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Is there an Orthodox holiday on July 28th? Church Orthodox holiday of July

What Orthodox holiday does the Church celebrate today, July 28? What is this church holiday today, which is widely celebrated among the people and has a long history, rich traditions and signs? We will answer all these questions for you in this article.

Which one is today? religious holiday: July 28 (July 15, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast days of the following saints:
Memorial Day of the Martyr Kirik and Martyr Julitta;
Memorial Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, in Holy Baptism of Vasily;
Memorial Day of the Martyr Avudim of Tenedos;
Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Peter of the Trinity, deacon;
Memory of the Council of Kyiv Saints.
What church holiday is today July 28, 2017: Memory Prince Equal to the Apostles Vladimir Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir continued the work of his predecessors in uniting various Slavic tribes into a single Russian state. However, he entered the history of Russia and the Orthodox Church primarily as a baptist. It was during his reign that the mass conversion of the inhabitants of Kievan Rus to Christianity took place.
The life of the baptist of Rus', Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, can be divided into two parts. For the first half of it, the prince was a pagan and did not leave the best memory of those times among his subjects, but later, having converted to Christianity, he completely changed. And this change was truly wonderful. The future ruler of Kievan Rus was born around 962 in the village of Budutina Ves near Kiev. He was the son of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich and Malusha, the housekeeper of Princess Olga. After Vladimir’s birth, he was taken away from his mother and was raised at Olga’s court. Due to the fact that his princely origin was inferior, in his childhood and youth Vladimir was often called “robichich,” that is, the son of a slave, which clearly hurt his pride. In 969, before a military campaign on the Danube, Prince Svyatoslav divided his possessions between his sons. The eldest of them, Yaropolk, got Kyiv, the other son, Oleg, got the land of the Drevlyans, and Vladimir went to the Novgorod land. This area went to the prince for a reason. On the advice of Dobrynya, Vladimir’s maternal uncle, the Novgorodians who arrived in Kyiv themselves asked the young prince to be their ruler. After Svyatoslav died in 972, Yaropolk and Oleg started an internecine war. Its result was the death of Oleg. Vladimir fled for a while “over the sea” - as historians suggest, to Scandinavia or the Baltic states, but soon returned with mercenaries and began a war against Yaropolk. As a result of an agreement with one of his brother’s servants, Vladimir killed Yaropolk and won the right to reign in Kyiv. As chroniclers note, at that time the pagan Vladimir was distinguished by cruelty, rancor and depravity. Only officially at that time he had five wives. In addition, according to the chronicles, Vladimir had hundreds of concubines, including from the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. The prince was a convinced pagan. Soon after ascending the Kiev throne, he built a pantheon of idols on a hill near his palace, that is, he placed statues of pagan gods - Perun, Khors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simargl and Mokosha. In 983, during the reign of Vladimir, the Christian Varangians were killed in Kyiv - Theodore and his son John, who became the first martyrs for the faith on Russian soil. At the same time, Vladimir proved himself to be a wise statesman ruler. In particular, he made several successful military campaigns to the west and east, subjugated the Radimichi and Vyatichi tribes, and annexed the “Cherven cities”, that is, Volyn, to Rus'.
In an attempt to strengthen unified power on the territory of the entire ancient Russian state, the prince tried to introduce a single cult of the god Perun. But Vladimir’s pagan reform was unsuccessful, since each of the tribes had their own gods, including the main deity. Apparently, this failure, as well as the example of the Christians living next to him, increasingly forced the Kyiv prince to think about the need for changes in his life and in the life of the entire country. And in the end he decided to take a serious step. Even as a child, Vladimir became acquainted with Christianity, as his grandmother, Princess Olga, was baptized herself and spread the new faith at her court. But your own conscious choice in favor Christ's faith the prince did in 988, when he was baptized. The fact that Vladimir’s choice was not just a formality (as was the case with many of his contemporaries), but seriously affected his inner, spiritual life is evidenced by the deeds that the prince accomplished when he became a Christian. Chroniclers note that after baptism, Vladimir changed dramatically and quickly. It is difficult to say what kind of feelings he experienced and what thoughts prompted him to baptism - looking into a person’s soul is always difficult. But from the outside, what happened looked like a miracle. The prince dissolved his large harem and began to live in a full-fledged Christian marriage with his wife, Princess Anna. He built a church Holy Mother of God(also called Tithe) at the site of the murder of the Varangian Christians Theodore and John. We can say that the prince committed a public act of repentance for his past - a very serious act that few rulers dared to undertake. In general, Vladimir’s attitude towards death has changed radically. Previously, the prince could kill his enemy without hesitation - but now, having become a Christian, he was afraid to execute even criminals. Vladimir began to actively do works of mercy. So, he ordered every poor and sick person to come to the princely court for food, drink or money. Having learned that many could not reach the palace on their own, the prince ordered special carts with food and drink to be equipped, which traveled around the city, feeding those in need. After his baptism, Prince Vladimir decided to convert his entire people to the new faith. This affected many aspects of the lives of his subjects. First of all, Christianity changed the moral guidelines of the Slavs. Instead of the rudeness and cruelty of paganism, it taught people love, mercy, and sacrifice. Also, the new faith allowed Rus' to change in terms of culture and education, because with Christianity writing, literature, art and much more came to the Slavs. In 989 Vladimir began mass baptism Russov. By his order, the pagan temple on the hill in front of the palace was destroyed. The idols were chopped up, burned, and the main one - the idol of the god Perun - was thrown into the Dnieper. The baptism of Kyiv residents took place in the waters of the Pochayna River, a tributary of the Dnieper. The sacrament was performed by the priests whom Vladimir brought with him from the city of Korsun, as well as those who arrived in Rus' in the retinue of his new wife, the Byzantine princess Anna. However, the Christianization of Rus' did not happen overnight; it took several centuries. Initially, the new faith spread in the Dnieper region and a number of princely cities. Even there, representatives of the nobility accepted Christianity more actively, but among the common people it took hold more slowly. In some parts of the principality, such as in the Novgorod land, there were even conflicts between government officials - Christians and the spiritual leaders of the pagans. In North-Eastern Rus', Christianity probably appeared only in the 11th century. Under Vladimir, the Kiev Metropolis was formed in Rus', which became part of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The first Metropolitan of Kyiv was Michael (988–991), presumably from Syria. In terms of government, Prince Vladimir, even after his baptism, continued the policy of centralizing power around Kyiv. At the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century. he waged a long struggle with the main enemies of Rus': the Pechenegs - steppe nomads. To repel their invasions, he built a “notch line” along the southern borders of Rus' - fortified cities, which together formed a kind of border outposts, connected to each other by a powerful earthen rampart. He also made a number of trips to the west and concluded peace treaties with neighboring states - Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. To strengthen power within the state, the prince placed in major cities their sons: in Novgorod - Vysheslav, in Polotsk - Izyaslav, in Rostov - Yaroslav, and so on. The prince also sought to educate his subjects and monitored the development of education. By his order from best families children were taken and sent to learn to read and write. Thus, over a couple of decades, a completely new generation of educated people has grown up in Rus'. The enlightener and baptist of the Russian land died on July 15, 1015 in the village of Berestov not far from Kyiv. Unfortunately, soon after his death, internecine wars broke out in Rus' between his sons. The popular veneration of Prince Vladimir as a saint began already in the 11th century. People called him Vladimir the Holy, Vladimir the Baptist, and affectionately Vladimir the Red Sun. However, he was officially canonized later; the first reliable information about this dates back only to the 14th century. For his labors aimed at enlightening the pagan Slavic tribes with the light of the Christian faith, the prince was glorified in the rank of Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint.
July 28, 2017, what Orthodox holiday is today: Holy Martyrs Kirik and Iulitta (c. 305). The holy martyrs Kirik and Julitta lived in Asia Minor in the city of Iconium, Lycaon region. Saint Julitta came from a noble family and was a Christian. Widowed at an early age, she raised her three-year-old son Kirik. During the persecution instituted against Christians by the emperor Diocletian (284-305), Saint Julitta with her son and two faithful slaves left the city, leaving her house, property and slaves. Under the guise of a beggar, she first hid in Seleucia, and then in Torso. There, around 305, she was recognized, detained and presented to the court of the ruler Alexander. Strengthened by the Lord, the saint fearlessly answered the judge’s questions and firmly confessed her faith in Christ. The ruler ordered the saint to be beaten with sticks. During the torture, Saint Julitta repeated: “I am a Christian and will not sacrifice to demons.” Baby Kirik cried, looking at the torment of his mother, and rushed to her. Ruler Alexander tried to caress him, but the boy struggled and shouted: “Let me go to my mother, I am a Christian.” The ruler threw the child from the height of the platform onto the stone steps, the boy rolled down, hitting sharp corners, and died. The mother, seeing her tormented son, thanked God for honoring the baby with the crown of martyrdom. After many cruel tortures, Saint Julitta was beheaded with a sword. The relics of Saints Cyricus and Julitta were found during the reign of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine († 337, commemorated May 21). In honor of the holy martyrs, a monastery was built near Constantinople, and a temple was erected not far from Jerusalem. According to popular belief, Saints Cyricus and Julitta are prayed for family happiness and the recovery of sick children. What is today's Orthodox holiday in Russia? July 28, 2017 - Day of the Baptism of Rus'. The holiday in honor of one of the main milestones in the history of Rus' - the proclamation of Christianity as the state religion in 988 - was established not so long ago. On June 1, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved amendments to the federal law“On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia.” The Day of the Baptism of Rus' appeared on the list of official memorable dates. With a proposal to give this historical event State status was granted to the Russian Orthodox Church. And as it sounds in the Federal Law, the approval of this holiday at the state level is “legal consolidation as a memorable date of an important historical event that had a significant impact on the social, spiritual and cultural development peoples of Russia and to strengthen Russian statehood.” July 28 was chosen for the holiday - on this day the memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, also known as Vladimir the Red Sun, is celebrated. Historically, the Baptism of Rus' was due to a number of reasons. First, the unification of the lands required the abandonment of tribal gods and the introduction of a monotheistic religion according to the principle of “one state, one prince, one God.” Secondly, the entire European world had adopted Christianity by that time. And thirdly, joining Christian culture gave the country a strong incentive for development. Vladimir contributed to the spread of Christianity in Rus', built new cities and erected churches in them. Following Kiev, other cities adopted Orthodoxy. However, the Baptism of Rus' actually dragged on for several centuries - until Christianity finally defeated pagan beliefs. Today this holiday is becoming more and more famous in our country. On this day, mass cultural and charitable, theological and educational events take place. Their main goal is to strengthen public consciousness ideas about the baptism of Rus' as a special historical date in the life of the Slavic peoples.

Every year on July 28, several memorable dates related to Russian Orthodoxy and the history of Christianity are celebrated. We want to tell you about the traditions of this day and the events that marked this date in church calendar. One of last days July - very important date for all Orthodox people.

List of church holidays on July 28

Traditionally, most believers associate this day with the most important event, which rotated the history vector – on the day of the Epiphany of Rus'. It is impossible not to appreciate the influence of this date on the development Orthodox world and the Russian state.

For the first time, the holiday became a state memorial only in 2010, although solemn celebrations have been held in Russia since 1888.

On July 28, they honor the memory of the man who brought Orthodoxy to Russian lands. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir He was not the first ruler to be baptized (his grandmother, Olga, did this), but it was with his initiative that the widespread Christianization of Russian tribes and principalities began.

On this day there is another date on the church calendar, familiar to true believers. Traditionally today, honor is given to Holy Martyrs Kirik and Julitta. They suffered from the persecutors of Christianity, and died in terrible torment. Despite this, the mother and her son did not renounce Christianity until their death, for which they were canonized.

As we mentioned earlier, Vladimir's grandmother was Princess Olga, the first Russian ruler to accept Orthodox faith, abandoning paganism. This woman went down in history thanks to her unbending character. She ruled Russia with a strong hand, in no way inferior to her husbands. Since childhood, we have known about Olga’s campaign against the Drevlyans. She took revenge on the Drevlyans for the treacherous murder of her husband Igor. She returned to Kyiv not alone, but with captives (the children of the Drevlyan prince Mal). Mal's daughter, Malusha, was Olga's housekeeper, and together with her ruler she accepted Christianity.

Svyatoslav Igorevich, Olga’s son, wanted to make Malusha his wife. Olga protested against such a marriage, because the captive and daughter of the enemy was no match for the young prince. Svyatoslav disobeyed his mother’s will and took Malusha as his wife. For this, Olga sent the girl to the native lands of the Drevlyans. It was there that the future was born Grand Duke. Vladimir, even by name, was destined in the future to become the great ruler of a special world.

He had to overcome big way, before he became the great baptist of Rus'. Initially he reigned in Novgorod. After the death of Svyatoslav, civil strife began between his children. While Yaropolk and Oleg were fighting for the Kiev throne, Vladimir acted smarter. He went to the homeland of his grandfather, Igor, to the Varangian lands. According to legend, he gathered an army there, and then moved to Novgorod, where Yaropolk’s protege reigned. First, Vladimir the Red Sun captured his native principality, then Polotsk. The Kiev throne submitted to the Grand Duke in 978, and a memorable era began in the history of the Russian world.

It is noteworthy that Vladimir initially began his path with the worship of the pagan heresy. Chroniclers testify that the prince was overcome by fornication and sins. Vladimir reformed the pagan faith in opposition to the actions of his brother, Yaropolk, who sympathized with Catholicism and wanted to bring it to Russian land. Pagan polytheism was not to the advantage of Vladimir, who sought to unite all the principalities into a single state, subjugated to a single ruler. Envoys of many faiths came to Vladimir, but he chose only true Orthodoxy as the path for Rus'.

The Baptism of Rus' and the spread of Christianity

Vladimir was a prince whose deeds earned respect and respect from the people. He cared about the prosperity of Rus', the security of his lands, and at the same time did everything to ensure that the Russian world developed both culturally and spiritually.

Vladimir saw great prospects in Christianity according to the Greek rite, while he sent back the envoys of the Pope.

The Baptism of Rus' also had external (political) circumstances. The Byzantine emperors Vasily and Constantine turned to the prince with a plea for help. Rebel commanders did not give Constantinople peace, laying claim to the great throne. For many years and generations, Byzantine rulers used Christianization tactics with enemy states. To win their enemies over to their side, they called them to Christianity. The first attempts at this were made back in the ninth century, i.e. a hundred years before the reign of Vladimir. It so happened that this alliance was beneficial both on the part of the Byzantines and on the part of the Russian prince.

But Vladimir had his own conditions: he agreed to help his brother-emperors in exchange for a marriage with their sister. In order to marry Anna before God, Vladimir was baptized and sent his troops to help the Greeks. But Konstantin and Vasily deceived him. They didn't want to give up their sister. Then Vladimir was forced to capture the Greek port on the Black Sea (Korsun), which caused terrible damage to the economy and trade of the empire, already exhausted by the war. Only after this did the emperors yield to the Grand Duke and release their sister. Besides his wife and new faith, Vladimir in 988 acquired the royal title and symbols of imperial power: royal crown and a scepter crowned with a cross.

The Grand Duke and his newly-made wife moved from Crimea to Kyiv, and their procession was accompanied by a religious procession and prayer services. Having reached the princely city, Vladimir announced to all the people of Kiev: whoever does not come to the Dnieper in the morning for Baptism will be his enemy. No one dared to contradict the prince.

So one of the days at the end of July became a turning point for Rus', signifying the spiritual birth of a new people. Pagan beliefs did not disappear from Russian soil at one moment, but the vector of history turned in a completely different direction (towards the path of the spiritual victory of Christianity).

Almost seven centuries before Vladimir brought Christianity to Russian soil, Iulitta and her son Kirik gave their lives for the faith. The saint lived in Lycaonia. She was a widow with a young son. According to legend, she came from a noble family who accepted Christian faith. But the 3rd and 4th centuries were difficult for the Christians of Asia Minor. They were persecuted and killed for their faith.

Having become a widow at an early age, Iulitta refused to marry a second time. Her goal was to raise her son Kirik in piety. If it weren't for the persecution, she would have lived as she planned. It was unthinkable for Julitta to renounce her faith in Christ, so she fled from her native place with the baby, pretending to be a beggar.

At that time, Emperor Diocletian's envoy Alexander instilled fear and trepidation in the inhabitants of Asia Minor, persecuting Christians and killing them with painful torture. This dishonest man overtook Julitta in Tarsus, ordering the guards to bring the woman for trial and interrogation. The first question Alexander asked the saint about her title, to which she simply answered: that she was a Christian. She had no fear. With God's help, she withstood the beating with sticks. During the torture, Iulitta did not give up her faith, which angered the ruler even more.

Alexander tried to win over the infant Kirik to the side of the demonic faith. But the boy, seeing how his mother was being tortured, and she steadfastly withstood all the torture, hit the tyrant. He tried to run away to his mother, shouting that he was a Christian like her. But Alexander caught him and in anger smashed the child’s head on the marble steps of his platform.

Even the death of the baby did not shake Iulitta’s faith. She offered a prayer to God that He would give her son the crown of martyrdom. The saint was sure that all the suffering to which Alexander doomed her were only obstacles on the path to finding the Kingdom of Heaven and reuniting with her son. After much torture, Saint Julitta was beheaded, and the last word hers was “Amen.”

According to tradition, on the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Kirik and Iulitta, prayers are offered for family happiness and piety. Parents whose children suffer from serious illnesses turn to the icons and relics of these saints, praying for recovery.

Traditions on July 28

On the day of the Baptism of Rus' it was accepted Orthodox people commit procession to the nearest body of water long before the official state celebrations of this date. With this they repeated the morning of the baptism of the Kievites, glorifying the Holy Trinity.

As on other days of great holidays, today is celebrated Divine Liturgy to the glory of the Baptism of Rus' and Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint Vladimir. Believers rush to churches and temples to serve a prayer service. Celebrations are held in church courtyards. Their goal is educational, because in difficult times everyone more people come to Orthodoxy, but want to learn about the traditions and history of our faith.

State events are also held on this day. cultural events. Thus, the day of the Baptism of Rus' is a key holiday in the Orthodox world.

* Martyrs Cyricus and Julitta, his mother (c. 305). *** Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, in holy baptism Basil, Baptist of Rus' (1015). Blessed Prince Vladimir and Princess Agrippina, Rzhevsky (XVI)
Martyr Avudim (c. 284-305); Lolliana. Blessed King Justinian II (695). Venerable Matrona of Chios (finding of the head). Hieromartyr Peter the Deacon (1938).

Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, named Vasily in holy baptism

Prince Vladimir was a rude pagan before being baptized. But, leading a dissolute, unconscious life, in 988 the prince accepted holy baptism from the Byzantine clergy. Before this event, for several years, he analyzed and became more familiar with world concessions. But Islam, Judaism, and Roman-style Christianity left the heart of the pagan ruler cold. Only worship and the commitment to personal transformation preached in Orthodoxy prompted Vladimir to repent and become a Christian. At baptism, Vladimir was named Vasily. Many of his friends and comrades in military and political service were baptized along with the Grand Duke. The example of the prince prompted a significant part of the citizens of Kyiv to accept Christianity. Baptism was accompanied by the establishment church hierarchy. Rus' became one of the metropolises (Kyiv) of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The diocese was also created in Novgorod, and according to some sources - in Belgorod of Kiev (not to be confused with modern Belgorod), Pereyaslavl and Chernigov. The first reliable information about the official veneration of Vladimir as a holy equal-to-the-apostle dates back to the 2nd half of the 13th century, since the Prologue with an insertion from the prologue life of St. Vladimir dates back to this period of time. In 1635, Metropolitan of Kiev Peter Mogila found the relics of Vladimir from the ruins Tithe Church, which marks the beginning of the veneration of his remains.

Martyrs Kirik and Julitta

The martyrs Kirik and Julitta suffered at the beginning of the 4th century. To hide from the persecutors, Julitta and her three-year-old son Cyricus went from Iconium, where she lived, to Tara. But soon the ruler Alexander arrived here to persecute Christians. Iulitta was brought to him for trial. She fearlessly confessed herself to be a Christian, and they began to beat her severely.
Then Kirik, seeing his mother’s torment, began to cry. Alexander took Kirik in his arms and began to calm him down with gentle words. But the boy did not stop crying and yearning for his mother, and at the same time also called himself a Christian. Then the ruler angrily threw him to the floor and killed him. Julitta, seeing the death of her son, thanked God that her son was worthy to suffer for Christ. Alexander ordered her to be hanged, his body was whittled with a sharp iron and boiling resin was poured on the wounds, and finally he killed her with a sword and threw her body to be devoured by dogs. Iulitta's maids buried the body of the martyr. Under Emperor Constantine, it was found incorrupt and was placed in the St. Sophia Church.

We present the holidays on July 28 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, festive events and memorable dates of the twenty-eighth July day of the second summer month of the year. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on July 28, what they are associated with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this day of summer.

Also, at the end of the page you can learn (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of the month of July, customs, traditions, folk signs And so on. But first, find out what a holiday is and its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone, having a sacred mythical, non-everyday meaning and directly related to the cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other, similar meanings, such as:

A holiday is the opposite of weekdays - it is an official day of rest established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun way to spend free time, entertaining events (massive), the day of some personal or public joyful event;

General state of elation (high spirits), (occurs in phrases: “celebration of life”, etc.).

Holidays July 28 - dates and events

Day of Ulita and Kirik

Memorial Day of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

PR Specialist Day

Christening Day of Rus'

World Hepatitis Day

Independence Day - Peru

Victory Day over Fascism - San Marino

Make-a-Wish Day

Peace Bottle Day

Going out into the field to see Ulita is a bad sign

You cannot press on Julitta - a sign that you will see a bad omen

Church holidays July 28 (Orthodox) - Julitta and Kirik Day

According to the popular calendar, it was midsummer. True, it usually rained on Kirikov day, July 28th. On this day, women honor Mother Julitta, their intercessor and protector.

They said that if sunny weather sets in on July 28, this is real happiness and good luck, because right now Sun rays are the most useful because they give strength and health.

However, even the warm weather on July 28 does not stop the approach of autumn, which is very noticeable and even noticeable if you pay attention to the nature around. For example, the leaves of the linden tree begin to turn yellow, and more and more mushrooms appear in the forest, especially boletuses and porcini mushrooms.

In the Orthodox Church, on July 28, the memory of Kirik and Iulitta (Ulitta) is celebrated. It was they who suffered for their faith during the persecution organized against Christians by Emperor Diocletian in the 3rd-4th centuries. According to the description of Julitta's life, she was a young widow and could boast of noble origin.

Kirik is her son, who is just like his mother. Became a follower Christian teaching. During the persecution, Julitta, together with Kirik, fled from the city, leaving all her property. She began to live as a wanderer. But one day she was recognized on the street and brought to trial.

There Julitta confirmed that she had become a follower of Christ. Her son was taken away from her and she was subjected to a lot of torture. Kirik, observing his mother’s suffering, said that he was also a follower of Christ, after which he was also tortured and finally beheaded.

One of Iulita's slaves found the bodies of the martyrs and buried them. By the way, it is known that the Old Believers consider Ulita and Kirik their patrons.

The day of July 28 was also associated with the personality of Prince Vladimir, who in a number of sources is called nothing less than Vladimir the Red Sun. And if you consider that, according to popular beliefs, on July 28 the sun shines especially brightly, then it is not surprising that right now, on July 28, they remember the prince and the baptism of Rus'.

The women celebrated Mother Julitta's day, and they were supposed to have a good rest. It was not worth going out into the field at all on July 28, because they believed that evil spirits were walking around there.

They said that the harvest on this day was not good. Although there is a more logical explanation - the fact is that it usually rained quite heavily on Ulita and Kirik, and therefore, according to signs, there was simply nothing to do in the field. We tried to spend the day usefully. Children were taught to do housework and so on.

Holidays July 28- Day of the Baptism of Rus'

In 988, Kievan Rus was baptized and proclaimed Christianity as its religion at the national level. This happened during the reign of Prince Vladimir (Krasno Solnyshko), the grandson of Princess Olga.

Kyiv became the first Orthodox city; residents of other Russian cities gradually began to convert to the faith. The process of baptism of Rus' dragged on for several centuries, because Not all Russians easily renounced their former faith.

It took several centuries for the complete eradication of paganism and the widespread spread of Christianity.

In 2010, at the insistence of the Russian Orthodox Church, this historical event was given state status. From now on, every year, on July 28, Russia officially celebrates the Day of the Baptism of Rus', which is honored by all Orthodox Russian people.

The date of celebration fell on July 28, because... It was on this day, according to the chronicle, that Prince Vladimir was baptized in Chersonesos.

Nationwide baptism allowed Rus' to transform from scattered tribes and small principalities into a powerful monolithic state, united by a single faith and goal.

Having adopted Christianity, Russia joined the pan-European culture, acquired writing, and received an incentive for civilized development.

July holidays - events, dates, celebrations...

World Architecture Day.

Rwandan Independence Day.

Canada Day is the main public holiday established in honor of the unification of all North American colonies of Britain into a single Dominion of Canada ( former name holiday - Dominion Day) on the basis of the British North America Act, which came into force on July 1, 1867.

Ghana Republic Day.

Territory Day (English Virgin Islands).

Suriname Freedom Day.

Communist Party Day in China.

Day of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God (Orthodox world).

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet of the CIS countries.

Independence Day in Burundi.

Family Day in Lesotho.

Union Day in Somalia.

Navy Day in Turkey.

Architect's Day in Ukraine.

Naga Panchami - day of the Great Serpent (July-August).

UFO Day. All over the world, July 2 is celebrated as UFO Day or UFO Day. This holiday is dedicated to those who study phenomena that have no logical explanation, and objects that are attributed to extraterrestrial origin.

The term “ufology” comes from the abbreviation UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), similar to the Russian UFO - “unidentified flying object”.

Italian holiday Palio.

International Day of Cooperation.

International Day of Sports Journalists.

King's Day in Norway.

State Day of Salvador, Brazil.

Curacao Flag Day.

Emancipation Day (Virgin Islands).

Independence Day of Belarus (Republic Day) - main holiday Belarusian statehood, celebrated annually on July 3. Also on July 3, 1944, the capital of Belarus, Minsk, was liberated from the Nazi invaders.

Day of formation of the Altai Republic.

Day of workers of the sea and river fleet.

Independence Day in the USA is considered the birthday of the United States as a free and independent country. Most Americans call this holiday simply by its date - the Fourth of July.

Freedom Fighter Day in Yugoslavia.

Garibaldi Day (Italy).

Birthday of Queen Sonja (Norway).

Naval Aviation Day in Russia.

The rotation of Maitreya (Maidari Khural). The holiday is dedicated to the coming to earth of Maitreya - the Buddha of the Coming World Period. This is the name in Buddhism for the period of time that will come after the end of the period of “rule of our world by Buddha Shakyamuni.”

Algerian Independence Day.

Venezuela Independence Day.

Day of Cyril and Methodius (Czech Republic, Slovakia).

Children's Day in Argentina.

Constitution Day in Armenia.

World Kiss Day. Today, everyone can “exchange their souls” with full rights - July 6 is celebrated as World Kiss Day or World/International Kissing Day, which was first invented in the UK. And two decades ago it was approved by the United Nations.

In many cities on this day various kissing competitions are held, the participants of which have a chance to win various prizes and gifts.

Independence Day in Malawi.

Family Day in Lesotho.

Day of the burning of Jan Hus in the Czech Republic.

Statehood Day in Lithuania.

Holiday Vladimir icon Mother of God, main miraculous icon Russia. (Russian Orthodox Church).

Eino Leino Day (Summer and Poetry Day) (Finland).

Ivan Kupala. (Midsummer Night, Midsummer Day) is one of the main holidays of the calendar of the Slavic peoples, coinciding with the Nativity of John the Baptist.

Kupala rituals, performed on the eve of the holiday (“the night before Ivan Kupala”), constitute a complex ritual complex, including: collecting herbs and flowers, weaving wreaths, decorating buildings with greenery, lighting fires, destroying scarecrows, jumping over a fire or over bouquets of greenery, dousing water, fortune telling, tracking down the witch, night riots.

Independence Day of the Solomon Islands.

Cayman Islands Constitution Day.

Day Agriculture in Tanzania.

Birthday of the King of Nepal.

TANABATA MATSURI or Star Festival in Japan.

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Every year on July 8, our country celebrates the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is symbolic that it was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family.

Unity Day in Zambia.

National Aboriginal Week in Australia.

Festival of the province of Isabel in the Solomon Islands.

Independence Day in Argentina. On July 9, 1816, the Declaration of Independence of the United Provinces of the Silver River (Argentina) was adopted. This date is considered the date of birth of the Republic of Argentina, and the country celebrates an official holiday - Independence Day.

Day of the Victims in Panama.

Day of Hassan II in Morocco.

Fisherman's Day in Russia.

Independence Day in the Bahamas.

Army Day in Mauritania.

Day of military glory in Russia. Day of Military Glory of Russia - Day of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709).

World Population Day. According to the United Nations, on July 11, 1987, the world's population was approximately 5 billion people - this day was conventionally called Five Billion Day. Two years later, in 1989, the UN established an international holiday - World Population Day, which is celebrated annually on July 11.

People's Revolution Day in Mongolia.

Festival of Saint Rosalia in Palermo (Italy).

Festival of Matralia (in Ancient Rome- Women's Day).

World Chocolate Day.

Aboriginal Day in Australia.

Orange Day in Northern Ireland.

Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul (Orthodox world).

Vardavar is the holiday of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ in Armenia.

World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day.

Russian Post Day.

Feast of the glorious and all-validated supreme apostles Peter and Paul.

Day of Tax Authorities of Belarus.

Day of Saint Veronica - patroness of photography (Photographer's Day).

Bon Matsuri (Japanese festival).

Nathan Forrest Day (Tennessee, USA).

Night of Power and Predestination - Laylatul-qadr. In the Holy month of Ramadan there is the night of Laylat al-Qadr - the Night of Power and Predestination - the most significant night. The first suras of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad on this very night.

Authorities Day national security Kazakhstan.

Statehood Day of Montenegro.

Feast of the Nineteenth Day of the month of Kalimath. July 13th to Gregorian calendar The month of Kalimath begins, which translated into Russian means “Words”. On this day the Baha'is celebrate important holiday- holiday of the Nineteenth Day of the month Kalimat.

The Baha'i faith has its own special calendar. The Baha'i calendar is solar - the year consists of nineteen months of nineteen days. The days from February 26 to March 1 are called “insertion days.” The years are counted from the moment the Báb declared His mission in 1844.

The New Year begins with the vernal equinox (March 21). The nineteenth month, from March 2 to March 20 inclusive, is the month of fasting. Each month is assigned the name of the attributes of God, for example: “Greatness”, “Perfection”, “Will”, “Knowledge”, “Honour” and others. The Baha'i day begins and ends with sunset.

Bastille Day in France.

Revolution Day in Iraq.

Bullfight at sea.

Ceremony of washing the relics of the kings of Buyna. Every year on July 14, Mahajanga becomes crowded with crowds of people flocking here to take part in the ceremony of washing the relics of the Buina kings.

Day of the Battle of Zalgiris ( Battle of Grunwald). On July 15, 1410, near the village of Grunwald (in Lithuanian - Zalgiris) in East Prussia, a united Polish-Lithuanian army defeated the knights of the Teutonic Order.

Sultan's Day in Brunei.

President's Day in Botswana.

Gion Matsuri, Kyoto.

Victory Day at the FIFA World Cup (Uruguay).

Day of the Virgin Mary in Ireland and Italy.

Metallurgist Day in the CIS.

Independence Day in Ukraine. (Proclamation of Sovereignty).

Gion Matsuri, Kyoto.

Accountant Day of Ukraine - The law determines legal basis regulation, organization, management accounting and compilation financial statements in Ukraine.

The holiday of breaking the fast is Uraza Bayram (Eid ul-Fitr, Ramadan Bayram). After finishing holy month Ramadan begins one of the two major holidays of Islam, called the holiday of breaking the fast Eid ul-Fitr (Turkic: Eid al-Fitr, Ramadan Bayram).

For every believer, a holiday is participation in the common joy of fellow believers and a good opportunity to replenish spiritual experience.

The holiday of breaking the fast for a Muslim is, first of all, farewell to the blessed days of the month of Ramadan, when every Muslim was given a good opportunity to grow spiritually, pacify passions through fasting, a greater desire for piety, and helping those in need.

On Eid al-Adha, Muslims are instructed to indulge in the holiday spirit by eating and drinking, but they are not allowed to fast on this blessed day.

Constitution Day in South Korea.

Independence Day in Slovakia.

Republic Day of Iraq.

Democracy Day in Finland.

King's Day in Lesotho.

Riviera Day in Puerto Rico.

Buddhist holiday Perahera.

Gion Matsuri, Kyoto.

Day of creation of state fire supervision bodies in Russia.

International Nelson Mandela Day.

Ratha Yatra in India. Ratha Yatra (literally “chariot parade”) - annual religious holiday carrying God Jagannath, one of the forms of Krishna-Vishnu, out of the temple on a giant chariot. The holiday is celebrated in the month of Ashadha (June-July).

Constitution Day of Uruguay.

Metallurgist Day. Every year on the third Sunday of July, people of a courageous profession - metallurgists - celebrate their holiday. Metallurgist Day was established on September 28, 1957 by decree of the Presidium Supreme Council THE USSR. Thus, the Soviet government noted the important contribution of domestic metallurgy to the restoration of the country's economy after the devastating war.

Legal Service Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Children's Day in Panama.

Independence Day in Laos.

Day of Martyrs in Myanmar.

Sea Day in Japan.

Independence Day in Colombia.

International Chess Day.

Raksha Bandhan is a popular festival in India.

International Cake Day. On July 20, an interesting and still young holiday is celebrated - International Cake Day, dedicated to friendship and peace between people, countries, and peoples. It is held under the motto “I CAKE YOU”, which means “I will come to you with a cake”, which, in general, is logical - how, if not with cake and tea, can we celebrate peace and friendship?

Zazhinki. Zazhinki (Zazhynki) is one of the oldest agricultural holidays. According to some sources, it was celebrated on July 21, the day of Procopius the Harvester (Prokop the Reaper). It was believed that “The summer trench is the reaper and the reaper, the harvest begins.” According to others - July 29, the day of remembrance of the Holy Martyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Pidakhvia.

Honoring Heaven in China.

Freedom Day (Guam).

King's oath day in Belgium.

Community Day (Swaziland).

National Press Day of Azerbaijan.

Revolution Day in Egypt.

Parents' Day in the USA.

Day of Trade Workers in Russia.

Soma no Maoi Festival, Fukushima Prefecture (Japan).

National Hot Dog Day in the USA. Every year on July 23, the United States celebrates National Hot Dog Day, a holiday dedicated to the traditional American dish. A sausage placed in an elongated bun cut at one end and topped with ketchup or mustard is today considered a classic of American cuisine.

Children's Day in Vanuatu.

Fiji Constitution Day.

Soma no Maoi Festival, Fukushima Prefecture (Japan).

Cadastral Engineer Day in Russia. Every year on July 24, since 2008, our country has its own professional holiday, Cadastral Engineer Day, celebrated by all performers of cadastral work.

Day of Simon Bolivar - Liberator of Ecuador.

Day of Trade Workers in Russia. On the fourth Saturday of July, Trade Worker's Day is celebrated in Russia.

Puerto Rican Constitution Day.

Republic Day in Tunisia.

Galicia Day (Spain).

Soma no Maoi Festival, Fukushima Prefecture (Japan).

Tenjin Matsuri, Osaka (Japan).

Parachutist's Day.

Esperanto day. Every year on July 26, fans of the world's first artificial language celebrate Esperanto Day. This iconic system was created by ophthalmologist Ludwig Zamenhof. He was born in Bialystok - now this city is located in Poland, and in the 19th century it was part of Russian Empire. Zamenhof's neighbors were Russians, Belarusians, Poles, Jews, Germans, and Lithuanians.

National Uprising Day in Cuba.

Independence Day in Liberia.

Independence Day in the Maldives.

Day of the Seven Youths of Ephesus (Day of Dormouse). The tradition of celebrating Dormouse Day (Finnish: Unikeonpäivä), which is celebrated in Finland annually on July 27, came to the country in the Middle Ages along with the legend of seven Christians who slept for almost 200 years in a cave, fleeing the wrath of the Roman emperor.

Independence Day in Belarus.

Day of Remembrance for Vietnam Victims.

Day of the baptism of Kievan Rus-Ukraine.

Day of the Baptism of Rus'.

Independence Day in Peru.

Victory Day over Fascism (San Marino).

PR Specialist Day in Russia.

International Tiger Day.

Day of glorification of St. Olaf, King of Norway.

St. Olaf's Day in the Faroe Islands.

International Day of Friendship. International Day of Friendship is one of the youngest holidays in the calendar. The decision to hold it was made by the UN General Assembly on April 27, 2011 at its 65th session.

Ideological basis for new date became the Declaration and Program of Action for a Culture of Peace and the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Interest of the Whole Planet.

Vanuatu Independence Day.

Day of Trade Workers in Ukraine.

African Woman's Day.

The day the revolution began in the Congo.

System Administrator Day. Every year, on the last Friday of July, administrators of corporate and home networks, databases, mail systems, software systems and other “soldiers of the invisible front” celebrate their professional holiday - System Administrator Day.

Hawaiian Flag Day.

Holidays July 28, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020... - church and state, significant dates and memorable events, signs...

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Holidays July 28, 2017 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2018 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2019 - church, events, dates, what day

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Holidays July 28, 2024 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2025 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2026 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2027 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2028 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2029 - church holidays, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2030 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2031 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2032 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2033 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2034 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2035 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2036 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2037 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2038 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2039 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2040 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2041 - church, events, dates, what day

Holidays July 28, 2042 - church, events, dates, what day

Time and time again, Russians en masse are interested in the history of their country in terms of the various holidays that have accumulated a large number of. For this reason, it is often simply not possible to track them all.

In this regard, today is an important day for the history of our country. The fact is that July 28th falls next holiday: Day of the Baptism of Rus'. In turn, the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. In the folk calendar, the day is designated as follows: Kirik and Ulita.

Historians date the Baptism of Rus' to 988 - the time of the reign of Prince Vladimir (Red Sun) in Kyiv. Kyiv at that time was the actual capital ancient Rus', which in Soviet history textbooks was called Kievan Rus. In the famous chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years,” Kyiv is called “the mother of Russian cities.”

The day of the baptism of Rus' became official holiday in 2010, but conversations about this began back in 2008, when the 1020th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' was celebrated. The Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which met that year, turned to the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with a proposal to make Prince Vladimir’s memorial day a public holiday in honor of the baptism of Rus'.

The letter noted that the baptism of Rus' was the most important event in the history of the Slavic peoples living in the territory of present-day Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The idea turned out to be timely, the corresponding document was approved by the Russian parliament, and on May 31, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev signed a law establishing May 28 as a memorable date - the Day of the Baptism of Rus'.

The Baptism of Rus' is, according to historians, the proclamation of Christianity as the state religion. The Baptist of Rus' - Prince Vladimir (Vladimir the Red Sun), who ruled in Kyiv, was the grandson of Grand Duchess Olga, who also converted to Christianity in Constantinople.

The Tale of Bygone Years contains a description of the “process” of Vladimir’s choice of religion for his subjects. According to legend, Vladimir was guided by the most progressive Abrahamic religions at that time, which implied monotheism instead of idolatry.

Vladimir abandoned Islam, since this faith prohibits the consumption of alcohol, and, as they say, “the joy of Rus' is drinking.” According to legend, Vladimir also abandoned Judaism, eventually settling on Christianity, and its Greek-Byzantine version, which amazed him with the splendor of the service.

The Baptism of Rus' is an event that is important not only for Orthodox Christians and believers in general - it is a holiday for all Russians. It was baptism that determined the historical path of development of Russia and its closest neighbors - Ukraine and Belarus, becoming a powerful locomotive that brought these countries into the ranks of European nations, but with their own national characteristics.

Therefore, on this day there are not only church, but also social events, mainly devoted to history and religious studies, the purpose of which is to convey to citizens the importance of the baptism of Rus' for all Slavic peoples.

What church holiday is today, 07/28/2017: Memorial Day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir

July 28 Russian Orthodox Church remembers the Baptist of Rus' - the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. Since 2010, this holiday has reached the state level, like the Day Slavic writing and culture (in Orthodox calendar- Day of Remembrance of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius). By presidential decree, on the Day of Remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, a new Russian holiday was established - the Day of the Baptism of Rus', which is celebrated nationwide.

Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir - Baptist of Rus' - was born in 960, in 988 he introduced Kievan Rus Christianity as state religion, thus predetermining further spiritual development Russian people.

On June 1, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the Federal Law “On Amendments to Article 11 of the Federal Law? On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates in Russia?” In the list of memorable dates in Russia appeared new holiday- Day of the Baptism of Rus', which began to be celebrated on July 28, when the Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

The initiative to publicly celebrate this day was made back in 2004 by scientists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Patriarch Alexy II addressed the authorities of three states with a proposal to establish a new holiday.

When deciding on a new memorable date, the Federation Council emphasized: “The establishment of Christianity in Rus' contributed to the unity of the state, its prosperity, and also had big influence to preserve the integrity of Russia in difficult historical periods."

This day is dedicated to the memory of the saints of early Christianity - Iulitta (called Ulita in Rus') and Kirik. They lived at the turn of the 3rd-4th centuries. Iulitta is a young woman from a noble family who recently lost her husband, Kirik is her son.

Mother and son professed Christianity and, like many other persecuted people, she did not want to renounce the faith. Abandoning her house and everything she had acquired, she took Kirik, who was three years old, and two slaves, and so went to another city, where she began to lead the life of a poor wanderer.

But one day Iulitta was recognized and brought to the local ruler. At his trial, the woman admitted that she was a Christian. Then her son was taken away and the martyr was punished with lashes. Kirik shed tears, seeing what was being done to his mother, but did not ask for mercy, and, like her, confessed his true faith and asked to be allowed to see his mother.

Then the ruler threw Kirik from the stone platform. He ordered his mother to continue to be tortured, and then ordered her head to be cut off. During the reign of Constantine the Great, the discovery of the relics of the saints happened at the direction of one faithful slave, who, with other slaves, buried the bodies of the martyrs. Iulitta and Kirik are revered as patrons of the Old Believers.

Among the people, this day also marked a midsummer holiday, when the sun shone with full force, and perhaps that is why on this day they remembered Vladimir the Red Sun, known as the Baptist of Rus' and the ruler who worked tirelessly for the fortress of the state and the conquest of the souls of his subjects by Christianity.

Julitta was also considered the intercessor of women, who called her “Mother Julitta.” On this day, the female sex was supposed to rest, and there was even such a mystical pretext that on this day evil spirits were walking in the fields with might and main.

If you are brave enough to go to the harvest with a sickle, then you can see a “maniac”, that is, an evil omen, and it will certainly come true. True, for field work it's really not best time because of the rainy weather, as they used to say: “Kiriki are always wet.”

But the smallest peasants had no time for fun that day - they were taught to work around the house, so that they would grow up as reliable helpers for their relatives, be a support for them, and set Kirik as an example.



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