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Flowers with striped green leaves. Growing Fittonia and care at home

Numerous fans of Fittonia adore this plant for its beautiful leaves, bright and exotic color, and interesting pattern on the leaves. That is why it is best to decorate children's rooms, balconies, offices and public spaces.

The leaves of the plant themselves may have different colors, where shades of green, red, white, lilac and dark may be present. But the flowers of this plant are not particularly beautiful - they are white, small and inconspicuous.

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Caring for such a capricious plant as Fittonia is quite peculiar and it depends both on the size of the plant and on the species, and there are quite a few of them. You can verify this by reading our photo selection of various fittonias.

The larger the plant, the more care it requires. To maintain its bright color, the flower needs appropriate and sufficient lighting. But the flowering of Fittonia can be observed at home quite rarely, but if it is provided with the most favorable conditions, then such a cute phenomenon will please the eye of its owner.

How to care for indoor flowers?

In order for this exotic flower to please the owner’s eye as much as possible, it is necessary to apply special care, which consists of maintaining the desired air temperature, selecting suitable soil, moderate watering, sufficient lighting and the necessary fertilizer.

In addition to the basic requirements for caring for indoor flowers, a plant, like a person, simply needs Fresh air. Therefore, ventilation of premises should be a mandatory procedure when caring for Fittonia.

Temperature and watering

The most optimal temperature for keeping fittonia is considered to be 20-24º. It should not fall below 18º. In principle, this air temperature is maintained in residential premises and apartments, so there may not be any special hassle in maintaining the required temperature. Of course, drafts and sudden changes in air temperature should be extremely avoided, because the plant may not tolerate such phenomena and die. Even in summer time In good weather, it is not advisable to take Fittonia outside.

Watering Fittonia should be regular, abundant, but without stagnation of excess liquid. The flower pot must have small holes to drain excess liquid, which must be drained after watering an hour later. In the intervals between waterings, you should ensure that the soil dries out, but in no case dries out.


Fittonia is a fairly light-loving plant, but from an excess of light, as well as from a lack, the leaves at the edges will begin to fade. She is very afraid of direct and strong sunlight. It is advisable to grow it in the shade, but so that sunlight I made my way a little towards the plant.

Of course, in winter, Fittonia may not have enough daylight, so additional lighting can be done with fluorescent lamps, but not throughout the day, but only for 2-4 hours.

Types of soil and fertilizers for it

The main and most common types of soil that are suitable for fittonia are “Azalea”, “Violet” and “Geranium”. And fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants in the form of top dressing is added to the soil in the summer. Not all fertilizers are suitable for such a delicate plant, but on the packaging, manufacturers usually indicate what types of flowers it is suitable for. But still, fittonia needs at least two times less fertilizer than other flowers.


After three to four years, the plant tends to expose the lower part of the stem, which is why it loses its attractiveness. This means that it is time for rejuvenation. You need to cut off the tops of the stems and then root them. In order for young stems to grow better, their tops need to be pinched.

How to transplant and propagate?

Fittonia propagation occurs by rooting apical cuttings, which begin to grow very well and quickly. Their length should be at least 5-8 cm, and at the same time there should be 3-4 leaves on the stems. The period that cuttings need to root is approximately 1.5 months.

And, as soon as the cuttings take root, they can be transplanted into a flower pot. Of course, such an operation is always best done in the spring. Rooting is best done in moist soil or water. If the plant takes root in moist soil, then it needs to be watered regularly and be sure to spray the cuttings with warm water. Fittonia is also propagated by dividing the bush.

If you need to replant the plant, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • You need to replant once a year in the spring;
  • The soil should be loose, light and consist of turf soil (1 part), heather or coniferous soil (1 part), peat (½ part) and sand (½ part).

Main types

Fittonia has several types - Fittonia white, Fittonia mix, Fittonia skeleton and Fittonia verschaffelta. This flower can also be grown in an aquarium. This process is quite complicated, but if you grow Fittonia in an aquarium, you will get something amazing and unforgettable.

Such a plant can actually grow in an aquarium. It can only die from decay, which is often caused by negative factors (not enough light). There should be a lot of it, that is, more than the flower needs under normal home conditions. And, if the plant has enough of it, the leaves will not be “soaked” with water and, due to good photosynthesis, will not rot.

Fittonia should be planted in an aquarium only with formed roots, and this process should be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the trunk in the first place.


A chic and rich look will be given by Fittonia mix - several types of plants planted in one pot. Caring for phytonia mix is ​​no different from the basic requirements for caring for each type of such plant, that is, you need to maintain optimal temperature, air and soil humidity, and optimal lighting.


This type of Fittonia is very elegant with creeping shoots, as well as rather small oval, matte and velvety leaves that reach a length of several centimeters. The leaves have a very intense color, olive color, on which there is a thick and openwork network of bright red veins. The intensity of the color of the petals sometimes produces a luminous effect.

Fittonia Skeleton also prefers warmth and high humidity, so its cultivation is often carried out in terrariums or in “bottle gardens”. In winter, it is possible to move the plant to a brighter place, but still there is no need to keep it near heating devices, because they tend to dry out the air, which negatively affects the quality of life of the flower.


Fittonia Verschaffelta features beautiful dark green foliage that has white, pink or red veins. It is a ground cover plant but can grow up to 30 cm in diameter. It also does not accept drafts, direct sunlight and dry air. This type of fittonia is ideal for flower arrangements.

Caring for it at home consists of daily spraying with water, maintaining the temperature and providing it with sufficient lighting.

Diseases and negative factors

Despite the fact that Fittonia is quite capricious, it is quite rarely susceptible to disease. Here, rather, errors may be caused by the owner of the plant. For example, if you water it abundantly, the leaves will begin to wither and turn yellow. If you leave the flower under straight lines sun rays, then he will simply get burned. If the air is too dry, the leaves will begin to wrinkle. But if there is a lack of light, the flower will stretch upward, and its leaves will fade.

The pests that attack the plant are called scale insects, thrips and spider mites. But the main pest is aphids.

Note to the florist

In order for the shape of the flower to become more beautiful, you must adhere to a few simple but very important rules, namely:

Almost every flower lover knows this beautiful plant. It's called fittonia. Few people will resist buying such a flower when they see it in a store window. If we compare it with such “noble” plants as and others, then Fittonia wins in price, and the beautiful variegated leaves of green or carmine-red color will attract the attention of even the most fastidious buyer. Having gotten to know this flower better, it becomes clear that it is easy to care for and grow, and over time, without much expense, a small bush will turn into a colorful clearing as if collected from the eggs of amazing birds.

For home cultivation, as a rule, such types of Fittonia as large (giant) and Vershafelt (small-leaved) are used. You need to know that the small-leaved variety of the plant is in great demand, while the large-leaved variety is less in demand among gardeners. Fittonia can be used not only as a separate indoor flower in the interior, but also in combination with other plants.

Lighting and location. Fittonia, like other types of decorative deciduous plants with variegated leaves, needs good lighting without direct sunlight. With a lack of lighting, the leaves of the flower will turn pale, and the flower itself will rise and take on an exhausted and sickly appearance. The required minimum light can be determined by moving the plant to different places and observing its reaction, which manifests itself very quickly. The most best place For fittonia, windows on the western or eastern side are considered. It is worth noting that northern windows with partial shade may also be suitable, but this applies more to subsequent generations of the flower, that is, grown and raised in this particular house with its conditions. In winter, you need to try to add additional lighting.

Temperature. It should immediately be noted that Fittonia is afraid of drafts and temperature fluctuations. In this regard, it is not advisable to take such a flower outside even in the warm season. This can be confirmed by my own unpleasant experience... Just at the beginning of my passion for floriculture, before an urgent business trip, I forgot to warn my family about this property of Fittonia. Mom took the plant with “papery” leaves outside to stand in the air, thinking that I simply forgot or did not have enough time for it. Two weeks later it was too late to save the flower...

In other cases, Fittonia is simply perfect for growing in a city apartment. It perfectly withstands the familiar “winter heat” and temperatures up to +25 degrees, which kills many houseplants. For Fittonia, this is a normal temperature level, but a decrease to +17 degrees or even less provokes disease and death of the flower. With all this, you need to try not to place it near radiators, which is not easy, especially if its place is on the windowsill. More on this later.

Air humidity and watering. You should not overdry the soil, as even just one overdrying will cause the plant to begin to lose leaves. At the same time, stagnation of water is unacceptable, as this can cause the roots to rot. You need to choose something in between and always monitor the condition of the soil. This indoor flower is prone to high transpiration - the evaporation of moisture through the leaves. This ability leads to rapid drying out of the soil in the pot, which is important to take into account.

In the summer, you need to water the plant abundantly and often, and by autumn, gradually reduce the number of waterings and leave it 1-2 days after the top layer of soil dries until spring. In this case, everything depends on the temperature in the room, since if it is very hot, the soil will dry out faster and more frequent watering will be needed. The main thing is not to let the soil dry out completely.

Air humidity should be increased all year round. This is especially important in winter, when the indoor air is very dry. Fittonia should be sprayed once or twice a day. If this is not possible, then the pot is placed in a tray filled with wet pebbles, expanded clay or moss. You need to avoid such a common mistake as placing a pot in water. Under no circumstances should its bottom come into contact with water.

How to replant. Fittonia grows very quickly, so it is better to replant it annually. This is especially important for young plants. For an adult, a transplant is acceptable after 2-3 years. For transplantation you need to take the following soil composition:

  • One part of humus
  • One part peat
  • Three parts of leaf earth
  • One part sand

An important condition for transplantation is good drainage.

The root system of Fittonia is located superficially, so you should choose a wide and shallow pot. In such a bowl the flower will look even more catchy.

How to propagate. This can be done in several ways - layering, cuttings or dividing the bush (the simplest of them). The division is carried out in the spring, and when transplanting, the roots need to be divided and transplanted into different pots. The method of propagation by cuttings is also simple. In this case, in spring or summer, an apical cutting 6-7 cm long, with 3-5 leaves, is transplanted into wet sand. You can also use peat tablets, peat moss and sphagnum moss.

The planted plant is covered from above with a cap, which can be a bag, glass jar And so on. The taken cuttings can also be simply placed in water without pouring too much of it. The water level in the container should be no more than 1 cm. This is necessary for good saturation of the water with oxygen. The container in which the cutting stands is also covered with a cap. With any method, the cutting should be periodically opened and sprayed.

Suitable for propagation of Fittonia and layering. This method is well known to those summer residents who have propagated gooseberries. A long shoot of the plant from which the leaves need to be removed is taken, and directly on the mother plant it is dropped into this or, if desired, into another pot. After the young flower takes root, it is separated from the mother plant. It is worth noting that over time, fittonia grows and loses its attractive appearance. Because of this, it needs to be updated frequently.

How to trim and shape a bush. To make the bush lush, the tops of the shoots must be pinched. This is most important for young plants. According to observations, after 3-4 years, due to the growth of Fittonia, its lower part becomes exposed, which does not look very beautiful. If there is no opportunity or desire to grow a new plant, you can rejuvenate the old one. To do this, old shoots are cut off, but not entirely. Fittonia should still have leaves, so it is better to trim it in several stages. But it’s better to grow a young flower.

Fittonia enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners for its bright beautiful leaves with interesting colors.

From various types fittonias in one pot can be amazing flower arrangements, which ennoble any room and bring a bit of exoticism to them.

Fittonia leaves are the most various shades, but the small and inconspicuous flowers are not at all distinguished by their beauty.


The most common for growing at home the following types fittonia:

  • Fittonia Verschaffelta (Fittonia verschaffeltii). Characterized by small size and short stature. The stems are climbing and spreading along the ground. The leaves of this species are quite large, oval, green or dark green in color, with reddish veins.
  • Fittonia Silver, or Fittonia argyroneura. This variety has bright green leaves with silver veins.
  • Fittonia gigantea (Fittonia gigantea). This species is grown very rarely indoors, since it is considered very capricious to external conditions. The giant fittonia is quite large in size - about half a meter in height. The leaves are the same as those of Fittonia Verschaffelta.

Features of care

Fittonia care requires a lot of attention and knowledge of certain subtleties.

Location and lighting

Fittonia prefers good lighting. She needs bright light, but preferably diffused light, since she is afraid of direct rays of the sun.

The best option The location for fittonia will be the eastern or western window sill. When installing the pot on south window, you will need to provide shading from the sun's rays.

In winter, when the weather is often cloudy outside and the sunlight is not intense enough, sometimes it is necessary to organize additional sources lighting- for example, place a fluorescent lamp in the room with the plant, but it is recommended to turn it on only for a few hours a day.

Temperature and watering

Fittonia feels great at a temperature of about 25°C in summer; in winter it should be a little cooler, but not lower than 18°C. This is a plant should be protected from sudden changes in temperature and from drafts.

In general, Fittonia is very capricious about any changes in the external environment.

Fittonia loves air saturated with moisture, so it should be spray frequently.

You can also place a large container of water next to the pot, which will increase the humidity in the room.

You need to water it often enough to avoid drying out the earthen clod, but at the same time watch closely so that the water does not stagnate. An hour after watering, you need to drain the excess water that remains in the pan. This measure will avoid rotting of the plant roots.

You need to water it with water that has settled sufficiently and reached room temperature. To maintain the proper level of acidity, you can sometimes add a drop to the water. lemon juice.


Fittonia especially needs feeding in spring and summer. During this period, it should be fertilized twice a month, using complex fertilizers in the exact dosage according to the instructions. Excess fertilizer can be very dangerous for the plant. In winter, Fittonia is not fertilized at all.

Transplantation and soil

The pots into which the transplant will be carried out must be selected wide, but not very deep, since Fittonia has a superficial root system. Otherwise, the roots may rot and die, and the plant itself will begin to actively shed its leaves.

The transplant does not need to be done too often; it will be enough to do it once every 2-3 years to rejuvenate the plant.

The best time to transplant Fittonia is spring.

The soil selected is as follows: peat, turf and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1. It is important to provide good drainage to prevent water stagnation.


Fittonia is most often propagated in three ways - by cuttings, tapping or dividing the bush.

At propagation by cuttings The top of the plant, 5-6 cm long, is cut off, then it is placed in light soil or sand, after which the container is covered with a glass jar.

For the entire rooting period, it is necessary to maintain the temperature around 26°-27°C and high humidity, periodically watering the soil. After the cutting takes root, i.e. After about a month and a half, you can transplant it into a pot.

At reproduction by division, during transplantation, the Fittonia bush is divided and transplanted into another pot. Division must be done very carefully so as not to accidentally harm the roots of the plant.

The third type of reproduction is layering. First, a small section of the stem is freed from leaves and lightly sprinkled with soil. After some time, roots will appear in this area, which should be carefully cut off and replanted.

Frequent problems and diseases of Fittonia

Since Fittonia is very picky about external conditions and care, breaking some rules can lead to the following problems:

  • The leaves are drying up And darken at the tips, the plant slows down its growth. The problem is either dryness environment, or that it is affected. Damaged leaves must be removed and the plant must be provided with the proper level of humidity. If the problem is a tick, spray with an insecticide.
  • Wilting, curling of leaves. The reason is lack of watering.
  • If the leaves acquire a brownish-yellowish tint, this may indicate either a lack of nutrients or an excess of them. Feeding needs to be normalized.
  • Elongated stems with small leaves- little light. If the leaves lose their color or dry out, it is necessary to move the pot to a more shaded place or provide increased protection from the light of the sun.
  • If the lower part of the stem is bare– this is quite normal. You need to wait until spring and cut off the shoots.
  • The stems rot and wither– the plant is too cold and there is too much moisture. For this reason, Fittonia can quickly die.
  • The appearance of small yellowish spots on leaves indicates infection. Actellik will help you cope with it.

Watch the video for the secrets of professionals in caring for Fittonia flowers at home:

Along with its magnificent appearance, Fittonia has and health benefits– improves sleep and purifies the air from germs, so it is well suited for bedrooms and children's rooms.



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