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The history of the creation of the film “Chasing Two Hares. New Year's scene with two hares


Presenter: Notable guests came to us from the city of Kyiv to congratulate the hero of the day. These people are not just ordinary people, but very famous ones. But how will the hero of the day receive them? Sitting... No... Standing... No... Oh! Lying down!! So, hero of the day, strike a pose! Himeon, please.

Khimka. What to ask for?

Presenter. Call me sir!

Khimka. That's what they would say! Come in now, the young lady lay down and ask.

Music from the film is playing

Golokhvastov(short jacket, tight trousers, top hat with a rose, mustache, carnation in buttonhole):
My deepest bow to those in this house, and first of all to you. Lyudmila Nikolaevna! I’m burning, glowing with happiness and all that, dear mamzel, that I see you at my own anniversary... I have the honor to recommend myself: Svirid Petrovich Golokhvastov himself. Let me get to the pen? (Kisses.)

Pronya Prokonovna comes in. (Long skirt, fabric for the sides, belt, blouse with a round neckline and bust, hat, umbrella) Stumbles over the threshold. Slowly creeps in sideways.

Pronya: Because of this, the calbuks were put on, it is impossible to pass.

Golokhvastov: Well, what are you doing, Pronya Prokopovna?! You need to keep the style. We’re not just something, but somewhere! We came for the anniversary.

Pronya: Yes, there is a calidor until you pass - fear!! Is it possible to live up to the moment in this madhouse? I will be the first to congratulate you. I studied at the boarding school for three months. An anniversary is a celebration of a cultured person. After all, naturally, the first thing is intelligence and manners: delicate, polite manners, so that it comes out chic! What an extraordinarily beautiful costume you have! Stupid fashion and dirty material, and probably the first store that sewed.

Golokhvastov: So you think that the dress is just that, but the dress is the first thing, because everyone is greeted by their dress. Let’s take, for example, a yupka: it stands like a pipe, a purely aglypka hwasong! If you don’t add anything, you won’t have hvizinomia! Or a blouse - it seems like a trifle, but a tricky thing: just barely guess it right, and the fashion is not the same, and there is no sympathy. I'm not even talking about the pinjack, because the pinjack is the first problem: as soon as there is no pain, there is no chic! And from even the hairstyle, what is the hairstyle, but as it is, it means it’s on your head, so you’re wearing a parade!

Pronya: Now, consequently, you are accepted as the first hwasong everywhere, but why?
Because you know how to maintain your type, you understand how to speak in a noble way!
Are we drinking vodka? I would like to drink champagne for my anniversary. Mama! Daddy!

Little lady with mommy (dad wears an embroidered shirt and tie, mom wears the opposite cap)

Pronya: , with bubbles! Dad, with bulbs!

Daddy: So is it expensive?

Pronya: Do you regret it, daddy? Do you have any regrets for such a big anniversary?

Daddy: Khimka! Run before your competitors.

Khimka: Huh?

All: Don't bark!!!

Khimka: I don't bark, I bark. What do you want?

Pronya: Run to your competitors, do you hear, your soul is asking!

Mommy: Our daughter studied at a boarding school, they know better than anyone. Her husband is a palikmachter.

Pronya: Mom, not a stylist, but a stylist. He has a salon in Kyiv, two in Paris, and in ____________ (name of your city)- also... three.

Mommy: Yes, yes, such a bright, good head...

Daddy: Only the fool got it... In the meantime, I can give you a little vodka for the health of the birthday girl.
If there is a bottle and a glass on the table, so good! (Toast about husband, family, children) On this word, be healthy! (Drinks.) Oh nice little gorilla. And what about our champagne?

Golokhvastov: And the young ladies are all about Love, love.... What is the main thing in a person? And most importantly, sickness, forever. I came to congratulate the birthday girl, because she is a person.... Naturally, in every visit, the main problem is scholarship. Therefore, if a person is an old man, then the world is already turned upside down for him, sorry, upside down. And then when he, who is new, will have white, then he, who is old, will be like well...

Details Category: heritage classics Published: Friday, 29 June 2012, 04:43 Look at: 24732

I action

Golofastov (himself)

There is no understanding among people, no delicate fantasy! So, they reek of a manly spirit, so be it! And there’s such a vaudeville in my head that it’s only merci, because - educated man! So what about them? You can't miss Prona from Yakbi! There is a need to put pressure on marriage. Apparently she likes me! Well, who doesn’t like me, huh?

And there you have it: a house, a garden, and in the store there is money all over the place. There is only one hope, because this is the end of my hairdressing career! Such a twister that you want to hang yourself.

And when I get married, I’ll live a rich life, and I’ll shave all the razors in the Dnieper. That's why Pronka is a bastard. Like a real toad with a bug on his nose! Here we go.

(Pronya leaves)


Gaspadin Golofastov, is it available?


My heart burned like thorns while I waited for Mamzel.


Having waited, I deliberately did not rush.


Your beauty is indescribable. That's what beauty is to me. The most important thing is intelligence and manners: delicate custodial manners. Viishov chic!


Of course, not men's. (before the peepers). Well, Kiev’s first gentleman!


Well, be smart, Pronya Prokopivna, you’re smart without being sweet.


If this is a crowded public, then I would show myself! And for the whole of Kiev! Otherwise, there’s no one to talk to – there’s only lack of education. It’s just a pleasure to talk with you.


If you went out for a walk, then I would beat my feet with a tunnel all night long.


At night? No matter what happens, I’m a young lady, and you’re a man. That’s why I love to walk around the corner every day with a book - so much so that she writes about love until the resin boils!


Yes, I've already washed out my hair! But it’s better for us to write a novel about love ourselves, rather than read it in books.


Oh, don’t talk to me about love! Don't you know that this innocent girl is ashamed, it's a scandal!


What the hell! I ask you for your hand and heart.


Mercy. Only here, at night, during the month, you can hear as fast as you can, and your heart begins to swell. Come back to us tomorrow and make proposals.


I'll come, I'll come, my candy!

(Pronya went)

Act II (Galya, Golofastov)

(Galya comes out)


We stayed with my mother in the city, because it was already late, the whole place was already asleep.


From the catcher and the beast to run. Tsip-tsip-tsip, my little chain.

Oh, this is a stranger!


Don’t worry, my Zozulko, why were you angry? Hiba z'im?


Oh, if you don’t let me in, I’ll scream a bastard and call out the police!


Well, don’t shout, even if I’m a lover, I’m such a lover that I want to take the gun from my hand and shoot my chest! And if you love me, I’ll make you rich and rich in emeralds.


Let it go! This is no good! Bach yak! Let me go because I'm screaming.

III act (Golokhvastov, Sekleta, Galya)

(enter Sekleta)


What about Galko? In panic? She got it, convict. I guarded against it! My misfortune!


Mom, I can’t cook, I don’t know who the wine and the stars are!

(Holofastov wants to rush in)


Where are you going, panic? Navtjoki? Well, you won’t escape my hands!


What about your daughter?


What about what?


She doesn’t look like you at all - she has a voice like a nightingale, and you have a bark like a barrel!


Oh, what a badass! Just laugh again, having put on a beshket and bared your teeth.


Mommy, my dear, quit yogo, don’t give up the glory. By God - I got my first taste!


Are you interceding? Get me home right away. Even the milk on your lips hasn’t dried yet, and she’s already hugging the boys, I’ll rip those patches off at home, you convict!


I'm already in trouble!

(I want to get in)


Ati kudi, hartsyzyako! If I couldn’t withstand such a shelifost, I wouldn’t be Sekleta Limerivna!


But by God, I didn’t finish it, I just fooled around. I'll pay you, I'm so rich!


Breshesh, hit the Herods! She cheered as they hugged. I know how you drive girls crazy.


But I didn’t start it, I didn’t start it. I swear to you, without thinking of dishonor! (I want to be viral)


Don't worry, I won't let you in! Police, police!


Drown, rot, demonic woman! Listen here: I love your daughter, I want to marry you.


They went to swear swearing to the church.


Don’t let all the Pechersk saints punish me, don’t let the great Lavra clink fall on me if I’m wrong!


Holy land, O people!


And what about the dog there, did you beat him up?


Oh! (Holofastov exists)


ABOUT! Now I believe! Let's go to the wedding tomorrow (Pishla)


What? And the wealth of Pronka, and the king Galya. Not a bad option.

I V diya (Pronya, Yavdokha, Prokip)


De tse vi, donyu, did you go?


On Khreshchatyk Bula, I bought a purchase. Os, mom, what did I buy for you - a cap.


It would be great for me in my old age to wear caps like these, and even those with red bows.


That's the same fashion!


Simplicity, donyu, is not a sin!


And you, tattoo, roses, pull on the necklace.


But what is this for?


Bo I will be a glorious gentleman. Why did I honorably think so? And that gentleman will marry me.


But who?


Svirid Petrovich Golofastov! Panic, rich, the mind is both gone and gone!


The wrong barber from behind the ditch? Bare-tailed?


Not a barber, but a hairdresser, both intelligent and wealthy. Garniy, just for fun. I will call you when required. Go to your room, and don’t come out without a cap, mom. Don't forget the tie!

V day


Oh, I’m already panicking! How to accept Yogo? Sitting? Liege? With a book in your hands?



Ah, tse vi? Bonjour, merci, I was so engrossed, so engrossed! Mommy, daddy, Mr. Golofastov has arrived, please!

VI act (Ti z i Golofastov)


We really ask! For the sake of it! You have already been praised so much, so praised!


It’s too much to radiate a reasonable person. It’s a great pleasure to teach a sensible person.


Mercy, naturally, in skin circulation - the main form and learning. Therefore, if a person is a person of learning, then the world is already changing: where for the uneducated it is black, for the educated it is white. Do you understand me, Pronya Prokopivna?


Of course, a reasonable person is completely different, so I know that it was not for nothing that I ended up in the boarding house.


Oh, it’s true, what happened – they didn’t spare a penny: we know all kinds of fashions, what kind of clothes she wears, dresses, shawls, cloths, and how to love flowers.


Oh, Pronya Prokopovna has taste. If a person rises above his mind on the mountain, above the Lavra bell tower, and looks at the people from there, he smells of such small things, like Patsyuks, sorry, Chriss.


Well, he's smart! Well, he knows science!


It's scary!


Prokope Sviridovich, and you, Yavdokie Pilipovno! I spoke with your sensible daughter Pronya Prokopivna about one secret thing! I suddenly want to marry them, and they all agree. Now I ask the guardians to bless this proposal.


I am not my daughter’s enemy, what’s in my screen is all Pronine.


And at the same time that same day, Golofastov betrothed to the stolen Galya. Galya didn’t want to marry someone else, but her mother insisted, because she really wanted her daughter’s wealth.

Already here Svirid Petrovich is already at the end of the line with Proneya Prokopivna. The news about the massacre quickly spread throughout Kiev.


I’m not ashamed of the joy that, after all, to praise God, I was waiting for my saint. And what a handsome groom - she sat, sat and still hung! Education, fashionable, clean, like a cucumber. Ayaka lyublyona, the heart is just tooh-da-tooh. Axis, I’ll burn yogo, oh...

Golofastov (before the gazers)

There will be a king in me - Galya, and a toad with pennies.

VIII Act (Sekleta, Yavdokha, Pronya, Golofastov, banker)


Well, did they want to marry me? I'm not giving it!


Why did you let Yakus Samashedsha in?


Why am I selfish? Tse ti me samashedsha zrobiv!


There you go! My eyes and eyes are flooded!


Sesto, don’t ruin our Prona, don’t dishonor us, we’re the only one in us.


There is a daughter in you, Yavdoho, and a daughter in me. Let me be this way and that, but I won’t let you worry about my child. Golofasty has betrothed her, and now with your Pronka you want to take Galya’s groom.


Svirida Petrovich, what do you mean?

Yavdoha and Prokip at once

How about that, Svirida Petrovich?


Nonsense, nonsense! I won’t let you, on my honest name!


I’ll immediately show you lies, I’ll turn the damn thing around. Come along! Thinking that you are rich, you can be covetous of the girls! Turn it over!


I won’t allow such a scandal, I won’t forgive in any way. Yes, I’ll arrest you all for lying and lock you up!

(banker exits)

Oh, people, marvel at how rich he is. The axis of his borgov’s goiter is not paid. Vin is bankrupt. My borzhnik!


Yes? So what? But all I wanted was your pennies and wealth, and not to marry your filthy Pronci!


Bankrupt! Bankrupt! Bankrupt!

New Year's tale “How the Cossacks drove children crazy”

Scenario New Year's performance for high school students based on the films “Chasing Two Hares” 1961, 2003, in the year of Cinema,

Characters and performers:

Butko family:

Old Cossack Micah: Milyaev Dima.

Aksinya, wife of Micah: Davydova Lena

Gregory, hairdresser, aka Stylist, their son: Nefedov Danil

Koval family:

Old Cossack Erema : Feofanov Andrey

Natalia, his wife : Cherkasova Katya

Glasha , forced graduate of the “Star Factory”, their daughter: Fedchun Katya

Agnessa Petrovna, director of the “Star Factory”: Serbu Dasha

New Year's Witch, Anna Petrovna, sister of Agnessa Petrovna : Slesareva Anya.

Musical background: Prologue from the musical “Chasing Two Hares.” The music ends with words“Scientists have long proven that human history develops in a spiral. Everything in life repeats itself. Our story today already happened once.”

Scene 1.

Mikhei and Aksinya Butko.

Aksinya runs around with a broom, wiping the table, shaking dust off the tablecloth. He takes out the cast iron with a towel. On the cast iron there is the inscription “Multi-cooker”.

Micah enters quickly. He's a colonel always wearing a hat , accustomed to commanding when necessary and not necessary. Aksinya, seeing her husband, drops everything and stands up with a broom, as if with a gun at the ready.

Micah: Stand at attention! Report the situation! Garden?!

Aksinya: Cleaned up, what are you doing, Colonel, winter is just around the corner!

Micah: Talkers in action! Two outfits out of order: first, second and compote!

Aksinya: Yes sir!

Micah: Cattle?

Aksinya: Fed! No, I'll wait for you!

Micah: Talkers in action! Two outfits out of order!

Aksinya: Yes, I understood: first, second and compote!

Micah: Yes sir! And I?

Aksinya: And you are Colonel Mikhei Kuzmich Butko, an honored Cossack, and I am your wife Aksinya!

Micah: Yes, that's understandable!

Aksinya: And then what?

Micah: Am I fed?

Aksinya: Ugh - you've completely driven me crazy with your commands. Let's have lunch now.

While setting the table, Micah questions her.

Micah: Why isn’t our son, such a scoundrel, going home to his hut? As soon as he appears, I’ll quickly pull his hands out.(mockingly) Palikmacher.

Aksinya: Not a hairdresser, but a Stylist!

Micah: Call him or something. New Year how - no way. Maybe he'll change his mind...

Aksinya: (calls his son) Hello, son? Grishenka! If not Grishenka, but who? Goga!!! Holy, holy! Where is Grishenka? And it's you, son! Hello, son! But we decided to call you to find out if you would come to visit for the New Year? The old man was all worried, how are your little hands, do you feel pain at your work, he promised to show you to a traumatologist. Will you come?! Here’s the joy - well, okay, I won’t bother you. Bye! Father, son Grisha will come home for a visit!

Micah: Okay, where's my whip?

Aksinya: It’s hanging on the wall, but what do you need it for now?

Micah :(finds a whip, waves it) I'm getting ready for the Stylist's arrival!

Aksinya: Oh, fathers, if you scare him away, he’ll stop going home, better let’s go to dinner!

(They leave for lunch)

Scene 2.

Eremey and Natalya Kovali.

(music “Oh, glad, glad”)

Natalya sits on a chair and reads the newspaper, making comments to her husband Eremey along the way. Eremey runs around fussing, collecting bags to send his daughter to the “Star Factory”

Natalia: Well, look how impudent Clinton was - she didn’t go dancing with Trump on Christmas. Well, he doesn’t respect men at all... Erema! Did you give your daughter warm tights?

Erema: (runs out of breath in an apron) I put it down. And I finished that pink blouse and socks yesterday.

Natalia: Did you put any jam?

Erema: Yes Yes. Her favorite is cherry, pitted. On the right shelf, eighth row, twenty-sixth can on the edge.

Natalia: Our daughter doesn’t study hard, but at the “Star Factory” she stars.

Erema: Yeah, they spent so much money to get her there. At least it would make sense!

Natalia: Well, don't talk arm in arm! Otherwise you’ll jinx it... (dreams) She’ll learn to be a singer, go on tour, earn a lot of money, buy us a trip to Egypt or Turkey. And you and I will go(pause, with anger) and, finally, we find out that they eat everything there on an all-inclusive tour package.

Erema: Natasha, don’t be angry, we’ll have lunch now. I'm all ready! Let's go to!

(They leave for lunch)

Scene 3.

Arrival of the Stylist.

(music “And I have a gift”)

Dressed in the latest fashion: Trousers, on top of the trousers is worn something like a wraparound skirt almost down to the knee, on top of a very bright shirt with a bright contrasting scarf around the neck, a cap on the head backwards.

Goga – Grisha: Well, here I am at home. What squalor! And the smell—the smell! No, no, I can't stand it for long. So a couple of days and run away from here. DadA, I hope he will give me some money. Yes... you'll have to endure this one village life, otherwise I’m completely broke!

(Aksinya runs out)

Aksinya: Grisha, son, has arrived!

Goga – Grisha: Yes, Goga - Stylist, arrived in person!

Micah: Where is this scoundrel - Palikmacher?!

Goga – Grisha: Sorry, dadA,Stylist!

Micah: Well, hello... Christmas tree tail... Turn around, son - Stylist, let me look at your skirt.

Goga – Grisha: (addresses mother) But, momA!

Aksinya: And it’s true, Micah, well, you really pestered the child. Get out of the way...


Goga – Grisha: Yes, I ate at McDonald's...

Micah: Belyash doesn’t interfere with him anymore, give him this American guy!

Goga – Grisha: But, dadA!

Micah: Tsk, I said! Where did I send you to study?

Goga – Grisha: To the Agricultural University, to become a veterinarian!

Micah: And you?

Goga – Grisha: And I failed the session and enrolled in the Dog Hair Stylists course!

Micah: What? Are you not a human yet? Well, keep me seven!!! (tries to get the whip).

Goga – Grisha: MomA! What is he doing?

Aksinya: Micah, you are so hot for me! Yes, check it out. Maybe there's nothing wrong with this.

Micah: Why not: he can’t call his father and mother in a normal way. DadA– momA.I put on a woman's skirt!

Aksinya: Still, check it out! (brings a chair and seats Micah) Well, son, Dad is ready. Do his hair for the New Year! And I'm going to godfather!(leaves)

Goga - Grisha:( takes off his hat from Micah’s head and sees that he is completely bald)

Music "And I, and I have a rare gift." To this Gog music, the Stylist drums his fingers on his father’s head, wondering what he should do with it. He sticks his father's ears out and presses them down. Suddenly, remembering something, he hits himself on the head. He opens his bag and starts trying on his father’s wigs one by one, after trying them on, he throws them into the bag again. The father boils with rage and drives his son off the stage with his whip.

Scene 4.

Return of Glasha from Star Factory

Kovali's musical theme "Oh, glad, glad"

Natalia: Erema, well, did you collect everything for your daughter?

Erema: Yes, yes, let's go now.

Natalia: Have you turned off the iron?

Erema: Turned it off, turned it off, yesterday.

Natalia: What about electricity, water, gas?

Erema: I turned everything off, closed it, unscrewed it, unscrewed it, unsoldered it, tore it off and sewed it on again.

Natalia: What did you sew it to?

Erema: It doesn't matter anymore, let's go.

Natalia: Let's go, close the house.(dogs bark) The dogs barked for some reason. Is someone coming? Oh, yes, this is Agnessa Petrovna, director of the Star Factory. Oh, something is not right here!!!

Agnesa Petrovna: Hello, Eremey Afanasyevich and Natalya Prokopovna!

Erema: May you be healthy too, Agnesa Petrovna! Is there something wrong with Glasha?

Natalia: Againtriedset fire to“Star Factory”, destroyed tram tracks, pinched the mayor of Moscow?

Agnesa Petrovna: Well, come on, it's all in the past. Now she has other activities. At first she decided to become a goth because, you see, black makes her look slimmer. And all the future artists and factory owners also dressed in black. Then she became interested in yoga and all the students stood on their heads.

Erema: Cheerful girl, so what are you afraid of?

Agnesa Petrovna: Dear parents, take Glafira from the “Factory”. Otherwise we will all go crazy!

Natalia: What happened?

Agnesa Petrovna: Now you will see for yourself!!!

(the music “My number 245” plays, Glasha comes in - Gopnitsa in a sweatshirt with the number 245)

Glasha: Good evening! Let's get some rations, master!

Eremey: What kind of masquerade is this?

Glasha: This is your masquerade, citizen boss, but I have harsh everyday life on the kichman.

Natalia: Hey, friend, is this your answer to the home regime?

Glasha: The regime, as far as I remember the sentence, was house arrest.

Agnesa Petrovna: Glashenka, in my opinion, is not a very successful joke.

Glasha: Don't crumble the loaf, boss, I have no time for jokes now.

Natalia: I quickly changed my clothes and came out as a normal child.

Glasha: They are leaving, mommy, under the amnesty, but I don’t care about it still oh-oh-oh how far.

Eremey: Listen, friend, it’s good to talk - then. They swaddled your fins for good reason.

Glasha: It's a good call, uncle. There’s just a lot of bosyat courage in your rattle. But the truth is not enough. They gave me impudence, of course. I can see in my eyes that it’s not clear and I won’t see a havushka today. Yes? Okay, I'll go. Why push an empty car with you? Bon Appetit everyone!

(Aksinya flies in)

Aksinya: (shouting) Kuma, help me! Where is Glasha?(I saw Glasha and is speechless) AAApppp...!(Glasha leaves)

Scene 5.


Aksinya: Natalya, I heard that Glasha was coming, I thought she was from your factory, an independent girl, a worker. Maybe it would have a positive influence on my Stylist, but here it is...

Natalia: ( on the verge of hysteria ) Something needs to be done, something needs to be done...

Eremey: Well, everything is quiet. The Cossack will speak. Agnes Petrovna, I heard that you are a relative of our New Year’s healer Anna Petrovna?

Agnesa Petrovna: Yes, she is my sister.

Natalia: Why the New Year's healer?

Agnesa Petrovna: Yes in ordinary life she is a people's investigator.

Aksinya: How is that?

Agnesa Petrovna: She always knows everything about everyone. But on New Year’s Eve, her third eye opens and she can treat people with unconventional methods.

Eremey: Well, I don’t need women’s gossip; I’ll go to Micah for advice. I will determine the severity of the Stylist.(Leaves)

Aksinya: Oh, my son is heavy. But really, how are we going to deliver the children to the Medicine Woman?

Natalia: Well, I’ll suggest that I take a walk through ethnic places and say that Anna Petrovna is a direct descendant of Baba Yaga in the male line.

Aksinya: And I’ll run to get a photo of Grisha, maybe it can also be used for treatment.

Agnesa Petrovna: We'll meet at my sister's.

Scene 6.

Song therapy.

(Lady Gaga music plays)

New Year's Witch, aka Anna Petrovna: (looks through the index cards in the drawer) Judging by my file, today their children, Grisha and Glasha, are supposed to come to the neighbors Butko and Kovalya. (He takes binoculars and looks). That's right, we've arrived. So what date do we have this morning? Looks at the calendar. Wow, it's time to open your third eye.(sticks third eye on his forehead) Well, I may, after all, have a little feminine weakness. Moreover, clients will soon come to me.(Looks through binoculars). Oh, no, clients are canceled for today. My sister brought some of her students again. What kind of young people have gone, they are doing strange things, and Anna Petrovna to the rescue! So no health is enough!

(knock on the door)

Agnesa Petrovna: Sister, are you home?! Good evening!

New Year's Witch: Hello, sister! Come in, come in! I see it’s not in vain that you left your students and came here, you have serious business. Are you helping out the stylist and the Gopnitsa?

Agnesa Petrovna: Yes, I feel sorry for them, they are good, talented guys, but they are confused. And the parents are worried. Do you hear?

Aksinya: Come on faster!

Natalia: Yes, I'm running!

(run in)

Aksinya and Natalya (in unison, out of breath): Hello!

Anna Petrovna: And you do not have to be ill! I know about your trouble. That the children got away with it, don’t remember their family, don’t honor traditions. Only song therapy can help here!

Aksinya: ( timidly) Doesn't it hurt?

Natalia: Safely?

Anna Petrovna: Well, so that they don’t resist, I’ll put them into a trance.

Aksinya: You can’t put mine in a trance, it’s in my photograph.(shows photo)

Anna Petrovna: Nothing, so much the better, he will sleep peacefully at home while the session is going on. And then you will see for yourself what will happen. Where is Glafira?

(music by Glasha “My number 245”) Glasha enters.

Glasha: Good evening! Well, who is the direct descendant of Baba Yaga in the male line?

Anna Petrovna: (secretly shows his fist to his sister, who shrugs) Well, apparently it’s me.

Glasha: And the eye in the forehead is burning.(addresses mother) Mommy, you tricked me. That's it, I went.

Anna Petrovna: Wait, I’ll just fix your cap!(lightly taps Glasha on the forehead, Glasha falls asleep) We have five minutes at our disposal! Turn on the gramophone!

Musical number"Medley of folk songs"

« Oh, my box is full, full,

There are chintz and brocade,

Have pity, my sweetheart, on the good shoulder!

Oh, frost, frost, don't freeze me,

Don't freeze me, my horse.

Don't freeze me, my horse.

Oh, it’s not evening, it’s not evening

oh my little one didn't sleep enough

I didn't sleep enough as a kid

oh yes, I saw it in a dream

I didn't sleep enough as a kid

oh yes, I saw it in a dream

You said in ponidilok

Let's go to the barvinok at once

I am pryshov - tebe nema,

Pidmanula, pidvela

Well, you mane pidmanula,

You're a mane pidvela

You are the mane of the young

Rozuma was calling crazy

You told vitorok

Poziluesh having developed forty

I pryshov-tebe nema,

Pidmanula, Pidvela

Apple and pear trees bloomed,

Fogs floated over the river.

Katyusha came ashore,

On a high bank on a steep one.

Katyusha came ashore,

To the high bank on the steep

A snowstorm is blowing along the street,

My little darling is following the snowstorm...

Your beauty drove me crazy

She crushed the good fellow me!..

Wait, wait, my beauty,

Let me take a look, joy is upon you!

Oh, viburnum is blooming in a field near a stream

I fell in love with a young guy

I fell in love with the guy to my misfortune

I can’t open up - I can’t find the words

He lives and knows nothing about it

What does one girl think about him?

Glasha (wakes up) : Mom, where am I?

Natalia: Yes, you are at home, in the village, you came to visit for the holidays.

Glasha: Oh, what's this on me?

Natalia: Yes, a carnival costume!

Glasha: I don't want such a suit!

Natalia: And that’s right, let’s go home and change clothes!

Aksinya: So, you go change clothes, and I’ll go home! And you, dear sisters, come to visit us. We need to see how it all ends!

Scene 7.


Micah: Eremey, did you see, our stylist, for no apparent reason, fell straight to the floor. He lay there for five minutes as if he were sleeping, and then jumped up. He looked at himself, pulled off his skirt and ran off somewhere.

Eremey: Yes, here he is!

Grisha: Hello, Uncle Eremey, dad, where is mom? New Year is coming soon, but she is nowhere to be found!

(noise, commotion, the whole company of women comes in)

Aksinya: Here we come! (calls husband) New Year's Healer, Anna Petrovna, said that in order to speed up her son's recovery, we must fulfill it cherished wish!

Micah: And this..nor..that..?

Anna Petrovna: Don't be afraid of anything! Everything will be fine!

Micah: Tell me, son, do you have a cherished desire!

Grisha: Yes, dad!I want a songto know what my grandfather sang to me as a child and you and Uncle Eremey often sing it. Maybe you can teach me?

Micah: Yes, with joy, son!

Musical number “Cossack prayer + Lezginka”

Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.

The Cossack also asked for Truth for the people.
If there is Truth on earth, there will be Freedom.
The Cossack prayed for his friends - so that they would be in a foreign land
Greed and pride were bypassed.

Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.
Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.

So that wives wait, and fathers, and children
Those who are looking for the Mother Truth all over the world.
The Cossack asked for blessings for the people,
So that there is bread and salt in peaceful villages.

Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.
Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.

So that blood does not flow at the father's threshold,
So that he would not live unjustly, he prayed to God.
So that Cossack prayed for his native land,
So that neither grief nor tears touch her.

A Cossack stood on the mountain - he prayed to God.
For freedom, for the people I bowed low.

Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.
Oh, oh, oh, don’t be afraid of me.
I won't touch you - don't worry.

All: All! Happy New Year!

Today on one of the TV channels in the morning they showed the 1961 comedy “Chasing Two Hares”, filmed by Viktor Ivanov based on the play of the same name by Mikhail Staritsky. And I immediately remembered a later remake, which was shown on New Year’s Eve about twelve years ago. Specifically, I remembered the song about the dowry. And of course, I first listened to the track, and then watched the entire musical. And this morning I’m in a really good mood

Rice. 1. Congratulate relatives. "Chasing two birds with one stone"


original name: « Behind two hares"

Production: Ukraine, 2003

Directors: Artem Litvinenko, Maxim Papernik, Vadim Savitsky

Scenario: Grigory Khovrakh, Vladimir Zelensky

Genre: musical comedy, New Year's film, musical

Rice. 2. Cake and ensign. Still from the musical comedy “Chasing Two Hares”


Alla Pugacheva in the role of the over-aged dreamer Toni-Antonina Koroviak, the only daughter of the owner of a local supermarket chain. Dreams about pure love and about the stage.

Fig.3. Dowry. Still from the film “Chasing Two Hares”

Maksim Galkin in the role of the local peacock - stylist-rogue Alexei Chizhov, nicknamed “Chizh”, who needs to find money in two days to pay his debts. For the sake of beautiful life ready to marry an ugly old maid.

Fig.4. Meeting at the club. Still from the film “Chasing Two Hares”

Andrey Danilko/ Verka Serdyuchka as Makarovna, the star of the local market and part-time aunt of Tony Korovyak and mother of the beautiful Galina. He dreams of marrying his daughter to a wealthy businessman.

Rice. 5. Aunt. Still from the film “Chasing Two Hares”


  • Anatoly Dyachenko - Nikolai Korovyak, a supermarket owner who dreams of marrying off his daughter,
  • Nina Sharolapova - Lyudmila Korovyak, his wife, Tony's mother, always spoils her daughter
  • Olga Sumskaya - Galya, the beautiful daughter of Svetlana Makarovna, sells Christmas trees,
  • Nikolay Boklan - Sanya, a security guard at the market who looks after Galya,
  • Olesya Zhurakovskaya - Lyuska, housekeeper in the Korovyak family

Fig.6. Flower for your beloved. Still from the musical film “Chasing Two Hares”

  • Tamara Yatsenko and Tatyana Sheliga - flower sellers at the market, friends of Svetlana Makarovna
  • Roman Bogdanov, Sergei Dzey, Yuri Yakusha - friends of the stylist Chizhov
  • Alexander Bondarenko is the director of the market to whom Chizh owes money
  • Lyudmila Smorodina and Tatyana Kudrya - friends of Tonka Korovyak
  • Andrey Danilko - maniac Anton
  • and others

Rice. 7. Stylish bouquet. Still from the New Year's musical "Chasing Two Hares"


Banal, simple, eternal. A small town whose life is in full swing around the market. But besides him, in the city there is a chain of supermarkets of local entrepreneur Nikolai Korovyak (Anatoly Dyachenko), who has an only daughter (Alla Pugacheva), a girl who is no longer young, not thin, not pretty, not modest, but zealously dreams of the stage and a happy marriage to a stylish and bright man. She dreams so much that her dad paid for his child’s participation in the show “Star Factory”, from which his daughter was kicked out.

And in the town there is a unsuccessful entrepreneur Alexey Chizh (Maxim Galkin), who loves to live brightly and beautifully, but absolutely does not know how to save and count money and owes a large amount to the owner of the market (Alexander Bondarenko), where the “Cleopatra beauty salon” he rents is located ", formerly hairdressing salon No. 17. And, of course, the logical idea comes to his mind to marry his beloved daughter (Alla Pugacheva) of a wealthy supermarket owner. In order to overwhelm a competitor, this event is sponsored by his creditor, the owner of the market. But this does not prevent him from simultaneously pestering Gala, a beautiful girl (Olga Sumskaya), who sells Christmas trees at the market.

Rice. 8. You can’t argue with the market director

And nothing prevents this girl’s mother, the star of the local market, the rude trader Makarovna (Andrei Danilko), from her point of view, from forcing this “rich” man to marry her daughter, who is the cousin of the fat woman with a rich dowry.

Rice. 9. Mom's birthday. Still from the musical film “Chasing Two Hares”

Restrictions: 12+

The film is New Year's, but you can watch it at any time of the year. The plot is eternal.

Rice. 10. Capturing the groom. Still from the New Year's film “Chasing Two Hares”


I watched and listened to the musical with great pleasure. And for the first time, and now. And now even with more. The plot is eternal. The New Year was included in the plot, probably by order of Channel One, and the New Year theme does not interfere with, but helps to watch. Adds extra flair.

The musical is very light, watches in one go, although it is not short.

There are a lot of songs, it’s a pity that they didn’t become hits. My favorite is about the dowry. Pugacheva is magnificent in her. I liked that Alla Borisovna played the leading role. Yes, she is not young, but according to the script, Tonka Korovyak is not a seventeen-year-old beauty. And we clearly see a woman of indeterminate age who really wants great and pure love. It’s bad that everyone knows Diva’s age and starts saying all sorts of things. In the film, her character is from 30 to 50 and she was made up like that.

Catch two Hares
Goal: Increasing motivation to study in English, development creativity students, communication skills, artistic taste

Equipment: multimedia projector, costumes, props according to the script
The scenery changes using a multimedia projector
Author -(a Narrator)
Svirid Petrovich Golokhvosty - (hairdresser)
Prokop Sirko - (a local shopkeeper)
Yavdokia - his wife
Pronya Prokopovna - their daughter
Seklita - (Sirko’s sister)
Galya - (her daughter)
Khimka - (a servant)
A local boy
A local girl

For a more comedic effect, it is advisable to give some female roles to guys (the role of Pronya, Seklita, Pronya’s mother and Khimka)

(introductory speech by the teacher)
Frame 1 header
Muz von (minus “visiting a fairy tale”)

Author frame 2
This story happened in one very beautiful city of Ukraine with some ordinary people. It could happen at any time because it is still actual nowadays. All the characters of this play are very vivid, bright and unique so only they could create such a situation that was discussed later by the whole city.
Action 1
Let me introduce the first character Svirid Petrovich Golokhvosty
Muz von 1-exit Golokhvostov
(Golokhvosty comes out and bows)
He is a simple hairdresser who wasted all his money and now he looks for rich girls who will deicide all his financial problems.
Golokhvosty (in a jacket and top hat, looking into the hall at the girls)
What beautiful girls are here, like flowers, like sweets. Oh my God!
(tango - Golokhvosty dances with one of the girls from the audience - a local girl) Muz. Background2 - tango
Guy (smoking) Oh, Svirid Petrovich, we have just been discussing you.
Bare-tailed Because I am a very popular person in this city. (bows) May I take a cigarette?
Boy (looks at him) What a clothes you have!
Headtail Of course, of course, I am a very fashionable guy. All my clothes are made abroad of foreign materials. What are clothes for a person? Clothes are everything! (shows off his clothes)
(sees Pronya and heads towards her)

Frame Park
Muz von 3 - exit Prony (Barbie girl - Aqua)
Author. Pronya is a daughter of a local shopkeeper. She dreams about show-business. She thinks, she’s very talented and hopes to marry a rich man. Also she’s sure she has a very sophisticated taste.

Oh, here she is, my Pronya.
Bonjour, Mademoiselle. My heart is as hot as a hammer.
Pronya Merci, Monsieur

Bare-tailed My dear, Pronya, you have such French manners, I have never seen such a sophisticated girl. Let me give you a candy.
(hands her candy)
Pronya (takes one) Oh, I’m so tired of these sweets. I would better prefer exotic fruit.
Baldtail My honey, I can bring you all exotic fruit which you want. Do you know how I love you! I want to make you a preposition.
(gets down on one knee)
I hope you find my words and discover,
What do you mean to me in this life...
I love you, my dear, you know it,
Don't cut pieces my heart with your knife!

Pronya Do not tell me about love, please. You make me shiver and I’m such a shy girl. Come to our house in the evening, I will introduce you to my parents and you will make me a preposition at their presence.
(kisses Golokhvostogo and runs away)
The chorus of Abba's song “Money” sounds. background 4
Baretail (shows his fist) Pronka is here I’ll marry her and all their money will be mine.
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...

(sees Galya, who modestly walks away)
Muz von 5 exit Gali
(minus “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked”)
Author Halya is a poor and shy girl. Her mother is eager to kill anyone who touches her daughter…
Bare-tailed (to Gala) Do not be afraid of me, my bird, my honey.
Galya Don’t touch me or I will shout! Help! Help!
Bare-tailed Don’t shout, just listen to me, my sweety. When I saw you at first I fall in love.
If you"re going to love me and cherish
I will always answer you the same,
And if there is no way, I will perish...
But my favorite word is your name!
You are the best madam in the world. I promise I’ll make you rich, I’ll give you all diamonds of the world.
(Seklita appears)
Seklita Pebbles, what are you doing here with this mister?
Galya (justifying) Mother, I don’t know him, who he is, where he is from. I met him here and he began to tell all these stupid things about love.
Seklita People, keep him, stop him, he wanted to offend my daughter! Help, help!
(grabs Golokhvosty by the jacket, he twists out)
Baldtail Do not shout, please.
Seklita Police! Police!
Bare-tailed Listen to me, please, I’ll tell you all the truth. I love your daughter and she loves me, I don’t lie, I want to marry her, she is a real gold for me.
(begins to swear, falls to his knees in front of Seklita)
Seklita OK. I believe you. Come to us tomorrow and we’ll discuss your wedding.
(everyone leaves)

Act 2
frame 5
(room of Sirko's bench - bourgeois interior)

Muz von 6 -minus Ditties
Sirko married couple sitting at the table and drinking tea
Author Now, my dear friends, let me introduce you Sirko family.
Prokip Sviridovych - a local shopkeeper and his wife Yavdokia Pylypivna. They want their daughters to be educated, talented and marry a rich man.
(Pronya comes in)
Pronya Mother, just look what I bought for you!
(pulls a cap on the mother’s head, she resists)
Mother, you must look very fashionable, because one very rich and handsome man comes to us in the evening to make me a preposition.
Parents (at the same time) Who is he?
Pronya Svirid Petrovich Golokhvastov!
Father He is a hairdresser
Pronya He is not a hairdresser, he is a hair stylist, very rich and popular. I go to my room to prepare for his visit, call me when he comes.
Father Very rich and popular!..
Mother of A hairdresser…
Father (interrupts) Hair stylist! Rich and popular…
Mother But...
Father Without “but”! You don’t understand - VERY rich and popular! -as usually, you don’t understand…
(they sing to the tune of “You tricked me”) Muz von 7
Did you promise that on Monday
We will go to the Subway

You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I'll forgive
You're the only I believe

And on Tuesday you suggested
We will travel to Manchester
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?

You're my love and you're my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I'll forgive
You're the only I believe

And on Wednesday I was hoping
We will come together shopping
I have come and you’re not here
What had happened with you, dear?

You're my love and you're my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I'll forgive
You're the only I believe

Did you promise that on Thursday
We will go to the birthday
I am here and you are there
What had happened with you and where?

You're my love and you're my soul
You betrayed my hopes at all
Come again and I'll forgive
You're the only I believe

(Parents leave)
Act 3
frame 6 - Proni's room
Muz von 8 (minus “Even if you are a little over 30”)
Pronya begins to get ready, throws on a shawl, takes a fan, takes the laptop upside down, fans herself with a fan)
Golokhvasty enters with a cane in his top hat.
Baldtail Let me introduce myself! Pronya Prokopivna, where are you? Maybe she is sleeping.
Pronya Here you are. Bonjour! I was surfing the net, I’m so busy.
(parents enter, mother in a ridiculous cap)
Dear, Mummy, Daddy, I’d like to introduce you my boyfriend Svirid Petrovich Golokhvasty
(Golokhvostov kisses his mother’s hand)
Mom Nice to meet you, monsieur. Welcome to our house.
Father Nice to meet you too. I see a very clever man. (kisses him three times) Are you a son of Golokhvostov?
Pronya Daddy, he is Golokhvostov not Golokhvostov, a very fashionable and popular person among show business.
Khimka (from behind the door) Will I bring a wine and glasses?
Pronya (stomp on her) Hymka, go out!
Mother Mister, you know our daughter studied at the University. She has a nice taste and many dresses.
Hollowtail Oh, yes, I see her beauty and taste because I have many fashionable boutiques, my work is closely connected with show business and such diamond like Pronya can shine in show business too. May I smoke here? (takes out a cigar)
Pronya Hymka, fire.
Mother Hymka, fire.
(Khimka comes running with coal on a scoop)
(Parents leave)
Bare-tailed (to Prona, taking her hand) My dear, my honey, you know that I can’t live without you. My heart is beating like a motor (puts her hand on her heart)
Pronya Maybe it is your telephone is beating? (he takes his phone out of his pocket)
Bare-tailed You don’t believe me? I’d be the happiest man in the world if you marry me!
Pronya (looks into his eyes) I agree.
(They sing to the tune of the song " Moscow Nights": Muz von 9
Lazily the brook, like a silv"ry stream
Ripples gently in the moonlight,
And a song afar fades as in a dream,
In the spell of this summer night...)

Frame 6 Proni's bedroom
(against the background of fast music and the author’s words, preparations for the wedding take place - Pronya dresses up and Khimka helps her) Muz von 10
Author Sirko’s family is preparing for wedding, servants are cleaning and decorating the house and Pronya is very happy because she will marry at last.
Pronya Faster, Faster!.. Oh, my God!.. He"ll be here! Give me that necklace!.. No!.. not this one, that necklace will be better!.. Well, give me both of them !.. My darling will be here soon! He is an expert in fashion...I must be in trend... Give me a wreath too. Quickly! Hurry up!..
Well, what do you think?
Khimka What a beauty!

(Bald-tailed appears with flowers)
Bald-tailed Let me my dear Pronya congratulate you on this prominant day in my life and kiss your hand.
Pronya Bonjour merci (kisses her hand, they hold hands, the bells sound) frame 7 bells
Muz von 11bells

Act 4
(the image of the church changes to the image of the wedding table)
Frame 8 table
Muz von polka
Golokhvostov z Proney, the married couple Sirko and a local guy and girl dance at a wedding)

(a noise is heard, a roar, Seklita appears, the cat pulls Galya by the hand)
Seklita (shouting) Let me speak, let me speak.What a criminal marriage it is. He is a lier, he promised to marry my daughter Halya!
Bare-tailed Who is this crazy woman? I see her at first. Please, somebody, take her away.
Galya (sad):
No more tears to cry
No more words to lie
No more reasons to talk
No more roads to walk
No more oaths to give
No more things to believe
No more hours to pray
No more promise to say
No more souls to steal
No more heartbreak to feel
No more doors to be knocked
No more hearts to be rocked
No desires to have
No more secrets to save
No despairs to hide
It is cruelty beside

Pronya What happened? I don"t understand this situation. Explain me, somebody.
Seklita This mister (points to Golokhvosty) promised to marry my daughter. (to Golokhvosty) Why did you come to us if you weren’t going to marry her?
Pronya Tell me that it is a lie, that you love only me.
Baldtail Yes, I’m a bankrupt, bankrupt, I needed only your money
(Pronya clutches her heart)
Pronya (sings to the tune of Verka Serduchka’s song “Dolce Gabanna”
Muz von 12 minus Dolce Gabanna
I’m wearing a dress of Dolce&Gabanna,
I'm having a stress of this awful drama,
Now my eyes are open, the clock has stroked,
Now I feel that my hart has been so cruelly broken…)
I loved you, not your shops and botiques but YOU betrayed me.

(Tears off his veil and throws it at the shaggy one)
Baretail If I were rich I would never marry your ugly and stupid Pronka, I would never appear in these slums where all live,
(Pronya loses consciousness, her parents rush to her)
I would marry a beautiful and rich girl because I’m the most talented and handsome man in this city.

Father Get out of here!
Pronya, her mother, Seklita (together) Get out of here!
(Balltail tries to move away importantly. Everyone rushes after him with their fists, Khimka with a dustpan, Seklita with a broom, he waves it off, but speeds up. Everyone leaves the scene)
By My dear spectators, the end of this play was predictable, because you can’t catch two hares at once and if you try you may get in such an unpleasant situation like our main character. We hope you enjoyed our acting, we wish you luck and health.
(The actors come out and sing the final song Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack) Muz von 13

(What do you say?)
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Oh! Woman, oh woman, don't treat me so mean,
You"re the meanest old woman that I"ve ever seen.
I guess if you said so
I"d have to pack my things and go. (That"s right)

Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Now baby, listen baby, don't-a treat me this-a way
Cause I"ll be back on my feet some day.

Don"t care if you do"cause it"s understood
You ain"t got no money you just ain"t no good.

Well, I guess if you say so
I have to pack my things and go. (That's right)

Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more.

Don't you come back no more.
(What do you say)
Don't you come back no more
(Come on baby)
Don't you come back no more
(Repeat a couple times and fade)



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