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Greeting cards for Teacher's Day. Colorful holiday cards for Teacher's Day

Galia Avdeeva

Teacher and Preschool Worker Day is a holiday of those who everyone day teaches and educates children who gives them his love, care and knowledge. Who surrounds them with warmth. Who is doing children are stronger, smarter, kinder, who opens up the world and their own talents to them.

For the Day preschool worker Guys senior group No. 1 did their best and prepared wonderful colorful drawings, on which they depicted their kindergarten and educators. In each work the children tried to convey their love for their teachers and kindergarten. Their parents helped them with this, and there were also congratulations from their parents in verse. A wall newspaper was framed and donated to the kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

IN music hall Kindergarten “Ivushka” On September 25, everyone who makes the life of a child in kindergarten interesting, eventful and safe gathered together.

Preschool Worker's Day Preschool Worker's Day. Leading adult It’s great that there is this holiday date on the calendar - Preschool Worker’s Day, how wonderful.

Song-remake “Preschool Worker's Day” Preschool Worker's Day To the tune of the song “Weather in the House” 1. Today in our friendly team there is again a reason for congratulations. Let be.

Scenario for the holiday “Preschool Worker’s Day” Teacher and Preschool Worker Day! Hello our dear guests! We are very glad that you came to the holiday dedicated to you, the educators.

What is a kindergarten? Friends, milk porridge, shared toys, quiet time and, of course, kind teachers, almost relatives... Congratulations on the Day.

Holiday "Preschool Worker's Day" There is music in the hall. From different sides of the stage, 2 teachers come out with flowers in their hands and conduct a dialogue. - Hello, Elena Anatolyevna! -Hello,.

Scenario for the holiday “Preschool Worker's Day. Presenter 1. Good afternoon, Dear colleagues! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall and...

Scenario for the team for Preschool Worker's Day! Presenter 1: Hello, colleagues! Presenter 2: Happy holiday, friends! Presenter 1: Today everyone gathered in this hall, those who devoted themselves to children.

The winds carry away words, and the years carry away memories. We wish you that they are only light, bright and long - for life. I wish you, dear, patience, good luck, happiness. May dark clouds never darken the sky above your head! Let all children's smiles turn into an unforgettable bright bouquet! Let children never upset you! You are the kindest, most sensitive and caring person, so we are very glad that you are leading this group. We wish from all parents family well-being, good salary, excellent health! We are always ready to support you - in any business or endeavor. Always remain so active and cheerful! Congratulate the teacher Educator in Russia on the holiday, as well as the Educator’s colleague. Every year, at the most romantic time - the end of September, Teacher's Day is celebrated. This wonderful people who raise our children, even nature itself gives round dances of fallen golden leaves. And on such a wonderful day I would like to wish you the same bright mood and the same beautiful life. Let your work be your only joy, the children will be obedient, and their parents will be just as grateful. I also want to wish you the patience that you so need. Love that will help cope with the most restless pupils. Good luck, which will send you only the best children, and hope for the best.

Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! - this is a wonderful reason to sincerely congratulate you and wish you new success. You were not mistaken when choosing a profession, you managed to find your calling - and that’s wonderful! How children are drawn to you, how they love you, and what warmth and pleasure your eyes radiate when you play and study with the kids. It’s nice to look at you, you feel comfortable among children, and they feel good, happy and calm with you. I wish you to continue to enjoy your professional successes and enjoy your work. Let your students love you, your parents support you, and your management appreciate you!

Teacher's Day congratulations from children. Each of us gets to raise our own children. But there are people for whom education is a calling. A teacher is not just a person with an appropriate diploma. A teacher is a person endowed with colossal patience, immense talent and boundless love for people in general and children in particular. Wisdom and kindness, condescension and understanding, enthusiasm and inspiration - these are the traits that amaze people in this profession. On your professional holiday, I would like to wish you not to lose all this valuable baggage, so that each new student can draw from this source, like from a well, what is good, wise and eternal. And may fate thank you for such hard and useful work, because we entrust the most valuable things to educators. Be happy! Our dear teacher! On this day, allow me to congratulate you on the professional holiday of everyone who is rightly called blacksmiths human souls and creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and not comparable to other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you deal with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you foolish and cocky now proudly say that they were your students. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, not become scarce! Happy holiday! Happy Teacher's Day!

Thank you for your noble work and for the fact that, despite all the difficulties, you help our kids grow up to be real people. On the day of your holiday, I sincerely wish you happiness, good luck and all the good things you could wish for! Our dear teachers, today is your day, your holiday! With gratitude and respect, we have gathered today to congratulate you. I wish you happiness, success, prosperity, success at work! And, of course, we wish that you always have the smartest, kindest, most gentle, most attentive students. We calmly bring our children to kindergarten because we know that here they will be understood, taught, reassured, developed, fed deliciously and will be lovingly and attentively cared for. From the bottom of our hearts we say Thank you to the Educators! For long years happy life under a peaceful sky! The day of the teacher and all preschool workers is a wonderful holiday. After all, the educator is the child’s first teacher. It is to the teacher that mothers entrust their babies for the whole day, five days a week. All teachers and preschool workers deserve not only honor and respect, they also deserve great praise for their daily hard work. Dear educators, we wish you patience with our children and thank you for the fact that our children are always in good hands and always under careful supervision.

Dear educators! The results of your work are not immediately visible. It bears fruit after many years. However, having met your students by chance on the street or read about them in a printed publication, you are filled with pride in your work. You want every grain you sprouted to become a strong shoot that can become a cultivated plant. Low bow to you for all your efforts and efforts! Thanks to you, our world becomes more humane, kinder, brighter. You are the foundation of our hearts. Kudos to all preschool workers! Hooray!

With great gratitude, we would like to congratulate you on your well-deserved Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers! Having a beautiful open heart, you share your kindness and instill love in children's souls. Let all your efforts blossom in the hearts of your students as a beautiful bouquet of mercy, humility, purity and gratitude for your work. And may the warm thoughts that you make our world a better place every day warm you at all times, at any time of the year and despite any circumstances.
Joyful compliments of large size for Teacher's Day and colorful Positive cards and flowers. Raising children is the most difficult, time-consuming, but at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. Seeing how your students grow, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for a teacher? Today is your holiday, and on this day I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, health, prosperity and joy, as well as love and kindness. Let only the best be in your destiny, and let life be so affectionate and kind to you that you will always be lucky! I wish for life path finds great gifts, and may your students remember you for many years to come!



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