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Instructions for extinguishing fires at substations. Fire in the hotel. Requirements for the graphic part of the operational plan

Signs of a starting fire

A fire most often begins with the appearance of a small flame, which is preceded by a more or less long period of heating or smoldering of flammable objects (wood, fabric, paper, etc.). The presence of the smell of an overheated substance and the appearance of light, barely noticeable, and then increasingly thickening and beginning to affect the eyes, smoke are the first sure signs of a fire. The smell of overheated wood can be felt when wooden objects are placed close to the walls of the heating stove, firewood is stacked to dry, or burning coals fall from a burning stove onto the wooden floor. The same smell occurs when the stove is built without proper cutting, and due to its overheating, the structures of the wooden wall, floor or ceiling become excessively heated.

One of the signs of a fire in the house is also the rapid heating of the air in the rooms above the rooms where the fire started. However, the smell of smoke may not be noticeable.

The burning of soot in a chimney is sometimes recognized by a humming sound, similar to the howling of the wind, and by the resinous smell of burning soot.

Knowing the signs of a starting fire helps to detect and take measures to extinguish it in a timely manner.

Fire Report

The outcome of any fire largely depends on how timely fire assistance was called and immediate measures were taken to evacuate people from the burning building.

A person who notices a fire or fire must notify everyone living in the house about it and immediately call fire assistance in the manner established for a given locality (by telephone, a special sound signal, courier, etc.). When reporting by phone, you must provide the exact address of the fire and the name of the person reporting. For example: “A message about a fire is being transmitted. In the city of Pyatigorsk, on Pionerskaya Street, 116, smoke and flames are coming out of the windows of the 3rd floor of a 5-story residential building. Reported by Ivanov, tel. 44-16-71”, or “A fire message is being transmitted. Poltava district, Petrovka village, Semenovskaya street, 7. Burning wooden house. Reported by Kuznetsov, tel. 3-41-75".

Such a message will allow the fire department to anticipate the possible situation and make a decision that makes it possible to quickly concentrate the necessary forces and resources on the fire.

If the fire is first initial stage is not noticed, the fire will spread over large areas, and then it can be difficult to cope with it. But this also happens: a fire was discovered in the initial stages of its occurrence, but fire assistance was not called, having decided to deal with it on their own using improvised fire extinguishing equipment. This is not always successful, and the fire takes on large proportions. Often, fire assistance is called with a significant delay, spending invaluable time on finding out the causes of smoke and searching for the location of the fire, on inept actions to extinguish the fire.

It is necessary to call the fire department even if the fire has already been extinguished on your own. The fire may go unnoticed in hidden places (in the voids of wooden partitions, under the floor, etc.) and after some time flare up with renewed vigor. Therefore, the fire site must be inspected by fire department specialists. Only they can confirm the complete elimination of the fire.

After calling for fire assistance, it is necessary to ensure a meeting with the fire department. The greeter, if possible, must clearly inform the firefighters about the current situation, indicate whether all people have been evacuated from the burning building, the degree of threat to people, how many of them are left, where they are and on what floor, in what rooms, how to quickly enter these rooms . In addition, it should be said which rooms are engulfed in fire and where it is spreading.

Saving people

Statistics on deaths in fires show that 98% of people die before fire departments arrive. This circumstance requires everyone to firmly understand the rules of human behavior in a fire and knowledge of first aid techniques. Under no circumstances should you stop fighting for your own salvation or the salvation of those who find themselves in critical situation of people. The ethics of the school of survival says that the only reason to stop fighting can be considered physical death. If there are people left in an apartment or any other room engulfed in fire or heavily smoked, then simultaneously with calling the fire department, it is necessary to immediately begin rescuing them, especially if they are children, the elderly or the sick.

It is known that hot air rises, and the cold air that enters in its place remains below, above the floor. Smoke, together with hot air, tends to rise upward, therefore, when entering a smoky room, you need to bend closer to the floor or crawl, keeping your head, if possible, in the stream of fresh air coming from the doors. In a room where smoke is leaking from under the floor, you should not bend down, you need to move to your full height.

When in a smoky room, you need to protect your mouth and nose from smoke using several layers of gauze or a towel moistened with water. It is advisable to have spare bandages with you to protect the respiratory organs of injured people. You should breathe by “filtering” the air through wet towels, inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose. Even in not very thick smoke, it is difficult to distinguish objects, since visibility is sharply reduced, therefore, when entering a smoke-filled room, you must remember well the path of your movement and not lose your orientation. To do this, it is best to stay near the wall, and, moving away to search for the remaining people, return to it again, and then move on.

For self-rescue purposes, it is useful to tie a rope (for example, a clothesline) around your waist, and tie the other end of the rope at the entrance to the room. Using a rope, you can keep in touch with people left outside. Using the rope as a guide, you can quickly get out of the smoke-filled room and carry out the rescued person. The direction of the flooring of boards and parquet, the location of windows, doors, etc. help to navigate in a smoky room.

When looking for people in rooms, you need to call out to them; by answering, if they have not lost consciousness, they can make the search easier. Adults (including those who have lost consciousness) should be looked for at windows, doors and in corridors, i.e. on escape routes.

Children, frightened during a fire, try to hide under tables and beds, in beds, closets, climb into a dark corner, closet, wrap themselves in blankets, etc., and do not always respond to calls. To make sure that children are not left in a burning house or apartment, you should check all these places. The most convenient and safest way to rescue people is the usual exit from the room to the outside. They should be used first. In cases where a fire that started in a corridor or hallway cuts off the path to the front door, one should not forget about the possibility of saving people through a window using stationary fire escapes.

Residents of high-rise buildings (over 9 floors) should be evacuated from dangerous premises via smoke-free stairwells, passages from loggias and balconies to an adjacent section or floor. In this regard, there is no need to tightly hammer in or clutter with furniture and household property evacuation doors, hatches on balconies (loggias), transitions to adjacent sections and exits to emergency staircases.

When rescuing people from a multi-story building, the first thing you need to do is use the stairwells. If the stairs are filled with smoke, you need to quickly open the windows located on the stairwells or knock out the glass in them and allow fresh air to flow in. The doors of rooms from which smoke enters the stairs must be tightly closed.

If the internal staircases are on fire or very smoky, then people are rescued through the windows using ladders. At the same time, all doors and windows not used for evacuation are tightly closed so that air that intensifies combustion does not penetrate into the room. It is recommended to close the doors leading to adjacent rooms and to the corridor from the room where people are located, in order to prevent the penetration of smoke, and plug the cracks in the vestibule and below the door with available material (sheets, blankets, curtains, etc.), having previously moistened them water.

In the event of a fire in a one-story or two-story house, when the usual entrance can no longer be used, an attempt should be made to rescue people through the windows. Having chosen a window that is distant from the source of the fire or from the most smoky rooms, you should enter the apartment through it and begin searching for the people remaining there. If someone calls for help in a burning apartment, break down the door if necessary.

To help a person whose clothes have caught fire, you need to stop him as soon as possible (catch him up, drop him to the ground), since moving will cause the flames to flare up even hotter. Help quickly throw off flammable clothing, or extinguish it with water, snow, or throw a blanket, coat, carpet, etc. over the burning person, leaving his head open so that he does not suffocate with combustion products. Hair that is on fire on your head can be extinguished by throwing on a piece of thick cloth and dousing your head with water.

If the rescuer’s clothes catch fire, and there is no one nearby who could help put it out, you need to wrap yourself tightly in a blanket, carpet, coat, etc. and roll on the floor, trying to press the burning parts of your clothes against it.

When rescuing people who are able to move independently, they are removed from smoke-filled and burning rooms using the above evacuation routes. Children who are unable to get out on their own are wrapped in a wet sheet or other cloth to protect them from the heat and allow them to breathe somewhat purified air, and carried out in their arms. If they find an adult who has lost consciousness, they do the same.

Not physically strong enough strong people It can be difficult to carry a person who has lost consciousness in your arms. In such cases, they place the victim on a blanket and, using two or more people, transport him to the exit.

Upon completion of rescue operations, it is necessary to ensure that all people have been removed from the burning or fire-threatened premises.

You should also ensure that adults and children cannot return to the burning house again. This often happens in practice: people, not taking into account the situation during a fire, return to a burning house for abandoned documents, money or valuables, and children for their favorite toys or pets.

After evacuating the victims to a safe place, they need to provide first aid. You should immediately call an ambulance to the scene of the fire and prepare to send the victims to the nearest medical facility.

Evacuation of property and animals

The work of evacuating property should not interfere with extinguishing the fire by arriving fire departments and begins only after the rescue of people in the burning building has been completed. However, not every fire requires the removal of property from the premises. Do not take things out of rooms that are not directly threatened by fire, especially in houses of fireproof construction. This makes it possible to use people’s strengths much more rationally. First of all, you need to try to put out the fire using available means.

Evacuation of property begins if the fire has become so large that there is a threat of destruction of the entire building, or if the head of the arriving fire department has given an order to remove household items. This should be done in an organized manner, having previously determined what, where, and in what order to take out, without interfering with the work of firefighters. You should not begin the evacuation by removing bulky items (cabinets, beds, tables), as they can block corridors, doors, staircases, which will make it difficult to remove other property and will interfere with the actions of firefighters. You should not throw things through windows, as this renders them unusable. Often, confused under the influence of a frightening situation, people take out low-value property first.

The evacuated property is stored in the yard or on the street at such a distance that it does not catch fire and does not interfere with the work of firefighters. It is necessary to organize its security.

If a fire occurs in outbuildings containing livestock or poultry, immediate measures should be taken to rescue them.

Evacuation of animals during a fire is associated with great difficulties, since most animals are reluctant to leave a burning room, go wild, rush about, and resist. Therefore, to avoid injury, persons involved in the evacuation of livestock must exercise maximum caution, remain calm, and act without shouting or noise.

Cattle are bred singly. Before the cow is brought out, a bag or some kind of blanket is thrown over her head. This calms the animal and it becomes obedient. One person leads it out by a rope draped over the horns, and the second person pushes the animal from behind.

Small animals (young piglets, rabbits) and poultry are carried out by hand, using baskets, bags or other containers. When rescuing goats or sheep, first of all the leader ram is taken out by force, since all the sheep and goats will follow him later. The pigs are pulled out one by one by their hind legs.

After evacuating the animals, the doors of the building should be closed so that excited animals and birds cannot return to the burning room.


If a fire breaks out in your apartment and you were unable to extinguish it at the initial stage using available means, leave it immediately, closing the door tightly behind you. If it is impossible to evacuate through the internal stairwell, use the balcony staircase, and if there is none, go out onto the balcony, closing the door tightly behind you, and by shouting attract the attention of passers-by and firefighters.

If the fire occurs outside your apartment, and it is impossible to evacuate through the stairwell due to heavy smoke and fire, stay in the apartment. A closed and well-sealed door will protect you from dangerous temperatures and acrid smoke, and to make it serve as a fire barrier longer, water it with water.

To avoid poisoning from combustion products, cover door cracks and ventilation openings with wet blankets, bedspreads, towels, etc. You can hide from a fire until help arrives in the bathroom, where there is always water, on the balcony and loggia, while tightly closing the balcony door behind you. When firefighters arrive, be sure to attract attention.

If you are forced to leave the apartment through a window, then to do this you need to use a rope, sheets or towels tied together, the length of which must correspond to the distance from your window to the ground. Before leaving, the rope or sheets must be secured to the radiator.


Having reported the fire and taken measures to meet the fire departments, you should try to extinguish the fire using the available (primary) fire extinguishing means (water, sand, fire extinguisher, felt mat), and if they are not available, organize the supply of water to the fire in buckets, pans, tanks and etc. In winter you can use snow.

The spread of fire in a building can most often be facilitated by ventilation ducts, open windows, doors and hatches in the attic through which air flows. Fresh air. That is why, when starting to extinguish a fire, you should not break the glass in the windows of a burning room (unless this is caused by the need to rescue people) and leave open doors into the corridor and other rooms, and even more so onto the street. Everyone involved in the fire should be warned about this, because some people, in order to make it easier for themselves to exit into a smoke-filled room or, when escaping from it, break the glass in the windows instead of opening and then closing the window.

If a fire is discovered when it has already reached a significant size, and the available primary fire extinguishing means are insufficient, or they cannot be used in the current situation due to high temperature inside the room or heavy smoke, measures must be taken to contain the spread of the fire until fire assistance arrives . To do this, you need to close all doors, windows and shutters as tightly as possible. Access to oxygen is limited to the source of the fire, and combustion products accumulating in the room, and primarily carbon dioxide, will restrain the development of the fire.

If the fire started in one of the rooms and did not spread beyond its boundaries, first pour water on the source of the largest fire, and then extinguish the surrounding objects. It is important that water is delivered continuously, with the shortest possible intervals. Only in this case can success be achieved in extinguishing.

Successful extinguishing of fires before the arrival of fire assistance is possible when three or four people bring water, and one person extinguishes the fire. When those who bring water are extinguishing a fire, it is usually poured out hastily, without any benefit, since it is difficult to quickly navigate the smoke and the constantly changing situation of the fire.

When a wall or wallpaper on it catches fire in a room, water should be supplied to the upper part of the wall with the expectation that the water, flowing down, extinguishes or simply wets the surface located below, preventing the spread of fire. On burning furniture, water is distributed over the largest possible surface engulfed in fire. Bedding should not be removed from the bed, as this may cause smoldering objects to ignite due to an increase in the area of ​​contact with air oxygen. They are watered abundantly, and then taken out of the house and extinguished in the yard, away from combustible buildings, places where firewood and hay are stored.

Burning clothes, curtains, blinds, drapes, etc. stew on the floor, pouring plenty of water.

In cases where the door to the room where the fire started is closed, you should not open it until extinguishing agents have been prepared, because in a closed room combustion and smoldering occur very slowly due to lack of air; but it accumulates a large number of products of incomplete combustion. The door to a burning room should be opened carefully to avoid burns due to an outbreak of incomplete combustion products, which can occur when the door is opened and oxygen-rich air enters the room.

If a flare-up occurs and the fire escalates rapidly despite extinguishing measures, you should close the door again and try to prevent the fire from escaping from that room until fire assistance arrives.

If there is a fire in the house in the absence of residents and with the doors locked, it is necessary to open the outer door using any available means (crowbar, axe, chisel, etc.).

If you detect a fire in the insulation of electrical wires, first of all, you should de-energize the electrical wiring. Only after turning off the electric current can you begin to extinguish burning electrical wires using water, any fire extinguisher or sand. At the same time, the flame will be knocked out from combustible objects located near electrical wires.

If the fuel in a kerosene stove or kerosene gas ignites, you should not throw sand, as the kerosene stove may tip over and fall to the floor, which will lead to a spill of kerosene and intensify the fire. In this case, it is better to take a thick cloth (woolen blanket, small rug, coat) and cover the burning kerosene device with it, and keep it there until the burning stops. If flammable liquids ignite in an open container (bucket, pan, etc.), it should also be covered with a lid or thick cloth.

Fire in the basement, attic and elevator

Fires in the basements of multi-story residential buildings pose a particular danger. The danger lies in the fact that basements often communicate through doors with a stairwell, which is the main escape route. In such cases, smoke quickly fills both the staircase and the apartments on the floors. People are forced to evacuate from all floors of the building. This often results in panic, and it takes the courage of firefighters to avoid dire consequences. If the fire is small and clearly visible, then it is necessary to extinguish it using any of the above means. At least two people must participate in extinguishing a fire in the basement, one of them must stand at the entrance. When extinguishing such fires, you should be very careful and ready to retreat at any moment - go outside.

If a fire in the basement has dragged on for a long time or is discovered when it is not practical to take measures to extinguish it with primary means, then, while waiting for the arrival of fire assistance, it is necessary to tightly close all windows, doors and hatches leading to the basement. Constantly inspecting the premises of the first floor above the basement and along its perimeter, seal all detected holes. On the ground floor, stock up on water in buckets, bathtubs and other containers. Places that are very hot should be poured with water. After the fire has been extinguished, in order to avoid poisoning by toxic combustion products, you can enter the basement only after thorough ventilation.

If a fire is detected in the attic, you must immediately begin to extinguish it using available (primary) means. If the attempt to extinguish the fire fails, then before the fire brigade arrives, if possible, all measures must be taken to prevent the fire from spreading down to the underlying floors: it is necessary to close the front door or a hatch to the attic. In the event of a burnout of the ceiling or falling coals and sparks, immediately extinguish their combustion.

At the first sign of a fire in an elevator shaft or cabin, immediately notify the dispatcher by pressing the “call” button in the cabin. If the elevator is moving, do not stop it yourself, wait until it stops. When leaving the cabin, lock the doors so that no one can call the elevator.

Call the fire department. If it is not dangerous, try to put out the fire. When extinguishing a fire, do not enter the cabin, as it may move spontaneously due to the short circuit of burning wires.

If, as a result of a short circuit, the elevator stops between floors, make noise, shout, knock on the walls of the cabin, call for help. Try using an umbrella, keys or other objects to push open the elevator doors and get out. Be careful when exiting, don't fall into the shaft.

If you are unable to exit the cabin on your own until help arrives, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief or sleeves. Stay calm and calm.

Fires in cars and individual garages

It is very important to detect a fire in a timely manner and immediately take measures to eliminate it. Along the way or when maintenance car in the garage, you should always pay attention to the factors that precede a fire: the smell of gasoline, burning rubber, the appearance of smoke from under the hood. You should pay attention to the sound signals given by drivers of oncoming cars or those overtaking specifically in order to report a noticed malfunction.

Depending on the location of the fire, the tactics for using fire extinguishing agents will be different. So, when extinguishing fuel spilled under a car, the fire extinguishing agent must be supplied from the edges of the combustion source and gradually directed towards the center. Before starting to extinguish a fire in the engine compartment, it is necessary to gradually and carefully open the hood (with a sharp flame), and then direct the fire extinguishing agent to the source of intense combustion while simultaneously maneuvering across the entire area of ​​the fire. It must be borne in mind that the greatest effect when extinguishing is achieved by using several fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing agents at the same time (tarpaulin, sand, loose earth, water, snow). When extinguishing a fire, safety precautions must be observed. Never extinguish a fire while wearing clothing soaked in fuel, or with your hands or other parts of your body wet with gasoline or other flammable liquids.

When extinguishing a car, you need to be extremely careful, as the fuel tank may explode. For the same reason, it is necessary to remove all people from the fire site who are not involved in extinguishing the fire and providing assistance to the victims.

If a car catches fire in a parking lot, it is important to prevent the fire from spreading to other cars.

Fires in cars due to road traffic accidents are especially dangerous for people. Damage to vehicle components and systems during an accident contributes to the development of a fire; and jamming of doors and injury to people prevents the possibility of extinguishing a fire by manual means and the rapid evacuation of victims. In these cases, the fire brigade and rescue services must be notified as soon as possible.

Fire in the hotel

If you arrive at a hotel while traveling, try to remember well the location of the exits and stairs, read the memo about the rules located in each room fire safety for people staying in the hotel. If there is a fire in your room, immediately report the incident to the fire brigade. If it is not possible to eliminate the source of fire on your own, leave the room and close the door without locking it. Be sure to report the fire to the floor duty officer or another management representative. Leave the danger zone and act as directed by the administration or fire department.

In the event of a fire outside your room, leave the room after closing the windows and door. If the hallways and stairwells are heavily smoky and you cannot leave the premises, stay in your room. Try to inform the administration about your location by phone. In the future, proceed as in the case of a fire that occurs outside the apartment.

You must remember that you cannot use elevators to evacuate in case of a fire, as if there is a power outage you may find yourself trapped.

Railway rolling stock has an increased fire hazard. The workers serving it must be trained and able to use all fire extinguishing means at their disposal, must know the instructions and methods of extinguishing a fire.

Persons responsible for organizing fire extinguishing on rolling stock are the locomotive crew, mechanics-foremen, train supervisors and carriage conductors on passenger trains. They are required to know fire-hazardous equipment, places and ways of spreading fire, locations of fire extinguishing equipment, and be able to use them.

If a fire is detected in a passenger carriage while the train is moving along a stretch, the conductor must immediately stop the train with a stop valve. Exceptions are cases when the train is in a tunnel, on a railway bridge, viaduct, overpass, under a bridge or in other places that impede firefighting efforts. Next, the conductor must inform the foreman and locomotive driver about the fire, organize the evacuation of passengers and unloading of luggage, and take measures to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers. The train manager and locomotive crew must inform the nearest station to the train dispatcher and energy dispatcher about the fire and, if necessary, call a fire train or fire brigade.

A stream of foam from a fire extinguisher or a stream of water from a barrel should be directed towards the visible fire and in the path of the fire. When extinguishing flames on vertical planes (walls, partitions), a stream of foam or water must be directed from top to bottom so that, as it flows down, it also extinguishes the fire.

When using foam fire extinguishers, people working with them must not be allowed to approach electrical wires, equipment or parts of the contact network closer than 2 m. Extinguishing burning objects and structural elements of rolling stock outside the car with water or foam on electrified sections of roads is only possible with voltage removed from the contact network and after its grounding. Burning wires, electrical equipment, and electric machines must be extinguished with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers or dry sand.

Diesel locomotives contain a significant amount of diesel fuel and lubricants. On electric locomotives, fire hazard is posed by electrical equipment - electric motors, batteries, traction transformers, rectifiers, ballasts, current collectors, etc.

If a fire occurs on an electric locomotive, you should lower the pantograph and stop the train at places not listed above, take measures to hold the train in place, turn off the battery switch and sound the fire alarm. You must personally ensure that the pantographs are lowered and that the contact wire, which may be burned by fire, does not touch the roof or roof equipment. Then you should report the fire to the train dispatcher and the energy dispatcher at the nearest station. To extinguish a fire on a locomotive or in a multiple unit rolling stock, primary fire extinguishing agents are used.

On diesel locomotives equipped with an automatic gas fire extinguishing system, if a fire occurs, members of the locomotive crew located in the diesel compartment must go to the driver’s cabin and close the door tightly. If fire extinguishing agent enters the cabin, you should wear a gas mask.

On diesel locomotives equipped with a foam fire-fighting installation, if a fire occurs, the train should be stopped, after braking, turn off the diesel engine of the burning section and open one of the starting valves of the fire-fighting installation, then open the mixer tap and direct the stream of foam to the source of combustion. The mixer tap handle should be turned all the way. After extinguishing, it is necessary to close the starting valves and taps on the mixers.

Electrical safety measures when extinguishing fires near the contact network of electrified railways.

“Electrical safety rules for employees of JSC Russian Railways when servicing electrified railway tracks” were approved by Vice-President of JSC Russian Railways V.B. Vorobyov "03" July 2008 No. 12176.

13.1. If a fire occurs near the contact network, overhead lines and associated devices, you must immediately notify the train dispatcher, energy dispatcher or employees of the contact network area and the fire department. The actions of the locomotive crew in case of fire are defined in the Instructions for ensuring fire safety on locomotives and multiple unit rolling stock.

13.2. If a fire breaks out on rolling stock or in a train and to extinguish it it is necessary to approach live wires closer than 2 m, the driver, through the train dispatcher, must request that the voltage be removed from the contact network (VL) and its grounding. It is also necessary to remove voltage from the contact network (VL) and ground it when the contact wire touches the rolling stock or cargo and there is a possibility of wire burnout.

13.3. Before removing the voltage from the contact network or overhead lines, extinguishing burning objects, roofs, walls of the locomotive, railcars, cars and cargo located at a distance of less than 2 m from the contact network and overhead line wires is permitted only with carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-bromine-ethyl, aerosol and powder fire extinguishers, not approaching the wires of the contact network and overhead lines closer than 2 m.

Extinguishing these burning objects with water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers can only be done when the voltage is removed from the contact network and after it is grounded.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from the contact network and overhead lines that are energized is allowed with any fire extinguishers without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam solution does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

13.4. Extinguishing a fire with the help of a fire train on electrified sections of railways should be carried out only after the fire extinguishing manager has received written permission (Appendix No. 3 to these Rules) from a representative of the power supply distance to remove voltage from the wires of the contact network or overhead line at a distance of at least 7 m from burning objects (clause 8.3 of these Rules) and grounding them. The permit must indicate the order number of the energy dispatcher and the time of voltage relief.

In cases where the arrival of a representative of the power supply distance and obtaining written permission requires time during which a significant development of a fire with dangerous consequences may occur, it is allowed to transfer the above permission via any type of communication. It is allowed to extinguish a fire with water and remove voltage from the contact network or overhead lines without grounding them. In this case, the voltage from the contact network or overhead line should be removed in the following order:

13.4.1. Electrified DC railway tracks.

In the event of a fire on a single- or double-track section, the voltage of 3.3 kV must be removed from the contact pendants of all tracks and from overhead line 6; 10 kV, laid along the contact network supports. On three-track and multi-track sections, as well as at stations, the voltage must be removed from those contact pendants and overhead lines that are located at a distance of less than 7 m from burning objects (clause 8.3 of these Rules).

13.4.2. Electrified AC railway tracks.

In the event of a fire on a stretch or station, the voltage of 27.5 kV must be removed from the contact pendants of all tracks, power wires and wires of the DPR system. Voltage from overhead line 6; 10; 35 kV passing through the contact network supports must be removed if the distance from burning objects to the overhead line is less than 7 m (clause 8.3 of these Rules).

When organizing fire extinguishing in electrified areas, it is prohibited to approach wires and other parts of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m until the voltage is removed, and to the broken wires of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 8 m until they are grounded.

13.5. Locomotive crews, conductors, drivers and assistant drivers of railcars must be trained in the rules of using fire extinguishing equipment and how to extinguish a fire near overhead wires and overhead lines in accordance with current standards fire safety.

1.6 Features of extinguishing fires in rolling stock in electrified areas

Fires that occur in rolling stock on electrified sections of railways pose a particular danger, since the wires and fittings of the contact network are under voltage of 27.5 kV AC and 3.3 kV DC. Contact with these wires and fittings directly or through objects may cause accidents. This circumstance requires all workers involved in fire suppression to strictly adhere to established personal safety rules.

Stopping trains on the tracks of hauls and stations should be carried out, if possible, in such a way that burning cars are not located under rigid or flexible crossbars, as well as at the junction of anchor sections.

The train crew, using all available means of communication, must immediately report the fire to the station duty officer or train dispatcher in order to take measures to relieve voltage from the contact network at the fire site.

The station duty officer or train dispatcher, having received a message about a fire in a train on an electrified section, is obliged to immediately inform the energy dispatcher, who ensures that the voltage is removed from the contact network in the corresponding section of the station or section.

If a fire occurs near the contact network, overhead power supply line and associated devices, it is necessary to immediately notify the train dispatcher, energy dispatcher or employees of the contact network area and the fire service. The actions of the locomotive crew in case of fire are defined in the Instructions for ensuring fire safety on locomotives and multiple units. rolling stock. The energy dispatcher, upon receiving a report of a fire, is obliged to immediately appoint and send to the scene of the incident at least two electricians with a qualification group of at least fourth, to ground the contact network and monitor the compliance of persons working to eliminate the fire with safety rules. The names of the electricians must be reported to the head of the fire extinguishing fire.

If a fire occurs on rolling stock or in a train and to extinguish it it is necessary to approach live wires closer than 2 m, the driver, through the train dispatcher, must request that the voltage be removed from the contact network of the overhead power supply line and its grounding. It is also necessary to relieve the voltage from the contact network of the overhead power supply and grounding line when the contact wire touches the rolling stock or cargo and there is a possibility of wire burnout.

Before removing the voltage from the contact network or overhead power supply line, extinguishing burning objects, roofs, walls of the locomotive, railcar, cars and cargo located at a distance of less than 2 m from the contact network and overhead power supply line wires is permitted only with carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide-bromine- ethyl, aerosol and powder fire extinguishers, not approaching the contact wires and overhead power lines closer than 2 m.

Extinguishing these burning objects with water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers can only be done when the voltage is removed from the contact network and after it is grounded.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 7 m from the contact network and overhead power supply line that are energized is allowed with any fire extinguishers without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the stream of water or foam solution does not approach the contact network and other parts under voltage. voltage, at a distance of less than 2 m, while the fire trunk must be grounded.

Extinguishing a fire with the help of a fire train or fire trucks on electrified sections of railways should be carried out only after the fire extinguishing manager has received written permission from a representative of the power supply distance to remove the voltage from the wires of the contact network or overhead power supply line at a distance of at least 7 m from the burning objects. The permit must indicate the order number of the energy dispatcher and the time of voltage relief.

In cases where the arrival of a representative of the power supply distance and obtaining written permission requires time during which significant development of a fire with dangerous consequences may occur, it is allowed to transfer the above permission via communication to the station duty officer with its subsequent delivery to the fire extinguishing manager. It is allowed to extinguish a fire with water and remove voltage from the contact network or overhead power supply line without grounding it. In this case, the voltage from the contact network or overhead power supply line should be removed in the following order.

In the event of a fire on a single- or double-track section, the voltage of 3.3 kV DC must be removed from the contact suspensions of all tracks and from the 6-10 kV overhead power supply line laid along the contact network supports. On three-track and multi-track sections, as well as at stations, the voltage must be removed from those contact pendants and overhead power supply lines that are located at a distance of less than 7 m from burning objects.

In the event of a fire on a stretch or station, the voltage of 27.5 kV AC must be removed from the contact suspensions of all tracks, power wires and wires of the DPR system. The voltage from the 6, 10, 35 kV overhead power supply line passing through the contact network supports must be removed if the distance from burning objects to the overhead power supply line is less than 7 m.

When organizing fire extinguishing in electrified areas, it is prohibited to approach wires and other parts of the contact network and overhead lines at a distance of less than 2 m until the voltage is removed, and to the broken wires of the contact network and overhead power supply line at a distance of less than 8 m until they are grounded.

Locomotive crews, conductors, drivers and assistant drivers, motorists must be trained in the rules of using fire extinguishing means and methods of extinguishing fires near contact network wires and overhead power lines in accordance with current fire safety standards.

Great importance when extinguishing fires on railway transport, they have proper organization and tactics for extinguishing fires in rolling stock for various purposes.

Provided in advance and indicated in operational cards and evacuation plans. Extinguishing fires in children's institutions. Simultaneously with organizing the evacuation of children and protecting evacuation routes, they ensure the insertion of trunks on the main routes of fire spread and into the fire. Water is used to extinguish fires in schools and children's institutions. aqueous solutions wetting agents and air-mechanical foam...

Usage more arriving fire equipment, as well as other types of equipment involved in accordance with 3 call numbers announced at the Druzhny oil field, leads to an increase in the total costs of extinguishing this fire, a decrease in the efficiency and quality of fire extinguishing. 15. Environmental problems Currently protected environment is one of the main problems we have in...

Children. The results of the inspection are documented in a general form. - For the transportation of children, passenger cars and dining cars with minimum terms service and technical condition corresponding to sanitary rules for the organization of passenger transportation by rail. - The preparation of passenger cars for the trip must comply with the established...

... ; - removing victims from damaged high-rise buildings using climbing equipment. The main principle of organizing interaction with foreign specialists when conducting emergency response work is to allocate them a separate object (site) for rescue operations (with sufficient numbers and equipment) or to set a separate task in the emergency response complex...

for extinguishing fires at 35-110 kV substations
electrical networks

The instructions are developed based on:
“Fire safety rules in companies, enterprises and organizations of the energy industry of Ukraine”, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine dated July 26, 2005. No. 343
Organization Instructions fire drills at enterprises of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine GKD 34.03.304-99.
Instructions for extinguishing fires at energy enterprises of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine GKD 34.03.306-2000.

I. General provisions.

1.1. This instruction establishes the basic requirements for conducting fire drills and extinguishing fires at 35-110 kV substations.
1.2. Knowledge of this instruction mandatory for the personnel of the substation group, SPS, members of the DPD, as well as personnel of fire departments.
1.3. Conducting fire drills is one of the main forms of industrial training and staff development.
1.4. The main objectives of conducting fire training with personnel
- acquiring the skills to independently and quickly make the right decision to extinguish and liquidate a fire;
- practicing actions to prevent possible accidents, equipment damage and personnel injuries during a fire;
- organizing an immediate call to the fire department when automatic fire protection systems, smoke or fire are detected;
- practicing interaction between substation group personnel and fire department personnel;
- determination of the correct methods for extinguishing fires on equipment, especially in electrical installations under voltage;
- acquisition of clear and quick action on switching equipment to prevent the development of fire and accidents;
- acquisition of first aid skills medical care victims of a fire.

2. Conducting fire drills.

2.1. Fire training is divided into workshop, joint and individual.
2.2. Shop training is carried out with the personnel of a group of substations at least 3 times a year.
2.3. Joint training is carried out with fire departments of the state fire department according to schedules at least once a year
2.4. Individual fire-fighting training is carried out with newly hired employees, as well as with individual employees who received unsatisfactory ratings during planned fire-fighting training.
2.5. Shop training may be combined with emergency personnel training.
2.6. Each employee from among the operational and operational-production personnel must take part in scheduled training once a quarter, and production personnel twice a year.
2.7. The topics and schedule of workshop training are drawn up annually and approved by the head of the enterprise.
2.8. The topics and schedule of joint training with the participation of fire departments are drawn up for a year and approved by the head of the enterprise and the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in the region.
2.9. The following are appointed as leaders of fire drills:
- workshop, individual - head of a group of substations or foreman
- joint - an official of the state fire department.
2.10. Specific training programs are compiled on the basis of approved topics and approved by their leaders.
2.11. After the end of the training, the head of the fire training summarizes the results and gives an assessment of the training, as well as an individual assessment of all its participants (satisfactory, unsatisfactory).
2.12. The results of each training are recorded in the fire training log.
2.13. If, in general, the training participants did not cope with the task or the majority of the participants (50% or more) received unsatisfactory grades, then the training on this topic should be repeated within the following time frames:
- workshop - after 10 days:
- joint - within the period agreed upon by the official of the state fire department.
2.14. Individual participants who received unsatisfactory grades during scheduled training must be given individual training, the results of which are entered into the fire training logs.

3. Requirements for the development of operational plans and operational cards for personnel actions in case of fire.

3.1. The operational fire extinguishing plan is drawn up for base substations and is the main document that establishes the procedure for organizing fire extinguishing at substations, interaction between personnel of groups of substations and personnel of fire departments who arrived at the scene of the fire, and also determines the safety measures required to be followed during extinguishing a fire.
3.2. The operational fire extinguishing plan must consist of a text part (written on thick paper of a single format measuring at least 210 mm x 297 mm) and a graphic part.
3.3. The operational plan is developed by fire department workers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine together with specialists of electrical networks and is approved accordingly by the head of the city department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the director of electrical networks.
3.4. When developing an action plan for personnel and fire departments in mandatory the need to maintain continuous operation is taken into account maximum quantity pieces of equipment to provide consumers with electrical energy in case of a specific fire, as well as safety conditions.
3.5. After the development and approval of an operational plan for extinguishing a fire at a substation, the plan must be brought to the attention of each employee of the substation group.
3.6. For the remaining 110 kV substations, operational cards of personnel actions in case of fire and a layout diagram of mobile fire fighting equipment (graphical part) are drawn up.
3.7. Adjustments to operational plans and cards must be performed in the following cases:
- when expanding or reconstructing a substation;
- if deficiencies are identified during annual joint fire drills or when extinguishing a fire;
- if deficiencies are identified during inspections by the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine or the fire safety service of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine
- upon receipt of instructions from the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine.
3.8 Operational plans and cards must be located at the substation control room along with permit forms for fire extinguishing, and a layout diagram of mobile fire fighting equipment.

Requirements for the text part of the operational plan.

3.9. The text part of the operational plan should contain brief description substations, the main responsibilities of personnel in the event of a fire and the organization of its extinguishing, the procedure for meeting and interacting with arriving fire departments, features of extinguishing on equipment and electrical installations that are energized.
3.10. The text part of the operational plan must be specific, without minor details and explanations, and contain the procedure for performing the main responsibilities of operational, operational and production personnel in the event of a fire.
3.11. Taking into account the peculiarities of energy production technology in the operational fire extinguishing plan, it is necessary to take into account the safety requirements for the actions of personnel of fire departments and civil substation personnel, as well as give specific and brief recommendations for extinguishing the transformer oil present in the equipment.

Requirements for the graphic part of the operational plan.

3.12. The graphic part represents a plan diagram of the substation, made on white paper measuring at least 29x42 mm, on which the location of buildings, structures and equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well as roads, entrances and entrances to buildings, etc. is applied.
3.13. All water sources are indicated on the plan diagram, indicating the distance from the water sources to the main equipment and the recommended optimal option for laying hose lines.
3.14. The most optimal option for arranging fire equipment that satisfies various situations in case of fire at the substation, and its grounding locations.
3.15. When determining the location of fire equipment, one should take into account the safety conditions of fire department personnel and equipment from falling building structures, supports, high-voltage wires and cables, possible emissions of burning transformer oil, etc.
3.16. The plan must indicate the location of fire fighting equipment in reserve, as well as hatches (entrances) to cable rooms.
3.17. Plan - a diagram of the operational fire extinguishing plan must be reviewed and approved by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the head of the enterprise.

Requirements for the preparation of operational action cards for substation personnel in case of fire

3.18. For the purpose of rational actions of personnel in a difficult situation during a fire on transformers, as well as in cable structures, operational cards of actions of substation personnel in case of fire are drawn up. They must indicate the technical data of the transformer and cable structures, specifically, without unnecessary explanations, indicate the actions of personnel in case of fire.
3.19. On the back of the card there should be a drawing of the substation with equipment, grounding points for fire equipment, the route of fire equipment, and the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment
3.20. Operational cards are compiled by the head of the substation group together with the safety engineer and approved by the chief engineer.

4. Fire extinguishing procedure.

4.1. If a fire occurs at a substation, the first person to notice the fire must inform the head of the substation group (foreman).
4.2. In turn, the head of the substation group (foreman), in their absence, the operational or operational-production personnel must immediately report the fire to the fire department, at the same time give the address of the substation, the location of the fire, indicate the amount of transformer oil in the burning equipment, and inform the dispatcher of the fire department.
4.3. The head of the substation group (foreman, operational or operational-production personnel), until the first fire department arrives at the fire site, is the fire extinguishing leader and is obliged to:
- assess the fire situation, predict the spread of the fire and the possibility of the formation of new fires;
- take measures to create safe conditions for personnel and personnel of fire departments to extinguish the fire, in case of threat to people’s lives, immediately organize their rescue;
- carry out the necessary operations to disconnect and ground equipment; disconnection or switching in a fire zone can be carried out using standard switching forms or operational cards, with subsequent notification to the traffic control dispatcher;
- mobilize personnel and members of the fire department to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing means;
- send a person who knows the location of access roads and nearby water sources to meet fire departments;
- conduct instructions on the rules of fire safety and issue a written permit to extinguish the fire to the first arriving senior operational chief of the fire department.
4.4. The senior fire chief who arrived at the scene of the fire is obliged to immediately contact the head of the fire extinguishing, obtain from him information about the situation at the fire and a written permit to carry out extinguishing (Appendix No. 1), which indicates which equipment or which live parts of it remained under voltage, which are de-energized and assume the responsibilities of the fire extinguishing manager.
4.5. The head of the substation group (foreman, operational or operational-production personnel) or the fire department, who did not take over the management of the fire extinguishing, is not relieved of responsibility for organizing the fire extinguishing.
4.6. A headquarters is set up to manage the fire extinguishing efforts. The headquarters includes the head of the substation group (foreman, operational or operational maintenance personnel), who must have a red distinctive bandage on his arm with an electrical voltage sign.
4.7. When extinguishing a fire, the work of fire departments (allocation of forces and fire extinguishing means, changing positions, transition from one fire extinguishing means to others, etc.) is carried out taking into account the instructions of the representative of the substation group. In turn, the representative of the substation group coordinates his work and orders with the RTP, and also informs during a fire about changes in the operating status of electrical installations and other equipment.

5. Extinguishing fires in electrical installations under voltage

5.1. basis safe extinguishing fires in electrical installations is strict adherence to organizational and technical measures aimed at ensuring safety, as well as conscious discipline of personnel and firefighters involved in extinguishing.
5.2. Extinguishing fires in electrical installations under voltage is carried out subject to the following mandatory conditions:
- preventing firefighters from approaching live parts of electrical installations at distances from burning electrical installations under voltage when firefighters supply fire extinguishing agents from hand guns less than those indicated in the table

Substances used for extinguishing

Safe distances to burning electrical installations under voltage, m

up to 1 kV inclusive

from 1 to 10 kV inclusive

From 10 to 35 kV inclusive

Compact water jets

Sprayed water jets, fire extinguishing powder compounds, simultaneous supply of sprayed water and fire extinguishing compounds

Note. The optimal distance from the point of view of safety and extinguishing efficiency when supplying the fire extinguishing agents listed in paragraph 2 is 4 m for all voltage levels.

Coordination of the RTP with the head of the PS (foreman, operational, operational and production personnel) of the routes for firefighters to combat positions and specific instructions to each firefighter during briefing;
- performance of work by firefighters and drivers of fire trucks, providing the supply of fire extinguishing agents, in dielectric gloves, bots or boots;
- supply of fire extinguishing agents after grounding hand-held fire nozzles and fire trucks;
- prevention of fire extinguishing in electrical installations when visibility is less than 10 m;
5.3. When extinguishing a fire prohibited :
- performing any shutdowns and other operations with electrical equipment for fire department personnel;
- approaching machines and mechanisms used to supply fire extinguishing agents to burning electrical installations that are energized by persons not directly involved in extinguishing the fire.
5.4. When extinguishing a fire on electrical equipment without removing the voltage from electrical installations, fire trucks and trunks must be grounded, and the fireman must work in dielectric shoes and dielectric gloves.
5.4. Extinguishing fires in rooms with electrical installations under voltage up to 10 kV using all types of foam using manual means is prohibited, since foam and foam solution have increased electrical conductivity compared to sprayed water.
If it is necessary to extinguish a fire with air-mechanical foam, with volumetric filling of the room with foam, the foam generators are first secured, grounded, as well as the pumps of fire trucks are grounded
5.5. Devices for grounding fire nozzles, foam generators and fire equipment are made in the required quantity from flexible copper wire with a cross-section of at least 16mm 2. In all cases, the length of the wire is not limited and is determined from the need to allow free maneuvering of the person working the fire nozzle.
5.6. Grounding locations for fire equipment are determined by the company’s specialists together with a representative of the fire department, signs are equipped and posted.
5.7. The required number of grounding connections, dielectric shoes, dielectric gloves and their storage locations are determined by the heads of the substation groups, based on the calculation of the supply of fire extinguishing agents to burning electrical equipment.
5.8. The use of the specified grounding devices, dielectric shoes and gloves is prohibited, except in cases of fire or during joint training with fire departments at the substation.

6. Extinguishing fires on transformers.

6.1. In the event of an accident on a transformer resulting in a fire, it must be disconnected from the network on all sides and grounded.
After the voltage has been removed, the fire should be extinguished using any fire extinguishing means (sprayed water, air-mechanical foam, fire extinguishers)
6.2. In the event of a fire on a transformer installed in a closed room (chamber) and a closed switchgear, measures must be taken to prevent the spread of fire through openings, channels, etc. When extinguishing a fire, the same fire extinguishing agents should be used as for outdoor transformers.
6.3. In case of internal damage to the transformer, with internal release of oil through the exhaust pipe or through the lower connector (cut of bolts and deformation of the connector flange) and a fire occurring inside the transformer, fire extinguishing agents should be introduced into the transformer, through the upper hatches and through the deformed connector.
6.4. If a fire occurs on a transformer, draining oil from transformers is prohibited, as this can lead to damage to the internal windings and difficulty in further extinguishing.
6.5. During a fire that has developed on a transformer, it is necessary to protect metal supports, portals, adjacent transformers and other equipment from high temperature water jets, while in the area of ​​​​water jets, high voltage from nearby equipment and switchgears must be removed and they must be grounded.

7. Fire extinguishing in cable structures.

7.1. In the event of a fire in cable structures, measures must be taken to relieve tension from the cables. First of all, the voltage is removed from cables having a higher voltage.
7.2. In order to prevent the spread of fire, measures are taken to isolate cables from other equipment.
7.3. To enter cable structures (cable basements, mezzanines) and supply air-mechanical foam from fire engines, in addition to the main entrances (doorways), existing hatches should be used.
7.4. When supplying foam to cable rooms through doorways, foam generators are fixed in the upper part near it.



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