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Why do you dream about whispering? Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about whispering? Similar: whisper, whisper, Speech, whisper, whisper

If you see people whispering in a dream, then you will soon become a victim of evil gossip, and this will cause you a lot of trouble. If in a dream you heard someone whisper some advice or warning in your ear, it means that in real life...

I had a dream “Whisper”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing people whispering in a dream means anxiety and excitement caused by gossip around you. Hearing advice given in a whisper in a dream means you need the support of friends and their wise advice.

Whisper - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you were talking to someone in a dream and you really liked the timbre of his voice, this means that some secret wish of yours will come true. If you dreamed that you were delighted by the timbre of the singer’s voice, it means that in the near future you…

I have a dream about Whisper

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Whispering people in a dream appear to warn you - soon you will be disturbed by evil gossip spread by ill-wishers. Advice or warning given in a whisper means that in real life you really need the support and wise advice of friends.

The meaning of the dream about Whisper

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Conspiracy against the sleeping person.

If you see “Whisper” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing people whispering in a dream means evil gossip around you. Hearing advice or warning spoken in a whisper in a dream is evidence that in real life you need the support of friends and their wise advice.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Whisper?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you see people whispering, you are annoyed by gossip and evil conversations of ill-wishers, but you cannot do anything about them. Talking in a whisper in a dream - you can turn to your loved ones for good advice and real help...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Whisper

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A mysterious whisper is a harbinger of a romantic period of falling in love for you or someone close to you. If they whisper to you about something or warn you against something, in reality you will need wise advice and support. Seeing people whispering means worrying about gossip that affects your...

If you dream about Whisper, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing people whispering in a dream means that you will be worried and agitated by the evil gossip around you. Hearing advice or warning given to you in a whisper in a dream is evidence that in real life you need the support of friends and their...

Whisper (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you hear whispers, then in real life they will spread malicious gossip behind your back. If you dreamed that someone was warning you about something in a whisper or advising you about something, then in reality you are in dire need of help or wise...

Whisper - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Are you unwilling or unable to express what is going on in your mind or on your heart? Do you feel like you're hiding something inside of you? Analyze your feelings. Try to get rid of internal barriers and speak out clearly and loudly.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Whisper?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Harmony, especially in service and commitment. This number is a symbol of balance.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Whisper?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The need for a clear, clear expression of intent.

Whisper - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Whispering is the need for a clear, clear expression of intention.

Dream Interpretation Online - Whisper

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Whispering people appear to warn you: soon you will be disturbed by evil gossip spread by ill-wishers. Advice or warning given in a whisper means that in real life you need the support and wise advice of friends.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Whisper?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing in a dream that someone is talking in a whisper means that in reality you have lost sight of something important or that those around you are hiding some necessary information from you. Addressing someone in a whisper yourself is a sign that in reality it is better for you not to advertise...

Why do you dream about whispering?

Hearing a pleasant whisper about a dream promises you a peaceful and calm state. The voice was rude or annoying - expect trouble. If you heard the voice of God, this dream will awaken in you a desire for spiritual improvement and attempts to achieve recognition among others.

whisper in a dream

If in a dream someone gave you advice and guidance in a whisper, it means that soon you will have to turn to friends for help. Hearing an unintelligible whisper somewhere nearby means becoming a target for gossip from envious people in reality.

dreamed of a whisper

Why do you dream about whispering?

Whispering, like people whispering next to you, symbolizes evil slander or untrue gossip. If you have such a dream, you should be careful in real life.

what does it mean if you whisper in a dream

Any whisper heard in a dream can become a harbinger of gossip. If you had such a dream - be careful, pay attention to those who show interest in your person. The main thing now is not to give rise to evil tongues.
If you yourself whispered something in a dream, it means that you are not showing enough attention and care towards your loved ones.
If in a dream you tried to scream or say something very loudly, but only a whisper came out of your mouth, pay attention to your state of health, maybe everything is not as smooth as you would like.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Whispering in a dream according to 14 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Whisper” symbol from 14 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

American dream book

Whisper - reluctance or inability to express what you heard from your soul.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Whispering in a dream according to the dream book?

Whispering people - dream of evil, nasty gossip. Be careful.

Maly Velesov dream book

Whisper with someone - you will find out a secret.

Family dream book

Whispering people in a dream- appear to warn you: soon you will be disturbed by evil gossip spread by ill-wishers.

Whispered advice or warning- means that in real life you really need the support and wise advice of friends.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Whisper?

Hearing whispers in a dream- a harbinger of evil gossip spread by people close to you.

If in a dream you are given advice in a whisper or warned about something- this means that in real life you need help or wise advice.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Whispering is the need for a clear, clear expression of intention.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Whisper - are you unwilling or unable to express what is going on in your mind or on your heart? Do you feel like you're hiding something inside of you? Analyze your feelings. Try to get rid of internal barriers and speak out clearly and loudly.

Dream book for a bitch

If in a dream you see people whispering- you are annoyed by gossip and evil conversations of ill-wishers, but you cannot do anything about them.

Talk in a whisper in your sleep- for good advice and real help, you can turn to your close friends and relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Hearing in a dream that someone is talking in a whisper- means that in reality you have lost sight of something important or that those around you are hiding some necessary information from you.

Talk to someone in a whisper- a sign that in reality it is better for you not to advertise a certain matter and not to let strangers into your plans.

If in a dream you make a request or proposal to someone in a whisper, but he does not hear you- this means that you risk suffering due to your own modesty and indecisiveness. The dream suggests that others could meet you halfway, but your shyness prevents people from hearing you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Whispering in a dream means longing for a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Whispering in a dream means illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Whisper in a dream or hear someone whisper- to a rumor that will sadden you to tears.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing people whispering in a dream- means that you will be worried and agitated by evil gossip around you.

Hear in a dream advice or warning given to you in a whisper- evidence that in real life you need the support of friends and their wise advice.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Whispering from a dream book?

Whispering is a conspiracy against the sleeping person.

Video: Why do you dream about Whisper?

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Did you dream about Whisper, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Whispering in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. in a dream, I walked arm in arm with my beloved up the stairs (it’s very light all around). I’m dressed in white, draped in a cloud, and my man is dressed in a long black coat (all black). I walk with him and think why he all in black?

    Hello, I feel like my soul is drowning somewhere, and I’m lying there shaking very hard and constantly and something is whispering in my ears, I’m aware of this dream and I want to wake up but I can’t, after a while I woke up. It feels like this is not a dream but what something else.

    The dream was this: I was in a small room on a small bed (like a sofa bed) next to each other on armchairs, as if two of my close friends were sitting. An unfamiliar girl, short with white hair or just very light hair, leaned on top of me and whispered in my right ear something like “either it will work out, or something will happen (I didn’t understand or don’t remember) when we get married, or for a long time it was said or forever. At the same time, there was some kind of attraction to her, but for some reason I myself tried to push her away from me.

    A certain man who was not indifferent to me stood at the bottom of the ravine with his own daughter and told her in a whisper: “I tell Lyudmila (that’s me) that I miss her..
    And at that time I was at the top of the ravine, next to me was the man’s wife and another woman. Everyone was in a good, even mood. I was clearing a very large knife from the dried earth and also answered in a whisper to the man’s words, “I know.” All :))

    I was standing in an unknown place and the girl I was in love with came up and whispered something pleasant in my ear, I don’t remember what. But it was something nice. After that I felt very good and energized. In general, I seemed to be happy

    I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, I don’t remember what exactly, but I woke up from someone (something) whispering in my left ear, it was very plausible that someone was waking me up, but when I woke up, I was in fear and misunderstanding, there was no one in the room.

    I'm scared. I dreamed that some
    rich man us (me and someone else,
    I don’t remember whom) I tried to enslave. He
    invited me somewhere. But I said "Ah"
    what about my M? (My favorite) And I have
    The alarm clock rang. I turned it off and
    lay down. Then I felt that someone...
    then he stepped on the pillow and in his head “Grandma
    came." I was very scared. It
    grabbed me by the left ear and started
    whisper, I even felt it, they say"
    He will come... He will cook and leave..."
    head thinking “He will die” And such laughter. I
    I was seriously scared. Everything will be fine
    with my beloved?! Help!

    I was sleeping, there was a white light surrounding me and blinding me, then I appeared on a sandy field and could not move, and there were spruce trees around me. A voice appeared, deep, angry and whispering something, I only heard a couple of letters, it seemed that he was just making sounds. As soon as the voice died down, I heard someone running through the trees (the noise of branches).
    All the trees fell in the opposite direction from me and began to sink into the sand.
    I woke up.

    my wife told me today that at night someone whispered the same word limonnema or limonela in her ear and at the same time kissed the cheek of the robe, but after about ten minutes when she turned over to the other side, it was as if someone jumped out of the bed and ran along the floor with distinct steps the cat was not at home at that time

    I dreamed of a guy with whom I recently corresponded on social media. networks, we go to the same gym and I dreamed that he was in my apartment and without a T-shirt, he greeted me and came up and whispered something in my ear, but I didn’t hear it and tried to go ask him, but I couldn’t .k he spoke with my father, unfortunately after that the dream ended

    Hello, on the night from Thursday to Friday I had a terrible dream. That someone is whispering in my ear (someone who is not there) that my daughter died in an accident. What could this dream mean? Can he be prophetic? I'm very worried...

    I just started to fall asleep when a whisper came from the phone, Natasha, Natasha, and so, in reality, I got up and looked out the window, because I thought that maybe someone was standing by the windows and whispering, but there was no one there, an hour later the whisper was repeated Natasha don't sleep and do this several times

    ward...I'm lying......a bright bright light is shining on me...blinding......my body is motionless...I can't speak, a close friend comes to me, like a sister, I recognize her by her voice...because everything is blinding, but my consciousness is everything understands, I see her outlines and intuitively her figure... how she moves...... she tells me a lot... she laments, and then asks how I can help you, I can’t speak, with great difficulty I take a piece of paper and a pen from the bedside table and I’m writing... they’re not whispering to me

    I was sleeping in a dream and someone’s whisper began to wake me up, from which my ears were ringing and they began to hurt, and my eyes began to hurt, I woke up and had a book in my hands, all the pain had passed by that moment, I was lying in my room, looking at the book had a Japanese hieroglyph on it, I opened the book, flipped through it, read it, suddenly I heard someone’s voice whisper again, my ears and eyes hurt again, then I woke up

    Hello! I'm sleeping! and I hear two calm voices whispering to each other. They talk about me, but don't mention my name. Dialogue; we need to warn her that a terrible future awaits her ahead. That's it, I woke up. In life, I'm preparing to move and it's very difficult for me because... I lived here for many years, I have certain fears, maybe my dream has something to do with this?

    In a dream - I sleep on my bed. My daughter is sleeping in the back (we always sleep with her). I dream as if a woman-girl stands in front of me with long black hair that is tangled and covers her face (like in horror films). She whispers something above me - a piercing whisper-whistle. But the words cannot be understood. After that, I get up, wave her off and look out the window.

    In a dream I sleep. A woman of about 40 is leaning over me and quietly speaks and talks non-stop about my ex-boyfriend. The woman is unpleasant to me, I feel disgusted that she is so close to my face. I sleep and hear everything she says.
    I woke up in the same position as in the dream, in fear, it felt like it was not a dream but something else.

    Hello, I was sleeping and turned over, while I had a dream, when I turned over, someone whispered in my ear - “yes”, so drawn out. It seemed to me that it was my grandfather who was waking me up like that, I opened my eyes and saw that no one was nearby, I felt uneasy.

    I dreamed of a black empty room, it was creepy, my mother and I were sitting, in front of us there were two black screens on them, hissing things like when the TV broke, but these things were shown in figures, I clearly remember the child, then all sorts of different pictures were shown in fragments, and in a lot of whispers the voices were saying something, it was creepy, and in the dream I realized that I was trying to wake up.

    I saw in a dream that I was standing on the porch with a familiar person and talking, and he whispered to me, quietly, quietly, there were two men nearby and one of them was the boss. then I heard the boss say that he no longer worked in this position. I had a lot of large 5 thousand bills in my bag and I could barely zip up the bag. then I walked up the porch into the building, where everyone was given some documents for the plane. someone asked how many people can fit on a plane? I answered 375

    Well, I lay there a little asleep and seemed to be in a dream
    And as if I was lying on a willow tree, I heard a whisper, as if my brother was whispering, don’t smoke, but the fact is that I don’t smoke. and then I tried to lie down and turn around to see who it was whispering, but it didn’t work out, it was as if I was paralyzed, but then it seemed to move away, only I was no longer sleeping and looking at the same point as I had a dream, as if it were reality

    It was all completely dark, I heard some voice, but there were no words, most of all it seemed like they were singing an unusual melody, when I opened my eyes this melody lasted about three or four seconds, I was very scared, everything is very realistic, I This is the second time this has happened, although a similar incident happened last year... but to be honest, it’s very creepy

    In the morning I didn’t sleep and heard something stomping and then leaned over and quickly whispered some words, I couldn’t make it out, I wanted to call my mother, but there was a feeling that there was no voice and I just sighed, I was cracking all morning after that, who to tell they will think what happened my head is not right

    Hello, yesterday I had a dream in which I saw a large white cat whispering something incomprehensible to me and at that time slowly walking around me for 5 circles. Thank you in advance.

    I am 17 years old. Every night I have a huge number of dreams. And I remember most of my dreams after I woke up, some I remember thoroughly, and some I try to analyze. Today I had a very unusually strange dream. A dream in which I understand that I am in a dream. It was like this: I’m walking through a familiar place with an unfamiliar wanderer and asking what can be done in this dream, and he tells me: “That the possibilities are endless.” And I’m riding a bike, jumping over some fences in an unfamiliar town, the next thing I remember is how I was soaring in the sky and making turns, first in a 3D projection, and then, strangely enough, in a 2D projection, after that I barely remember what happened further. Yes, and I had a certain feeling that from the first dream a second dream began to flow smoothly, which I don’t remember well, I can only say that it has nothing to do with the first dream that I wrote earlier.

    I dreamed that I was in a family that had a large tomato plantation and a large greenhouse, where tomatoes also grew. Only it was not me, but Nastasya Samburskaya. =) I had a mother and a daughter, maybe there were men too, but I never dreamed about it. In our family, money affairs went into decline, so that not the workers, but we ourselves had to collect the harvest. Then we couldn’t stand it anymore and went for a walk somewhere dressed up. Then they came happy and went to bed. In the middle of the night I hear either a howl or a deaf cry in the distance. And then someone warily whispers in my ear the words: “Do you hear? This is a bomb! This is a bomb!". The voice was familiar to me in the dream. Like a continuation of that dream. But I immediately woke up and sat in confusion for several minutes.

    I was with my lover and with my friends. During foreplay, he whispered something in my ear, then I found myself in some concert hall, and even further I found myself with my friend

    she held a whole palm of change for 2 rubles, held it out to the man - she had to give it to him, with her eyes she tried to count how much was in her palm. Suddenly a man's voice said loudly and clearly right in my ear - DON'T GIVE UP! AFTER! suddenly someone came in and I put all the change in my pocket. Then the voice said something else, but it was impossible to make out. That same night I dreamed of my long-dead grandmother. She was busy cleaning the house, rearranging the furniture in her house, it was sunny in the room, we were talking to her like we were alive.

    The dream took place in my room. It was like a darkening in the eyes, only white. My ears were blocked and it was as if someone had crawled into my head and started speaking loud, distinct words, as if not in Russian. I could hardly move or say anything, only through force.

    Hello, I had a dream today. It was as if he was real. I was lying in my room, there were white highlights in my eyes. There were clear loud words in a foreign language in my head. I didn’t understand what kind of language it was; perhaps it doesn’t exist at all. I tried to call my mother for help, but it was as if this creature was preventing me from speaking. Now I don't have the feeling of waking up.

    I usually sleep with a mask on (over my eyes) and in my dreams I see through the bottom of the mask that I am sleeping in my old apartment on the second floor of a bunk bed. I understand that I can’t be here and I start to feel for the wall because I remember that I was wheezing against the wall. But I feel this board that on the second floor usually prevents children from falling. And everything is so real. I literally felt and heard the creaking of this board. The bed always creaked terribly. Downstairs I hear my brother (it seems like he should be there) tossing and turning and muttering something. Alarming. Then his muttering becomes louder, faster and more unintelligible. The whole bed begins to shake and creak. I'm scared. I try to take off the mask but I can’t. It gets cold and I hug the blanket close to me. And I understand that this is not a blanket but a towel. And it's raw. That's why I'm cold. I’m feeling again and even knocking on the board because I understand that this is a dream and that I can’t be here, when suddenly... silence. And everything is black. (the dream was already all dark, but the silhouettes of the furniture were visible, as is usually the case in the dark), but now everything was completely black and everything was silent. After a few seconds I opened my eyes. My hand is pressed against the wall. The time on the clock was 2.13 am.

Probability of dreams coming true by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will this happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

The Art of Cat Sleep

All cat owners know very well how their furry pets while away the days: they take a nap, eat, take a nap again, eat and go back to sleep. Yes, one can only envy such a pleasant pastime and instant falling asleep. Why do cats sleep so much and do they have dreams?

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One dream for two is the highest level of lucid sleep, which, however, can be achieved by every person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming is a special type of interpersonal communication in reality created in a dream.

Why do you dream about Whisper?

Whisper in a modern dream book

An incoherent whisper heard in a dream is evidence that in reality you need to firmly express your opinion and defend your personal point of view in some important and very responsible matter. By adhering to this strategy, you will be able to achieve your goal and get what you want, but if you succumb to persuasion and give up your intention, you will not only suffer a loss, but also lose your authority in the eyes of others. If in a dream you hear someone talking in a whisper, it means that in real life you should beware of gossips. Tell less about your personal life and plans for the future to those whom they do not directly concern, otherwise you will not be able to avoid slander and malicious gossip behind your back. Hearing advice in a quiet whisper in a dream is a sign that you are confused in current events and do not see a way out of a difficult situation, so you cannot do without the help of friends.

Whisper in Miller's dream book

A dream in which you saw people talking in whispers to each other warns that in reality you cannot avoid evil gossip that damages your reputation. These false, defamatory rumors will cause you mental pain and may cause misunderstandings in communication with loved ones. If in your dream you heard some warning or advice spoken in a whisper, this is a hint that in order to solve your problems, you should seek advice from more experienced and wise people or ask friends for help

Hearing in a dream that someone is talking in a whisper: means that in reality you have lost sight of something important or that those around you are hiding some necessary information from you.

Addressing someone yourself in a whisper: a sign that in reality it is better for you not to advertise a certain matter and not to let strangers into your plans.

If you whisper a request or proposal to someone, but he does not hear you, this means that you risk suffering due to your own modesty and indecisiveness. The dream suggests that others could meet you halfway, but your shyness prevents people from hearing you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

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Dream Interpretation - Whisper

Seeing people whispering in a dream means that you will be worried and agitated by the evil gossip around you.

Hearing advice or a warning given to you in a whisper in a dream is evidence that in real life you need the support of friends and their wise advice.

Wool Seeing wool in a dream is a favorable harbinger of brilliant opportunities for expanding the scope of your interests.

Seeing soiled, dirty wool portends that you will have to look for work from those who do not share your beliefs at all.

Interpretation of dreams from


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