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Annual analysis of the school for full-time distance learning. Part-time and part-time education at school (gymnasium, lyceum)

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in Russian Federation", provides not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right to choose belongs to the student’s parents, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” adopted three years ago, provides for not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right to choose belongs to the student’s parents, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

However, in reality not everything educational organizations ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documentation, which in most schools does not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: due to the lack of applications from those wishing to choose correspondence or full-time correspondence form training, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, correspondence education in the minds of Russians, as a rule, is associated with universities, and not with schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights in order to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to evening schools that had licenses for correspondence education. However, now the annex to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening or shift schools today have become a part (structural unit) of secondary general education organizations, becoming educational centers that were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially considering the reduction in curriculum and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm for day schools.

In addition to education centers, in-school documentation has been changed, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, in some schools in rural areas, where the correspondence course is more important, since children often have to be transported long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

For part-time and part-time classes, a school must open a group if there are at least nine people. If there are 16 people in a group, then 72 hours are allocated for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical classes, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 school days weekly, according to the current SanPiN.

The entire process of organizing full-time and part-time education is approved by order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

The final state certification takes place, like all graduates. educational institutions RF, on the basis of the current Regulations on it. But the forms of organization of training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on mutual consent participants in the educational process.

In general, school management does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form on a mass scale can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

Photo taken from http://lh4.googleusercontent.com.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” adopted three years ago, provides for not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right to choose belongs to the student’s parents, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

Almost none of the parents know that the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” adopted three years ago, provides for not only full-time, but also part-time, as well as part-time and part-time forms of secondary education. At the same time, the right to choose belongs to the student’s parents, taking into account his wishes, and the school administration has no right to refuse this.

However, in reality, not all educational organizations are ready to implement both forms of education. The reason lies in the constituent documentation, which in most schools does not yet comply with the new law and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Why is this process moving so slowly? Everything is very simple: due to the lack of applications from those wishing to choose a part-time or part-time form of education, since most parents do not have information about such an opportunity. In addition, correspondence education in the minds of Russians, as a rule, is associated with universities, and not with schools. Schools are also in no hurry to announce such rights in order to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Previously, students who did not want or could not study full-time were sent to evening schools that had licenses for correspondence education. However, now the annex to the license indicates only the level of education, and not its form. Basically, evening or shift schools today have become a part (structural unit) of secondary general education organizations, becoming educational centers that were the first to amend their constituent documents and began to offer training in three forms.

But such a change in the status of evening schools did not lead to success everywhere. Especially considering the reduction in curriculum and funding by a factor of 0.65 from the norm for day schools.

In addition to education centers, in-school documentation has been changed, in accordance with the new legislation and the Federal State Educational Standard, in some schools in rural areas, where the correspondence course is more important, since children often have to be transported long distances, which takes a lot of time and exhausts students.

For part-time and part-time classes, a school must open a group if there are at least nine people. If there are 16 people in a group, then 72 hours are allocated for individual consultations, which include laboratory and practical classes, as well as intermediate certification. When organizing the learning process for the entire academic year, the hours are distributed evenly - 2-3 school days weekly, according to the current SanPiN.

The entire process of organizing full-time and part-time education is approved by order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the curriculum and taking into account the abilities and needs of students applying for a similar form of education.

The final state certification takes place, like all graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the current Regulations on it. But the forms of organizing training (distance, group or individual) may vary depending on the mutual consent of the participants in the educational process.

In general, school management does not seek to offer the mentioned forms of education, with the exception of isolated cases, since an attempt to implement the correspondence form on a mass scale can lead to serious difficulties in the education system.

Photo taken from http://lh4.googleusercontent.com.

Not all schools can offer a student all of them at once; it depends on the permissions received and the occupancy of the educational institution.

Full-time education

This is a familiar form of education at school, recommended for all students. Most children use it school age. It is based on attending classes every day, doing homework, writing verification work, direct teacher control over the progress of each student. With this format of education, the student spends a significant amount of time at school, and his success directly depends not only on himself, but also on the work of the teacher.

Evening course

In this case everything character traits daytime education are also valid for evening education: it also consists of direct communication between student and teacher, only it takes place in evening time. Usually, in the evening, either adult students study who once had to leave school, but want to complete their secondary education, or several classes are switched from daytime to when there are too many children in the school, so there are not enough classrooms for everyone.


It's pretty unusual shape training, it is not allowed in all schools. For such training, the student does not have to come to school every day; classes are organized for him every few weeks or every week at a certain time, where the teacher goes over new topics with such students and works through the most difficult questions. Studying is especially convenient for those children who are actively involved in sports sections or choreographic clubs, who often go to competitions, or for those children who want to devote maximum time to certain subjects, preparing for exams and not waste time on everyday trips to school. They can study according to a regular or enhanced program, completing several classes in one year.

Home schooling

This form of education can be prescribed by a doctor if a child becomes ill with a serious illness, or chosen by a parent if he wants to teach the child at home on his own. The school does not have the right to prohibit this form of education or not provide a place for such a child. Then the student does not need to attend classes throughout the year; he can come to school only at the end of the academic semester to take the necessary tests or exams to confirm the level of knowledge and transfer to the next one. However, if such a child requires advice or help from teachers, it should be provided to him. Family schooling is becoming increasingly popular among some parents who believe that schooling kills creativity in their children, teaches them to obey the system, breaks the child’s psyche. However, teaching your children yourself for 11 years is quite problematic; usually such families use the help of educational sites, the services of tutors, or invite school teachers to their homes.

No matter how much they scold new law about education, but it gave children and parents fantastic opportunities in choosing forms of education. Now you don’t have to attend lessons from teachers you don’t like or simply don’t like subjects. Below is a link to my interview with the portal of the MIR-24 TV channel.


And actually, the text.

Svetlana Domracheva, an adherent of family education and the author of the non-profit project “Alternative Education in Moscow,” told a World 24 correspondent how to properly build relationships with the school and take advantage of all the benefits of the new law.

Now you can choose absolutely any convenient form of education for your child, and I am very surprised that parents know so little about it and are so hesitant to use their opportunities! - this is how our conversation began with Svetlana, who chose education outside of school for her daughter. For the fourth year now, they have been coming there just to take the certification.

- What opportunities, not noticed by the broad masses, did the law on education give us?

IN Federal law on education, which came into force in September last year, stipulates both full-time, part-time and distance learning. This means that any child has the right to choose the subjects he wants to attend at school. And study the rest at home. For this, no arguments, no medical or other certificates are needed; a statement from the parents with the wording “I ask you to transfer my child to full-time or part-time education” is sufficient.

Previously, it was very difficult to get permission from the school not to attend certain lessons; they immediately gave an ultimatum: either you go to everything, or you go to family education, that is, you study completely outside of school. Although some were able to attend partially, because the law had provided the opportunity to study according to individual curricula, in accordance with personal characteristics and pace, before, another thing is that school administrations rarely agreed with such a right for students.

Nowadays there is such a practice that children who go in for sports refuse to attend physical education, and children who go in for music or art school- respectively from visiting drawing and music in secondary school. But you can also refuse to attend any other lessons. Of course, in reality there are laws, and there is law enforcement practice. There are more and more students in the capital who, by decision of their parents, attend classes at school only partially, since these forms have been actively used here since September last year and it has become much easier to achieve this. In other cities of Russia there are still very few such families.

The old law prescribed only two forms of out-of-school education: external education and family education. Now external studies remain only as a form of certification, and schools are trying to dissuade parents from family education by all means. Including providing them with a wide choice of forms and methods of learning.

- How easily do schools accept alternative forms of educating children?

So far, such a choice by parents is not socially approved, although by law this decision is in no way left to the discretion of the school. Any school, if a parent writes a statement that he asks to transfer his child to a family, correspondence or part-time form of education, is obliged to provide him with this opportunity. It is mandatory in the charter of a public school. However, in practice, schools react to this initially negatively. Most often, parents who first approached the school administration with such a request are told: we don’t have such a form.

How can we achieve mutual understanding with the school in this case, or at least respect for our rights?

After being rejected, you don't have to give up. First of all, you need to ask the school administration for a written refusal to accept your application. After this, in 99% of cases the school backs down. Of course, they won’t give you a written refusal, but they will say: oh well, we’ll make an exception for you, you’ll be our first.

However, there are times when the school still continues to resist. For example, he does not agree to either accept the application or refuse you in writing. In this case, you must contact the district Department of Education. Usually a phone call is enough. In any Education Department there is a separate person who deals with those children who are educated in alternative ways. Usually it is enough to convey to him the information that a particular school refuses to accept the parents’ application for this issue to be resolved in your favor.

- But in practice this does not result in bullying of such children?

Schools have it too adequate people, and there are more of them than is commonly thought. A lot of information flows to me about “alternatives,” but I have never come across a case where the issue could not be resolved through negotiations. I know of no cases of children being deliberately harmed. And how can this be done if the child does not go to school and communicates with the teacher only in the presence of his parents?

And if this is a full-time/correspondence form, then you give up one or two subjects and the child no longer interacts with these specific teachers. He meets with them only at certification, which the parent has the right to attend.

In addition, if a teacher is, in principle, capable of bullying a child, should the child even trust him? What can he teach? Then, even more so, you should not leave, but run away from such a teacher.

- How is certification carried out?

This is at the discretion of the parents. If you follow the law, then there are intermediate certifications, and there are final ones. That is, de jure, only the State Exam and the Unified State Exam are mandatory. But de facto, our parents and their children still prefer to take certification annually or every six months in subjects that the child does not attend. Firstly, to be sure that he is successfully mastering the program, and secondly, to have documents on hand that confirm this.

Is there a danger that children will not pass the certification not because they do not know the subject, but for subjective reasons, due to the principled position of the teacher?

They won’t be able to stumble upon a completely inadequate assessment; after all, there is training program. Another thing is that the compilers of tests and tests for primary school Such aberrations of thinking occur that an objective assessment is, in principle, impossible. Especially in this sense, I “love” the tests of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality (MCQE). In the final reading work for the third grade, for example, the children were given a text that said that a stylus is a reed stick. Next came the question: “What is a stylos?” The daughter answered “Wand” - so this answer is incorrect. The next question was: What were the styluses made of? Her answer: “From reeds” was already rated as correct. I still think, what is this made of reed, if not a stick? I don’t lose hope of personally meeting the authors of these tests, they make such blunders at every step - maybe I’ll finally find out what a stylus is.

There were also cases when children were asked, let’s say, excessive questions. For example, when my daughter and her friends were taking physical education in second grade, the teacher asked them who founded Olympic Games. Indeed, the information that it was Pierre de Coubertin was contained in a physical education textbook. But tell me, which of the second-graders studying full-time will be able to answer such a question? Yes, they have no idea that such a textbook exists! I had to attend all the tests and certifications, where I had doubts about the objectivity of the teachers. Then the child grew older and decided that he no longer needed moral support from his mother.

- Who decides how exactly to pass the certification?

There are no forms for passing intermediate certifications provided for by law, and this is usually decided by the school administration in agreement with parents. There are children who are at a loss when it comes to taking an exam orally; it is better for them to be offered tests. There are those who, on the contrary, do not like tests. Parents may insist on some form. There are, of course, subjects whose delivery forms are fixed by tradition. For example, the Russian language, in which dictation, test copying or presentation are usually written. Mathematics also requires tests, problem solving and examples. And other items are at the discretion of the parents. It is better to record in writing, directly in the application, that you would like to take such and such a subject in such and such a form. As well as the desired deadline for its delivery. If there are no ready-made tests for a subject, the school is obliged to develop them. This is possible if the child is studying part-time. For example, in some subjects it was convenient for us to simply come to class for all the compulsory test papers and write them together with all the guys.

- How are things going with the family form of education? Why don't schools like her?

Those parents whose children were in family education before the new law, most of them chose part-time and part-time forms last school year, since schools are much more accepting of them. For example, MCKO tests were developed specifically for the family form, with many questions that have nothing to do with the state program. Moreover, their delivery was scheduled for several hours, which generally contradicted SanPiN norms.

The point, as always, is financing. The family form of education assumes that the parents of such children receive a small monthly monetary compensation, as when registering a family kindergarten. This was very convenient because it allowed parents, for example, to unite and hire a teacher or several subject teachers for five or six children who taught their children all the same lessons, but in the territory chosen by the parents, in a form convenient for the children and in a manner suitable for them. time.

Now, if you declare that you have come to the family form of education, the school administration will make every effort to persuade you to choose any other form. In order not to have problems with the Department of Education, where they are sure that schools that have many children in school do not know how to work with parents. After all, a parent will not take a child away from a good school. And with part-time and part-time education, money for the education of such a child goes to the school, and not to the family. And many parents go to this length to create for their child comfortable conditions for certifications.

Thus, the family form of education is gradually being replaced as economically unprofitable for the state and schools. There are now few parents left who were not able to “squeeze out” from the family form of education in the capital, but even they have still not received any compensation after the adoption of the new law on education .

The fact is that in November last year, Decree of the Moscow Government No. 827-PP of September 25, 2007 “On organizing the activities of state educational institutions in the city of Moscow that implement general education programs in various forms of education,” which regulated the procedure for payments, was repealed. Canceled quite logically, since it was needed new order payments, taking into account the new law on education. And a new resolution about this had to be adopted. But in Moscow it has not yet been adopted, that is, there is no payment mechanism provided for by current laws, both federal and regional.

The suspension of payments to family members, however, is not based on the law; Education Minister Dmitry Livanov spoke about this not long ago. Sooner or later, the capital government will have to take care of this issue, since the payment of compensation to parents for family education in Moscow is established by law, Art. 6 clause 3.1 of the Moscow Law of June 20, 2001 No. 25 (as amended on July 4, 2012). So, we either need to repeal this law or finally develop a payment scheme.

With the refusal of one or all subjects it is more or less clear, but how in practice can you refuse to attend the first, or, say, the last lessons?

This is also possible. Many children who are seriously involved in sports have morning workouts. And others are studying with a tutor on Skype at this time. Parents are not required to make excuses or give reasons for their decision. They simply must write in the application that their child will study according to an individual curriculum. This is also possible with full-time study.

There are teachers who are very loyal to this form. But even if the school tries to refuse you, you simply insist on your right under the law. There is a lot of talk these days about how important it is to give children the opportunity to progress through the program at their own pace. There are children who master, say, mathematics faster than their classmates, and it is more appropriate for them to devote the freed hours to humanitarian subjects, which are, for example, more difficult for them.

An individual plan allows a child to selectively attend individual lessons in order to test his knowledge or complete a topic that he did not fully understand at first. self-study. And he may not go to other lessons, making sure that he knows everything. The right to individual educational plans was already spelled out in the old law on education, but this form was used very little and few people even knew about it. And now it has begun to be used much more widely due to the new law. In any case, now there are more opportunities to learn with benefit and interest, and this makes me happy.

Tatiana Rubleva



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