables) did you collect?” The child lists, if it is difficult, then the teacher pronounces the name of the fruit together with the child ( vegetables).

3rd version of the game “Match by color” - “Tose buencha sayla”

The teacher hands out figurines of fruits and vegetables to the children. Showing a picture of a fruit or vegetable, the teacher says: “Whoever has fruits (vegetables) the same color as mine, come here.” The children come out, show their figurines, name them (“Red Apple” - “Kyzyl alma”, “Green cabbage” - “Yashel kabestә”) and put in the basket. The game continues until all the children put their figures in the basket.

4th version of the game “Is it on a tree, in a garden bed...” - “Agachtamy, tүtәldәme...”

Figurines of fruits and vegetables are laid out on the table. The teacher asks the children to correctly distribute the figurines, remembering what grows where: vegetables in the garden, fruits in the tree.

5th version of the game “Big-small” - “Zurlar-bәlәkәylәr”

Children are asked to select figures of fruits and vegetables according to the named characteristic. For example: all large fruits (vegetables) or all small fruits (vegetables).

Flower meadow” - “Chәchәkle Alan”

Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the names of colors, the ability to group objects by color, size; to develop color perception, memory, attention, speech.

1st version of the game “Find your house” - “Үз өңне tap”

The teacher shows a round clearing, divided into six sectors - red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange. The teacher says that each flower lives in a house of the same color as itself: red in a red house, blue in a blue house etc. The children take turns placing flowers in the houses. The teacher asks how many flowers he put in the house and what color they are? The child answers: “Ber sary chәchәk.”

2nd version of the game “Which flower did you choose?” - “Nindi chәchәk sayladyn?”

N and there are multi-colored flowers on the table. Children take turns coming to the table, choosing the flower they like, saying what color the flower is. For example: “Red flower-kyzyl chәchәk.”

3rd version of the game “I give you...” - “Min... bүlәk itәm”

Children exchange selected flowers:

-Yana (Irina, Rinat, etc.), I give you a green flower (Yana, mә, yashel chәchәk).

-Thank you. And I give you a beautiful blue flower (Rәkhmat.Mә, matur, zәңgәr chәchәk).

4 version of the game “Different Flowers” - “Tөrle chәchәklәr”

The teacher lays out flowers of different sizes and colors on the table. The first child must choose only large flowers, the second - small ones. Then the children arrange the selected flowers in a flower house, while saying: “Big blue flower” (Zur zәңgәr chәchәk) or “Small white flower ”(Bәlәkәy ak chәchәk), etc.



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