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Green pages story of insidious doubles. Insidious doubles from the book: Green Pages

1. Carefully read the memo in the textbook (p. 27). Fill in the gaps in the text yourself or with the help of a textbook.

So that there is no trouble near the water

1. Swim only under supervision adults
2. Don't swim in unfamiliar place . There may be dangerous undercurrents there.
3. Don't swim in too much cold water. The cold can cause leg cramps.
4. It’s better to swim not alone, but with friends to be in sight of each other.
5. You can only swim in clean reservoirs. Swimming in polluted water is hazardous to health.
6. Don’t swim in the sea for buoys .
7. Don't swim in storm .

Remember these rules and always follow them!

2. “That’s how we swam!” - Parrot exclaimed when he saw these guys on the shore

Think and write which of the guys dived and which didn’t. Who can't swim?

Petya dived, Yulia can’t swim

3. The Wise Turtle wonders if you know poisonous berries and mushrooms. Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and place them in the appropriate frames. Test yourself with the tutorial. After checking, paste the pictures.

4. Using text and drawing from the book " Green Pages" (story " Insidious doubles"), write down how they are similar and how they are different. death cap and champignon.

Comparison of toadstool and champignon

Similarities: Young toadstool mushrooms appearance very similar to champignons. The stems of these mushrooms are also very similar.
Differences: Color of the plates: in champignons - from pink in young ones to brown in old ones, in pale toadstool - always white.

5. Write at least three names in each paragraph (pp. 19-20). To select examples, use the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky.”

a) Forest plants with edible fruits:
rosehip, chokeberry, serviceberry, blackberry, blueberry, viburnum, blueberry, cranberry.
b) Forest plants with inedible fruits:
euonymus, privet, elderberry, buckthorn, wolf's bast, snowberry
c) Edible mushrooms:
porcini mushroom, chanterelle, moss mushroom, butterfly, oak mushroom, honey fungus, russula.
G) Inedible mushrooms:
fly agaric, toadstool, gall mushroom, false honey fungus, waxy talker

6. At home, review the safety rules you learned in class. Ask an adult to check on you.
Come up with and draw symbols for some rules of the memo “So that there is no trouble near the water” (of your choice).

In class, compare your signs with those suggested by other guys. Choose the most successful ones.

7. If you are interested, use the atlas-identifier “From Earth to Sky,” as well as additional literature and the Internet, to prepare a message about bees, wasps and bumblebees. Here you can write down a message plan or any important information about these insects.

The honey bee is an insect domesticated by humans. These bees live in hives large families. The forest wasp lives in families in nests suspended on tree branches, under the roofs of houses and other buildings. Hairy bumblebees are easy to distinguish from most bees and wasps.

Pale toadstool and champignon are very similar representatives. It is sometimes difficult even for an experienced mushroom picker to distinguish an edible mushroom from a poisonous one. Meanwhile, this is extremely important, because the question is about life and death.

Champignon is considered one of the most common mushrooms. When buying it in the vegetable departments of supermarkets, you don’t have to worry about the quality of the product. But, if it should appear on the dinner table not from a store shelf, but from the forest, then it is very important to know how the champignon differs from the toadstool.

Poisonous mushrooms can cause irreparable harm to health, even death. The same applies to the pale grebe. It is the most dangerous and poisonous species among all known species. A person who has eaten false champignon does not immediately understand about the poisoning. The first signs of intoxication appear after 5–7 (and sometimes 36) hours. But while there are no signs, the poison is already actively acting, and sometimes it is too late to take action, since the effects of the toxins are already irreversible. This is what makes this mushroom so dangerous.

A poisonous mushroom can cause irreparable harm to health, even death.

Similarities and differences

Inedible look-alike mushrooms are found in almost all edible species. A detailed comparison of the toadstool and champignon will help reveal significant differences and similarities.


  • The similarity can be seen in size - the leg varies from 7 to 16 cm in length, and the cap can reach 15 cm in diameter.
  • Both representatives have a ring-shaped formation on the trunk. Early in life poisonous mushrooms have a ring that gradually disappears as they age. The edible mushroom has a ring that almost completely covers the underside of the cap.


  • One of the differences is the size of the base. I don't have edible mushroom the trunk is thin and not very fleshy, but the useful one is much thicker and denser.
  • The twins differ from each other in the shade of their caps. The toadstool's cap has the same shape both above and below White color, and the champignon has a pink tint under the cap. The toadstool can change the whitish tint of the cap to greenish, but this is not necessary. Its leg is light, the flesh is dense.
  • Pale toadstool has dense and light-colored flesh.
  • Differences can be found not only in appearance - twin mushrooms have a different smell. The pale toadstool has no smell at all, while its edible relative has a characteristic mushroom aroma, slightly reminiscent of almond
  • Inedible mushrooms are not spoiled by worms, unlike edible ones. Poisonous representatives always have clean flesh.

1. Carefully read the memo in the textbook (page 27). Fill in the gaps in the text yourself or with the help of a textbook.

So that there is no trouble near the water

1) Swim only under adult supervision

2) Don't swim in unfamiliar place. There may be dangerous undercurrents

3) Do not swim in very cold water. The cold can cause leg cramps

4) It’s better to swim not alone, but with friends so that you can see each other

5) You can only swim in clean waters. Swimming in polluted water is hazardous to health

6) Don’t swim behind buoys in the sea

7) Don't swim in the storm

Remember these rules and always follow them!

2. “That’s how we swam!” - Parrot exclaimed when he saw these guys on the shore

Think and write which of the guys dived and which didn’t. Who can't swim?

Petya dived because his head was wet. Yulia got dirty up to her waist, which means she only stood waist-deep in the water and didn’t swim, she probably doesn’t know how to swim.

3. The Wise Turtle asks if you know poisonous berries and mushrooms. Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and place them in the appropriate frames. Test yourself with the tutorial. After checking, paste the pictures.

4. Using the text and drawing from the book “Green Pages” (the story “Insidious Doubles”), write down how the toadstool and champignon are similar and different.

Comparison of toadstool and champignon

Similarities: Young toadstool mushrooms are very similar in appearance to champignons. The stems of these mushrooms are also very similar.

Differences: The color of the plates: in champignons - from pink in young ones to brown in old ones, in the pale toadstool - always white.

5. Write at least three names in each paragraph (pp. 19-20). To select examples, use the atlas-determinant “From Earth to Sky.”

a) Forest plants with edible fruits: rosehip, chokeberry, serviceberry, blackberry, blueberry, viburnum, blueberry, cranberry

b) Forest plants with inedible fruits: euonymus, privet, elderberry, buckthorn, wolf's bast, snowberry

c) Edible mushrooms: porcini mushroom, chanterelle, moss mushroom, butterfly, oak mushroom, honey fungus, russula

d) Inedible mushrooms: fly agaric, toadstool, gall mushroom, false honey fungus, waxy talker

6. At home, review the safety rules you learned in class. Ask an adult to check on you.

Come up with and draw symbols for some rules of the memo “So that there is no trouble near the water” (of your choice).

In class, compare your signs with those suggested by other guys. Choose the most successful ones.

7. If you are interested, use the atlas-identifier “From Earth to Sky,” as well as additional literature and the Internet, to prepare a message about bees, wasps and bumblebees. Here you can write down a message plan or any important information about these insects.

The honey bee is an insect domesticated by humans. These bees live in large families in hives. The forest wasp lives in families in nests suspended on tree branches, under the roofs of houses and other buildings. Hairy bumblebees are easy to distinguish from most bees and wasps.

In 2014, in the “Green House” series, a new, revised 17th edition was published, teaching aid: "Green Pages". Auto. Pleshakov A.A. A book with stories about nature.
The sixth page of the collection talks about mushrooms. What are edible and poisonous mushrooms?
Read the annotation to the story: "Insidious doubles. Grade 2"

When you are going to the forest to pick mushrooms, do not forget about the three most important rules written in the story: “Insidious Doubles”, in the book - “Green Pages”.
1. Don’t pick mushrooms you don’t know.
2. Don’t pick things you don’t know well and aren’t sure are edible.
3. Expand your knowledge about mushrooms. For many edible mushrooms have their own doubles.
For example, at porcini mushroom- the king of mushrooms is the gall mushroom or, also called, false white. How do they differ from each other:
The edible mushroom has a cap, white or yellowish on the bottom, and a pattern on the stem in the form of a white mesh. The pulp, when you cut the mushroom, always remains white.
The double has a pink cap on the bottom, a black mesh on the stem, and the flesh turns pink when cut.

Inedible mushrooms are not always poisonous. Now, the white mushroom's counterpart has no poison, but it is very bitter, like bile, which is why it is called the gall mushroom.

Comparison of toadstool and champignon.

And, here the champignon has a double - it’s a pale toadstool. Unlike its counterpart, the porcini mushroom, it is very poisonous. Why, she is the most dangerous of all the doubles. The first symptoms of poisoning from it occur only after 10 hours, and sometimes even more than a day later. Therefore, the poison already manages to poison almost the entire body. Under any circumstances, there is no hope for recovery from toadstool.

Comparison of toadstool and champignon, how they differ from each other:
The champignon has pink plates, and with age they become purple.
The toadstool's are pure white. The cap of the pale grebe is greenish.

But, there is also a relative of the pale grebe - this is the white grebe. Her hat, unlike the pale toadstool, is also white, like a champignon. But it, like the pale grebe, is deadly poisonous.

Take the falsity test.

How well do you know the people who surround you? How do you know if a friendship is real or false?

You will learn a lot about true friendship and love. How to behave with a friend when she has some problems. Should you give your advice and express your opinion on what she should do? Or simply be an attentive listener and speak out - when?



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