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Job responsibilities of an assistant director. What does Pomerezh do? Requirements for the applicant

Assistants: director, conductor, choreographer, choirmaster; assistant director

Job responsibilities. Participates in planning and organizing the preparation of new and revival of previously created productions. Carry out instructions from the stage director, choreographer, conductor - music director production in the preparatory period for the implementation of a new production. Participates in the preparation of rehearsal plans and rehearsal schedules, plans and schedules for the preparation of a new production. Provides rehearsals with the necessary literary and musical materials (texts of the play, roles, score, clavier, instrumental and vocal parts, etc.). Calls artists, conductors, accompanists, consultants, prompters and other required specialists to rehearsals. Assists the stage director (choreographer, music director) during rehearsals. Provides the rehearsal with the necessary props (elements of scenery, furniture, musical instruments, music stands, etc.), as well as the necessary phonograms, elements of noise design. On behalf of the production director, conducts separate rehearsals and introduces new performers. In accordance with the procedure established in the performing arts organization, is on duty at performances, concerts, and performances; keeps records of rehearsals and performances (concerts, performances), creative work of artistic and artistic personnel. Fulfills the instructions of the artistic director, chief director, chief choreographer, chief conductor, head of the troupe related to planning, organizing and accounting for creative activities.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation relating to the activities of performing arts organizations; basics of directing and acting, musical literacy, choreographic, vocal, choral art, stage and musical design of productions; modern and classical dramaturgy; stage design and equipment; fundamentals of stage technology, economics and management in the field of performing arts, labor legislation; internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Assistants: director, conductor, choreographer, choirmaster; assistant director of the first category - higher professional education (culture and art) and work experience of at least 3 years or secondary professional education(culture and art) and at least 5 years of work experience as an assistant; director, conductor, choreographer, choirmaster; assistant director of the second category.

Assistants: director, conductor, choreographer, choirmaster; assistant director of the second category - higher professional education (culture and art) without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education (culture and art) and work experience in the field professional activity at least 3 years.

On the ground

mercilessly small

Once upon a time there was a small man.

His service was small.

And a very small briefcase.

R. Rozhdestvensky

Why "cracker"?

Almost every profession has features. It is difficult to imagine an artist without brushes, a builder without a helmet, an accountant without a calculator. And the dead guy has a firecracker. It consists of two parts: a board and a bar with a hinge. The clapper board contains basic information about the film (working title, director, cameraman), as well as auxiliary information (shooting date, scene, frame, take). The sound of the clapper allows the editor to combine the audio and video tracks. It's funny that often the clapperboard does not fulfill its original functions, since the sound is written in rough drafts, and further dubbing of the film is expected. But even in this case, Pomerezh is not sitting idly by (in the most literal sense).

Team "Let's start!"

In his pocket he has: several markers, a sponge to erase old notes, a stopwatch, tape (film tape), crayons and, as practice shows, also a small storage room for actor’s things. After the director's command “Camera!” Having died, with a firecracker at the ready, he runs into the frame. Showing her correctly on camera is also important skill which comes with experience. The position of the shot depends on which optics the operator has chosen. Whether it’s raining or snowing, the pomerezh must always be on duty.

Suppose we are shooting a close-up of an actor in a swamp with a long lens. There’s nothing you can do, you’ll have to prudently put on rubber boots, climb into the swamp towards the actor, hold the firecracker in his face, wait for the command “Start!”, clap, and then, jumping from bump to bump, run away from the frame as fast as you can, not forgetting start the stopwatch.

While the seconds are passing, you need to quickly rewrite the information on the clapperboard and make notes on the installation sheet. Listening to the director, writing comments for the editor, marking the best takes is also the responsibility of the director. Among dozens of sheets, Pomerezh keeps the director’s script, where he crosses out the scenes he shot. At any moment the director can approach the firecracker and ask tricky question: “How long did the take last?”, “Did they shoot scene No. 5?” and so on.

The sun is still high

The assistant director does not have the opportunity to rest for film set, although the importance of his work is not always obvious to everyone. The duties of the “cracker” also include such simple tasks as bringing coffee to the director, which in no way adds significance to his role. But if you work well, there is an opportunity to grow to second director. True, you should be prepared that in this role you will have to have nerves of iron. The assistant directors are girls, usually university film students or recent graduates. A film shift lasts 12 hours, almost all of this time you have to run - this job is not for the lazy. Filming can take place both in the pavilion and on location: in rain, snow, at night, in a swamp, at an altitude of 1000 meters. That's why good health Possession is simply vital.

During filming, the whole group becomes a big family; under stress, nerves are strained to the limit, and it takes a lot of effort not to lash out at a colleague. But film people are quick-witted, and if any misunderstanding occurs, it is quickly resolved during lunch or after the shift. The ability to minimize conflicts and not create quarrels will be of benefit to you.

Communication with representatives of other departments (props, costumes, makeup) often leads to the fact that Pomerezhs learn the profession of a props maker or costume designer. This versatility increases the chances of working on the most interesting project. Job vacancies for work in cinema cannot be found on a site like Rabota.ru; information is transmitted exclusively by word of mouth.

For what?

Despite all the obvious disadvantages, the profession there are a number of undeniable advantages.

Where else can you meet so many talented people and visit the most remote places? Being on set next to the cameraman, Pomerezh learns from experience, watches how the director works with the actors and group, and perhaps this knowledge will be useful on the set of his own film. Many directors started from the bottom and climbed the career ladder.

The second director works primarily with the film crew, coordinating the work of the acting assistant, costume designers, and makeup artists. It is he who decides when the group will go for lunch, gives instructions to the director, carefully follows the director’s script and does everything so that nothing distracts the director from creating something beautiful. Although, if you ask the group who the “second one” is, they will answer: “The one who constantly yells.” It's funny, but there is some truth in this answer.

The position of second director implies control over the organization of the entire filming process.

But, despite all of the above, funny situations also happen in the “flapper” life. For example, these.

Maria Bondarenko

I was 19 years old. This was my first job on television and my very, very first day. There was a lot of confusion, a feeling of incredible responsibility, and it was quite scary to do something wrong. And now, the moment comes when I need to go out and say for the first time: “Scene 1, shot 1, take 1” in front of the cameras, and I understand that the clapperboard does not open. The cameras are on, and I’m trying to unhook the flaps of the firecracker with the thought that that’s it, now I’m going to be fired. I tore it off for about three minutes.

It was the first of April, and the sound engineers and cameramen decided to welcome me to the new team in this way, gluing the cracker together with double-sided tape. It was very funny afterwards. As I remember, what stupid things I was worried about then... But I still remember a funny video with me in a panic, fighting with a firecracker.

Tatyana Zmeikina

In order not to lower the camera from a beautiful frame (the moon!) to the clapperboard, the lighting staff lifted me “towards the moon”. If the shooting takes place in a small room and the camera blocks the path to the exit, you have to hide - crawl into a closet, under the bed, behind the sofa.

And it will be nice to do this together with a boomman, a props person, a lighting designer and many others. And after the “stop” this whole crowd begins to crawl out of a secluded place - as if from Narnia.

Alena Gutman

I want to say that during my short time working as a firecracker on the set, I realized that directors are very illogical people. When I came to the set on the first day, the director said that I looked like Sandra Bullock.

And then, when I slammed, hid not entirely successfully and got into the frame, locking up a very difficult take, he shouted: “Get her out of the frame!!!” How so?

Ekaterina Dorofeeva

I exposed two frames. They filmed a difficult take, they filmed it. The director says: “What kind of highlight was that?” Everyone: “Yeah... What was that?” And then I realize that this is my watch! And then someone else realizes that this is my watch. "Kate! Isn’t this your watch?” - they say. Re-filmed. And the second time it was the same, and I thought that the main thing was not to glare, and I moved away. But again because of me they re-shot the take!

Now there will be new filming in October, but I no longer have these watches: I swam with them in the sea, they stood up, and I threw them away.

A job description is provided for each profession. The assistant director will be no exception here. Die in a creative environment. We will analyze the profession from a “technical” point of view - job responsibilities, requirements for a specialist. And in conclusion, let’s get acquainted with the opinions of already successful victims about their work.

Two categories of activities

An assistant director is a specialist whose creative work is divided into two categories, each of which has certain requirements and features:

  • Death of the second category. The specialist must have professional higher education in the field of art and culture. In this case, there are no work experience requirements. The second option is secondary vocational education in the field of art and culture. This requires at least three years of work experience (of course, in a similar structure).
  • Death of the first category. Specialists are both accepted and transferred from the above categories to the position. If the applicant has a higher professional education in the field of “culture” or “art,” then at least three years of work experience in the specialty is required. If you have a vocational secondary education, then your work experience should be at least 5 years.

During the absence of the assistant director from the workplace (sick leave, vacation, etc.), his duties are transferred to the employee appointed by established order. This employee takes on the responsibilities of the deceased and temporarily takes over his rights. During substitution he bears full responsibility for failure to perform or improper performance of their temporary duties.

Assistant director in theater or cinema - qualification professional group "Positions of mid-level workers in art, cinematography, culture." Standardized by order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF No. 570 (August 31, 2007).

Requirements for the applicant

Although an assistant director is a creative activity, the requirements for a specialist are quite specific and clear. Pomerezh must know:

  • Legislative and regulations Russian Federation, regulating the activities of performing arts institutions.
  • The structure of the organization for which the citizen applied.
  • Features of the creative and organizational process in the employer's institution.
  • The basics of acting, directing, musical literacy, vocal, choreographic, choral art, as well as stage and musical accompaniment of productions.
  • Stage equipment, its general structure.
  • Fundamentals of stage technology, management and economics - relevant to the field of performing arts.
  • Organization of technical and material support regarding creative process.
  • Main rules of personnel management.
  • Fundamentals of labor legislation.
  • Internal working rules in the organization where the applicant is employed.
  • Norms and rules of safety, labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation, etc.

Main responsibilities and tasks

The vacancy “assistant director” defines three main functions of a specialist:

  • Direct participation in the organization and planning of productions.
  • Drawing up rehearsal plans and schedules, which also implies calling the required specialists to participate. This includes not only organization, but also accounting creative activity.
  • Providing both rehearsals and productions with all required materials and props.

Job responsibilities

The duties of an assistant director are as follows: labor functions:

  • Direct participation in the organization and planning of both new productions and previously presented ones.
  • Fulfilling the instructions of the stage director regarding the preparatory period of organizing the production.
  • Participation in the preparation of rehearsal plans, schedules, schedules for a new production.
  • Providing everyone necessary materials rehearsals.
  • Providing rehearsals with all the required props - furniture, decorations, musical instruments, elements of background noise design, phonograms.
  • Calling actors, prompters and other specialists to rehearsals.
  • During rehearsals - assistant director.
  • According to the schedule established in this performing arts institution, duty at rehearsals, performances, performances and concerts.
  • Conducting separate rehearsals, searching for new performers on behalf of the production director.
  • Accounting for performances, rehearsals, concerts and productions, as well as other creative activities of artistic and performance personnel.
  • Carrying out the tasks of the production director regarding the organization, planning and recording of creative activities.

Specialist rights

An assistant director in Moscow and other cities will have the same rights:

  • Participation in meetings held on organizational issues.
  • Request and receipt from structural divisions necessary for labor activity documents and materials.
  • Participation in discussions of issues that directly affect his professional creative work.
  • Requiring the management of a performing arts organization to provide assistance in fulfilling responsibilities and exercising labor rights.

Responsibility of the specialist

Director" assumes the following responsibility of the specialist:

  • For failure to perform or improper or incomplete performance of their work duties (which include job description specialist) in the order dictated by the Russian labor legislation.
  • For offenses that were committed during work. Responsibility is dictated by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Russia.
  • For causing damage to the organization that is the employer of the victim. In the order established by current Russian labor legislation.

About the profession

The vacancy “assistant director” in Moscow and other cities is often open. Let's see how those people who have already managed to get killed speak about it.

An invariable attribute of an assistant director is the so-called clapperboard. This is a board with a bar on a hinge, on which basic information about the shooting process is written - the title of the work, director, cameraman, shooting date, take, frame. A clap with this device then helps to combine the audio and video tracks.

On set, the assistant director never sits idle. At some point he needs to appear in the frame with his firecracker. The art of doing it correctly comes with experience. Markings on the clapboard and on the editing sheet, director's comments, marking the best takes and already shot shots are the direct responsibilities of the director.

Features of work

The work of an assistant director does not belong to the category of voluminous work, but hardly noticeable to others. Pomerezh has no time to rest. Preparing and bringing coffee to the director is also his responsibility. Work shift - 12 hours. Moreover, filming takes place not only in the pavilion, but also outdoors - in the forest or in the swamp, on a hot day, in a snowstorm or in the rain, in the city and at mountain heights. Pomerezh always accompanies the filming process, under any conditions. Hence, strong immunity is mandatory.

Pomerezhi - usually students creative universities or recent graduates. They are attracted by the opportunity to gain experience and work with masters of their craft. For some, the likelihood of becoming a second director over time.

Experts say that the most important things for pomrezh are communication skills, resistance to stress and the ability to act as an “arbiter.” During filming, the entire creative team becomes one big family, but misunderstandings are not uncommon. The task of pomerzha is to stop the conflict at the beginning of development.

It must be said that such vacancies rarely appear on labor exchanges. In a creative environment, word of mouth is more relevant.

Pros of work

In their reviews of their favorite job, Pomrezhi highlight the following advantages of the profession:

  • Transfer of experience from the director. Pomerezh sees how he organizes the filming process, communicates with the actors, and collaborates with the cameraman. This knowledge is sometimes enough to shoot your own film. Quite a few directors “grew up” from the dead.
  • Communication with creative people. Not only does being part of a creative team inspire, it constantly gives you new experiences and ideas. Pomerezh also acquires the necessary business connections.
  • An opportunity to take on the role of a leader, organizer, and develop skills in working with a team.

Assistant director is an ordinary, but quite interesting creative specialty. We analyzed it from all sides - technical, official. And they looked at her, so to speak, from the inside.

Life in cinema: what is it like? Former Lande Project student Masha Trushkina, who worked as an assistant director on the set of the film “Mafia” (2014, directed by Sarik Andreasyan), shares her experience and view of cinema.

About the filming of the film "Mafia":

“What I like about cinema is that it’s a profession where, if you invent something, they won’t tell you no. There are no strict limits here.”

The film "Mafia" is a Russian fantasy film inspired by "The Hunger Games" and "Final Destination". It is based on the card game of the same name and takes place in the distant future. Directed by Sarik Andreasyan.

He made such films as “Pregnant”, “What Men Do”, “Moms” - all these Russian comedies that were released in theaters are his. Everything that is making money now and paying off very steeply is Sarik Andreasyan and the production company Enjoy Movies. In fact, he actually makes a lot of films, but in some places he acts as a director, in others as a producer. He also works in international projects. For example, in the summer of 2013, he directed the crime drama “American Heist” starring Adrien Brody, Hayden Christensen, Jordana Brewster and rapper Akon.

About the profession of assistant director: clapperboard, editing card, creating an atmosphere, working with actors.

In general, my function is to ensure that everything is fine with the editing sheets, that everything is written down, and if they ask, then I must know the duration of the take, the scene, so that there is complete harmony and understanding with the director and second director.

Firecracker. Due to the fact that the assistant director is responsible for ensuring that the clapper gets into the frame, on the set they call him “the clapper.” The clapperboard is used in cinema to synchronize sound and image (during editing, the clapper aligns the sound), as well as to systematize filmed takes and recorded phonograms in accordance with the numbers of filmed scenes and takes.
The clapperboard should have the scene, shot, take, cameras and lenses written on it. That is, let's say camera A, lens 50, camera B, lens 32, camera C, lens 100.
The assistant director needs to position himself so that the clapper hits all cameras, that is, all lenses. But if the firecracker hits only 2 cameras out of three, then I either turn myself, or ask in advance for the operator to turn his attention to me, clap and run away. If all the cameras can see me, I can clap once and just show it to everyone. If one of the cameras doesn’t see me at all, then I can say 1 time and clap 2 times, one of them to the camera that doesn’t see me.
All this needs to be done promptly and quickly. Because when it says “Camera! Motor!”, everyone is naturally looking at you: how you will react, how you will do it, how you will run away. So that the work is smooth. So that no one would worry about whether the firecracker was hidden or not.
And, if you have any questions, everything should agree with the sound engineer. You may, for example, have a take written incorrectly, but you can write to the editor - “check by sound.”

Installation sheet. How do I understand the profession of an assistant director on this moment– the most important thing is that everything goes well with your installation. Because the most important thing you keep is the editing sheets. And the film is created and put together using editing.
An editing sheet is a table that records a scene, frame, take, lenses, time code (or files). You keep this table by hand. The guys compare the frame and the take using the time code and files, plus they compare the sound and picture. It is fixed so that something wrong does not stick during installation. For example, TV series are edited by people separate from filming. There's a lot of material there. Therefore, clarity and orderliness of information are important during installation.

The time code and files must match what we are shooting. That is, let’s say we’ve now shot take 2 of frame 3 of scene 9 and this is file number 9. Accordingly, on your editing sheet it should be written that this is file 9.
Then, of course, you fix the flash drives. That is, on flash drive 46 we have such and such material, on flash drive 47 we have such and such. It is important to maintain order and ensure that flash drives are not duplicated, otherwise the footage may be deleted during editing.

Creating an atmosphere. Well, in general, of course, it’s very cool when the assistant director creates an atmosphere for the director and camera team. This is very valuable. Basically, the assistant director should help the process. Make it easier.

Working with actors. The assistant director interacts with the actors only in the form of marks. Marks are made in order to film the actor’s movement from the right angle so that he falls into all cameras.
The main marks under normal conditions are the letter T - meaning the middle of the actor and his legs on the sides, and when, say, there is a line of people, we make a corner - indicating the boundaries of the line. Well, the same mark is a trajectory. For example, an actor needs to walk along straight line or, conversely, in some special way, and you simply draw what trajectory it needs to take. That is, again, this is work with a director and camera group, because this work is led by a second director and the cameramen say what they say.
For example, when we were filming at the ZIL plant, there was sand there, and we made marks with some kind of sticks, some kind of absurd things, some kind of pieces of iron. That is, it was simply according to the conditions. And that's normal, I think. Even great.

The article was prepared by Polina Panfilova (c)

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