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How can you freeze bell peppers fresh for the winter in the freezer at home? How to properly freeze bell peppers for the winter, whole and in pieces: step-by-step recipes

And also about that you can find on our website.

One way to store peppers for the winter is to freezing. About, and also about the possibility, read our articles. Moreover, you can freeze not only chopped peppers, but also whole.

He perfectly stored, and if folded correctly, it does not take up much space in the freezer.

You can remove whole peppers from the freezer and start cooking right away. This perfect option for the prudent housewife. How to freeze peppers for stuffing for the winter?


How to prepare fresh peppers for freezing? After harvesting the pepper, it is necessary to carry out careful processing.

To freeze peppers for stuffing for the winter, you should prepare. So:

  • choose whole, healthy fruit. The skin should be smooth, not affected by diseases or pests;
  • Rinse under warm, running water;
  • dry towel;
  • remove the stalk and cap;
  • cut out the seeds clear the inside of the pepper.

Where and in what to freeze bell pepper entirely? The ideal place to freeze peppers would be separate chest freezer. The freezer compartment of the refrigerator is also good for this.

However, it is better if the peppers have enough space to be stored freely. In this case, the pepper will not break, but will be preserved until the end of winter.

No storage is required to store frozen bell peppers. special containers. Regular plastic bags or substrates are suitable for these purposes.

How to properly freeze bell peppers for stuffing?


At what temperature should I freeze? Temperature, suitable for freezing peppers for stuffing for the winter, is the temperature maintained in the freezer compartments of the refrigerator.

It allows you to quickly freeze peppers and store them all winter, and even longer. The temperature is -18 degrees.


How to freeze whole bell peppers for stuffing for the winter? After preparing the bell pepper, you can proceed directly to freezing. There are several ways.

Method number 1:

  • Place the prepared peppers one at a time on a flat surface;
  • place in the freezer for 10 minutes;
  • pull out, put in plastic bags or on substrates compactly, close to each other;
  • place again in the freezer.

The first time the pepper is placed in the freezer compartment so that it hardens a little and didn't stick together further.

Such a pepper completely ready for stuffing. To prepare a dish, you just need to take it out of the freezer and start cooking.

You will learn how to freeze fresh whole peppers for stuffing in the video:

Method number 2:

  • put a pot of water on the stove and wait boiling;
  • put pepper in boiling water for 30 seconds;
  • pull out the peppers stack them on top of each other like ice cream cones;
  • place in plastic bags or on substrates;
  • to freeze.

Heat treatment is carried out so that the peppers retain all their vitamins for the whole winter.

Instructions for freezing peppers for the winter for stuffing using the blanching method in this video:

Not worth it heavily staff peppers in the freezer. They may break or become dented. However, if this happens, bell peppers can be consumed not stuffed, but in any other form.

Shelf life

Freezing for storing bell peppers is a method that allows as long as possible save the harvest.

The shelf life of frozen peppers is 12 months. Thus, for the entire period until the next pepper harvest, you can provide yourself with it using this method.

Freezing bell peppers entirely for subsequent stuffing, it is especially good as a preparation for the winter.

In August, it is time to freeze peppers, since the price for them is the lowest during this period. Only 35 grams of plant fruit contain daily norm vitamin C necessary for humans. Unlike other frozen vegetables, peppers retain all of their ascorbic acid for 90 days, after which the content begins to drop. So it makes sense to freeze it first. You just have to do it right.

There are many in various ways freeze peppers, including Soviet ones, in which, when frozen, they were stuffed with rice and minced meat. Do the same with cabbage. Then all that remains is to put the semi-finished product in a saucepan, slow cooker or pressure cooker and cook. Below we will give several proven recipes on how to freeze peppers for the winter, and we will describe step by step the preparation of the famous Bulgarian lecho and the hottest chili.

Recipe for freezing bell peppers


Servings: – +

  • bell pepper1.6 kg

Per serving

Calories: 37 kcal

Proteins: 1.46 g

Fats: 0.16 g

Carbohydrates: 5.6 g

10 min. Video recipe Print

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We need to fix it

Recipe for freezing bell pepper lecho Cooking time:

10 minutes 4

Number of servings:

  • Energy value
  • calorie content – ​​24 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.03 g;
  • fats - 0.12 g;


  • carbohydrates – 4.52 g.
  • bell pepper red, green, yellow – 300 g each;

tomatoes – 600 g.

  1. Step-by-step preparation
  2. Remove the stalks of the sweet pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into strips or pieces.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and make slices 2 cm thick.
  4. Gently mix so that the juice does not flow out of the tomatoes, and place them in containers or bags. The benefit of such a preparation is saving space.

Place in the freezer, setting the maximum freezing mode for 3 hours. Later we return to normal temperature.

Recipe for freezing bell pepper lecho Cooking time:

10 minutes 1

Number of servings:

  • Freezing Chili Pepper Recipe
  • calorie content – ​​37 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.82 g;
  • fats - 0.19 g;


  • carbohydrates – 8.75 g.

tomatoes – 600 g.

  1. chili pepper – 300 g.
  2. Place well-washed and dried peppers tightly, cone down, in a plastic glass and cover with cling film. This will make it easier to pull out the right amount for cooking later.

Place a glass of hot pepper in the freezer and turn on the shock mode for 60 minutes, then switch to normal.

Recipe for freezing bell pepper lecho Cooking time:

10 minutes 1

Number of servings:

  • Freezing Chili Pepper Recipe
  • calorie content – ​​37 kcal;
  • proteins – 1.82 g;
  • fats - 0.19 g;


  • Recipe for freezing hot peppers

tomatoes – 600 g.

  1. Hot pepper - 300 g.
  2. Wash and dry hot peppers. Remove all the seeds and distribute the peppers cut into strips in an even thin layer on a tray or flat plate.
  3. Place in the freezer and set the temperature to the lowest possible temperature for an hour.

After 60 minutes, return to normal mode and pack in a container or plastic bag.

Pack the peppers carefully, as they like to impart their scent to other foods. You can also freeze it in baked form, as it takes up very little space. The oven does the job perfectly, where the peppers are placed for 40 minutes and then placed in containers. In this case, the stalk is easily separated. Also, to save space, we recommend blanching the peppers, but under no circumstances boil them. It is stewed and frozen; fried also tolerates freezing well.

How long can you store

Pepper can easily not only overwinter, but also be stored for a year until the next harvest, at a temperature of -18 degrees for the first 3 months, completely saving vitamin C, and subsequently losing it up to 10%.

In what container should I store it?

Containers or bags made of food-grade plastic are suitable for packaging. If it is chili pepper, then it is convenient to put it compactly in plastic cups and cover the container without a lid with film as in the video or photo. You can freeze any type of pepper; freezing is well tolerated. This is quite profitable, since in winter they try to sell it as expensive as possible, the cost reaches three digits.

The question is how to freeze Bulgarian and hot peppers for the winter at home can be considered resolved. From the mass of recipes, choose the one that suits you and use the freezer space one hundred percent. This is also good for health, since pepper retains all its vitamins and microelements. It can be added to first and second courses, to salads, cooked on the stove, in a double boiler and in the microwave. Freeze and stock up for the winter. Good luck replenishing your bins!

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Save maximum amount You can get healthy components for your body by storing vegetables in the freezer. Almost all vegetables from the garden can be frozen. Sub-zero temperatures practically do not change their taste and consistency. Before you start preparing the product, it is important to know how to properly freeze bell peppers for the winter. Much depends on the quality of the product, vessel and refrigerator.

Today there are special freezers on sale. They are the size of a refrigerator and are designed solely for preserving food.

Is it possible to freeze bell peppers for the winter?

You can buy vegetables in the supermarket in winter, but the price is exorbitant. Therefore, many housewives are thinking about how to prepare peppers for the winter. It can be canned, dried, salted and pickled. IN Lately The most popular method of preserving the product is freezing. During processing, the vegetable does not lose its nutrients and vitamins. The bright color and taste of the vegetable are preserved.

It’s not only possible, but necessary, to freeze sweet vegetables. Frozen vegetables are used to prepare omelettes, soups, salads, stews, baked goods, and so on.

Selection and preparation of vegetables before starting the process

For harvesting, it is necessary to select ripe, fresh fruits, without visible damage. Both sweet and hot peppers will do. Cut off dented and damaged parts. Juicy and thick-skinned specimens are suitable for freezing, because they contain a maximum of useful substances.

Priority is given to fruits that are grown locally personal plot. Vegetables from the supermarket are treated with chemicals for long-term preservation. If there are none, then vegetables are purchased at the market. It is important to ask the seller where they were collected. To be sure, check the fruits with a dosimeter.

Selected vegetables are thoroughly washed under running water. It is better to wash each specimen separately, pay attention to the area near the tails, it accumulates there. greatest number mud.

To better remove seeds, you can rinse the pieces in water.

Place cut sides down on a towel and let drain and dry. The procedure takes more than an hour.

After preparation, the freezing process itself begins. Place a towel or napkin in the freezer and pour out in one layer. Cover the top with another napkin to protect from warm air that enters when the chamber is opened.

If you freeze them whole, then it is better to stack them one on one, from largest to smallest. Keep in the freezer for two days. If there is a quick freeze function, you can do less.

Preparing the refrigerator

Freezers and refrigerators must be prepared before the vegetable freezing season. Review the remaining last year's supplies and throw away the excess.

Turn off the refrigerator for a few hours and defrost. Wipe all shelves and containers intended for freezing with water and soda. Wipe thoroughly with a dry cloth. If possible, do not turn on the freezer for 3 days.

It is important to properly sort food in the freezer and adhere to neighborhood rules. Meat, fish, frozen vegetables and fruits should be in different compartments.

After this, turn on the installation and wait until the temperature drops to the desired value.

What utensils will you need?

You can freeze in the following containers:

  1. A bag made of dense polyethylene is the most versatile option. The bag perfectly stores fruits both in pieces and whole.
  2. Plastic containers with lids. It is advisable to use rectangular shapes, which can be placed one on one and thereby save space.
  3. Plastic bottles are also suitable for peppers. Pay attention to containers with a large neck.
  4. Glass and metal containers are not suitable for freezing. These materials react very strongly to temperature changes.

The best ways to freeze peppers at home

There are many ways to freeze. You can try two types of freezing at once and compare the results in winter.

Whole in the freezer

Fruits can be frozen either fresh or after preliminary blanching.

For preparation you will need medium, fleshy specimens. It is important that the pepper is fresh and of the correct shape.

  • Wash each fruit and cut off the stem in a circle. Remove seeds and membranes with your hands. Rinse the peppercorns in the middle and place the cut side on a towel. The copies must dry.
  • Place the peppers one inside the other in the form of a pyramid and place in a plastic bag.
  • You can place grated carrots in the middle of the pepper, which will be needed when stuffing it.

Some housewives blanch the vegetable before freezing, due to which it softens. Peel the peppers as above and place in a pan of boiling water. Blanch for 5 minutes. Drain in a colander or sieve. Allow time to dry and place in a bag or container.

In halves

This preparation is used to prepare stuffed peppers. Select large, fleshy specimens. Rinse and dry. Cut in half and scrape out seeds and membranes. Place in plastic bags one on top of the other. To freeze.


For soups, salads and baked goods, you can prepare them in pieces, which are convenient for later use and easy to store. Many housewives do not use the above methods to save space.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare, you will need a vegetable of any shape, even with defects.
  2. Wash the vegetables, dry and peel.
  3. The next stage is cutting vegetables. Depending on where it will be used, cut into suitable pieces. If for stews and soups, then in pieces. For pizza, side dishes and gravy - in half rings.
  4. You can immediately put the peppers into containers or bags and freeze them. Or you can first freeze it on a plate, and then pour it into a bag and send it into the depths of the chamber.

Assorted for stew

The assortment is frozen in the same way as described above. For stew, you can cut the pepper into large pieces. For a spectacular look, you need to take peppers of different colors - yellow, red, green.

Chop the prepared fruits and mix. Can add green pea, corn or other vegetables. Divide into bags and freeze.

Freezing baked sweet peppers

This method involves baking the vegetable in the oven.

Cooking method:

  • The fruits must first be washed and placed on a baking sheet.
  • Coat the surface with vegetable oil.
  • Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  • When the peppers are browned, remove from the oven and place in a container. Cover tightly and let stand for twenty minutes.
  • When the fruits have cooled slightly, remove the skin and seeds. It is important to preserve the juice that is released.
  • Cut into pieces and place in prepared containers, pour in juice. The peppers turn out incredibly juicy and aromatic.
  • Place the workpiece in the refrigerator for storage.

Freezing stuffed peppers

This method involves preparing peppers already filled with minced meat. The vegetable can be stuffed raw and boiled in salted water. Pre-blanching allows the pepper to soften, making it easier to stuff with minced meat.

Place the prepared preparations on a dish and keep for 24 hours.

With dill and parsley

You can freeze peppers with herbs - dill and parsley. This vegetable mixture will remind you of summer both in appearance and smell. Yellow and red peppers with herbs look good.

Finely chop all the ingredients, scatter them on a plate and place them in a quick freezer. Then pour into containers or zip bags and send for storage. In winter, add to vegetable soups and salads.

Temperature for freezing peppers and shelf life

The ideal temperature for freezing peppers is 18 - 20 degrees. It allows you to quickly freeze a product and preserve its color, taste and consistency.

Shelf life ranges from 10 months to a year. The duration of storage depends on the quality of the vegetables and compliance with freezing rules.

Is it permissible to re-freeze the product?

Repeated freezing is not advisable. After all, when re-frozen, the vegetable loses its taste. Dishes made from re-frozen vegetables will not have a rich flavor.

In this case, they are lost useful material and vitamins.

How to properly defrost frozen peppers

Depending on the dish to which pepper will be added, the technology for defrosting it depends:

  1. If used to prepare salad, it must be defrosted in the most gentle way possible, placing it on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Using this method, you need to have some time to spare. After all, it may take several hours to gradually compare the temperature. After this, pat the fruits dry with a towel and add to the salad.
  2. If the vegetable is planned to be added to soup, stew, gravy, etc., then it does not require defrosting. Vegetable pieces are sent immediately into a saucepan or frying pan.
  3. You can make an excellent side dish and steam the vegetable. If you don't have a double boiler, use the good old method. Take some water into the pan. Place a sieve with pepper in a container, cover with a lid and steam for 10 minutes. It is important to follow safety precautions. The colander should only contain metal parts. After watering olive oil and sprinkle with seeds. A delicious and healthy dessert is ready.

Thanks to the improvement of refrigerators and the emergence of large freezers, housewives are increasingly giving preference to freezing vegetables.

Peppers are probably the most convenient vegetable to freeze. After all, pepper tolerates freezing well and even after defrosting does not lose its color, taste and rich aroma.

Freezing peppers simple procedure that even a novice housewife can handle it.

How to prepare peppers for freezing

Strong, dense and fleshy peppers, both green, red or yellow, are suitable for freezing.

The fruits must be whole, smooth, undeformed, without damage or spoiled areas.

Before freezing, the peppers are washed well in running water and then dried by placing them on a towel. You can additionally wipe each fruit with a paper towel.

Then the stalks of the peppers are trimmed and the cap is carefully cut off. The caps can be used as lids for stuffed peppers. But if peppers are harvested without caps, then the caps are still not thrown away, since they will be useful later in any case.

The seeds are carefully removed from the peppers, being careful not to damage the walls. Therefore, it is better to do this manually without using a knife.

How to freeze peppers for stuffing

Peppers can be frozen either fresh or pre-blanched.

Method 1:

  • Prepared peppers - washed and dried - are stacked in a pyramid, one inside the other, starting with the largest. There are usually 5-6 peppers in one pyramid.
  • The pyramids are placed in freezer bags or in ordinary thick plastic bags, tied well and put in the freezer.

The disadvantage of this method is that fresh peppers may burst when pressed, which is unacceptable if they are subsequently used for stuffing. And such peppers take up more space than those discussed below.

Method 2:

  • Prepared peppers are dipped into boiling water and blanched for one to two minutes.
  • Then they are laid out on a towel, with the hole facing downwards, and cooled completely. You can pre-dose them cold water. Thanks to this method, the peppers do not lose their shape and color, but at the same time they become more pliable for further use.
  • The peppers are placed one inside the other, several at a time, and packaged in special bags. Tie well and put in the freezer to freeze.

Method 3. Peppers can be frozen immediately with minced meat. To do this, peppers are prepared using the first or second method.

  • Prepare minced meat - with meat or vegetables.
  • Peppers are stuffed with minced meat.
  • Place the peppers in bags of several pieces. As much as you need for one cooking. Tie the bag well or pack it in a special freezer bag and put it in the freezer.

How to freeze peppers in halves

  • The pepper is washed and its stalk is cut off. Place the pepper on a towel and dry well from moisture.
  • Then the caps of the peppers are cut off, and the fruits themselves are cut in half lengthwise and freed from seeds.
  • The pepper halves are placed several at a time and placed in small zip-lock bags or simply tied. The number of halves should be taken so that they can be used at a time. The packages are put into the freezer.

How to freeze chopped peppers: preparation with photo

For this type of freezing, peppers that are not suitable for stuffing, that is, small or deformed, are suitable. And also those caps that were cut off from whole peppers.


  • 2 bell peppers


1. Wash and dry a couple of ripe, fleshy bell peppers. You can take several different colored peppers - red, orange, green and yellow. Then any dish prepared with such preparation will look more vibrant and appetizing.

2. Cut each pepper into two halves. Remove the seeds and cut out the stalk.

3. Now cut the vegetables as desired - either into cubes or into strips. If you purposefully freeze peppers for pizza, you can use strips. And if for soup or stew, then you can use cubes.

4. Sliced ​​peppers can be laid out on a cutting board and excess moisture can be blotted off ( vegetable juice) napkins. Otherwise, the pepper pieces may freeze to each other. Transfer vegetables to a plastic bag or container. If the size of the freezer is modest, then it is better to use freezer bags - they take up less space.

5. Wrap the pepper in cellophane, releasing the air. Place in the freezer and use as needed. It is not necessary to defrost the vegetable before use.

How to pack pepper

Pepper is a strong-smelling vegetable. And if it is not hermetically sealed, then everything in its vicinity will smell of pepper.

Therefore, pepper is packed in two or even three bags, which are tied well. If the pepper is placed in disposable bags, then these bags must be placed several at a time in another thick plastic bag.

Peppers are stored separately from other vegetables, especially berries.

The shelf life of pepper is 8-10 months.

How to defrost frozen peppers

Peppers, frozen whole or in halves, are only slightly defrosted. To do this, just rinse it with cool water, and the fruits (halves) are easily separated from each other. Whole peppers are immediately stuffed with minced meat and subjected to heat treatment - most often stewed. The frozen halves of peppers are cut into pieces and used immediately, as required by the recipe.

You cannot defrost the pepper completely, as it becomes very soft and watery.

Chopped frozen peppers, without defrosting, are placed in the broth and used for frying or gravy. You can also add pepper to a salad, for example, with fresh cabbage. It is placed in the salad without defrosting (it will thaw there on its own). But they add a little bit, just for flavor, since the pepper loses its shape after defrosting.

Frozen in pieces Bell pepper can be added to soups, stews, sauces, and whole pods can be stuffed and baked. Before freezing bell peppers, it is important to prepare them properly, then the vegetable will retain its full taste and aroma for a long time.

How to properly freeze bell peppers? Choose bright, ripe fruits - they retain their taste and aroma better

For freezing, choose ripe, brightly colored fruits, with thick walls and without signs of damage or spoilage - these are the peppers that have the richest aroma and taste.

How to freeze bell peppers for the winter?

Wash the fruits, dry them with paper towels and start harvesting.

    Remove the stalks, seeded core and hard white inner membranes. There is no need to wash the peppers from the inside: excess moisture will worsen their taste.

    Cut into quarters, slices or cubes - whatever method you use most often when preparing fresh peppers.

    Line a tray with a cotton towel, place the pieces on it in one layer and cover them with a cloth on top.

    Place the tray in the freezer for two days to allow the peppers to completely harden.

    Pack the pieces into airtight containers or bags and place them back in the freezer.

You can add pepper to soups, stews, sauces and other hot dishes without defrosting. If you want to cut the pieces into smaller pieces, hold them for a while hot water, but do not defrost completely, otherwise the peppers will become too soft.

How to freeze bell peppers for the winter? Pieces - for soups and stews, whole - for stuffing

How to properly freeze bell peppers for stuffing

For stuffing, you will need ripe, large fruits of the same size, without signs of spoilage or rot. Before freezing peppers, they should be washed, dried, and the caps, stalks and cores removed. You can freeze the peppers already stuffed, they will be easy to cook with - just take them out of the freezer and put them in the oven, but in this form they take up a lot of space. The easiest way is to freeze the peppers and then stuff the already frozen vegetables.



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