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Cooking raisins at home. How to dry grapes in different ways at home How to dry raisins at home

Raisins are dried grapes that have retained all the beneficial components inherent in fresh berries.

Varieties of dark raisins are considered more useful.

There are several types of raisins:

  • Small and light;
  • Large and fleshy;
  • Dark blue;
  • Light olive.

ATTENTION: Previously, raisins were widely used to treat fevers and liver diseases.

Composition of raisins

Raisins are a fairly high-calorie product because they contain components such as:

  • Organic acids;
  • Protein;
  • Alimentary fiber;
  • Small amount of fat;
  • Various vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Benefits and harms

Many experts recommend consuming raisins due to the presence of potassium in their composition., which allows you to maintain optimal blood composition, and also improves the muscular function of the heart and kidneys. Raisins are also characterized by having a calming effect.

Benefits of raisins for the human body:

Experts recommend that people who have the following pathologies avoid eating raisins:

  • Obesity;
  • Acute heart failure;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Tuberculosis in open form;
  • Diabetes.

Choosing grapes for drying

When wanting to dry grapes, the best solution is to use white, black and pink grapes, in particular You should give preference to these varieties:

  • Kishmish;
  • Muscat;
  • Rizamat;
  • Nimrang;
  • Kattar-Kurgan.

ATTENTION: For drying, you should select grape varieties that have thin skin and fleshy pulp.


Having collected bunches of grapes from the bush, you need to carefully examine them, removing all damaged berries. It is also recommended to separate the berries depending on size; large grapes are cut in half to speed up the drying process.

Methods for drying grapes

There are several types of drying grapes to obtain dry raisins.

In particular:

  • Alkaline;
  • Classical;
  • Central Asian;
  • Drying in electric dryers.

How to make raisins:

Alkaline method

In order to obtain raisins using this drying method, you must perform the following steps:

  • You need to prepare water, lime and potash;
  • All components are thoroughly mixed and boiled;
  • The grape bunches are placed in the prepared mixture for 10 minutes;
  • After the specified time, the berries are thoroughly washed;
  • The berries are placed on a baking sheet and placed in a well-ventilated area for 10-15 days.

How to make raisins in the sun?

The grapes are thoroughly washed in water, after which they are placed on any horizontal plane, which is laid in the sun. Every 3 days the berries need to be turned over. On average, the drying process takes from 2 to 4 weeks.

ATTENTION: If you have your own vineyard, preferably 2 weeks before the start of drying the grapes, stop watering it.

Central Asian drying

The use of Central Asian drying involves drying grapes in the shade. To do this, you should choose a dry room with good ventilation and perform the following manipulations:

  • Stretch thin ropes indoors; the ideal solution would be to use laundry cords;
  • Bunches of grapes are hung on a rope and secured with clothespins;
  • The bunches of grapes should be tied together in 2 pieces and thrown over a rope.

Drying time ranges from 2 to 3 months.

Homemade raisins in an electric dryer

An excellent solution for drying grapes is to use electric dryers. To do this, you just need to load a sufficient amount of grapes into special trays, turn on the equipment and wait for the result.

ATTENTION: Grapes should be taken on the basis that 2 kilograms of berries yield 450 grams of dried raisins.

How to determine readiness?

There are several criteria by which you can clearly determine whether raisins are ready after drying or not. The most common include:

  • Lack of stickiness of each berry;
  • When raisins are pressed, they do not release liquid.

Which dryer is better?

There are a huge number of different electric dryers, in particular, plastic and metal. Plastic ones are the best, as they dry the berries much more efficiently and retain almost all the useful components present in fresh grapes.


Many housewives prefer to store raisins in the refrigerator, freezer, or in dark, dry and cool places in metal or glass jars, sometimes you can even use a paper bag.

Why is it better to dry grapes yourself?

Drying raisins yourself has many positive qualities, the main one of which is that a person knows how high-quality the grapes were used and whether the drying technique was followed.

ATTENTION: Dried raisins sold in stores are almost always not made using technology. This is explained by the fact that it is not profitable for product producers to dry grapes for several weeks.

Treatment with raisins

Due to the presence of organic acid in its composition, it strengthens gums and teeth. After all, it is the presence of antibacterial and antioxidant actions that allows you to clean the oral cavity.

For problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested in the form of constant belching, nausea or heartburn, it is recommended to use raisin decoctions, which can be prepared at home.

Since raisins are a source of potassium, doctors recommend their patients use them for poisoning and various types of edema. The product has diuretic properties, so its regular use ensures the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

Raisins are equally useful both when consumed fresh and when used in decoctions and various tinctures. The main thing is to follow the technology when drying it, and then the product will not be inferior in its beneficial properties to fresh berries.

What is useful:

Raisins are a fairly common product. It is obtained as a result of heat treatment of grapes. It can be used in making various dishes and baking. Likewise, using it yourself will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit.

Such dried grapes are very useful, as they contain up to eight to ten percent of vitamins and one hundred percent of useful elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Benefits of eating raisins:

  • Eliminates diseases associated with the intestines and lungs.
  • Supports the central nervous system, nourishes it with necessary substances.
  • Effective for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Improves the course of anemia.
  • Improves kidney and liver function.
  • Gives more strength and energy throughout the day, reduces the feeling of fatigue.
  • Helps maintain a stable level of vision.

Undoubtedly, grapes are very healthy, so why not take care of your own health and start drying them at home?

What do you need to dry grapes yourself?

First of all, you need the grapes themselves. Regardless of how you plan to dry it, it's worth treating and selecting it correctly.

For drying, you need to choose large, whole grapes. It is very good if the grapes are sweet and seedless.

It is best to use white, black or pink grapes. Suitable grape varieties are “Kishmish”, “Kodryanka”, “Rizamat” and others.

How can you dry raisins at home?

It is customary to distinguish several methods of drying grapes to obtain the most delicious raisins. These include classic (when the grapes are dried in the sun), Central Asian (drying occurs in a dark place), alkaline and drying in an electric dryer.

Having familiarized yourself with each of the options in more detail, you can easily decide what suits you best.

1. Drying using the alkaline method.

In order to get tasty raisins in this case, you will need clean water, about a liter, ten grams of ordinary lime and twenty grams of potash. All ingredients are placed in one bowl and heated over low heat.

As the contents begin to boil, grapes are dipped into it and kept there for about ten minutes. Then take it out and rinse very well under running water.

For such a drying process, it is necessary to choose a suitable place that will be regularly ventilated. The grape branches will need to be placed over some kind of container so that the ready-made fruits can fall there after processing.

2. Classic sun drying.

For this method, all that needs to be done is to thoroughly clean the grapes from any dirt or dust. After which the grapes are carefully placed on a large tray (or any other surface you have available), and placed directly under sunlight. The grapes will need to be turned over or simply turned by hand once every few days.

3. Drying in Central Asian style.

In Asia, it is customary to dry raisins only in a place protected from sunlight. This method has been formed for quite some time and has taken root in these countries. To do this, small rooms are built from clay, in which windows are made through which air enters. It is there that the bunches of grapes are then placed.

The main advantage of this method is that the grapes manage to preserve all the useful components and also have a pleasant aroma.

A prerequisite is pollination of the room with sulfur. This needs to be done for about an hour.

4. Raisins from an electric dryer.

The simplest and most uncomplicated way. It is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of their own time and look for suitable premises and places for this process.

You don't need a large amount of grapes to fill an electric dryer. And the method of its operation will be clear to everyone.

It is best to use infrared dryers for drying grapes. Even though they cost much more than usual, when dried they do not destroy the beneficial properties that the grapes had before.

It is advisable that the trays on which the grapes will dry be made of metal. This will allow you to operate the machine for a longer time and, as a result, get delicious raisins.

Of course, by drying the grapes with your own hands, you can control the entire process and do what you think is right. In this case, you will not need to worry about the quality of the product and whether it will harm your health. Having learned to cope with this task correctly, you can delight yourself with healthy and tasty raisins all year round.

Good luck and bon appetit!

Raisins and sultanas can be easily purchased throughout the year. However, it’s better to prepare this tasty and healthy delicacy with your own hands, especially when housewives have an electric dryer. Why is it profitable to harvest dried grapes? It is stored for a long time and is suitable not only for direct consumption in its natural form, but also for improving the taste of many dishes.

By the way, raisins are dried grapes with seeds, and sultanas are dried grapes without seeds. There are certain varieties of grapes intended for making raisins and sultanas, but almost any variety can be dried in a dryer, as long as it is table and sweet.


Ripe grapes.

How to dry grapes in a dryer

As a rule, most gardeners grow grapes with seeds. Of course, it can be dried in its original form, resulting in raisins. Practice shows that good results are obtained when drying Moldova grapes - tasty raisins that are pleasant to eat in their natural form. But if you use dried grapes for cooking, it is better if there are no seeds in them. It's easier to work with large grapes. Ripe grapes must be washed, spoiled berries removed, dried and each grape cut lengthwise, remove the seeds with a knife - you should get halves of grapes from the pulp and peel.

The prepared grapes are placed cut side up on the trays of an electric dryer. It is not recommended to place the berries tightly so as not to interfere with good circulation of hot air.

The electric dryer loaded with trays is turned on for drying. If the dryer has the ability to adjust the temperature, then the thermostat is set at 65 degrees.

During the drying process of grapes, the lower trays should be periodically moved upward and the upper ones lowered down. The middle trays are also swapped - this is necessary to ensure uniform drying of the berries. Since the grapes are of different sizes, they will dry at different times, so you will have to periodically look through all the trays and remove the finished product, and dry the remaining grapes.

During drying, the berries flatten and change color slightly, which is normal, this is how dried grapes should be. After drying is completed, you need to wait until the berries have cooled, after which they are placed in a hermetically sealed container and stored in a place where it should be dry, dark and cool. Bon appetit!

No one can refuse the taste of the raisins of fresh grapes. This aroma and delicate taste can amaze any gourmet. What can we say about the benefits of grapes? But dried grapes are no less tasty.

We must pay tribute - raisins are considered the most popular delicacy all over the world. It is added to baking creams, dough, salads... And what flavor does raisins give to meat? Therefore, it occupies a place of honor in cooking. It is also important that properly dried grapes are able to retain all microelements and 80% of vitamins. It is recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is an excellent helper for anemia, copes well with apathy and improves vision. But you need to know how to dry it correctly so that it has all the properties described above and can retain all the beneficial substances in its composition.

Tasty, healthy and aromatic raisins can be easily prepared at home. For this purpose, you can use several methods: under the sun, in the oven, in an electric dryer, in the shade.

It is important to know! If you want to prepare homemade sultanas for the winter, you should prepare seedless grape varieties. Small-seeded varieties are ideal for making homemade aromatic raisins.

Under the sun

The simplest and long-proven method is drying grapes under the sun. It is ideal for those who have this healthy berry growing on their property.

Prepare a thick lattice or piece of plywood and place the berries in a single layer.

Cover with a layer of gauze on top - it will protect the berries from a sudden gust of wind, which often spoils us on autumn days.

Place the grapes in the sun and dry them until they turn a dark amber color with a waxy tint. Ready raisins should be soft.

In the oven

Before you start drying grapes in the oven, carefully select whole and fleshy berries with thick skins.

Place them on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 55°C.

Periodically open the oven door to evaporate moisture and stir the berries on the baking sheet.

The last day is to dry the grapes at a temperature of 35° C.

In an electric dryer

The duration of the process of drying grapes in an electric dryer is reduced to 12 hours.

Gently rinse the grapes under running water. Try not to damage the integrity of their skins so that the juice does not leak out during the cooking process.

Dry the berries with a towel and place them on electric dryer trays in one layer.

Dry the grapes with “intermissions” - 3 hours drying, 2 hours rest.

As a result, you will get beautiful amber-colored dried fruits.

Boiling water or lye

An interesting method of drying grapes, which will allow you to present delicious sultanas or aromatic raisins, will reduce cooking time and make the process itself more interesting.

Pour boiling water or an alkaline solution over freshly selected whole grapes.

Immediately rinse the berries with cold water.

Spread in one layer and place in the shade to dry. After 3 days, you will have dried berries, which you can sprinkle with sugar and put in jars.

But if you mix them and leave them for another 3-4 days, you will get raisins - that long-awaited and delicious dried fruit that you have been dreaming of.

It is often practiced to dry whole bunches of grapes in the shade. To do this, they are hung on pre-tensioned ropes and dried in the shade until fully prepared.

How to properly store dried grapes

Grapes should be stored in a dark and dry place. Linen bags or parchment envelopes are ideal as storage containers.

Watch a video about drying grapes in an electric dryer at home.

Raisins are an extremely healthy product, our ancestors knew this. However, dried grapes sold on the market are most often chemically treated to maintain good presentation and extend shelf life. Therefore, if you are pleased with the harvest, you can dry the berries yourself. We will learn how to dry grapes at home from this article.

Sun drying

This is the most natural and easiest way to dry berries and fruits. Immediately after picking, the fruits are removed from the brushes, laid out on a wire rack and naturally dried in the sun. This process usually takes about two weeks depending on weather conditions. Ready raisins should have no more than 20% moisture content, the berries should turn brown and become covered with a waxy coating. You can use wooden boards, cling film, plywood or cardboard as the base.

Shade drying

If the grapes are dried in the shade, the natural color of the grapes will be preserved and its appearance will be more attractive. In addition, in raisins prepared in this way, the amount of preserved nutrients is many times greater. The fruits will need to be dried directly on the bunches; to do this, hang them under awnings or in the attic. The process will take about 4-5 months.

Drying with boiling water and alkaline solution

This is a quick way to dry grapes for raisins. The washed berries removed from the branches are doused with boiling water in which soda is diluted. You need 40 grams of baking soda per bucket of water. First, the fruits are doused with boiling water and then with cold water. The berries are laid out in one layer, after 3-4 days they will wilt a little, they need to be turned over. This option allows you to reduce the preparation process to 8-10 days.

Oven drying

You can also dry the grapes using a conventional oven. You will need two regular baking trays for baking the dough. Scatter the berries in one layer and place in the oven, temperature - 55-60 C °. Leave the door slightly open. This is necessary so that excess moisture comes out. Periodically, the berries on the baking sheets are mixed, and the baking sheets themselves are rearranged, changing the upper and lower positions. Cook until they turn into raisins.

Drying in an electric dryer

Drying grapes in an electric dryer is a very convenient method. The only drawback is that varieties with thin-skinned fruits cannot be dried in an electric dryer; only thick-skinned grapes are suitable. Ripe berries separated from the clusters are washed with running water and placed in trays of an electric dryer. Drying will take 8-10 hours, periodically the device must be turned off. When choosing this method of drying grapes, it is better to give preference to varieties that have medium-sized fruits. For large-fruited varieties, it is better to choose other drying methods.

  • Dried seedless grapes are good for baking, and use raisins with seeds to make compote.
  • Before storing, it is better to place raisins in glass jars to equalize the humidity level.
  • Linen bags are suitable for storage, in which raisins do not lose their beneficial properties for up to one year.
  • Before drying grapes, be sure to remove all unripe and spoiled fruits.
  • If raisins are made from sour fruits, then they can be stored in a glass jar, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • Choose the best method for drying grapes and enjoy the results of your own labor.


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