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Icon of the inexhaustible cup. Icon of the Mother of God Inexhaustible Chalice - When the enemy attacks, I call on the Mother of God. Akathist “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Icon of the Mother of God

May 18 - celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" Orthodox believe that this image was given by God for the salvation, correction and healing of drunkards.

The appearance of the holy image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” occurred in 1878.

One peasant of the Efremov district of the Tula province, an honored retired soldier, was obsessed with the passion of drunkenness. He drank away his entire pension, everything he found in his house, and reached a beggarly state. His legs were paralyzed from excessive drunkenness, but he continued to drink. And this completely degraded man one day sees an extraordinary dream. A magnificent old man approaches him and says: “Go to the city of Serpukhov, to the monastery of the Lady Theotokos. There is an icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”; serve a prayer service before it and you will be healthy in soul and body.”
Without a penny of money, without the use of his legs, the peasant did not dare to go on a journey. But the holy elder appears to him a second, third time and orders him to fulfill the command so threateningly that the unfortunate drunkard immediately sets off on his way on all fours.
Arriving at the monastery and telling about his dreams, the sufferer asked to serve a prayer service in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. But no one in the monastery knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name. Someone said: “Isn’t this the same icon with the image of a bowl that hangs in the passage from the temple to the sacristy?” This icon was removed from the wall and on the reverse side they actually saw the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” The newfound image was transferred to the temple and a prayer service was performed in front of it.
And in the icon of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov, the founder of the Vladychny Monastery, the peasant recognized that magnificent old man who appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to find this icon. The former drunkard returned from Serpukhov completely healthy. Not only did he receive healing for his sore legs, but most importantly, he stopped experiencing an irresistible craving for wine.

The news of the wonderful glorification of the icon of the Mother of God quickly spread in Serpukhov. In the center of the city, at the temple of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky, the Alexander Nevsky Temperance Brotherhood was created. Every Sunday, with a large crowd of people, prayer services were held in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, ending with moral conversations.

Possessed by the passion of drunkenness, their relatives and friends hurried to offer their prayers to the Mother of God for healing from their illness, and many came to thank the Heavenly Lady.

According to iconography, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon belongs to one of ancient types image of the Mother of God, called “Oranta”, that is, “Praying” - when the Mother of God is depicted with raised hands. In the Russian tradition, this iconography was also called “The Sign”. The difference between the icon is that the image of the Divine Child is not in his arms Holy Virgin, and standing in the Chalice.

The Chalice with the blessing of the Infant God is the Chalice of Holy Communion. And the Mother of God, with raised hands, acts as a prayer intercessor for the human race. This icon testifies that there is no other, more faithful means of acquiring for us the love and favor of the Mother of God, than through Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was found in 1878 in Serpukhov and was in the Vladychny Monastery until 1919, and after its closure by the Soviet authorities - in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely in Serpukhov. In 1929, St. Nicholas Cathedral was also closed. After the closure of the Serpukhov monasteries, all icons were burned on the banks of the Nara River... The icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” and several copies of it disappeared without a trace, prayer services before the miraculous image ceased.

Now there are two revered miraculous lists from the icon. Both are located in Serpukhov - one in Vysotsky monastery , the other - in Vladychny Convent .

In the Vysotsky Monastery, a list of the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was written in 1993, two years after the opening of the monastery. This marked the beginning of a revival of the veneration of this icon after many years of fighting against God.

The image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” is in Intercession Church of the Vysotsky Monastery . The list is also miraculous; a lamp burns inextinguishably in front of it as a symbol of all prayers to the Mother of God.

Vysotsky Monastery near Serpukhov. Temple interior

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, located in the Vysotsky Monastery, has truly become an all-Russian shrine. Every day in the Intercession Church of the Vysotsky Monastery, water-blessing prayers are performed in front of the miraculous image, at which prayers are offered for the suffering and for everyone who asks for mercy from the Queen of Heaven in front of her holy icon.

And in 1996, immediately after the revival of the Vladychny Monastery, an exact copy of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was written from an old photograph of the miraculous icon and consecrated in the place where the icon appeared more than a century ago, and now the icon is venerated in the same way as before. When writing, all the proportions of the icon are preserved and academic style, characteristic of the original. The icon is in St. George's Church of the Serpukhov Vladychny Convent. It has been periodically streaming myrrh since August 19, 2000. Some people and entire pilgrimage groups testify that sometimes the eyes of the Mother of God become as if alive: they squint or open wider. This unusual phenomenon was twice recorded in photographs. People come from all over Russia and other countries to venerate the Mother of God.

Famous miraculous icon“Inexhaustible Chalice” for the speedy healing of the suffering from the ailments of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking, resolving housing problems . It has been noticed that the icon not only heals, but also helps to change the way of life of a lost person, leading him to awareness of his sins, to repentance and a pious life.

Unfortunately, the day on which the icon was revealed is unknown. In the 19th century, the celebration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon took place on November 27 (Old Art.) / December 10 (N.S.) on the same day as the “Sign” icon of the Mother of God, since these icons are similar in iconography.

At the end of the 20th century, when the veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was restored, its celebration was timed to coincide with the day of the repose of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov - May 18 (NS), since the icon was revealed through the intercession of this saint. In 1997, with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II was established to celebrate the church-wide celebration of the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” on May 18 (NS).

Now in the Vladychny Monastery, with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna, along with church-wide veneration The tradition of celebrating the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon on December 10 (NS) is being revived, as it was in the 19th century.

Troparion, tone 4
Today we are the harbinger of faith / to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, / watering the hearts of the faithful / with the heavenly inexhaustible cup of Her mercy / and showing miracles to the faithful people. / Seeing and hearing, we spiritually celebrate and cry warmly: / Most merciful Lady, / heal our ailments and passions, / beseeching Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6
Be the womb Your holy The meal, / which has the Heavenly Bread, / Christ our God, / from what is worthless, no one who eats poison dies, / as everyone says, the Mother of God, the Nourisher.

Stichera for Psalm 50, tone 6
Today the miraculous icon of the Lady is glorified, / today the faithful gather from everywhere to pray before her, / today even those of little faith are illuminated with thoughts of repentance, / the powers of Heaven rejoice in the glory of the Most Pure One, / but we, as taught by the Angel, thus cry out: / Rejoice, O Gracious One, the Lord is with you By You, / blessed are You among women, / blessed is Your mercy towards us, / blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, glory to You.

Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives.
Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.
Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.
Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of children, orphans and wretches, abandoned by those who have gone astray, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High.
Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen.

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is one of the most beloved and revered miraculous icons of Russia. The prayer before her has protected more than one family from the bad habits of its members, which destroy human health and often life itself: smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism. Parents, releasing their children into adult life, full of pitfalls today, pray in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the hope that the Mother of God, through Her prayerful intercession, will protect them from the dangers associated with loss and distortion moral priorities in today's society - tobacco, drug, and alcohol addiction.

Also, prayer in front of the icon will protect your interests related to the acquisition, exchange, sale and other actions aimed at improving living conditions.

How does the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” help?

Among the many miracles that occurred through prayers to the Mother of God in front of Her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” healing from the disease of drunkenness is the most frequent. Testimonies about how prayer from the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” helps for the salvation of a heavily drinking family member, any neighbor for whom you pray at home, and also order a prayer service with the blessing of water, are known in large quantities and in our days. Now, when such destructive, deadly addictions as drug addiction and smoking have been added to drunkenness, and often with early years, prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon still helps in getting rid of them.

People come to her for help in solving housing issues. It is known that prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon also helps in these cases: when concluding housing transactions for exchange, purchase and sale, problems with inheritance, if you feel that there may be some kind of catch in the actions of the opposite side. You just need to remember that your actions must contain exclusively pure thoughts and be carried out within the limits of the law, both legal and moral, otherwise the one who decides to seek help in an unjust matter will get a hard time.

But in front of any icon of the Mother of God, including the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” you can pray about everything, express all your wishes, requests, sorrows - the Queen of Heaven will not refuse anyone with heartfelt and sincere prayer. Just pray from the heart, with faith and zeal, and do not forget to thank our Intercessor and Intercessor before God for Her all-forgiving Motherly love.

What happened happened in the first year of Mother Maria’s abbess (1878). One peasant of the Tula province of the Evfremovsky district, a retired Nikolaev soldier with a pension, had a weakness for wine. He drank everything in the house and his entire pension and reached a beggarly state. To add insult to injury, his legs became paralyzed. But even then he did not stop drinking. Being in such a state of mental, physical and material discord, he one day sees a dream: a handsome-looking old man comes to him and says to him: “Go to Serpukhov, to the Vladychny Monastery, there in the St. George Church there is an icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, serve before it prayer service and you will be healthy both in soul and body.” But the peasant, despite the fact that the dream was apparently extraordinary, did not go to Serpukhov, because he did not know how to get there without legs and without a penny of money. Then the same old man appeared to him a second and third time and demanded that his order be carried out so threateningly that our peasant decided to immediately set off on his journey. He moved on all fours. He stopped at villages along the way to rest and refresh himself with food. At one of these stops, an old peasant woman took him in for the night, gave him something to drink and, to relieve the soreness of his legs, rubbed them and laid the sick and tired traveler on the stove. And this is what happened then: at night, waking up, the traveler felt a pleasant sensation in his legs and immediately, with great care, lowering them from the stove, tried to stand on his feet. Although very weak, he can stand on his feet! And he’s looking forward to the morning so he can set off on his further journey: now, perhaps, not on all fours, but on his feet, albeit with the help of sticks! But the kind old woman kept him for another day and again rubbed his feet at night. Apparently the patient felt better. And he really is now walking, though first with two sticks, and then with one. So he reached Serpukhov and the Vladychny Monastery. He was wearing warm felt boots, despite the month of July.

At the Vladychny Monastery, he told about his wondrous dreams to novice Zacharias (later nun Elizabeth), a churchwoman at the Church of the Great Martyr George, and persistently asked that a prayer service be served to the Mother of God in front of her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” The last thing he did was put everyone into great difficulty, because no one in the monastery knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name. Then a thought arose: is this not the same icon that hangs in the passage from the St. George Church to the bell tower or to the sacristy? There is an image of a bowl on it. And what was everyone’s surprise when back side This icon actually saw the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It was also significant that when our traveler was brought to the shrine of the venerable builder Varlaam, in his holy face he immediately recognized the magnificent old man who appeared to him in a dream and commanded him to go to Serpukhov to the Vladychny Monastery to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”.

The news of the miraculous phenomenon quickly spread throughout the city of Serpukhov and then throughout the near and far villages of the Serpukhov district and far beyond its borders. Possessed by drunken passion, they began to come and come to pray to the Mother of God before her newly appeared icon. Some appeared again to thank the Queen of Heaven for her great mercies and healings. As one of such healings from drunken passion after praying to the Mother of God in front of her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” one can point to the complete deliverance from binge drinking of one Moscow merchant, Stefan Fedorovich Fedorov, who, in a grateful feeling, built a beautiful iconostasis for the icon and placed a silver-gilded robe on it , instead of the foil one and for his home he now has an exact copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. Soon after the glorification, the holy icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” was transferred from its previous location to the cathedral church and placed in an extremely convenient place.

Holy icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” of beautiful antique writing. The face of the Mother of God is completely alive. What does this icon represent? Apparently, this is an accurate depiction of the “Sign of the Mother of God.” Only the Divine Infant is written standing in a bowl. The Chalice with the blessing of the Infant God is the Chalice of Holy Communion. This cup is truly inexhaustible or undrinkable, because its lamb is “always eaten and never consumed.” And the Mother of God, with her most pure hands raised upward, like a mighty high priest, obviously intercedes so that this sacrifice - the Holy Chalice - would be accepted into the Heavenly Altar for the sinful human race. And there is also no other surest means of acquiring for us the love and favor of the Mother of God, as also through the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Our chosen and wondrous deliverance was granted to Your honest image, the Lady Theotokos: as having been delivered by its appearance from mental and physical ailments and sorrowful circumstances, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. You, Lady, whom we call the Inexhaustible Chalice, bow down graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries and deliver those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that with faith we cry to Thee: Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

The hosts of angels and righteous people continually glorify Thee, the Queen of all, Theotokos, who intercedes for the many-sinful generation of Christians, mired in iniquity, abiding in sins: for granting them Thy mercy for consolation and salvation through Thy many-named miraculous icons, which are like the stars of heaven throughout our land we see. To the only image from these, the Inexhaustible Chalice called, falling, from the depths of the heart we cry out to Thee: Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people. Rejoice, you who cleanse our infirmities through the sorrows; Rejoice, sending Your mercy to us through Your miraculous icons. Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the appearance of those; rejoice, grateful to God peti teaching. Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all to God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Seeing, O Most Holy Lady, the heartbreaks, mental anguish and sincere repentance of people possessed by illness, the destructive disease of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of Your most wonderful image, called the Inexhaustible Chalice, and all who fall to Him with faith and a contrite heart, Having received healing from their serious illness, they cry out from the depths of their souls: Alleluia.

The understanding of the inconvenience of the threefold appearance of the Monk Varlaam and his command to travel to the God-saved city of Serpukhov was understood by seeking, a certain man, suffering from the disease of drunkenness, went to the city of Serpukhov and found there in the Vladychny Monastery your holy icon, called the Inexhaustible Chalice. We, seeing Your care for us sinners, cry out to You with reverence: Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners; Rejoice, perspicacious Guide, showing them the path of salvation. Rejoice, our all-good Teacher, who attracts us with Your love; Rejoice, for teaching us gratitude for all Your good deeds. Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope. Rejoice, destroyer of our destructive passions; rejoice, good intentions conducive. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

The power of the Most High, with the grace of the Lady, strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, in a weakened state, went to the city of Serpukhov, the command of the Mother of God, announced through the Venerable Varlaam, fulfilled, and found the Most Pure Mother of God icon, who was healed from his mental and physical illness and from cry out to God from the depths of my soul: Alleluia.

Possessing an endless source and an inexhaustible cup of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but all Orthodox Christians from other cities and villages flow to Your wonderful image and, before it receiving healing, falling, grateful lips cry out to You: Rejoice, Kupel, in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, Chalice, through which we receive the joy of our salvation. Rejoice, healer of our bodily infirmities; Rejoice, healing wounds of sin. Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers; Rejoice, you who give to everyone who asks according to his need. Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercies to us; Rejoice, one Mother, who shows us mercy. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Storming inside with doubtful thoughts, but with sincere repentance flowing to Your ineffable mercy, possessed by a drunken passion, they receive healing and from the depths of their hearts they cry out to You: Alleluia.

Hearing the grave sorrows of wives, elders and children, whose relatives are overcome by a pianistic passion, He gave them Your icon, Lady, from whom all those who come to them find consolation and spiritual joy and cry out to Thee with tears: Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world ; Rejoice, Chalice, who draws us joy from the source of immortality. Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers, unreliable hope; Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn. Rejoice, manifestation of grace; Rejoice, affirmation of faith. Rejoice, thou who calmest the turmoil of passions; Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to those in need. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Thou hast shown us the God-bearing star, Thy venerable icon, O Lady, and praying to Thee, O Theotokos, with sight and with faith from the heart, we say: Heal through drunkenness and every other illness the souls and bodies of those who suffer, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Alleluia.

Seeing glorious miracles and wonderful signs, which happen not only from Your icon, the Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from all the images painted in the likeness of this icon, humbly falling to them, crying out to You: Rejoice, quickly presenting Helper to those who zealously flow to You; Rejoice, merciful Hearer of our prayers. Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing; Rejoice, and within the boundaries of Moscow you have shown the glory of Your miracles. Rejoice, Lady of Serpukhov, endless treasure of healing; Rejoice, nuns there for the good of those who strive, omnipotent patroness. Rejoice, you who lead good haste in warfare against the world, the flesh and the devil; Rejoice, and zealous Intercessor in the world of those who live piously. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Preaching Thy miracles, Mother of God, from Thy icon, the Inexhaustible Chalice called, the everlasting, we pray to Thee, Most Pure One, with tears: deliver us all from the falls of sin, teaching us to chant to God: Alleluia.

You shone in the light of Divine glory, Virgin Mother of God, beholding the Eternal Child of our Lord Jesus Christ, who stands in a vessel like an inexhaustible chalice, as we see You, depicted on your icon, the Inexhaustible Chalice mysteriously named, from the non-deliverance of drunkenness disease to those who come with faith grant that silent voices sing to You: Rejoice, for the Council of Angels and the human race rejoice and triumph in Neyzhe; Rejoice, whose glory surpasses the praises of earthly and heavenly. Rejoice, you who reveal to us the mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel; Rejoice, thou who hast given birth to the Lamb born of Thee, always consuming and never dependent upon, showing us. Rejoice, thou who by the Cup of Life and Immortality leads us to the gates of Eternal Life; Rejoice, you who feed thirsty souls with the source of incorruption and joy. Rejoice, who with innumerable goodness does not abandon the most despised and rejected; Rejoice, from the pit of destruction with compassion, through Your deprivation of the unreliable. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Although some people thank You, Lady, for healing from a drunken illness, decorate Your wonderful, Mother of God, icon, residing in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of their hearts to God: Alleluia.

We see a new miracle, Lady, from Your holy icon: suffering from a drunken illness, certain servant of God Stefan, resorting to Your Mother’s intercession, got rid of his serious illness and, thanks to You, decorated Your icon with splendid gifts, and, falling to it, with tears cry out to you: Rejoice, life-giving source healing; Rejoice, heavenly cup of divine gifts. Rejoice, river of healing that ever flows; Rejoice, sea, drowning of all our passions. Rejoice, you who do not reject offerings of thanks; Rejoice, you who gladden the hearts of pious people. Rejoice, Giver of strong faith; Rejoice, all the good deeds to the Performer. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how the icon of Your holy “Inexhaustible Chalice” exudes miracles of divine healing. But we, who believe in Your words, O Lady, spoken to the first-written icon: “My grace and strength are with you,” believe that from this icon Your grace flows forth. In the same way, reverently worshiping, we kiss you, crying out to God: Alleluia.

People suffering from the disease of drunkenness place all their hope in Thee, the Lady, bowing down to our weakness and passion. Who will bring us sinners out of the ditch of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not You, Lady! For this reason, we bow our knees before Your wonderful image and cry out to You: Rejoice, through the prayer of sinful people who call upon You for their help, sending heavenly grace; Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners. Rejoice, inexhaustible wealth of valor and faith; Rejoice, driving away the spirit of despondency and fear. Rejoice, you who encourage the despairing and unreliable; Rejoice, you extend a helping hand to those depressed by the disease of drunkenness. Rejoice, you who comfort the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, teaching us to despise the vain joys of this world. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted the sinful human race an Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our infirmities, frees us from the disease of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful to sing Ti: Alleluia.

The revolutions of humanity are perplexed to praise, O glorious Lady, Thy icon is a feast, below from our vile lips the praise brought to Thee is worthy, both of which are innumerable good deeds, revealed by Thy icon, having seen, rejoicing in the soul and heart, We say to Thee: Rejoice, for from Thy face miracles are wrought; Rejoice, you who reject Your shame. Rejoice, who delivers those who come to You from all evil; Rejoice, thou who by Thy gentle radiance disperses the darkness of our sins and passions. Rejoice, unquenchable light, igniting fire of faith; Rejoice, O full of grace, for through You God is with us. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge; Rejoice, filling the souls of the Orthodox with love for You and Your Son. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Save people who want Many, suffering from the disease of drunkenness, You gave us Your wonderful icon, O Mother of God, for the sake of this disease, they flock to Your miraculous image and, having received healing, tenderly call to God: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall and a shield, O Mother of God, to people who suffer from drunkenness and who all diligently flock to You and reverently venerate Your icon, for the Lord has given us this gift of good things to help and heal for the sake of which he inspires us to sing: Rejoice, thou who despair of hope, quenching their sorrows; Rejoice, Thy grace that shines upon us unworthy. Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity; Rejoice, turning our corruptible clay into incorruption. Rejoice, you who affirm our inability; Rejoice, thou who quickly disperses the cloud of passions surrounding us. Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from grave despondency; Rejoice, you who strengthen us in prayer to the Creator of all things. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Do not despise our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, O Pure One, and do not turn away from people who are desperate and suffering from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all the filth of sin, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

In the light-receiving light we see Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and on holy icon Thy, in the midst of the face of Thy saints, shining indescribably with rays of grace, from nowhere, in the darkness of our sins, enlightening us and instructing us on the bright path of virtues, we call upon You with these venerations: Rejoice, through the intercession of the venerable Domniki, delivering us from the vanity of this multi-rebellious world; Rejoice, who by your intercession helps us in the fight against the enemies of carnal passions. Rejoice, through the prayers of the holy martyr Charalampios a good thought was placed in our hearts; Rejoice, enlightening his bad conscience through intercession. Rejoice, through the prayers of Martyr Paraskeva, you deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness; Rejoice, for through the intercession of those who suffer you call us to sincere repentance and admonition. Rejoice, together with the Hieromartyr Antipas, you soften all embittered souls; Rejoice, together with him you call upon Thy help and save Thy name. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

The grace of God inherent in the holy icon, called the Inexhaustible Chalice, draws to her, Lady, all the mourning, crying, destitute, widows and orphans, especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and do not in vain depart, Lady, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but , endlessly receiving healing from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, we sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Singing Your miracles and great mercy, people possessed by a drunken passion, revealed, we pray to You, Lady: save and have mercy and do not abandon us, who seek Your intercession and call to You: Rejoice, truly Helper to the poor; Rejoice, blessed medicine for those who suffer. Rejoice, great joy of the complacent; Rejoice, wonderful encouragement to the faint-hearted. Rejoice, speedy Redeemer of troubles and sorrows; Rejoice, O all-merciful Comforter of the faithful. Rejoice, humbler of the proud; Rejoice, elevating the humble and desiring salvation for all. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

O Most Merciful Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer today and deliver us from all mental and physical ailments, especially the freedom of those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and let us cry out in gratitude to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Angelstii chini.” and 1st kontakion “Selected and Wonderful”.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our Blessed Queen, our hope, the Most Holy Theotokos, friend of the orphaned and strange, Intercessor, help for the needy and protection for the embittered. See our misfortune, see our sorrow, we were overcome by temptations from everywhere, and we were delivered from nothing. You Yourself, help us as we are weak, feed us as we are strange, instruct us as we are lost, heal and save us as we are unreliable. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened. Look upon us, sinners and those in bitterness, cover us with Your most pure omophorion, so that we may be delivered from the evils that have befallen us, especially from drunkenness, and may we always praise Your most holy name. Amen.

Known under the name “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, and when it happened, but the icon has been known not so long ago - since 1878.

This image belongs to the Oranta iconographic type: the Mother of God is depicted with her hands raised in prayer, and the Baby Jesus stands in front of her in a bowl, stretching out his hands in a blessing gesture.

Finding an icon

Elizabeth, a nun of the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery, which is located in the city of Serpukhov (Moscow region), spoke about the discovery of the miraculous image in 1878 in 1910. The name of the icon is connected not only with the cup depicted on it, but also with the history of its discovery.

There lived a certain peasant who was a drunkard in the Tula province. He drank away the money he received as a retired Nikolaev soldier, and everything he had. In his old age he reached extreme poverty, and due to constant drunkenness his legs became paralyzed. And then an old man appeared to him in a dream, who ordered him to go to the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery and serve a prayer service there before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” The peasant was in no hurry to carry out the order - after all, he could not walk, and there was no money, but the elder appeared to him twice more, repeating the order more and more menacingly. In the end, this unfortunate man, somehow moving at a crawl, went to Serpukhov.

It was not easy to get to the monastery, but he still succeeded, but no one there knew about the icon with that name. Nevertheless, they took the peasant’s words seriously, examined all the icons that were in the monastery, and on the back of one of them, which hung on the passage from the cathedral to the sacristy, they found the inscription “The Inexhaustible Chalice.”

A prayer service was served before the icon. The peasant was not only healed of paralysis of his legs, but also stopped drinking. Instead of an inexhaustible cup of sin and drunkenness, this man was given an “Inexhaustible cup” of God’s Grace.

Loss of an icon

After its discovery, the icon was kept in the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery, but in 1919 it was closed. The icon was moved to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely, located on Kaluzhskaya Street. But 10 years later they closed it too, and all the icons. It is unknown whether the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was burned or whether someone managed to save it.

In 1992 and 1996 Based on old photographs, two lists of the icon were written. The first is located in the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery, and the second is in the restored Vvdensky Vladychny Convent. Both images are considered miraculous.

In front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon they pray for healing not only from diseases, but also from alcoholism and drug addiction.

“Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, what helps? Symbolic designation of the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and biographical information. What is depicted on the icon of the Mother of God Inexhaustible Chalice?

“Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, what helps

The icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was found not long ago, a couple of centuries ago. Until this moment, it was reliably hidden from human gaze. Today there is no way to restore the chronology of the historical sequence of events surrounding the creation of the miraculous icon. Thus, it is impossible to determine the exact location of the icon, using which all other options were written.

All the iconographic features of this work refer it to Byzantine art. The image is widely known in cases of solving problems with smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism (drunkenness). An indisputable fact remains that the holy face partially streams myrrh. Having prayed before the holy face, believers experience the hope of helping to save their family and solve housing problems.

Symbolic designation of the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and biographical information

This type of icon is the Mother of God - Oranta. It is based on the image of the baby Christ standing in a vessel. This cup is symbolized as a symbol of communion. The image of the Virgin Mary, who raised her hands to the top, located behind the Child. Its action consists of praying to the Almighty for all sinners, and calling everyone to spiritual consolations and joys.

For the first time, the holy face was published in 1878. With the advent of the revolutionary times of the twentieth century, the image disappeared again. Where he is now is unknown. Information from two charitable lists of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” has survived to this day. Their location is indicated in various monasteries of the city of Serpukhov. Many pilgrims from all over the state, believers from other countries, and believers of other faiths visit these shrines.

Those who do not have the opportunity to personally visit one of the churches write letters to monasteries asking for prayer before the holy face of the icon. There are two specially designated books that are located in each of the monasteries. They are conducted with the aim of recording all the miracles and healings that occur that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” gave. These records will not leave anyone indifferent.

About the holy find

The action took place in the nineteenth century. In one of the villages of the Tula region, a career military man began to abuse alcohol heavily. Habit took over the spirit so much that, along with the pension benefit, all the property in the house was exchanged for alcohol.

Alcohol abuse became commonplace, which soon led to complete poverty, spiritual and physical decline. Following this, both of the soldier’s legs atrophied.
All this did not stop the poor fellow, and in order to somehow alleviate heartache overtaking his sobering mind, the soldier again continued to drown himself in alcohol. It seemed that there was no salvation for him.

But in the most difficult moments, God turned his gaze to the peasant peasant. In a lucid dream, an elder came to him and ordered him to go to the city of Serpukhov, find there the shrine of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” that is located in the Vladychny Monastery, and serve before it. The man remembered that lucid dream for a long time, but did not give it much importance and continued to abuse alcohol.

The elder appeared again, and the dream was now gloomy and menacing. The poor fellow came to his senses for an hour and headed to the monastery on all fours. Having done not an easy path, he told the servants about his vision, but no one had the slightest idea what kind of icon he was talking about. Soon after the servants carefully searched the temple carving, the face was actually discovered. When the man saw the first abbot and builder of the temple, he recognized him as the old man who had appeared to him in his dreams.

Soon after the service at the holy icon, the man felt relief, stopped drinking alcohol, and got back on his feet. News of this miracle quickly spread throughout Serpukhov, and most likely the Russian state. Servants and families of those affected by the problem of alcohol began to come to the Vladychny Monastery.

What is depicted on the icon of the Mother of God the Inexhaustible Chalice?

According to the iconographic understanding, the image refers to the appearance of one of the most ancient depictions of the Mother of God - “Oranta”, only the Lamb of God is depicted rising in the font.

The font in which the Lamb of God rises is a symbol of the Communion cup, which exudes, to those who approach it with faith, the blessing bestowed upon the sinners of the human race, which our Lord, Jesus Christ, redeemed with His sacrifice.

This font does not actually get drunk or drunk, since its angel is “always eaten and never consumed.” And the Mother of God, who raises her most pure hands, is like the image of a majestic high priest, intercessively offering up this Doomed One to the Lord - which is Her slain Son, who borrowed the rudiments of flesh and blood from Her most pure blood, the image of the heavenly altar of the Savior of the whole world.

Her prayers go for all sinners. Wanting to give help to everyone, despite the low destructive addiction, he calls for inexhaustible sources of spiritual joys and consolations. She tells that the Inexhaustible Cup of Heavenly Mercies has been prepared for everyone in need.

What time is the celebration held?

Since in the mid-nineteenth century the icon was classified as the “Oranta” type, the day of its celebration was determined to be “The Sign” on November 27/December 10.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, by decrees of the Patriarch of Moscow, the day of celebration and veneration of the image of the “Irrepressible Chalice” was set on May 5/18, on the occasion of the day of remembrance, when the Monk Varlaam of Serpukhov is venerated.

Today, the original date of veneration of the image has been restored, which is held in the winter.

Temples where you can see the icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Vysotsky Temple (city of Serpukhov);

Vladychny Monastery (city of Serpukhov).

Many lists of this shrine were distributed throughout the earth.

How will the holy image help?

This shrine has become a very revered and beloved image in many families of our country.

Repeated testimonies of help in solving problems such as smoking, drug addiction or alcoholism are constantly increasing the number of parishioners in Sperpukhov churches. Most often, people come who no longer have any hope of solving their problem.

Solving the problem of alcohol abuse by a person is one of the most common problems that believers address. The last hopes for the image, which turned into a sudden healing of a family member, are repeatedly praised. The option of directly coming to the temple and praying at the icon is considered more effective. If this is not possible, an image located in the house will do. The main thing is that the prayer is sincere and comes from the heart.

Appropriate place in the house - the eastern wall or corner of the room.

On the opposite wall opposite the entrance to the room.

On the contrary, the child’s bed, so that he could always look at her.

A prayer is read before the holy face:

Parents at the moment of departure of the child to independent life.

Relatives for a person who has lost the value of his or his family’s moral priorities

If a person is addicted to alcohol, tobacco, or nicotine.

During the sale or exchange of a home.

Cases when the holy image healed sinners

This happened in 1993. It was winter. I worked on the construction site of a large project. One day after a shift, my team and I decided to get together. We stayed up late and started leaving. I got very drunk and decided to sit for a couple of minutes to recover. Then I heard someone pushing me on the shoulder and trying to wake me up.

It turned out that I fell asleep and had been sleeping for a couple of hours. When I came to my senses I saw standing in front of me beautiful woman with a white cape on his head. She told me to go home and that they were waiting for me there and praying.

I got up to ask who she was and where she came from at the construction site at twelve o'clock in the morning, but no one was around. I quickly headed towards the house and then told my wife everything. Then my wife already sometimes visited the temple and prayed for me to the icon of the “Inexorable Chalice.” Half a year after that, my wife and I, while in the city of Vysotsky, decided to visit the local temple. There, near the prayer service, I saw the icon of the Mother of God “The Unfailing Chalice” and immediately recognized the image as the woman who woke me up at a construction site in winter. I was stunned to realize that at that moment the Mother of God herself saved me!

After this incident, I decided to encode myself. But the result was negative because I began to drink even more. My wife persuaded me to go with her to the temple, then again, then I began to constantly attend prayer services at the icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and soon noticed that the desire to drink was becoming less.

Rather, I completely gave up alcohol. I am very grateful to the Lord and the Mother of God for saving my soul and body.

Andrey, Serpukhov, March 2003.

I decided to go to the Vysotsky Monastery because I had problems with alcohol.

Once in a dream Jesus came to me and told me to go to the Vysotsky Monastery to the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice” and it will save you. The next day I decided not to ignore this sign, I came to the temple and ordered a prayer service for the year. From that moment on, I read the akathist every day in front of this icon and attend church. I can say with confidence that all this helps me. I stopped drinking, my health improved greatly, and problems in my family were resolved.

I am very grateful to the icon of the Mother of God and strongly recommend praying to her with a pure heart.

Vladimir, city of Serpukhov. 1996

God bless you.

The legend of the appearance of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”

This legend, in fairness, belongs to the entire Vladychny Monastery, but more than that, it is still the legend of the nun Elizabeth (+1910), because she was a churchwoman at the church where the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was found and at that very time. She served the holy icon until her death. Here is her story.

What happened happened in the first year of Mother Maria’s abbess (1878). One peasant of the Tula province of the Evfremovsky district, a retired Nikolaev soldier with a pension, had a weakness for wine. He drank everything in the house and his entire pension and reached a beggarly state. To add insult to injury, his legs became paralyzed. But even then he did not stop drinking. Being in such a state of mental, physical and material discord, he one day sees a dream: a handsome-looking old man comes to him and says to him: “Go to Serpukhov, to the Vladychny Monastery, there in the St. George Church there is an icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, serve before it prayer service and you will be healthy both in soul and body.” But the peasant, despite the fact that the dream was apparently extraordinary, did not go to Serpukhov, because he did not know how to get there without legs and without a penny of money. Then the same old man appeared to him a second and third time and demanded that his order be carried out so threateningly that our peasant decided to immediately set off on his journey. He moved on all fours. He stopped at villages along the way to rest and refresh himself with food. At one of these stops, an old peasant woman took him in for the night, gave him something to drink and, to relieve the soreness of his legs, rubbed them and laid the sick and tired traveler on the stove. And this is what happened then: at night, waking up, the traveler felt a pleasant sensation in his legs and immediately, with great care, lowering them from the stove, tried to stand on his feet. Although very weak, he can stand on his feet! And he’s looking forward to the morning so he can set off on his further journey: now, perhaps, not on all fours, but on his feet, albeit with the help of sticks! But the kind old woman kept him for another day and again rubbed his feet at night. Apparently the patient felt better. And he really is now walking, though first with two sticks, and then with one. So he reached Serpukhov and the Vladychny Monastery. He was wearing warm felt boots, despite the month of July.

At the Vladychny Monastery, he told about his wondrous dreams to novice Zacharias (later nun Elizabeth), a churchwoman at the Church of the Great Martyr George, and persistently asked that a prayer service be served to the Mother of God in front of her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” The last thing he did was put everyone into great difficulty, because no one in the monastery knew the icon of the Mother of God with that name. Then a thought arose: is this not the same icon that hangs in the passage from the St. George Church to the bell tower or to the sacristy? There is an image of a bowl on it. And what a surprise everyone was when on the back of this icon they actually saw the inscription: “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It was also significant that when our traveler was brought to the shrine of the venerable builder Varlaam, in his holy face he immediately recognized the magnificent old man who appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to go to Serpukhov to the Vladychny Monastery to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”.

The news of the miraculous phenomenon quickly spread throughout the city of Serpukhov and then throughout the near and far villages of the Serpukhov district and far beyond its borders. Possessed by drunken passion, they began to come and come to pray to the Mother of God before her newly appeared icon. Some appeared again to thank the Queen of Heaven for her great mercies and healings. As one of such healings from drunken passion after praying to the Mother of God in front of her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” one can point to the complete deliverance from binge drinking of one Moscow merchant, Stefan Fedorovich Fedorov, who, in a grateful feeling, built a beautiful iconostasis for the icon and placed a silver-gilded robe on it , instead of the foil one and for his home he now has an exact copy of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. Soon after the glorification, the holy icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” was transferred from its previous location to the cathedral church and placed in an extremely convenient place.

Holy icon “Inexhaustible Chalice” of beautiful antique writing. The face of the Mother of God is completely alive. What does this icon represent? Apparently, this is an accurate depiction of the “Sign of the Mother of God.” Only the Divine Infant is written standing in a bowl. The Chalice with the blessing of the Infant God is the Chalice of Holy Communion. This cup is truly inexhaustible or undrinkable, because its lamb is “always eaten and never consumed.” And the Mother of God, with her most pure hands raised upward, like a mighty high priest, obviously intercedes so that this sacrifice - the Holy Chalice - would be accepted into the Heavenly Altar for the sinful human race. And there is also no other surest means of acquiring for us the love and favor of the Mother of God, as also through the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Hieromartyr Jacob Briliantov, 1912 Serpukhov. Printed with abbreviations.

About the day of celebration of the icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”

Unfortunately, the day on which the icon was revealed is unknown. In the 19th century, the celebration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon took place on November 27 (Old Art.) / December 10 (N.S.) on the same day as the “Sign” icon of the Mother of God, since these icons are similar in iconography.

At the end of the 20th century, when the veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was restored, its celebration was timed to coincide with the day of the repose of St. Varlaam of Serpukhov - May 18 (NS), since the icon was revealed through the intercession of this saint. In 1997, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, it was established that a church-wide celebration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God should be held on May 18 (NS).

Now in the Vladychny Monastery, with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, along with church-wide veneration, the tradition of celebrating the icon of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” on December 10 (NS), as it was in the 19th century, is being revived.

The history of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the 20th century

The miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was in the Vladychny Monastery until 1919, and after its closure - in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely on Kaluzhskaya Street. The further fate of the icon is unknown. According to the legends of the old-timers of the city of Serpukhov, it is known that many icons from the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely were burned on the banks of the Nara River. The sisters of the monastery hope that the Mother of God saved her miraculous icon and that it will someday be found.

In 1993, in the Vysotsky Monastery, two years after its opening, a copy of the miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” was written, which marked the beginning of the revival of the veneration of this icon after many years of fighting against God.

In 1995, in the first year of the revival of the Vladychny Monastery, Abbess Alexia received the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna to revive the veneration of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, as revealed in the Vladychny Monastery. In the same year, an exact list of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon was written from an old photograph. When writing, all the proportions of the icon and the academic style characteristic of the original were preserved. The first miracle of healing from drunkenness is associated with the time of painting the icon, when the image was still in the hands of the icon painter. “Nun Rachel. At first Holy Week During the service, someone left an icon case wrapped in a curtain on the porch of the church. All the people left the temple, but the icon case still stood. When the sisters unrolled the fabric, they saw that the icon case was ancient, with carvings and completely intact. Everyone was perplexed as to who could have brought it, and were amazed at the unexpected find. And when they brought it on Friday new icon“The Inexhaustible Chalice,” then everyone was even more surprised: it turned out that the icon case was exactly the right size for it. So this icon is still in this icon case. About a year later, a woman came to the temple, looked at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and said: “So this is my icon case!” This woman said that when she brought the icon case to the monastery, her son stopped drinking. That’s how it happened - no one knew what icon would be in this icon case, but the Mother of God had already healed the man.” (Chronicle 1996, p. 5, April 19). The icon has been periodically streaming myrrh since August 19, 2000. Some people and entire pilgrimage groups testify that sometimes the eyes of the Mother of God become as if alive: they squint or open wider. This unusual phenomenon was twice recorded in photographs.

People come from all over Russia and other countries to venerate the Mother of God. Pilgrims are always welcome in our monastery. The miraculous icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is famous for its speedy healing of those suffering from the ailments of drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking, and the resolution of housing problems. It has been noticed that the icon not only heals, but also helps to change the way of life of a lost person, leading him to awareness of his sins, to repentance and a pious life.

Miracles from the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon

The miracles placed here are only a small fraction of evidence of the unfading mercy of the Mother of God to those who are suffering and thirsty for help and consolation. A huge number of miracles have been recorded, but even more are unknown to anyone, because people completely unreasonably believe in the superstition that if you tell about the healing, “everything” will come back. Of course this is wrong! Miracles must be told so that the name of God and the name of His Most Pure Mother, the Lady Theotokos, are glorified. Brothers and sisters, do not hide the miracles of God, maybe your story about healing will help another person gain spiritual health and lead him to faith.

Healings from drunkenness

* * * 1995. The first miracle of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon as retold by the nun Rachel: “At the beginning of Bright Week, during the Divine Service, someone left an icon case wrapped in a curtain on the porch of the temple. All the people left the temple, but the icon case still stood. When the sisters unrolled the fabric, they saw that the icon case was ancient, with carvings and completely intact. Everyone was perplexed as to who could have brought it, and were amazed at the unexpected find. And when on Friday they brought the new icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, everyone was even more surprised: it turned out that the icon case was exactly the right size for it. So this icon is still in this icon case. About a year later, a woman came to the temple, looked at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and said: “So this is my icon case!” This woman said that when she brought the icon case to the monastery, her son stopped drinking. That’s how it happened - no one knew what icon would be in this icon case, but the Mother of God had already healed the man.”

* * * My son Evgeniy smoked and drank very heavily. I ordered the “Inexhaustible Chalice” for the prayer service to the Mother of God. The Magpies read the Psalter in the convent. Now, thank God, he doesn’t smoke or drink.

* * * I, Nikolai, living in Tyumen region Salekhard. I first heard about the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon in the magazine “Peasant Woman”. I had an addiction to alcohol and smoking. For the first time I came to Vladychny Vvedensky convent in 2000, after that I didn’t drink for a year. Then at this time I cheated on my wife. It was some kind of anniversary with my mistress, and it was difficult for me to refuse her, so as not to drink. After I tried Cahors, I began to increase the dose over time and returned to my previous binges. Although no one knew that I was drinking except my wife. I understood what was contributing to my return to past life: the reason is adultery. I broke off all relations with my mistress, stopped cheating on my wife, and in 2002 came to your monastery again. I attended the “Inexhaustible Chalice” akathist and from that time on I lost my craving for alcohol and, I don’t know which is worse, smoking, because I suffered from smoking for more than 20 years. I feel better and have gained 14 kg. Began to do the morning and evening rule, once a month to the Inexhaustible Chalice. I thank Mother Abbess Alexia and all the nuns who pray for all of us sinners. 04/17/2003.

* * * Around the end of the summer of 2002, my sister, RB Tatyana, and I were at your monastery at a service on the feast of the Mother of God. They defended the “Inexhaustible Chalice” at the service and prayer service for the Mother of God. We brought with us my sister’s son Alexei, who at that time was drinking a lot and was under investigation under the article “For exceeding official duties.” At the liturgy and prayer service, we tearfully asked the Mother of God to correct my dear nephew Alexei, to save him from drunkenness, prison, trial and investigation. The trial lasted 2.5 years, we were all very worried: whether we would go to jail or not, whether he would get drunk or not. And the Mother of God heard us. Now the trial and investigation are over, and Alexey does not drink. I thank the Lord for leading us to faith through sorrows. I thank the Mother of the Lord for hearing us sinners and praying for us. God bless you, mother, for your work and your prayers. RB Marina, RB Tatyana.

* * * 6 years ago I was visited by great grief - my husband started drinking. After I visited the monastery with him (this was 4 years ago), my husband was healed and stopped drinking. Lukyanenko. Moscow. 03/23/2002.

* * * Dear sisters of the monastery! I am very grateful to you that you sent me the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for blessing; I gave it to my son Anatoly and I am very happy for him that now he does not drink and works and everything is fine in the family. With a deep bow to you, Sister Valentina.

* * * I, K. Elena, want to tell you about the miracle that happened. My father stopped drinking. And he hasn’t drunk for about a month. I understand that the period seems short, but you need to know how my father drank. He couldn't go a day without drinking. He himself achieved everything in life: from a simple family, he graduated from school with a gold medal, from college with honors, and rose to the rank of colonel. But in 1991, times of unrest came, and everything in the state changed. The father turned out to be unnecessary. And he started drinking. At first a little bit, and then more and more. Lately he has been drinking heavily every day. We came to the Vladychny Monastery on May 18 to celebrate the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. After that he began to drink less, and Lately stopped completely. His birthday was June 11, and I was very afraid that he would get drunk, but they only drank a bottle of Cahors, which I gave him. This is a great relief for us, his family. And he himself is glad that this miracle happened to him. 06/14/2000.

* * * Peace to you and low bow, Mother Alexia! Due to my ignorance, I don’t know if I’m addressing you correctly. First of all, I express my deep gratitude to you and the sisters entrusted to you for your prayers for my son Alexander. I am filled with joy that your prayers and my prayers and tears were heard by the Lord and the Queen of Heaven! My son leads sober image life. I was afraid to talk about it so that the grace would not leave. Told about. Andrey, rector of the Church of the Intercession on the Moat (I go to this temple), and he gave his blessing to write to you. The son lives in Tolyatti, worked as a watchman in garages, where there was breeding ground for drunkenness. Moreover, he worked as a foreman at a commercial construction site, the high salary helped him, he was drawn into this terrible disease. I prayed that the Lord and the Queen of Heaven would instruct me to leave work. Your nearly two-year prayers and mine have been answered. First I left the garages, and then the construction site. Everyone fasted Lent, confessed, took communion. He got a job as a watchman in a temple under construction, and now works as a foreman in the same temple. On July 8, she came with pilgrims to Serpukhov to thank the Queen of Heaven. I couldn't meet you. I left a gold chain for one of your sisters. She told me that decorations are hung on holidays in order to preserve them. And I also left money for the next 40th. I just ask you to pray not for someone who is sick from drinking wine, so that the Lord and the Queen will help in God-pleasing work. He writes about insufficient funding, and most importantly, workers drink. I also want to inform you that I received your leaflets. Thank you, I distributed them among the temples. I sent some to Togliatti and will send more to Makhachkala. Many people there need such information. Pilgrimage trips are not made from there. Thank you again. May God help you and the sisters in your prayer work and in the restoration of the monastery. With sincere respect, sinful Mary. 21.07.00.

* * * I, M.N.I., born in 1952, living in Moscow, have a son, Andrei, born in 1973, who has been addicted to wine since 1995. I learned about the gracious help of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God from a television program and turned to her with prayers and petitions for the healing of my son. In October 1996, I came to the Vladychny Monastery for the first time to pray at the miraculous icon. Praying for my son in my own words, every time I began to get confused and remember my (!) sins, and meanwhile my son drank even more heavily. Then I went to the priest in the church near the River Station. He told me to prepare for a serious confession and pray to the “Inexhaustible Chalice.” After which I began to repent with tears of my sins and ask for mercy on my child. This year, on May 18, I was again at the monastery and prayed for my son’s deliverance from the passion of drunkenness. And since that time my son has not drunk. Today I came to the monastery to order the magpie icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, to thank the Queen of Heaven for her intercession and mercy towards me, a sinner, and to testify about this to the abbess of the monastery, nun Alexia. October 19, 1997.

Healings from drug addiction

* * * Since 1994, I started using drugs. This went on for seven years. The doctors said I was hopeless. It seemed that the chance to heal was forever lost for me. But after visiting the Serpukhov convent in 2001 and reading the akathist at the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God, with God’s help I managed to break away from this addiction. For more than two years now I have been remembering the past as some kind of ridiculous dream. Now I was able to visit this monastery again and thank Mother Theotokos. I also hope that it will help me get rid of the sin of smoking. Rodion. Volzhsky. 2003

* * * Dear mother! Please accept my maternal gratitude and low bow to you and all the sisters of your monastery for your bright life and blessed work for the glory of the Lord. By the grace of God and your prayers, my son took the righteous path. I ask you all to support the slave Nicholas of God so that he can strengthen himself on it. Astrakhan. Y.B.L. (Nikolai, a drug addict, was registered for a year to be commemorated at the Akathist to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”).

* * * My nephew Dmitry suffered from heroin addiction for 3 years. In your monastery we ordered magpies and gave the sick person water from prayer services. He is now healthy after 2 years of prayer. Graduates from the Moscow Law Institute.

* * * Svetlana is writing you a letter from Pyatimorsk Volgograd region. Last year I had a correspondence with you. I turned to you and my sisters with my misfortune, and the Lord helped us through your prayers. I want to tell you what happened to us. I have a son Artem (23 years old). In 2001, he became a drug addict. I was in despair, I prayed to the Lord in my own words. She shared her misfortune with Father Gennady and Deacon Dionysius. They gave me the address of your Vladychny Monastery. I wrote and began to wait for an answer. A few hours before I received a letter from you, I had a dream (it was Sunday and I intended to go to church). I see in a dream: a woman comes to me, beautiful and stern, in a red robe, on her head a red hood trimmed with fine dark fur. He sits down at the table, calls me to him and holds out his hand for me to kiss. I was taken aback by her greatness and did not immediately kiss her hand, but she seemed to mentally say to me: “Look, what pride!” But I heard her words and I felt ashamed that she recognized my proud thoughts. And then she stood up, took my hand and told me: “You will now come with me.” And I went. I recognized this woman as the Mother of God. The next morning I was given a letter from your monastery. And the next morning I knew for sure that I would be in Serpukhov at the Vladychny Monastery. I came to you 10 days after this dream. It was early December 2002. At the monastery I immediately ordered an enhanced prayer for my son and a prayer for the akathist. I already knew how to pray to the Lord for mercy on my son. She prayed, reading an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos for 4 hours a day, and so on for 40 days in a row. For several nights I slept in the monastery church under the icons (at that time it was very cold in the cell, and you, mother, gave your blessing to sleep in the church). When I arrived back home, my son was no longer a drug addict. On top of that, by this time all the places where people sold heroin to our children had been “closed.” So, through your prayers, the Lord saved my son. With great gratitude to you and the sisters of the monastery, Sister Svetlana.

Healings from smoking

* * * I testify with gratitude to the miraculous deliverance that happened to me from my addiction to smoking. I knew and understood that smoking is a sin, but I couldn’t quit. In December 2002 At the Orthodox fair in Moscow, I purchased a brochure about the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent in Serpukhov. I learned about the Monk Varlaam and how he helped cast out a demon. But addiction to smoking is not only a sin, but also a demon that controls us - reading the brochure, I realized. January 31, 2003 I arrived in Serpukhov at the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent just in time for the akathist to be read before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” Before the tombstone of the Monk Varlaam, I asked the Rev. Father Varlaam to help me, including quitting smoking. And while reading the akathist before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, I realized that drunkenness and smoking have one root (demon), which takes possession of a person’s will. And man - his mind, his will is not free, but is darkened by a demon. And I thought that the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” would help in getting rid of smoking. I bought oils from lamps from 4 shrines: from the miraculous icons “Inexhaustible Chalice” and “Introduction Holy Mother of God in the Holy of Holies", from the tombstone of St. Varlaam and from the myrrh-streaming Cross. I ordered a magpie for the sisters to read the psalter. And with that she left. Since February 1, every time after smoking a cigarette, I asked God to help me quit smoking, and at night I smeared myself with oil. But I couldn’t even imagine how soon and how it would be! February 8, 2003 I suddenly get sick with the flu with a high fever and brittle bones and muscle pain. Everyone who smokes knows that when he gets sick, his need for smoking decreases. On February 11, I understand that an unexpected illness was given to me by God to help me quit smoking. The body's need for nicotine has disappeared! Only in the first few days do you consciously drive away the habitual thought of smoking, but there is no need. I realized that God will help anyone who really wants to get rid of sin and addiction, just ask. What a wonderful feeling when your mind is not darkened and free! For me, it’s like I just graduated from school and my whole life is open to me! I once read that faith also gives healing - now I know that for sure! I praise and thank the Lord God, the Queen of Heaven for this monastery and St. Barlaam for the prayers for us sinners, for the corrections and healings given to us. I sincerely express my gratitude to the sisters and all those serving for the glory of our Lord at the Vvedensky Vladychny Convent in the city of Serpukhov. I wish you prosperity and strengthening of the monastery. Reverend Varlaam, our father, pray for our souls to be saved! Marina. April 13, 2003 Moscow city.

* * * I, God’s servant Nina, would like to describe a miracle that happened to me after visiting the Vladychny Monastery in August 2000. I am 50 years old, I smoked for 10 years. I really wanted to quit, I turned to healers, paid a lot of money, and also to acupuncturists. Since 1999, I have been going to the church in the village of Akulovo, Odintsovo district, to see my spiritual father Igor. It was he who blessed me pilgrimage trip in Serpukhov to the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”. After the trip, I still read the akathist to the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for 40 days at home. And, by the grace of God, I stopped smoking. And also through the prayers of the Mother of God. 05/19/2001.

Help with housing issues

* * * I, God’s servant Anna, want to talk about the miraculous help of the Mother of God after praying in front of Her icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” I couldn’t sell the apartment my grandmother left me as an inheritance. The apartment was located in the Urals, and I live in Moscow and do not have the opportunity to go there for a long time to start selling. That's why I sent the power of attorney to my aunt. Several months passed, but things did not move forward. When in August 2002 I was at the Optina Pustyn courtyard in Moscow, a woman unexpectedly came up to me and said that in Serpukhov there was a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, which helps not only in healing from the disease of drunkenness, but also helps in solving the housing problem. My son Anatoly and I went to the convent on September 7, ordered a prayer service, held a prayer service with an akathist, took holy water, venerated the icon, and ordered ourselves a magpie for health. Less than a month later, they called me from the Urals and said that they had bought my apartment. I told my friend who couldn't leave her ex-husband and suffered all sorts of oppression from him. In November, we came to the monastery with her, I ordered a thanksgiving prayer service, but she was simple. At the end of December, her issue was also successfully resolved.

* * * I, G.I.A., want to testify my gratitude to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” for quickly providing me with assistance in exchanging an apartment. We separated from my ex-husband, who, being engaged in debauchery, did not want to leave and exchange the apartment, but wanted to drag me into the abyss of “dirty” affairs. After arriving at the monastery and turning to the Mother of God, the issue was quickly resolved, and now my daughter and I live in our apartment in peace, love and prosperity.

Other miracles

* * * In August 2002, I was on an excursion passing through the city of Serpukhov with a visit to your monastery. During the prayer in front of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, I made a promise that I would return here with wedding rings as a sign of gratitude for starting a family. Exactly a year later, in August 2003, everything happened as I had prayed for. And today Sergius and I together donate to the icon wedding rings and cross. 11.01.04.

* * * February 10, 2002 - the day of the new martyrs and confessors of Russia - an excursion came from Tula. After the excursion, we went to the bell tower to the place of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”, the group stood in front of the lattice doors to the bell tower, while singing the glorification of the Mother of God, three women from the group and a little girl felt warmth in their feet. According to them, it felt like they were standing on a hot radiator.

Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”

The chosen and wondrous deliverance was granted to us by Your honest image, the Lady Theotokos: as having been delivered by its appearance from mental, physical and sorrowful ailments, we offer grateful praise to You, All-Merciful Intercessor. But You, Lady, whom we call the Inexhaustible Chalice, bow down graciously to our sighs and heartfelt cries and deliver those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, so that we may cry out to You with faith:

The hosts of angels and righteous people continually glorify Thee, the Queen of all, Theotokos, who intercedes for the many-sinful generation of Christians, mired in iniquity, abiding in sins: for granting them Thy mercy for consolation and salvation through Thy many-named miraculous icons, which are like the stars of heaven throughout our land we see. To the only image from these, the Inexhaustible Chalice called, falling, from the depths of the heart we cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, village of the impregnable Divinity; Rejoice, constant surprise of people.

Rejoice, you who cleanse our infirmities through the sorrows; Rejoice, sending Your mercy to us through Your miraculous icons.

Rejoice, you who make our sorrowful hearts glad by the appearance of those; Rejoice, you who teach thanksgiving to God to sing.

Rejoice, wonderful reconciliation of all to God; Rejoice, eternal deliverance from Gehenna.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Seeing, O Most Holy Lady, the heartbreaks, mental anguish and sincere repentance of people possessed by illness, the destructive disease of drunkenness, You deigned to show Your mercy to the God-saved city of Serpukhov by the appearance of Your most wonderful image, called the Inexhaustible Chalice, and all who fall to Him with faith and a contrite heart, Having received healing from their serious illness, they cry out from the depths of their souls: Alleluia.

The understanding of the inconvenience of the threefold appearance of the Monk Varlaam and his command to go on the journey to the God-saved city of Serpukhov, in search of understanding, a certain man suffering from the disease of drunkenness, went to the city of Serpukhov and found there in the Vladychny Monastery your holy icon, called the Inexhaustible Chalice. We, seeing Your care for us sinners, cry out to You with reverence: Rejoice, through pious people you reveal the glory of Your miracles to sinners; Rejoice, perspicacious Guide, showing them the path of salvation.

Rejoice, our all-good Teacher, who attracts us with Your love; Rejoice, for teaching us gratitude for all Your good deeds.

Rejoice, you who transform our sorrow into joy; Rejoice, you who cheer us with undoubted hope.

Rejoice, destroyer of our destructive passions; Rejoice, you who promote good intentions.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

The power of the Most High, with the grace of the Lady, strengthened a certain person suffering from the disease of drunkenness, when he, in a weakened state, went to the city of Serpukhov, the command of the Mother of God, announced through the Venerable Varlaam, fulfilled, and found the Most Pure Mother of God icon, who was healed from his mental and physical illness and from cry out to God from the depths of my soul: Alleluia.

Possessing an endless source and an inexhaustible cup of heavenly gifts, not only the people of the city of Serpukhov, but all Orthodox Christians from other cities and villages flow to Your wonderful image and, before it receiving healing, falling down, their lips cry out to You in gratitude:

Rejoice, Kupel, in which all our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, Chalice, through which we receive the joy of our salvation.

Rejoice, healer of our bodily infirmities; Rejoice, healing wounds of sin.

Rejoice, taming our passions by the power of Your prayers; Rejoice, you who give to everyone who asks according to his need.

Rejoice, thou who revealsest treasures of mercies to us; Rejoice, one Mother, who shows us mercy.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Storming inside with doubtful thoughts, but with sincere repentance flowing to Your ineffable mercy, possessed by a drunken passion, they receive healing and from the depths of their hearts they cry out to You: Alleluia.

Hearing the grave sorrows of wives, elders and children, whose relatives are overcome by a pianistic passion, He gave them Your icon, Lady, from whom all those who come to them find consolation and spiritual joy and cry out to Thee with tears: Rejoice, O Lamb, who gave birth to the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world ; Rejoice, Chalice, who draws us joy from the source of immortality.

Rejoice, consolation to sorrowful mothers, unreliable hope; Rejoice, consolation to those who mourn.

Rejoice, manifestation of grace; Rejoice, affirmation of faith.

Rejoice, thou who calmest the turmoil of passions; Rejoice, extending Your helping hand to those in need.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Thou hast shown us the God-bearing star, Thy venerable icon, O Lady, and praying to Thee, O Theotokos, with sight and with faith from the heart, we say: Heal through drunkenness and every other illness the souls and bodies of those who suffer, and teach the faithful to sing praises to God: Alleluia.

Seeing glorious miracles and wonderful signs, which happen not only from Your icon, the Mother of God, revealed in the city of Serpukhov, but also from all the images painted in the likeness of this icon, humbly falling to them, we cry out to You:

Rejoice, quickly presenting Helper to those who diligently flow to You; Rejoice, merciful Hearer of our prayers.

Rejoice, thou who hast overshadowed the city of Serpukhov with Thy blessing; Rejoice, and within the boundaries of Moscow you have shown the glory of Your miracles.

Rejoice, Lady of Serpukhov, endless treasure of healings; Rejoice, nuns there for the good of those who struggle, O omnipotent Patroness.

Rejoice, good Helper who leads the war against the world, the flesh and the devil; Rejoice, and zealous Intercessor in the world of those who live piously.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Preaching Thy miracles, Mother of God, from Thy icon, the Inexhaustible Chalice called, the everlasting, we pray to Thee, Most Pure One, with tears: deliver us all from the falls of sin, teaching us to chant to God: Alleluia.

You shone in the light of Divine glory, Virgin Mother of God, beholding the Eternal Child of our Lord Jesus Christ, who stands in a vessel like an inexhaustible chalice, as we see You, depicted on your icon, the Inexhaustible Chalice mysteriously named, from the non-deliverance of drunkenness disease to those who come with faith grant that silent voices will sing to You:

Rejoice, in Neizha the Council of Angels and the human race rejoice and triumph; Rejoice, whose glory surpasses earthly and heavenly praises.

Rejoice, you who reveal to us the mystery of the Divine Eucharist by the mysterious image of the Son in a vessel; Rejoice, thou who hast given birth to the Lamb born of Thee, always consuming and never dependent upon, showing us.

Rejoice, who brings us through the Cup of Life and Immortality to the gates of Eternal Life; Rejoice, you who feed thirsty souls with the source of incorruption and joy.

Rejoice, who with innumerable goodness does not leave the despised and rejected; Rejoice, thou who by Thy compassion snatches away the unreliable from the pit of destruction.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Although a certain person should thank You, Lady, for healing from a drunken illness, decorate Your wonderful, Mother of God, icon, which resides in the city of Serpukhov, singing from the depths of the heart to God: Alleluia.

We see a new miracle, Lady, from Your holy icon: a certain servant of God Stefan, suffering from a drunken illness, resorting to Your Mother’s intercession, got rid of his serious illness and, thanks to You, decorated Your icon with beautiful gifts, and, falling to it, with tears cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, life-giving source of healings; Rejoice, heavenly cup of divine gifts.

Rejoice, ever-flowing river of healing; Rejoice, sea, drowning of all our passions.

Rejoice, you who do not reject offerings of thanks; Rejoice, you who gladden the hearts of pious people.

Rejoice, Giver of strong faith; Rejoice, all good deeds to the Performer.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

It is strange and doubtful for non-believers to hear how the icon of Your holy “Inexhaustible Chalice” of divine healing exudes miracles. But we, who believe in Your words, O Lady, spoken to the first-written icon: “My grace and strength are with you,” believe that from this icon Your grace flows forth. In the same way, reverently worshiping, we kiss you, crying out to God: Alleluia.

People suffering from the disease of drunkenness place all their hope in Thee, the Lady, bowing down to our weakness and passion. Who will bring us sinners out of the ditch of destruction and spiritual and physical poverty, if not You, Lady! For this reason, we bow our knees before Your wonderful image and cry out to You:

Rejoice, through the prayer of sinful people calling upon Thee for their help, sending down heavenly grace; Rejoice, showing the depth of Your mercy to sinners.

Rejoice, inexhaustible wealth of valor and faith; Rejoice, driving away the spirit of despondency and fear.

Rejoice, you who encourage the despairing and unreliable; Rejoice, you who extend a helping hand to those depressed by the disease of drunkenness.

Rejoice, you who comfort the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, teaching us to despise the vain joys of this world.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Every angelic nature was amazed at the work of Your mercy, Lord, for You have granted the sinful human race an Intercessor and Helper, who bows to our infirmities, frees us from the disease of drunkenness, and teaches the faithful to sing: Alleluia.

The revolutions of humanity are perplexed to praise, O glorious Lady, Thy icon is a feast, below from our vile lips the praise brought to Thee is worthy of the essence, especially the innumerable good deeds revealed by Thy icon, having seen, rejoicing in the soul and heart, We say:

Rejoice, for miracles happen from Your face; Rejoice, you who reject Your shame. Rejoice, who delivers those who come to You from all evil; Rejoice, thou who by Thy gentle radiance disperses the darkness of our sins and passions.

Rejoice, unquenchable light, igniting fire of faith; Rejoice, O full of grace, for through You God is with us.

Rejoice, zealous Intercessor gave us a good answer before the Righteous Judge; Rejoice, filling the souls of the Orthodox with love for You and Your Son.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Many people, suffering from the disease of drunkenness, want to save your wonderful icon, O Mother of God, you gave us, for this reason, possessed by this disease, they flock to your miraculous image and, having received healing, tenderly call to God: Alleluia.

Thou art a wall and a shield, O Mother of God, to people who suffer from drunkenness and to all who diligently flock to You and reverently venerate Your icon, for this is the Lord who has given us good gifts for help and healing, and for this reason he inspires us to sing: Rejoice, thou who despair of hope, quenching their sorrows ; Rejoice, you who illuminate us unworthy with Your grace.

Rejoice, you who cleanse our filth with Your purity; Rejoice, turning our corruptible clay into incorruption.

Rejoice, you who affirm our inability; Rejoice, you who soon disperse the cloud of passions that surrounds us.

Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from grave despondency; Rejoice, you who strengthen us in prayer to the Creator of all things.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

Do not despise our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, O Pure One, and do not turn away from people who are desperate and suffering from the disease of drunkenness, but help them and us to be cleansed from all filth of sin, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

We see Thee as a light-receiving candle, O Most Holy Virgin, and on Thy holy icon, in the midst of the face of Thy saints, indescribably shining with rays of grace, from nowhere, in the darkness of our sins, enlightening us and instructing us on the bright path of virtues, we call upon You in these venerations:

Rejoice, through the intercession of the venerable Domnika, who delivers us from the vanity of this multi-rebellious world; Rejoice, who by your intercession helps us in the fight against the enemies of carnal passions.

Rejoice, through the prayers of the holy martyr Charalampios a good thought was placed in our hearts; Rejoice, enlightening his bad conscience through intercession.

Rejoice, through the prayers of Martyr Paraskeva, you deliver those suffering from the painful illness of drunkenness; Rejoice, for through the intercession of those who suffer you call to sincere repentance and admonition.

Rejoice, together with the Hieromartyr Antipas, you soften all embittered souls; Rejoice, together with him, those who call upon You for help and your name saving those who glorify. Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

The grace of God, inherent in the holy icon, called the Inexhaustible Chalice, draws to her, Lady, all the mourning, crying, destitute, widows and orphans, especially all those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and do not in vain depart, Lady, from the inexhaustible chalice of Your Divine gifts, but , endlessly receiving healing from Your miraculous image, O All-Good One, we sing gratefully to God: Alleluia.

Singing Your miracles and great mercy, revealed to people possessed by a drunken passion, we pray to You, Lady: save and have mercy and do not abandon us, who seek Your intercession and call to You:

Rejoice, truly helper to the poor; Rejoice, blessed medicine for those who suffer. Rejoice, great joy of the complacent; Rejoice, wonderful encouragement to the faint-hearted. Rejoice, speedy troubles and sorrows to the Deliverer; Rejoice, O all-merciful Comforter of the faithful.

Rejoice, humbler of the proud; Rejoice, elevating the humble and desiring salvation for all.

Rejoice, Lady, Inexhaustible Chalice, quenching our spiritual thirst.

O Most Merciful Mother of our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, hear our prayer today and deliver us from all mental and physical ailments, especially the freedom of those suffering from the disease of drunkenness, and let us cry out to God with gratitude: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. (Three times).

This Kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1“Repair the angels» and Kontakion 1st"INchosen and wondrous…»

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our most blessed Queen, our hope, the Most Holy Theotokos, friend of the orphaned and strange, Intercessor, help for the needy and protection for the embittered. See our misfortune, see our sorrow, we are possessed by temptations from everywhere, and deliver us. You Yourself, help us as we are weak, feed us as we are strange, instruct us as we are lost, heal and save us as we are unreliable. The Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except You, O Mother of all who grieve and are burdened. Look upon us, sinners and those in bitterness, cover us with Your most pure omophorion, so that we may be delivered from the evils that have befallen us, especially from drunkenness, and may we always praise Your most holy name. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4:

Today we are the harbinger of faithfulness / to the divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, / who waters the hearts of the faithful with the inexhaustible cup of Her heavenly mercy. / And showing miracles to faithful people. / Seeing and hearing, we spiritually celebrate and cry warmly: / Merciful Lady, / heal our ailments and passions, / praying to Your Son, Christ our God, // and save our souls.



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