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Why do you dream about closing? Close the door. How to interpret the dream “Trunk”

Dreams in which a person happened to lock a door have many different interpretations. The exact interpretation depends on the details of the dream. Closing the door from the outside is a sign of fundamental changes in the life of a sleeping person; from the inside, it is a symbol of an attempt to limit one’s communication with those close to him. New and tall doors promise a new addition to the family and strengthened material well-being. Narrow, shabby and old doors foreshadow big troubles for the dreamer.

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    Door appearance

    It is important to pay attention to what the door looked like, which the dreamer closed in a dream. The meaning of sleep depending on its external features:

    • small - to a new sexual partner;
    • high - to wealth and luxurious life;
    • unsteady - to doubts and lack of confidence in one’s abilities;
    • creaking - to unpleasant guests;
    • burning - to meet old friends;
    • narrow - to big troubles;
    • new - for the birth of a son, a meeting with distant relatives;
    • richly decorated - to unfulfilled desires;
    • crumbling into pieces - to an unpleasant situation;
    • with a beautiful pen - to an interesting acquaintance;
    • black - to support relatives in a difficult situation;
    • white - to good news;
    • round - to complete harmony in relationships with loved ones;
    • broken - to making an important choice;
    • leaky - to the discovery of a big secret;
    • old, but strong - to the desire to isolate yourself from people;
    • boarded up - to being in a state of dead end in life.

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      The meaning of sleep depending on the type of lock

      An important point for the correct interpretation of a dream is the type of lock.

      If a woman dreams that she is locking the door, then this portends her a successful marriage. Her future husband will turn out to be a worthy young man. If the dreamer has lost the key, then she herself will harm her reputation and position in society due to rash and hasty actions.

      A dream in which a person locks the front door of his house predicts decisive actions on his part to ensure his safety.

      Closing the door in a dream with the latch means that in the near future a person will appear who will play a fateful role in the dreamer’s life; closing the latch means ignoring a request for help.

      Closing the door with a hook is an unfavorable sign. He says that there is some kind of lie in the dreamer’s life, because of which a person may find himself in an awkward situation. Another interpretation of the dream is that the dreamer will have to answer for a stupid act that he committed in the past.

      A modern dream book claims that closing a door with a bolt is a symbol of avoiding the advances of a person for whom the dreamer does not feel anything. Another interpretation of the dream suggests that the person is frightened by something, but does not want anyone to know about his troubles. Therefore, the dreamer will look for various opportunities to quickly resolve the issue.

      Closing an ancient castle of a bizarre shape means gaining the trust of an influential person. In the future, this will have a positive impact on the dreamer’s career.

      If, when trying to close the door, a sleeping person discovers that there is no keyhole in the lock, this indicates that the planned event will be a failure and will not live up to his hopes.

      A padlock is a symbol of sadness, sadness and grief that will be in vain; a barn lock is a sign of receiving unexpected big profits.

      Door location

      The correct interpretation of the dream and where the door was located, which the dreamer happened to close:

      • in the apartment - to betrayal or deception of your best friend;
      • in the room - to improve relationships with family;
      • in the house where you spent your childhood - to great family happiness;
      • in the basement - to reveal a big secret;
      • in the dungeon - to the awareness of one’s guilt for an dishonest act;
      • in the attic - to promotion through the ranks;
      • in the chest of drawers - to unforeseen obstacles in achieving your goals and attempts to overcome them;
      • in the closet - to great wealth;
      • at the factory - to persistent and hard work;
      • in the stove - to an accidental fire;
      • in transport - to the conclusion of an ill-considered marriage;
      • in the car - to commit an adventurous act;
      • in church - to an easy solution to any problems;
      • at work - to possible dismissal;
      • in the store - to make a difficult but correct choice;
      • in the garage - to rethink your life and plan for the future.

      Door material

      To correctly interpret the dream, you should remember what material the door that needed to be closed was made of:

      • armored metal means that the dreamer has people who will always support him in a difficult situation;
      • glass portends the appearance of false information and gossip about the dreamer and his family members, and also warns that the sleeper may be drawn into a scam that will have extremely negative consequences. It is necessary to reduce communication with unfamiliar people and not succumb to the temptation to accept tempting commercial offers from unverified business partners;
      • stone promises a long and happy life;
      • worn out, dilapidated means that you cannot postpone solving an important problem, since any delay will have disastrous consequences.

      The dreamer's actions

      If a person dreams that he is trying to lock the door, but it still won’t close, then this is an unfavorable sign. He speaks of the presence in the dreamer’s immediate environment of a person who negatively influences him. You need to try to limit communication with unpleasant people. Otherwise, it will negatively affect the state of the sleeper’s nervous system.

      If, when you try to close the doors, they open again on their own, this is a favorable sign. He says that new prospects will appear before the dreamer. He can get a higher interesting position that will bring moral and material satisfaction.

      Closing the door from inside the room is a symbol of the fact that a person wants to protect himself from communication with the outside world. It is necessary to learn to adequately perceive all the events that happen in life. If, after the dreamer closed the door from the inside, he saw that he was in a room without windows or doors, this is a favorable symbol. The sleeper will have enough strength to forget about unpleasant events from the past.

A vision of a closed door is often explained by dream interpreters as a difficulty that the dreamer will or will not be able to prevent. It all depends on the details of the dream. A similar symbol in night dreams foreshadows troubles and the destruction of illusions. However, there are other meanings for which such content is seen: a person’s desire to analyze the details, or to ignore problems that depress consciousness.

Difficulties can be resolved

Seeing it closed is a sign of unexpected difficulties in work. When you manage to open it, the problems will be solved in a short time.

A vision of a corridor with a large number of closed doors means: the moment has come to choose how to resolve a bad or difficult situation that has arisen.

Knocking on a closed door? For young people, such a plot in a dream means an attempt to find an excuse for themselves. She managed to open it - the dream book gives hope: she will be able to prove her own truth. If a woman in a marriage knocks on doors to no avail, the relationship with her spouse will not be restored. If the door is opened to her, the husband wants to take a step towards her.

Be ready for challenges

Slamming a door with your foot in a dream means problems are foreseen in work or family. Misunderstandings, quarrels and troubles are likely.

Slamming the closet doors means a sleeping person will be faced with a significant secret.

Why do you dream of a closed door to a temple? The dream interpreter informs: changes for the worse are expected, sadness. But don’t be discouraged, the troubles will end quickly.

Problems can only be overcome by confronting them.

A dream of a closed door embodies major difficulties on the road to a dream. Trying to open it means: the sleeping person is trying with all his might to overcome them, to overcome all the subtleties of a complex incident.

Why try to close it? The dreamer wants to distance himself from problems. You should be able to face difficulties with courage.

If you managed to slam the doors behind you, you will be able to prevent problems, or you will pass the danger.

The main thing is to really evaluate your own strengths

Couldn't you close the doors behind you in your dream? In reality, you will need to refuse a profitable business, since you are not able to carry it out.

Did you dream that you couldn’t open the keyhole? The dream book indicates: you are so unsure of yourself that you are afraid of everything that is coming. It is necessary to eradicate such qualities in yourself, only then will your plans come true.

Trying to open closed doors in a dream is a positive omen. The dreamer will be able to overcome all difficulties in his path.

What does it mean if the door is latched? The dream interpreter warns about upcoming meetings with people you know little. Obstacles are also expected in one of the important matters.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Did you lock the door yourself in a dream? You will soon discover that your enemies will bring you great harm. Think about how to do everything without harm to yourself and others.

Other interpretations

Examine the front door as if it were closed? Major difficulties will actually lead the sleeper away from his intended goal, which will force him to change his plans.

The door is locked ? The dream book explains: you do not know about the laws, which is an obstacle to your work.

Why does a young girl dream of a door locked from the inside? Such a dream predicts a date with a guy. In the future, warm feelings will appear towards him.

Manipulations in dream vision

In order for the explanation of the dream to be reliable, it is necessary to remember all the dreamed nuances:

  • locked from the inside with a key - your hopes will be destroyed;
  • hooked - what you think is safe is actually not true;
  • knocking on the door - meaningless hopes;

  • break into it - a major unforeseen obstacle;
  • can’t close the shutter - problems have arisen that will not be easy to resolve;
  • someone else's door is closed - the dreamer's friends will disown him.

Without going out, close them? A sleeping person wants to be alone with himself, but this is impossible; first he must finish the difficult work he has started.

As the dream book explains, a closed door from the inside prophesies resistance with fears that are not so easy for the dreamer to overcome. From the outside, you will be able to leave behind all disappointments and oppression.

If in a dream you had to close a window, and you are completely at a loss trying to find out what such a dream means, refer to the dream book. It is worth immediately noting that all elements will have to be interpreted simultaneously.

Spiritual sign

In general, the dream book interprets the window as a kind of symbol that helps to learn about the future and shed light on the dreamer’s present state. In special cases, such a dream even provides an opportunity to look into the other world. This is especially true for people who engage in various spiritual practices and, in particular, access to the astral plane and lucid dreaming.

Close from the inside

The most important thing is to remember whether in the dream you had to close the window from the inside or the outside. To better understand why this action is dreamed of, you need to remember that such symbolism reflects a person’s desire (possibly subconscious) to distance himself from the outside world. In some cases, the dream book interprets the dream as a sign of absolute seclusion and even hermitism. If in the silence of the night you try by any means to close yourself from the inside, it means that in this way you are moving away from others and going inside yourself. This is a clear manifestation of the search for knowledge and the desire to comprehend the true side of existence.

Interpretation according to Miller

But Miller’s dream book has a more down-to-earth opinion on this matter. He deciphers a window opening in a dream as a look at some unfinished business and personal hopes. Most likely, difficult times associated with them await you. And in this meaning, closing a window according to Miller’s dream book means an attempt to avoid failure. If you manage to do this, then everything will turn out well in the real world. If you dreamed that you were trying to crawl through a closed window opening, then Miller’s dream book suggests that in the near future the dreamer will try to avoid some kind of trouble.

The wind promises change

Questions often arise about why you have a dream in which you have to close the window from the wind. In such a vision, the dream book recommends interpreting a combination of all three elements. The open frame in this case serves as a symbol of something new that will burst into your life like an unbridled element. Night dreams about the wind can indicate changes, both good and bad. At the same time, trying to close the window from the wind is a sign that you are trying to avoid these innovations. But whether you will be able to preserve your life without changes directly depends on whether you were able to protect yourself from the wind in a dream or not.

The latch is a special symbol

Another symbolic meaning is the dream in which the dreamer is trying to close the window with a latch. In combination with the interpretations already voiced, the dream book suggests paying attention specifically to the latch. Usually this element is interpreted as protection from external attacks. Upcoming events will help you understand why you dream of such an unusual vision. After it, you should expect requests for help from loved ones, but if you dreamed that you were locked in a latch, then you will probably refuse assistance.

Your reliable protection

Particular attention must be paid to the conditions of the night vision itself. If you dreamed that you felt a sense of security and satisfaction from your actions, then in the real world you don’t have to fear serious troubles and troubles. After all, in a dream you have already performed a ritual that carries absolute protection.

Dream interpretation of closing the door

Why do you dream of closing the door? It seems that such a dream has nothing to hide from the sleeper, but in fact, everything is not so simple. A closed door is a reflection of possible obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. The final result depends only on the dreamer, and he must understand this.

general information

According to the dream book, closing the door is a symbol that depends on a large number of related details. In one case, a person will face problems and disappointment, and in the other, a constant desire for a better life. The main thing is to learn to leave in the past what has been oppressive for a long time and influenced the stability of the emotional state.

What do the experts think?

Before you begin to decipher the image you see, you must understand the potential difficulties that you may encounter. At the initial stage, try to highlight key events.

There is no point in focusing on just one option, since much depends on the context.

Women's dream book

Locking yourself in a dream

As the dream book prescribes, locking the door means concluding a happy marriage in which your partner will be able to get to know you from different sides. It is also important to remember which side you decided to close on:

  • outside - you will be able to get rid of oppressive thoughts that for a long time did not allow you to relax properly;
  • from the inside - you want to protect yourself from external influences.

A female dream interpreter advises learning to accept and solve problems face to face, rather than trying to run away from them. Such behavior tactics are unlikely to lead to good results. By overcoming your own fears, you can become stronger and more confident. Locking the door one after another is another attempt to hide from problems.

A young representative of the fair sex closes the door - to a future acquaintance with an interesting and wealthy gentleman who will allow her to gain not only financial, but also emotional dependence.

Symbolic dream book

Locking yourself in a dream with a key

Locking the door with a key means possible difficulties in your personal and professional fields. The main thing is not to try to respond in the same way as the offender did. A dream can be interpreted more accurately if the dreamer manages to remember the day the dream appeared. As a rule, night images that come on Tuesday or Thursday are considered prophetic, and therefore it is better to listen to them.

Dreams in which you had to close doors are a definite warning: soon people will appear who want to rob. The dream interpreter advises to prepare for this in advance so that no surprises can piss you off later.

A closed front door is related to certain professional areas related to advertising and the intellectual sphere. Such dreams often contain a warning that your idea may be stolen by the person you trust most.

Miller's Dream Book

When deciphering what a closed door means in a dream, the dreamer must understand that his attempt to hide gossip and intrigue from loved ones is doomed to failure. Enemies will try to do everything possible to ensure that the information reaches the recipient, and therefore it is better to get ahead of them.

The front door is locked and does not yield to your efforts - to a meeting with a stronger enemy, and therefore it is better to think through your plan of action in advance. The lack of proper competencies can be compensated for with the help of loved ones.

Closing the door from the inside means your struggle with the fears you have experienced continues to this day, but the results are disappointing. If a young girl sees such a dream, then she will be able to meet a person who can win her soul.

Locking yourself in a dream from the inside

Islamic dream book

Locking a new door in a dream means marrying a beautiful girl if the gentleman is single. For married men, such a dream confirms a strong relationship, which many simply envy.

The passage does not close, despite great efforts - the dreamer will be able to refuse a dubious business that is beyond his strength. The Islamic dream book says that closed doors indicate that you are leading your own life incorrectly, and therefore it’s time to reconsider your views.

Where were you?

Seeing closed doors in a dream means unexpected problems at work, so try to recall in your memory the place where the events took place.

I dreamed of many doors in the corridor


Many doors in a spacious corridor - the beginning of decisive times that require solving an unpleasant and difficult situation. Your task is to learn to endure all the hardships without resorting to the help of strangers.

Why do you dream of knocking on closed doors? For the fair sex, the final result will be of great importance:

  • opened - you will be able to defend your point of view;
  • ignored - to possible problems in relations with the gentleman.

For married women, an open door indicates that the other half is ready to make compromises. Slamming doors with your foot means possible quarrels and conflicts.


I dreamed of closet doors - a sleeping person will have to touch a complex secret that will affect his future future. He will have to interpret the information correctly, otherwise it will play a cruel joke on him.

I dreamed about church gates


Why do you dream about doors to a church? Such a dream is a reflection of possible changes for the worse. Melancholy will become an integral attribute of everyday life, and therefore it is better to think in advance about the nature of its occurrence. The dream interpreter advises to give up despondency, since any problems will end sooner or later.

How did everything go?

In your dreams, it is not always possible to remember a key action that allows you to shed light on the subsequent decoding.

Closing the door with a hook means your dreams will not come true, but you should not give in to despondency. Fortune favors the brave, and therefore you cannot stop trying.

Latching the key from the inside is a symbol of fictitious security, on which it is better not to place any hopes.

If the sleeper is unable to close the door, then he wants to enjoy solitude and his own company more often. The dream interpreter advises using this time profitably by sorting out your thoughts. Of course, such difficult work on yourself will have to be brought to its logical conclusion.

It is impossible to close the door to the apartment - a symbol reflecting self-doubt and subconscious fears. The plan will be realized only when it is possible to get rid of the shortcomings.

Latching a lot of doors will help you avoid a lot of difficulties, but don't try to avoid them all the time. The more obstacles you can overcome, the easier it will be later.

The passages close by themselves - to future meetings with unpleasant people. The dream interpreter warns that the future may depend on them, so try to show good communication skills. Having passed such a test, you can count on an improvement in your life situation.

Seeing many doors locked with a key means you are unable to learn about any rules or laws that are hindering development.

Why do you dream of closing

Freud's Dream Book

If you close a door, bag, suitcase, this symbolizes your desire for sexual intercourse, but often a posteriori, that is, when the situation has already passed and you regret the missed opportunities. For a woman, this often symbolizes fear of an unwanted pregnancy.

If a woman locks herself indoors, this symbolizes her fear of an unwanted pregnancy, for which she tends to force her partner to resort to coitus interruptus.

Why do you dream of closing

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Closing the containers means the final rupture of a seemingly stable love relationship.

Why do you dream of closing

Spring dream book

Closing the shutters in a house means the owner is ill.

Why do you dream of closing

Summer dream book

Closing windows, vents, and doors in a house in a dream means that you always try to be alone.

Why do you dream of closing

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how you close all the windows in the house - means leaving or selling the house.

Why do you dream of closing

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Closing a box or basket in a dream means the completion of some business or the end of certain events. If the container is empty, this means an unsuccessful ending; if there is something in it, then you will be lucky.

Closing the lock is a harbinger that you will soon discover that someone is harming you.

Closing a book in a dream means that in reality you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from other people’s lips.

Closing a door in a dream means disappointment and trouble. For a young girl, locking the door is a sign that she will get married. If you are trying to close the door, and it suddenly breaks off its hinges and falls on you, this portends danger for you and your friends. Standing in front of a closed door, unable to get inside, foreshadows frivolous actions and unnecessary meetings.

Seeing closed windows in a dream is a sign of abandonment, devastation and loneliness. Close the windows - you will fail in your chosen endeavor and lose respect, for you will be caught using dishonest means to achieve a goal that seems noble to you.

A closed gate means that you will not be able to cope with the problems that arise alone. Closing the gates means the successful progress of the enterprise in the most difficult and unfavorable external conditions.

Seeing a closed carriage in a dream means your affairs and plans may be upset by an unexpected betrayal.

Why do you dream of closing

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Close the box, basket - completion, end of things.

Why do you dream of closing

Modern dream book

Closing a box or basket in a dream means completing some task.

If the container is empty, this means an unsuccessful ending; if there is something in it, then you will be lucky.

Closing a box with valuables means that you want to keep something secret.

Close the lock - you will soon discover that someone is harming you.

Closing a book in a dream means that in reality you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself from gossip.

Closing a door in a dream means disappointment and trouble.

For a young girl, locking the door with a key is a sign that she will marry successfully.

If you are trying to close the door, and it suddenly breaks off its hinges and falls on you, this portends danger for you and your friends.

Standing in front of a closed door, unable to get inside, foreshadows frivolous actions.

Why do you dream of closing

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Close for Quarantine - you dream that some institution is closed for quarantine - even your most distant plans will come true, but this will take more time than you expected. It’s as if you yourself are in quarantine - your enemies will somehow manage to harm you; you will not immediately find a way out of a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of closing

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Closing - You dream that you are closing something (a door, a lid, a book, etc.) - your work is nearing completion; the problems are nearing completion.

Why do you dream of closing

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Close for Quarantine - the need for cleansing or renewal of the soul; conflicting feelings about the moral side of your life.

Why do you dream of closing

Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

an image denoting a huge number of human emotions. if the sleeper closes someone in the room, he wants to limit the activity of this person, is afraid of him, or is jealous. Perhaps he wants to take revenge on him for something. If a person sees that he himself is closing himself in a room, he is probably tired of his external activity and wants a measured, solitary life. Perhaps he feels threatened by people. afraid of punishment. If in a dream someone locks you indoors, most likely, in reality many restrictions interfere with you, you want to get rid of someone’s jealousy and attacks.

Why do you dream of closing

Dream book of the past

Close is an image that represents a huge amount of human emotion.

If the sleeper closes someone in the room, he wants to limit the activity of this person, is afraid of him, or is jealous. Perhaps he wants to take revenge on him for something.

If a person sees that he himself is closing himself in a room, he is probably tired of his external activity and wants a measured, solitary life. Perhaps he feels threatened by people. afraid of punishment.

If in a dream someone locks you indoors, most likely, in reality many restrictions interfere with you, you want to get rid of someone’s jealousy and attacks.

Why do you dream of closing

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Close is an image denoting a huge number of feelings and emotions that a person has.

If a person closes someone in a room, this is an image of limiting the activity of this negative subject, a feeling of jealousy towards him, maybe even fear of him, a desire to keep him away from the whole world or to take revenge on him for something.

If a person sees that he himself is closing himself in a room, then this is a reflection of the desire to retire, to erect some kind of barrier between himself and others, to limit the possibility of penetration into his emotional, sexual sphere, the desire to close his emotions, and it may also be a feeling of an existing threat from the outside. other people or the expectation of possible punishment for real or imagined mistakes.



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