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What led to the collapse of the airborne barracks near Omsk

Almost three years have passed since the collapse of the barracks in the Omsk village of Svetly, where 24 servicemen were killed and another 20 were injured. All this time the investigation was going on, the case almost doubled - to 500 pages. According to preliminary data, it will take the defendants about a year to familiarize themselves with all the documents. Moreover, most of them will have to fly to court hearings from Omsk to Moscow.

The Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia brought final charges. Ex-chief of the 242nd training center Airborne Forces Oleg Ponomarev will be tried for abuse of power. The investigation believes that before moving personnel into the renovated barracks, the colonel should have personally verified the quality of the work performed. Somehow Ponomarev had to act as a construction expert. His lawyers categorically disagree with this.

All this work, the officers' defense believes, should have been supervised not by airborne colonels, who understand nothing about construction, but by employees of the federal government enterprise "Department of the Capital Construction Customer of the Ministry of Defense", the Regional Directorate of the Capital Construction Customer of the Central Military District, FSUE "Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy" , GUSST No. 9 and SMU No. 916. All of them, as the investigation already believes, according to various reasons They turned a blind eye to violations during repair work, writes.

Let us remind you that after the tragedy they discovered that the building was built in 1975. gross violations. It turned out that the barracks were originally built not according to the rules. The renovation only made the situation worse. The builders removed a thick layer of plaster that was essentially holding the crumbling walls together. New plaster was applied of significantly worse quality. In addition, holes were drilled in the walls for siding - this further weakened the structure. Also, the reinforcement joints were welded incorrectly, and so on. All this ultimately led to the collapse.

Another defendant, Colonel Vladislav Parkhomenko, is now in a pre-trial detention center. He ended up there when, to the main charges, a case of bribery in large size. According to his acquaintances, Parkhomenko was set up by FSB officers who tapped the phone. After the incident with the barracks, the colonel lost his job. And when the money needed for lawyers ran out, he asked a builder he knew to borrow 200 thousand. This was considered a bribe and a violation of the agreement on proper behavior. Therefore, the colonel was sent to the isolation ward. All his complaints are rejected.

In addition to the officers, final charges were brought against the builders - the general director of Remeksstroy LLC, Alexander Dorofeev and his partner Dmitry Bayazov. The company that won the tender reconstructed the barracks, and Bayazov, who had no special education, led this project.


Officer of the Omsk unit where the barracks collapsed: While repairs were underway, the heads of construction companies only managed to change their cool cars

After investigators detained the head of the 242nd Airborne Training Center, Oleg Ponomarev, Komsomolskaya Pravda managed to contact one of the unit’s servicemen. In an exclusive conversation, the officer told us how the ill-fated building was renovated in 2013 and what violations the builders committed. And why, despite this, Colonel Ponomarev allowed conscripts to move into the barracks. (...)

Head of the Omsk training center Ponomarev - in court: I feel like an accomplice in the tragedy and, I hope, the court will prove my guilt

The detained military man asked to be released on bail in order to have time to visit the wounded and apologize to his parents. However, the court decided to leave the military man in pre-trial detention. (...)

A colleague of Colonel Ponomarev, who was arrested after the tragedy near Omsk: He treated the soldiers like sons!

On Wednesday evening, the head of the 242nd Airborne Training Center was arrested for two months. Now a combat veteran, winner of 27 military awards, Oleg Ponomarev is one of the possible culprits of the terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of 24 people during the collapse of a barracks in the village of Svetly. It was he who signed the protocol on the possibility of exploiting the collapsed building. (...)

Soldiers who survived in the Omsk barracks: “We will recover and continue to serve our Motherland”

Nine conscript soldiers were brought from Omsk region by plane to the Moscow military hospital named after. Vishnevsky three days ago. Our correspondent managed to meet the guys and give them the fighter's rations. (...)

A chapel will be built on the site of a collapsed barracks in Omsk

At the board of the Russian Ministry of Defense, they honored the fallen paratroopers with a minute of silence and discussed the development of the Armed Forces in the Arctic and the Kuril Islands. (...)

July 12 will forever remain a dark day in the history of our army. Exactly 2 years ago on this day a terrible tragedy occurred in the Omsk 242nd Airborne Forces training center in the village of Svetly. The conscript soldiers served only two weeks and took the oath the day before. At about 10 p.m., when the paratroopers were preparing to retreat, the 4-story barracks suddenly collapsed.


The tragedy claimed the lives of 24 young soldiers from Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk and other cities. Many survivors still cannot recover from what happened. The paratroopers lost friends - they died before their eyes. And all because of the negligence of the builders, who had virtually no control over the repair work on the collapsed barracks ( For more details, see “Point-by-point question”).

The then head of the training center still blames himself for the tragedy Colonel Oleg Ponomarev. He was forced to give the order to move the soldiers into the barracks, the repair of which no one accepted. In late autumn, conscripts lived in tents on the street for several months. Many were very sick, and there were no other rooms.

I lost 24 sons. “I will never forget this day,” Ponomarev once admitted to us.

After the tragedy, he left Omsk for his native Ryazan - he works at the local airborne school. Oleg Yuryevich still does not communicate with the press. He says he signed a document on non-disclosure of details of the investigation. But according to rumors, he maintains contact with colleagues, surviving conscripts and relatives of the dead. Last year, on July 12, the colonel came to the village of Svetly to honor the memory of his soldiers. A funeral ceremony will be held at the 242nd training center this year as well.

We communicate - we don’t abandon our own. The colonel is holding on... but, of course, he is still going through all this,” says Father Dionisy, with whom Ponomarev is very close.

Komsomolskaya Pravda decided to find out how the lives of soldiers changed after the tragedy in the village of Svetly.


A boy from the Urals, Rustam G., was born wearing a shirt. He miraculously survived that ill-fated July night. He was pulled out from under the rubble and sent to the hospital with terrible leg injuries. From the hospital he returned to service and was demobilized.

Since September 2016, as we know, Rustam has been an ambulance paramedic in Chelyabinsk. Perhaps G. decided to connect his fate with medicine precisely at the moment when future colleagues were fighting for his life. In July 2015, the guy was returned from the other world - now he saves people.


Vladimir Petrov from Sterlitamak was among those who also survived the building collapse. He was sent to the hospital with serious injuries. Doctors did not give any prognosis. But Volodya pulled out. The paratrooper was commissioned, he returned to hometown. Petrova’s younger sister, a school graduate, wrote poignant poems on her page after the incident:

“You survived, soldier, even if you died a hundred times,”

I repeat the lines from the song.

“There’s trouble in Omsk again!”, “The house is destroyed, there’s a collapse!” -

We were awakened by terrible news.

You survived, soldier! Lying under the collapse -

My arms and legs went numb under the stone.

“I’ll still live!” - I repeated everything to myself,

You've always been a strong guy!

You survived, soldier, our friend and our brother.

How sacredly we believed in It.

He may have been born in winter, but you will now

Celebrate birthdays in summer too.

You survived, soldier. You've lost friends.

This pain will never be relieved.

What did you feel there? What did you experience?

We will probably never understand.

You survived, soldier, even though you are not connected with the war.

With a peaceful sky, in my native barracks,

You fought all night, you fought with death...

Won! We are proud of you!

Today Vladimir leads an ordinary life young man. I recently bought a car and went to the wedding of Rustam Nabiev, with whom they are now connected by a strong male friendship. The common misfortune and loss of friends brought the colleagues even closer together. He also got a tattoo on his forearm with the numbers “07/12/2015”. As a reminder of the terrible day when he miraculously survived.

Rustam married a girl who was waiting for him from the army and supported him in the most difficult time for him Photo:


Komsomolskaya Pravda has written about Rustam Nabiev more than once. A boy from Bashkortostan dreamed of entering the medical faculty of a medical university after school, but he lacked just two points. Out of frustration, I went to study in an oil industry and planned to get a job in large company, but this required a military ID. Therefore, after the last course, Rustam came to the military registration and enlistment office. Again bad luck: there were no places - they suggested waiting for the fall. Somehow he persuaded the military commissar to take him instead of one of the conscripts. Another conscript was “postponed” until the fall, and Nabiev was sent to the army the very next day. This is how Rustam ended up in the ranks of the paratroopers in the village of Svetly. And two weeks later there was a tragedy... Nabiev lay under the rubble for several hours. He survived, but lost both legs.

However, Rustam even in this situation showed strength of spirit. Surprising doctors and relatives, he stood on prosthetics. In the hospital I learned to walk again. And he started playing sledge hockey (a Paralympic sport). Over the past two years, the Bashkir managed to win the Continental Cup and get married to his beloved girl - the same one who once promised to wait for him from the army. And she waited.


Mark Lebedev from Votkinsk on the night of July 12 “died by mistake.” Valera's deceased colleague has the same last name as him. His family mourned him when the mistake became known. Mark couldn't call his loved ones to reassure him. But what a joy it was when it turned out that he was alive and well! The same cannot be said about those close to his namesake...

I still can’t understand how this happened and why,” Mark Lebedev says about the disaster that happened.

Today he works for a large oil company as a technological compressor operator; he admits that he hasn’t had time to get married yet.

We keep in touch with the guys from Udmurtia - we correspond on social networks. We always share our happiness and misfortunes there. This year there is no opportunity to come to Omsk, but we are going to Izhevsk. We want to go, like last year, to Golyany - the homeland of one of the victims, Valera Lomaev. We remember him...

There was a place in this tragedy and mysticism. Komsomolskaya Pravda learned about her from social networks. According to a friend of that same paratrooper, Valera Lomaev, he saved his life after his death.

A friend of Valery Lomaev is sure: the soul of the deceased guy saved him from a terrible accident on the highway Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

“I work as a truck driver,” writes Maxim Vavilov. - Valera was a very close friend to me, even though he was 3 years younger. After the tragedy with the barracks, I went on a flight from Izhevsk to Yekaterinburg. Naturally, I woke up early in the morning for loading. I left at night a little exhausted, because in the morning I had to be in Yekaterinburg. And after the small town, Osa saw the silhouette of a man in the fog at night. Well, I think he's desperate! The frost was severe. As I drive closer, I notice he’s wearing shorts. “What a weirdo!” - a thought flashed through. But when I looked at his face, I saw that it was Valera! Naturally, I got scared - hit the brakes. I ran out with a flashlight: no Valera, no footprints in the snow... I drove on - and there was a terrible accident, which I could have gotten into if I hadn’t stopped. I still don't know what to think. Valera saved me.


The fathers and mothers of the dead soldiers have been mourning their children over the past months. Here are the words of some of them.

Alexander Filatov, father of Sergei, who died at the age of 19, from Orenburg:

Our son is a railway worker, although he did not complete the 3rd year. I'm getting ready to join the army: I'll go with my conscription - and that's it. No amount of persuasion helped - I abandoned my studies. And if he had listened to us and completed his studies, everything would have been different.

The mother of Sergei Vakhrushev cannot look at the photo of her son without tears - he was happy that he was wearing a blue beret Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

Tatyana Vakhrusheva, mother of Sergei from Selta:

In this photo, my son is very happy because he received the beret he so dreamed of!

Irina Chemezova, Vitaly’s mother from Ust-Ilimsk:

How hard it is to realize that I will never see, hear, hug or kiss him again!


Sports tournaments are held in honor of fallen conscripts

ABOUT dead paratroopers they remember not only on the eve of the anniversary. In Beloretsk, for example, a ski tournament named after Vadim Nafikov was held, and in Novosibirsk there was a mini-football blitz tournament in memory of Ilya Filyanin. In the village of Usmanov took place sport competitions in memory of Azat Shangareev.

Memorial plaques with the name of Oleg Kortusov, a promising MMA fighter, were unveiled in Kalachinsk and Znamenka.


Who will be responsible for the tragedy?

Immediately after the incident investigative committee opened a criminal case. The main accused are still then Head of the 242nd Airborne Training Center Colonel Oleg Ponomarev, his Deputy Vladislav Parkhomenko. Judged and directors a company that carried out the reconstruction of a collapsed building, Alexandra Dorofeeva. The Military Directorate of the Investigative Committee has been investigating for two years now. During this time, several complex construction examinations were carried out, which should have provided an answer to the reasons for the collapse of the barracks. The latter showed: there were several of them. First, when the building was erected in 1975, workers did not lay the brickwork securely. During the replacement of the load-bearing structures of the room, the situation worsened. The new ones were monolithic, which means they were heavier. No one really did a reconstruction project or carried out calculations. As a result, the flimsy walls could not withstand the heavier load-bearing structures - and the building collapsed like a house. The investigation showed that practically no one controlled the progress of the work - neither the military nor the contractor.

For the second year now, the mothers of dead soldiers have been demanding that Oleg Ponomarev’s case be closed. They blame the builders, not him, for the tragedy. One can only guess how long the criminal investigation will last.

On July 12, at about 22:40 (local time), the barracks of the third training parachute battalion collapsed in the village of Svetloye. Dozens of soldiers were buried under the rubble, twelve died. “Omsk Here” publishes a complete chronology of the events of this terrible tragedy.

We express our deep condolences to the families and friends of the victims. Sorry guys.

When the Omsk Here correspondent arrived, the street leading to the military unit was blocked and the area was cordoned off. At the checkpoint at that time there were about a hundred people - local residents and relatives of soldiers. People screamed, cried and asked the military personnel to provide at least some information about the victims, since they could not reach their sons. One woman tried to break through the cordon, but people in military uniform with machine guns in their hands they stopped her.

- Maybe your son is standing there in a cordon,- a police officer who came to the soldiers’ aid pointed somewhere into the darkness. — Try calling your colleagues, maybe they will give you some information.

But we couldn’t get through. Knowledgeable people from the crowd they said that soldiers here are allowed to use phones only on weekends: on Sunday after lights out, everyone mobile devices soldiers are obliged to surrender. It was not possible to verify this information.

— I stood on the balcony and heard as if a landmine had exploded: screams, noise, grinding,- said an eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous. - Let's go see what happened. On the way, we met a military man who told us that the roof of the barracks had collapsed. We were not allowed there, and we decided to go back. On the way we met about thirty ambulances and fire trucks.

Ambulances and special equipment for clearing debris continued to arrive at the training center almost throughout the night. The relatives were noticeably nervous. They were not provided with information about the dead and injured for the third hour, and therefore people crowding around the checkpoint began shouting unflattering words at the leadership of the Airborne Forces training center.

- My son serves here,— Venera Morozova, a resident of Perm, said, crying, who came to her son’s oath. — Since childhood, he wanted to get into the Airborne Forces. He studied with me at correctional school, after which they are not allowed to join the army. But he ensured that he was recognized as fit; he went to doctors for months. He joined a sports club and had 32 parachute jumps. And now he has achieved his goal. Yesterday there was an oath. Now I just want to know that he is alive, but they don’t give us any information.

Later, a representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations came to the relatives and, in an informal conversation, said that the lists of victims and dead would be made public in an hour and a half to two hours. At this point, it was already known that two recruits were killed and nineteen were hospitalized. The doctors needed ammonia and water, because after this information many women felt ill.

Meanwhile, a special commission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, created by order of Sergei Shoigu, flew from Moscow to Omsk, and a plane with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew from Novosibirsk. Information has emerged that the situation in the village of Svetloye is reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin every 30 minutes. In addition, top officials of the city and region arrived at the scene of the tragedy.

At about 3:00, the deputy head of the training center for working with personnel, Lieutenant Colonel Vitaly Medinsky, appeared at the checkpoint and called the gathered people to him.

— At about 10:40 p.m., the barracks of the third training parachute battalion collapsed,- he said. — There were a total of 337 people in the barracks, 38 were under the rubble. this moment 21 people were rescued from the rubble and were evacuated to hospitals. 19 people are still under the rubble. Parents will now be taken by bus to the training center headquarters, they will be provided with lists, and in the future psychologists will work with them. The causes of the collapse are still unknown, but it was definitely not an explosion or fire.

The serviceman also said that she started working hotline, through which relatives can obtain information about the dead and injured.

The mothers of recruits from the third battalion could barely hold back their tears as they headed towards headquarters. Relatives of other soldiers began to disperse, breathing a sigh of relief.

At about 6:00 a column of high-ranking commission members from Moscow entered the territory of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center. They did not stop and give journalists comments. But the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Omsk Region, Stanislav Grebenshchikov, willingly shared the latest information with media representatives.

There were 42 people under the rubble, 24 of whom were rescued.- he said.- Two died. The work continues, all special services are involved, video conferences with Moscow are constantly taking place. Soon the planes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Defense will arrive in Omsk. Perhaps some of the victims will be transported to Moscow.

In the morning, the press service of the Ministry of Defense provided an official comment. According to the data they have, not long ago the company "RemExStroy", registered in Nizhny Novgorod, produced major renovation collapsed barracks. Specialists will have to determine whether there were any violations during the work.


Today, July 13, around 10:00, lists of soldiers whose lives were cut short last night appeared in the media.

1. Shaikhulin Rustem Radikovich (born 10/05/94)

2. Sudnikovich Vladislav Vladimirovich (born 01/04/95)

3. Polegenko Alexey Nikolaevich (born January 17, 1997)

4. Yumagulov Ruslan Akramovich (born May 29, 1991)

5. Ignatenko Maxim Sergeevich (born January 20, 1996)

6. Filyanin Ilya Pavlovich (born July 24, 1996)

7. Ivanov Mikhail Alekseevich (born October 22, 1996)

8. Chemezov Vitaly Alexandrovich (born 10/19/96)

9. Vakhrushev Sergey Vladimirovich.

By 12 o'clock the list of dead was replenished with several more names.

10. Filatov Sergey Alexandrovich, (born August 18, 1996)

11. Altynbaev Ranis Ruslanovich, (born June 14, 1994)

12. Kenikh Dmitry Sergeevich, (born November 16, 1996)

13. Gritskov Alexey Sergeevich, (born January 30, 1996)

14. Belov Evgeniy Alekseevich, (born March 12, 1995)

The editors of “Omsk Here” and the website express condolences to the families and friends of the victims.

18 people died when a barracks collapsed in Omsk

The death toll during the emergency at the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk was 18 people, a total of 37 servicemen were pulled out from under the rubble, and a search is underway for five, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense told RIA Novosti.

“As of 08.30, July 13, 37 servicemen were pulled out from under the rubble, 18 of them died, a search is underway for five servicemen,” said official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov.

According to him, 19 military personnel are in medical institutions.

Konashenkov also noted that the central military hospitals of Vishnevsky and Burdenko, as well as the Military Medical Academy, have prepared wards for receiving victims at the Airborne Forces training center in the Omsk region.

Putin condoles with the relatives of those killed in the barracks collapse in Omsk

Russian President Vladimir Putin receives reports from the Minister of Defense on the progress of rescue work at the site of the collapse of part of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center on the outskirts of Omsk.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the families and friends of the military personnel who died as a result of the collapse of part of the barracks in Omsk, as well as the entire Russian army, the head’s press secretary said Russian state Dmitry Peskov.

The ceilings of the second floor collapsed in the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center on the outskirts of Omsk. According to the latest data, 18 military personnel were killed, 19 were hospitalized, the fate of another five remains unknown.

“The Supreme Commander-in-Chief receives reports from the Minister of Defense on the progress of rescue operations, the Minister is instructed to provide all the necessary medical care victims of the accident, reports from the Ministry of Defense are provided to the president on a regular basis,” Peskov said.

All 42 servicemen who remained under the rubble in Omsk were found


23 people died when a barracks collapsed in Omsk

As of 10:00 am on July 13, all 42 servicemen who remained under the rubble were found. Of these, 23 were killed, the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

The death toll from the collapse of the Omsk barracks has risen to 23, and all 42 servicemen who remained under the rubble have been found, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Monday.

Earlier it was reported that 20 military personnel were killed.

“As of 10:00 am on July 13, all 42 servicemen who remained under the rubble were found. Of these, 23 were killed,” the message says.

Omsk authorities will pay the costs of housing the relatives of fallen soldiers

Organized the provision of medical and psychological assistance and accompanying arriving relatives of military personnel, the regional authorities said in a statement. They noted that social institutions are allocated to accommodate relatives.

The head of the Omsk region, Viktor Nazarov, instructed to pay from the reserve fund the costs of accommodating relatives of military personnel who were killed and wounded in the collapse of the barracks arriving in Omsk.

On Sunday evening, the ceilings collapsed in the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk, resulting in dozens of people being trapped under the rubble. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Defense, 23 military personnel were killed, the remaining 19 were hospitalized. Previously, a source in the region's emergency services told RIA Novosti that a violation of technology during the construction of the building is being considered as one of the versions.

“The provision of medical and psychological assistance and support for arriving relatives of military personnel has been organized. Social institutions are allocated for their placement. About 50 people have already arrived in Omsk and are being accommodated in the Metallurg dispensary,” the regional authorities said in a statement.

The company that repaired the collapsed barracks in Omsk was caught for violations

Before the tragedy in Omsk, the Remeksstroy company had already been brought to administrative responsibility for violations of requirements project documentation and other violations in the construction sector.

The Remeksstroy company (Nizhny Novgorod), which repaired the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk, has already been repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violations in the construction sector.

Thus, the Arbitration Court of Tatarstan in February 2015 fined Remeksstroy 50 thousand rubles. The inspectorate of the state construction supervision of the republic filed a claim to bring the company to administrative liability.

According to the case materials, an inspection in November 2014, during an inspection of the construction of a 9-story residential building in Kazan, revealed a number of violations. In particular, door and window lintels were installed in violation of the requirements of the design documentation, in some places window units were installed with deviations from the design, painting and anti-corrosion protection of metal structures were not completed. The company was issued an order to eliminate the violations, but upon re-inspection it turned out that it was not fully implemented. As a result, the inspection drew up a protocol on an administrative violation in the field of construction.

Prior to this, in December 2014, the Arbitration Court of the Nizhny Novgorod Region also considered the application of the regional inspectorate of state construction supervision to bring Remeksstroy LLC to administrative liability under Part 6 of Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (failure to comply on time with a legal order of those authorized to carry out state construction supervision of the federal executive body) .

As follows from the case materials, the company did not eliminate the violations specified in the inspection order, which was issued following an inspection of the reconstruction of a dormitory on the territory of military unit 7408 of the city Nizhny Novgorod.

At the same time, it was noted in court that the company was held accountable for a similar offense in September 2014.

“The fact that in the case under consideration this administrative offense was committed by the company again indicates its disdain for compliance with the requirements current legislation. Taking into account the circumstances and nature of the administrative offense committed... the court considers it necessary to impose a punishment on the society in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 76,000 rubles,” the court materials note.

Matvienko is confident that those responsible for the tragedy in the barracks in Omsk will be punished

Those responsible for the tragedy that occurred today near Omsk will be severely punished in accordance with the law, said Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko. She noted that “this is simply a crime.”

Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko called the collapse of ceilings in a barracks in Omsk a crime and expressed confidence that all those responsible for the tragedy will be punished.

On Sunday evening, the ceilings collapsed in the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk, resulting in dozens of people being trapped under the rubble. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Defense, 23 military personnel were killed and another 19 were hospitalized. Previously, a source in the region's emergency services told RIA Novosti that a violation of technology during the construction of the building is being considered as one of the versions.

“I am confident that those responsible for the tragedy that occurred today near Omsk will be severely punished in accordance with the law. This is simply a crime,” Matvienko, who is in Simferopol, said on Monday.

The Federation Council speaker noted that it is too early to draw conclusions about the causes of the tragedy; the commission of the Ministry of Defense, which is “conducting the most thorough investigation of the causes,” will put an end to this issue. She added that the tragedy indicates a weakening of control on the part of those services that are required to assess the condition of the building and its repair. Matvienko expressed condolences to the relatives of those killed and injured in the emergency.

As official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Monday, all 42 servicemen who were under the rubble have now been recovered, the “heaviest” of them are being transported by plane to Moscow.

Investigators opened a case on three counts, including “negligence” and “violation of safety rules,” after the collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk, said official representative of the Russian Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin.

The first suspect in the criminal case regarding the collapse of a barracks in Omsk was detained

On the evening of July 13, as part of the investigation into the criminal case of the collapse of a barracks building on the outskirts of Omsk, law enforcement officers interrogated O.Yu. Ponomarev, head of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center.

According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the man partially admitted guilt in the tragedy, telling the investigation that he allowed the military personnel to move into the barracks.

“Ponomarev is currently detained,” the department reported. “His involvement in the crime will be verified as part of the criminal investigation. In the near future, it is planned to take a preventive measure against Ponomarev.

Active investigative actions and operational measures are ongoing aimed at identifying all persons involved in this tragedy.

It is now known that 24 people died. Among them are three residents of Udmurtia - Sergey Vakhrushev, Eduard Reshetnikov and Valery Lomaev. The day before the tragedy, they and their colleagues took the oath.

The bodies of the dead soldiers will be delivered to Izhevsk this evening. It is not yet known when the funeral will take place.

Another soldier injured in the collapse in Omsk has died

Another soldier of the Airborne Forces training center, who was injured in the collapse of the Omsk barracks, has died, thus total number The number of victims reached 24, said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

A soldier of the Airborne Forces training center who was injured in the collapse of a barracks in Omsk has died, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said on Wednesday.

The death toll from the building collapse has risen to 24.

“Today, in the Omsk City Clinical Hospital, a serviceman of the Airborne Forces training center died from injuries received during the collapse of a barracks,” Konashenkov said.

The tragedy in Omsk occurred late in the evening on July 12: the spans of a four-story barracks in the Omsk village of Svetly collapsed while 337 servicemen were sleeping in the building. 42 military personnel were trapped under the rubble; it was previously reported that 23 of them died, the rest were taken to medical institutions.

July 16 — Omsk region will pay compensation to the families of deceased conscripts

Payments will be sent to the families of those killed and injured as a result of the collapse of the barracks in the Omsk village of Svetly. 42 military personnel were trapped under the rubble, 23 of them died, the rest were taken to medical institutions.

The authorities of the Omsk region will provide the necessary assistance to the families of conscripts from their region who were injured and killed as a result of the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces Training Center, official representative of the main department of information policy of the regional government, Alexey Ryabov, told RIA Novosti.

The tragedy occurred late in the evening on July 12: the spans of a four-story barracks in the Omsk village of Svetly collapsed while 337 servicemen were sleeping in the building. 42 military personnel were trapped under the rubble, 23 of them died, the rest were taken to medical institutions. A commission of the Russian Ministry of Defense is currently working at the scene of the incident.

According to Ryabov, the head of the region, Viktor Nazarov, signed an order to allocate funds from the regional government’s reserve fund for conscripts from the Omsk region.

“The families of those killed as a result of the collapse of the barracks will be paid 400 thousand rubles. Families of the wounded who were admitted to healthcare facilities in serious condition - 300 thousand rubles each. The organization of work to provide financial assistance to families (one of the close relatives) is entrusted to the Ministry of Labor and social development Omsk region,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

In Omsk, the general director of the company that repaired the collapsed barracks was arrested

Like Oleg Ponomarev, Alexander Dorofeev was detained for 2 months
Today in Omsk, at the request of the investigation, the second person involved in the criminal case about the collapse of the barracks in the village of Svetly was arrested - the general director of RemExStroy LLC, Alexander Dorofeev.

According to the investigation, it was this company that in 2013 carried out repair work on the barracks building, which collapsed on July 12 of this year.

Let us remind you: yesterday the court arrested the head of the 242nd Airborne Forces Training Center Oleg Ponomarev. During the interrogation before this, the colonel partially admitted his guilt in the tragedy, saying that he allowed the military personnel to move into the barracks.
— At present, active investigative actions are ongoing aimed at establishing the degree of involvement of the persons involved in the case in crime committed, as well as all its circumstances and other persons related to the incident,” said Vladimir Markin, head of the department for interaction with the media of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

The barracks collapsed without a project

Repairs at the 242nd Airborne Forces Center were carried out without supervision

Yesterday, the general director of Remeksstroy LLC, Alexander Dorofeev, was arrested for two months, who, according to investigators, was involved in the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center in Omsk and the death of 24 paratroopers. According to Kommersant, a direct connection between the disaster and the overhaul of the building carried out by Mr. Dorofeev and his subordinates before the tragedy has not yet been identified, since it is still unclear what kind of work the builders performed. Remexstroy, as military investigators established, was renovating a residential building without any design or supervision at all.

As a source close to the investigation into the tragedy in Omsk explained to Kommersant, it is still difficult to talk about the causes of the collapse, since investigators still cannot even inspect the load-bearing structures of the four-story barracks building. The foundation and floor of the first floor of the collapsed section are still hidden under the rubble, which rescuers are dismantling using heavy equipment.

Meanwhile, the version presented in the first days after the tragedy about a possible connection between the collapse and the major repairs carried out in the barracks remains a priority for military investigators. Let us recall that in 2012 the contract for the renovation of the housing stock of military camp No. 35 in the village of Svetly was awarded to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy”, which subcontracted through its subsidiary company LLC "Remeksstroy" from Nizhny Novgorod. The private company also received the airborne barracks, which it repaired from April to December 2013. Immediately after the disaster, the Ministry of Defense and Spetsstroy made similar statements that the load-bearing structures of the building were not affected as part of the overhaul. According to the military, the little-known subcontractor was entrusted with only finishing work that did not affect the safety of the residential building, as well as the relocation of utility networks, replacement of window roofs and floor coverings.

Employees of the Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) of the ICR conducting the investigation tried to verify these allegations, however, doing this, according to Kommersant’s interlocutor, turned out to be quite difficult. The fact is that the overhaul of the barracks, as it turned out, was not documented at all.

The head of RemExStroy, Dorofeev, according to the investigation, for example, did not draw up a project for planned repair activities, although design work were included in the general estimate for the renovation of the town. Given the absence of a project, there was no one and no need to control the actions of the builder - in any case, the barracks being repaired, as the investigation found out, were not visited by representatives of design, construction, technical or any other supervision. However, after renovations were completed in December 2013, the military took over the facility, although it was not officially put into operation. The second suspect, arrested two days earlier by the head of the 242nd center, Colonel Oleg Ponomarev, simply moved into the renovated barracks by his order.

Thus, it is not yet possible to establish an exact connection between the overhaul and the collapse of the building, since it is not known exactly what kind of work was carried out by RemExStroy in the barracks. Taking this into account, among the possible suspects, according to Kommersant’s interlocutor, in addition to the repairmen, there remain the builders of the building, erected back in 1975, and representatives of all those who operate it in different time organizations. Last management company in the village of Svetly, as Kommersant has already reported, there was Slavyanka OJSC, whose leaders are now under investigation on charges of especially large-scale theft.

The participants in the investigation hope that a comprehensive forensic construction examination of the circumstances of the collapse, already appointed by the Main Inspectorate of the Investigative Committee of the ICR, will help them understand the technical aspect of the disaster. In a week, by the time the two suspects need to be charged, experts promise to announce their preliminary findings.

As one of the representatives of the technical commission told Kommersant, the barracks building, attractive from the outside due to its multi-colored siding, is in fact a typical example of prefabricated reinforced concrete construction adopted in the 70s of the last century. Repairmen using modern electric and pneumatic tools, according to the expert, could easily destroy the stability of such a “box.” To do this, it was enough for them, for example, to damage the reinforcement of the beam supporting the floor slab on the first floor or destroy the place where it rests on the wall. According to the expert, the assumption previously published in Kommersant about the erosion of the foundation of the barracks by rainwater as a result of a violation of the drainage system from the roof and drains along the perimeter of the building remains relevant. After reconstruction, the barracks received, instead of the traditional four-slope, a more modern version roofs in the form of a flat surface with sides around the perimeter. This architectural solution involves a rather complex waterproofing and drainage system, which could be damaged during repairs.


13/07/2015 - 01:10

Emergency near Omsk: a barracks collapsed at the Airborne Forces training center. As a result, 2 people died, there were 337 people in the building. At the moment, the fate of 19 of them is unknown. The collapse of the building caused a public outcry, because the barracks building was new. We inform last news about the current emergency, list of survivors and dead, possible reasons tragedies, photos and videos.

In Omsk, the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces training center collapsed; the tragedy occurred on the evening of July 12. The training unit and barracks were located in the village of Svetly.

The left wing of the building collapsed. It was noted that all four floors collapsed. 38 people were trapped under the rubble, 17 of them were injured, the majority were seriously injured and are now in operating rooms. Two fighters were rescued from the rubble dead, the fate of another 19 people remains unknown while the rubble is cleared.

Relatives and friends of wounded, dead and missing soldiers gathered at the Omsk 242nd Airborne Forces Training Center. So far, worried citizens have not been allowed to the scene of the emergency.

List of victims in the barracks collapse:

Avkach Sergey Nikolaevich, 20 years old, wounded. He is in the operating room with diagnoses: bruises of the soft tissues of the head and chest
Andrianov Anton Mikhailovich, 19 years old. He is in the operating room, the diagnosis is multiple soft tissue bruises and a lumbar contusion.
Dedusenko Vitaly Nikolaevich, 20 years old, in the operating room with a diagnosis of “ruptured bladder”
Zhulanov Artem Vladimirovich, 18 years old, wounded. He is in the operating room with a diagnosis of soft tissue contusions of the head and abrasions.
Mikhail Borisovich Klysh, 20 years old, wounded, admitted to the operating room with a diagnosis of “closed craniocerebral injury”
Kuandykov Ilnur Ilikovich, 23 years old, wounded. He is in the operating room with a serious traumatic brain injury undergoing neurosurgical intervention.
Sukhorukov Mikhail Dmitrievich, 20 years old, in the operating room with a fracture of the right tibia
Kharimov Rinat Azgarovich, 19 years old, wounded. The diagnosis is a fracture of the calcaneus.

These victims are located in Omsk Central District Hospital No. 1.

In the Airborne Forces barracks near Omsk, future soldiers of the battalion of mechanics-drivers of airborne combat vehicles were located.

Military prosecutors of the Russian Federation of the Central Administrative District, headed by Acting Acting Officer Sergei Akhishin, and 30 teams of highly qualified doctors from the 5th medical brigade of the Ministry of Defense moved to the scene of the emergency. Emergency Situations Ministry employees are also working at the scene of the collapse, together with military personnel.

An emergency in a barracks near Omsk caused the premature interruption of the vacation of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The head of the Ministry of Defense personally oversees the rescue operation at the site of the collapse of the barracks of the 242nd Airborne Forces Center.

The latest news from the scene of the collapse is promptly reported to President Vladimir Putin.

The collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks on the outskirts of Omsk was also not due to the dilapidation of the building. Technical supervision in the Omsk region informs about this. It is noted that the building has been in use for about 2 years: the barracks were built in 2013.

The collapse of the barracks near Omsk also did not provoke an explosion or fire, since the building was not gasified.

In the Siberian Military District in 1989, a military barracks collapsed, and by a happy coincidence no one was hurt.

Events of 1989

The building of the military barracks of the artillery regiment was built in 1975 and, after standing for 14 years, collapsed in the summer of 1989. The cause of the incident was poor quality construction work (the walls were laid in violation of building codes). But at that time, no measures were taken after the incident, and the tragedy repeated again 26 years later.

Collapse of a barracks in Omsk

The tragedy with the collapse of the barracks building occurred on the night of July 12, 2015. In a four-story building, the spans between floors collapsed; there were 337 cadets in the barracks. 42 people were trapped under the rubble, 24 of them died.

On July 14, 2015, on the day of mourning, events were held in the city of Omsk in honor of the fallen cadets.

Reasons for what happened

The Investigative Committee carried out a construction examination, as a result of which the causes of the tragedy were established:

  1. The barracks were built in violation of building codes. In order to save money, the builders laid sand-lime bricks, and low-quality mortar was used to fill the joints between the floors.
  2. The 2013 overhaul was carried out with violations and led to a decrease in the capacity of the load-bearing structures. To expand the windows, the builders cut off part of the brick without providing the necessary reinforcement; drilled many holes in the masonry to attach the curtain wall; They made ventilation holes in it.
  3. The builders removed a layer of old plaster, which was highly durable and held the walls together. This led to a significant reduction in the strength of the barracks building.
  4. was carried out during heavy rains, which further deteriorated the condition of the building. The supporting wall, which was previously wet from rotten communications, became even more saturated with moisture. After the rains, frosts began, which were followed by a period of warming, and, as a result, the masonry began to crack and collapse.

As a result of the examination, it was found that signs of a future collapse were visible, but no one paid attention to them. The brickwork showed signs of swelling, tiles and window sills were cracking, and glass was breaking.

Those killed in the collapse of the Airborne Forces barracks in Omsk

As a result of the collapse of the four-story barracks building, 24 cadets were killed and 19 soldiers were injured.

List of those killed in the collapse of the barracks in Omsk:

  1. Polegenko Alexey.
  2. Shaikhulin Rustem.
  3. Altynbaev Ranis.
  4. Filyanin Ilya.
  5. Chemezov Vitaly
  6. Ivanov Mikhail.
  7. Nafikov Vadim.
  8. Reshetnikov Eduard.
  9. Sudnikovich Vladislav.
  10. Igoshev Mikhail.
  11. Filatov Sergey.
  12. German Egor.
  13. Shingareev Alexander.
  14. Gritskov Alexey.
  15. Belov Evgeniy.
  16. Kenikh Dmitry.
  17. Mamliev Fidan.
  18. Vakhrushev Sergey.
  19. Kortusov Oleg.
  20. Yumagulov Ruslan.
  21. Shokaev Askhat.
  22. Lebedev Valery.
  23. Ignatenko Maxim.
  24. Lomaev Valery.

Those responsible for the tragedy

Based on the incident, a criminal case was initially opened against the head of the military training center of the Airborne Forces, Colonel Oleg Ponomarev and the general director of the construction company that carried out the renovation of the building in 2013, Alexander Dorofeev.

Charges were brought against abuse of power, negligence, and violation of construction safety.

Oleg Ponomarev admitted his guilt in the tragedy, telling the investigation that it was he who gave permission for the cadets to move into the barracks. On July 31, the court overturned the decision to imprison the head of the training center. The colonel was transferred to Ryazan to continue his service.

The defendants in the criminal case were: the general director of the construction company "Remeksstroy" - Dorofeev; repair work manager, deputy director of the company "Remeksstroy" - Bayazov; senior engineer of the technical supervision inspection - Krivoruchko; head of the design center at Spetsstroy of Russia - Yerzhanin; deputy Head of the Department of Capital Construction Customer of the Ministry of Defense - Savustyan. All defendants in the case were charged with failure to comply with safety rules during construction work, which resulted in the death of people.

All the accused were under arrest except Bayazov and Dorofeev, who, after spending about a year in pre-trial detention, were also released.

Military and military honor

At the time when Colonel Oleg Ponomarev was arrested, rallies were held in his support in the city and throughout the country. Relatives of the injured and dead soldiers, military, public organizations and ordinary residents of many Russian cities.

The military appealed to the Investigative Committee with a petition for the release of Oleg Ponomarev.

Russian military personnel stood up for the colonel and organized an all-Russian action in his support. An appeal was published on the Internet to the President of Russia, the military prosecutor of Russia and the Omsk military court demanding the release of the colonel from prison. Almost 12 thousand people signed the petition. The photo of the collapse of the barracks in Omsk became recognizable in every corner of Russia, becoming a documentary reminder to all people about the young lives that were cut short in that terrible tragedy due to human negligence.

The fate of the Omsk military facility in the future

After the tragedy in Omsk, large-scale inspections of military installations and facilities across the country were carried out, as a result of which 169 facilities were written off.

The training center in Omsk, according to the decision of the Minister of Defense, will remain, but its infrastructure will be improved: a new gym and swimming pool will be built, and the entertainment club building will be renovated.

A memorial will be erected at the site where the cadets died and a chapel will be built.



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