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Christmas fortune telling on mirrors. Fortune telling for Christmas: for the betrothed and more. Fortune telling on spruce branches

The time from Christmas to Epiphany is considered a rampant period of evil spirits. Therefore, fortune telling during this period often turns out to be true. You can see a prophetic dream, find out the future by divination. The night before Christmas and the night before Epiphany are energetically strong. It is necessary to take precautions so that it does not stay in the house and cause trouble.

Not everything can be completed to the end. It takes endurance and courage to see your future groom in reality. The most important thing is to complete the ceremony on time. Then the consequences will not affect the fortuneteller.

Tradition of Christmas fortune telling

On the night before Christmas, the line between worlds is so thin that you can see the future. Fortune telling at this time is considered the most truthful and accurate.

The power of the night before Christmas helps to lift the veil and discover fate. The most common are considered to be. The Church strictly condemns such actions, pointing out that on Christmas we must pray and glorify the coming of the Savior. The Holy Fathers claim that at this time all dark forces are activated. They provoke a person to dark deeds.

Christmas fortune-telling (from January 6 to January 19) is more like entertainment. They are carried out in the form of a game, a joke. Fortune telling by barking dogs, divination on wax... You can find out your fate by hair, shadows, burnt paper, a ring, your betrothed on the night before Christmas will help you see your future spouse. The ritual with the mirror is considered one of the most creepy, but true.

Preparing for fortune telling

Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed should be carried out, adhering to some rules:

  1. There should be no one in the room except the fortuneteller.
  2. You need to turn off the lights and electrical appliances.
  3. Before fortune telling, remove jewelry.
  4. Let your hair down, remove your belt or waistband.
  5. Do not cross your arms or legs during fortune telling.

“The betrothed-mummer”: fortune telling with a mirror

For successful divination, the girl needs to stay in the room alone. Turn off the electricity, light a candle. Place a mirror on the table and sit opposite it. Prepare a clean towel. All Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed is carried out without a cross, with loose hair.

At midnight, look into the mirror with the words: “Betrothed, come to dinner with me.” The approach of the groom will be indicated by the flickering of a candle fire or a fogged mirror. In the latter case, you need to wipe the mirror with a towel.

Soon the betrothed will appear and approach the mirror. You should carefully examine his appearance, do not ask or answer any questions. You should not turn your face to your betrothed. You only need to look at it through a mirror.

After the girl examines her betrothed, she must shout: “Out of this place.” After these words, the reflection in the mirror should disappear. If this does not happen, cross yourself. Only after your betrothed has left can you extinguish the candle and turn on the light.

After this fortune telling, the mirror should be placed on the tablecloth so that the reflective surface faces the table.

Corridor of mirrors

Place 2 mirrors on the table. They must be clean and free of stains. Place the mirrors facing each other. One is a little larger, the other (with the wrong side facing the fortuneteller) is smaller. It turns out that the girl looks into a large mirror and sees the reflection of a small one in it.

Place 2 candles between the mirrors at different ends. You will get a mirrored corridor with candles. Turn off the electricity and stay alone in the room. It is better to carry out such fortune-telling in a non-residential area (for example, in a bathhouse or in an attic).

Say the text of the spell “Betrothed-Mummer...”. Peer into the mirrored corridor until the future groom appears. Having examined his appearance, shout “mind me” and cross himself. Don't delay this moment. If you don’t shout in time, then misfortune will inevitably happen. After the reflection has disappeared, turn the mirrors over and place them on the table.

This may provoke unpleasant dreams. If the future groom appears in a dream, try to wake up and cross himself. In the morning, read a prayer and wash with holy water.

Fortune telling with cutlery

Fortune telling about your betrothed on the night before Christmas is fraught with some danger. The arrival of evil spirits in the guise of a groom can frighten the bravest girl.

Before the ceremony, it is necessary to cover the table with a tablecloth. Light a candle, turn off the electricity. Place two cutlery on the table - for yourself and for your betrothed. In some versions of fortune telling, it is necessary to install only one device - for the guest.

Sit at the table and say the text of the plot “The Betrothed-Mummer...”. After that, be patient and wait. Blows on the windows or door, the howling of the wind will indicate that the betrothed is on the way.

When the groom appears, you should be careful. Do not take gifts from him, do not talk, do not answer questions. The girl should only look at her betrothed, trying to remember his features. Then ask his name. The betrothed must name his name - this is what the future groom will be called.

Fortune telling with candles

Fortune telling for your betrothed on the night before Christmas will help you find out what your relationship with your future husband will be like. Write the groom's full name and date of birth on paper. Light a red candle - this color symbolizes a love relationship. It is better to carry out the wedding on your betrothed at midnight, in absolute silence.

  • If the note quickly flared up and burned out, the relationship will be passionate, but will quickly pass.
  • If the paper burns slowly and evenly, the relationship will last a long time and will be smooth and calm.
  • If the note does not burn completely, the flame goes out - such a relationship will soon end.

Fortune telling before bed

Fortune telling for your betrothed before going to bed is one of the simplest. You need to put a comb under the pillow and say: “Come to me, betrothed. Comb me and show yourself.” Try to remember the dream - it will give a hint about the future.

Fortune telling is considered the most effective and truthful if it takes place on the night of Christmas (January 6-7) or Epiphany (January 18-19).

  • All this time, late in the evening, you can ask passing men for names - they will tell you the name of the future groom.
  • You can write a few notes with your wishes and hide them under your pillow. In the morning, stick your hand in and pull out any note. What is written in it - such a wish will come true.

Fortune telling for the betrothed's baptism begins with the floor in the room being sprinkled with holy water. Place the mirror on the table, face up. Cover it with a white sheet of paper. On the paper - put a glass with ashes and throw in a wedding ring. At midnight, light a candle and look into the water until the reflection of your betrothed appears.

Christmas is just around the corner - a bright and good holiday. A time of fabulous events and unusual actions. And for young girls this is a special Christmas night. Since ancient times, on this holiday, girls have been actively guessing in order to find out their fate and see their betrothed. Curiosity is common to any girl. There are many different types of Christmas fortune telling, but I would like to focus on one of the most popular among the fair half of humanity - fortune telling with a mirror.

Love fortune telling

Fortune telling with a mirror is often used to find out what awaits a girl in love. If there is no soulmate, then you want to know where and when to meet your betrothed, what he will be like.

For Christmas fortune telling with a mirror on your betrothed, you need to be in a dark room with dim light. You shouldn't take your girlfriends with you. Fortune telling is a mysterious and mystical thing, intimate, not requiring witnesses. The best time for fortune telling is midnight. Fortune telling with a mirror and a candle allows a girl to see her soulmate faster. For this mysterious ritual, a mirror is placed at face level. We light two candles near the mirror. The light of the candles should be reflected well in the mirror. Now look very carefully and say “Candle light, help me, show me my destiny quickly.” Repeat this several times. Soon you will see the outlines of your betrothed, the main thing is not to be afraid, but try to take a good look at him. When you see everything you need, don’t forget to say: “The candlelight showed everything, but my darling galloped away.” Blow out the candles and throw them away.

You can carry out fortune telling with a mirror without candles. Then you should take care of dim lighting, because in the dark you won’t be able to see anything. Again, we place the mirror in front of the face and say, “Dear mirror, help the little one, quickly, show me mine.” In the mirror you will see your betrothed, but do not expect a clear image, it will be very blurry, but you will be able to see the outlines. The main thing is not to be afraid, but to look carefully.

Fortune telling

If you are interested not only in the love side of your life, but you are interested in how the future will turn out, whether your dreams will come true, then you need to turn to fortune telling.

One of the interesting types of such fortune telling is fortune telling with a mirror under the pillow. On Christmas night, wash yourself, undress naked, take a mirror and say the following words: “Mirror-mirror, help me, decide my fate, let all my plans come true.” Write your wish or what you really want on the mirror, put it under your pillow and go to bed. If your inscription disappears in the morning, then your wish most likely will not come true. And if it remains and even becomes brighter, then expect your wish to come true in the near future.

Also, if you need an urgent answer to your question, you can turn to fortune telling with a mirror for the future for help. For this you need a mirror and a candle. We sit in front of the mirror and light a candle. We look at the candle in the mirror. You need to think carefully and formulate the question that you want to know about your future. It is advisable that the question requires a “yes” or “no” answer. We turn to the candle: “Help the candle flame, tell me my future.” Next, look carefully at the candle flame. If he leans to the right, then your wish will soon come true, if to the left, then you should wait until it comes true. If the candle goes out, then the flame cannot give you a clear answer to your question. If you receive a positive answer to fulfill your wish, then do not rush to put out the candle. It must burn completely, then the wish will definitely come true.

fortune telling by candles with a mirror

The girl comes into an empty room alone, bringing with her two utensils: a mirror and a candle, puts everything in order on the table and, sitting down opposite the mirror, wonders: “Betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner.” About five minutes before his arrival, the mirror begins to fade, and the girl wipes it with a specially prepared towel; finally, when the bride examines the groom’s facial features, she then shouts: “Out of this place!” The devil who took on the image of her fiancé will disappear. If you are not in a hurry to be shy, then the groom or the devil who has taken his image, having stopped looking, will sit next to the girl and, taking a knife or ring or something else from his pocket, will put it on the table; then the bride will become eccentric and the devil will disappear, and the allotted thing will remain as a spoil for her. Many superstitions claim that this loss actually happens to her fiancé.

fortune telling with a mirror by candlelight

This fortune telling is considered one of the most terrible. The fortuneteller must be alone, and for this purpose, by 12 o'clock at night, she is locked in a bathhouse (or in a room). Take two mirrors of equal size, large if possible, and place one opposite the other, illuminating them with the help of two candles from both ends. It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror and hold it in your hands so that the directional mirrors in the wall form a long corridor illuminated by lights. Of course, the mirrors need to be immaculately clean. After they are installed one opposite the other and illuminated by two candles of the same height, the fortuneteller must look into the mirror, intently and motionlessly, directing her gaze to the end of the corridor that appears to her, formed from two mirrors, glass directed one against the other. It is necessary to carefully observe and concentrate all the tension of the will in this gallery, in which they say the future betrothed is shown.

fortune telling at the crossroads with a mirror

They go to the crossroads with a mirror and, having a month behind them, look into the mirror, asking: “Betrothed, dressed up, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

fortune telling with a mirror and fir branches

This fortune telling is best done during the holiday week. Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and several spruce branches. Before you go to bed, write on the mirror the name of the person you are thinking about or your deepest desire. Then place a mirror under the bed and place fir branches around it. Look in the mirror in the morning. If the inscription on it has disappeared, then your wish will certainly come true, or you will get married soon. If the inscription remains as it was, alas, you will remain in your own interests. Sometimes a cross may form on the mirror. This is considered a bad omen for the person whose name was written on the mirror.

fortune telling by candle

The girls, believing in the power of the Intercession (October 14) to promote marriage, ran to church early in the morning and lit a candle for the holiday. There was a belief: whoever lights a candle first will get married sooner. You can tell fortunes by the flame of a candle.
A quiet flame means a quiet, even life without any special events or failures.
Bright white, with winks - life is more interesting.
The flame is very bright, crackling - a very cheerful, stormy life with many adventures.
A dim flame means life is sad and short-lived.
Red - to grief.
Yellow is for joy.
The color of red gold means a very good life.
Flame with soot - unfortunately.

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The unknown always attracts a person. From time immemorial, he was interested in finding out what awaited him in the future, to find out the answers to the questions that bothered him. This is precisely why Christmas fortune telling was invented. And in order to satisfy your curiosity, there is no need to go to a witch grandmother or a psychic, especially if you do not have confidence in their professionalism. All necessary rituals can be safely performed at home. You just need to comply with some conditions.

It is very important to choose the right time for the ritual. In Russian traditions, it is customary to tell fortunes between Christmas and January 19, but many years of experience have shown that spirits especially often respond to calls on the night of January 6-7, on Christmas Eve itself.

As our ancestors claimed, it is during this period of time that all predictions and answers to your questions will be closest to reality.

After Baptism takes place, all spirits from the other world go back to where they came from, and at this time all predictions will be distorted.

It is necessary to produce in those places that are considered an intermediate link between the world of the living and the afterlife. Basically, such places are attics, basements, especially dark and mysterious places that inspire a vague feeling of the presence of something else. Also, Russian women went to the bathhouse, since there is a particularly high concentration of perfume there.

To summon a spirit and find out what worries you, you must follow some rules:

  • during the ceremony, remove talismans and crosses, if you wear them;
  • during the ritual, let your hair down, since this style will allow you to establish the tightest connection with the spirits, and will also protect you from the effects of negative energy;
  • keep your arms parallel to your body, since arms lying crosswise make it difficult to establish contact with the other world;
  • remove all church utensils, icons, etc., as you are contacting forces opposite to divine energy;
  • the place where you plan to perform the ritual should be illuminated exclusively with candles; no other light sources should be available.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using branches

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed is already a tradition for young girls. One of the most famous rituals is the one called “The Bridge”. To carry it out, you need to first save a couple of thin branches from the trees that need to be cleared of bark.

Before going to bed, arrange them as follows: place the two longest ones next to each other parallel to each other, and place the shorter ones (2-3 pieces) across the long ones. This bridge structure must be built by you alone.

Before going to bed, place the resulting bridge under your pillow, saying: “Whoever is my betrothed will lead me across the bridge.” That night, the girl will see in a dream a bridge on which there will be a man holding out his hand to her. It is he who will be the image of the one to whom fate will subsequently entrust you.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using a ring

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed mummer can also be done with things that are at hand. In this case, use a ring. To do this, take a ring that belongs to you, preferably it is made of precious metal, then take a glass and pour water into it.

At night, when the room in which you will perform the ritual is lit only by candles, throw a ring from a glass of water and look carefully at the center. After a certain period of time, the image of a man who will become your life partner in the future will appear in the glass.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using cards

For this ritual, you will again need a simple tool at hand - a deck of ordinary cards. To make your prediction reliable, be sure to take a deck that you haven’t played yet, that is, a clean one, otherwise the prediction may turn out to be distorted. Separate the jacks and kings from the other cards, then mix them thoroughly.

Only these cards will be required as they symbolize men. Such Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed on cards is very common due to its simplicity.

Before going to bed, be sure to lay out the cards face down, and then say: “Mummer, dream about me!” Then go to bed. In the morning, take a random card. If you get a jack, it means your man will be young and about your age, and if you get a king, then his age will be many times greater than yours. After that, look at the suit you got.

  • worms - your fiance is much closer than you think, take a closer look at your surroundings;
  • spades - your life partner will be quite rich;
  • clubs - fate will connect you when you don’t expect it;
  • tambourines - you will meet through friends or relatives.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream using your comb

Christmas fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream is also an integral annual tradition for young girls. There is fortune telling with which you can find out not only the name of your future spouse, but also see his image. This is quite possible, since the vision will come to you while you are sleeping. Place your comb under your pillow just before going to bed. After this, say the following phrase: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and comb my head. Amen".

It is necessary that no one else uses your comb except you. If the image of your betrothed did not come to you that night, you can repeat the ritual after a couple of days.

Fortune telling for your betrothed using a new comb

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with a comb turns out to be no less effective and accurate. For this purpose, you need to buy a new comb, which is made exclusively from natural materials. Never use a comb made with plastic elements. Before going to bed, run it through your hair and say the following phrase: “My betrothed, mummer, come to me and comb your hair with my comb. Amen".

Then go to bed, and as soon as you wake up, look at the comb. If you find hair on it, then believe me, in your near future there will be a person who will become your companion. Such a ritual is quite truthful, since our ancestors were convinced of this more than once.

Many women subsequently claimed that the hair they found on the comb matched in color and length to that of their real husband.

Fortune telling on paper

Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed on paper is also a fairly simple way to find out a little information about your future spouse. However, in this fortune-telling you will need to show some ingenuity; it is very important to concentrate during the ritual. You will need to turn on associative thinking to guess what fate is sending you.

Take some paper, preferably larger (you can even use newspaper), and crumple it until it becomes shapeless. After this, take a flat plate and place crumpled paper on it and set it on fire. A few seconds before the paper completely burns out, bring the plate to the wall. From the shadow images that appear on the wall, you must recognize what otherworldly forces are predicting for you.

Fortune telling with salt

Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed at home can be done using standard salt. Here it also comes down to the interpretation of the dream. Immediately before plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus, the girl must eat or drink something salty, or even better if she just eats a little pure salt.

After which, without drinking and without talking to anyone, she needs to say the phrase: “Mummer, bring me some water to drink.” Then it is important to try to fall asleep quickly. The person who gives a girl water in a dream will become her husband.

Fortune telling on mirrors

If you want to see the image of your future husband as clearly as possible, then use mirrors. Choose the most secluded place, preferably dark, which will provide you with absolute silence. Let your hair down and then begin the ritual.

Place the mirrors closer to each other, preferably opposite. Place one candle on either side of each mirror. After all the manipulations, say the following phrase: “Betrothed, show yourself to me!” Then spend some time carefully looking at the mirrors. The image of the future spouse can appear either at the same moment or after a certain amount of time. Therefore, most likely, you will have to wait a little.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed was once one of the most interesting events during the winter holidays. Most often, fortune telling was done together with girlfriends, but there are also fortune telling that should be done alone.

In the article:

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with mirrors

Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed, for which it is necessary to use a mirror, has always been considered the most dangerous and terrible. In order to see the reflection of your betrothed, you need to guess completely alone. This is done only in the dark, without electric lighting, by candlelight.

In the old days, they tried to do such fortune-telling in non-residential premises or in the attic of a house. It was believed that if an evil spirit appeared instead of the betrothed, it could take up residence in the room in which they were telling fortunes about the betrothed with a mirror. By doing this in non-residential premises, our great-grandmothers tried to protect themselves from evil spirits.

The hair is let down, no hairpins are used, and the belt and jewelry are removed. A large number of buttons and fasteners on clothing can interfere with the free flow of energy that is necessary for fortune telling, so it is better to choose something without them.

The mirror should be thoroughly wiped in advance. It should be free from flaws such as bubbles, stains and distortion. Moreover, you cannot use a cracked mirror or its fragment. These usually start at midnight.

For the first option, your betrothed will need two mirrors, one of which should be smaller in size. You need to place it closer to you. Reflective surfaces should face each other, forming a mirror corridor. Place any candle between them and light it. Some sources advise placing two candles - one near each mirror.

My costumed betrothed, come to dinner with me!

Now peer deep into the mirror corridor. Sooner or later you will be able to see the face of your future husband. As soon as you manage to see him, say: “ Keep me away" Then he will disappear. If you do not interrupt the fortune-telling, the betrothed will be able to come out of the mirror and harm the fortune-teller.

If you don't have two mirrors, do it a little differently. They place a candle near one mirror and sit in front of it. A towel is placed nearby in advance. If the mirror begins to become covered with condensation or the reflection in it becomes cloudy, wipe it with a towel. This means that your future spouse will appear to you soon. With this method of fortune telling, he does not appear from the mirror, but approaches the fortune-telling girl from behind and is reflected in the mirror with her, but you cannot turn around and generally take your eyes off the mirror. When you look at your betrothed’s face, you must say, “Out of this place.” If he manages to get to the table, he will sit down next to you and put something on the table. This item can be taken away after the betrothed leaves.

Another Christmas fortune telling for marriage allows you to find out how many people will live in the house of your future husband. In the past, this was of great importance, because the young husband brought his wife to his home, to his family. Every future bride wanted to know how big this family was and how its members would treat her. You can tell fortunes about the number of relatives if a month is visible in the sky. To do this, take a mirror and place it so that the month is reflected in it, and look closely at its reflection. After some time, several reflections of the month will appear, and their number is equal to the number of relatives. If you see only one month, it means you will live alone with your husband.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with water

With the help of ordinary water you can find out what your future husband will look like. Sometimes a mirror is also used in these fortune tellings. Water should be poured into a transparent container without edges or patterns on the bottom. There are no special requirements for water; you can take water from the tap, but only in your home.

The next option requires complete solitude and is done only in the dark. You will need a container of water of sufficient size, a mirror and any three candles. A mirror is placed on the table, water is placed in front of it, and candles are lit on three sides of the decanter. Look into the mirror through a container of water. When you're done, say: " Mind me, mind me».

Another option requires a fairly developed imagination. You need to take a glass without edges or patterns, pour water into it and lower the ring. You need to look inside the ring. It is believed that this way you can see the face of your betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling for marriage with an egg

To find out something about your future husband,... This method was very popular at girls' get-togethers. You can invite your girlfriends and find out your destiny together.

You need a glass of warm water and an egg. You should release the protein into the water and see what it looks like. Each region had its own interpretation of figures made from egg whites; in addition, this may depend on the attitude of the fortuneteller to the image, her age and many other factors.

For example, church for a young girl it is a sign of marriage this year, and for an older girl it is a sign of death. Interpretations ship also vary. For a married woman, this means the return of her husband or the wedding of a daughter or son; for a young girl, it portends a sailor or foreigner husband.

If the egg white has not taken on any understandable form and sank to the bottom of the container, this is a very bad result of fortune telling. It is believed to foretell trouble, death or the fate of an old maid.

You can use the service and get to know this method better.

Fortune telling on Christmas Eve for your betrothed in a dream

Any dream you have at Christmas is considered. At this time, you can find out what your future spouse will be like. To do this, they pronounce a simple spell and put a certain thing under the pillow. If you dream of a man, it means you will get married this year, and if you don’t manage to see him, it means you’ll be a wench for some time.

There are many options for this fortune telling. Before going to bed say:

Come to me, my mummer-betrothed...

and add why he should come and what to do, then put the corresponding object under the pillow and go straight to bed.

For example, you can ask your betrothed to comb your hair and put a comb under your pillow, take you across the bridge, placing a twig or other symbolic image of the bridge. If you place a belt under your pillow, ask it to belt you, and if there is soap, to wash you. Sometimes they put all the items described above, listing everything they want from their future husband.

In some regions, they put on a stocking before going to bed and said:

Betrothed, come to me, and take off your shoes.

It was believed that a man who was destined to become your husband would definitely appear in a dream. True, there are stories that tell that lovers of such fortune-telling were pulled by devils by the legs and were not allowed to sleep, but it is difficult to find such fortune-telling about which there are no terrible stories.

Sometimes a flat frying pan was secretly placed under the mother’s bed at night with the words:

Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes!

In the morning you should ask her if she dreamed of any men.

If you have cockroaches, ask one of them to take you to your betrothed. Catch a cockroach and put it in a box, which you should put under your pillow before going to bed and say:

Multi-legged cockroach, show me the tower,
Where does my betrothed live?
And I'm married to him.

In a dream you will see a cockroach that will show you the way, you are required to follow, watch and not forget the dream in the morning.

You can mix a thimble of salt and a thimble of water, eat the mixture before going to bed and say:

I want to drink from the salt,
I'm calling my betrothed.
Come to me
Give me some water to drink.

It is believed that in a dream a man will come and give you water to drink.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with molten metal

A very original and little-known Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed today is fortune telling with molten metal. They used tin or lead for this purpose. In the past, it was believed that only those girls who had already tried all other varieties, including fortune telling with a mirror, could engage in this fortune-telling. Plans to tell fortunes on lead or tin are kept secret; this is one of those fortune-telling that is done in complete solitude.



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