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Research work "what can fish scales do." Fish scales heal severe wounds Types of fish scales

It’s quite difficult to come up with a use for fish scales right off the bat, but scientists from Nanyang Technological University still managed to do it. In what most of us see as waste, Singaporean researchers have looked at the possibility of creating an affordable and effective medicine. About how scales can serve humanity, tells New Atlas.

No tail, no scales

The discovery of scientists from Nanyang Technological University began with a trip to a fish farm, where they kindly had the scales of sea bass, snakehead and tilapia weighed. Already in the laboratory, researchers began to extract collagen from raw materials, which has proven itself in wound healing. After the chemical modification procedure, collagen from the scales was applied to the skin of laboratory rodents and waited a little. It turned out that fibrillar protein did an excellent job of healing blood and lymphatic vessels.

Collagen extracted from the scales can be used as an additive to medical bandages, bandages, plasters and surgical swabs. Researchers note that fibrillar protein is still found in special dressings, but the collagen for them is extracted from the skin of cows, pigs or sheep, and this is a big problem.

The clinical use of such dressings has always been limited due to cultural and religious beliefs, since the extracted material was obtained from mammalian tissue. In addition, using this collagen requires more processing and testing due to the risk of diseases that can be transmitted from mammals to humans.

Professor Cleo Cheung

Another advantage of fish scales as a source of collagen is its low cost. If the raw materials were not used for medical purposes, they would simply be thrown away like any other waste. In addition, based on the results of previous studies, scientists were convinced of the greater effectiveness of collagen extracted from fish rather than from cow tissue. According to conservative estimates, approximately 2.5 times. Checkmate, mammals!

gold fish

While Singaporean scientists are trying to get the most out of fish scales, Brazilian doctors from a burn center in the city of Fortaleza have adopted fish skin. Doctors use it like a bandage to cover the affected areas of the patient’s body. And, by the way, second and third degree burns are successfully treated.

Brazilian doctors became innovators not because of a passion for scientific experiments, but because of need. Unlike Western countries, public hospitals in Brazil simply do not have supplies of donor human and pig skin or synthetic substitutes. Instead, doctors can only offer a gauze bandage that needs to be changed very often, which causes even more pain for patients. But the rivers of Brazil are full of tilapia fish. Chinese scientists were the first to test fish skin on rodents, but Brazilians were the first to test fish “bandages” on humans, and now “ichthyander patients” can be found in the wards of a burn center.

One of the first patients. Photo: REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker

The development successfully treats even severe burns. Photo: REUTERS/Paulo Whitaker

In addition to its excellent regenerative properties, fish skin, like scales, is inexpensive. According to Brazilian estimates, fish skin wraps are 75% cheaper than sulfadiazine cream therapy. The exact prices of the dressings are not specified, but, taking into account the prevalence of the material, they should be noticeably lower than in the case of conventional analogues. Pharmacies charge for a small package of special bandages 80 rubles(and with the addition of animal collagen - everything 320 rubles). But to cover large burns, such packs, which usually contain only five bandages, will require a whole bunch. A bit expensive, isn't it? A skin transplant from a deceased donor will cost even more - for this “pleasure” they charge at least $10 for one sq. inch. The average human body area is about 1.8 square meters. meters, which corresponds to 3,000 inches. Not cheap.

Another plus to the fish panacea is availability, which donor materials cannot boast of. Despite the fact that in many countries there are national or continental banks of donor skin, there is simply not enough of it for everyone. Moreover, every year there is less and less material. Stefan Poniatowski, head of the DTBV bank, estimated that at least 120 donors per year are needed for all patients in Australia alone, but instead the bank can only count on 90. Meanwhile, no one is experiencing a shortage of fish.

State educational institution “Secondary school No.
20 Orsha"
Educational and research
Oh, this fish
Trafimova Veronica

Head: Vera Borisovna Samotsvetova
Orsha 2017
Table of contents
INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………… p. 3 4
Chapter 1.
1.1. Who are the fish? With. 5 6
1.2. Why do fish need scales? With. 7 8
Chapter 2.
2.1.Use of fish skin p. 9 – 10
2.2. Using fish scales p. 11 12
References p. 14

My dad is interested in spearfishing. Very often he brings good
catch. I really love looking at the fish my dad caught. Of course, clean
Dad doesn’t trust me with fish yet, but I still try to give him something
In fish, perhaps the most unnecessary thing for people is the scales. All the rest
in fish, in principle, you can eat it. However, even scales may turn out to be
useful to people.
From various sources I learned that scales are used in cooking,
medicine, cosmetology, and also for making crafts.
The content of this material interested me and I decided to conduct
research on the topic: “Oh, those fish scales.”
The relevance of the work lies in the fact that making decorative items
with your own hands is not only interesting and exciting, but also quite
useful, as such crafts can become an original gift for friends
or relatives.

Purpose of the study: to prove that fish scales and skin are useful and are not needed
throwing away.
Research objectives:

study literature on the topic

create a questionnaire and conduct a survey

show the practical application of this waste material
Object of study: fish scales
Subject of research: the process of making crafts from fish scales
Hypothesis: fish scales and skin are useful things and can be used in
for different purposes
Research methods:
study of literature;
practical method.
Information sources:
Conversations with students and adults
TV shows
Practical significance:
This activity will help motivate students to become creative.

Chapter 1
1.1. Who are the fish?
Fish are animals that live only in water and cannot live without it.
it takes a long time to get by. Almost all fish are covered with special scales that highlight
a large amount of mucus. This mucus helps the fish to easily slide through the thicknesses
water. The fish's tail helps it move in the water by wagging it from side to side.
side, and the fins help maintain balance and change
directions of movement in water. Swim bladder or sac located in
belly of the fish, helps it regulate the depth of its swimming (float to
surface and sink to the bottom).
The shape and color of the body of fish can vary greatly from each other.
It is by these characteristics that we distinguish one species from another. Streamlined,

the torpedo-shaped shape is found in fish that, during their lives,
constantly fight with the water current, for example, trout and barbel. Wide,
fish that live in calm waters have a tall body. This form
body allows them to avoid predators - as they like to hunt for
wide fish. A flattened body shape is found in fish that live on the bottom (for example,
catfish, burbot, goby). This helps them rest comfortably on the ground.
Fish vision is not very good. The most “sighted” of them will not be able to see
object from a distance of 1012 meters. A clear image of the fish is seen no further
than 1.5 meters. But fish distinguish colors well, and some of them can
see even in the dark!
Like all living beings, fish breathe oxygen. But they inhale it
not from air, but from water. In this they are helped by special organs - gills. In
During its movement, the fish swallows water through its mouth and expels it through the gills.
using special slots in the head. Oxygen from the water enters through the gills
blood and spreads throughout the body. This is the breath of a fish.
There is another interesting organ in fish - the lateral line. It consists of
tubes located under the skin. It enters and moves into these tubes
water under pressure. Why is this organ needed? With help
his fish catch the slightest movements in the water: the strength and direction of the current,
the approach of animals and objects, disturbances on the surface of the water. Also
the lateral line is necessary for fish to find their way and navigate

1.2. Why do fish need scales?
At the very beginning of my research, I conducted a survey among students.
(Annex 1)
The following questions were expected to be answered:
What can scales tell about a fish?
 Why do fish need scales?

 Do you throw away the scales or use them somewhere?
 What can fish scales be used for?
We carefully studied the answers and came to the conclusion that many students
know why fish need scales. Not everyone could say what about fish can
tell scales. And everyone throws it away because they think it's fish scales.

cannot be used at all. This means that the research topic is necessary and interesting.
for the guys. We tried to find out as much as possible and tell our
For fish, scales are of great importance.
Firstly, durable scales can effectively protect the fish’s body
from accidental injuries from hard and sharp objects under water. Sometimes she
saves the fish from the teeth of a predator: the scales slide off its body before
the predator will have time to close its mouth tightly. For sharks, rays and other fish with
placoid scales, the scales play the role of a kind of “grater”, such are they
spicy. You can get hurt on the bodies of these fish.
Secondly, it allows fish to camouflage among algae or
stones, making them invisible to predators. Light silver color
some fish (herring, carp, salmon) is caused by small
guanine crystals located on the surface of the scales. The light that
reflected by guanine crystals, camouflages fish in the sunlight of the water,
distracts the predator and does not give him the opportunity to concentrate on the
Another purpose of the scales is to “comb” the flow adjacent to the body
water in such a way that no microscopic vortices arise. The more
the smooth flow of water flowing around the fish, the easier it is for it to swim.
Thus, the main functions of fish scales are camouflage, protection,
as well as increasing the hydrodynamic properties of the body.
But few people know that you can read the history of life by looking at your scales.

If you examine fish scales under a microscope, you can see that
scales are a thin plate on which there are many
rings and several sharply prominent wide circles. First discoveries
drawings of scales were made in 1684 by the Dutch naturalist Anthony
Leeuwenhoek. He also suggested that the number of rings on the scales corresponds to
the number of years lived by the fish. (Appendix 2)
By the shape of the scales you can determine what type of fish it belongs to. For
For an experienced specialist, scales can tell not only about the age of the fish, but also
at what age she first participated in spawning and how many times. Even about
An ichthyologist can recognize a disease transmitted by a fish by its scales.
Chapter 2
2.1 Use of fish skin
Since ancient times, fish skin has been directly involved in
human life. Fish skin is one of the valuable materials that has affected
almost all spheres of life, from cooking to
clothes. The peoples who inhabited the banks of the Amur, the Nanais, created a waste-free
production: fish meat was used for food, fish oil for skin, fish scales for
sewing clothes, stockings, shoes and other various household items. Manually
processed sewn clothing from this material has become a striking example
cultures of the Amur peoples, called “fish-skinned people.”
This material has all the necessary qualities for commercial
clothes. It is light, durable, protects from wind, does not get wet, good
keeps warm. And the skin of certain species of fish is several times superior in
strength of many materials (Appendix 3).
In composition and properties, fish skin is close to the skin of other animals.
Clothing made from fish skin due to the very close proximity of its components

fibers to each other has a higher level of wear resistance and
durability compared to clothing made from cattle leather. Moreover, leather
fish products are waterproof.
The skin of sea fish, from which the material for production is obtained
various fashionable things, has noble interesting shades of black,
pearl, gray and even golden color. Surface of fish material
with a unique design, ideal for limited edition
exclusive clothing collections.
Products made from fish skin are safer from an environmental point of view and do not
may be carriers of infectious diseases, as in the case of their
made from cattle leather. Processing fish skin is less harmful
for the environment, and the resulting material is safe for children.
But today the production of leather from fish scales is gaining momentum.
popularity. Fish skin has become as exclusive as leather
crocodile or snake. They turned their attention to this amazing material.
attention of world famous fashion designers. Last season designer “Christian
Dior" John Galliano created pink salmon leather shoes that...
sold in Dior boutiques around the world. Salmon skin is one of the most
durable and strong among all types of fish skin. Argentine designers
Unisol companies have developed and released unique sneakers based on
which contains the skin of the herring family.

2.2.Use of fish scales
The list of cosmetics used includes those that
promise “shine” and “shimmer”? Hairspray, nail polish, lipstick. WITH
most likely to achieve these striking effects are used
substances from fish scales that give cosmetics
“pearl” effect. The most common source for these substances is
herring, which is therefore considered the most common commercial
fish, used not only for food.
Russian scientists from the Kaliningrad State Technical University
University announced the development of technology for making marmalade and
any type of jelly from fish processing waste.

As reported by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences of the University Olga
Mezenova, such technology has been presented in Russia for the first time.
Researchers from the School of Medicine of Shanghai University (China) in
tests are currently being carried out on fish scales. According to the latest
reports, it is able to significantly speed up the healing of any external wounds.
So far this has only been confirmed in rats, whose wounds upon contact
with fish scales, they increased their regeneration speed 5 times. Scientists have not yet
is able to fully scientifically explain why fish scales help
restore tissue of living beings. According to the preliminary version, this is
due to the fact that fish scales are rich in collagen, structural proteins
which accelerates the regeneration of not only the skin, but also ligaments and bones.
The next stage of the research is testing the effectiveness of fish scales on
person. Scientists are optimistic, so it is possible that good
fish scales will soon cost more than the fish itself.
The most exotic dish that can be prepared from our fish
reservoirs it is a jelly made of scales. It sounds at least strange and intriguing.
Today, almost no one is familiar with the possibility of using it for food.
fish scales. Meanwhile, in the old days in Rus', to prepare the famous
jellied pike perch, royal jelly, this product was widely used. Jellied
included in one of the dishes at the celebration of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas
The reason for this popularity was primarily the fact that gelatin
in the old days there was simply no such thing, and flake broth was used as a substitute
gelatin in fish dishes. And later, at the beginning of the twentieth century, as an original
dish and tribute to antiquity. Of course, you won’t have to eat the scales themselves,
Only the decoction is suitable for use. The jelly is cooked separately from the fish, later
pieces of boiled fish are filled with a concentrate of scales and fish broth. Us

Fish scales fish scales

(river and lake small fish). It is a valuable culinary product. Usually, when cleaning fish, they throw it away. Meanwhile, if the fish is fresh, and even more so if it is your own catch, then the scales must be collected, washed well in several waters until the cold water is clear, and then dried on a sieve, dried thoroughly and stored in a dry place. The scales processed in this way can be used as a gelling agent - in jellies, jellies, marmalades, jelly and jellies (including berry and milk ones, since correctly and timely processed scales have no odor). Dry scales bloom freely in warm water. It has great nutritional value, serves as an excellent cleanser, and produces a soft and durable gelling layer, not as rough and tasteless as gelatin (see). The bookmark rate is twice as much as gelatin.

(Culinary Dictionary by V.V. Pokhlebkin, 2002)

* * *

(Source: United Dictionary of Culinary Terms)

See what “fish scales” are in other dictionaries:

    Women scales, small plates or scutes of various types, lying closed. Fish scales, lice. Lizards have small scales. The wings of moths are covered with scales. The lizard also has large, bony scales. Roofs and bell towers are covered with tiled scales,... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    SCALES, scales, many. no, female 1. Small plates, scutes, located so that the edge of one covers part of the other. Fish scales. Bone scales (in some animals). The snake shed its scales. The tiles are laid in scales. 2. Small underdeveloped leaves... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    AND; and. 1. Hard plates lying in rows and edges overlapping one another, protecting the body of some vertebrates (fish, lizards, snakes). Fish part. Smooth, slippery part. Remove scales with a fish scaler. // Something that looks like scales.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fish (river and lake small fish). It is a valuable culinary product. Usually, when cleaning fish, they throw it away. Meanwhile, if the fish is fresh, and even more so if it is your own catch, then the scales must be collected, washed well in several... ... Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

    SCALES, and, female Small hard plates located on the surface (of plants, the skin of certain animals) so that each closely covers the edge of the neighboring one. Fish part | adj. scaly, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Fish scales symbolize armor, protection and the god Ea Oannes, Lord of the Deep. In addition, priestesses of various cults of the Great Mother, mistress of the waters, dress in it... Dictionary of symbols

    - ... Wikipedia

    scales- And/; and. 1) a) Hard plates lying in rows and edges overlapping one another, protecting the body of some vertebrates (fish, lizards, snakes) Fish scales/. Smooth, slippery scales/. Remove scales with a fish scaler. b) ott. That appearance... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Fishscale "Fish scales". The scaly appearance of porcelain enamel in which the release of hydrogen from the base metal (iron or steel) causes a loss of adhesion between the enamel and the metal. Individual scales are usually small, but are also observed... ... Dictionary of metallurgical terms

    And, well. 1. Hard plates that protect the body of some vertebrates (fish, lizards, snakes). Fish scales. □ And, shining with smooth scales, the Snake slid between the stones. Lermontov, Mtsyri. 2. Layered cover of something. Ivan Ilyich peeled off the bark scales... ... Small academic dictionary

Who is the most famous aquatic creature? Of course, fish. But without scales, its life in water would be almost impossible. Why? Find out from our article.

Why do fish need scales?

Fish without scales practically do not exist. In some species it covers the entire body from the head to the dorsal fin, in others it stretches parallel to the spine in separate stripes. If the scales are not visible at all, this means that they are reduced. It develops in the dermis, or corium of the skin, in the form of bone formations. In this case, a dense protective cover is formed. Examples of such fish are catfish, burbot, snake catcher, sterlet, sturgeon and lamprey.

Chemical composition

Fish scales are bony or cartilaginous. Half of its chemical elements are inorganic substances. These include mineral salts, namely phosphates and carbonates of alkaline earth metals. The remaining 50% consists of organic substances represented by connective tissue.

Types of fish scales

While performing the same functions, leather derivatives differ in their origin and chemical composition. Depending on this, several types of scales are distinguished. In representatives of the class Cartilaginous, it is placoid. This species is the most ancient in origin. The skin is covered with ganoid scales. In bones, it has the form of scales that overlap one another.

Placoid scale

This type of fish scale has been found in fossil species. Among modern species, its owners are stingrays and sharks. These are diamond-shaped scales with a clearly visible spike that protrudes outward. Inside each such unit there is a cavity. It is filled with connective tissue, permeated with blood vessels and neurons.

Very durable. In stingrays, it even turns into spines. It's all about its chemical composition, the basis of which is dentin. This substance is the basis of the plate. On the outside, each scale is covered with a glassy layer - vitrodentin. This plate is similar to the teeth of fish.

Ganoid and bony scales

Lobe-finned fish are covered with ganoid scales. It is also located on the sturgeon's tail. These are thick, rhombic-shaped plates. These fish scales are connected to each other using special joints. Their totality can be a solid shell, scutes or bones on the skin. On the body it is located in the form of rings.

This type of scale got its name from its main component - ganoin. It is a shiny substance that is a shiny layer of enamel-like dentin. It has significant hardness. Below is the bone substance. Thanks to this structure, placoid scales not only perform a protective function, but also serve as the basis of muscles, giving the body elasticity.

Bone scales, which are monogenic in composition, come in two types. Cycloid covers the body of herring, carp and salmon. Its plates have a rounded posterior edge. They overlap each other like tiles, forming two layers: cap and fibrous. In the center of each scale there are nutrient tubules. They grow in a cap layer along the periphery, forming concentric stripes - sclerites. They can be used to determine the age of the fish.

On the plates of ctenoid scales, which is also a type of bone scale, small spines or ridges are located along the posterior edge. They provide the hydrodynamic abilities of fish.

Long time no see...

Everyone knows that the age of a tree can be determined by the growth rings on the trunk. There is also a way to determine the age of a fish by its scales. How is this possible?

Fish grow throughout their lives. In summer, conditions are more favorable as there is enough light, oxygen and food. Therefore, growth is more intense during this period. And in winter it slows down significantly or stops altogether. Activation of the metabolic process also causes scale growth. Its summer layer forms a dark ring, and its winter layer forms a white ring. By counting them, you can determine the age of the fish.

The formation of new rings depends on a number of factors: temperature fluctuations, amount of food, age and type of fish. Scientists have found that in young and mature individuals, rings form at different times of the year. For the first, this happens in the spring. Adults at this time only accumulate substances for the summer period.

The period of formation of annual rings also depends on the species. For example, in young bream this occurs in the spring, and in mature bream in the fall. It is also a known fact that annual rings are also formed in fish of the tropical zone. And this despite the fact that there are no seasons, fluctuations in temperature and amount of food here. This proves that annual rings are the result of a combination of several factors: environmental conditions, metabolic processes and humoral regulation in the body of fish.

Most most...

It would seem that what could be unusual about the scales? In fact, many fish have unique characteristics. For example, the scales of coelacanth on the outside have a large number of bulges. This makes the fish look like a saw. No modern species has such a structure.

And the goldfish is called so because of its scales. In fact, this is a decorative form. The first goldfish were bred in the 6th century in China by Buddhist monks. Currently, more than 50 breeds of this species are known with red, golden and yellow colors.

At first glance, the eel is a fish without scales. In fact, it is so small that it is almost invisible. It is also difficult to feel because the eel's skin produces a large amount of mucus and is very slippery.

So, fish scales are a derivative of skin. It is one of the structural features that ensures adaptation to life in the aquatic environment. Depending on the chemical composition, placoid, ganoid and bone scales are distinguished.

Anastasia. Items of power, luck and prosperity Ignatova Maria

Dried Fish Scales. To make any money good

– Much ancient knowledge is lost over time and is lost without a trace. Previously, in every house there was always a linen bag with dried fish scales hanging. Such scales were recognized as an Object of Power. In this way people protected themselves from ruin. They knew that as long as there was Scales in the house, the money that came into the house would bring joy and happiness and would not turn out to be a source of troubles and strife. In this way, money was cleansed of evil and became good. Such a bag was always hung near a container with clean water, from where it was taken for various household needs.

– Why did they have to hang him near the water? – I asked.

– People in those days understood that water, as an element, has a very powerful Force, and that it was necessary to come to an agreement with it. So that, for example, it rains on time, the crops are watered. This was also very important for the fishermen, so they also used this Item of Power at sea. When they went fishing, they always hung such a bag around their necks, thereby protecting themselves from the dangers associated with the water element. Nowadays, it is also sometimes important to be able to “come to an agreement” with water in everyday matters, so that, for example, water pipes do not unexpectedly burst or the roof does not leak, but you never know what else can happen due to the fault of this element.

– It turns out that this Scale needs water?

– Yes, this Object of Power definitely needs water, otherwise its Power will remain undiscovered. This is also stated in the “Book of the Hidden Tree of Life”:

“The fish was born in the water, it is for the fish both a home and protection. To become part of the water element, to wash the money in it clean, to use it for good, take with you the scales of a large fish. This way you will become related to all the inhabitants of the sea and will avoid any harm.”

How to create an Item of Power and ask it for help

To create this Item of Power you will need fish scales, and when choosing a fish, it is important to follow the following mandatory rules:

It must be a big fish;

The fish should preferably be caught near the place where you live, or at least in your region, and not brought from somewhere far away;

The fish must have large scales;

Fish should not be frozen.

To ensure that the fish was caught locally, you can purchase fish that have been raised at a local fish farm.

There is a special ritual that must be performed before removing scales from a fish to make this Item of Power.

Fish cleansing ritual

This ritual is performed only on the full moon; it is best to do this when there is no one else in the house except you. The fish must first be thoroughly washed under running water, but not just like that, but with the words:

Water-Voditsa, Free Sister!

Clean and save!

Give joy, give happiness,

Give me luck

Water-Voditsa, Pure Sister,

Then the fish must be thoroughly blotted with a clean napkin, always white, and then placed on a wooden cutting board. Then you need to ask the fish for forgiveness for being caught. And only after that you need to carefully remove the scales from it. You won't need all the removed scales. For this amulet, you need to count the number of scales equal to the current full years of the eldest family member, and add to them the number of scales corresponding to the number of full years of the youngest family member. If you live alone, then the number of scales should correspond to your age. The selected scales must be washed thoroughly, and then placed in the sun to “clean”, preferably on a well-lit windowsill. In this case, you should read the appeal to the Sun:

The sun, our father,

You are kind and affectionate,

But strict and fair!

Help us and protect us.

Give us strength and give us wisdom,

Bright Sun,

Warming us with its rays,

Embracing us with its rays,

Protecting us with its rays,

Help and cleanse.

After three days, the scales should be placed in a linen bag and tied properly. After this, you need to find the right place to place the Scales. Since such Scales have cleansing, healing properties, and at the same time they need to be placed near a source of water, the best place for it is the bathroom. The bag of Scales can be placed in a cabinet or on a shelf. Don't forget to say:

From the big world to our home - nothing bad,

Clean water flows,

Joy is given to us.

Correct appeal. Tips and prohibitions

Fish from which the scales have been removed to make an Item of Power must be eaten during a joint family meal. It will be good if all members of your family take part in it. It is important to remember that the Power remains in this Object of Power for exactly a year, and then it should be replaced, and the old one must be removed from the apartment. But don’t just throw it away, but throw it into the body of water closest to your house, preferably a flowing one, with the words:

What came to us from the water went into the water without a trace.

We must under no circumstances forget that the purifying Power in this Object of Power dries up very quickly if the money that comes into the house is used entirely for one’s own family without a trace. It is imperative to use this money, even the smallest part of it, for a good cause. You can, for example, donate them to a temple or take them to an orphanage. Even if you just buy candy with it and give it to a child from a poor family, that’s already good.

How can this Item of Power be replaced?

To normalize and cleanse the money element inside your home, you can also use well-dried dried fish. Whole, uneviscerated river fish are suitable for such purposes. They should be hung somewhere in the kitchen, not far from the sink. Be sure to hang only an odd number of fish – it’s better if there are three.

Dried fish should also first be kept in sunlight for three days, without forgetting the verbal formula. This amulet is valid for four weeks, and then it must be removed from the house, just as in the case of Scales.

What else can this Item of Power do?

So that the property you inherited is deprived of harm

It turns out that not only money can carry unhealthy, destructive energy, but also things or other property. And if you inherited such property, then, unlike something purchased for which money was given, negative energy passes along with such an inheritance to you and can often greatly harm you or your family. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate ritual using Fish Scales.

The ritual should be performed only at a time when the moon is in detriment.

To perform this ritual, you should temporarily take the bag of Fish Scales from the place where it is located. You will also need one white candle. If you inherited some small thing, for example, jewelry, then you should put it in the middle of an empty table and put a candle on the right.

Then you should light this candle, and carry the bag with Scales three times around the table clockwise, saying the following words out loud:

From the big world here - nothing bad,

Everything is for good, everything is for joy,

Clean water flows,

Joy is given to us.

Then you definitely need to wait for the candle to burn out completely, while it is better to sit next to it, without leaving the room. After that, you need to thank the Object of Power and take it to its original place. Throw the candle into running water no later than a day later.

If you inherited something larger, for example, a car, then the ritual should be carried out in a similar way, except that the candle should be placed on the thing itself, in the center. If this is a house or apartment, then the candle should be installed, if possible, in the center of the room. You should also walk around the house or apartment clockwise, starting from the entrance.

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Sai Baba will help you understand what you should do to bring money into your life. Fate has given you an amazing opportunity. Sai Baba will help you! Ideally, you need direct contact, that is, a trip to the ashram, then apprenticeship (like Alexander). Starring

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 05 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the money multiplies They tell a coin to have a five on it (5 kopecks or 5 rubles), and carry it with them everywhere. After a month, they get rid of it and make it again, that is, they fake it. I go to trade as a merchant, and return on a sable a fine fellow. I'm bringing the treasure home. God grant

From the book Treatment. How to use prayers, spells and traditional medicine author Bagirova Galina

What you need to do to make money Option one Each of us dreams of living in abundance, but not everyone knows how to do it. A psychic is often asked this question. Galina helps people. First of all, everything depends on our desires and aspirations. Galina

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell any wounds This spell was given to those going on military campaigns. And thanks to him, the warriors’ deep wounds healed. Everyone should know the conspiracy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I conjure and take the servant of God (name) under the wing of Cherubim, the guardianship of Seraphim. I speak with words

From the book In Accord with Yourself. The Book of Pride and Shame by Viilma Luule

6. Any problems Release everything that scares you in the slightest degree, which means everything that comes to your mind. Imagine this in the form of an energy body with the outlines of a person or animal that comes out, and try to understand by its habits what it is

From the book Conspiracies, amulets, rituals by Luzina Lada

So that money goes to money Always say when you are given money: “In our wallet is your money, your treasury is my treasury.

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye by Luzina Lada

So as not to turn gray Wash your hair in a basin, which is placed in the first corner. Before this, the water must be spoken: “Two bats are coming, two gray-haired elders. Are your misfortunes, gray hair, and gray beard not enough for you? Take my gray hair on your head.

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book Map of Desires. Order. All come true! author Runova Olesya Vitalievna

Fill the house with good intentions and love 1. First of all, sit down, calm down, and re-read what you wrote in the preparatory stage.2. As much as possible, concentrate on your desires.3. Next we use harmonizing balls. Sit quietly

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 37 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the husband pines for his wife From the letter: “I have three children, twin girls and a boy. My husband met a girl on the Internet, at first he corresponded with her, and then, apparently, he met her. I found out all about this later, when he told me that he had lost interest in me and liked me

From the book Ghostbusters. Methods of protection when encountering the paranormal author Belanger Michelle

Let's become good neighbors As Robert Frost rightly noted in his work “Mending Wall”: “The neighbor is good when the fence is good.” In its plot, two men patch up a fence dividing their property. The main idea of ​​this poem is that precisely defined

From the book 2012 is a long-awaited milestone on the Path author Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

Knowledge breaks any chains 457 = He who knows does not prove, and he who proves does not know = Love and knowledge break any chains = “Number codes.” Book 2 Kryon Hierarchy 08/02/2012 I Am What I Am! I Am Manas! Greetings, Master! Svetlana, phrase 454 = Saint Germain – Master

From the book Your Defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Conspiracies to keep money Plot 1 Find a heap of ants in the forest, put change on it and, when the ants run over the money, read the spell: “As there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that I have money and don’t transfer it. Amen.” Conspiracy 2 When in the cemetery

From the book Dialogue with the master about truth, goodness and beauty author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

I have heard you say many times, “Stop doing. Watch." I also heard you say that the mind should be a servant and not a master. It seems that nothing can be done except to observe... But the question still arises: is it possible to do something about this uncontrollable



Buckwheat porridge recipes

Buckwheat porridge recipes

On water so that it turns out crumbly and very tasty? This question is of particular interest to those who like to consume such lean and healthy...

Affirmations for material well-being

Affirmations for material well-being

In this article we will look at two main areas of affirmations for financial success, good luck and prosperity. The first direction of money affirmations...

Oatmeal with milk, how to cook oatmeal with pumpkin (recipe)

Oatmeal with milk, how to cook oatmeal with pumpkin (recipe)

When the topic of oatmeal comes up, many of us sigh with sadness and hopelessness. Meanwhile, it is well known that this is a traditional food of the English...

Education and formation of conditioned reflexes

Education and formation of conditioned reflexes

“Nervous system” - The midbrain is well developed. The improvement of the nervous system also affected the development of sensory organs. Nervous system of fish...

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