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Arches on the index fingers. What do your fingerprints tell you?! Combined double loop

The fingertips contain many nerve endings that are directly connected to the brain. The brain analyzes the signals coming from them and determines what our fingers touch and feel. Palmists pay special attention to the papillary pattern on the fingertips, which plays an important role in determining the characteristic personality traits of a person.

In forensic science, the papillary pattern on the fingertips acts as an object of personal identification, with the help of which crimes are solved. This method is based on the uniqueness and immutability of the skin pattern of the fingertips and their ability to leave a “mark” on objects. It is actively used in fingerprint examination of a person.

The papillary pattern is formed in the womb and retains its pattern until the end of a person’s life. A fingerprint examination revealed that even identical twins do not have the same skin pattern. Only certain diseases, for example, scleroderma, or mechanical effects on the skin of the fingertips, can modify the papillary pattern. Research into papillary patterns began in the 17th century. At various times in the criminal world, attempts have been made to hide or alter the pattern to eliminate identifying features through the removal of layers of skin from the pads of the fingers, burns and cuts. However, in most cases, the papillary pattern was restored over time, and in the case of scars and scars on the skin, they became individual signs of personality and determined the uniqueness of the handprints of a particular person.

There are three main types of papillary patterns on the fingertips, depending on from the drawing of their center- these are arcs, loops and curls, all other types are derived from them.

1. Arcs

The arc pattern (arches) characterizes their owners as people with good and stable organization of the nervous system. They are truthful, stable and strive to always go towards their goal, sweeping away all doubts along the way. These are people of action, they do not like long conversations and reflections; taking “the bull by the horns” is their motto in life. According to dermatoglyphic studies, the arc is one of the most common papillary patterns on the fingertips; in its pattern, it resembles a wave or an arch.

In the center of the arc you can see an upward bend. The energy flows along the papillary lines, makes a bend in the middle of the pattern and exits without stopping, indicating the rapid consumption of incoming energy. Owners of this pattern on their fingers are good-natured, practical and hardworking, they love to work with their hands.
Tent arc A This pattern is derived from the simple arc. In the center of the arc there are lines that, in their geometry, resemble a tent, which is why this arc got its name. The axis in the center of the arc slightly delays the incoming energy, forming a “burst” of energy. People with this pattern on their fingertips are characterized by quick reactions, explosive character and eccentricity. They love to attract attention to themselves and strive for new experiences and pleasures.

What psychological characteristics are endowed with the owner of the arch when this pattern is placed on a specific finger?

Finger Pattern characteristics
Hip arch
Big These people value time and always try to achieve their goals. The arc also adds stubbornness to a person’s temper. In practice it is very rare.
Pointing Principles are the basis of life for such a person. A person is captured by a specific idea that inspires him to serious achievements.
Average He calmly and rationally approaches solutions to life’s issues and relies on his own strengths. He strives for changes in his life, sometimes quite radical, and gives himself completely to them.
Nameless A person is faithful to an established way of life and is not ready to change his habits and outlook on life. Tries to be original, loves to impress people, and is a connoisseur of art.
Little finger Does not need company, values ​​solitude, does not like when others invade his space and try to force changes in him. He is able to perfectly express his thoughts through the construction of logical and emotionally charged speech.

2. Loops

The loop is the most common pattern on the fingertips of Russians. In a loop, energy flows from bottom to top and then smoothly goes down. There are three types of loops: oriented outward (towards the thumb) - a radial loop, inward (towards the little finger) - ulnar or ulnar loop, double loop.

The radial loop indicates that a person spends incoming energy on self-improvement; the person is distinguished by great determination.

The ulnar loop indicates that the output energy is directed to the striking or outer part of the palm, determining the main need of a person for his realization in society.
The double loop is a derivative of the simple loop and consists of two twisted loops. Energy flows both along the outer loop and in the opposite direction – along the inner loop, creating tension between the loops. Such a flow of energy gives a person inconstancy in thoughts and deeds.

Basic psychological characteristics of the owner of loops on the fingertips.

Finger Pattern characteristics
Big A person is determined to achieve his goal. Able to negotiate with other people and adapt to a changing environment. Quickly finds a simple solution to complex issues and puts this solution into action.
Pointing Indicates a person who is able to be flexible in order to achieve the desired result. In the course of implementing the plans, he can masterfully adjust them. Often changes plans, sometimes to completely opposite ones.
Average He is confident in his actions and is ready to independently implement them, carefully thinking through every step; he does not like to receive advice. A person knows how to work in a team, hear and capture the mood of other people, and will not insist on his own unless it is necessary. He gets along well in a team, but because of the fear of being misunderstood or unheard, he does not express his opinion, which can lead to internal dissatisfaction.
Nameless Confident and open to new ideas, thoughts and actions. Demonstrates artistic talent in a specific field of art. Has versatile creative abilities in different areas.
Little finger A person uses communication as an effective means of exchanging information, is sociable and logical. Knows how to find a common language with other people, to be in the right place at the right time. Indecision and curiosity may not allow a person to settle on one direction of activity.

3. Curls

A curl is a complex papillary pattern, a sign that indicates a person’s individuality. A spiral where energy flows clockwise indicates an active and strong personality; counterclockwise - to a person’s good intuitive abilities and possible interest in esoteric sciences.

Psychological characteristics of a person with curls on his fingertips

Finger Curl characteristics
Big Indicates non-standard thinking, which allows you to achieve success in the future due to the uniqueness of the idea. Behind the actions of the owner of such a pattern, despite their expressiveness, lies the mind of an excellent analyst.
Pointing This is a leader with a very original view of things, thanks to his drive, determination and self-confidence, he can inspire and lead other people, and this will be his individual path to success.
Average He tries to realize himself in the professional sphere, he really needs the support and approval of others, this gives him the strength and impulse to move on, he is touchy and vulnerable.
Nameless Despite truly excellent creative abilities, a person is not self-confident, dependent on the opinions of others, this can lead to internal contradictions and conflicts.
Little finger He is able to convince others of the originality of his ideas, provides worthy evidence, his speech is smooth and expressive, and he finds support from his interlocutors.

Additional patterns

There are patterns that combine several types of patterns, such as peacock eye/feather and tent bow with a loop inside.

The center of such a pattern is formed from radial and ulnar loops, which are combined into one curl in the form of a pattern on the feather of a peacock's tail. The energy goes to the center of the pattern, concentrates and goes out. Depending on which finger the pattern is located on, the talents and abilities of the owner of this pattern lie in this area.

This type of papillary pattern is an arc with a loop inside, where a small part of the energy is retained before its further release. Such people often set their own rules and want others to follow them, which sometimes leads to conflicts with people close to them. They value freedom very much and strive for independence in everything.

Counting the pattern in total on the hand

When examining the papillary pattern on the fingers, it is necessary to determine which pattern is predominant on the hand. According to research in the field of dermatoglyphics, the most common loop patterns are 63% of the total, whorl patterns are about 31%, and arc patterns are about 6%.

Papillary pattern Predominance on hand
Arcs Such people are distinguished by practicality, they honor traditions and rarely change their views, have difficulty adapting to new conditions, and do not always quickly respond to changes in the world around them. They prefer to plan their lives and methodically solve problems, while their strong grip often helps them out and helps them achieve their goals.
Loops These people are distinguished by mobility and independence; they make excellent leaders who clearly set goals, adequately assess the internal processes in the company and the external conditions of its activities, and know how to find a common language with people in the team. In life, they set a goal for themselves and, overcoming obstacles, systematically move towards it.
Curls These are strong and extraordinary individuals who are prone to introspection and self-improvement. They, as a rule, have a very developed imagination, and if they successfully channel it into their professional activities, they can achieve great success.
Tent arches Owners of this papillary pattern are emotional and active people who love art and objects of art. They know how to be the life of the party, but the amplitude of their mood can often and quickly change. As a rule, they choose creative professions of an applied nature.
Double loops People with this predominant papillary pattern can consider any problem from several sides; in a dispute, they will always listen to the opinion of the other side and only then draw conclusions. Often this approach drowns out the voice of their own intuition, and ultimately leads to indecision. They always look for the only correct solution, remaining perfectionists at heart.

In practice, there are often situations when a person is equally good with both hands, or does not know which hand is active/leading, and this causes difficulties in reading past and future events from the hands. In this case, it is recommended to compare the papillary pattern on the fingertips of two hands. The pattern on the active hand will always be more complex than on the passive one. For example, a congenitally left-handed person will have a whorl on the Jupiter (index) finger of the left hand and a loop on the finger of the right hand as a simpler pattern design.

Of course, in fingerprinting and forensic science, specialists examine the structure of the papillary pattern in much more detail than is customary in the practice of palmists, but their research goals are also different. Forensic scientists study not only the type, variety and direction of flow of pattern lines, but also the microrelief of the papillary pattern, the size, shape and width of the pattern, the location of pores, the structure of individual elements of the pattern at the micro level, and more. For palmists, studying the papillary pattern on the fingertips provides additional and very important information about the psychological type of a person and his preferences in the professional field.

For many people, identifying their “talents” and “finding themselves” is not difficult, because... They initially understand what they really like and what comes easiest to them. For example, our former compatriot, American writer Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982) in her book “Atlas Shrugged” describes the feelings of a heroine with mathematical abilities:

“She experienced this in math class at school. It was the only subject she really liked. While solving problems, she felt an extraordinary excitement, a daring feeling of delight at having accepted the challenge and easily won, and a passionate desire and determination to move on, to cope with the next, much more difficult test. Although mathematics came very easily to her, she experienced a growing sense of respect for this precise, extremely rational science. She often thought: “It’s so good that people have come to this, and how good it is that I’m strong in this.” Two feelings grew and strengthened in her: sincere admiration for this queen of sciences and the joy of realizing her own abilities.”

At the same time, there are a huge number of examples when an attempt to determine one’s abilities and purpose turns into a long and painful process for a person. He may like a certain field of activity, but he does not know how to make sure that he makes the right choice, and the circumstances are not yet right, and he lacks the determination to change these circumstances.

Carefully study the papillary patterns on your fingertips; they can tell you a lot about your talents, abilities and inclinations. Explore your strengths and weaknesses, try to find the best for yourself, try to do more than what is done!

A special science that studies patterns on fingers is called dermatoglyphics. It helps us understand how the patterns on our fingers relate to our character and behavior.

Loops are a common pattern for most Europeans. This drawing speaks of a calm, balanced character. Such people are responsive and try to help others and make friends easily. They are very punctual and responsible, but rarely take initiative.
Such people obtain sensations and information mainly from communication with other people. They are emotionally predictable and open. They are distinguished by good or excellent health, although in childhood they can get sick very often. By temperament, a person with loops is sanguine. Cannot stand boring and monotonous work that is not interesting to him. If the pattern has loops on all fingers, then this indicates a highly developed imagination and some detachment from reality. They say about such people that they are not of this world.

People with this pattern on their fingers are energetic and confident. Confidence is observed in everything: in posture, gait, manners, gestures. Sometimes it is impossible to convince them and force them to admit that they are wrong; they defend any decision they make to the end. Concrete thinking prevails. They find it difficult to adapt to changes in the environment and listen to the opinions of other people. Sensations are derived mainly from practical actions. However, to solve problems they often prefer to involve other people.
By temperament, a person with arches is choleric. Loves and appreciates music and art. And he, as a rule, has expressive, artistic facial expressions.
In difficult times, he must be busy with something, do something, that is, distract himself with any practical actions. He does not tolerate tenderness in relationships, but he is very loyal and will never abandon his own.

People with predominantly curls on their fingers are quick-tempered, but easy-going. Gifted creatively, they grasp everything on the fly, learn quickly and analyze any events. Often they start several things at once, but do not finish them and lose interest in them. Easily excitable, unstable psyche. Emotionally unpredictable, hide their feelings and experiences. There is a desire for solitude and introspection. They are often dissatisfied with themselves and doubt everything. They draw sensations within themselves, and information - mainly from written sources.
By temperament, a person with curls is phlegmatic. Speech is not very expressive, quiet, slightly slow. If there are curls on the index fingers of the right and left hands, then such a person is a born thinker. And has a predisposition to programming, law and scientific work.
If we draw a general conclusion, then people with curls have varied, complex behavior, they often do not know what they are capable of.

Consider the capillary patterns on the hand. Since there are many patterns themselves and their variations, let’s look at specific examples and interpretations from various sources, compare them with each other and check how they work in real life. All this will help answer the question about the meaning of the capillary pattern on my hands, but first things first: So, we have an area of ​​study - which is rarely discussed in books on palmistry, however, it is more informational than the lines of the hand.

To confirm this, let's look at a few examples: Figure 1-1 belongs to a girl (left-handed) - 19 years old, left hand. The hypothenar region (mountain of the Moon) is represented. Changes in the usual capillary pattern are visible, most reminiscent of the composite pattern on the fingers. Such a drawing is quite rare, so it deserves our attention: it is mentioned by N. Altman and G. Hürlimann. Nathaniel writes: “Such a pattern is found on the palms of those people whose psychology is closer to that of a representative of the opposite sex.

For example, men with such a pattern on the palm are very gentle and sensitive, while women are stubborn and aggressive.” Mrs. Hürlimann approaches the definition of the meaning of this figure more broadly - Figure 1-2: “Variants of “twin” loops, otherwise, a double loop on the Mount of the Moon indicate the large role of the subconscious in a person’s thoughts and actions. Their character depends on the shape of the hand and the signatures of the palm. On strong hands with developed and proportional thumb and index fingers, the “twin” loop indicates favorable mental characteristics.

Such a person is able to adapt to the requirements of the current moment. On hands with pointedly long fingers, the “twin” loop on the mound of the Moon indicates observation, the ability to assess a person’s state of mind based on a number of signs, including the expression on the interlocutor’s face. Most often, good psychologists and psychiatrists, social workers have this ability, which is why in English-language literature this loop is called a “psychological twin.”

But over time, these specialists may discover signs of double consciousness in themselves as well. This, it seems to me, is an extremely important point, because the best psychological consultants and assistants know how to overcome such difficulties not in theory, but from their own experience. The “twin” loop on thin and nervous hands reveals mental lability, a tendency to frequent mood swings, hidden complexes and neuroses. These people are insecure and neurotic."

The next article will be devoted to capillary patterns on the fingers. As you learned from the first article, capillary patterns are placed on the palm. Energy flows through them and accumulates in certain areas, therefore these areas develop and bring their own characteristics. Similar patterns, and sometimes much more complex ones, are found on the fingertips. There are different classifications of these patterns, let’s try to figure it out together:

To do this, we need to divide the hand into two parts, draw a vertical line through the middle finger of the left hand - the left part of the hand, together with the thumb and forefinger, is called the radial side, and the right part, together with the little and ring fingers, is called the ulnar side. This designation was introduced to simplify the classification of some patterns and is simply nominal.

  • The arc is the simplest, but at the same time rare pattern in Russia.
  • Standard arc- shown in the figure. Denoted by the letter A - from the English word - “arch” - arch. This pattern really resembles an arch. Characterized by the absence of triradii. From the general appearance, we can conclude that the energy passes through the capillary lines (they are black in the figure) and makes a slight bend. Thus, energy is minimally retained in this area, which characterizes this pattern as a pattern with maximum energy throughput, i.e. energy is used very quickly.
  • Arch with loop inside– this type is combined from a very small loop, which is surrounded by an arc from above. The pattern is classified as an arc pattern, since most of the energy passes along the trajectory of the arc capillary lines, only a very small part of the energy is retained in the inner loop, so we classify this pattern as an arc pattern. It occurs quite often, so it is important to be able to figure out whether a loop or arc predominates in the capillary pattern. Once a small loop appears, it is necessary to determine its direction - the figure shows an ulnar loop - it is directed from the center to the ulnar side on the print of the right hand, respectively, for the left hand such a print will characterize a radial loop. Designated AL - Arch Loop - from English - Arc Loop.
  • High arc– this type of arc is very similar to a standard arc, but differs from it in that as it approaches the center of the capillary pattern, the lines begin to bifurcate, as a result of which the capillary lines rise higher at the center of the pattern. The introduction of such a pattern is necessary in order to distinguish between the indicators brought by simple arches and their highly raised counterparts. The flow of energy changes slightly and the results are different. Designated as AT - Tended Arch - High Arc.
  • High arc with a point or other complicating element– these include the tent arches known to us. This pattern is minimally close to a standard loop, but the whole point is in the complicating element, which is located in the center of the pattern, it is this that “breaks” the entire pattern of lines. This pattern is less common, which is why it is the most difficult to describe. But this problem can also be overcome - the pattern in the center retains energy in this area, and based on the direction of this pattern, one can draw a conclusion about the direction of energy flow. This pattern is designated as ATC - Arch Tended Complex - Complex High Arc.

This complete and extensive description is provided so that the reader can understand exactly how the flow of energy occurs, so the time spent understanding the types of each pattern will result in a full understanding of the characteristics that this type of specific pattern brings.

Let's move on to the next pattern:

  • A loop- the next pattern in complexity after the arc, the most common in Russia. The general characteristic of this pattern is the presence of one triradius. Triradius is a situation where three lines converge at one point, forming a triradius - a connection of several lines into one pattern. The figure below shows a simple loop and a triradium bordering it on the left.

Let's look at the subtypes of this pattern:

  • Standard loop. To distinguish this pattern from the pattern - Arc with a loop inside, you need to look at the number of capillary lines making up the loop; if their number is more than 1, then the tendencies of the loop plan increase. Energy flows along the arc trajectory to a lesser extent. Therefore, if there are even more capillary lines. For those walking along a loop path, you can safely classify this pattern as a loop pattern. Denoted as L - from English - loop - repetition, loop.
  • Double loop– characterized by two triradii. Ulnarity-radiality is determined first by the lower loop, then by the upper one. This type of loop pattern resembles twins, so it adds interesting characteristics. Sometimes the loop can separate, so this pattern is very easy to confuse with one of the varieties of curl, especially when the ends of the loops are very narrowed. To eliminate such situations, always make a print and study and analyze. The flow of energy in this pattern is very interesting - on the one hand, energy flows through the outer loop, on the other hand, it similarly flows through the inner loop, which creates a magnet factor - when voltage arises between the two poles. The same is true in this situation, but we will talk about this below. Designated as LD - Loop Double - Double Loop.
  • Single or double loop with bend- a complicated version of the double loop. Both loops have the same starting direction, but different lengths, versus a different starting direction for the double loop. This pattern is characterized by a single triradius, which removes the tension factor inherent in the double loop. The energy flows like a river divided by an island into two channels, they are so close, but one is shallow and the other is deep. This pattern is rare, which characterizes it as exceptional. Designated LF - Fall Loop - Loop with a bend.
  • Peacock eye loop– this type of loop is very reminiscent of a curl, but falls short of this pattern, since it has one triradius, which is its distinctive feature. This type of pattern is most indicative of explanation in terms of energy flows and their flow. The energy enters the loop, approaches the center and concentrates in the center of the picture, but cannot stay in the center and leaves the center to the side where there is no triradius, i.e. where the loop begins. Designated as LP - Loop Pea - Peacock Loop.

We also divided this pattern into 4 subtypes, which is necessary for accuracy and ease of explanation of any complexity that may have arisen before.

  • The final pattern is a curl. This pattern is characterized by the fact that it is the most complex, average in prevalence - between arcs and loops, as a result of which it has its own unique characteristics. Arcs and curls are conflicting patterns, they oppose each other. Let's consider the classification of this pattern:
  • The curl is the target. Characterized by concentric circles that are separated from each other by small distances. This is the simplest and strongest curl, it provides maximum concentration of energy in the center of the pattern, the center is limited by triradii. The energy remains here constantly, it is concentrated, like stagnant water in a deep pool. This pattern is characterized by two triradii that frame the circles. This pattern is designated WR – Whorl – Curl.
  • The curl is a spiral. This pattern is very similar to the previous one, with the only difference being that the pattern is a rotating spiral, which consists of lines twisting around the center of the pattern. The energy gradually winds around the center, unlike the target - this position of the lines indicates that the energy can escape, because it goes in a spiral and when it reaches the center it comes back, so the strength of this pattern is already less than that of the target curl. This pattern is designated as WS - Whorl Spiral - Curl - Spiral.
  • Curl elongated– it is necessary to separate this pattern into a separate group, since this pattern is considered quite widely in the literature on palmistry. The pattern is similar to a target curl, but the center of the curl is a small straight line, the meaning of which is interpreted very widely. I note that the energy does not spread to a point - as in a target, but is distributed over the entire line, which reduces its concentration, but increases the possibilities. This curl is designated as WE - Elongated Whorl - Elongated Whorl.
  • Curl including loop, ulnarity and radiality along internal loops. The most complex version of the curl, to understand how difficult it is, just open a book on palmistry and read about a new type of pattern called compound or complex, but this is a misconception, because this is just one type of curl. The energy here simply cannot flow normally, which causes deviations, good or bad - this is a subject for a separate article. Designated WI - Whorl Imploding - Integrated Curl.
  • Complex curl, not amenable to the above classification. The most interesting pattern, it is very easy to confuse with a double loop, but in this case it is more reminiscent of a curl, since it has a rounded shape. In such cases, it is best to look at all the prints as a whole to identify the main trend from which we can draw a conclusion about the appearance of the patterns on the hand as a whole.

So, we have looked at all types of patterns, there are only three of them - Arc, Loop, Curl. Each pattern has its pros and cons. Now let’s try to describe the meaning of a specific pattern on a specific finger, so that it is easier for us to consider approaches to characterizing the meaning of a particular pattern:

What might determine the meaning that a pattern brings? There are several signs at once:

  • The exact name of the pattern (that's why I gave the abbreviations to make it more convenient).
  • The finger on which the pattern is located, each finger brings its own characteristics associated with it.
  • The palm on which this pattern is located. The palm can be active or inactive. If you are right-handed, then your active right hand is, if you are left-handed, and the probability of this is as much as 10%, then your active hand is your left.
  • The general picture of patterns on the hands, for example, with nine loops, there is a curl on one of the fingers, which clearly causes additional characteristics associated with both this finger and the pattern in general.
  • Pattern repeatability – i.e. the presence of the same pattern on the same fingers. For example, a curl on the index finger of the left hand and a curl on the index finger of the right hand. This situation introduces reinforcing characteristics.

Having figured out what criteria we will use to characterize the patterns, let’s move on to the characteristics themselves. To keep the description concise and concise, I will only give a direction for thought, and specific conclusions will be easy to draw by looking at how the energy that flows through the capillary lines behaves. Let me make a reservation right away that we will consider the description of patterns associated with character traits.

Let's look at the general characteristics of each finger separately (taken from the article - Are your fingers straight):

  • Pointing– finger of Jupiter, characterizes a person’s ambitions, the desire to manage, command other people, reflects feelings of confidence, self-esteem, pride.
  • Average– Saturn’s finger reflects thoughtfulness, a tendency towards melancholy, isolation, sadness and pessimism, a person’s seriousness, mistrust.
  • Nameless– Apollo’s finger, characterizes the desire for beauty, love of pleasure, well-being, creativity, and human taste.
  • Little finger– the Mercury finger reflects a penchant for commerce or science, cunning, a sense of logic, memory and enterprise, communication, ingenuity and quick thinking.

Element of Water in dermatoglyphics: ulnar and radial loops

The difference between these types of loops is that the more common ulnar loop is open towards the little finger, while the radial loop is open towards the thumb.

The loop pattern is the most common pattern found on the fingertips, so we must conclude that this type of pattern indicates a relatively standard, normal personality type. Such people tend to be group-oriented and therefore socially associate with other people. The loop gives flexibility and adaptability, so these people, being able to get used to others, are pleasant in communicating with others. In fact, Loop people are very responsive to many things - new ideas, changing circumstances, the environment, as well as other people. But they, as a rule, tend to follow others rather than lead, to mix with the crowd rather than stand out from it; therefore, the loop pattern communicates a lack of individualism and conformist tendencies.

Mentally, loops reflect a flexible and assimilative mind. Due to their high sensitivity and impressionability, such people can be creative and have a strong aesthetic perception. However, at times they are overly impressionable, which leads to gullibility, in addition, the predominance of loops indicates a mindset that may lack concentration, as such a person tends to be easily distracted. Loop owners are adaptable and have versatility, but may have a tendency to spread themselves too thin.

First of all, the loop type of pattern is necessary for people because it gives a sense of community. For loop owners, friends and social connections are important. Consequently, they do not like and are even afraid to be alone. They feel the need to interact with others socially or at work and perform best in activities where they can work in a team.

This is generally true for both radial and ulnar loops, however radial loops have greater egocentric tendencies than the ulnar type, so their owners can be more decisive and dominant. The radial loop has centripetal tendencies, drawing things into itself, while the ulnar loop tends to have centrifugal tendencies, and is therefore more easily able to adapt to its surroundings. The radial loop indicates a psychological state of openness towards others to such a strong degree that its owners may sometimes lose sight of their own personality. Such loops give a person the urge to give priority not to himself, but to others, which gives rise to an insecure, unstable, hyper-responsive personality.

The Ulnar Loop type often has a clearer sense of self because the expression of such a person's individuality comes from within rather than from without. This can be easily seen by paying attention to the direction that each of the two types of loops marks on the palm. The first, although more self-confident, tends to absorb the influence of the external environment, the second, although more passive and receptive, has a tendency to manifest itself. All the manifestations of these two types of loop patterns will be more fully considered when we begin to consider the meaning of each type of fingerprint on a particular finger of the hand. Although the ulnar loop occurs on all fingers, the radial loop usually occurs only on the index finger, hence this combination is most significant.

Combined double loop*

This type of pattern consists of two loops going in opposite directions. The main manifestation of the double loop is duality of thinking, which often gives rise to internal conflict, confusion and self-distrust. The area of ​​life for which the double loop is responsible is indicated by the finger on which it is located - here it will show the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife where a person experiences the most confusion and contradictions. Everything a person does in this area is often undermined by self-doubt and doubt. And as a result, he often suffers and wants someone else to take action for him.

The double loop pattern gives a person the ability to see the value of alternative points of view, the merits of both sides of an argument. As a result, such people can be extremely indecisive, because they feel that they are equally pulled in both directions, between which they often cannot choose the main one. Doubt and hesitation are a characteristic feature of their experience, and they are prone to find themselves in situations of confusion. The dilemma of choice can manifest itself in a constant struggle between material, practical considerations that help in life, and more idealistic aspirations. As a result, they can often invalidate their own attempts to achieve what they strive for. Because their ambitions are undermined by self-doubt, they may develop defeatist attitudes and a tendency to give up too easily. Consequently, they need constant encouragement from others to continue striving for their ideals.

We cannot change our dermatoglyphic patterns, but we can come to terms with them and therefore learn to work within their influence, rather than fighting it or being overcome by it. Those with double loops must come to terms with the cyclical and dual nature of their life experiences. Emotionally, they tend to experience significant ups and downs and can be subject to quite severe mood swings. Instead of being overwhelmed by the next cycle of "fall", they must learn to see such cyclicality as an inevitable part of the movement of their lives. Double loops certainly experience the ups and downs of life much more intensely than most - which makes it all the more important to learn not to get caught up in the downward branch of the spiral. The danger here is disillusionment and disappointment, which can cause a downward spiral of depression. It is important to encourage such people to move on despite this - and a good motto for double loops might be: "Great faith, great doubt, but also great determination."

On a more positive note, the double loop provides the ability to see both sides of an issue and thus enhances one's diplomatic qualities, making one a good negotiator or judge. Double loops need to integrate the two sides of the coin they observe, rather than viewing them as irreconcilable opposites. The double loop pattern is reminiscent of the Taoist Yin-Yang symbol, and it is in Taoism that we find that opposites are meant to complement each other rather than being simply separate poles. Therefore, the key for those with this papillary pattern is to accept the cyclical nature of their life experiences and realize that behind the duality lies a fundamental unity. Yes, there are both sides of the coin, but otherwise, if there were no two sides, the coin would not exist. The key to solving the double loop dilemma lies in reconciling and integrating the opposites in one's experience in order to try to create a balanced assessment of the different aspects of human experience.

* K. Jones conventionally attributes double loops, like simple loops, to the element of Water.

Fingerprints are studied by a special science - dermatoglyphics. It arose at the intersection of psychology, fingerprinting and criminology and was initially used to clarify the psychological portrait of a criminal. The official date of birth of dermatoglyphics is considered to be 1892, when one of the brilliant biologists - Sir Charles Darwin's cousin, Sir Francis Galton, published his monumental work on fingerprints and their relationship with human personal characteristics.

So no palmistry: a strictly scientific approach!

So, fingerprint yourself: leave prints of all 10 fingers on a white sheet of paper. Or you can just carefully examine each finger - whatever is more convenient for you.

All fingerprints are individual, but are typologically divided into 3 categories: waves, loops and curls.


Usually a person has 2 or even 3 types of prints, rarely - just one.

Write down on a piece of paper how many you got.

More "Waves"

It is “waves” that are the most common pattern in our latitudes. Such people usually have a calm disposition, an accommodating character and a balanced psyche. At school they said about such people as “strong middle peasants.” They don’t miss stars from the sky, but they don’t get involved in dubious adventures, they easily get along with people, but they are not the “life of the party,” they maintain smooth relationships with friends and colleagues, and are more family-oriented. Among the owners of “waves” as the predominant pattern, there are more people who have chosen a profession in the service sector: hair stylist, makeup artist, personal assistant, confectioner, florist, illustrator, interior designer.


If you have “waves” on your index fingers, you are very sociable and easy-going.

If you have more “waves” on your right hand than on your left, you are very hot-tempered, but easily forgive insults. Accordingly, and vice versa: the predominance of “waves” on the left hand suggests that you are not inclined to be offended over trifles, but if you are offended, it will not be easy to earn forgiveness.

“Waves” on the thumbs indicate that you always insist on your own and sometimes are even deaf to outside arguments. They say about such people “at least a stake on your head”: if you are sure that you are right, you are unshakable.

“Waves” on the index fingers indicate excessive emotionality and vulnerability of nature.

If “waves” are located on your index fingers, you are a very responsible and devoted person. You will never leave a friend in trouble and will do everything to complete the task. For any boss, such an employee is a treasure!

More "Loops"

The pattern is more common in central Europe. These are quite open, self-confident and career-oriented people for whom self-development and self-expression are important, even if this does not bring specific material benefits. The predominance of this pattern on the fingertips indicates developed intelligence and a penchant for mental work. People with the loop pattern are found most often in the most ambitious projects; they are the ones who take risks when participating in a startup or even organizing one; more often than others, they open their own business, start as junior assistants and work their way up to general directors. These are very energetic, efficient, creative people, about whom they say “the Earth turns with them.”


If the “loops” are located on your index fingers, you are an ideal team player. You are not eager to become a leader, but you interact wonderfully with colleagues, friends and relatives.

“Loops” on the middle fingers indicate a strong dependence on the opinions of others. Even if you don’t show it outwardly, deep down you’re worried about what your co-workers will think about your new dress, and what your mom will say when you tell her that the promotion didn’t happen.

“Loops” on the ring and little fingers indicate good health: surprisingly, statistics have shown that, being quite sickly in childhood, such people grow up and practically do not get sick with anything serious.

If there are more than 8 “loops”, you love to dream and fantasize. They say about such people that they “have their head in the clouds” or, in more advanced cases, “not of this world.” It was those with a pronounced advantage of loops who became science fiction writers more often than others!

More "Curls"

The more “curls” on your fingers, the higher potential your brain has. Scientists call 10 “curls” the “seal of genius”, since such a pattern is extremely rare and almost always found among scientists, brilliant inventors and discoverers. The predominance of “curls” indicates highly developed logical thinking, the ability to analyze, and good linguistic and mathematical abilities. Such people easily learn several languages, in adulthood they can radically change their profession, mastering something fundamentally new, emigrate several times, finding a more interesting job, or - strictly opposite - devote their entire lives to some kind of scientific research. The only thing they are almost indifferent to is material wealth.


“Curls” on the thumbs indicate a desire for dominance. Such a person is not able to work in complete subordination; he needs space for individual projects, attention to his ideas. Routine is the worst punishment for him.

If “curls” are located on all fingers except the thumbs, we are talking about an extremely psychologically unstable person. They say about such people “from love to hate it is one step”; such people can radically change their position in a matter of minutes, since new arguments or facts have appeared.

“Curls” on the index fingers indicate that a person can take on a hundred things at once, and often quite successfully. But the other side of the coin is that such people find it difficult to concentrate. To work successfully, they need a clear daily routine and organization of the process.

“Curls” on the little fingers speak of a person’s indecision and inner isolation. Such people are distrustful, rarely get close to anyone, and prefer to spend time alone. But if someone manages to win their trust, you won’t find a more loyal friend.



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