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Why do I need a mess in my apartment? A mess in an apartment: concept, description with photos, psychological reasons, awareness, ways to deal with clutter and rules for easy cleaning

When putting things in order, we all face the same problem, when all the necessary horizontal planes sooner or later begin to become a source of disorder. And the greater the accumulation of unnecessary things, the higher the risk of constant chaos and the appearance of various allergens in the house. Therefore, many residents of residential premises often face the question of where to start cleaning up the mess in their apartment in order to avoid the accumulation of rubbish. The answer to this question can be found in this article.

Where to start cleaning and how to finish it

Rule #1

You should start by sketching a plan. Set your priorities and you will see what needs to be done first. It is best to start from those places where unnecessary things can most often be found (by time or season). Think in advance about the optimal placement of each item. Try to instill the habit of always putting all things in their place. For small items, separate boxes or containers with sorting labels.

Rule #2

Throw away unnecessary items immediately. If, having picked up an object, you are wondering whether it is needed or not, its purpose is a trash can. As a last resort, allocate a separate box for such little things so that you know where to look for them later. As for out-of-fashion or inappropriate clothing, you can donate it to charitable organizations at any time. The same can be done with shoes and soft toys, which not only take up space, but also accumulate unnecessary dust.

Rule #3

Having arranged and put all the things on the shelves, you should start cleaning. Here it would be appropriate to apply a scheme in turn for each of the zones. It is advisable to do cleaning on weekends in order to properly allocate time and not be distracted by trifles. It is recommended to start with the rooms, smoothly moving to the hall, corridor, kitchen, and then to the toilet. Armed with cleaning products for various pieces of furniture, windows, cloth napkins, a vacuum cleaner and a bucket with a mop, get started. The first step is to wipe off the dust, then vacuum.

After this, you need to wash the mirrors and windows. If you have multifunctional glass www.stis.ru/help/products/multifunktsionalnoe-steklo/, there will be no problems with cleaning it. Such windows are quite easy to clean, and they transmit much better. sunlight. You need to finish cleaning the rooms by watering the color and washing the floors. Using the same scheme, you need to clean the kitchen and bathroom, not forgetting the corridor.

We figured out where to start cleaning up the mess in the apartment. Now the question may arise - how to complete it and how to avoid the accumulation of rubbish in the house in the future.

  • First, maintain order every day. Each time you put things in their places, you will get rid of clutter.
  • Secondly, optimally distribute your time allocated for cleaning. Depending on the state of pollution and clutter in the room, set time limits for yourself so that main goal it was - to fit in.
  • Thirdly, do not put off what you can do today until tomorrow. Imagine that you suddenly have guests. It will be much better if you managed to remove unnecessary things before they arrive.

And finally, I would like to note that you can rationally allocate time and make cleaning easier for yourself by performing several actions at a time. For example, when heading to the trash can with an unnecessary bag, grab a wrapper and an old newspaper along the way. Taking into account all the cleaning recommendations, your home will always look neat, clean and free of clutter.

People have very different attitudes to the order in their home.

The concept of coziness, comfort and beauty is very relative for each of us. Some people simply hate washing dishes; there are people who need to make their bed in the morning so that it is perfect. For some, a speck of dust in a dark corner can cause stress and the need to mop the floor three times a day, while there are those who scatter things and consider it creative clutter.

We are all different. Psychology experts say that the level of cleanliness in your home can say a lot about your character traits.

What will the chaos in the apartment tell us?

Research shows that the presence of chronic chaos in the house, and things that are scattered without any particular logic or pattern, oddly enough, characterize a person with positive side. But a person who always has sterile utensils in perfect order, even if guests come unexpectedly, may have serious nervous disorders.

Experts have even learned to recognize character traits based on individual areas in which a person does or does not put things in order.

Dirty dishes on the table

Do you constantly leave cups with leftover tea or coffee on the table? Congratulations you dictator! You get real pleasure from total control of everyone and everything.

It is important for you:

plan to the smallest detail;

be demanding not only of others, but also of yourself;

so that your requirements are fulfilled quickly and accurately;

set goals and achieve results.

You need to understand that life is difficult with you. But with this approach, any achievements in life are within your reach.

Dirty dishes in the sink

The habit of accumulating mountains of unwashed dishes in the sink characterizes narcissistic individuals. Very often, a person who hates washing dishes has a wide social circle and really enjoys interacting with people. At the same time, he can fall into a debt hole, where frivolity will lead him. Such people can be advised to regularly think about the future.

Scattered socks

Studies have shown that people who regularly scatter socks on the floor and put them under the bed are very thrifty and thrifty. They are only interested in large purchases; they do not want to spend money on small things. As practice shows, these individuals make smart family men.

Constantly unmade bed

It is a common belief that an unmade bed and clothes scattered around the house in the most unlikely places characterize a very busy person. When you spend a large number of time at work, the need to put things in order simply fades into the background, and maybe even the third and fourth.

While at home, the main thing is to relax and recover, and not to spend everything free time for cleaning. At the same time, if the weekend is prolonged, then such a person is not alien to establishing a certain order.

Dirty windows and dust on the windowsill

If you or someone you know has dust on the windowsill and dirty windows in the house, there is a possibility that the person is sad, or even depressed. When your heart is lonely, you don’t feel like washing the windows.

Subconsciously, there is a desire to be in a dark room, where you can curl up comfortably and isolate yourself from the outside world. But if such a person comes out of depression and overcomes melancholy, then he will have no equal in achieving the heights of the creative Olympus.

Bed stained with food

Let's be honest, for many of us, eating in bed while watching TV or doing work on a laptop is a very common habit. And it's really not scary. These people just love comfort.

Bags and packages that are scattered everywhere

If you notice that packages, bags, boxes of equipment and who knows what are lying all over the house, you know that this person is striving for changes in his life.

He dreams a lot about a bright future, expects a miracle, but most often things do not move beyond dreams.

Dirty bathroom

People who lack cleanliness in their bathrooms may be hoarders psychological trauma, grievances and disappointments. They are really haunted by negativity from the past. And they themselves cannot cope with this problem. Sometimes this can be cured with time, and sometimes it is better to consult a specialist.

If your acquaintances, friends, or you have a mess in their living space, to a greater or lesser extent there are reasons for this. Of course, they need to be taken into account, but this is not a reason to turn into a chronic slob.

Experts advise to maintain the golden mean, not to abuse cleanliness, but also not to keep yourself dirty. Sometimes it’s just enough to develop the habit of immediately putting things in their places and the situation will level out.

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Someone’s home is clean and tidy: everything is in its place and every little thing has its place. But there are houses where they only dream about it, and all attempts to bring shine end the same way: there is chaos among things, and nothing reminds of the recent cleaning. So what is the reason?

What does science say about keeping your home tidy?

Of course, those who are very interested in our glorious past say with confidence that maintaining cleanliness in the house was embedded in women in the subcortex of the brain by their distant ancestors. Based on these arguments, it turns out that from time immemorial women did nothing but store in the corners everything that their valiant breadwinners dragged into the house. Why then the reluctance of some women to maintain cleanliness? It turns out that the ancestors of these lovely women were also not particularly homely. Otherwise, there is simply no logic in this approach.

However, there is another approach that is more suitable for those who are more busy with their careers and work. Women who are forced to stay at home for some reason begin to realize themselves there. For them, a neatly hung towel or cleanly ironed linen on a hanger in the closet is the ultimate dream. They always smell delicious dishes, the carpets are cleaned, the parquet floor is shiny, and the cat has a small bow on her head.

At the same time, lovely representatives of the fair sex, who are immersed in work, devote a minimum of time and effort to the house. Why do something you don't get paid for? Perhaps this is the reason for the chaos in your home. Although in any chaos there is always order. Perhaps this helps to find exactly what you need in a heap of unknowns.

A mess in the closet and a mess in the head

Are you tired of the mess in your home? And you want to get rid of it? Then you have to start with yourself. Oddly enough, what is around you directly reflects the world that is inside you. Therefore, it is better to implement the desire to end the disorder in your life consistently.

Of course, the pile of papers on the table has its own sacred meaning. But is everything that lies there really so necessary? The same applies to . Why are those from whom you “grew” long ago there? But there are more than half of them, and they take up space that could be given to something else. Which, by the way, for some reason never found its place in your house, and therefore is lying around in heaps.

So, the first step towards order in the house is the elimination of everything superfluous and unnecessary. And don’t think that cleaning is a simple matter and you can easily handle it in a day. Only you will take more than one hour to disassemble the closet. What if he is not alone in the house? That’s why, first of all, sort out the contents of chests of drawers, cabinets and mezzanines. Here, get ready to be ruthless and callous. Because the blouse you wore on your first date can cause a storm of emotions. And putting it in a box marked “throw away” will be very difficult.

By the way, about boxes. For those who are not familiar with the film "Sex in big city", it should be said, and others should be reminded that The best way Dealing with your closets means taking three boxes and labeling them as follows: for storage, throw away and leave. In the first, you put something that, for whatever reason, is not suitable for you now, but will definitely be needed in the near future. The second group does not need explanation, however, like the last one. After such sorting, only those things that were included in the “keep” and “for storage” boxes should go back into the closet. Just lay them out in such a way that they don’t get mixed up. The second point of cleaning will be things that are outside the closets. They should be sorted in a certain order into the vacant places. Once the space in your apartment has become larger, it's time to deal with dust and dirt.

After such cleaning, as after a successful diet, the most important thing is to do it again, that is, again not to become overgrown with heaps of dirt, dust and all kinds of things. And to do this, try to put everything in its place. But if habit is paramount, then equip your home with special decorative baskets where you will put all your things. Then such baskets are much easier to disassemble.

And most importantly, accustom yourself to order. Although this is the most difficult of all that is described above.

Ecology of life. Society constantly strives to maintain order in everything and everywhere at all costs. No more templates!..

We live in a very patterned and predictable world. Almost everything in it is neatly packaged and organized. Society constantly strives to maintain order in everything and everywhere at all costs.But all this is nothing more than an illusion.

We have been taught superficial ideas about symmetry.Life is actually unpredictable and chaotic, although it seems to us that if we “organize” everything, it will be much better.

But in reality it's the other way around. For example, you think that you need to buy a few more pants to have enough “for all time”. You buy more. And then it turns out that all the things no longer fit in the closet. And he is simply doomed to chaos. Thus, having created “order” in one place, you immediately create it in another.

You decide to throw all unnecessary things into the trash can. There seems to be “order” at home, but the world as a whole has become dirtier.

Here's what physicist Adam Frank says about this:"This is a law of physics. The harsh truth of life is that the Universe itself is chaos. How can you bring order to your home or your life if it goes against the nature of the Universe?"

In fact, no matter how much we try to keep our lives in order and our home tidy, nothing comes of it. There is always chaos here and there.

What to do? Say yes to the chaotic nature of this world. Come to terms with it.

People who always have a messy home are stigmatized. To those around them, they seem apathetic and leading a “wrong” life. But this is simply not true!

Disorganized people are better than everyone else. If only because they do not allow the false illusion of order to dictate their daily routine.

Jim Morrison spoke well on this topic:"I'm interested in rebellion, in chaos, in chaos. I think this is the path to freedom."

This doesn't mean that every aspect of your life needs to be thrown into chaos. Being organized is sometimes important and even useful. But you have no right to judge people living in disorder. Believe me: order is greatly overrated.

People who have a constant mess at home are not lazy. They are creative and brave.

Common sense tells us that cleanliness is the key to efficiency and productivity, but this is not true.

Eric Abrahamson and David Friedman, authors of the scientific bestseller A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder, write:"Clutter is not necessarily a sign of lack of structure. You can work more efficiently at a desk on which everything is scattered than at a clean one. When a person has a mess on his desk, this does not mean that he works poorly. It means that he works so well, that he simply doesn’t have time to clean up.”

In other words, clutter can actually be a sign of efficiency rather than carelessness.

Kathleen Vohs, Ph.D., from the University of Minnesota, conducted a study and proved that people who tend to throw things around and accumulate garbage are actually more creative than everyone else.

As part of this scientific work, Vohs conducted one interesting experiment. She divided 48 volunteers into two groups and asked them to find creative ways to use a ping pong ball. One half of the experiment participants were placed in a clean, tidy room, the other half in a dirty room. In the end, both groups came up with an equal number of ideas, but the latter were judged to be more innovative and creative when independently assessed by other students.

Vohs concludes:"We all want to become more creative people, experience insights more often. My advice to you: if you are in a stupor, move to a dirty room. This will allow you to go beyond your usual perceptions and produce fresh ideas faster. Order is the result of our desire for security, chaos is the result of our desire for a creative rethinking of the world."

Clutter, of course, has long been closely associated with creative genius. Disorganization and untidiness are condemned in society, but most of the great minds lived their entire lives in such conditions: Albert Einstein, Alan Turing, Ronald Dahl. Even JK Rowling can't clean her apartment!

They all achieved greatness despite the fact that their entire lives were full of chaos.

In general, if your parents punished you for not wanting to clean your room, then they made a mistake.

Society ignores the hidden benefits of chaos.

It takes courage to let go of the rules and live in your creative chaos.

Albert Einstein once remarked:“If a cluttered desk means a cluttered mind, then what does an empty desk mean?”

Creative people see the whole picture of their lives, rather than focusing on individual details. They go with the flow, rather than swimming against the flow. They easily adapt to changes. They know that time is too limited to spend on boring things like cleaning.

The simplicity and beauty of life are more important than visible “success” and feigned “discipline.” Passion is better than boredom.

In the article “Clutter in the room from a psychological point of view,” we will tell you how you can deal with clutter in the room. One Bulgarian fairy tale tells about an old man who decided to marry his son, but so that the girl would be hard-working and neat. Having loaded his cart with fruit, he went to the village and began shouting the following phrase, which surprised many, he shouted: “I am exchanging fruit for garbage.” Many took advantage of this quirk and carried bags of garbage in exchange for fruit. Only one girl brought a very small bundle and complained that there was no more garbage in the house. So the old man sent matchmakers to her and made no mistake in his choice, she turned out to be a wonderful housewife, and the young family lived in prosperity and joy.

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Photo gallery: Clutter in the room from a psychological point of view

But when you go into another house these days, you remember old fairy tale. It is difficult to suppress a grin at the sight of a multi-day layer of dust, unwashed dishes and scattered things. Probably, this family was created according to other principles of matchmaking. In another house there is an order that borders on such sterility that you are simply afraid to move or hurt anything. It’s hard not to be happy for the prosperity that reigns in the house and not to refrain from complimenting the hostess. And it happens that in a tidy house there is an atmosphere of discontent and tension. And in an untidy apartment, people are happy with each other and live in perfect harmony. Why is this happening?

American psychologist William James believed that in addition to passions, beliefs and interests, the structure of the human personality needs to include what a person considers to be ours: things dear to the heart, everyday clothes that copy the shape of the body with folds, favorite books on the home shelf, and more. The decoration of a home is an element of the physical self, and you can tell a lot about its inhabitants by carefully looking at the home. The first thing that catches your eye is disorder or order. What this means from a psychological point of view is that disorder is a sign of general looseness, sloppiness and lack of discipline. But ideal order testifies to solid principles and spiritual harmony. But this explanation is too simple to be true. Because at every step life tells us other ambiguous conclusions.

Parents of almost all teenagers complain about their sloppiness, that it is almost impossible to force them to keep their room tidy. But the whole point is that the interests of the younger generation are broad, aimed at external world and are little attached to the details of everyday life. Only when a teenager experiences all the inconveniences that disorder brings, will he gradually become tidy.

When telephone numbers, such necessary ones, are written down on some pieces of paper, when you don’t know where you put them necessary thing, when a place that is intended for meeting friends or for studying turns out to be littered with some things, then you inevitably begin to care about order. But only by becoming a mature person does a person acquire true accuracy.

Does it mean that a mess in the house indicates that the owner or owner failed to grow up properly? A person can and will live like this and act in everything like a little child. But the problem here may lie deeper. We all, in the end, understand that throwing things around is not good.

If a person is not able to put his house in order, then this only indicates a serious internal conflict. Accumulated garbage, scattered clothes, and so on, speak for their owner that he is not able to put things back in their place.

A sink full of unwashed dishes, dirty laundry that has accumulated for weeks, an overflowing trash can indicate that I do not know how to set and systematically solve problems, I do not know how to distribute my forces. If a person cannot organize his life, then he cannot handle serious tasks.

Your affairs are not going well, everything is not happening the way you would like, don’t you think that serious life situations just out of your control? Of course, I would like to overcome this unpleasant feeling. Start small, look at your home and find out for yourself where you need to put things in order.

When you put your scattered things on shelves, then you do much more, you learn to organize your problems, that is, you put them on shelves. Bring clarity to your “physical self” and then the results will not keep you waiting.

There is another extreme. As psychologists have noted, a strong commitment to order and cleanliness is a symptom of self-doubt, a symptom of internal weakness.

By organizing his physical world at home, a person, as it were, seeks to protect himself from chaos big world, which is scary and too complicated for him. This creates vicious circle tension: something someone in the household puts out of place causes disappointment and irritation. Housework takes up a lot of energy and time, leaving no room for other important things. And then, in this scraped out shell, a feeling of loneliness arises.

Such a trap can be set for you by a scenario that was learned in the parental family, when order became an important life goal and at any cost. One can only feel sorry for such a person, whose main task is shiny parquet and snow-white towels. After all, order in the house is necessary condition, and not a goal, to solve real serious life problems. If we understand this simple truth, then we will find a golden mean that distinguishes true harmony - mental and material.

Every room in the house has some kind of symbolic meaning, and has an effect on your subconscious. Garbage and clutter in every room causes stagnation and inactivity in certain aspects of life.

Mess in the kitchen
It’s not for nothing that the kitchen is called the “heart of the home.” Here you eat, stock up on some energy, even if you dine on defrosted semi-finished food in the microwave. A dirty and untidy kitchen creates difficulties in supply and nutrition, on a spiritual and physical level. How you take care of the kitchen can tell you how you feel about sources of abundance, energy supplies, and your own nutrition. A neat and clean kitchen opens up space for the comfort and protection you need.

Clutter in the dining room and living room
These are rooms in which you gather with friends, with family, with people close enough to you. This is where you interact with the outside world when you are at home, arguing with friends about politics at the dinner table, reading the newspaper, watching TV. Clutter will turn the space into a den, and perhaps your place is so messy that you don't invite friends over for years. Maybe you are hiding from others in a pile of garbage?

Clutter in the bedroom
Bedrooms for adults are a place of intimacy and sleep; they should serve the function of renewing relationships and people. A messy bedroom will not bring energy, but weakness. If you feel tired in your most intimate space, just tidy it up and it will help you de-stress and relax. And only then you can have a pleasant time with your partner and sleep sweetly.

Clutter in the hallway
The corridor is the artery of your home. And the chaos in your hallway is like a traffic jam. It interferes with interaction different parts your life and your home. Look at the corridor: is it so difficult not to stumble in it, is it easy to walk along it, is it well lit? If you have difficulty interacting with people and with yourself, between family and work, it’s probably time for you to clean up your hallway.

Mess in the bathroom
Body care and bathing are such a daily ritual. IN Everyday life this is the space you use so that you can prepare to interact with the world. A mess in the bathroom indicates a lack of attention to oneself, and not only on a physical level, it also indicates low self-esteem. A well-decorated and clean bathroom can be a place for rejuvenation and self-care, a serene and peaceful place. Decorate your bathroom, put it in order, turn it into a place where you can hide from everyone and be with yourself, where you will feel safe during the evening and morning ablution rituals.

Mess in the toilet
When you fill your toilet with trash, you suppress your insight and intuition. A dirty toilet indicates problems that impede development in relationships and work, impede your development in life, problems that you are not really aware of. When the toilet door is tightly closed, it does not mean that you have escaped your problems.

Clutter in the garage
Your car is a symbol of independence and mobility. If your garage is a dump of things and your car can hardly fit in there, then you need to be very careful and it is very difficult for you to move through life.

Now we know what a messy room is from a psychological point of view. Don't think of cleaning as something terrible. Every shirt you give to a new owner, every book you take to the library. And also every sheet of paper and magazine that you recycle will create space in your life for events, joy and new energy.



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