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The history of the creation of the dome and the swallow. Description of Yuon’s painting “Domes and Swallows. Description of Yuon’s painting “Domes and Swallows”

Children's answers.

Date of creation: 1921 Yuon Konstantin (1875–1958) - Russian Soviet painter, master of landscape, theater artist , art theorist. IN early work Yuon often turned to the motifs of the Russian village: the artist was interested in the state of nature, the change of seasons, the life of provincial towns and villages, and the architecture of ancient churches and monasteries. His painting style was formed under the influence of the lessons of Korovin and Serov. After the revolution, the artist’s individual style changed little; the range of subjects became somewhat different. One of the best works of art There is a canvas called “Domes and Swallows”. This is a very bright and glorious page of painting in the Soviet Union. The painting was painted in 1921 on the theme of ancient cities and architectural buildings. It was during this period of writing that the author’s talent developed. The image shows us a very unusual and interesting angle. It’s as if the artist himself has become one of the birds and is soaring in the clouds with them. As if from a flight, from a height, he saw all the beauty of the earth and conveyed it to the audience with colors. The composition looks very colorful and bright. The canvas presents the architecture of Zagorsk, which captivates the viewer with its uniqueness. The painter chose an unusual point of view, so everything takes on a new and unexpected look for the viewer. In the background, the artist showed ordinary houses, and in the foreground - the shrine that people created. With the help of the temple in the picture, the author wanted to show us what the unity of earth and sky should be like! After all, the golden crosses depicted on the canvas are noticeably drawn towards God, and after them are sinful people who want to atone for their sins and come closer to heaven. The whole composition around is rejoicing, rejoicing, delving into the picture you can feel the spring warmth that the author tried to reflect, which also shows the sun, happiness and crosses that rise only to the heavenly sky. Painting is designed to give the viewer something eternal, reasonable and beautiful. This is exactly what you can get by looking closely at Yuon’s optimistic and bright canvas. The author not only makes you admire the architecture and nature ancient city Russia, but also to join spiritual life.

the entire text

Do you like Domes and Swallows? You can buy it as a canvas in a baguette, printed as a framed photo, or even with a textured gel applied to make it look like the original.

Olga Petrova - its author receives royalties from each sale. By ordering this painting from the online store of paintings, posters and reproductions “Khudsovet”, you are helping this person create new works Canvas by K.F. Yuona “Domes and Swallows” - a bright page Soviet painting

. The picture was painted on the theme of the architecture of ancient cities. The canvas was created in 1921 - during this period the artist’s talent developed most powerfully.

“Domes and Swallows” is a bright and colorful composition that captivates the viewer, first of all, with its originality. This canvas shows the architectural ensemble of the city of Zagorsk.

From the unusual point of view chosen by the painter, both the domes and other buildings take on an unexpected appearance. The middle ground shows the buildings of the monastery - a church and a tower, and somewhere in the distance - provincial houses small town

In the foreground are the golden crosses of the domes against the background of a bright blue sky, clouds and birds. Everything around is rejoicing, enjoying the warmth of spring. The painter seems to not want to see the ugliness and poverty of the surrounding human life– he notices only the sun and crosses ascending to the eternal sky.

K. F. Yuon makes you admire Russian nature and the architecture of the ancient Russian city. The painting “Domes and Swallows” is distinguished by a decorative richness of color shades and a joyful perception of the surrounding reality.

In addition to describing the painting by K.F. Yuon “Domes and Swallows”, our website contains many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on the painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.

Yuon K.F.

Artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon was born in 1875 in Moscow. From his youth he loved to draw. At the age of 27 he entered the Art School in Moscow. His first mentors were Savitsky, Kasatkin, Arkhipov, Serov.

Even at student exhibitions, Yuon’s paintings attracted the attention of viewers and quickly sold out. With this money, Yuon traveled around Russia and even to Europe to gain impressions.

After receiving his diploma, Yuon became a teacher and devoted his entire life to this activity. He worked a lot in painting, writing in oils, gouache, and tempera.

The artist immensely loved beauty both in nature and in life. And his paintings are full of joyful mood from the bright sun, blue sky, fallen snow, bright outfits, ancient architectural monuments.

In general, Yuon was very fond of depicting his native Russian nature in combination with beautiful ancient Russian architectural structures.

Fate favored Yuon. Success came to him in his youth and stuck with him throughout his life. He was awarded, revered, and held leadership positions. Sadness was brought by a quarrel with his father for several years due to his marriage to a simple village girl, with whom the artist lived for many years. brought him grief tragic death his son.

Yuon died at the age of 82 and was buried in Moscow.

Bazaar at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Winter. Sunday market day. A festive crowd gathers at the walls of the Lavra - peasants on foot, merchants and wealthy townspeople - everyone is rushing to the market. Some came to buy things needed for the household, some, on the contrary, came to sell, others had not yet decided to buy, but decided to ask the price for now. And who just “gazes” at goods, people, meets the right person, listen to news and gossip. But the hawker praises his goods: “Buy pies, delicious, hot, no one bakes them like my mother-in-law! Buy them, check them out, you won’t regret it!” Against the background of white snow, red, blue, yellow clothes of peasants, painted sleighs, bundles of balloons bloom in bright colors... And above all this rise the walls and domes of the cathedral, the bottomless blue sky. The picture evokes a joyful mood.

Blue morning. Rooks on birches (1930)

The whole picture is filled with the bottomless blue sky, trunks and branches of birch trees. And only at the very bottom - snow-covered roofs of village houses, a fence, small spruce trees, smoke from the chimney of the hut. Frosty winter morning. The rays of the winter sun brightly illuminate the white trunks of birch trees and the snow on the roofs. Birds joyfully welcome the arrival of a new sunny day. The picture evokes a joyful, jubilant mood.

Domes and Swallows (1921)

Holy Rus'...Holy domes... They occupy the entire left side of the picture - only the onions of handsome domes on the drums against the background of the blue sky. Gold sparkles in the sun orthodox crosses, the golden dome shines - the other three are white with golden stars. And below is the city, Sergiev Posad, green roofs, green thickets of trees. The vast blue sky and clouds clustered towards the horizon. And among this space - flocks of fluttering swallows...

Beginning of Spring (1935)

An elegant, almost decorative picture. The beginning of spring. Early morning. The snow has melted almost completely, only here and there, in the calm, near the fence, the gray remains of old snowdrifts are still visible. The trees stand bare, their black trunks and broken silhouettes of branches clearly stand out against the background of the morning sky. The village is still sleeping, the houses are invisible in the early morning darkness. But the first ray of sun is already painting the wall of the house on the left side of the picture pink, and lighting up the glass of the veranda of the house on the right with lights. But the main thing in the picture is the sky! Occupying almost the entire space of the picture, it shimmers with subtle shades of colors from bright pink to soft blue. A sonorous symphony of flowers combined in itself, along with pink and blue paints delicate green, azure, yellow; each color smoothly transitions into one another. Flashing the scarlet morning dawn at the very horizon, the sky, gradually turning into other colors, becomes lighter.

The Matchmaker's Dance (1912)

The artist conveys here wedding custom in the Moscow province. Winter frosty Sunday day. A village street with log houses, black silhouettes of birches, children playing. A cheerful wedding procession is moving down the street. The matchmakers are dancing furiously ahead, expressing their delight at the successfully coordinated wedding. Skirts curl around the legs, the dance is accompanied by hand gestures. Behind them, the matchmaker joyfully plays along with them on a tambourine, and even further away the accordion player furiously stretches the bellows of the accordion. They are followed by the more balanced bride and groom, slightly drunken guests. The picture is very realistic, life-like. It evokes a joyful mood, a feeling of vigor, frosty day.

Building a house

In Rus', houses were always built together by the entire village. And now the artist is describing such an event. The summer day is coming to an end. In the center of the picture is an unfinished log house. Some men are laying another log on top, others are transporting the logs to the construction site on horseback. As a rule, in such cases, women prepare food for everyone, and when the house is built, there will be a holiday - the whole village will celebrate this joyful event. The artist conveys people’s actions very realistically and vividly; an unfinished log hut that seems warm from the sun, bushes and trees that surround the village. The evening sun gilds the wall of a log house, chips on the ground, and a small house on a hill in the distance.

Holiday (1903)

The holiday is most likely Easter. The snow has melted, but the trees are still bare. people rush to the temple... This is Sergiev Posad, the Assumption Cathedral. The day is warm and sunny. The sun brightly illuminates the white walls of the cathedral and dome. The sky is blue and cloudless. The artist creates a festive mood with the glare of the sun and the colorful clothes of the parishioners.

Canopy. Ligachevo (1929)

The canopy is a cold, attached corridor in front of the entrance to a village hut. The artist depicted a canopy and a barefoot young girl with buckets and a rocker in her hands. She is dressed in a simple dark skirt and a white jacket, with a headscarf on her head. The girl smiles, she feels that this work is pleasant for her, and it is not a burden to her. With convincing authenticity, the artist conveys the surrounding environment: the log wall of the hut, the plank walls of the entryway, the cracked plank floor. On the right, near the wall, there is a staircase to the attic, and a basin hangs on the wall. On the left, on a wooden bench, some boxes, buckets, shovels, and other household items were piled up. Behind the girl's back opened door, in which you can see a sunny summer day, a fence, a vegetable garden. Sunbeam illuminates part of the wall and floor at the entrance. The picture is very simple, unsophisticated, evokes a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Blue day. Rostov the Great (1906)

Early spring. Rostov the Great, Kremlin, church domes, Kremlin walls. Horses, still harnessed to the sleigh, pass through the square near the Kremlin walls. They have difficulty moving through the spring slush - the snow that has not completely melted is mixed with mud. The day is warm, the blue sky is reflected in puddles, and the walls of the Kremlin and houses, unmelted snow are painted pink by the morning sun. And despite the dirt and slush, the picture creates a joyful spring mood. And although the artist called the painting “Blue Day,” it could also be called “Pink Day.”

Winter in the Woods (1935)

The forest is bewitched by the Enchantress Winter

And under the snowy fringe, motionless, mute,

He shines with a wonderful life.

And he stands, bewitched, enchanted by a magical dream,

All wrapped, all bound in a light chain of down...

(F, Tyutchev)

August evening. The Last Ray (1948)

blue bush

Round dance (1903)

Carousel. Uglich (1913)

Red goods. Rostov the Great (1905)

March Sun (1915)

Moskvoretsky Bridge. Old Moscow (1911)

Russian Winter. Ligachevo (1947)

Old Moscow

Rooks. Winter. Sergiev Posad

Spring Sunny Day (1910)

View of the Trinity Lavra (1916)

End of winter. Afternoon (1929)

Winter sun. Ligachevo (1916)

Continuation. Beginning see Nos. 1, 5, 9, 13, 18, 21, 25, 29, 33, 36, 40, 46 /1999; 1, 5, 9, 16, 18, 22, 28, 30, 38, 43, 47/2000; 3, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 42, 47/2001; 4, 8, 12, 18, 21, 25–26, 29, 33, 41, 45/2002.

Poetry in colors

Aesthetics Lesson No. 45

Subject."Creative path artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon (1875–1958)".

Goals. Introduce children to the work of the artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon. Expand your horizons, instill a love of art.

Equipment. Reproductions by K. Yuon: "Domes and Swallows" (1921), "March Sun" (1915), "End of Winter. Afternoon" (1929), "August Evening. Last Ray" (1948);

text with an excerpt from a poem by I. Nikitin.


I. Organizational moment

II. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson Teacher.

Friends! In this lesson we will get acquainted with the work of a wonderful painter, a multi-talented person, Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon U. Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon was a native Muscovite, and only foreign surname
reminds us that the artist’s ancestors came from Switzerland. All of his work is devoted to the depiction of Russian nature and old Russian cities.
Yuon began drawing at the age of eight and devoted his entire life to painting. He studied with such great artists as V.A. Serov, K.A. Korovin, I.I. Levitan. Yuon was especially influenced by Levitan, his inspired painting, his ability to choose a landscape motif.
Yuon loved spring and winter very much. He wrote: “I was looking for new colors in nature - in Russian spring and winter.” Nature in the artist’s works cannot be imagined without humans, without animals and birds, which not only enliven the landscape, but also form a single whole with it. According to art critic D. Argin, “Yuon is faithful to the great tradition of Russian landscape painting , who managed to find for native nature
their clear and pure sounds."
The artist was best at landscapes, especially winter and spring ones. Bright sun, winter road, white snow on which multi-colored shadows lie, fresh frosty air, flocks of jackdaws in the blue sky, thin birch trees dusted with frost, peasant huts, sleighs, horses. Yuon’s paintings contain a whole poem about the life of the Russian province. In 1906, Yuon settled in the small town of Sergiev Posad, not far from Moscow. This town is still famous for its monastery, which is called the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. This is a large monastery, a whole city within a city, with many churches, the ancient Assumption Cathedral with five domes and a tall, elegant bell tower built in the 18th century. In days church holidays
Thousands of people came to the Lavra for a pilgrimage.
The versatile artistic and cultural activities of Konstantin Fedorovich are closely connected with Moscow, where he received his education, graduating in 1898 from the School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
He knew Rostov Veliky, Nizhny Novgorod, Uglich, Torzhok, Pskov, Novgorod and others very well. Yuon can be called the discoverer of their unique artistic appearance.

IV. Getting to know the painting "Domes and Swallows" (1921)

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon I bring to your attention one of the types of church domes and blue sky.

Describe what you see. Children.
Clear summer sunny day.
– The blue sky is “decorated” with swallows.
– The artist depicted five church domes in the foreground.
– Four domes are white with gold specks, and the fifth – the main dome – is all gold.
– There is a cross on each dome, and one of them is reflected in a large golden one.
– You can see the monastery below. Lots of houses painted in bright colors.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon– There is a lot of greenery in the city.

Friends! Let's close our eyes for a moment, return to a hot summer day, as depicted by Yuon, and try to “hear” the swallows. D.
Oh, what a noise it will make!
– They are an adornment of nature!

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon- It’s good that they come to us.

Yuon gave us the opportunity to admire the beauty of the domes and see the sky in which swallows fly. We sort of visited these places.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon V. Introduction to the painting “March Sun” (1915)
We said that Yuon was very fond of depicting spring and winter. Let's move from a clear summer day to a clear winter day.

Friends! Let's close our eyes for a moment, return to a hot summer day, as depicted by Yuon, and try to “hear” the swallows. I present to your attention a reproduction of the painting “March Sun”.
The artist depicted a sunny winter day. The sky is almost without clouds.
– The sky is blue and the snow is blue. - This rural landscape
. The houses are all one-story, multi-colored, the roofs are covered with snow.
– The village is large: there are houses on the left and far to the right.
- There are a lot of birch trees in the village. This is the Moscow region.
- Two riders are riding along the path on horses. One of them is holding a bucket in his hands.
– A small horse is running behind, its color is red with white spots. And the second horse with white spots. Maybe this is her foal?
- The dog runs after the horse.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon– Looking at this picture, you become happier, your mood rises. A cheerful picture. Beauty theme native land

inspired K.F. Yuona. His painting is filled with vivacity and a feeling of joyful fullness of life.
The freshness of a clear March day with a sparkling veil of snow and purple shadows, with bright spots of village huts and horsemen riding along the road is conveyed by the artist with temperamental, broad painting. Involuntarily, lines from a poem by I. Nikitin come to mind:
In yards and houses
The snow lies like a sheet

And the sun sparkles

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon K. Yuon knew how to discover beauty in the everyday. I bring to your attention another winter landscape dedicated to the beauty of nature near Moscow.

The teacher shows a reproduction.

Friends! Let's close our eyes for a moment, return to a hot summer day, as depicted by Yuon, and try to “hear” the swallows. The artist depicted a clear winter day. The sun is shining, the shadow is falling from the birches, from the house, from the fence.
– The snow is pink from the sun, the birches in the background are also pinkish.
– In the foreground are chickens: they are poking around in the settled snow.
– People – three adults and one boy – gathered somewhere to ski.
“Their skis are very wide and their poles are not the same as they are now, but very long.
– The snow on the roof has already melted around the edges.
– It feels like the frost is not severe.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon It would seem that there is something interesting in this piece of life old village, but this picture carries a joyful mood and you want to step over the border of the picture, get on skis with the villagers and travel around winter forest, warmed by the gentle sun, and listen to the sounds of the approaching spring.

VII. Getting to know the painting "August Evening. The Last Meadow" (1948)

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon I bring to your attention one more, last reproduction of this wonderful artist. This work is somewhat different from the ones we previously considered.

The teacher shows a reproduction.

K. Yuon. August evening. The last ray. 1948

Friends! Let's close our eyes for a moment, return to a hot summer day, as depicted by Yuon, and try to “hear” the swallows. This is a terrace in a country house.
– Bright, rich colors. The terrace seems to be all red.
- Lots of windows, lots of light. The windows are open, which means August evening- warm.
– There is a large table on the terrace with a tray with a samovar on it.
– There is a jug with a large bouquet of flowers on the table.
– Next to the jug there are two books.
- There is a teapot on the tray.
“There’s a glass and a cup on the table, which means only two people were drinking tea.”
– There is an armchair next to the window.
– There are trees outside the window, the leaves on some of them have turned yellow.
– Where the chair is, you can see from the window a large field, there is more yellow than green on it.
- So autumn is very close.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon Yes, everything in this reproduction speaks of autumn. The terrace is large, the table is large. Perhaps she was going to drink tea from a samovar at this table in the summer big family
, but with the approach of autumn most of them left for the city. Only two people remained to wait for the arrival of autumn. But it won’t be long before they will probably leave this cozy corner of country life. This picture may remind you of the interior theater stage

. Yuon also worked for the theater.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon VIII. Final part The main place in the artist’s work belongs to works dedicated to Russian drama:, Gogol, Gorky. The artist was connected by especially deep friendship with the Moscow Maly Theater.
This theater cannot be imagined without flowery costumes, picturesque interiors and scenic landscapes of Zamoskvorechye, made by Yuon for Ostrovsky's plays. Yuon was an artist-teacher. Many masters came from his school-studio Soviet art

. In the book “On Painting,” the artist summarized his theoretical views and his inherent understanding of the laws of art.

III. The creative path of Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon IX. Lesson summary

Which artist's work did you become familiar with? Which paintings do you remember and why? In what area of ​​art did the artist reveal his abilities?

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Bead weaving

Bead weaving is not only a way to occupy free time child productive activities, but also the opportunity to make interesting jewelry and souvenirs with your own hands.

Konstantin Yuon’s painting “Domes and Swallows” allows you not only to admire ancient architecture Zagorsk (now Sergiev Posad", but to join the spiritual life.

As if uniting heaven and earth, the artist lovingly paints the domes of the temple with golden crosses reaching towards God, calling upon sinful people to cleanse their souls with repentance and come closer to heaven. Yuon chooses an unusual angle for the image: from a bird's eye view, the domes look more majestic, more solemn... the view below, illuminated by the shine of the domes, also takes on a festive mood. The joy of life is felt.

Swallows circling over the city emphasize the artist’s desire to convey to people an awareness of the importance of spirituality. In Christianity, the swallow is a symbol of resurrection: returning from the sea with the arrival of spring, it brings new life.

The swallow symbolizes supernatural power, which protects the believer.

The entire composition is permeated with spring warmth and gives the viewer something eternal, reasonable and beautiful.

You can buy a reproduction of Yuon’s painting “Domes and Swallows” in our online store.

GREAT offer from the BigArtShop online store: buy a painting of Domes and Swallows by artist Konstantin Yuon on natural canvas in high resolution, decorated in a stylish baguette frame, at an ATTRACTIVE price.

Painting by Konstantin Yuon Domes and swallows: description, biography of the artist, customer reviews, other works of the author. Large catalog of paintings by Konstantin Yuon on the website of the BigArtShop online store.

The BigArtShop online store presents a large catalog of paintings by the artist Konstantin Yuon. You can choose and buy your favorite reproductions of paintings by Konstantin Yuon on natural canvas.

Konstantin Yuon was born in 1875 in Moscow.

He studied painting at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with famous artists Konstantin Savitsky, Abram Arkhipov, Nikolai Kasatkin, Valentin Serov.

He received recognition while still a student. His paintings were sold out with pleasure, and thanks to his talent, he regularly received awards, prizes, and titles.

Yuon’s work is distinguished by spiritual and enchanting human joys, and a special poetic view of Russia. He is known as a painter, graphic artist, and theater artist.

In addition to painting and design theatrical productions, founded his own studio, where he taught the basics and secrets of craftsmanship.

Also known as one of the founders of the Union of Russian Artists. He was one of the artist members of the famous World of Art association. He taught at the Surikov Moscow State Art Institute and other art institutions. Died April 11, 1958. Buried at Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

The texture of the canvas, high-quality paints and large-format printing allow our reproductions of Konstantin Yuon to be as good as the original. The canvas will be stretched on a special stretcher, after which the painting can be framed in the baguette of your choice.



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