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Gogol "Portrait". Presentation on the topic "N. V. Gogol "Portrait" "Thank you for your work

Ovchinnikova Elena Vladimirovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MOU secondary school No. 2, Bronnitsy


(problem-search seminar with advanced tasks)

The purpose of the lesson:

Summarize previously acquired knowledge about the "Petersburg stories";

Determine the place of the story "Portrait" in this cycle.

Tasks: educational:

Analyze the story "Portrait" and comprehend one of the central topics for the writer: the content and purpose of art.


To form the ability of deep text analysis;

Develop communication skills in discussing problematic issues of the lesson;

Develop creative abilities, monologue speech.


Arouse interest in the work of N.V. Gogol;

Form the moral values ​​of the individual.

Subject result:

read the story of N.V. Gogol's "Portrait", learn to read the work carefully, notice important details, make you feel the originality of Gogol's prose, imagine the characters, feel sympathy for them, find out Gogol's methods of creating images; to show what role N.V. Gogol assigned to art in the life of society, what a true artist should be - according to Gogol; find out what types of artists exist, according to Gogol, and what is the highest type of artist; develop the ability to independently analyze a work of art; develop thinking skills after reading a work of art; to cultivate an attentive attitude to the word, spirituality, chastity, mercy; help develop the ability to communicate with each other.



formation of actions for organizing and planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to work in a group and the acquisition of experience in such work, the practical development of the moral, ethical and psychological principles of communication and cooperation;

practical mastery of the skills that form the basis communicative competence: set and solve various communicative tasks; act taking into account the position of the other and be able to coordinate their actions; establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people; satisfactorily master the norms and techniques of communication; determine the goals of communication, assess the situation, take into account the intentions and methods of communication of the partner, choose adequate communication strategies;

development speech activity, gaining experience in using speech means to regulate mental activity, gaining experience in regulating one's own speech behavior as the basis of communicative competence;

take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate various positions in cooperation;

formulate one's own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities;

establish and compare different points of view before making decisions and making choices;

argue your point of view, argue and defend your position in a way that is not hostile to opponents;

ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

exercise mutual control and provide necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;

adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities;

take into account and coordinate other people's positions that are different from their own, in cooperation;

take into account different opinions and interests and justify their own position;

understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to problem solving;

efficiently resolve conflicts based on accounting interests and positions of all participants, search and evaluation of alternative ways to resolve conflicts; negotiate and come to a common decision in a joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interest;

take the lead in organizing actions (business leadership);

regulatory: the formation of goal-setting actions, including the ability to set new educational goals and objectives, plan their implementation, including internally, select effective ways and means to achieve goals, control and evaluate one’s actions both in terms of the result and the method of action, make appropriate adjustments in their implementation;

independently analyze the conditions for achieving the goal on the basis of taking into account the action points identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

plan ways to achieve goals;

set target priorities;

be able to independently control their time and manage it;

make decisions in a problem situation on the basis of negotiations;

carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control on the result and on the method of action; actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

adequately independently evaluate the correctness of the performance of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the performance both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation;

the basics of forecasting as a prediction of future events and the development of the process.

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

independently set new learning goals and objectives;

building life plans in time perspective;

when planning to achieve goals on your own and adequately take into account the conditions and means of achieving them;

identify alternative ways to achieve the goal and choose the most efficient way;

the basics of self-regulation in educational and cognitive activities in the form of conscious control of one's behavior and activities aimed at achieving the set goals;

to carry out cognitive reflection in relation to actions to solve educational and cognitive problems;


create and transform models and schemes to solve problems;

to choose the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

define concepts;

establish causal relationships;

to carry out the logical operation of establishing generic relations, limiting the concept;

generalize concepts - to carry out a logical operation of transition from specific features to a generic concept, from a concept with a smaller volume to a concept with a large volume;

carry out comparison, seriation and classification, independently choosing the bases and criteria for the indicated logical operations;

build a classification based on dichotomous division (based on negation);

build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

explain the phenomena, processes, connections and relationships identified in the course of the study;

the basics of introductory, studying, assimilating and search reading;

structure texts, including the ability to highlight the main and secondary, the main idea of ​​the text, build a sequence of events described;

work with metaphors - understand the figurative meaning of expressions, understand and use turns of speech built on hidden assimilation, figurative convergence of words;

development of strategies for semantic reading and work with information;

The graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

the basics of reflective reading;

pose a problem, argue its relevance;

conduct research on their own application of methods of observation and experiment;

put forward hypotheses about connections and regularities of events, processes, objects;

organize research to test hypotheses;

make inferences (inductive and by analogy) and conclusions based on argumentation;

personal: formation

the foundations of the civic identity of the individual (including cognitive, emotional-value and behavioral components);

foundations of social competencies (including value-semantic attitudes and moral norms, experience of social and interpersonal relations, legal awareness);

knowledge of one's ethnicity, development of national values, traditions, culture, knowledge of the peoples and ethnic groups of Russia;

development of the general cultural heritage of Russia and the global cultural heritage;

orientation in the system of moral norms and values ​​and their hierarchization, understanding the conventional nature of morality;

the foundations of socio-critical thinking, orientation in the characteristics of social relations and interactions, establishing the relationship between social and political events;

respect for the values ​​of the family, love for nature, recognition of the value of health, one's own and other people, optimism in the perception of the world;

the need for participation in public life of the immediate social environment, socially useful activities;

the ability to build life plans, taking into account specific socio-historical, political and economic conditions;

The graduate will have the opportunity to form:

readiness for self-education and self-education;

adequate positive self-esteem and self-concept.

Lesson type: combined lesson using media resources.

Lesson form: problem-search seminar with advanced tasks.

Used pedagogical technologies:

Traditional pedagogical technology;

Project method technology;

Information and Communication Technology;

Elements of the technology of research activities of students and elements of a differentiated approach to learning;

Technology techniques "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing."

Methods used in the lesson: explanatory and illustrative (exercise, story, conversation, practical work, text analysis, diagram analysis), reproductive (analytical retelling of what was read, performing tasks according to the model, analysis according to the algorithm, working with the textbook), problem-generalizing (explaining the reasons for the difference in facts , explanation based on visualization, proof by comparing similarities of sentences), partial search (heuristic conversation with subsequent conclusion, commenting on practical actions with a conclusion, selection of examples of confirmations based on visualization, transferring common features of the known to the new), research methods (work with a book on searching for a method, self-analysis of text and examples on finding a common conclusion, practical actions followed by proving patterns), self-control and self-examination, techniques of RKMCHP technology (cluster (method of graphic systematization of material), insert (active reading method), "RAFT", logical chains, "thick and thin questions".

Forms of work: individual, pair, group work, differentiated approach, multi-level tasks, frontal work, independent work, creative exercises, oral and written exercises, self-control, mutual control, control by the teacher.

Duration: 45 min.

Means of education: projector, computers, illustrations for works, portrait of Gogol, text of works of art.

Preparatory work: Group 1 - The image of St. Petersburg (the story "Nevsky Prospekt"). Group 2 - The theme of the "little man" (the story "The Overcoat"). Group 3 - Vision of the world through fantasy (the story "The Nose").
Stages of preparatory work:
    read a work of art; collect material on the topic; make a mini-presentation; create slides.

During the classes

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson. Introduction by the teacher.

Lesson topic. N.V. Gogol. "Petersburg Tales". The place of the story "Portrait" in the collection. ( slide number 1)

The purpose of our lesson Based on the topic of the lesson, formulate the purpose of the lesson.

Summarize previously acquired knowledge about "Petersburg Tales", determine the place of the story "Portrait" in the cycle "Petersburg Tales", comprehend one of the central topics for the writer - the purpose of art.(slide number 2)

"Petersburg Tales" is the third cycle of Gogol's works, united by a common ideological concept. The image of the capital of the Russian state runs through all the stories.

Petersburg was not something new and unexpected in the 1830s. In the poem "The Bronze Horseman" Pushkin portrayed Petersburg as a city of Russian glory (student reading an excerpt):

Show off, city of Petrov, and stop Unshakable like Russia May he make peace with you And the defeated element; Enmity and old captivity Let Finnish waves forget And vain malice will not be Disturb Peter's eternal sleep!)

and at the same time as a city of social contrasts (reading an excerpt from the poem:

So, I came home, Eugene He shook off his overcoat, undressed, lay down, But he couldn't sleep for a long time. In the excitement of different thoughts. What was he thinking about? About, That he was poor, that he labored He had to deliver And independence and honor ...) (Slide number 3,4 on the screen) The theme of Petersburg, outlined in the work of Pushkin, was expanded and deepened by Gogol. How does Gogol see Petersburg?

(Slide number 5 on the screen)

When Nikolai Vasilievich arrived in St. Petersburg in 1829, he wrote to his mother about the idea that he had about the city: “The silence in it is unusual, no spirit shines among the people, all employees and officials, everyone talks about their departments and colleges, everything is suppressed, everything is mired in insignificant labors, in which their life is fruitlessly spent. Gogol spent a significant part of his life in St. Petersburg. This could not but be reflected in his works. Gogol's Petersburg is a kingdom of luxury and power, where the rich part of the city completely subjugates the poor.

In the words of Nabokov, "Petersburg discovered all its quirkiness when the most bizarre man in all of Russia began to walk along its streets."

    Work on the topic of the lesson.


Today in the lesson, delving into the content of the "Petersburg stories", we will try to understand Gogol's vision of the world.

- From the presentation of the 1st group of students, we learn how the image of St. Petersburg appears on the pages of the story "Nevsky Prospekt".

1.Message students on the topic "The image of St. Petersburg in the story" Nevsky Prospekt "" (Slide No. 6 on the screen) -What does Gogol's Petersburg look like? Conclusion: Behind the ceremonial splendor of St. Petersburg lies a cold, cruel world of human lawlessness. The city is indifferent to the fate of the "little man".

2.Message 2 groups of students - The theme of the "little man" in the story "Overcoat". (slide number 7)

- Compare the illustrations based on Gogol's story "The Overcoat" by Boris Kustodiev and Savva Brodsky.

- Which of the artists came closer to understanding the global nature of the problem raised by Gogol?

(I think that such an artist is Savva Brodsky. He presented the world of the “little man” in the form of an overcoat, which became the meaning of life. The image on the buttons of the double-headed eagle is a symbol of autocracy, which does not care about the “little man.” A thin figure with arms raised up defenseless and alone. The "little man" asks for help, sympathy, compassion. But there is no certainty that he will be heard.)

Here, on an endless and cold planet in a black void, a tiny man runs in horror, or perhaps in a plea for help, raising his hands. But along his path there are only lurid tin buttons with indifferent (or mockingly grinning) symbols of state power - double-headed eagles. So after all, this is the floor of an overcoat with two rows of buttons! Thus begins a cycle of 14 colored linocuts by S. Brodsky for the story "The Overcoat".

- Subsequently, Dostoevsky will say: “We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat.

Conclusion: From the story of a little man, Gogol leads the reader to the consciousness of the tragedy of a person’s presence in the world, regardless of even his “significance”: the hero “unbearably fell upon the misfortune, as fell on the kings and rulers of the world.”

3. Teacher:

Gogol's Petersburg is a city in which the fantastic and the real are inseparably united. Here the most unusual occurrences are possible.

-What is the nature of the fiction of the story "The Nose", you will learn from group 3 messages.

(slide number 8)

- What artistic technique does Gogol use to show the absurdity of Petersburg?(grotesque)

- Why doesn't illustrator Alimov show the face of the nose?

(The nose is an empty creature, it's not even a creature, but the bearer of a uniform, rank. The face takes on a personality.)

Conclusion: The story "The Nose" is a parody of bureaucrats, who are characterized by emptiness. This is the main absurdity shown through fantasy: worship not of the mind, but of a dummy in uniform.

    Analysis of the text of a work of art.


- Everything is shifted in the world. Chaos reigns everywhere, the usual ideas of good and evil are collapsing. What can resist evil?

- Let's turn to the story "Portrait". You will analyze this work in groups, after which we mustto determine the place of the story "Portrait" in the cycle "Petersburg stories", to comprehend one of the central topics for the writer - the purpose of art.

Restore the logic chain .

The children are given leaflets on which a broken logical chain is given, which will allow checking students' knowledge of the text.

A) In this logical chain, the sequence in the content of the text is violated. Restore it by indicating the order of these phrases. Part 1.

Living human eyes - a magnificent apartment - the young artist Ch.

fashionable painter - old portrait - envy seized - 1000 chervonets - ads in the newspaper - life was interrupted - shock from the picture of a genius - a hated portrait - the disease is terrible - the bandage flew off the eyes.

B) In this logical chain, the sequence in the content of the text is violated. Restore it by indicating the order of these phrases. Part 2

A story about a usurer - an auction - a request to draw a portrait - exterminate him - a portrait of an Asian - a nobleman - Prince R. - instructions - a competition - “stolen” - brings misfortune - a monk.

In the correct version, it will look like this:

Part 1. The young artist Ch. - bought a portrait - living human eyes - 1000 reds - a magnificent apartment - an ad in a newspaper - a fashionable painter - a shock from a picture of a genius - a bandage flew off his eyes - a hated portrait - envy took possession - a terrible disease - life was interrupted.

Part 2. Auction - a portrait of an Asian - a story about a usurer - a nobleman - Prince R. - a request to draw a portrait - a competition - brings misfortune - a monk - instructions - exterminate him - “stolen”.

Thus, we have restored the content of the story, and whoever had any questions about its content, they should disappear. You can move on to the analysis of the work.

Class conversation:

Who is the main character of the story? Find his portrait. What have we learned about him?

Who else are the characters in the story? (painters)

How do they differ from each other? What do they have in common?

What types of artists can you identify in this work? (craftsman, genius artist, icon painter).

- Why is the story called "Portrait"? (The events taking place in the story are connected with a portrait of a certain person with living eyes)

How many parts are in the story? (two)

- Who is the main character of part 1? ( artist Chartkov)

Who is the main character in part 2? (self-taught artist)


First group. Write out quotes from the text of the work that reflect the moral decline of Chartkov, and correlate them with the illustrations of the Kukryniksy.

( the answer of this group on slide No. 9-10)

Second group.

Succinctly retell the story of the creation of a mysterious portrait and its influence on people (answer)

Third group:

Give a comparative description of two artists - Chartkov and the artist who created the portrait of the usurer ( answer-slide number 11-12)

Conclusion: The writer creates two types of artist. The first, the talented artist Chartkov, under the influence of the power of money and the thirst for quick fame, goes through the path of degradation, and the other - the creator of the devil's portrait - the path of ascent.

Fourth group.

Carefully read the excerpt from the article by V.G. Belinsky “On the Russian story and the stories of Mr. Gogol”: “Portrait” is Mr. Gogol’s unsuccessful attempt in a fantastic way ... The first part of this story cannot be read without enthusiasm ... But the second part is absolutely worthless: Mr. Gogol is not visible at all in it . This is an obvious attachment in which the mind worked, and fantasy did not take any part.

Consider if you are right . G. Belinsky. Confirm or refute the critic's opinion, proving your point of view with quotes from the second part of the story.

The answer of the fourth group

We believe that V.G. Belinsky is right. Gogol's passionate desire to find ways to fight evil leads him to utopia. The second part of the story is a sermon of moral purification, which can be presented as a set of moralizing rules:

    "Talent is the most precious gift of God - do not destroy it."

    “Explore, study everything that you see, conquer all the brushes, but know how to find the inner thought in everything and most of all try to comprehend the high secret of creation.”

    “Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be the purest of all in soul.


“... if an essay contains two or three truths that have not yet been said, then the author has no right to hide it from the reader, and for two or three correct thoughts one can forgive the imperfection of the whole,” says N.V. Gogol in response to the criticism of V.G. Belinsky regarding the second part of the story "Portrait".

-What true thoughts can Gogol hide?

IV. Summing up the lesson. teacher's word:

1) - As in the story of N.V. Gogol formulates the purpose of art: “... for the calm and reconciliation of all, a high creation of art descends into the world. It cannot instill murmuring in the soul, but with resounding prayer strives eternally towards God.

What does the writer compare the true work with? (with a prayer.) Indeed, the meaning of both lies in the idea of ​​salvation. But Gogol contradicts himself: in the final text of the story, the portrait of the usurer disappears, and evil again began to roam the world. Gogol's worldview is characterized by contradictions.

- What is the place of the story "Portrait" in the cycle "Petersburg stories"?

- What kind of thoughts does Gogol lead the modern reader to with his stories?

(The eternal confrontation between good and evil, their endless struggle in the human soul. A person is responsible for the evil done. The path leading to spiritual victory over evil is always open to everyone. The right of choice remains with a person. One cannot put material values ​​​​above spiritual ones.

Unfortunately, today the problem of the “little man” remains relevant.)

2) Reflection: Assessments. I invite everyone to evaluate their work in the group: who believes that his work was on "5", "4", "3".

V. Homework.

Compare the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait" with the story of Honore de Balzac "Gobsek".

Amosova Valentina Alexandrovna

MBOU "Starobryanskaya sosh" Zaigraevsky district of the Republic of Buryatia

teacher of Russian language and literature

Literature lesson in grade 9 on the work of N.V. Gogol.

Topic: “The theme of creativity in the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait".

Lesson Objectives:


Analyze the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait".

Determine the theme and main issues of the story.


To develop interest in the work of N.V. Gogol

Oral monologue speech, analytical thinking of students;

Ability to work with text, dictionary entry, reproductions.


to bring up responsibility for one's life, a sense of respect for talented people;

Convince students that the purity of a person's soul depends only on himself;

The ability to distinguish between the positive and negative aspects of life.

Vocabulary work.

Envy - a feeling of annoyance caused by the well-being, success of another;

A usurer is one who lends money at high interest;

Shchukin yard - one of the St. Petersburg markets;

Belenkaya - twenty-five ruble banknotes;

Kolomna - Outskirts of St. Petersburg;

Vanity - puffy arrogance, love of glory, of veneration.

Epigraph to the lesson:

“Save the purity of your soul.

Who has the talent

he should be purer than all the soul "

N.V. Gogol


1. Org. moment.

Today in the lesson we will continue to study the work of N.V. Gogol, we have a difficult job ahead of us: to analyze the story "Portrait", to determine its theme and problem; let's try to solve the problem that faces both geniuses and ordinary people: to live, to create, going on a thorny path, with a pure soul, or to be fashionable, to live in abundance, wasting your talent, life, having sold your soul.

We write down the number, the topic of the lesson ...

As an epigraph to the lesson, we will take the words of N.V. Gogol "Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be the purest of all in soul. How do you understand these words?

In the previous lesson, we talked about how the road Ukraine N.V. Gogol ... And yet, no matter how dear to Gogol Ukraine, which became his cradle, the land of childhood and adolescence, Gogol found his recognition in Russia, in a city that forever merged with his fate ... What kind of city is this? (Saint Petersburg) ... The city of Pushkin, and then Dostoevsky, and then Blok, the city of literature must certainly become the city of Gogol.

Gogol's Petersburg, whimsically combining the real and the fantastic, is a terrible phantasmagoric city that embodies all the forces of evil and expresses the tragic contradictions of Russian reality.

In December 1828 Gogol arrives in St. Petersburg. And it is to this city that a cycle of stories called St. Petersburg stories is dedicated.

And today in the lesson we will try to analyze one of the stories - "Portrait".

Now we will check the homework, which was individual. The guys had to prepare a message (abstract), let's listen to the speech prepared by Lena. Try to remember what you read, organize your thoughts, understand the theme and idea of ​​the story. Work according to the plan that is written on the board. Do not forget to write down the most important thing for each item in the plan.

The abstract plan is written on the board (or projected).

1. The theme of artistic creativity in the story "Portrait" (artist Chartkov).

2. The problem of confrontation between craft and art.

The artist is a creator, a genius. (A. Ivanov).

4. An artist engaged in religious painting, serving God, having received the forgiveness and blessing of heaven.

5. Creativity is primarily a spiritual matter, it cannot be polluted by vanity.

What can you say about this performance?

(Yes, I realized that in the story "Portrait" shows us different types of attitudes towards creativity, and Gogol expresses the idea that creativity is primarily a matter of

spiritual and cannot be polluted by vanity).

(Lena analyzed the image of Chartkov, the Image of an artist serving God).


Okay, what is vanity? I asked to look in the dictionary. (Vanity is arrogant arrogance, love of glory, of veneration.)

Yes, guys, the aesthetic system of views is multifaceted and allows you to understand the work of N.V. Gogol to people with different types of aesthetic and spiritual experience. When you read the story, you realized that the story is hard to read and you need to read it thoughtfully. For example, Belinsky did not understand the story at all and spoke of it sharply negatively.

Guys, there are such words in the story: “No, it is impossible for a person with the help of human art alone to produce such a picture: a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your work.”

How do you understand these words? (Gogol was a deeply religious, religious person; his worldview was reflected in the story "Portrait", where the writer addresses the theme of artistic creation and Good and Evil in art.)

What is the manifestation of the struggle between Good and evil, between light and devilish beginnings in the life of the artist Chartkov? (Chartkov is a capable artist, but he wants to become famous as soon as possible.).

What portrait did he buy once? (Portrait of a usurer.)

Who is a usurer, what is the meaning of this word (Users - someone who lends money at high interest).

Now Masha will tell us about Chartkov's prototype.

Message (Among the possible prototypes of the Gogol usurer, the researchers name the famous Indian usurer in St. Petersburg, whom he describes in his

memoirs of the actor Karatygin “His bronze face was tattooed with multi-colored paints, his black pupils, like coals, shone on yellowish whites with blood streaks.”)

What was the artist thinking about when he painted a portrait of a usurer in the guise of a devil for church painting? Read this passage in the story: “What power! If I even half depict him as he is now, he will kill all my saints and angels; they will turn pale before him. What devilish power!

It will kill saints and angels... It is scary, but true: art is capable of bringing evil and misfortune to the world if it serves evil. Art that unleashes an unclean spirit becomes itself a victim; turns into a means of serving this spirit, as happened in the story with the master, the creator of the devilish portrait, or degenerates into a soulless craft, which affected the fate of the artist Chartkov, seduced by the passion of greed.

In the first edition, N.V. Gogol endowed the protagonist with the surname Chertkov, what word do you think? (The devil is an evil spirit, a supernatural being, personifying the evil inclination in ancient superstitious ideas).

Why, then, in the second edition, Gogol changed the name of the protagonist, we can only


What do we learn about this young artist at the beginning of the story? (He is poor, unknown, hungry, but very capable.)

What the professor of painting warned Chartkov about ? (“Look, brother, you have a talent, it will be a sin if you ruin it. But you are impatient. See that a fashionable painter does not come out of you.”)

All of our lives consist of white and black stripes, while Chartkov's life was a solid black stripe. And the last straw was not only lack of money, but also eviction from the apartment. And here Chartkov finds money.

What two paths does Chartkov think about when he sees the money found in the frame of the portrait? ( He thinks that he can work quietly for three years for himself, slowly, not for sale, and be a glorious artist. But another voice was heard in it, which wanted to “dress in a fashionable tailcoat, break the fast after a long fast, go to the theater, to the confectionery at the same time ...”)

Guys, before Chartkov there are two ways, two choices, like in a fairy tale. The first path is Good, the second is evil. How do you understand Good for Chartkov (Good is to live in poverty, but keep your talent, soul) and Evil? ("become a fashionable artist, live in abundance and squander your talent").

What path did the artist choose? (He chose evil. He dressed up “bought perfumes, lipsticks”, advertised himself in the newspaper and began to paint paintings and portraits for sale.)

What kind of painter did he become, catering to an indiscriminate public, painting "portraits for money"? (Chartkov became a fashionable painter.)

How does Gogol say that he began to lose talent, skill? Find in the text: “... His brush grew cold and dull ...”)

Did the artist himself understand this? (Many of his acquaintances could not understand “how talent could disappear in him, the signs of which already seemed bright in him at the very beginning, and they tried in vain to figure out how talent could fade in a person ... but the intoxicated artist did not hear these rumors .. )

Indeed, guys, we all think that talent, talent is eternal.

What picture did he see at the Academy of Arts, where he was once invited?

(He saw the work of a Russian artist who studied painting in Italy.)

In the image of an artist who lives in Italy and sent his brilliant work to the exhibition, literary critics see the features of the artist Ivanov, whose work on the painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People” became for Gogol a model of true devotion to art. Now we will see a reproduction of Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

(A reproduction of Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People" is shown)

The artist Alexander Ivanov painted his grandiose canvas “The Appearance of the Messiah” (Savior, Jesus Christ) for many years.

Now listen to the words of N.V. Gogol himself, who saw this picture (study) “Where could he find a model in order to depict the main thing that constitutes the task of the whole picture - to present in faces the whole course of human conversion to Christ?

Where could he take it from? From your head? Create by imagination? To comprehend thought? No, rubbish! Cold for this thought and insignificant imagination. No, until a true conversion to Christ has taken place in the artist himself, he cannot depict him on the canvas. Ivanov prayed to God to send him such a complete conversion, shed tears in silence, asking Him for the strength to fulfill his inspired thought ... "

What does Chartkov now understand, although he has completely taken over the passion for gold?

Find words in the text. (The answer is reading the quote: “Glory cannot give pleasure to the one who stole it, and did not deserve it; it produces constant trembling only in those who are worthy of it. And therefore all his feelings and impulses were turned to gold.”)

Yes, talent, talent is given by God, but it must be earned and preserved.

Is such an all-consuming passion sinful, as shown by Chartkov? (Yes)

What did the artist feel when he realized that he had lost his talent?

(Reading a quote: (The bandage suddenly fell off his eyes. God! And so ruthlessly destroy the best years of his youth, exterminate, extinguish the spark of fire ... He was seized, terrible envy to the point of rage")

What is envy? (Envy is one of the deadly sins. Christ spoke about it in the Sermon on the Mount. And Chartkov was seized by terrible envy, envy to the point of rage. Bile appeared on his face when he saw a work bearing the stamp of talent. ”

What hellish intention was born in his soul? Did he manage to carry it out? ?(Not).

Confirm with the text (Reading the quote: “He began to buy up everything that was best that art produced. Having bought a painting at a high price, he carefully brought it to his room and, with the fury of a tiger, threw himself at it, tore it, tore it, cut it into pieces and trampled it underfoot, accompanying it with a laugh of pleasure ".)

What comparison? ( with the fury of a tiger)

How did Chartkov end his life? (He developed a "severe fever, combined with the most rapid consumption ... All the signs of a hopeless, insanity were added to this ... Finally: his life was interrupted in the last, already silent, outburst of suffering.")

Chartkov's life is over, but the portrait of the usurer with his diabolical power remains.

How did people respond to the portrait of the usurer? "There is an evil spirit in him." “Passing from hand to hand, he brought suffering and misfortune.)

What is the name of the story? ( "Portrait")

So what is the main thing here? (Whoever was the owner of the portrait, he brought grief to him ..)

What is the meaning of the name?

And now let's talk about the fate of the painter, the author of the portrait of the usurer. What can you say about it? (Prior to the creation of the portrait, the artist was a kind family man, but poor. Life changes dramatically after painting the portrait: money suddenly fell, he began to beat his wife, became angry and selfish) .

How did he decide to cleanse himself from sin, thinking that the devil led his hand? (He went to the monastery to repent and pray).

Did God forgive him? (Yes, probably.)

What picture did he paint at the end of his life? (The icon of the Nativity of Christ.)

Read expressively the description of the picture that the artist painted, the author of the portrait of the usurer in the image of the devil in Gogol's story "Portrait", in order to atone for his sin. (Reading the quote: “The object he took was the Nativity of Jesus. For a whole year he sat behind it, not leaving his cell, barely feeding himself with harsh food, praying incessantly. After a year, the picture was ready. It was, exactly, a miracle of the brush. It is necessary to know that neither the brothers nor the rector had much knowledge in painting, but everyone was struck by the extraordinary holiness of the figures.The feeling of divine humility and meekness in the face of the Most Pure Mother, bending over the baby, a deep mind in the eyes of the Divine baby, as if already something then seeing in the distance, the solemn silence of the kings struck by the divine miracle, bowed down at his feet, and, finally, the holy, inexpressible silence embracing the whole picture - all this appeared in such a consonant strength and power of beauty that the impression was magical.

It is probably the happiness of this artist that he realized his misfortune in time and decided to retire to the monastery. Here, in the cell, his already adult son visits.

Let's read the commandment that this artist pronounces, admonishing his son. “I have been waiting for you, my son. You will have a path along which your life will flow from now on. your path is pure, do not deviate from it. You have a talent; talent is the most precious gift) of God - do not destroy him ... Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be purer than all in soul. Much will be forgiven to another, but he will not be forgiven. Man. who left the house in bright festive clothes, it is only necessary to be splashed with one spot of dirt from under the wheel, and already all the people surrounded him, pointing fingers at him, and talking about his slovenliness, while the same people do not notice the many spots on others passing by, dressed in everyday clothes. For stains are not seen on everyday clothes.

These words, guys, can be called a hymn to life, not only for geniuses, but also for us, ordinary people. They are still relevant today.

Are these ideals worthy of man? (Yes. In the words of a father to his son there is a spiritual independence from external circumstances, a preference for spiritual values. True art serves the Good. “Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he should be the purest soul,” writes Gogol at the end of the story. )

What literary device does the author use in the story? (- Two lives, two artists. Reception of comparison).

And you and I again returned to the beginning of the lesson.


How do you understand these words The gift is not given to everyone. To whom it is given, he must be purer in soul than all. Obliged not to lose, not to exchange for trifles.)

What can we conclude:

Chertkov was destroyed not only by the passion for profit, not only by the corrupting influence of the aristocratic environment, but also by the lack of internal resistance to this world: he himself destroyed God's gift in himself.

What is the main theme in the story "Portrait" (The theme of art, artistic creativity and Good and evil in art.)

What about the problem? (The problem of confrontation between craft and art.)

The plan of the abstract, which is written on the blackboard, was the plan of our lesson.

What did we talk about in class? (Goals)

Guys, I want to tell you once again that Gogol revealed the connection between art and religion. ">

Novo-Chechkab secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Plan - summary of a literature lesson in grade X on the topic:

“The theme of art and creativity in the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait"

("Petersburg Tales")

Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the 1st qualification category Khisamieva Guzel Dayanovna


Goals: through analytical study, show a cross-cutting theme - the theme of art, artistic creativity and the two most important problems posed in the story - this is the purpose and position of the artist in society and the question of the very essence of art; improve the skills of text analysis, monologue speech, group work skills.

Lesson type: learning new material

Type of lesson: lesson - conversation

Visibility: portrait of N.V. Gogol, illustrations for the story, the book "Petersburg Tales". Work accessories of the artist (brush, paints, palette, easel), reproduction from a painting by A.I. Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

Equipment: projector, computer.

Epigraphs for the lesson:“Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be the purest of all in soul ... "

"The artist must be present in his work, like God in the universe: to be omnipresent and invisible." Gustav Flaubert.

Advanced homework.

  1. Read the story.

  2. Prepare a story about the history of the story.

  3. Group work:
A) prepare a message on the topic: “What is art?”

B) prepare a message on the topic: “What is creativity?”

During the classes
Teacher: Guys! At all times, Russian writers thought about the role of the artist in society, about the purpose of art in the world. This topic caused controversy and was solved in different ways by different authors. It was considered both as social (art should reflect the needs of society, solve social problems), and as aesthetic (art is a reflection of the ideal), and as philosophical (art is a reflection of the highest truth, the truth that reveals to the artist in moments of divine inspiration, so he free from the social order of society), and as anthropological (art as a reflection of elemental forces in man), and as metaphysical (art as an opportunity to violate the set limits of human knowledge of the world).

The most significant work for understanding the theme of art is the story "Portrait" by N.V. Gogol, in which it acquires not only social and aesthetic, but also metaphysical significance.

Teacher. Tell us about the history of the story.

Student. For the first time the story "Portrait" was published in the collection "Arabesques" in 1835.

The story began simultaneously with Nevsky Prospekt in 1831. In 1834, the critic Belinsky wrote a sharply negative review of the first edition of the Tale: "Portrait" is an unsuccessful attempt by Mr. Gogol in a fantastic way. Here his talent falls, but even in the fall itself it remains a talent. It is impossible to read the first part of this story without enthusiasm ... But its second part is absolutely worthless; Mr. Gogol is not at all visible in it. This is an obvious attachment in which the mind worked, and fantasy did not take any part.

Later, Gogol significantly revised the story. In a letter to the publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, P.A. He wrote to Pletnev: “I am sending my story “Portrait”. ... You will see that only the canvas of the old story remains, that everything is embroidered on it again. The second edition of the story was first published in the third book of Sovremennik in 1842.

Teacher. What events: real or fictional are reflected in the story?

Student. The story reflected the impressions received by Gogol from his acquaintance with the life and life of the artists of St. Petersburg. The writer in the first years of his life in the capital took painting lessons three times a week at the Academy of Arts. Among the possible prototypes of the Gogol usurer, the researchers name a well-known Asian usurer in St. Petersburg, who lived in Kolomna. Contemporaries, in particular the actor P.A. Karatygin noted his memorable face and expressive eyes: “His bronze face was tattooed with multi-colored paints, his black pupils, like coals, shone on yellowish proteins with blood streaks ...”

In the image of the artist, whose ingenious picture struck Chartkov's imagination, the features of A.A. Ivanov, well known to the writer, are guessed. His life and work became for Gogol a model of true devotion to art. Perhaps Ivanov became the prototype of another character - the ideal old man of the artist, who is mentioned in the second part of the story.

Teacher. Art. Explain the meaning of this word.

Student. Art- 1) Creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images. (Art is one of the forms of social consciousness.) 2) Skill, skill, knowledge of the matter. (To master the art of sewing.) 3) The very thing that requires such skill, skill. (Military art)

Art - one of the forms of social consciousness, the most important element of human culture. A specific feature of art is that it reflects reality in artistic images. Art actively influences the thoughts, will and feelings of people and plays a huge role in the life of society.

The peculiarity of the knowledge of reality by means of art lies in the fact that, generalizing individual observations, revealing the general and typical, essential in the characteristic, single, accessible, it contributes to the direct sensory perception of a person.

Art, therefore, is not a simple reproduction of individual things and phenomena; the artistic image is the result of a great generalization.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 18, page 507

Teacher. Let us give the floor to the representatives of the second group, who prepared message about the interpretation of the word "creativity".
Student. Creation - Creation of new cultural, material values. Artistic creativity. Folk art. Creativity of Pushkin. Creativity of innovators. Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov.

Creation - human activity that creates new material and spiritual values ​​of social significance. Creativity, being the result of the labor and efforts of an individual, at the same time always has a social character.

The type of human activity, which consists in the creation of works of art, is called artistic creativity. For artistic creativity, its orientation is of great importance the nature of the artist's worldview and the artistic method used by him. Artistic creativity is manifested in the theme chosen by the artist, in the nature of the interpretation of certain phenomena of life, in the originality of the created artistic means for the most adequate identification of content, in the generalization of the genres of this type of art. The highest form of expression of artistic creativity is the creation of works that pave new paths in art and literature. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 42, page 54

Teacher. The story contains the following words: “No, it is impossible for a person with the help of human art alone to produce such a picture: a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your labor.”

How do you understand these words?

- Suggested answers students . Gogol was a deeply religious, religious man. His worldview was reflected in the story "Portrait", where the writer addresses the theme of artistic creativity and Good and Evil in art.

Teacher. What is the manifestation of the struggle between Good and Evil, light and devilish principles in the life of the artist Chartkov?

Chartkov is a capable artist, but he wants to become famous as soon as possible.

Teacher. What portrait did he buy once?

Portrait of a usurer.

Vocabulary work. usurer someone who lends money at high interest rates.

Palette - a small board, a plate on which the painter mixes paints.

easel - a stand on which a stretcher with canvas, cardboard or a board for the artist's work is placed.

Teacher. What was the artist thinking about when he painted a portrait of a usurer in the guise of a devil for church painting? Read this passage in the story.

- “What a power! If I even half depict him as he is now, he will kill all my saints and angels, they will turn pale before him. What diabolical power!

Teacher. He will kill saints and angels ... It is scary, but true. Art is capable of bringing evil and misfortune to the world if it serves evil. Art that unleashes an unclean spirit itself becomes a victim, that is, it turns into a means of serving this spirit, as happened in the story with the master, the creator of the demonic portrait, or it degenerates into a soulless craft, which affected the fate of the artist Chartkov (in the first edition of the story - Chertkov), seduced by the passion of greed.

Teacher. What do we learn about this artist at the beginning of the story?

He is poor, unknown, hungry, but very capable.

Demonstration of a portrait of this artist, painted by one of the students.

Teacher. What did the professor of painting warn Chartkov about?

Reading an excerpt. “Look, brother, you have a talent, it will be a sin if you destroy it. But you are impatient. See that you don't become a fashionable painter."

Teacher. What two paths does Chartkov think about when he sees the money found in the frame of the portrait? Demonstration of the drawing - illustrations for the story.

He thinks that he can work quietly for three years for himself, slowly, not for sale, and be a glorious artist. But another voice was heard in it, which wanted to “dress in a fashionable tailcoat, break the fast after a long fast, go to the theater, to the confectionery at the same hour ...”

Teacher. The first way is Good, the second is evil. What path did the artist choose?

He chose evil. He dressed up, “bought perfumes, lipsticks”, advertised himself in the newspaper and began to paint paintings and portraits for sale.

Teacher. What kind of painter did he become, catering to an indiscriminate public, painting "portraits for money"?

Chartkov became a fashionable painter.

Teacher. How does Gogol say that he began to lose talent, skill?

Reading an excerpt “... His brush became cold and dull, and he was insensitively enclosed in monotonous, definite, long-worn out forms.

The monotonous, cold, always tidied up and, so to speak, buttoned up faces of officials, military and civilians did not represent much field for the brush: she forgot both magnificent draperies, and strong movements and passions ... "

Teacher. Did the artist himself understand this?

Many of his acquaintances could not understand “how a talent could disappear in him, the signs of which already seemed bright in his very beginning, and they tried in vain to figure out how a talent in a person could fade, ... but the intoxicated artist did not hear these rumors.”

Teacher. What picture did he see at the Academy of Arts, where he was once invited?

He saw the work of a Russian artist who studied painting in Italy.

(Demonstration of a reproduction of Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People")

Teacher. What does Chartkov now understand, although he has completely taken over the passion for gold?

Quote reading: “Fame cannot give pleasure to one who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces a constant trembling only in those who are worthy of it. And therefore all his feelings and impulses were turned to gold.

Teacher. What did the artist feel when he realized that he had lost his talent?

Reading the quote: “The bandage suddenly fell off his eyes. God! And so ruthlessly destroy the best years of his youth, exterminate, extinguish the spark of fire ... He was seized by terrible envy, envy to fury ... "

Envy is one of the deadly sins. Chartkov “was seized by a terrible envy, envy to the point of rage. Bile appeared on his face when he saw a work that bore the stamp of talent.

Teacher. What intention was born in his soul? Did he manage to carry it out?

Reading the quote: “He began to buy up all the best that only art produced. Having bought the picture at a high price, he carefully brought it into his room and, with the fury of a tiger, rushed at it, tore it, tore it, cut it into pieces and stamped it with his feet, accompanied by a laugh of pleasure.

Teacher. What literary parallel does Gogol draw, personifying Chartkov with a terrible demon?

With Pushkin's Mozart and Salieri. Gogol goes on to say, “The blasphemy against the world and negation were portrayed by itself in its features. It seemed that he embodied that terrible demon, which Pushkin ideally portrayed. Except for a poisonous word and eternal censure, nothing was uttered by his mouth. Like some kind of harpy, he came across on the way, and even all his acquaintances, seeing him from afar, tried to dodge and avoid such a meeting, saying that it was enough to poison the whole day afterwards.

Teacher. How did Chartkov end his life?

He began "a severe fever, combined with consumption itself ... All the signs of hopeless madness joined this ... Finally, his life turned into the last, already silent, outburst of suffering."

Teacher. How did people respond to the portrait of the usurer?

"There's an evil spirit in him."

He went to the monastery to repent and pray.

Teacher. What picture did he paint at the end of his life?

Icon "Christmas".

Teacher. Read expressively the description of the picture that the artist painted, the author of the portrait of the usurer in the image of the devil in Gogol's story "Portrait", in order to atone for his sin.

Quote reading: “The object he took was the Nativity of Jesus. For a whole year he sat behind him, not leaving his cell, barely feeding himself harsh food, praying incessantly.

After a year, the picture was ready. It was, indeed, a miracle of the brush. It is necessary to know that neither the brothers nor the rector had much knowledge in painting, but everyone was struck by the extraordinary holiness of the figures. The feeling of divine humility and meekness in the face of the Most Pure Mother, bending over the baby, a deep mind in the eyes of the divine Baby, as if already seeing something in the distance, the solemn silence of the kings struck by the divine miracle, bowed down at his feet, and, finally, Holy, inexpressible silence embracing the whole picture - all this appeared in such a consonant strength and power of beauty that the impression was magical "

Teacher. Gogol believed that truth in spiritual art is the result of prayer-ascetic experience. We find confirmation in the “Portrait”, in the place where it tells about the fate of the creator of the demonic portrait, who went to the monastery and then cleansed his soul with a long monastic feat in order to be worthy of painting the iconic image of the Nativity of Christ. That is why one of Gogol's heroes, expressing the author's thoughts, exclaims: "No, a person cannot produce such a picture with the help of human art alone, a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your labor."

Teacher. What parting word did this artist give to his son? Look at the lesson heading on the board.

Quote reading: “I have been waiting for you, my son. You will have a path along which your life will flow from now on. Your path is clear, do not deviate from it. You have a talent; talent is the most precious gift of God - do not destroy it ... Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be purer than all in soul. Much will be forgiven to another, but he will not be forgiven. A man who left the house in bright festive clothes has only to be splashed with one spot of dirt from under the wheel, and all the people have already surrounded him, pointing their finger at him, and talking about his slovenliness, while the same people do not notice the multitude spots on other passers-by, dressed in everyday clothes. For stains are not seen on everyday clothes.

Teacher. Are these ideals worthy of man?

Yes. In the words of a father to his son there is a spiritual dependence on external circumstances, a preference for spiritual values. True art serves the Good.

Teacher. Guys! I want to finish our conversation with the words of I.F. Annensky: “The theme of art for Gogol was deeply personal and hard-won. It is no coincidence that in the story "Portrait" Gogol invested himself more than in any other of his works.

Novo-Chechkab secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Plan - summary of a literature lesson in grade X on the topic:

“The theme of art and creativity in the story of N.V. Gogol "Portrait"

("Petersburg Tales")

Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the 1st qualification category Khisamieva Guzel Dayanovna

Goals: through analytical study, show a cross-cutting theme - the theme of art, artistic creativity and the two most important problems posed in the story - this is the purpose and position of the artist in society and the question of the very essence of art; improve the skills of text analysis, monologue speech, group work skills.

Lesson type: learning new material

Type of lesson: lesson - conversation

Visibility: portrait of N.V. Gogol, illustrations for the story, the book "Petersburg Tales". Work accessories of the artist (brush, paints, palette, easel), reproduction from a painting by A.I. Ivanov "The Appearance of Christ to the People"

Equipment: projector, computer.

Epigraphs for the lesson:“Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be the purest of all in soul ... "

"The artist must be present in his work, like God in the universe: to be omnipresent and invisible." Gustav Flaubert.
Advanced homework.

  1. Read the story.

  2. Prepare a story about the history of the story.

  3. Group work:
A) prepare a message on the topic: “What is art?”

B) prepare a message on the topic: “What is creativity?”
During the classes
Teacher: Guys! At all times, Russian writers thought about the role of the artist in society, about the purpose of art in the world. This topic caused controversy and was solved in different ways by different authors. It was considered both as social (art should reflect the needs of society, solve social problems), and as aesthetic (art is a reflection of the ideal), and as philosophical (art is a reflection of the highest truth, the truth that reveals to the artist in moments of divine inspiration, so he free from the social order of society), and as anthropological (art as a reflection of elemental forces in man), and as metaphysical (art as an opportunity to violate the set limits of human knowledge of the world).

The most significant work for understanding the theme of art is the story "Portrait" by N.V. Gogol, in which it acquires not only social and aesthetic, but also metaphysical significance.
Teacher. Tell us about the history of the story.

Student. For the first time the story "Portrait" was published in the collection "Arabesques" in 1835.

The story began simultaneously with Nevsky Prospekt in 1831. In 1834, the critic Belinsky wrote a sharply negative review of the first edition of the Tale: "Portrait" is an unsuccessful attempt by Mr. Gogol in a fantastic way. Here his talent falls, but even in the fall itself it remains a talent. It is impossible to read the first part of this story without enthusiasm ... But its second part is absolutely worthless; Mr. Gogol is not at all visible in it. This is an obvious attachment in which the mind worked, and fantasy did not take any part.

Later, Gogol significantly revised the story. In a letter to the publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, P.A. He wrote to Pletnev: “I am sending my story “Portrait”. ... You will see that only the canvas of the old story remains, that everything is embroidered on it again. The second edition of the story was first published in the third book of Sovremennik in 1842.

Teacher. What events: real or fictional are reflected in the story?

Student. The story reflected the impressions received by Gogol from his acquaintance with the life and life of the artists of St. Petersburg. The writer in the first years of his life in the capital took painting lessons three times a week at the Academy of Arts. Among the possible prototypes of the Gogol usurer, the researchers name a well-known Asian usurer in St. Petersburg, who lived in Kolomna. Contemporaries, in particular the actor P.A. Karatygin noted his memorable face and expressive eyes: “His bronze face was tattooed with multi-colored paints, his black pupils, like coals, shone on yellowish proteins with blood streaks ...”

In the image of the artist, whose ingenious picture struck Chartkov's imagination, the features of A.A. Ivanov, well known to the writer, are guessed. His life and work became for Gogol a model of true devotion to art. Perhaps Ivanov became the prototype of another character - the ideal old man of the artist, who is mentioned in the second part of the story.
Teacher. Art. Explain the meaning of this word.

Student. Art- 1) Creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images. (Art is one of the forms of social consciousness.) 2) Skill, skill, knowledge of the matter. (To master the art of sewing.) 3) The very thing that requires such skill, skill. (Military art)

Art - one of the forms of social consciousness, the most important element of human culture. A specific feature of art is that it reflects reality in artistic images. Art actively influences the thoughts, will and feelings of people and plays a huge role in the life of society.

The peculiarity of the knowledge of reality by means of art lies in the fact that, generalizing individual observations, revealing the general and typical, essential in the characteristic, single, accessible, it contributes to the direct sensory perception of a person.

Art, therefore, is not a simple reproduction of individual things and phenomena; the artistic image is the result of a great generalization.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 18, page 507

Teacher. Let us give the floor to the representatives of the second group, who prepared message about the interpretation of the word "creativity".
Student. Creation - Creation of new cultural, material values. Artistic creativity. Folk art. Creativity of Pushkin. Creativity of innovators. Dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov.

Creation - human activity that creates new material and spiritual values ​​of social significance. Creativity, being the result of the labor and efforts of an individual, at the same time always has a social character.

The type of human activity, which consists in the creation of works of art, is called artistic creativity. For artistic creativity, its orientation is of great importance the nature of the artist's worldview and the artistic method used by him. Artistic creativity is manifested in the theme chosen by the artist, in the nature of the interpretation of certain phenomena of life, in the originality of the created artistic means for the most adequate identification of content, in the generalization of the genres of this type of art. The highest form of expression of artistic creativity is the creation of works that pave new paths in art and literature. Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Volume 42, page 54

Teacher. The story contains the following words: “No, it is impossible for a person with the help of human art alone to produce such a picture: a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your labor.”

How do you understand these words?

- Suggested answers students . Gogol was a deeply religious, religious man. His worldview was reflected in the story "Portrait", where the writer addresses the theme of artistic creativity and Good and Evil in art.

Teacher. What is the manifestation of the struggle between Good and Evil, light and devilish principles in the life of the artist Chartkov?

Chartkov is a capable artist, but he wants to become famous as soon as possible.

Teacher. What portrait did he buy once?

Portrait of a usurer.

Vocabulary work. usurer someone who lends money at high interest rates.

Palette - a small board, a plate on which the painter mixes paints.

easel - a stand on which a stretcher with canvas, cardboard or a board for the artist's work is placed.

Teacher. What was the artist thinking about when he painted a portrait of a usurer in the guise of a devil for church painting? Read this passage in the story.

- “What a power! If I even half depict him as he is now, he will kill all my saints and angels, they will turn pale before him. What diabolical power!

Teacher. He will kill saints and angels ... It is scary, but true. Art is capable of bringing evil and misfortune to the world if it serves evil. Art that unleashes an unclean spirit itself becomes a victim, that is, it turns into a means of serving this spirit, as happened in the story with the master, the creator of the demonic portrait, or it degenerates into a soulless craft, which affected the fate of the artist Chartkov (in the first edition of the story - Chertkov), seduced by the passion of greed.

Teacher. What do we learn about this artist at the beginning of the story?

He is poor, unknown, hungry, but very capable.

Demonstration of a portrait of this artist, painted by one of the students.

Teacher. What did the professor of painting warn Chartkov about?

Reading an excerpt. “Look, brother, you have a talent, it will be a sin if you destroy it. But you are impatient. See that you don't become a fashionable painter."

Teacher. What two paths does Chartkov think about when he sees the money found in the frame of the portrait? Demonstration of the drawing - illustrations for the story.

He thinks that he can work quietly for three years for himself, slowly, not for sale, and be a glorious artist. But another voice was heard in it, which wanted to “dress in a fashionable tailcoat, break the fast after a long fast, go to the theater, to the confectionery at the same hour ...”

Teacher. The first way is Good, the second is evil. What path did the artist choose?

He chose evil. He dressed up, “bought perfumes, lipsticks”, advertised himself in the newspaper and began to paint paintings and portraits for sale.

Teacher. What kind of painter did he become, catering to an indiscriminate public, painting "portraits for money"?

Chartkov became a fashionable painter.

Teacher. How does Gogol say that he began to lose talent, skill?

Reading an excerpt “... His brush became cold and dull, and he was insensitively enclosed in monotonous, definite, long-worn out forms.

The monotonous, cold, always tidied up and, so to speak, buttoned up faces of officials, military and civilians did not represent much field for the brush: she forgot both magnificent draperies, and strong movements and passions ... "

Teacher. Did the artist himself understand this?

Many of his acquaintances could not understand “how a talent could disappear in him, the signs of which already seemed bright in his very beginning, and they tried in vain to figure out how a talent in a person could fade, ... but the intoxicated artist did not hear these rumors.”

Teacher. What picture did he see at the Academy of Arts, where he was once invited?

He saw the work of a Russian artist who studied painting in Italy.

(Demonstration of a reproduction of Ivanov's painting "The Appearance of Christ to the People")

Teacher. What does Chartkov now understand, although he has completely taken over the passion for gold?

Quote reading: “Fame cannot give pleasure to one who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces a constant trembling only in those who are worthy of it. And therefore all his feelings and impulses were turned to gold.

Teacher. What did the artist feel when he realized that he had lost his talent?

Reading the quote: “The bandage suddenly fell off his eyes. God! And so ruthlessly destroy the best years of his youth, exterminate, extinguish the spark of fire ... He was seized by terrible envy, envy to fury ... "

Envy is one of the deadly sins. Chartkov “was seized by a terrible envy, envy to the point of rage. Bile appeared on his face when he saw a work that bore the stamp of talent.

Teacher. What intention was born in his soul? Did he manage to carry it out?

Reading the quote: “He began to buy up all the best that only art produced. Having bought the picture at a high price, he carefully brought it into his room and, with the fury of a tiger, rushed at it, tore it, tore it, cut it into pieces and stamped it with his feet, accompanied by a laugh of pleasure.

Teacher. What literary parallel does Gogol draw, personifying Chartkov with a terrible demon?

With Pushkin's Mozart and Salieri. Gogol goes on to say, “The blasphemy against the world and negation were portrayed by itself in its features. It seemed that he embodied that terrible demon, which Pushkin ideally portrayed. Except for a poisonous word and eternal censure, nothing was uttered by his mouth. Like some kind of harpy, he came across on the way, and even all his acquaintances, seeing him from afar, tried to dodge and avoid such a meeting, saying that it was enough to poison the whole day afterwards.

Teacher. How did Chartkov end his life?

He began "a severe fever, combined with consumption itself ... All the signs of hopeless madness joined this ... Finally, his life turned into the last, already silent, outburst of suffering."

Teacher. How did people respond to the portrait of the usurer?

"There's an evil spirit in him."

He went to the monastery to repent and pray.

Teacher. What picture did he paint at the end of his life?

Icon "Christmas".

Teacher. Read expressively the description of the picture that the artist painted, the author of the portrait of the usurer in the image of the devil in Gogol's story "Portrait", in order to atone for his sin.

Quote reading: “The object he took was the Nativity of Jesus. For a whole year he sat behind him, not leaving his cell, barely feeding himself harsh food, praying incessantly.

After a year, the picture was ready. It was, indeed, a miracle of the brush. It is necessary to know that neither the brothers nor the rector had much knowledge in painting, but everyone was struck by the extraordinary holiness of the figures. The feeling of divine humility and meekness in the face of the Most Pure Mother, bending over the baby, a deep mind in the eyes of the divine Baby, as if already seeing something in the distance, the solemn silence of the kings struck by the divine miracle, bowed down at his feet, and, finally, Holy, inexpressible silence embracing the whole picture - all this appeared in such a consonant strength and power of beauty that the impression was magical "

Teacher. Gogol believed that truth in spiritual art is the result of prayer-ascetic experience. We find confirmation in the “Portrait”, in the place where it tells about the fate of the creator of the demonic portrait, who went to the monastery and then cleansed his soul with a long monastic feat in order to be worthy of painting the iconic image of the Nativity of Christ. That is why one of Gogol's heroes, expressing the author's thoughts, exclaims: "No, a person cannot produce such a picture with the help of human art alone, a holy, higher power led your brush, and the blessing of heaven rested on your labor."

Teacher. What parting word did this artist give to his son? Look at the lesson heading on the board.

Quote reading: “I have been waiting for you, my son. You will have a path along which your life will flow from now on. Your path is clear, do not deviate from it. You have a talent; talent is the most precious gift of God - do not destroy it ... Save the purity of your soul. Whoever has a talent in himself, he must be purer than all in soul. Much will be forgiven to another, but he will not be forgiven. A man who left the house in bright festive clothes has only to be splashed with one spot of dirt from under the wheel, and all the people have already surrounded him, pointing their finger at him, and talking about his slovenliness, while the same people do not notice the multitude spots on other passers-by, dressed in everyday clothes. For stains are not seen on everyday clothes.

Teacher. Are these ideals worthy of man?

Yes. In the words of a father to his son there is a spiritual dependence on external circumstances, a preference for spiritual values. True art serves the Good.

Teacher. Guys! I want to finish our conversation with the words of I.F. Annensky: “The theme of art for Gogol was deeply personal and hard-won. It is no coincidence that in the story "Portrait" Gogol invested himself more than in any other of his works.

"Portrait" story by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol from the cycle "Petersburg Tales". The story was created in years and first published in the book “Arabesques. Miscellaneous works of N. Gogol ”in the second edition (the text was significantly revised at the end of 1841 and the beginning of 1842) was published in 1842 in the third book of Sovremennik.

Plot The young artist Chartkov, who lives in poverty, despite the fact that he has nothing to pay for the rent of an apartment, in a shop in Shchukinsky yard buys for two kopecks a portrait of an unknown man, an old man in Asian clothes, who attracted his attention by the fact that the eyes of the depicted look exactly like alive. Arriving home, he cannot get rid of the impression that the old man is looking at him; at night, Chartkov has nightmares associated with the portrait. In one of the dreams, an old man comes out of the frame with a bag full of money, and the artist manages to grab one bundle with the inscription "1000 chervonets". In the morning, when the quarterman appears, demanding payment for the apartment from Chartkov, exactly the same bundle is found in the frame of the portrait, which the artist saw in his nightmare.

Chartkov moved to a luxurious apartment on Nevsky Prospekt, advertised in the newspaper, and soon he had many customers. Chartkov becomes a fashionable artist, paints many portraits. He satisfies the needs of clients, but many of his former acquaintances notice that his talent, which had previously been clearly manifested, has disappeared. Chartkov becomes a miser and a misanthrope. Seeing a picture of one of his former acquaintances at the exhibition, he realizes that his own works are in fact far from perfect. Chartkov locks himself in his workshop and tries to create something similar, but he fails; then he begins to buy picturesque masterpieces and destroys them. Soon Chartkov goes crazy and suddenly dies.

Some time later, at a certain auction, among other art objects, a portrait of an Asian, once bought by Chartkov, is exhibited. When the price increases significantly during the auction, the artist B. appears and claims that he has special rights to this picture. In support of his words, he tells a story. He describes a moneylender who once lived in St. Petersburg Kolomna, who was famous for being able to lend any amount on seemingly favorable terms, but at the same time, as a result, it always turned out that in fact huge interest accrued. A deal with a moneylender invariably brought misfortune to his clients.

Father B., also an artist who lived nearby, received a commission for a portrait from an Asian. Since he had long thought about portraying the spirit of darkness in the guise of his neighbor, he accepted the order. However, while working on the portrait (in which the eyes are especially scary), the artist begins to experience incomprehensible horror and eventually quits work and runs away from the customer's house. The very next day, the usurer dies, and the maid brings the unfinished portrait to the artist. Over time, the artist begins to feel strange changes in himself. He wants to burn the portrait, but a friend dissuades him and takes it for himself; then he himself sells it to his nephew. Each owner of a portrait is haunted by misfortunes, and his wife, daughter and son soon die.

Then the artist, realizing that a part of the old man’s soul has entered the portrait, sends the surviving eldest son to the Academy of Arts, and he himself goes to the monastery, where after some time of leading a strict life and self-sacrifice, he writes the Nativity of Christ, and his work turns out to be full of holiness. The son visits him in the monastery, and the father gives him some instructions and thoughts about art, and also bequeaths to him to find the portrait and destroy it. The artist B. introduces himself as the son of the author of the portrait and says that after many years of searching, he finally found the painting. But when he, and with him the visitors of the auction, turn to the wall where the canvas hung, it turns out that the portrait has disappeared.



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