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Fedor Emelianenko: biography, sports career and personal life, best fights, defeats and knockouts. Fedor Emelianenko: personal life, politics, Orthodoxy, training

Fedor Emelianenko, whom the whole country knows by his nickname “ The last Emperor“In 2007, he married for the second time. The newly-made wife of the mixed martial arts fighter is called Marina, she is a faithful wife and loving mother, who has already given Fedor two daughters.

The history of personal relationships in Emelianenko’s life

For the first time, this courageous and promising athlete got married back in 1999. His first chosen one was a girl named Oksana, with whom he had been communicating since childhood. Despite the fact that Oksana supported and encouraged Fedor’s hobbies in every possible way, such heavy and dangerous looking sports, like wrestling, the family soon broke up. The young people did not comment on why this happened and what was the reason for the breakup. From his first marriage, Fyodor has a daughter, Mashenka, with whom he continues to communicate. However, the fighter also maintains contact with his first wife, because they parted as adults, without holding a grudge against each other.

A few years later, namely in 2007, “The Last Emperor” married for the second time. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, little is known about the athlete’s new life partner. The girl's name is Marina and she also fully and completely supports her husband in his career.

However, this is not surprising, because Fedor himself, being such a formidable and dangerous opponent in the ring, is a very kind and responsible husband and father. In the same year, Marina gave her husband his second daughter, who it was decided to name Vasilisa.

Right before the girl was due to be born, Emelianenko performed brilliantly in a fight against Hong Man Choi. In an interview that the fighter gave after the performance, he talked a lot about how family comes first for him, and that success and career are all acquired, and family and children are the most sacred thing that can be.

The second child in the family of Fedor and Marina was also born on the eve of the battle. In December 2011, a very important fight in the athlete’s career took place - Emelianenko-Henderson, in which victory was not on the side of our fellow countryman. Fedor was given a knockout and the fight was stopped in the first round. According to eyewitnesses, Fedor was very worried and could not concentrate. Perhaps the reason for this was all the same worries about the family, because almost at that moment Marina gave birth to her second (for Emelianenko already the third) daughter, Elizaveta.

Church wedding

In mid-2013, the athlete divorced his second wife. He returned again to Oksana, with whom he got married in a church in February 2014.

Fedor with his wife Oksana

The athlete was born into a family of workers (gas-electric welder, crane operator).

In 1978, a family from Ukraine moved to Russia, to the city of Stary Oskol. In the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, his passion for martial arts appeared at the age of 10 years. Then he began training in the sambo and judo section, where the coach was Vasily Ivanovich Gavrilov. In 1987, Fedor entered the sports class of coach Vladimir Mikhailovich Voronov. After graduating from school in 1991, the athlete began studying at a vocational school. A year after graduating in 1995, he began serving in the army. After serving, in 1997 Fedor again began to actively engage in sports and participate in competitions. In the same year, the athlete won an international sambo competition for the first time. Also in 1997 he was awarded the title of Master of Sports in judo. In 1998, Fedor won the international sambo competition. So in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko, he received the second title of master of sports, now in sambo.

In addition, 1998 brought many other victories to the athlete’s achievements. Fedor won first and third places at the Russian Judo Championship and took third place at the Sambo Championship. The athlete also became a champion in competitions of the Russian armed forces, and took second place in the absolute weight category of this competition. The following year, Fedor Emelianenko won international sambo competitions. At the same time, the athlete’s team became the first at the European Championships.

However, the athlete did not stop there. In 2000, he began to study hand-to-hand combat techniques from coach Alexander Vasilyevich Michkov. Fedor began to participate in fights without rules, first in a more humane version of “Rings”. Having immediately achieved considerable results, already in 2001 Fedor became the world champion in this version of fighting without rules. After this, the athlete moved to a more prestigious version - “Pride”. The cruel rules of "Pride" allow you to hit your opponent in supine position kicks and hands to the head, and if a fighter is knocked down, finish him off.

Without stopping practicing sambo, Fedor won the Russian Championship in 2002, then the World Championship in Greece. In Panama, Fedor became the first in the open weight category at the World Combat Sambo Championship. Then in 2003, Fedor Emelianenko won the Pride World Championship in Ultimate Fighting, defeating past champion Antonio Rodrigo Naguier. Many of the strongest fighters were defeated in the fight with Fedor, including Sam Schilt, Heath Hiring, Kazuyuki Fujita, Gary Goodridge.

In 2004, Fedor Emelianenko’s biography included several outstanding fights with such opponents as Kevin Rendleman, Naoya Ogawa, Mark Coleman, Antonio Nogueira. Fedor received two more titles: Grand Prix champion, world champion in fighting without rules, “Pride” version. The following year, the athlete became the Pride world champion for the third time, and also became a three-time sambo champion. In 2006, Fedor Emelianenko was awarded the title of four-time world champion in martial arts according to the Pride version.

So, in the biography of Fedor Emelianenko there were many victories. The athlete is a master of sports in sambo and judo, has national award"Golden Belt"

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It cannot be said that in our country there is a large number of outstanding personalities in sports. But if there are any, then Russia can rightfully be proud of them. Until recently, the Russian national football team missed goals from a lot of people. The national team also did not do very well in basketball. Hockey is a little better: many of our hockey players have signed contracts with foreign teams, which proves their professionalism. And the World Championships clearly demonstrate the results of the work of coaches and our athletes. But in terms of plan, we have something to be proud of. The best wrestlers and fighters of mixed and hand-to-hand styles were brought up in our country. This is especially true for mixed style fights. Russia is famous for such an indestructible fighter as Fedor Emelianenko. This man has been preventing everyone from sinking into oblivion for many years famous expression“There are still many heroes in Rus'.”

Fedor and Alexander Emelianenko: brothers

In addition to Fedor, MMA rings also know another fighter with the same last name - Alexander Emelianenko. The brothers achieved significant success in their sports careers. Alexander is Fedor's younger brother. He is also known for his sporting achievements.

Unfortunately, the fame of fighters is not on the same scale in Russia as it is abroad. For example, the largest fan club of Fedor Emelianenko is located in Japan. And in Korea, the fighter has so many fans that he has to travel with 50 bodyguards.

Emelianenko brothers: who is older? Biography of Fedor

The fighter, born in 1976, comes from the city of Rubezhnoye (Lugansk region). He was the eldest son in an ordinary working-class family, which in 1978 moved to Russia, to the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region. He developed a passion for martial arts at the age of ten, when he visited the sambo section for the first time. Then a judo section was added. There was no one to leave his younger brother Alexander with, so Fedor took him with him to training, which later attracted him to the world of sports.

In 1987, Fedor entered Vladimir Voronov’s sports class. After 1991, Emelianenko Sr. graduated high school and entered the school. Having completed it successfully, in 1995 he entered the army, where he first served in the fire department, and then in the tank forces. While in the armed forces, he did not stop playing sports. However, due to limited army conditions, all training consisted of strength exercises. This includes working with weights, lifting barbells, and, of course, long forced marches.

Fedor found himself in the world of mixed style fighting in the 90s, when, due to the crisis, an acute financial shortage that affected the majority of the population overtook him. The athlete’s first fights took place according to the “Rings” version, which at that time was considered the safest.

Biography of Alexander

The brother of Fedor Emelianenko is from Stary Oskol. Alexander (b. 1981), as mentioned above, got into the sports world thanks to his older brother Fedor, who often took him with him to training. Thus, Fedor Emelianenko’s brother became addicted to sambo and, like Fedor himself, entered Vladimir Voronov’s sports class. In 2003, Alexander entered the correspondence department of the Faculty of Economics of the Belgorod Institute. A year later, the athlete moved to St. Petersburg.

Sports achievements of Alexander Emelianenko

The fighter is known for his victories in the professional ring. Moreover, he is a multiple world champion in sambo. Alexander also won the title of European champion in combat sambo. In addition, Alexander has the title of Master of Sports in judo and Master of Sports in combat sambo.

The list of his achievements includes 24 victories, of which 17 were won by technical knockout. Thanks to boxing, the fighter has a hand that allowed him to achieve high results.

Contrary to rumors that Alexander gained fame thanks to his older brother, the athlete is known for his victories over such titans of the ring as Kharitonov, Morais and Foki.

Sports achievements of Fedor Emelianenko

During his sports career, Fedor is known for his victories over such fighters as Rizo, Ishil, Monson, Orlovsky, Rogers and over 30 other famous athletes. Fedor suffered defeat only four times. These were the battles:

  • Emelianenko - Henderson.
  • Emelianenko - Silva.
  • Emelianenko - Werdum.
  • Emelianenko - Kosaka.

Famous fights. Fight with Lindland

As a rule, all the battles of the Russian hero are bright events, and it is difficult to single out the most memorable one. One can only remember the 2007 fight with Lindland, where honored guests in the person of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Silvio Berluscloni gathered on the viewing platform.

In the opening minutes, Fedor suffered a powerful blow from Lindland, but soon after that Emelianenko won. One of the memorable moments is that Lindland had to gain 15 kg in order to go against Emelianenko.

Fight with Monson

One of the expected events of 2011 was the fight between two titans of the mixed styles ring - Monson and Emelianenko. The brothers prepared for this fight for a long time. Fedor and his opponent had deep respect for each other and were looking forward to a fight. As the fight progressed, it became noticeable that Fedor especially honed his striking technique, as the fight was full of low kicks from his side. One such set of blows resulted in the death of an American fighter. Additionally, Monson was hit in the face in the third round, resulting in the American's death.

Several times the American athlete tried to perform Fedora, but the attempts were unsuccessful. Towards the end of the round, Monson missed three punches to the head. At the end of the fight, it became clear to everyone that the American was exhausted and it was difficult for him to continue the fight. The result was Fedor's victory on points.

Fight with Henderson

Famous fight where Fedor failed. After three rounds, the athletes exchanged blows, in which the Russian suffered greatly. The result was the defeat of Fedor.

According to the coaches, Henderson got the victory due to Emelianenko’s poor preparation. The brothers repeatedly noted after this that Fedor himself Lately paid little attention to working on tactics, did not make changes, which led to a sad result.

Fight with Antonio Silva

The sad outcome of this fight is known to all Emelianenko fans. The Brazilian “Bigfoot” came out against the Russian athlete - this is the nickname the public awarded Fedor’s opponent. The first round went in Emelianenko's style. It would seem that the outcome will be the same as in the champion’s previous fights. But the Brazilian turned out to be very agile, despite his size, which Fedor did not expect from him. In the second round, Silva knocked the Russian onto his shoulder blades, after which he unleashed a hail of blows that no one would have been able to resist. However, Fedor did not lose consciousness and fought back as best he could until his doctor stopped the fight. The Russian athlete's eye completely swollen shut, and continuation of the fight became impossible.

Fight with Kosaka

This was the first defeat of Fedor Emelianenko in his career (2000). However, the result of the fight cannot be called a loss for the Russian as such, since the outcome was the judges’ mistake. Kosaka held, which is why Emelianenko’s eyebrow was cut. Due to this, the battle was stopped. The mistake was that according to the Rings version (according to which the fight was held), the blow was considered prohibited. However, the judges did not take this into account.

However, the revenge that took place in 2005 put everything in its place. The brother of Alexander Emelianenko took full revenge on Kosaka, breaking his eyebrow in the first round. In it, having made several blows to the face, Fedor did not leave the Japanese the slightest chance. The constantly running blood did not allow the Russian athlete to carry out attacks on his opponent’s face. A technical knockout in the first round put the finishing touches on everything.

In addition, the outcome of the fight was predetermined by the majority of Japanese spectators, who unanimously predicted Emelianenko’s victory over their compatriot. Total Russian athlete won almost all his fights. The Emelianenko brothers have repeatedly made statements that Fedor will soon return to professional sports.

Fedor Vladimirovich Emelianenko is a famous athlete who, in addition to fighting without rules, also became famous for his success in judo and sambo. He comes from an ordinary large family. He started studying martial arts late, but this did not become an obstacle to success. He provided all novice athletes with very precise combat tactics.

This famous person respected by many rivals, because he does not humiliate them, but, on the contrary, accepts them as equals. He does not boast of his fame and often does charity work. Also, this man is very religious and, among other things, does not drink alcohol.

Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Emelianenko

When Fedor became famous in the field of MMA, fans of ultimate fighting began to show interest in the athlete, and, therefore, wanted to know his height, weight, and age. How old Fedor Emelianenko is is no secret. His date of birth is publicly available.

Now the famous wrestler is 41 years old. This is a bright and principled person who knows how to respect his opponents and meets any difficulties on his way with dignity.

With a height of 183 centimeters, Fedor Emelianenko weighs as much as 104 kilograms. But this is not excess weight, but, on the contrary, a real mountain of muscles. And such a ratio of weight and height is simply ideal for participants in fights without rules.

Biography and personal life of Fedor Emelianenko

Biography and personal life Fedor Emelianenko are publicly available information.

The future champion began training in martial arts at the age of ten. He did well in school, but only really gave it his all in training. After graduating from the sports university, Fedor went to the army. Having returned from which, he took up sports professionally, because he already had the title of Master of Sports in martial arts.

But in the turbulent nineties it was difficult to make money in sports, so Emelianenko switched to fights without rules, where he began performing as part of the Japanese team “Rings”. Out of twelve fights, he lost only one.

In 2001, he received the championship title and moved to the Pride club.

Fyodor does not consider his personal life to be stormy. The man himself calls himself a monogamist. All his life he loved only one woman and realized this only after the divorce. But in the end they get back together.

Family and children of Fedor Emelianenko

The family and children of Fedor Emelianenko, in his own words, are of great importance in the life of an athlete. His two main pillars are family and religion.

There were two women in Fyodor's life who gave him four beautiful girls. Of course, due to his busy schedule and frequent training, the man does not spend much time with his children, but he undoubtedly loves them very much.

The athlete spoke quite little about his three girls, which is why not much information is known about them. As for the last daughter, absolutely nothing is known about her - not her name, not her birthday.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Maria

Fedor Emelianenko’s daughter, Maria, is the first-born and, undoubtedly, the desired and expected child, whom the athlete’s first wife gave birth to back in 1999.

As soon as Mashenka went to school, her parents divorced, which was a huge shock for the girl. But Fedor and his wife made a very right decision, showing the little girl that they maintained friendly relations with each other. And the mother did not try to limit the communication between father and daughter.

Now Maria is 17 years old, she is finishing school. By nature she is very active, sociable and creative person, who does not suffer from lack of attention and is always surrounded by friends.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Vasilisa

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko, Vasilisa, is eight years younger than her half-sister, since another woman named Marina gave birth to a girl for Fedor. Vasilisa turned out to be an illegitimate child. But it is still worth considering the fact that Fedor, without any prevarication, immediately recognized the girl as his own daughter.

There are rumors that he left his first wife precisely because of Marina’s pregnancy. The girl is growing up very talented, active and athletic. She goes to a regular school and is a good student. The little girl just adores her daddy. He often watches his fights and how he gives autographs to fans.

Daughter of Fedor Emelianenko - Elizaveta

The daughter of Fedor Emelianenko, Elizaveta, was born in 2011 in the athlete’s second marriage. The girl is growing up to be a very active and bright personality. He loves sports and doesn’t mind sometimes fighting with his father, even in a joke fight.

Previously, the girl went to the studio child development and attended an elite kindergarten. Now little Lisa has gone to first grade. The baby loves to spend time with her father and does not pay attention to the disagreements between him and her mother. Among other things, Lizochka loves her stepsister very much and she likes to play and spend time with her. Despite everything, the girls grow up friendly.

The ex-wife of Fedor Emelianenko - Marina Emelianenko

Fedor Emelianenko’s ex-wife, Marina Emelianenko, entered the wrestler’s life when he was married. Marina was Fedor’s longtime friend and it was because of her that the man’s first family fell apart.

After all, there is no other way to explain the fact that after divorcing his wife Oksana, he almost immediately became friends with Marina, who very soon gave birth to a girl for his former friend. Marina is a non-public person, so she never appears at social events.

Marina took care of the house and children, creating for her husband all the conditions for proper rest after training and fights. The wedding took place after the birth of the second baby, but the marriage had to be dissolved a few years later.

Fedor Emelianenko's wife - Oksana Emelianenko

Fedor Emelianenko’s wife, Oksana Emelianenko, has known her husband since high school. They met in one of the pioneer camps. Fedor was then at a sports training camp, and Oksana was a pioneer leader.

The novel was quite fast-paced. Oksana was waiting for her lover with army service, and later went with him to all competitions and helped heal his wounds. The couple got married in 1999, but their marriage broke up seven years later because Fedor cheated on his wife.

The shock for everyone was that, after several years of living with his second wife and the birth of two more daughters, Fedor eventually returned to Oksana.

Watch the latest fights of Fedor Emelianenko online

You can watch Fedor Emelianenko’s latest fights online either on thematic websites on the Internet or on open video hosting sites like Youtube. Videos of Fedor Emelianenko fighting against such strongmen as Andrei Orlovsky, Jaideep Singh, Dan Henderson, Matt Mitrione and Tim Sylvia are especially popular among MMA fans.

In addition, you can find all these videos in highest quality. Most sites support the ability to download videos of fights to a computer or memory card, so that later, for convenience, you can view them on your phone or tablet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Emelianenko

Instagram and Wikipedia of Fedor Emelianenko have existed in full for a long time. All of these resources provide a comprehensive look at not only sports career men, but also his personal life, and all famous biography. Everything about his childhood, parents, and so on. In particular, fans will appreciate the large amount of information about training or lost fights, as well as those where Emelianenko won. All of Fedor’s activities that do not relate to sports are also affected. Namely – cinema, politics and advertising.

On Instagram, the athlete shares personal photos with subscribers. Article found by alabanza.ru

The life of champion Fedor Emelianenko: how did he become an athlete, who is his wife?

Fedor Emelianenko is a famous athlete, boxer and multiple champion in mixed martial arts. His success creates many fans of his talent. How did he start doing martial arts and become famous? Does he have a family, wife and children? Here we will tell you the most up-to-date information about the ring star.

Biography of a famous fighter

Born on September 28, 1976 in the Ukrainian SSR in the town of Rubezhny in a family not associated with professional sports: his father was engaged in gas-electric welding, and his mother was a teacher at a vocational school. The boy turned out to be the second child, after him 2 more children were born in the family.

At the age of two, he and his parents moved to the city of Stary Oskol in Russia, where he grew up and became interested in sports. The family first lived in communal apartment in cramped conditions.

At the age of 10, he went to the sports section with his friends, starting to study sambo and judo with coach Vasily Gavrilov. The boy often came not alone, but together with his brother Alexander, who also became a famous athlete.

Fedor performed well in the classroom and soon moved to Vladimir Voronov’s class, where the teenager studied for several years and continued training even after graduating from school. Emelianenko graduated from vocational school with honors (with a degree in electrician). When he joined the army in the mid-nineties, the young man had already decided to take up sports seriously. The army turned out to be a good school, where Fedor further strengthened his body and spirit, increased muscle mass of his body by a little over 20 kilograms.

After service, the athlete took part in competitions, where he showed excellent results. After some time, he began working in MMA for the RINGS company. During the fights, he lost only once due to an unfortunate cut. This did not stop him from becoming the RINGS champion in 2001.

2004 was remembered for a series of victories, with which he confirmed his status as a champion according to Pride FC. In one of the competitions in 2006, he was able to defeat the famous Mark Hunt even with a broken toe received at the very beginning of the fight.

Soon the Russian athlete began working at M-1 Global, of which he was a co-owner. Performances with him became less frequent, because of this, fans paid great attention to each meeting. You can especially remember the victory over the giant from South Korea, whose name was Hong Man Choi.

In 2009, Fedor knocked out Belarusian Andrei Orlovsky, defending his WAMMA champion title.

Then, after participating in cage fights and two defeats, the man realized that it was time to end professional sports. He fought several more fights, in which he invariably won. This was the case with his rival Pedro Rizzo in 2012. Fedor quickly knocked him out, and soon announced his retirement from the sport.

What are the names of Fedor's wives and children?

Fedor hides his personal life; he believes that some moments of life should not become “publicly accessible.” Below is the information that we were able to collect.

The athlete met his first love Oksana in school time, she was a pioneer leader. The girl took care of the guy after training, helping to heal his wounds. She always supported young man, they soon began a relationship that turned into marriage. Oksana was on Fedor’s side, helping him win both in training fights and in the ring. The girl gave birth to a daughter, Maria, from him.

But this marriage did not last long: after 7 years life paths The spouses separated, although they maintained friendly relations, including for the sake of their common daughter. It is not known for certain why the couple broke up in 2006, but there is information that Fedor’s mistress was to blame.

This is confirmed by the following events: a year later, his old friend Marina gave birth to the athlete another daughter, Vasilisa. After two years of cohabitation, the couple got married. Then another daughter, Elizabeth, was born. Marina devoted all her time to raising children.

But two years after the birth of his last child, Fedor divorced again and returned to his first wife Oksana. He performed a church wedding ceremony with her in 2014. The Russian fighter is Orthodox and deeply religious.

It is unclear what prompted Fyodor to return to Oksana; perhaps during his second marriage he felt a deep connection with a girl he had known since youth.

Now the man lives happy life, he has a good relationship with Oksana. Emelianenko's wife continues to support him in all matters.

A loving father takes care of his children and his girls grow up. Fedor, with his strength and will, achieved complete life success, we wish him to continue to live in harmony and delight his fans with good news.



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