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  Solar science. Sun rays: exposure. Harmful sun rays

Sunny days always bring joy to people. They fill us with vital energy and saturate our body with vitamin D. The sun makes everything more beautiful and saturated. But its effect on the human body can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. If you spend a large amount of time in the sun, then this is fraught with the appearance of various serious diseases. Therefore, in this article I would like to talk about the benefits and harms of the sun, and ways to avoid the harmful effects of UV rays.

Health Benefits of the Sun

  • strengthens the immune system
  • vitamin D production
  • participates in calcium metabolism,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • stimulates the digestive system,
  • strengthens the bone skeleton,
  • protects against pregnancy complications,
  • treats skin diseases
  • stimulates the production of hormones,
  • energizes
  • uplifting
  • helps to cope with stress and depression,
  • calms the nervous system
  • improves sleep.

Normalizes blood pressure.   It is proved that under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, nitric oxide is released in the body. It accelerates metabolic processes, reduces blood pressure and prevents blood clots, and reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Saves the heart.According to scientists from the College of Medicine Albert Einstein (USA), regular sunbathing can extend the life by 26%. The fact is that at this time vitamin D appears in sufficient quantities, which prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

  Strengthens the protective functions of the body.   Thanks to ultraviolet and heat, we rarely get sick in the summer. But everything is good in moderation: if you overdo it with a tan and bask on the beach for a long time, your immunity will weaken. This is the reason why northerners in the resort are more prone to cold sores and herpes.

The sun's rays help fight bacteria. Therefore, in those who suffer from dermatitis and eczema, in the warm season, the condition improves, in adolescents the number of acne and pimples decreases. Fungal skin diseases disappear before the fall.

  Strengthens the skeletal system.Without exposure to ultraviolet radiation, calciferol is not formed. A deficiency of this substance leads to a serious violation of calcium metabolism, which cannot be restored by pharmaceutical preparations. In adults, osteoporosis develops in such conditions - bone fragility, which is dangerous by fractures, and in children rickets appear.

  Increases tone.Sunlight stimulates the production of hormones of happiness - endorphin and serotonin. The first improves mood, performance, concentration, increases energy. The second also makes you happy and protects against allergies.

Sunlight is available even in cloudy weather and cool days - some of the rays penetrate the thickness of the clouds. For the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is most useful to be on the street just in such weather. Take a walk daily, from dawn to 11 a.m., it invigorates and tones, and from 4 p.m. to dusk to relax.

The above positive effects of the sun on the human body, of course, are possible only in the case of competent exposure to sunlight.

Sun damage to humans

We understand that without the sun there would be no life on Earth and that ultraviolet triggers the production of vitamin D in the skin. But at the same time, radiation causes the formation of free radicals and cell mutation, can lead to photoaging of the skin, loss of elasticity, in the worst case, the development of a malignant tumor - melanomas. In other words, no matter how you care for your skin all year, the sun can do nothing. And if beauty and eternal youth excite not everyone, then nobody wants to risk their lives.

Sun damage

We are interested in long waves UVA and medium UVB. There are still short UVC waves, but they are lost in the atmosphere. So, the first ones are the ones that shine even in snowy March. They overcome all obstacles, including clouds, fog, glass, so 95 out of 100 of these rays reach the surface of the Earth. They penetrate deep into the skin and delight us with a tan, and in the wrong doses lead to photoaging of the skin.

The second, B-rays, are afraid of clouds and windows, but pose much more danger in clear weather. They cause sunburn and skin cancer. It is because of them that one must stay away from the sun from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., because it is during these hours that UVB rays are active.

The harm of sunscreens and products

The threat of solar radiation does not mean that we should cover our body with the first sunscreens that come with the maximum SPF factor and calmly sunbathe in the sun. On the contrary, many of these creams and lotions are no less dangerous. Made from unnatural chemicals, they block the skin’s natural protection from the sun and can also cause melanoma. It is even more dangerous to apply them to areas where there is already a sunburn. In addition, many rely too much on sunscreens and, having covered them with their entire body, feel free to rest for hours in the open.

We must not forget that any, even the best sunscreen, requires repeated application every two hours, and even this does not cancel the reasonable regime of being on the street. On the issue of protection from ultraviolet radiation, as in many ways in life, it is worth maintaining awareness and maintaining balance.

Skin protection from the sun

How to receive benefits from the sun without harm to health?

Sunbathing for 15 minutes a day is enough

Sunbathing for 15 minutes every day - this is enough for the body to produce the necessary dose of vitamin D. Of course, it is permissible to absorb direct rays only in the weak sun, that is, in the early morning or after 5-18 p.m. No protection is needed during sunbathing. . All the rest of the time you want to spend on the street, be in the shade or use the simplest physical protection: wear a wide hat, be sure to wear sunglasses and light breathing clothes (for example, from linen) that cover your body as much as possible.

Gradually accustom the skin to the sun

By research it was found that people who regularly visit the sun have more stable protection against ultraviolet radiation, are less likely to burn out and are less prone to the development of skin diseases. The point is that the body needs to be accustomed to sunbathing gradually, starting from a few minutes, to go out to the sun regularly, as a procedure, without applying any protective equipment, but still beware of the strong sun and avoid burns.

Another study found that children from a young age who walked under the “healthy” sun were less exposed to ultraviolet radiation in their adult years, because they had developed natural protective mechanisms for years.

Use natural tanning products

There are many natural products that are endowed with an SPF factor by nature. These include base and vegetable oils of cold pressing: hemp, olive, sesame, coconut, jojoba, avocado, macadamia, walnut, wheat germ oil and others.

Yes, they give very little protection (up to SPF-10), but then you will be calm that your skin product is natural and safe. In addition, vegetable oils will further moisturize and nourish your body. For more intensive protection, use carrot seed oil (SPF up to 40) or raspberry seed oil (SPF up to 50), which will hide from both types of dangerous rays.

Additionally, mineral powder can be used for everyday sun protection. Small particles of minerals in it will create a physical barrier and not let the rays pass to your skin. Of course, such a tool will give SPF no more than 15-30, but then it will perform two tasks at once: to resist ultraviolet and to matt. Check that the composition of the powder is natural, without synthetic dyes, parabens and preservatives, without talc and bismuth oxychloride. But in the mineral powder zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are welcomed - these are the components that protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Use natural remedies after tanning

The trick is that ultraviolet light continues to damage some skin cells for several hours after exposure to the sun, even if it is already dark. This process can be stopped by an antioxidant, so make it a rule, after sunbathing, to apply a product containing vitamin E to your body. These include almost all known vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, linseed, sesame, corn, burdock, almond, sprout oil wheat and so on.

There are sun protection products

And one more most natural and effective way to protect from the sun, of course, is proper nutrition. The diet should have a lot of antioxidant products (green tea, tomatoes, pomegranate, nuts, seeds, berries, herbs, citrus fruits and not only), but eaten today, they will give an effect only after a couple of weeks.

To supply the body with antioxidants, there are also special dietary supplements.

And yet, summer is a great time to give up smoking and alcohol, because they, among other things, undermine the skin's natural defenses.

The sun's rays, without a doubt, have a great impact on humans. They affect his mood and well-being. As mentioned above, without the sun there would be no life on Earth. But the damage from the sun can also be very significant. Therefore, it is always necessary to observe the measure in everything and include the awareness of their actions.

What if we collect all the visible radiation of the Sun into a laser-type laser beam of a meter in diameter and send it to the Earth?

Max Schaefer

Here is what Max described:

Caught in the path of the beam, you, of course, will quickly die. And not even “from something,” as is usually the case — you simply turn from a biological phenomenon into a physical one.

When a ray of light reaches the atmosphere, in a split second it will heat the air at the point of impact to millions of degrees [ 1 ] . ↲According to Fahrenheit, Celsius, Rankin or Kelvin - it does not matter at all.↳   This air will turn into a plasma and will dissipate heat in all directions in the form of x-rays. They will heat the surrounding air, turning it into a plasma, which will emit infrared light. It’s like a hydrogen bomb explosion, but much more intense.

This radiation will evaporate everything around, turn the nearest atmosphere into a plasma and begin to devour the surface of the Earth.

What if you find yourself on the other side of the planet? You still can not survive - in this scenario, the Earth is doomed. But from what exactly   you will die?

The size of the Earth is enough to protect people on the back from the Max ray, albeit not for long. Seismic waves from destruction, too, will not immediately pass through the planet. But they will not kill you anyway. Earth is not an ideal shield.

Twilight will destroy you.

It's dark at night [ ] because the sun shines on the other side of the planet [ ]. But the darkness of the night sky is not always is absolute. Before dawn and after sunset, a glow is visible, because the atmosphere bends the light of the hiding Sun.

If our beam hits the Earth, the spectrum of radiation from X-ray to thermal will burst out into the atmosphere, so it’s worthwhile to understand how different types of light interact with air.

Speaking of ordinary light, you may have heard of Rayleigh scattering as an answer to the question “why is the sky blue?”. The explanation is generally correct, but the answer “because the air is blue” is perhaps even better. Of course, it is blue for many physical reasons, but all   has color for many physical reasons [2]. ↲To the question “why is the Statue of Liberty green?” we will answer something like “the statue is covered with copper and was once copper in color, but over time, due to oxidation, a layer of copper carbonate has formed, and it is green.” We will not say "the statue is made green by the scattering and absorption of light of certain frequencies by surface molecules."

When the air heats up, the electrons lose contact with the nuclei of the atoms - a plasma is obtained. A stream of radiation from the beam passes through it, so we need to find out how transparent this plasma is for various types of radiation. Here I want to recall an article by Harris L. Meyer from 1964 Transparency calculations. Past and future, her introductory paragraph is the best among all the works on physics that I have seen:

The prerequisites for this work appeared several billion years ago. As soon as the stars began to form, transparency became one of the basic parameters that determine the structure of the physical world in which we live. And recently, with the development of nuclear weapons operating at interstellar temperatures, transparency has also become one of the basic parameters that determine the processes from which we can all die.

Plasma transmits x-rays better than air. They will pass through and heat it thanks to the Compton effect and the birth of couples. But the rays will stop quickly as soon as they come in contact with the non-plasma air outside. But the plasma sphere will constantly expand due to x-rays from superheated air around the beam. The new plasma at the edges will add infrared radiation to the stream that incandescent everything in its path.

A ring of heat and light spreads across the planet, heating air and earth. With air heating, the plasma and radiation will further spread beyond the horizon. In addition, part of the atmosphere will be knocked out by a ray into space and from there it will reflect light back to the planet.

Accurate the speed with which radiation will go around the Earth depends on various characteristics of atmospheric scattering, but it doesn’t matter if the moon is in a quarter of this time.

When Max’s device turns on, the moon will not be visible - the sunlight illuminating it will be collected in the beam. After he touches the atmosphere, a quarter of the moon peeps out.

When the beam from Max’s device touches the Earth’s atmosphere, light from the point of contact will illuminate the Moon. Depending on the position of the satellite and your location on the surface of the planet, the reflected moonlight alone can easily incinerate you ...

... and twilight, enveloping the planet, will bring with them the last sunset [3]. ↲This picture is convenient to annoy certain groups of people:

One subtlety could save the Earth from complete destruction. Is the Max mechanism able to be kept on the fly moving   target? If not, the planet will be removed from the impact in just three minutes. People, however, will still fry, the atmosphere and surface will become noticeably smaller, but the bulk of the Earth with a charred lump will continue its path in orbit.

Deep space will be revealed to our sun ray of death. If years later it reaches another planetary system, it will be too dispersed and will not be able to incinerate anything, but its brightness will probably be enough to warm the surfaces of local planets.

Maybe Max’s script doomed the Earth to destruction, but - if it comforts anyone - we don’t necessarily die alone.

Man cannot live without sunshine. The sun gives us joy and helps us stay healthy. The sun's rays affect the production of serotonin, which increases mood and performance. They are necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D3, which is important for bones, without which calcium is not absorbed in the body.

As a matter of fact, what in our minds is considered to be the “sun” is actually just not the biggest part of it. The human eye is able to distinguish only 40% of the sun's rays. The "invisible" Sun is infrared radiation (50%) and ultraviolet (10%).

Types of sun rays:

1.Ultra-violet (UVC, UVB, UVA)
  I) UVC - do not reach the Earth's surface, are completely absorbed by the upper atmosphere.
  II) UVB - do not go further than the epidermis, cause a steady tan.
  III) UVA - penetrate the dermis, cause an "instant tan" that appears immediately after exposure to the sun and quickly disappears.

2. Infrared (IR-A, IR-B, IR-C) - thermal radiation from the sun. IR-A rays are able to penetrate the hypodermis, subcutaneous tissue.

Do you remember the poem about “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits”? Violet (“pheasant”) is the last visible part of the solar spectrum, after which the ultraviolet begins. Red ("each") is the first color of the solar spectrum that is accessible to our vision, which is preceded by invisible infrared rays.

Different types of sunlight differ from each other in an important physical characteristic - the wavelength that determines their properties.

  • UVB rays can hardly penetrate through ordinary glass. UVA and IR rays penetrate glass easily. Therefore, sitting by a closed window on a hot day it is impossible to sunbathe, but you can get heat stroke.
  • Infrared rays are unable to penetrate water. 60% of UVB and 85% of UVA rays penetrate to a sufficient depth. Therefore, being in a pond, we do not feel the heat, but we can get a sunburn.

Doctors do not recommend being in the sun for a long time without using solar makeup. It is needed not only during a trip to the sea or excursions through the desert, but also when you just spend a long time in the fresh air: working in the garden, taking a walk, skiing or cycling. Solar cosmetics will save you from troubles, the source of which can be the sun's rays.

UVB rays can cause burns and the appearance of age spots on the skin. UVA rays damage collagen and elastin fibers, causing the skin to lose its firmness and elasticity.

Infrared A-rays have long been considered harmless. However, studies conducted at the University of Dusseldorf in 2003 showed that IRA rays when exposed to human skin lead to the formation of free radicals that destroy collagen fibers, leading to premature aging. Ladival was the first to use a patented formula with antioxidants in solar cosmetics to protect against the harmful effects of IRA rays. Its effectiveness has been clinically proven.

5 facts about the sun:

1. The word "Sun" in the English language is an exception: it takes the form of a personal pronoun and refers to the masculine gender - "He".

2. Lack of sunlight can cause a mental disorder - winter depression (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Its symptoms are drowsiness, lethargy, irritability, a feeling of hopelessness, anxiety.

3. The mass of the Sun is 99.85% of the mass of the solar system. Its other facilities account for only 0.15%.

4. About 1 million planets the size of the Earth could fit inside the Sun.

5. The force of attraction on the Sun is 28 times greater than the force of attraction of the Earth: a person who on Earth weighs 60 kilograms on the Sun would weigh 1680 kilograms.

The answer to the question of what solar radiation is is the whole spectrum of light emitted by the sun. It includes visible light and all other radiation frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Compared to the familiar energy sources on Earth, the Sun emits a huge amount of energy. The type of radiation emitted by the sun is the product of its high temperature, which is caused by nuclear fusion inside the core of the sun. Solar radiation is being studied by scientists, because the influence of the Sun, on the human body and the planet as a whole, is very huge.

Only a small fraction of solar radiation ever reaches the Earth: most of them radiate into empty space. However, the fraction that actually reaches the Earth is much larger than the amount of energy consumed on Earth by sources such as fossil fuels. The huge amount of energy radiated by the sun can be explained by its large mass and high temperature.

Types of Solar Radiation

Total solar radiation, often referred to as global radiation, is the sum of direct, diffuse, and reflected radiation. The solar radiation available to us is always a mixture of the above three components.

Types of Solar Radiation

Direct radiation

Direct radiation is received from the sun's rays moving directly from the sun to the earth. The direction of radiation is also called beam radiation or direct radiation beam. Since direct radiation is the sun's rays moving in a straight line, the shadows of objects that form in the path of the sun's rays are formed. Shadows indicate the presence of direct radiation.
  In sunny areas and during the summer, direct radiation accounts for almost 70-80% of total radiation. Solar installations use solar tracking to absorb most of the direct radiation. If a solar tracking system is not installed, valuable direct radiation will not be captured.

Diffuse radiation

Direct radiation has a fixed direction. Diffuse radiation does not have a fixed direction. When the sun's rays are scattered by particles present in the atmosphere, these scattered solar rays explain the diffuse radiation.

As pollution increases, the amount of diffuse radiation also increases. In hilly areas and during winter, the percentage of diffuse radiation increases. The maximum amount of scattered radiation is captured by solar panels when they are held horizontally. This means that in the case of solar panels, which are at an angle to track most of the direct radiation, the amount of scattered radiation captured by the panels will be reduced. The larger the angle that the solar panels create with the earth, the less will be the amount of scattered radiation captured by the panels.

Reflected and Global Radiation

Reflected radiation is a component of radiation that is reflected from surfaces other than airborne particles. Radiation reflected from hills, trees, houses, ponds, reflects reflected radiation. Reflected radiation usually accounts for a small percentage of global radiation, but can contribute up to 15% in snowy areas.

Global radiation is the sum of direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. Solar radiation is a combination of ultraviolet and infrared waves. Each of these components in its own way affects the body.

The effect of solar radiation on the human body

Speaking about the influence of the sun on the human body, it is impossible to determine exactly. What is the effect on human health, harm or benefit. The sun's rays emit ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The rays of the sun are like kilocalories derived from food. Their deficiency leads to exhaustion, and in excess they cause obesity. So it is in this situation. A moderate amount of solar radiation has a positive effect on the body, while an excess of ultraviolet radiation provokes the appearance of burns and the development of numerous diseases. Influence

Positive Infrared Effect

The main feature of infrared rays is that they create a thermal effect that have a positive effect on the human body. The heating element contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and the normalization of blood circulation. Heat has a relaxing effect on the muscles, providing a mild anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Under the influence of heat, the metabolism increases, the processes of assimilation of biologically active components are normalized. Infrared radiation from the sun stimulates the brain and visual apparatus.

Interesting! Thanks to solar radiation, it synchronizes the biological rhythms of the body, starting with sleep and wakefulness modes. Infrared sun treatment improves skin condition and eliminates acne. Warm light raises the mood and improves the emotional background of a person. They also improve sperm quality in men and potency.

The positive effects of ultraviolet radiation

Despite all the debate about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body, its absence can lead to serious health problems. This is one of the most important factors of existence. And the lack of ultraviolet light in the body, brings such changes:
  Firstly, it weakens the immune system (first of all, the effect is on the cell in the body). This is due to a violation of the absorption of vitamins and minerals, metabolic disorders at the cellular level.

  The sun makes up for vitamin D deficiency

There is a tendency to the development of new or exacerbation of chronic diseases, the most common complications. Marked lethargy, chronic fatigue syndrome, decreased level of effectiveness. The lack of UV light for children prevents the formation of vitamin D and causes a slowdown. However, one must understand that excessive solar activity will not benefit the body.

Negative sun exposure

The exposure time of infrared and ultraviolet waves should be strictly limited. Excessive solar radiation:

  • can provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the body (the so-called thermal shock due to overheating);
  • adversely affect the skin, they can cause permanent changes;
  • impairs vision;
  • causes hormonal disorders in the body;
  • may provoke the development of allergic reactions;
  • can provoke a negative effect on the human genome and on the structure of human DNA;
  • negatively affects the fetus;
  • negatively affects the human psyche.

The effect of the sun on the skin

Excessive amounts of solar radiation can cause serious skin problems. In the short term, you risk burns or dermatitis. This is the smallest problem you may encounter, fascinated by the sun on a hot day. If this situation repeats with enviable regularity, solar radiation will become an incentive for the formation of malignant tumors in skin melanoma.

In addition, ultraviolet radiation dehydrates the skin, making it thin and sensitive. But permanent residence under direct rays accelerates the aging process, causing the appearance of early wrinkles.

Negative Vision Impact

The effect of sunlight on the visual apparatus is huge. Indeed, thanks to the rays of light we receive information about the world around us. Artificial lighting in some ways may be an alternative to natural light, but from the point of view of reading and writing with a light bulb, the tension in the eyes increases.
  Speaking of negative effects on humans and visible sunlight, this means eye damage due to prolonged exposure to the sun without sunglasses.
  Due to the discomfort that you may encounter, you can highlight eye pain, redness, photophobia. The most serious retinal lesion burns. It is also possible to dry the skin, form wrinkles.

The effect of radiation on the human body in space

Cosmic radiation is one of the main health hazards of space travel. This is dangerous because it has enough energy to change or destroy the DNA of molecules that can damage or kill cells. This can lead to health problems, ranging from the acute effects of prolonged exposure.

Acute effects, such as changes in the blood, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, are mild and recover. Other effects of acute radiation are much more serious, such as damage to the central nervous system or even death. Such exposure should not occur as a result of exposure to cosmic radiation, unless the astronaut is exposed to solar particles, such as a solar flare, which produces high doses of radiation.

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purpose of work

Purpose of work: To establish the positive and negative effects of solar insolation on the human body, to identify the value of the sun for the human body, to formulate the basic rules for sunbathing, as well as to determine the tactics of behavior of people with tumors on the skin.

2. Introduction

The theme of practical work in biology I chose "The influence of sunlight on the human body." This topic is of great interest to me due to the fact that recently people began to spend more time in the sun. We began to visit tanning salons, began to relax more often in southern countries. A tanned person looks more beautiful and successful, so we began to use cosmetics more to attract tanning.

I analyzed literature (including medical), used the resources of the Internet, conducted a sociological survey in order to study the level of awareness of my friends, acquaintances, relatives about the effects of ultraviolet rays on the human body. Here is what I got from this:

3. What is solar insolation?

Solar energy is the source of life on Earth. It is light and warmth, without which a person cannot live. At the same time, there is a minimum level of solar energy at which a person’s life is comfortable. In this case, comfort means not only the presence of natural light, but also a state of health - a lack of sunlight leads to various diseases. In addition, the energy of the sun can be used not only to ensure the comfortable existence of living beings (humans, plants, animals) with light and heat, but also to obtain electrical and thermal energy. A quantitative indicator in assessing the flow of solar energy is a value called insolation.

Insolation - irradiation of surfaces with sunlight (solar radiation), the flow of solar radiation to the surface; irradiation of a surface or space with a parallel beam of rays coming from the direction in which the center of the solar disk is currently visible. Insolation is measured by the number of units of energy falling on a surface unit per unit time.

The amount of insolation depends on:

From the height of the sun above the horizon;

From the geographical latitude of the place;

From the angle of inclination of the earth's surface;

From the orientation of the earth's surface with respect to the sides of the horizon;

The insolation index affects many areas of our life, from the comfort of living to energy.

3.1 Types of ultraviolet radiation.

The sun emits three types of ultraviolet rays. Each of these types has a different effect on the human body. Ultraviolet rays vary in wavelength.

UV rays A.

These rays have a lower level of radiation. It used to be thought that they were harmless, however, it has now been proven that this is not so. The level of these rays remains almost constant throughout the day and year. They penetrate even through glass.

Ultra-violet rays AND penetrate the skin, damage the structure of the skin, destroy collagen fibers and lead to wrinkles. They also reduce the elasticity of the skin, accelerate premature aging of the skin, weaken the protective system of the skin, making it more susceptible to infections and, possibly, cancer.

Therefore, when buying sun protection products, you must definitely look for the presence of protective factors in this cosmetic product against type A rays.

UV rays B.

Rays of this type are emitted by the sun only at certain times of the year and hours of the day. Depending on the air temperature and geographical latitude, they penetrate the atmosphere from 10 to 16 hours.

UV type rays AT   cause more serious damage to the skin, as they interact with DNA molecules that are in the skin cells. AT-rays damage the epidermis, which leads to the appearance of sunburn. Ultraviolet rays lead to the appearance of a tan, but lead to premature aging of the skin and the appearance of age spots on it, make the skin rough and rough, accelerate the appearance of wrinkles, and can provoke the development of precancerous diseases and skin cancer.

UV rays C.

C-rays have the greatest destructive power for the skin. However, the ozone layer of the Earth, located in the Earth’s atmosphere, prevents the penetration of these rays on the Earth’s surface. But if the ozone layer of the Earth’s atmosphere is destroyed or there are holes in it, then we will fully experience the harm that these rays cause to the skin.

3.2 The ozone layer of the Earth is the protective layer of the stratosphere.

The ozone layer is a part of the stratosphere at an altitude of 20 to 25 km, with the highest content of ozone, which is formed as a result of the influence of the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun on molecular oxygen.

The more ozone in the atmosphere, the more ultraviolet radiation it can absorb. Without protection, the radiation will be too intense and can cause significant damage and heat burns to all living things, and a person can lead to skin cancer. If all atmospheric ozone is evenly distributed over an area of \u200b\u200b45 square kilometers, its thickness will be only 0.3 cm.

The harm of ozone on the surface of the planet.

When exhaust gases and industrial emissions react with the rays of the sun, surface ozone forms as a result of photochemical reactions. Usually this phenomenon occurs in megacities and large cities. Inhalation of such ozone is dangerous. Since this gas is a strong oxidizing agent, it can easily destroy living tissues. Not only people suffer, but also plants.

The destruction of the ozone layer.

In the 70s, during research, it was noticed that gas freon, used in air conditioners, refrigerators and spray cans, destroys ozone with great speed. Having risen into the upper atmosphere, freons emit chlorine, which decomposes ozone into ordinary and atomic oxygen. An ozone hole is formed at the site of such interactions.

The first large ozone hole was discovered over Antarctica in 1985. Its diameter was about 1000 km. Subsequently, another large hole (smaller) was discovered over the Arctic, now scientists are aware of hundreds of such phenomena, although the largest one remains over Antarctica.

There are many reasons for the appearance of ozone holes, but the most important of them is human environmental pollution. Nuclear tests have no less effect on the ozone layer. It is estimated that only from 1952 to 1971 about 3 million tons of harmful substances fell into the atmosphere during nuclear explosions.

The appearance of ozone holes is also facilitated by jet aircraft.

Another reason for the destruction of the ozone layer is mineral fertilizers, which, when introduced into the ground, react with soil bacteria. In this case, nitrous oxide enters the atmosphere, from which oxides are formed.

That is why environmentalists are now sounding the alarm and trying to take all necessary measures to protect the ozone layer, and designers are developing environmentally friendly mechanisms (airplanes, missile systems, ground transportation) that emit less nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

What the ozone layer protects from.

Ozone holes are ubiquitous, but as many factors change, they overlap with ozone from neighboring atmospheric layers. Those, in turn, become even more subtle. The ozone layer acts as the only barrier to the destructive ultraviolet and radiation of the sun. Without the ozone layer, the human immune system would be destroyed. According to scientists, a decrease in the ozone layer of only 1% increases the likelihood of cancer by 3-6%. Reducing the amount of ozone in the atmosphere will unpredictably change the climate on the planet. Since the ozone layer traps the heat that dissipates from the Earth’s surface, as the ozone layer is depleted, the climate will become colder, which will lead to natural disasters.

4. The pigment-forming function of the skin.

Being the outer cover of the body, the skin has specific properties aimed at protecting the body from various external influences. Light is an indispensable and indispensable part of the world around us, a source of heat and energy. Intensive ultraviolet irradiation of the skin is accompanied by a response in the form of redness of the skin with further formation of pigmentation in the skin. The pigment-forming function is to produce the pigment melanin. In addition to melanin, the iron-containing blood pigment hemosiderin, as well as trichosiderin in red hair, carotene, can be deposited in the skin.

The protective function of the skin.

The skin protects the body to a large extent from radiation exposure. Infrared rays are almost entirely delayed by the stratum corneum, while ultraviolet rays are partially delayed. Penetrating into the skin, ultraviolet rays stimulate the production of a protective pigment - melanin, which absorbs these rays. In people of the Negroid race, almost all ultraviolet light is absorbed by a large amount of melanin in the skin, which provides protection against high doses of radiant energy, characteristic of those regions of the globe where these races live. Therefore, people living in hot countries have darker skin than people living in temperate countries.

4.1 The formation of moles on the human body.

Many are interested in the nature of the origin of moles on the human body. And this is not surprising, because at birth, the baby’s skin is clean and does not have such features. No one can say for sure where the next mole will appear, and also explain why they can appear and disappear.

The reasons for their appearance are various, but mainly they are formed under the influence of a special hormone - melanotropin. In different people, it is contained in different anatomical zones and in not the same amount. Experts have found that the level of melanotropin in the body determines the number of moles in specific areas.

Specialists in the field of medicine managed to make some discoveries and shed light on the secret of the birth of moles.

One of the common causes of moles on human skin is the detrimental effect of direct sunlight, namely the ultraviolet radiation that it contains. The bottom line is that under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin begins to produce pigment - melanin, which is the basis of all moles. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who are in the open sun for a long time in their life can notice an increase in moles in size over time. Thus, most new moles arise precisely in the hot summer period, when a person sunbathes in the sun and spends a vacation by the sea. There is an opinion among medical workers that an excessive number of moles on the human body can cause skin cancer - melanoma. Under the influence of the sun, some groups of moles can develop into a malignant tumor.

As other reasons for popping moles on the body, dermatologists distinguish:

    The defeat of the body by a viral infection, x-ray and radiation, microtrauma of the skin, as well as long-term non-healing foci of diseases on the integuments trigger the processes of grouping and movement of pigmented cells to the outer layer of the epidermis.

    Pathology of the liver.

    Belonging to the skin light type.

    Irrational distribution of energy in the body.

    Hormonal changes in human life.

4.2 When should I see a doctor with moles?

When there are many moles on the body, it is necessary to learn to distinguish them by the criterion of danger of degeneration into a malignant tumor. All pigmented lesions dermatologists are divided into groups such as:

    Melanose, representing a threat in terms of transformation into melanoma.

    Melanoparse elements - harmless to the body, but causing discomfort in everyday life due to frequent injuries (during daily shaving or with constant rubbing on clothes).

How to understand that a mole is dangerous?

Doctors from the American Academy of Dermatologists have developed for non-specialists, that is, people without a medical education, how to detect early signs of melanoma. They popularize a rather effective method of self-diagnosis: the dangers of a mole can be preliminarily assessed personally, and in case of suspicions, you should contact a dermatologist directly. Use it to check how dangerous moles are on your body! The ABCDE test, developed by specialists from the United States, helps to detect signs of birthmark degeneration in any type of skin cancer, including melanoma. This method does not require any special tools and does not take much time. In this test, using this simple test, not only moles or other neoplasms on the skin are subject to verification, but even the smallest spots that cause even a shadow of suspicion. It is also worth taking note of any new moles or growths. ABCDE test is recommended to be carried out every month, fully examining the whole body.

    Asymmetry (asymmetry): half or part of a mole is not like its other half. If the two halves are not identical, such a mole is considered to be asymmetric, and this is a warning sign!

    Border: The borders of the birthmark are irregular, blurry, vague, and poorly defined. A benign mole has smooth, even borders, unlike a malignant one.

    Color (color) The vast majority of benign moles on the entire surface are painted in the same color and have a shade of brown. The presence of three colors on the surface of the mole is a prognostic adverse sign.

    Diameter (diameter): Benign moles usually have a smaller diameter than malignant ones.

    Evolving (development): Normal non-hazardous moles look the same over time. Be alert when a mole begins to develop or change some of its characteristics, from those described above in a short time!

Oncologists recommend seeking medical attention if they detect the slightest changes in the shape, size and structure of the mole. Delaying a visit to a medical institution or ignoring the signs of malignant transformation is fraught with neglect of the stage and death.

In Izhevsk over the past 5 years, specialists of the Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary together with oncologists in May held the day of "Melanoma". On this day, any resident of Udmurtia can get an appointment with qualified specialists and show all their moles, as well as ask all his questions. During the consultation, patients are given competent recommendations on existing moles or patients are sent for further removal of moles with modern treatment methods.

4.3 Methods of research and removal of moles in modern conditions.

With the modern development of technology, the study and removal of moles has become a quick and practically safe procedure. One of the main methods for studying moles, in addition to visual examination, is the method of dermatoscopy. Dermatoscopy is an examination of skin tumors for malignancy using a special device. This study is very simple. It takes only a few minutes - and the doctor will be able to examine in detail the structure and other characteristics of a dubious education. This method is used by specialists of the Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary when examining patients with moles.

The desire to part with moles in a person arises only for very good reasons for him. Firstly, for aesthetic reasons, when due to the presence of moles in certain places, the patient begins to experience self-doubt.

Very often, moles are also removed, which rub and cling to clothes, are damaged during shaving and interfere with walking: along the collar line, under the hair, etc. This is especially true for large convex moles, the damage of which is extremely undesirable.

If benignity is not in doubt, the removal of moles on the face and body can be done using any of the methods available today. To verify the absence of abnormal cells is possible only on the basis of dermatoscopy. Therefore, before removal, consultation with a dermatologist or oncodermatologist is necessary. Based on the study, the method and depth of exposure to the neoplasm is also determined. After removal of the mole, histological analysis of excised tissues is performed. Today, there are the following methods for removing moles: surgical, cryodestruction (removal of moles with nitrogen), electrocoagulation, as well as using a CO2 laser. A correctly selected method of treatment guarantees the best result, so the removal of moles on the face and body should be trusted by professionals.

Laser removal of moles.

Despite the variety of different treatment methods, laser removal of moles is recognized as the most effective of modern methods. Due to the adjustable depth of action and small diameter, the laser beam works very accurately, minimally damaging the surrounding tissue. This is important when removing moles, for example, on the face and other visible areas.

Laser removal of moles is performed under local anesthesia, using modern lasers, the surface of the mole is gradually treated, evaporating one layer after another. High accuracy is ensured by the ability to control the diameter of the beam and the depth of exposure.

Laser removal of moles has several advantages:

    100% removal after the first procedure.

    Fast healing (5-7 days).

    Lack of bleeding.

    Low percentage of possible complications (pigmentation, scars and scars after removal of moles).

Laser removal of moles is an absolutely painless method that takes several minutes, provided that it is performed by a qualified specialist. Removing moles is a crucial step, therefore, their removal must be done in specialized clinics by competent specialists.

4.4. How to sunbathe properly so as not to harm the skin.

Summer is the time for relaxation and a pleasant time on the beach near various types of ponds. Under the influence of direct sunlight, our skin receives a lot of not only beneficial enzymes, but also negative ones. How to avoid a large number of ultraviolet and infrared rays that dry out the skin, provoke premature aging of cells, contribute to burns? To do this, you need to sunbathe correctly.

    It is known that the most dangerous sun is from 12 to 14 hours, when its rays are directed almost perpendicular to the Earth's surface. At this time, it is better to stay indoors or in a lace shade (the shade cast by trees, bushes, umbrellas). It is recommended to be in the sun until 11 am or after 3 days, and it is imperative to apply sunscreen to the body.

    You can not sunbathe on the first day for a long time. It is best to gradually increase the duration of exposure to the sun. 2 hours a day - the maximum allowable time.

    Sunscreens should not be neglected.

The effectiveness of a sunscreen is primarily determined by the level of sun protection it provides. This is reported by the abbreviation SPF (sun protection factor), which is necessarily indicated on the package. The degree of protection varies from 2 to 100 units. This index indicates how long a safe sun exposure will last. That is, after treating the skin with a cream with a sun protection factor of 15, you can be sure that within 75 minutes you will not face a sunburn. If the SPF is 30 units, then the estimated time is increased to 125 minutes. If the product is not resistant to water, then after each entry into the water it will need to be applied again.

    Modern sunscreens should be labeled with UVA / UVB, which means the presence of protection factors from both types of rays (ultraviolet rays A and rays B).

    If there are many moles on the body, sunbathing is not recommended at all.

    Vitamin-forming effect of ultraviolet rays on the human body.

Sunlight is a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic agent, which is extremely important for maintaining health. No wonder the old proverb says: "Where the sun rarely looks, the doctor often comes there." The effect of magical ultraviolet rays on the body is not the same and depends on the wavelength. Some of them have a vitamin-forming effect - they contribute to the formation of vitamin D. Vitamin-forming effect of ultraviolet radiation is primarily associated with its effect on the synthesis of vitamin D (calciferol). The presence of this vitamin is necessary to maintain a constant level of calcium in the blood. With a lack of calcium in the blood, it is "absorbed" from the bone tissue, leading to its deformation, osteoporosis. In children, a well-known disease may occur - rickets, which subsequently leads to severe skeletal deformities and other adverse effects. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary that the physiological need of the body for vitamin D is satisfied. It is 20-30 micrograms per day. However, it will be difficult to provide it only at the expense of food, since even in the main food sources of vitamin D it is relatively small. The Sun, its UV component, is capable of helping in this situation. It turns out that in the sebum, secreted by the surface layer of the skin, contains the chemical precursor of vitamin D. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, it is converted to vitamin D, compensating for its "short supply" due to food.

Lack of sunlight shortens life, scientists from the College of Medicine (USA) are sure. They conducted a major review of recent studies, which made it clear that people with the lowest levels of vitamin D in their blood are at risk of dying earlier than others. The risk of early death is 26% higher for them. According to scientists, a lack of vitamin D contributes to an increase in blood pressure, disrupts the metabolism of sugar, and causes a tendency to obesity.

Also, residents of large cities need to remember that polluted air also reduced the amount of sunlight that is necessary for the formation of “Vitamin of the Sun”, that is, Vitamin D. Therefore, urban children should be more outside the city in the summer, where there is clean, fresh air and more sun.

6. The disinfecting (bactericidal) action of the sun.

Many microorganisms surround a person. There are beneficial ones that live on the skin, mucous membranes and in the intestines. They help digest food, participate in the synthesis of vitamins and protect the body from pathogenic microorganisms. And there are a lot of them too. Many diseases are caused by the activity of bacteria in the human body. A bactericidal effect is the ability to destroy the cell wall of bacteria and thereby cause their death.

They have bactericidal action:

    ultraviolet rays, radioactive radiation.

    antiseptic and disinfectant chemicals, for example: chlorine, iodine, acids, alcohols, phenols and others.

    chemotherapeutic drugs with antibacterial effects for oral administration.

UV rays increase the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases. The percentage of antibodies in the blood rises. Antibody formation provides the body with additional resistance to viral diseases such as chickenpox, rubella and smallpox. Large-scale experiments in factories and schools have shown that UV rays can reduce by one third the chance of getting the flu, colds, and rheumatism.

This radiation is detrimental to most types of pathogenic bacteria, to many viruses and fungi, and therefore, is widely used for air disinfection of operating rooms and other hospital rooms, as well as in medical practice.

7. The sun is the main source of human joy.

Since the beginnings of human civilization, the role and significance of the sun has attracted special attention of people. The population of all ancient communities deified the Sun, gave it miraculous properties.

A study conducted by scientists from the Medical School showed that basking in the sun is not only not harmful, but also useful, as this activity extends our life. By reducing the risk of acquiring heart disease and diabetes, the sun's rays allow you to live longer and stay healthy, scientists are sure. But the same scientists warn that the sun should be dosed and should not be abused.

In addition to the above, the sun's rays stimulate the production of special substances - endorphins, which raise the level of mood and generally positively affect the emotional state. Deficiency of natural solar radiation (due to climatic conditions, age, various diseases, forced long-term stay in confined spaces) is associated with adverse consequences. It adversely affects the general well-being of a person, his neuropsychic tone, reduces mental and physical performance, resistance to infectious and other diseases, increases the risk of fractures and other injuries of the musculoskeletal system, slows recovery and recovery processes.

8. The practical part. Conducting a survey among the population on the subject of their relationship to the sun, knowledge of means of protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and

After analyzing the literature, studying the materials on the computer, I decided to find out what information our population has regarding solar exposure to the human body. To do this, I compiled a short questionnaire, and offered to answer my questions to others. The survey was attended by 30 people aged 12 to 76 years. And here is what came of it:

The diagram shows that 90% of respondents believe that the sun's rays are good for the body, and only 10% (3 people) think that the sun harms the body.

The chart shows that 20% of respondents have heard about such tools and use them. And 80% heard, but did not use.

The survey found that most respondents do not know what the sun protection factor (SPF) is and what function it performs.

The diagram shows that most of the respondents are aware of the harmful effects of the sun and the possibility of the formation of malignant diseases on the skin.

The diagram shows that only one respondent regularly (once a year) visits a doctor and shows him his moles.

Despite the fact that everyone tans and is positive about tanning, not all respondents understand that tanning, as a skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation, is useful in a limited amount, and an overabundance of the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation is as dangerous as solarium radiation.

Also revealed contradictions in understanding the benefits and harms of solar insolation on the human body. On the one hand, respondents believe that ultraviolet is harmful to the human body, and on the other, that it is not harmful, but even useful. But the majority of respondents could not say what the benefit or harm of the sun was.

Also, not everyone understands the need to use sunscreens in the summer and have absolutely no idea what the sun protection factor is and what it is needed for.

And the majority of the population rarely seek medical advice before sunbathing.

9. Conclusion:

In the course of my practical work, I learned about the positive and negative effects of ultraviolet rays on the human body. I developed a questionnaire and conducted a questionnaire, and after analyzing it, I concluded that the population is not sufficiently informed about the dangers and benefits of ultraviolet rays.

Although ultraviolet rays in a reasonable amount have a beneficial effect on the human body (contribute to the formation of vitamin D in the skin, affect calciphosphoric metabolism, as well as nervous processes in the human body). At the same time, if you neglect the rules of sunbathing, the harm of the influence of ultraviolet rays on the human body is amplified.

The work considers preventive measures to protect the skin from the adverse effects of the sun, as well as ways to eliminate this effect. I also found out that if you deprive yourself of ultraviolet radiation, this also leads to various diseases - from a general decrease in immunity (in adults) to rickets (in children).

Given the low enlightenment of our population, I believe that my work will be interesting to others. It is necessary to tell more about this to people and it is better to start from an early age. The sooner the child finds out, the less harm the sun will cause him, and he will receive only health from solar radiation.

10. References.

    "Internal diseases" F.V. Kurdybaylo; B.I. Shulutko; N.N Shastin; V.N. Shestakov; A.N. Shishkin; S.A. Baldueva; THEM. Skipsky.

    A Guide to Skin Diseases, edited by Yu.K. Skripkina.

    "Great Soviet Encyclopedia".

    Mizun Yu.G., Mizun P.G. Space and health. - M Knowledge, 1984;

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    Moiseeva N.I., Lyubetskiy R.E. The impact of heliophysical factors on the human body. - L .: Nauka, 1986.

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