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Heroes of ancient myths. Sberbank advertising strategy The best version of yourself

Sberbank has been applying a national multimedia strategy since 2004. For our mini-analysis, the period from January 2006 to September 2007 was selected.

Sberbank's advertising costs have been growing rapidly over the past few years. With the introduction of the deposit insurance system, as well as with the growing confidence of people in private banks, the unshakable reliability of Sberbank ceased to be its main trump card, and the need arose to fight for the client along with everyone else. Other banks began to attack the market leader and its audience (for example, the Bank of Moscow), which is partly the reason for the increase in advertising costs of Sberbank and its rather well-thought-out advertising strategy.

The extremely wide and diverse audience of Sberbank dictates the use of a multimedia strategy, in which it is possible to achieve the greatest coverage of the most different layers population throughout the country.

An example of BAAR index evaluation.

The basis of advertising activity is advertising on TV due to the greatest coverage of this media. Perhaps this is why, according to the BAAR index (this is a consumer rating of the most popular TV commercials. Respondents (men and women aged 25–45 with an average income) evaluate the commercials according to three parameters: “aesthetic perception” (like or dislike what what you see on the screen), “trust in the product, brand that is being advertised,” “self-identification” (how much what you see on the screen is for you, about you, how similar the characters in the advertisement are to your acquaintances and friends).

The choice of the main TV channels for advertising Sberbank is logical - mainly Channel One and Russia, and to a lesser extent NTV. The timing of the videos indicates a desire to save money: almost all videos are no longer than 20 seconds. Sponsorship is actively used - from January 2006 to September 2007, about ten percent of all TV appearances were related to sponsorship.

Most of the bank's outdoor advertising is observed in Moscow, but Moscow's share is no more than 20%, which is natural for a national bank with the widest network of branches. And of course, for a traditional bank – a traditional advertising format. Preference is given to standard billboards.

The range of publications used to advertise Sberbank in the press is extremely diverse. In the TOP 5 in terms of advertising costs are, for example, Moskovsky Komsomolets and Kommersant. Which, however, is not surprising for a market leader that offers all services to all clients.

In general, Sberbank’s advertising activity fits into the strategy of maintaining leadership, which is expressed in a multimedia promotion strategy. And the wide variety of publications, radio stations, versions of TV spots and outdoor advertising formats is quite understandable from this point of view. However, there is a certain “clumsiness” in Sberbank’s activity, problems of coordination and consistency of national and regional campaigns.

Myths shape people's worldviews and determine what is important in the information we receive and what is not. That is why mythological consciousness is most fully reflected in advertising. The task of any advertising is not only to draw attention to the brand, but also to evoke emotions in people that will encourage them to certain action. To do this, it is not enough just to create beautiful packaging and a fashionable logo; you need to establish contact with the audience so that they perceive the product correctly. Mythology helps to establish this contact. The memory of brands remains in the memory for a long time public consciousness- including thanks to the advertising myths that are created around them. This is how brands become not only part of Everyday life, but also part of the culture.

Maria Biryukova

art director at BBDO

and "Big Brother"

The company's most famous video, directed by Ridley Scott in 1984 for the Super Bowl, beats main topic George Orwell's novel "1984" - the fight against dissent and the totalitarian system led by Big Brother. By Big Brother Apple they meant IBM, to which this image was attached for a while. And the video itself caused no less hype than the new Macintosh.

M&Ms come to life candies

Maria Biryukova

art director at BBDO

Mister proper
genie cleaner

Cleaning product mascot Mr. Proper(in the original version of Mr. Clean), like the product itself, is of nautical origin. It was invented by businessman Linwood Burton as an alternative to an abrasive that was previously used to clean ships, which in turn negatively affected the health of sailors - and was subsequently sold to Procter & Gamble. Marketers hired by the company tried to portray him as just such an American sailor, but it turned out to be a genie - because of the earring, crossed arms and manner of appearing exactly at the moment when he is especially needed.

Maria Biryukova

art director at BBDO

Old Spice
and a centaur

AX and its effect

Irakli Margania

commercial director of employer-branding agency makelove

Brands use myths and their heroes to convey their intangible values ​​through them and try to tie the characteristics of the heroes to their brand. It’s simple - the story and characters have already been invented for you, consumers have already interacted with these characters and already have feelings for them. And these feelings can be transferred to your product. But most often these are one-time stories and campaigns (“Snickers” and Ilya Muromets, “Sberbank” and Greek gods, MTS and Yeti). There are not many brands that have “privatized” myths and their heroes for a long time, like Coca-Cola and their Santa Claus. But even in this story, Coca-Cola has lost its hero; he is no longer associated with the brand, although it was she who created Santa Claus as we know him - a cheerful old man in a red suit, saying “ho-ho-ho” .

and christmas

The Coca-Cola company not only managed to turn soft soda into the main New Year's drink, but also created the myth of the Christmas holidays, when Santa Claus “flies” to all the children on a reindeer sleigh to give them gifts. In 1931, commissioned by Coca-Cola, American artist Haddon Sundblom painted Santa Claus as we know him - a rosy-cheeked, fat, smiling old man in a red suit. Since then, the myth about the elf in green stockings, who appeared to people in different images, no one remembers: the holiday comes to us with Santa Claus in the signature colors of Coca-Cola.

I’ll start, perhaps, by answering the question who are they? heroes ancient myths . If you don’t pick up dictionaries and encyclopedias and try to answer this question without using special terminology, it will sound like this: Heroes of ancient myths- These are supermen, a kind of superman. Such people are also called demigods. This is exactly what Hesiod first called them. The fact is that heroes of ancient myths were born in marriages between mere mortals and. For example, the famous Hercules was the son of the God Zeus and a simple woman Alcmene. Heroes were not born by chance. Each of them had its own purpose. The gods planned the birth heroes in order to cleanse the Earth of monsters generated by Gaia. Each of heroes of antiquity had his own special gift, character, certain advantages over others and the support of a congenial person. For example, Thetis tempered the hero Ashilles with fire.

Lernaean Hydra

What's the difference heroes from mere mortals and from the Gods? Heroes of ancient myths possessed super strength that cannot be ordinary person. However, they cannot be called gods, since the latter were immortal. Heroes of ancient myths became immortal posthumously in the form of fame among people, the memory of their once accomplished exploits, in the form of monuments and legends. In other words, the heroes were mortals. And this is their main difference from the gods.

It should be noted that some gods tried to bestow immortality on heroes, but these attempts were doomed to failure. Perhaps only with Hercules there was an exception. After his death, he was allowed to ascend to Olympus.

Heroes of ancient myths were much more mobile. Often the heroes simply traveled around the world. Encountering unrest along the way, the heroes punished the guilty, helped people cope with tasks that were beyond their strength (for example, they moved a heavy stone that had fallen and changed the course of the river), and generally protected people in every possible way from all sorts of troubles. The gods, apparently, were too lazy to descend from Olympus for such trifles.

Hercules and the Nemean Lion

Sometimes heroes turned to the gods with requests from people. Thereby heroes of antiquity looked like some kind of intermediaries between the higher and lower beings of the Earth.

I will talk briefly only about the most famous heroes. So that if interest arises, you can easily navigate and imagine what exactly to look for.

Let me remind you that the tasks heroes of ancient myths included the cleansing of the world from monsters born by the Earth goddess Gaia. So, the hero Perseus killed Medusa. Bellerophon - fire-breathing Chimera. Theseus dealt with the Minotaur. Hercules, also known as Hercules, became famous for his exploits in battles not with one monster, but with many. Thus, he defeated the Eurymanthian boar, the Stymphalian birds, the dangerous Hydra, the Nemean lion, etc. King Oedipus, famous for his intelligence, was able to defeat the Sphinx by solving difficult riddle the last one. And the hero Jason, whose name he later used in his fantastic works Harry Harrison set off on a fearless voyage on the ship Argo to Colchis for the Golden Fleece. Having overcome a lot of obstacles and dangers, Jason returned the lost treasure to Greece.

The exploits of everyone hero of antiquity described in myths. Some of them represent entire cycles. It's always interesting to read them. From myths many sayings and phrases were born that we still use in our speech. For example, the phrase “Achilles' heel” means the only weak point. The fact is that the invulnerable hero Achilles had only one vulnerable spot - his heel. There are many versions about this. But one way or another, we use this phrase without even thinking about where it came from. The same phrases include “Gaze of Medusa”, “Embrace of Morpheus”, “ Augean stables", "Prophetic Cassandra", "Pillars of Hercules", etc. Talking about heroes of antiquity, it is worth saying a few words about late mythology. The fact is that here you can observe the rivalry of some heroes with the gods, which, of course, is insolence. For example, King Tantalus steals food and drink, or more precisely, ambrosia and nectar, intended for the gods. And the cunning Sisyphus manages to fool the god Hades himself. Such insolence caused righteous anger among the Olympians. The gods decided to punish the impudent heroes in the form of a curse on their family. This is how myths and legends about cursed births were born. An example is the cycle about King Oedipus and his sons. Or myths telling the story of the cursed Atrid family.

The article could be continued by listing the heroes of ancient myths and who is whose son. But the Internet is full of such lists. Therefore, I decided to make just a short excursion. Since this problem has been solved, then, as they say, let me take my leave!

I wish you a fascinating reading of the myths and legends of antiquity!

In place of the savings bank, a bank arose, which is the focus of most Russian bankers.

Ten years ago, German Gref became president of Sberbank /Denis Grishkin / Vedomosti

Shareholders met the new president of Sberbank, former minister economic development German Gref is cold, to put it mildly. “You destroyed the country with your course (Gref is considered the main reformer after Yegor Gaidar and Anatoly Chubais post-Soviet Russia. – “Vedomosti”), are you now going to do the same with Sberbank?” – this was the first question from one of the shareholders to whom the new president was introduced, Kommersant wrote.

The irony of fate is that in order to work in the state bank, Gref had to turn from a liberal economist into an authoritarian ruler: he had to set the pace of change by example. “When you need to reform something effectively and in a short time, you don’t need democracy. Perhaps you need a dictator,” says one of Gref’s acquaintances.

At the end of 2016, Gref said at a VKLive session that one of his goals for 2016 was to praise people more often: “I have a typical profile of a perfectionist, and perfectionism is a mental illness, and you try to do everything as best as possible all the time, even though this is not optimal, nor is it necessary.”

Minority shareholders appreciated Gref's perfectionism and are now seriously afraid of his departure. “Russia has a sad experience with the energy sector, which was very strong when Anatoly Chubais was at the head, but after his departure a vacuum was formed. Investors lost 80–90% of their money in the absence of such a charismatic personality who lobbied for the interests of the entire sector,” said Aivaras Abromavicius, a partner at the East Capital fund, in 2016 (quoted by RBC). Gref responded by promising to leave two successors - but few believe that such an option is possible.

Faster than the market

The new team had to completely restructure the issuance of loans, and at the same time, think about how to reduce the technological gap with private banks. The State Bank had to move from 17 different technology platforms to one, which took more than five years. The retail business was built almost from scratch - in 2007 it was a sad sight: queues and red tape, employees who, due to a monopoly position, had to practically fight off clients, bankers joked. The new team managed to strengthen Sberbank’s strong position in loans and deposits even more strongly.

Publicly, Gref complained most about the queues in the branches and the need to change the mentality of the staff.

Over the course of several years, Sberbank’s technological developments allowed it to make a significant part of the population’s payments cashless – and this was a breakthrough. “Everyone very quickly forgot what it was like to come to a Sberbank branch, say, seven years ago,” recalls Fitch analyst Alexander Danilov. “For such a huge machine, this is a pretty quick transformation.” Now even the subsidiaries of Western banks lag behind Sberbank in terms of the quality of retail products.”

Modern technologies are the main thing among the huge changes that have taken place at Sberbank over 10 years, VTB President Andrey Kostin is convinced: this is the basis for both today’s and tomorrow in the banking sector. Sberbank’s achievements in this area lay a good foundation for its development over the next 5–10 years, he believes.

The biggest and most obvious achievement of the new team is the radical reform of the issuance of loans. This allowed us to constantly grow our business while keeping risks under control, explains VTB 24 President Mikhail Zadornov. Sberbank is changing along with the market, and in many things it is ahead of the market, he points out: its personnel have been significantly strengthened, and the best system of constant retraining on the market has been created. The third key change is technology, the development of remote channels, where Sberbank creates trends, Zadornov summarizes.

“Such large-scale changes cannot take place perfectly, but it’s good that the elephant (as Gref affectionately called Sberbank after his appointment. - Vedomosti) came to life,” says Ruben Vardanyan, the former owner of Troika Dialog, who sold the company to Sberbank, after which worked in it.

Gref for the people

Of course, the transformation of Sberbank would have been impossible without German Gref and the team he assembled, albeit not the first time, says Sergei Guriev, chief economist of the EBRD.

He is now probably one of the best financial CEOs in the world, because the return on capital that Sberbank shows is one of the highest, says Oleg Tinkov, co-owner of Tinkoff Bank.

Gref’s management style is far from all these principles of agile and turquoise corporations (complete freedom reigns, there are no clear job descriptions and strict KPIs. – “Vedomosti”), which he is so keen on, is rather a vertical structure, closed on the personality of Gref himself, there is no democracy, his subordinates are afraid to once again make any comments to him, one of the federal officials knows. At the lower levels, he undoubtedly managed to build a corporate culture, working mechanisms, he introduced a project approach - in this sense, Sberbank is far ahead of other banks, argues another official.

“Gref is very confident in his ideas, he defends them fanatically, but then he can admit that he was wrong and lose faith in them forever,” says an official who has known Gref for a long time. When he came to Sberbank, he was pestered by these lines of grandmothers, such disrespect for people, and he said from the very beginning how he would like to change this, he recalls.

“Gref once strongly scolded our team at a meeting, declaring our proposals fascist. And after a short period of time, he himself offered a job. Gref cuts from the shoulder, can say unpleasant things, and then changes his point of view, even if it may take time,” says the second official, an acquaintance of Gref.

“I feel comfortable working with Gref. We have a friendly relationship. We are probably quite similar in temperament: quite emotional, maybe even sometimes explosive,” says Kostin. If we take, for example, the situation with Mechel, he continues, then “as creditors we were definitely on the same side. It seems to me that in this situation we were able to achieve good results for both the company and the banks.”

The role of Gref’s personality is enormous; all changes began with him, Vardanyan notes: sometimes thanks to perseverance, sometimes through audacity and emotionality. Not everyone could receive such a credit of political trust, he points out, and, despite the fact that political weight plays an important role, Gref’s personal contribution to the history of changes at Sberbank is colossal.

“It was quite difficult to negotiate with him [Gref] [on the sale of Troika Dialog]; nevertheless, he is first and foremost a strategist and a visionary, and only secondarily a businessman. But if you come to an agreement, then there are no more problems,” says Vardanyan.

The best version of yourself

The hardest thing then was to hire talented people for the team, recalls Sberbank CFO Alexander Morozov. In 2007, the state bank was associated with bureaucracy, confirms Moody’s Vice President Olga Ulyanova, who in 2007 herself preferred an international rating agency to the state bank.

The changes began with a complete change of the management team, improvement of business processes, rebranding, Ulyanova lists. The transformation took place using the tactics of “small steps”, which allowed Sberbank to preserve its historically unique competitive advantages. The new team, in her opinion, skillfully used an extensive network, national recognition of the brand, the image of a calm haven where one can wait out the storm, especially since the Central Bank and financial authorities were and remain ready to support the bank.

“The new team realized in time that the state bank, with its huge and relatively cheap passive base and its normal established credit process, is a goose that lays golden eggs. The main thing is not to deviate from this course into risky segments and transactions,” says Danilov.

True, of the 10 managers who came to Sberbank to work for Gref, only two remain - financial director Morozov and co-head of Sberbank CIB Alexander Bazarov.

"When selecting candidates for highest level 10 years ago we used a negative filter - there is a super goal and mission, if you are in doubt, we go to the next one,” recalls Ward Howell President Sergei Vorobiev. Only a third of top managers could not withstand the pace of change and the rigid corporate culture, he believes, a third left with a promotion, and the rest are evolving. And this is a good result for such a rate of change in a huge organization, he believes.

At Sberbank, Gref quickly realized that you can’t just go from point A to point B, the latter always eludes, continues Vorobiev. Gref and his employees have to live in a constantly changing world, he explains, and if, surprising the market, they manage to change technologically quickly, then the corporate culture does not always keep up with the changes. But this is logical: it is more difficult to change people’s behavior and habits.

“Gref correctly creates for employees a feeling of burning earth under their feet, a sense of urgency of changes, to which the team must respond more quickly every year,” states Vorobiev. “It’s especially hard for those who are closer to him, the top management: they live at the highest speeds, at the mouth of a volcano.”

In the strategy until 2020, Sberbank will write that it will strive to move from bureaucracy and hierarchy to team game, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Bank Yulia Chupina promised in November at the Winning The Hearts management forum. Feedback from employees showed that the corporate culture lacks humanity, respect, openness and cooperation, Chupina noted, and Sberbank is ready to help them become the best version of themselves.

“There is a feeling that Sberbank is becoming the reincarnation of Uralsib from the time of Nikolai Tsvetkov,” says one of the former top managers of Sberbank. – This is quite a strong intrusion into the lives of employees. And of course, not everyone likes it, but it’s almost impossible to convince Gref.”

The leader’s task is to set the direction and have time to maneuver between threats and opportunities, reliability and changes, which in itself is a big test that forces a change in style, Vorobiev points out: “The ability to play well with the team, achieving greater efficiency and speed, constantly raising the bar, but also supporting you at every next step requires both effort and patience from all participants.”

Monopoly and risks

Gref’s team inherited the rich monopolistic heritage of Sberbank, but its market share has been growing all these years in all areas: lending, deposits, investment business. With the arrival of new managers, Sberbank increasingly influenced deposit rates, says one of former employees State Bank, and made good money on it: “Just calculate how much you can earn if, with a deposit base of 20 trillion rubles, you reduce the rate by just 1 percentage point.”

Ulyanova considers the main factor successful story Sberbank has a balanced approach to taking risks: “Among all state-owned banks, Sberbank has the most balanced and diversified loan portfolio.” Sberbank's twenty largest borrowers in total make up about 1.5 of its Tier 1 capital, while other large state-owned banks - VTB, Gazprombank and Rosselkhozbank - have the same or a greater proportion of capital made up by their 10 largest borrowers. Diversification of credit risks allowed Sberbank to incur fewer credit losses during the crisis, Ulyanova is sure, to remain profitable and accumulate capital, which lays the foundation for technological transformations.

“It’s nice to talk about Sberbank; it’s a rare success story of this magnitude,” admits Ulyanova. Sberbank is a rare case: a large financial institution does not ask for money to replenish capital. In particular, unlike VTB and Rosselkhozbank, it did not participate in the additional capitalization program through OFZ.

The bank does a lot of project lending and, although loans issued for political reasons cannot be ruled out, they are insignificant from the point of view of the bank’s business, Ulyanova concludes.

The main challenge for a state-owned company is the ability to resist political temptations, for example, not to comply with proposals to issue loans to companies with political connections, Guriev is convinced: “As a member of the board of directors in 2008–2014, I can say that in the vast majority of cases Sberbank succeeded cope with".

“Success is determined, first of all, by the team, by the professionals who work in the bank, by the technologies that the bank uses,” says Kostin. – I would say this: relations with the shareholder, relations with the authorities, of course, are important, but they are not the determining and key factor of success. Because you can have a great political resource and bad results activities."

Europe, space, friendship and other failures

Expansion into Europe and Turkey began in 2012 - but ran into sanctions and negative rates European Central Bank and began to resemble traveling with a suitcase without a handle. Sberbank Europe AG (formerly Volksbank International) was bought by Sberbank for 505 million euros, it is represented in 10 countries of Central and of Eastern Europe. Sberbank paid 2.8 billion euros for Turkish DenizBank. In Europe, geopolitical tensions and the specifics of the market with low rates and profitability played a role, and in Turkey, where DenizBank good performance, a very difficult and competitive environment, Danilov points out.

Sberbank - primarily due to its scale - does not always show flexibility, Zadornov points out: the reform of the organizational structure there has not been completed, the tasks set in Sberbank's headcount reduction strategies are not regularly fulfilled. Only in 2017 did Sber carry out a noticeable optimization of its staff.

If Sberbank was able to standardize work with small businesses and the population, then with titans Russian business– not very well yet. One of the largest borrowers - according to bankers, this is $5-7 billion in debt - are businesses owned by the family of Mikhail Gutseriev. This is an unprecedented amount of risk that Sberbank has taken on one group of clients. Among the twenty largest borrowers of Sberbank, Fitch notes two related to the oil and gas sector and real estate, which owe 500 billion rubles, which is a similar $7 billion. Danilov refused to talk about these borrowers. Several bankers explained this situation good relations Gutseriev and Gref.

Gref did not stand on ceremony with another large borrower, the main owner of the Eurocement Group, Filaret Galchev. He was not present at the Sberbank credit committee, where the restructuring of the company’s debts was discussed. Galchev was preparing to go into space and studied at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Gref, Vedomosti wrote in 2015, contacted the leadership of Roscosmos and asked to leave Galchev on Earth - “he has a lot of problems here.” Representatives of the businessman do not comment on the situation, but point out that Galchev did not fly by decision of the management of Roscosmos: test cosmonaut from Kazakhstan Aidyn Aimbetov went to the ISS instead of Sarah Brighton.

Advertising drives commerce. In addition, it manipulates people and leads to the spread of misconceptions. Advertisers try to embellish the reality and sometimes hide the truth, which makes the buyer think that he needs items that are actually useless. Check out the list of the most common misconceptions that you shouldn’t believe, because these myths were created by marketers!

Citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin C

In fact, the amount of vitamin C is much higher in rose hips, in red bell pepper or in black currant. This myth appeared thanks to the work of marketers. Producers could not cope with large harvests and distribute their products. That’s when an advertisement appeared advising people to drink orange juice with breakfast, because it is a source of vitamin C.

When getting engaged, you should give a diamond ring

In fact, the proposal does not have to be accompanied by a gift. This tradition appeared thanks to the slogan “Diamonds are forever.” Until 1947, no one thought about such gifts, and after that the tradition began to spread throughout the world. As a result, diamond rings began to be considered not an elite piece of jewelry, but an obligatory attribute of an engagement.

A postcard should be given with the gift.

This is another tradition created artificially. Until the beginning of the twentieth century Greeting Cards sent exclusively by mail. Thanks to the work of advertisers, they began to give them personally, in addition to the gift. Advertisers emphasized the fact that greeting cards are very beautiful and that you can write on them nice words that will remain in the memory for a long time.



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