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Image of a skull and crossbones on a gold cross. Calvary Cross: photo, meaning of inscriptions

Skull and bones under the cross of the crucified Christ

Take a look at fig. 131. Do you see a skull and bones under the cross on which Christ was crucified? This is the skull, or forehead, of Adam - that’s what it’s called in Christian tradition. Why are the skull and bones placed under the cross? After all, our ancestors didn’t do anything for nothing, they placed signs everywhere to make it easier to follow the same path that Christ walked.

What is the difference between a living person and a decayed person who has turned into bones? Meat. With the help of meat (muscles) a person moves through life; on meat he writes down everything that he experienced in life, all the events that happened to him. Rules, patterns of behavior, blocks, unresolved emotions, pain - all this is written in the meat, including the tissues of various organs. This is easy to see if you sit in meditation, calm down and allow yourself to enter with your mind any pain in the body.

What is the difference between a living person’s head and a skull? The same meat and contents, that is, brains. All human life activity is controlled in one way or another by the brain, this is clearly felt. And under the cross of Jesus we see a bare skull and bones, without meat or contents.

Rice. 131. Golgotha ​​and Adam's skull with bones under the cross

What does this mean? Adam is the first man, and he lived in paradise... Consequently, the skull, that is, the forehead of Adam, denotes the PURITY OF THE ORIGINAL NATURE OF HUMAN, THE PURITY OF THE PRIMITIVE BEING - and this is the same ancient root ding, “purity and equanimity of the inner original nature, unmixed with external phenomena, that is, with phenomena and images,” which was lost by us and found again. Jesus, being on the cross, combines the male and female, the vertical and the horizontal - the cross, and the union of the male and female naturally gives birth to Fire - the Cross. This Fire burns everything earthly, everything that Jesus lived, and it goes into the primitive state of being- that’s why Adam’s forehead and bare bones are located under the cross.

By the way, Baba Yaga has the nickname “bone leg” precisely because she also personifies pure consciousness, the purity of primordial existence. She combines masculine and feminine, as her name shows.

As you know, in the Old Russian language the word bonfire meant a tower or fortress. Bonfire - bone, because er This is Ъ - a hard sign in Cyrillic. Bonfire - bone - bone.

The fortress - the bone - gathers people inside itself and around the house, and the bone gathers meat around itself. Since Up Equals Down, Names bone And bone carry the same essence: bone- root kos - sus. Therefore, next to the cross you can sometimes find the word bonfire(see Fig. 85). It means that Jesus Christ and his teaching are both a fortress - a fire/bone that gathers people around and protects them, and a fire that provides warmth and spiritual food.

That is, words bone And bone played an important role in ancient times; in my opinion, they carried the meaning of the basis of the fundamentals and were closely related to sus and essence.

But we digress a little. We will receive the next knowledge about the Place of Execution from the “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”.

"Song about the prophetic Oleg"

“...And Oleg is lively, peace is with all countries, the prince is in Kyiv. And autumn came, and Oleg remembered his horse, which he set to feed and not give everything to, because he asked the magicians and the magician: “Why should I die?” and one magician said to him: “Prince! horse, if you love him and ride him, you will die.” We accept Oleg in our minds, in other words: “I’m no longer everywhere, I don’t see him anymore”; and he commanded to feed him and not to take him to him, and he remained for several years without seeing him, until he went to the Greeks. And I came to him to Kiev and stayed for 4 years, in the fifth summer I remembered the horse, from which the ox screamed to die, and called the elder groom and said: “What is my horse, whom I set to feed and look after?” He said: “He died.” There is". Oleg laughed and reproached the magician, the river: “It’s wrong for you to say this, but it’s all a lie: the horse is dead, but I’m alive.” And he ordered the horse to be saddled: “otherwise I see his bones.” And he came to the place where the bones of his head were lying: and his forehead was his head, and he sat down from his horse, and laughingly said: “Was it from this forehead that death was taken from me?” And he stepped with his foot on his forehead; AND THE SERPENT CAME OUT FROM THE FOREHEAD, AND I PIECE INTO THE FOOT, and from that I fell ill and died. And all the people cried with great tears and carried and buried him on the mountain, which is called Shchekovitsa; There is his grave to this day, say Olgov’s grave. And all the years of his reign were 33.”

I will not interpret the entire passage, we are only interested in the part about the bare forehead and about the snake that bit Oleg. What are we talking about here? Look at fig. 132. Do you see now?

Rice. 132. Pharaoh Ramses II. The ruler must have an empty mind, then the Great Serpent can unite with Wisdom

The forehead is naked, which means EMPTY, and the emptiness belongs to Navi. Emptiness always belongs to Navi, while the manifest world is the world of manifest forms, the world of completeness. The Great Serpent - the Power of Life - where does it live? In Navi, that is, in the emptiness, in the emptiness of the mind, it is more correct to say.

And when does the Serpent awaken and rise? When the top and bottom are united, that is, when the former half-mind filled with images dies, becomes empty and gains wisdom. That is why the pharaohs, that is, the rulers who connected the top and bottom, are depicted with a serpent in their forehead.

Oleg stepped on his naked forehead? This means that when he emptied his mind, his top and bottom were united. When the top and bottom connected, the Life Force in the form of a snake crawled out and bit him. Oleg died - his “I” died. He died from a horse, and it was on a horse - on his deathbed - that our ancestors descended into the other world to Veles.

The horse on which they descend into the kingdom of death also refers to the mind with its desires. It is he who brings us down to hell, where the “I” dies.

That is, the entire above passage describes how Oleg descended into the new world to Veles for the Power of Life and Wisdom and died there (his “I” died). After this, he began to be called “prophetic.”

Further. The name Oleg means WILL in Old Russian (we saw this when we deciphered the story of Princess Olga). Consequently, when Oleg stepped on his forehead and was bitten by a snake, he gained WILL, mind you, not freedom, but WILL. This story is about how to go free, and the sign indicating this fact to readers and listeners is the name Oleg itself.

You will understand the full story of the prophetic Oleg when we discuss what the gates to heaven are and who the key keeper Peter is. In the meantime, let's return to Christ and his Golgotha, we are ready to interpret this myth.

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Archpriest Sergius Ogolyuk

Briefly about the important: why is a skull and crossbones placed under the Crucifixion? (video+text)

Brief answers from priests to pressing questions about spiritual life, the life of the Church, as well as questions that arise in a person when he first comes to church - in the section “Briefly about the important.” Why is a skull and crossbones placed under the Crucifixion? The rector of the Nikolaev Cathedral of Gorlovka, Archpriest Sergiy Ogolyuk, answers.

Our Lord Jesus Christ carried His cross to the place of execution, outside the city. This place was called Golgotha, or Skull. Hebrew word"Golgotha" means forehead, skull. According to legend, it was here that the remains of the first man, Adam, lay. The crucifixion of the Savior took place over this place.

According to St. Basil the Great, when our forefather Adam died, people, not knowing what to do with the body of a deceased person, laid it on a mountain under the scorching rays of the sun. It lay there, and the skin began to peel off from the forehead. Struck by this appearance of the human face, people began to call this place the place of the open skull or head - Golgotha.

Several thousand years later, the Son of God was crucified at this place, and the blood and water from the Savior’s pierced rib, falling on Adam’s skull, washed away man’s original sin. It is Adam's skull that we see in churches under the Crucifixion. The burial place of Adam became the site of the crucifixion of the second Adam, as the Apostle Paul calls Jesus Christ. It was at this place that Christ redeemed us from original sin.

Adam's chapter symbolically depicts fallen humanity, stricken spiritually and physically by sin and then by death.

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In the Christian religion, the image of the cross has deep philosophical and moral significance. It became a symbol of the great atoning sacrifice made by God to deliver people from eternal death, which was a consequence of the original sin committed by our ancestors - Adam and Eve. His images are very diverse, and each has a special semantic connotation. One of them, namely the Calvary Cross, is the topic of this article.

The cross is a picture of a great event

Its outlines are familiar to everyone who has met in one way or another Orthodox symbols, and you can see them on the vestments of monks, objects, as well as in attributes associated with the consecration of homes and vehicles. The Calvary Cross is a stylized picture of an event that occurred more than two thousand years ago in Palestine, which radically changed the entire course of world history.

Its composition includes images of the Cross - the instrument of torment of our Savior Jesus Christ, Mount Golgotha, on the top of which this event took place, the head of Adam resting in its depths, traditionally depicted at the foot of the Cross. In addition, this includes inscriptions that have both an explanatory and purely sacred character.

Shine in the Roman sky

The center of the composition is the Cross itself. It is known that its image as a magical symbol and even as an image of a deity was found among representatives of the most ancient, pre-Christian cultures. Only in the Roman Empire did it become an instrument of shameful and painful execution, to which mainly slaves and especially dangerous criminals were subjected. His symbols appeared on the walls of the catacombs, where in the 2nd and 3rd centuries the first Christians performed secret services. They were images of a palm branch, a whip and an abbreviation of the name of Christ.

In its usual, “unencrypted form,” the Cross first appeared in the 4th century, when Christianity received the status of state religion. According to Sacred Tradition, the Savior appeared to Emperor Constantine in a night vision and ordered him to decorate the banner under which his army was preparing to engage in battle with the enemy with the image of the Cross. In the morning, a light in the form of a cross appeared in the sky over Rome, dispelling his last doubts. Having fulfilled the command of Jesus Christ, Constantine soon defeated his enemies.

Three memorial crosses

The Roman historian Eusebius Pamphilus describes this banner with the image of a Cross in the form of a spear with a crossbar and a letter abbreviation inscribed on top. There is no doubt that the Calvary Cross, the photo of which is presented in the article, was the result of subsequent modifications of the symbol that adorned the battle banner of the Roman emperor.

After the victory won by Constantine, as a sign of gratitude to the Savior, he ordered the installation of three memorial Crosses and the inscription “Jesus Christ the Victor” on them. In Greek it looks like this: IC.XP.NIKA. All Orthodox Calvary Crosses contain the same inscription, but in Slavic.

In 313, a great event happened: on the basis of the Edict of Milan, adopted on the initiative of Emperor Constantine, freedom of religion was established in the Roman Empire. Christianity after three centuries persecution finally received official state status, and its symbolism was given a powerful impetus for further development.

Basic elements of the Cross

Despite the fact that the main one has different designs, Orthodox Calvary Crosses are usually depicted as three-part, that is, eight-pointed. They are a combination of a vertical post and a large crossbar, usually located at a level two-thirds of their height. This, in fact, is the very instrument of torment on which the Savior was crucified.

Above the large horizontal crossbar there is a small one parallel to it, symbolizing the tablet nailed to the cross before execution. On it were the words written by Pontius Pilate himself: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” These same words, but in Slavic writing, contain all Orthodox Calvary Crosses.

Symbolic measure of sinfulness

At the bottom of the vertical column there is a small inclined crossbar - a symbolic foot, strengthened after the Savior was nailed to the Cross. Calvary Cross, like everything else orthodox crosses, is depicted with a crossbar whose right edge is higher than the left.

This tradition goes back to the biblical text, which tells that two thieves were crucified on both sides of the Savior, the one on the right repented and gained eternal life, and the one on the left blasphemed the Lord and doomed himself to eternal death. Thus, the inclined crossbar plays the role of a symbolic measure of human sinfulness.

Symbol of the Place of Execution

The Calvary Cross is always depicted on a certain pedestal, personifying Mount Calvary, the name of which is translated from Hebrew as “skull”. This served as the basis for another name mentioned in the Slavic and Russian translations of the Gospel - “Place of Execution”. It is known that in ancient times it served as a place of execution of especially dangerous criminals. There is evidence that the mountain, consisting of gray limestone, actually resembled a skull in appearance.

As a rule, Golgotha ​​is depicted in several versions. It can be a hemisphere, or a pyramid with smooth or stepped edges. In the latter case, these steps are called “steps of spiritual ascent,” and each of them has a specific name: the lower one is Faith, the middle one is Love, the highest one is Charity. On both sides of the mountain on which the Calvary Cross is depicted, two letters are placed - “GG”, which means “Mount Golgotha”. Their outline is mandatory.

Cane, spear and skull

In addition to all of the above, the Calvary Cross, the meaning of which, first of all, is the personification of sacrifice and redemption of humanity through the suffering of Christ, as a rule, is depicted with the attributes of executioners mentioned in the Gospel. This is a cane, at the end of which there is a sponge with vinegar, and a spear that pierced the body of the Savior. Usually they are marked with the corresponding letters - “T” and “K”.

The skull depicted inside Golgotha ​​also occupies an important place in the overall composition. This is the symbolic head of our progenitor Adam, as evidenced by the letters “G” and “A” inscribed next to it. It is generally accepted that the sacrificial blood of Christ, penetrating through the thickness of the mountain, washed it from original sin. There are several versions about how Adam's head ended up in the depths of this mountain. One of them claims that the body of the progenitor was brought here by angels, according to another, he was buried here by Adam’s descendant Seth, and according to the most common version, the body was brought by the waters of the Flood.

Other inscriptions

According to established tradition, there are other symbolic designs accompanying the Calvary Cross. The meaning of the inscriptions (always done in Slavic) is fully consistent with the Gospel story about the passion of the Lord. At the top of the cross is usually written “Son of God.” In some cases, it is replaced by the inscription “King of Glory”. Above the large horizontal crossbar is the inscription “IC XP” - “Jesus Christ”, and below, as already mentioned, “NIKA” - “Victory”. The place of the event and its main result are indicated by the letters “ML” - “Place of the Execution”, and “RB” - “Paradise to Be”.

A Piece of God's Grace

A schematic representation of the place of Christ's crucifixion - Golgotha ​​and altar - has firmly become one of the most revered orthodox symbols. Nowadays, it is not only an attribute of monastic asceticism, but also a shrine carefully preserved by pious laity.

Most Russians, sometimes even those who do not consider themselves believers, nevertheless adhere to ancient traditions and wear symbols of Christianity on their chests, including the Calvary Cross. Whether silver was used to make it, gold, or it is made of other metals, consecrated in the Church of Christ, it always carries within itself a particle of Divine Grace, so necessary in the life of each of us.



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