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The name for the girl is Melania according to the church calendar. Family and marriage. Name in different languages

The beautiful name Melania is of Latin origin. It arose from the name Melania, which in turn was derived from the ancient Greek Melayn and translated means “dark”, “black”. There is a version that the original meaning of the name sounded like “dark,” “tanned,” and only several centuries later it began to be used in its modern interpretation.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Leo
  • Patron Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: gold
  • Color: red, yellow
  • Plant: ginger, heliotrope
  • Animal: eagle
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

The name Melania, as a rule, belongs to a pretty and gentle girl who, from childhood, attracts the attention of others, creating the impression of a sweet and open young lady. But being a lively and restless child, the baby causes her parents a lot of problems, although she studies more than well at school.

Her character attracts people to her, so she has many friends to whom she, thanks developed intuition, knows how to find the “right key”, using her natural charm and charm. She likes to study social activities and be the center of attention. But you shouldn’t consider Melania an “angel” - the secret of her name gives her a certain rancor. The woman is also touchy, so others should remember this circumstance when communicating with her.

The origin of the name Melania gives its owner perseverance and willpower, which helps to cope with even the most complex tasks, in which her remarkable memory, brilliant mind and knowledge help her a lot. But more often, to achieve her goals, she uses not intelligence and logic, but charm and charm, which does not leave anyone around indifferent.

Interests and hobbies

Melania loves to take care of her appearance, so shopping and beauty salons become her hobby. In addition, she visits a fitness club and swimming pool, a yoga or dance studio, choosing those areas that she does not like, but are trendy in a particular season.

Profession and business

Melania can become a good psychic; she has all the data for this. But she does not seek to develop them, believing that this profession will not bring her moral satisfaction, and most importantly, a stable income. The owner of this name can realize herself in the profession of a teacher, tour guide, journalist, designer, stylist. By nature, she has good leadership abilities - she knows how to use the hidden talents of people, as well as resolve issues diplomatically, without stooping to petty familiarity or an overly tough management style.

In business, a girl is a “dangerous player”; she perceives others as rivals who stand in the way of her intended goal. She can achieve enormous success without hesitating to use “forbidden” rules, but only if the matter is interesting to her.


Melania has strong, even excellent health. True, problems with the gastrointestinal tract can bring some discomfort. The weak point is the upper respiratory tract, so in the autumn-winter period she should be especially careful.

Sex and love

Melania has an amazing sexuality that is born from the very depths of her nature. She forces the girl to make the first step, take the initiative and even dominate in bed. If a man is able to find the right approach to her, a woman is able to open up “to the bottom” in her intimate life, becoming the kind of lover that one can only dream of.

Family and marriage

The characteristics of the name Melania hide a rather calculating personality who rarely marries for love, considering it romantic rubbish. By choosing a gentle, calm husband, she quickly takes power in the family into her own hands, but carefully hides this fact, skillfully maintaining her husband’s reputation in public.

The bearer of the name loves to do housework - the importance of everyday life in the life of this woman is truly enormous. She likes to create a cozy atmosphere in her home, especially if others notice her efforts. She loves to receive guests and always prepares a generous table for them, bursting with dishes.

Melania loves children and becomes a kind, good mother for them, providing for the kids not only financially, but also spiritually. Her relationship with her husband's relatives is quite strained, as she tries not to let her mother-in-law near her house.

Ancient Greek name (Μελᾰνία) etymology (definition) - “darkness, blackness”, meaning “dark, dark; brunette”.

Derivative caresses: Lanya, Melanya, Melanie, Melanya, Melasha, Molya, Melya, Malanya, Malakha, Malasha, Manya, Meloni, Mel, Melona, ​​Melana, Melania, Melli, Melanochka, Maloney.

Orthodox Name Day (Angel Day):

Icon from the site www.icon-art.ru

Reverend Melania was born into a Christian family. Her parents were eminent and rich people and saw in their daughter an heiress and continuer of the family.
At the age of fourteen, Melania was married against her will to a noble young man. From the very beginning of their life together, the saint begged her husband to live with her in chastity or to let her go unsullied in both body and soul. Apinian answered: “When, at the command of the Lord, we acquire two children as heirs to our property, then together we will renounce the world.”
Soon Saint Melania gave birth to a girl, whom the young parents dedicated to God. Continuing to live in marriage, Melania secretly wore a hair shirt and spent her nights in prayer. Melania's second birth was premature and painful. A boy was born, he was baptized, and he immediately went to the Lord.
Seeing the suffering of his wife, Blessed Apinian asked God to save the life of Saint Melania and vowed to spend the rest of their life together in chastity. Having recovered, the saint took off her silk clothes forever. Soon their daughter died. Meanwhile, the parents of the saints opposed their desire to devote themselves to God.
Only when Melania’s father suffered a fatal illness, he asked them for forgiveness and admonished them to follow the path they had chosen, asking them to pray for him.
The saints immediately left the city of Rome, and for them began new life entirely dedicated to the service of God. Apinian was 24 years old at that time, and Melania was 20. They began to visit the sick, receive strangers, and generously help the poor. They went around prisons, places of exile and mines and freed the unfortunate people who were being held there for debt. Having sold estates in Italy and Spain, they generously helped the elders and monasteries, buying lands for the latter in Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Phenicia and Palestine. Many temples and hospitals were built with their funds. The churches of the West and East received benefits from them.
When they left their homeland and sailed to Africa, a strong storm began during the voyage. The sailors said that this was the wrath of God, but blessed Melania told them to surrender the ship to the will of the One who carried it. The waves washed the ship onto an island on which stood a city besieged by barbarians. The besiegers demanded ransom from the residents, threatening the city with destruction. The saints contributed the necessary money, and thereby saved the city and its inhabitants from destruction.
Arriving in Africa, they also provided assistance to all those in need. With the blessing of local bishops, they donated to churches and monasteries. At the same time, Saint Melania continued to humble her flesh strict fasting, and strengthened her soul by constantly reading the Word of God, rewriting sacred books and distributing them to the poor. She sewed the hair shirt herself and wore it without taking it off.
The saints stayed in Africa for 7 years, and then, freed, according to the commandment of Christ, from all their wealth, they headed to Jerusalem. Along the way, in Alexandria, they were received by the holy Bishop Cyril and met in the temple with the holy elder Nestorius, who had the gift of prophecy and healing. The elder turned to them, comforting and calling for courage and patience in anticipation of the Heavenly Glory. In Jerusalem, the saints distributed their remaining gold to the poor and spent their days in poverty and prayer.
After a short trip to Egypt, where the saints visited many desert fathers, Saint Melania secluded herself in a lonely cell on the Mount of Olives, only occasionally seeing Saint Apinian.
Gradually, a monastery arose near the cell, where up to ninety virgins gathered. Saint Melania, out of humility, did not agree to be his abbess and continued to live and pray alone. In her teachings, Saint Melania called on the sisters to stay awake and pray, guard their thoughts and, first of all, kindle love for God and for each other, observing holy Orthodox faith and purity of soul and body. She especially exhorted them to be obedient to the will of God. Recalling the words of the apostle, she advised observing fasting - “not with grief and not with compulsion: for he loves those who give willingly.” Through her efforts, a chapel and an altar were built in the monastery, where the relics of the saints were buried: the prophet of God Zechariah, the holy First Martyr Stephen and the Forty Saints who suffered torment in Sebaste.
By this time Saint Apinian had departed to the Lord. Saint Melania buried the relics of the blessed one and spent about four years near this place in fasting and unceasing prayer.

Beautiful female name Melania is rare, but it sounds very pleasant and is immediately remembered. Origin of this rare name– Greek, ancient. It means "dark".

It's amazing how common this name is around the world! Orthodox Russian name sounds like Melania or Melania, and it has its name day according to church calendar. In other forms, the name is common in Poland, Spain, England, America, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, Germany, Portugal, and France. All over the world!

Name forms: Melanie, Melina, Melanya, Malaniya, Malanya. Affectionate and abbreviated forms: Mel, Melli, Melasha, Mila, Milanya, Lana, Lanya, Lyalya.

As a child, the girl Melania has a very changeable mood and a sensitive soul. The baby is very gentle, requires affection, attention, care, does not like to sit alone, loves to be near her parents, in the family circle.

A very caring and obedient girl, she happily helps her mother with housework, loves to tinker with kids, and happily learns to cook, clean, and do handicrafts. She is greatly hurt by rudeness, cruelty, she is touchy and extremely vulnerable.

At school, the girl, whose name is Melania, is quite popular and sociable, but she is afraid of bullies and avoids too many noisy groups. She strives to have more contact with girls, but she also has boys as friends. Melania loves games, she is an entertainer and a dreamer.

Incredibly talented, especially in applied arts. She draws, sews, sculpts, and can become very interested in this and win all sorts of competitions if parents help develop their daughter’s talents.

He studies well and diligently, but experiences certain difficulties in the exact sciences. Also, Melania is not close to physical education and any physical labor; she is too gentle for that. However, she shows effort and diligence, wants to be an excellent student, loves to be praised.

She is the best and first in humanities subjects. Writes amazing essays, poems, fairy tales. Helps classmates, lets you copy without any problems, can explain things, help you figure things out. The girl is respected and appreciated, they strive to protect her, like a delicate flower.

Growing up and the future

The gentle character of a girl named Melania is formed gradually, acquiring charming femininity over the years. Everything about this charming girl is perfect: her appearance, style, and manners. She is not capricious, but requires attention.

She needs protection from the stronger sex, is captivatingly touching and fragile, and many men want to become her protectors. But all this does not mean that Melania cannot be independent and stand up for herself.

Her fragility and gentle nature - in fact powerful weapon, with the help of which the girl achieves a lot. She simply achieves everything without a fight, but with her charm and affection, as if hypnotizing everyone around her. It is simply impossible to refuse her request!

She is not stupid, but she will never “be smart,” argue, or prove something, especially with men. A girl named Melania has a very warm relationship with her friends; she likes to relax in women's company, confiding over a cup of coffee, doing joint creativity, handicrafts, cooking, baking something. She also always maintains a warm relationship with her parents, often visiting them, already being independent.

The girl chooses a job that is interesting and prestigious. Despite her interests and hobbies, she understands that work is work, and chooses a business that will generate income and in which she can grow. She can become a journalist, writer, correspondent, psychologist, work on television, in publishing, be a consultant or manager.

Despite her gentle character, in her work a girl named Melania always achieves her goal, quickly and easily rises up the ladder. career ladder, gets along with superiors and is friends with colleagues.

In the personal sphere

A young lady named Melania is a gentle creature, but it is not easy to deceive her, just as it is not easy to manipulate or seduce her. She only seems simple and naive, but in reality she will not let herself be fooled. And her character is gentle, but not weak, so this girl will not be a victim of unhappy love.

She is amorous, romantic, loves flowers, gifts, pleasant surprises, needs admiration and beautiful words. But he chooses his partner very carefully and seriously. What matters to her is the origin, upbringing of the chosen one, his interests, and life position.

He must protect and support her, provide for his family, be a true family man and a monogamous man. She is looking for a man who is strong but gentle, romantic but serious. With such a partner, Melania will have a happy fate...

Melania celebrates her name day:

  • 13th of January.
  • June 8.
  • 21st of June.
  • 31th of December.

This woman has a rare character and excellent spiritual qualities. She decorates the world, making it more beautiful, and she will live an interesting, happy and bright life! Author: Vasilina Serova

Forms of the name Melania

Other forms of the name Melania: Malasha, Melanie, Mela, Melanka, Melanya, Melen.

Name Melania on different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 梅拉 (Méi lā). Korean: 멜라니 (mellani). Armenian: Մելանյա (Melanya). Yiddish: מעלאַניאַ (Mʻlʼanyʼa). Ukrainian: Melania. Arabic: ميلانيا. English: Melania (Melania).

Origin of the name Melania

10. Type. These women, like their totem, wrap themselves around the object of their desires so tightly that it loses its ability to resist. They love intrigue.

11. Psyche. They need a wide open window into the world, they need an audience, because they are actresses at heart.

12. Will. Strong. It doesn’t hurt these girls to manage their will wisely.

13. Excitability. Quite strong excitability leads this woman to rash decisions, uncontrollable and unpredictable actions.

14. Reaction speed. They are absolutely not objective. But, what’s even worse, they have “their own” husband, “their own” house, “their own” life. They rush through life like a mad hurricane.

15. Field of activity. Melania does everything, she will try everything, they have no problems choosing a profession, these are determined ladies who know what they want. Sometimes they work in two places at the same time: for example, they can be a teacher and play in an orchestra in the evenings.

16. Intuition. It is about them that they say: “she just has a sense of smell...” They see the hidden aspects of a matter, see right through people and read their thoughts.

17. Intelligence. A living mind of a synthetic type. Everything is grasped on the fly. They have an excellent memory; they remember especially well and for a long time the insults inflicted on them.

18. Receptivity. They prefer to love themselves than to be loved.

19. Morality. With enviable ease they adapt to friends from very different environments and just as easily tame them.

20. Health. In general, not bad, but sometimes they feel an incomprehensible malaise, most often of mental origin. They need to “listen to themselves.” The weak point of their body is the intestines.

21. Sexuality. Let us remember that the totem animal of these individuals is a snake, so their sexuality is associated with possession.

22. Activity. IN good mood Melania can be quite charming!

23. Sociability. Such women simply need to be among people.

24. Conclusion. Researchers of African flora and fauna will tell you that the boa falls on its prey from the tree from which it was observing it. But getting out of her arms is a problem...

Positive traits of the name

Willpower, determination, seriousness. Melania can become a role model even for men, showing endurance and courage in difficult everyday situations.

Negative traits of the name

Melania is often at odds with the whole world: with family, friends, colleagues and, of course, with herself. She furiously attacks established norms, traditions, and authorities.

Choosing a profession by name

Melania is an honest and respectable worker. Melania sees the meaning of her career and material well-being in home comfort, creating a family home and providing for her loved ones, and not at all in satisfying her professional ambitions. Melania can flourish in art and technology, but she is contraindicated from working with children and social activities.

The impact of a name on business

Melania seeks stability and comfort in life and therefore saves money, often being the breadwinner of the family.

The influence of a name on health

Melania's good health, which can be damaged by accumulated negative emotions and resentment.

Psychology of the name

The desire for sustainability leads Melania to shamelessly use those around her: family, friends, acquaintances: Don’t trust her too much. But if you show sincerity and warmth towards Melania, then all the best qualities can be revealed in her.

Incompatibility of the name Melania

She was born in Christian family. Her parents were rich and famous people. They saw in her a continuator of the family and an heiress. At the age of 14, she was forcibly married to a groom from a noble family, Apinian. She asked her husband to live with her chastely or to let her go. But her husband promised her that when they had two children to inherit property, they would both renounce this world.

Soon a girl was born into the family. Her parents dedicated her to God. Melania spent all her nights in prayer. The second birth was very painful - a boy was born. But trouble happened. As soon as he was baptized, the baby went to the Lord. Melania suffered so much that her husband, Blessed Apinian, asked God to save her life, vowing to spend the rest of her life in chastity. After some time, the couple’s daughter also died. But the parents of Melania and Apinian were against the desire of the saints to devote their lives to God. Only when they were on their deathbed did their father bless them for asceticism. Melania was then 20 years old, and Apinian was 24.

They began to do good deeds: visiting the sick, helping the poor, receiving travelers. The couple sold estates in Spain and Italy, used the proceeds to help monasteries, buying land for them in Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and built many temples and churches.

One day, when the couple were sailing to Africa, a strong storm began. The sailors began to say that it was the wrath of the Lord that overtook them. But Melania ordered to surrender to the will of God. Their ship washed ashore on an island that was besieged by barbarians. They demanded a ransom from the residents, threatening that otherwise they would destroy the city. The saints gave the required amount and saved people from death.

Arriving in Africa, the holy couple helped everyone in need and built monasteries and temples there. Here they lived for 7 years and then headed to Jerusalem. There they distributed the remaining gold they had to the poor and began to spend all their time in prayer.

Saint Melania secluded herself in a lonely cell on the Mount of Olives and saw her husband very rarely. Over time, a monastery was formed nearby. More than 90 virgins found their shelter here.

Out of great humility, Saint Melania did not agree to be abbess and lived alone. Soon Saint Apinian departed to the Lord. The saint buried his relics and spent four years near this place in fasting and prayer.

Saint Melania wished to build and monastery on the Mount of the Ascension of the Lord. She completed this good deed in a year. Here the holy men began to join in and pray tirelessly.

After this, she left Jerusalem and went to Constantinople to save the soul of her pagan uncle. Arriving at the place, she found him ill and preached for a long time. After which he accepted Christianity and quietly departed to the Lord.

Suffering people came to Saint Melania. She accepted everyone. Through her prayers many miracles happened.

Soon she returned to her monastery. Feeling the approach of death, Saint Melania told her sisters about this. Having received the Holy Mysteries of Christ, she peacefully departed to the Lord.



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