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How to massage your feet. Foot massage - complete instructions

Every second woman experiences problems with her legs - they swell, get very tired in the evening, buzz and require help. If you want your legs to look beautiful and relieve fatigue quickly and effectively, you need a massage.

Of course, a massage from a professional will return strength and health to your legs, but it is not always possible to attend due to work or financial problems. Then you need to learn how to do a simple massage for your legs and feet yourself. This procedure is pleasant and very healthy; it strengthens muscles, tones blood vessels and increases skin elasticity.

What does a foot massage do?

With help proper massage You can achieve quite pronounced effects on the skin, subcutaneous layer and muscles.

First of all, dead skin particles are exfoliated, along with which dirt, micro-particles of dust, and microorganisms are removed. The work of the skin glands is activated, blood circulation in the legs improves, and in parallel with it, the outflow of lymph from the tissues. This allows you to more actively remove metabolic products from them.

As a result, it improves appearance skin, muscle elasticity increases, and fat deposits become less noticeable, slightly decreasing in volume. After the massage legs rest, relax, relieve tension and pain in them, which gives you a feeling of comfort.

What is the effectiveness of massage?

You can massage your legs in separate zones, or you can fully work out all sections, from the buttocks and thighs to the toes - everything will depend on your desire and availability of free time. In this case, there will be an impact not only on the muscles and skin, but also indirectly on the entire body, since there are many reflex points on the legs, especially in the foot area.

Massaging the arch of the foot will have a beneficial effect on the spine; back pain . When applied to the fingers, the condition of the eyes and ears and the functioning of the sinuses can improve. If you vigorously rub your feet when a cold starts at night, you will feel much better in the morning.

There are two options for performing a foot massage at home - either your partner massages you, or you do a self-massage of your feet.

Foot massage from your loved one

This is undoubtedly not only useful, but also very pleasant and exciting. First of all, you need to position yourself correctly to help with the massage. To do this, you need to lie down on a flat surface and place a cushion or rolled towel in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa.

As a result of your massage therapist’s actions, you should not experience pain, so adjust the strength of the impact, indicating where to massage more actively and where to massage less. The room should be cool, and if, while you are being massaged on one leg, the other feels cool, you can throw a blanket over it.

To maximize the effect of the massage, it is necessary to use oils with delicate aromas. This will help you relax and unwind, especially after a hard day. If the massage is aimed at relieving heaviness or pain in the legs, you can also use warming creams or gels for massage.

Instructions for your massage therapist

It is necessary for the partner to take the foot by its arch with one hand and actively rub the foot with the palm of the other hand. As the foot warms up, you can alternate between using your palms and your knuckles. When the foot begins to warm up, you need to massage each toe individually, moving from the nail to the base of the toe, rubbing and rolling the skin with the pads of your toes.

Then, taking the foot in your hand and fixing it, it is necessary for the partner to move the thumb in a circular motion along the foot. Where the skin is rougher, you can make money more boldly; where the skin is very thin, it is a little easier so that there is no pain. Special attention should be given to the heel: the skin on it is usually the densest, so the effort should be maximum.

Then the partner needs to move to the Achilles tendon area, it needs to be massaged with the thumb in the direction up and down, without causing pain. Then, using similar movements, you need to massage it in the area of ​​​​the bones of the foot in the ankle area. And at the end, slightly rotate the foot in different directions in the ankle area. It is helpful to stretch your foot, as ballerinas do, and then bend it in the opposite direction.

How to properly massage your feet

Then let the partner move on to a calf massage, where you must first carry out warming movements in the form of rubbing, and then use your knuckles to massage all the muscles of the calf in a circular motion. Next, bypassing the area of ​​the popliteal fossa, let him rise to the thigh area and, with the same movements that were used when massaging the lower leg, massage all the muscles of the thigh in front and behind.

The massage should be completed by kneading the buttock area, starting with rubbing and ending with active pinching and kneading over the entire surface. At the end, light stroking of the surface of the legs follows. After the massage, you should lie down for about 15 minutes, prolonging the pleasure.

People who spend a huge amount of time on their feet, or, conversely, who do not move much, simply need regular massage lower limbs. Due to very low activity, people may experience blood stagnation. This in turn leads after some time to various diseases. A massage of the feet or legs that a person receives in a salon or he does at home will bring a lot of benefits. A properly performed massage will help relax muscles, get rid of unpleasant discomfort after a long day of work, and prevent the development of large number ailments. If you are planning to learn how to properly massage your feet, then in this article you can find out some details for yourself.

What is foot massage

Mechanical impact on leg tissue is an excellent prevention of transverse and longitudinal flat feet and varicose veins. Moreover, it will be useful for a person to massage the feet, since the entire main load will fall on them. A long time ago, Chinese masters were able to advance in mastering massage techniques. Even in ancient times, this procedure was performed in order to try to save a person from sleepless nights. Foot and leg massage promotes general relaxation of the entire human body. After a foot massage, a person’s nervous state disappears, and his sleep becomes more stable.

Modern technology Foot massage consists of influencing the muscles of the hip, knee, ankle joints, as well as the fingers and feet. You don’t always need to contact specialists at the salon. To be able to relieve yourself of heaviness in the lower extremities, you can ask for a massage of the feet or other parts of the lower extremities of your loved one, or massage the legs yourself. This unique procedure will help you heal your entire body.


How to massage a woman's feet? This question is considered extremely interesting. Did you know that this procedure has undeniable advantages? The main advantage of foot massage is its stimulating effect on the entire human body. This effect can be achieved due to the fact that there are a huge number of very important reflex points on the legs and feet. Each of them bears its own responsibility for the work of a particular body. Eg,

Some nerve endings that are responsible for general state spine, located on the arch of the foot. By stimulating them, you can completely get rid of back pain. Massage of the fingers of the lower extremities has a good effect on the teeth, gums, eyes, heart, and sinuses.


Many doctors recommend regularly performing various massage techniques for the legs, especially the feet, in order to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, in case of arrhythmia, gastrointestinal tract, nausea, and in order to prevent acute respiratory infections. In addition to all this, foot massage will help you with: circulatory disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, diseases of the reproductive system, depressive disorders, and kidney pathologies.


If your legs hurt, a proper massage will help. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with the contraindications. So, no matter how useful the massage procedure is, it still has its contraindications. There are not very many main ones - this is the acute stage of any disease, or fungus on the nails. The rest of the list of contraindications is relative, or, more simply put, will require you to visit a doctor and consult with him: varicose veins, oncology of any degree, pregnancy, pathologies of small joints of the feet, osteoparosis, diabetes. If you make your own decision about massage for these conditions, you may experience very serious health problems. During pregnancy, at the time of stimulation on the feet, relaxation of the uterine muscle may occur. There is a risk of premature birth (miscarriage) with this condition. A certain number of malignant tumors may become activated at the time of massage of certain reflex points.

How to properly massage your feet

First, you need to place a pillow or a rolled towel under the knee so as not to feel pain when the muscles are impacted. In order for the procedure to take place in a more comfortable environment, it is necessary to maintain a normal temperature in the room. And in order to prevent the second leg from freezing, it should be covered with a warm terry towel or sheet. You can carry out this procedure at any time, for example, before going to bed or having a pedicure. We advise you to use cream or special lotion for massaging.


You can also do a relaxing foot massage yourself. In this case, it is worth considering some details. The person receiving the massage should lie on his stomach and place a cushion under his knees. Using a straight palm, the massage therapist begins stroking from the ankle to the knee. After this, you need to massage with the most intense pressure. Within three minutes, the massage therapist begins to alternate stroking and rubbing. Then he begins to carry out kneading, which affects all nerve endings. At the end of the procedure, it is replaced by stroking again. It will take approximately 5 minutes.

Myofascial massage of face and body.

Back massage for osteochondrosis of the thoracic, cervical and lumbar spine is beneficial for treatment and prevention. Types of massage and its classification are the main techniques of healing, sports and relaxation.


Massage movements should be performed from the ankle to the subgluteal fold, including the popliteal area. This procedure is performed to restore the body from arthrosis, arthritis, gout, flat feet, or previous injuries to the legs and spine. A person should be referred for this procedure by a doctor, and it should only be performed by a competent specialist. First, you need to find out the cost of a foot massage, and whether the salon of your choice provides a therapeutic option, since even in the capital of our homeland it is not possible to find a good professional everywhere.


To conduct a relaxing massage, you do not always need to be a good specialist in this field. In order to do it yourself, you first need to warm up your legs. This procedure is performed using light stroking movements using oil. Next, you need to grab your heel with both hands and rotate your ankle. Then you should do the same with the knee joints. Then you can move on to the toes and sole.

On a note! For 15-20 minutes, they should be kneaded well, stroked and squeezed in random order.


This massage technique should only be performed by a good specialist (chiropractor). By massaging certain areas on the feet, you can quickly bring full order nervous system, improve the health of the entire body, and strengthen the immune system. A professional massage therapist begins to press on certain active points that are responsible for the functioning of certain organs. In this case, the pressure will change from strong to weak, and vice versa.

On a note! Acupressure massage is somewhat similar to acupuncture or modern Thai. But it was discovered 3 thousand years ago by ancient Chinese scientists.

Foot massage at home

In order to save money on a massage procedure performed by a specialist, you need to learn how to perform it yourself. First you should warm up your hands. To do this, you need to rub your palms against each other with great intensity. Movements on the legs must be soft and smooth. They should start from calf muscle to the knee, and then move towards the pelvis. To warm up the thigh on the inner part, the intensity of movement must be reduced, but on the outer part it must be increased, but in moderation. In addition to this, you should definitely follow the main rule: your hands should slide along your leg only in the opposite direction.

Foot massage.

After you have warmed up your foot well, you should grab it with your hands and stretch it between your palms several times, moving towards the heel from your toes. Then you should stretch the outer area of ​​the foot. This is done by pressing movements of the elbow, or the edge of a bent fist, as well as by tapping the heel of the fingers. After fixing the massaged leg, you need to gently twist the heel in one direction and the other with your hand. At the end of the procedure, you need to stretch the muscles located near the lower joints of the fingers in a circular motion.


As you can see, with our instructions you can do a foot massage at home. At the same time, you should not forget about your shins. The movements should be performed from the calf to the popliteal cavity. The massage should begin with soft stroking, which will progress into straight-line rubbing, palm rotation and intense pinching. All actions must be moderately energetic in order not to cause serious harm to the lower leg muscles. Massage is provided middle part closed fingers, or a fist and the lower part of the palms. The number of turns for one shin should be seven times. After damage to the ligaments or sprain of the calf muscle, the massage should be performed with the lowest intensity without movements to the tear.

Toe massage.

This massage is very much appreciated by women who constantly wear very high heels. To prevent the joint at the base of the big toe from becoming deformed over time, these massage sessions must be performed regularly. First, the massage therapist begins to knead the pads, then carefully scrolls each phalanx. The massage therapist takes turns moving first along and then against the clockwise trajectory. To create additional load, you can perform flexion and extension of your toes.

Thigh muscle massage.

This procedure consists of 2 stages: working on the back and front surface of the thigh. The order in this case will be arbitrary. All movements include kneading, stroking, and gentle squeezes with both hands. These techniques can remove cellulite very easily. When performing such a massage, lymphatic drainage of the skin occurs, which helps get rid of folds and stretch marks. In addition, vibrating actions, which should be driven from the knee to the hip joint, will also be useful. How can you massage yourself? You can use foot massagers at home or learn how to perform lymphatic drainage massage yourself.

Let's sum it up

Now you understand how to massage your legs and feet. main feature This procedure consists of soft wave-like movements that are carried out along the course of the lymph to the lymph nodes. The procedure is performed for prevention, to relieve leg fatigue, varicose veins, and also for weight loss in the hip area. The impact in this case occurs on soft fabrics for cleansing. As a result of the massage, toxins are removed from the body and the process of breaking down subcutaneous fat is enhanced.

People who spend a lot of time on their feet or, conversely, move little, simply need to periodically massage their lower limbs. Due to low activity, blood stagnation occurs, which over time leads to many diseases. A leg or foot massage done in a salon or at home will bring many benefits. A correctly performed procedure will relax the muscles, relieve discomfort after a hard day at work, and prevent the development of many ailments.

What is foot massage

Mechanical impact on the tissues of the lower extremities is an excellent prevention of longitudinal or transverse flat feet and varicose veins. Foot massage is especially useful for a person, because all the load falls on them. Chinese masters have long advanced in mastering massage techniques. Since ancient times, the procedure has been performed to relieve a person from insomnia. Massage movements on the legs contribute to overall relaxation of the body. After a massage of the lower extremities, nervousness disappears, sleep becomes stable.

Modern foot massage techniques affect the muscles of the knee, hip, and ankle joints, as well as the feet and fingers. It is not necessary to contact professionals in the salon. To get rid of heaviness in your legs, you can ask for a massage of the foot or other parts of the lower extremities. loved one or massage your feet yourself. This unique action heals the entire body as a whole.


The main advantage of lower limb massage is its stimulating effect on the entire body as a whole. This effect is achieved due to the fact that on the legs and feet there is the most a large number of important reflex points, each of which is responsible for the work of a particular organ. For example, several nerve endings responsible for the condition of the spine are located on the arch of the foot. By stimulating them, you can get rid of back pain. Massaging your toes has a positive effect on your gums, teeth, eyes, heart, ears and sinuses.


Doctors advise regularly performing a variety of massage techniques for the legs, and especially the feet, to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, for nausea, arrhythmia, and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. In addition, massage of the lower extremities helps with:

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • depressive disorders.


No matter how useful the massage procedure is, it also has contraindications. There are absolutely few - the acute stage of any illness and fungus on the legs. The remaining contraindications are relative, that is, they require consultation with a doctor and a careful approach:

  • oncology of any etiology;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • pregnancy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • pathologies of small joints of the foot;
  • diabetes.

If you decide on a massage for these conditions on your own, serious health complications may arise. During pregnancy, during stimulating effects on the feet, relaxation of the uterine muscles occurs, which leads to a risk of premature birth (miscarriage). Some malignant tumors can also be activated when the corresponding reflex points are massaged.

How to properly massage your feet

To begin with, you should place a pad under the knee or a rolled towel so as not to feel pain when the muscles are impacted. In order for the procedure to take place in a comfortable environment, it is necessary to maintain a normal temperature in the room, and to prevent the second leg from freezing, cover it with a terry sheet. The procedure can be performed at any time, for example, before a pedicure or bedtime. It is recommended to use cream, special lotion or massage oil for massaging.


The person being massaged lies on his stomach, with a cushion placed under his knees. With a straight palm, the massage therapist performs light strokes from the ankle to the knee. Afterwards you should massage with increased pressure. For 3 minutes, the massage therapist alternates rubbing and stroking. Then kneading begins, which affects the nerve endings. At the end, the process is replaced by stroking again, taking an average of five minutes.


Massage movements are performed from the ankles to the subgluteal fold, including the popliteal area. The procedure is used to restore the body after arthritis, arthrosis, flat feet, gout or injuries to the legs and spine. A doctor must refer you for the procedure, and it should only be done by a professional. You should first find out how much a foot massage costs, and whether the treatment option is offered in the chosen salon, because even in Moscow you can’t find a good specialist everywhere.


You don't have to be a professional to perform a relaxing massage. To do it yourself, you first need to warm up your legs. This is done with stroking movements using massage oil. Then you should grab your heel with both hands and rotate your ankle. Then do the same with knee joint. Next you can move on to the sole and toes. For 10-15 minutes they need to be kneaded, squeezed and stroked in random order.


This massage technique is performed by a professional (chiropractor). By massaging certain areas on the feet, it is easy to put the nerves in order, strengthen the immune system, and improve the health of the body. The specialist presses on certain active points responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. The pressure force, in this case, should change from strong to weak and vice versa. Acupressure is very similar to acupuncture and modern Thai, but was discovered three thousand years ago by ancient Chinese scientists.

Foot massage at home

To avoid paying high price For the procedure, professionals need to learn how to massage the lower extremities on their own. Self-massage should begin by warming up your hands. To do this, you need to intensively rub your palms against each other. Movements along the legs should be smooth, starting from the calf muscle to the knee, and then moving towards the pelvis. To warm up your thighs with inside, the intensity of movements should be reduced and increased on the outer surface, but in moderation. The rule must be followed: hands slide along the leg only in the opposite direction.

Foot massage

After warming up the foot, you need to grab it with your hands and stretch it several times between your palms, moving towards the heel from your toes. Then you need to stretch the outer edge of the foot. This is done by pressing movements with the elbow or the edge of a bent fist and tapping the heel with the fingers. After fixing the massaged leg, you should carefully twist the heel in different directions with your hand. Finally, you need to stretch the muscles around the lower joints of your fingers in a circular motion.


The movements are performed from the calf to the popliteal cavity. Kneading should begin with stroking, gradually turning into straight rubbing, intense pinching and rotation of the palms. Manipulations should be moderately vigorous so as not to harm the lower leg muscles. The massage is performed with the middle part of closed fingers, the lower part of the palms and fists. The number of repetitions for one shin is up to 7 times. After a calf muscle sprain or ligament injury, massage should be performed with minimal intensity without any movements to the tear.


The procedure is especially appreciated by women who regularly wear high-heeled shoes. To prevent the joint of the base of the thumb from becoming deformed over time, such massage sessions should be performed periodically. During the procedure, the pads are first kneaded, then each phalanx is carefully rolled. The massage therapist alternately moves first along and then against the trajectory of the clock hand. For additional load, you can use extension-flexion of the toes.

Thigh muscles

The procedure consists of two stages: working on the front and back surfaces of the thigh. The order is arbitrary. Movements include stroking, kneading, rubbing, and gentle squeezing with both hands. Such techniques easily remove cellulite, lymphatic drainage of the skin occurs, which helps get rid of stretch marks, folds, and improves the condition of the skin. Vibrating actions that are performed from the knee to the hip joint are useful.

How to massage yourself

You can use foot massagers at home or learn how to do lymphatic drainage massage yourself. The peculiarity of the procedure is the wave-like soft movements carried out along the course of the lymph to the lymph nodes. Massage is performed to prevent varicose veins, relieve leg fatigue and to lose weight in the hip area (in combination with diet). The impact occurs on soft tissues (their upper layers) for cleansing. As a result, toxins are eliminated and the process of subcutaneous fat breakdown is enhanced. Self-massage should be performed at least once every 7 days.

Video: how to properly massage your feet

Even the ancient sages of the East were sure that the human body is a very delicate instrument that needs constant tuning. It was on the feet and palms, they believed, that the state of the human body was written. According to the ancient Eastern view, human health depends on the flow of internal energy in the body. This energy travels through 10 meridians or zones located on the body and ending at the feet and palms.

The modern science of reflexology largely shares this teaching, having been studying and improving it for a long time. In 1917, William Fitzgerald established that certain points on the foot are associated with various internal organs of a person. And any of their illnesses can be cured by ordinary pressure on a certain point of the foot. In the 1930s, these ideas were refined by Eunice Ingram, an American physical therapist who developed the still famous map of reflex zones on the foot.

Zones and reflexes

Today in reflexology, as before, 10 energy zones are distinguished on the human body, located from the head to the fingertips and dividing the human body into longitudinal sections. It is believed that pressing on one or another point of the zone gives an analgesic effect in the associated part of the human body, regulating the flow of internal energy.

The location of reflex points on the foot is determined by two main lines, and it does not depend on the shape and size of the foot. The first line is under the ball of the foot and describes a smooth curve underneath. This line corresponds to the diaphragm, which separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The second line runs perpendicular to the first along the middle of the foot. It starts at the lowest part of the bulge on the outside side of the foot and ends opposite the other side. This is the waist line.

To determine all zones and points in our time, a map is used that shows the reflection of parts of the human body by zones on the foot. The massage points on the feet coincide with them.

Any disease of a particular organ can be detected by the sensitivity of a point in the reflex zone. A properly performed foot massage will help cure a lot of diseases.

You can massage your feet to relieve stress yourself at home, without going to a reflexologist. This effect improves blood circulation, accelerates breakdown products and restores the harmony and integrity of the body. It is for this purpose that Thai foot massage is widely used.

This technique was borrowed by the Thais from Chinese traditional medicine. Its effectiveness has been tested for thousands of years. This massage can be done by everyone, regardless of gender and age.

According to the Thai method

Finger pressure. The main effect on the foot during this massage is pressure. It can be made as special wooden stick, and the pad of the index finger. Pressing should be done carefully at first, and then increasing the load more and more. This pressure can be combined with stretching. At the same time, the tissues become more pliable and respond well to the flow of lymph.

Thumb steps. This method stimulates the flow of energy into a particular part of the body. The thumbs are placed close to each other, and then they press in turn, moving in the direction of the flow of energy. When moving your fingers from right to left, you need to lift your left finger, move it 2 centimeters to the left and press. Then you need to pull the right finger to the left finger and apply pressure with it. This sequence is observed when moving along the entire energy zone. Then everything is repeated in the opposite direction.

How to properly massage your feet? At the very beginning, be sure to put a cushion or pad under your knee. In this case, the bones of the feet should not rest on the floor.

For a massage to be effective, you need not only to perform it correctly, but also to create a pleasant atmosphere around you. The room should be warm. When doing a massage on one foot, you can cover the second with a blanket. You can use essential oils for relaxation. The choice of oil depends on your preferences. For therapeutic effect You can use anti-inflammatory and warming gels or ointments.

The massage should begin from the arch of the foot. You need to take it with one palm and start rubbing it with the other. After warming up, start massaging each finger in the direction from the nail to the base. Then massage your foot with your thumb. In those areas where the skin is rough, the pressure needs to be increased, and in areas where the skin is soft, the pressure needs to be loosened.

Particular attention should be paid to the heels. The skin on them is thick and therefore the pressure needs to be increased as much as possible.

Many people prefer to combine a foot massage with a pedicure, then their feet will receive complete relaxation.

This massage is performed as follows: light stroking from above with the thumb. Movements should be made from the tips of the fingers to the ankle. Such manipulations are repeated several times, then you should move to the lower part of the foot, repeating the movements.

With the joints of the foot completely relaxed, cup your hand to grasp the heel behind the ankle in such a way as to grasp not only the foot, but also the leg. Grasping the balls of your feet with your other hand, slowly rotate your foot several times in both directions. These movements will not only help relieve tension, but also relieve pain for those who suffer from arthritis.

The toes, as well as the hands, are very sensitive. And massage on them gives a calming effect. Squeeze your foot fairly firmly under the instep. Wherein thumb Place your other hand on your toe. From the very base of the finger, pull it upward with a slowly moving hand. This exercise must be repeated by gently squeezing your toe with your big toe and index finger hands, carefully rotating.

Foot massage can be done two to three times a week. The effect will not only be relaxing, you will be able to significantly improve your well-being.

Massage is not only a pleasant procedure, but also improves the health of the whole body. It activates soft tissues and nerve endings, affecting all systems. Chinese healers believe that the feet contain projections of all organs that can be used to treat various diseases. The difficulty is that doctors have been studying massage techniques for many years and know exactly how to perform it. Before you please your loved ones with this procedure, it is worth learning how to properly massage your feet so as not to harm the person.

Preparing for a massage

Foot massage is different from other types. The fact is that this area is devoid of large muscles and soft tissues. It contains a large number of nerves, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments.

Before the procedure, you should properly prepare:

  • You can steam your feet in a bath with sea salt.
  • Using a brush or pumice stone, you should remove all rough areas of the skin so that they do not interfere with the desired points.
  • For convenience, you should use any massage oil.

Foot massage is performed lying or sitting. The legs should be relaxed, and their position depends on the comfort of the massage therapist. If it is not possible to use a special table, you can place your feet on a support or on your lap.

Foot massage techniques

There are a huge number of foot massage techniques. The simplest is an ordinary relaxing massage that will help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs after a hard day. This procedure is especially useful for women who prefer shoes with heels.

Finger massage

Massaging your feet at home starts with your fingertips. They should be kneaded, starting from the pads and ending with the base. Then you can carefully rotate each finger in both directions in the joint area, but do not make sudden movements. Finally, you can bend and straighten your fingers.

When massaging the feet, it is better if the person lies on his stomach. This way the massage therapist will have access to the entire surface of the foot, and the leg muscles will be relaxed. The general technique is simple:

  • To begin with, knead the entire foot with light strokes, then you can squeeze it with your palms and move it several times from the toes to the heel or vice versa.
  • Then you need to massage the edges of the foot, especially the heel and instep area. You can do light pinching with your fingers.
  • The next stage is warming up the joints. To do this, you need to slowly and carefully roll the heel and knuckles.
  • At the end, you can walk the edge of your fist along the growth line of the toes and along the entire foot.

Those areas where the skin is rougher (heels, toes) can be affected more strongly. The remaining areas require very careful handling.

It will be easier to massage the feet if the person lies on his stomach

Bone massage

A special bone massage scheme is the prevention of its diseases. A protruding bunion often appears as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes or walking in high heels. To stimulate its blood circulation, you need to take the big toe separately and perform circular movements with it in both directions. These steps will help prevent bone deformation.

Ankle massage

Ankle massage is the next step. You need to work with the ankle when your foot is on a support. First, the Achilles tendon and calf muscles, which move the foot, are kneaded by stroking and pinching. Then the feet must be grasped by the heel and rotated in both directions.


Chinese foot massage is based on influencing certain points. It is believed that human feet are a projection of all internal organs, and there are special biologically active points on the soles. If you press them with your fingers or special devices ( acupressure) - you can activate any system and launch the mechanism of its self-healing.

Chinese medicine considers the human feet to be a projection of all organ systems

There are a total of 9 main points on the feet that you can work with at home:

  • For liver diseases, the point is applied, which is located 2 cm below the base of the thumb.
  • Another 1 cm lower is the point that is responsible for lung health. It can be massaged to prevent colds.
  • 1 cm below the little finger is the point on which you need to press for gallbladder diseases.
  • For stomach diseases, massage the point located in the middle of the foot, 1 cm above the heel.
  • For kidney disease, general loss of strength and decreased performance, press on the area located in the cavity between the 2nd and 3rd fingers.
  • The next point is responsible for pain in the stomach and pancreas, as well as the ankle. It is located on the inside of the foot in the cavity.
  • On the upper surface of the foot, 3 cm above the recess between the 1st and 2nd toes, there is an area responsible for the work nervous system. It is massaged for insomnia, irritability, and frequent mood swings.
  • Between the outer ankle and the calf muscle tendon there is a point that needs to be massaged for pain in the head and bladder.
  • The last point is located between the inner ankle and the tendon of the calf muscle. It needs to be used for diseases of the genitourinary system.

Traditionally, acupressure is performed using pressure. Active points are kneaded with your finger for 5-10 minutes. An alternative method is acupuncture, or acupuncture. Thin, sharp needles are placed into the points to activate them. Acupuncture is a traditional treatment method in Chinese medicine, but healers know a lot of nuances about how to handle needles. You can figure out how to do a foot massage at home, but learning to do acupressure may be unsafe.

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese technique aimed at healing the entire body.

Chinese foot massage has contraindications. It is not recommended for general deterioration of health (viral diseases), tumors, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Massage for injuries and diseases of the limbs

There are no contraindications for foot massage if it is just a relaxing one. In case of various diseases, injuries and congenital pathologies, the location of the bones can be damaged if procedures are carried out at home. Therapeutic massage procedures for children are of particular importance - a qualified doctor will be able to improve the child’s condition with conditions such as flat feet, varus or valgus foot placement and other defects.

The problem is that a child’s bones grow and form quickly, and one must not miss the moment when this process can still be influenced by exercises or procedures.

Massage after fractures

In case of fractures of the bones of the foot, a plaster cast is applied, and during the process of fusion of the fragments, the leg is completely immobilized. You can begin to massage the limb while the foot is fixed with a bandage, if there is no damage to the skin and soft tissues. Around the fracture site, you can gently knead the skin and muscles with stroking or slow circular massage movements.

After a fracture, it is necessary to develop the limb. When performed correctly, blood circulation and innervation of the fracture site improves, and intensive tissue regeneration occurs. In this case, massage movements can be performed after special exercises.

For flat feet

If a child has flat feet, a massage is required, which can smooth out the manifestations of the disease and promote bone alignment. These procedures are useful not only for children, but also for adults - the legs get tired even with the correct placement of the feet, and with pathologies, the blood cannot circulate normally.

Massage procedures for flat feet are performed in several stages:

  • warming up the lumbar spine, from which the nerve endings extend to the feet;
  • massaging the lower leg muscles, developing the ankle joint;
  • scrolling the phalanges of the fingers;
  • massage of the calf muscle tendon.

For this disease, it is useful to use a massage mat. It has special convexities that stimulate biologically active points on the feet and increase blood circulation. You can lay it on the floor and put your feet on it while working or relaxing. There are also special children's rugs that look similar to adult ones, but the bulges on them are less rigid.

Massage for joint diseases

If various types of diseases occur, the patient will have to learn how to massage the feet on their own, because the procedures must be performed daily.

Thus, massage helps relieve pain and swelling in case of arthrosis of the foot, arthritis of various origins, as well as gout of the foot. The main rule is that you first need to stretch the areas above the sore joint, and then act directly on it. Massage should not cause pain. If the joints begin to hurt with slight pressure, it is better to pay attention to the surrounding tissues, calves and ankles. This way you can improve blood circulation in the problem area, which will speed up the healing process.

By studying special literature, you can easily learn how to give a relaxing foot massage to a man, woman or child, and even to yourself, which is described in detail. In order not to cause harm, it is better to perform only familiar techniques and listen to the person’s feelings. Massage the child's feet using light pressure or stroking, so as not to damage fragile muscles or ligaments. For congenital pathologies such as flat feet or varus feet, it is better to consult a specialist. In this case, the benefits of massage will be noticeable, but at home you can waste time and not improve the child’s condition.



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