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How to find your purpose in life and discover your talents. How to find your purpose in life? Finding, defining and understanding your life purpose

How to find your purpose?

How to become successful person?

Purpose and success are interconnected. All successful people They say:

  • those who do what they love achieve success;
  • Your business inspires and motivates you;
  • You are ready to do it at any time of the day or night;
  • You continue to work even when you are not paid for it.
  • You are ready to work for free because you like this work;
  • You are constantly learning, developing and raising the level of your professionalism.
  • They are willing to pay you for your knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • You become a sought-after specialist.

Many, listening to this practical advice, nod their heads and agree. BUT at the same time they complain that

  • can’t decide on their specific niche,
  • cannot focus on a specific task,
  • cannot decide on their purpose.

What to focus on?

What to choose?

Who to become to get financial stability and pleasure from doing what you love?

Everyone asks these questions: starting from parents of 2-3 year old children who are responsible for the development of the child.

These are the questions that concern school graduates who are deciding on their choice future profession.

The same question is asked by adults who have experienced disappointment and dissatisfaction from work that does not make them happy.

It becomes clear: you can’t get stuck and give up. Especially when you see that there is no growth: neither financial nor personal. Especially if you do not receive moral satisfaction from your work. Then you begin to burn out, go into negativity, and then into depression and psycho-somatic illnesses. And the most unpleasant thing is when you are completely left behind in life: you now have no job. You feel like a poor old woman at a broken trough from A.S.’s fairy tale. Pushkin.

There are 2 sides to every situation: in any case, you need to look for positive aspects. If you are left without work, then you have time to rethink your life. Relax, tune out all distractions and listen useful tips.

Listen to useful tips.

Ask your family, friends and acquaintances: what do they think you are a pro at?

Observe and analyze: what questions do people turn to you for help with most often?

What do you do in free time? What activity do you enjoy?

There is no need to follow everyone else or be like everyone else.

Look for yourself!

Analyze, try.

Communicate with people in professions that interest you.

Listen to their opinions.

Learn from their experience.

Weigh and consider: how much time and effort will you personally need to achieve good results in your chosen profession? (10,000 hours rule).
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are not failures and disappointments. This is also an experience. You can always change the type of activity. If you are bored, if you are overcome by apathy, if laziness is pressing on you, you need to either change the type of activity, or go deeper and get the necessary portion of additional knowledge in order to do your job masterfully.

Let's talk about tests.

What exactly do I like?

It often happens that after passing tests, an average picture is obtained. A person more or less understands everything, but he cannot determine what exactly to do. So who am I and how can I find my purpose?

12 hint questions will help you answer the question: how to find your purpose?

  1. What do you like to do?
  2. What do you notice and what do you pay attention to first?
  3. What would you do for free?
  4. What do you like to talk about?
  5. What books (your personal favorites) are in your library?
  6. What books would you like to see more on your bookshelves?
  7. What sparks your interest?
  8. What comes easy for you?
  9. What would you like to learn?
  10. What will you regret?
  11. What are you good at?
  12. What makes you a happy person?

And now we return to today and get to know ourselves in a new way, the present: we rely on our successes, talents, inclinations, experience, abilities. We make a plan and start working.

P.S. I wish you active discoveries in self-knowledge and success on the path to your dream.

What do you think about this?

Have you found your purpose?

Perhaps you have problems or wishes?

Write in the comments below.

In Vedic astrology, when we're talking about There are two factors about how to find your purpose. The first is general, that is, the purpose is male and female. The second factor is personal purpose, which is determined by a person’s chart.

In a general sense, a woman’s purpose is to become a good mother and wife, to realize herself in family life, support and guide your man. Then she will be happy at a deep level, satisfied and calm. A man's destiny is to be responsible for family, income and protection.

How to find your purpose using a natal chart

Vedic astrology gives the answer to how to find your destiny, but this will require analyzing several aspects:

  • 1 house- the house of personality, the backbone of the horoscope, the most important, indicating not only health, the physical body, but also the subtle, spiritual, your aspirations, self-confidence. If the 1st house is weak, then a person, no matter what he undertakes, gives up and does not receive satisfaction - neither moral nor material. Therefore, it is important to put all your efforts into harmonizing the first house.
  • Position of the lord of the 1st house– we look to understand the main aspirations of a person, the sphere of his realization in this life, what is destined. The presence of Lagnesha in the 1st house is considered strong and favorable; it gives self-confidence and great opportunities for self-realization in life.
  • Atma-karaka and its position in the chart is the planet with the maximum degree, indicating the main task, the destiny from above, the true desires of our soul.

If atma-karaka - Sun, then fame in society, power, achieving success in business, and justice are important for a person.

Moon: The spiritual purpose of a person is care, love for others, helping them and serving.

Mars: deepest aspirations are associated with victories, adventures, and achievements.

Mercury: intellectual superiority, it is this that helps to achieve the desired heights.

Jupiter: Spirituality, service, religiosity, caring for children

Venus: aspirations are related to relationships and desires.

Saturn: makes a person strive for truth all his life, seek and defend the truth, develop spiritually, and serve people.

Rahu: the most important thing is also in service - to people, to the world, to the desire to make this planet better.

  • 10th house– indicates a person’s profession, career aspirations, as well as how much a person can be realized in this life. It is also easy to determine from this house whether we are facing a leader or a follower, a humanist, a logician, an analyst or a technician by mentality. If a person is not satisfied with his work, does not benefit people, does not invest positive emotions and the desire in the labor process, does everything “leave me alone,” then the 10th house closes and achieving success professionally becomes more and more difficult.

How to understand that you are not realizing your purpose

Many people for a long time do not think at all about how to find their purpose. They just live, work, but one day they realize that everything is going wrong. Life passes by without giving joy, satisfaction, peace of mind and comfort.

You can determine that you are not realizing yourself by the following parameters:

you on various reasons often change jobs or areas of activity;

you get sick often, like to go on sick leave, and already from Monday you look forward to the weekend;

you get very tired at work - physically and mentally, you feel a lack of strength, depression;

you often go to work “under pressure”, just for the money;

you get a job where your family sends you, you don’t have your own opinions and desires.

It is very important to determine your purpose and outline ways to realize it in life. This will give you new strength, inspiration and joy every day. And the Lakshmi School of Astrology can help you with this. It was through training that many students found their purpose, their work is a pleasure, their income grows and they are happy. If you also want, then write to us on VKontakte

There are things that I really don’t want to admit. Because the very thought of it is extremely unpleasant. For example, we will all die sooner or later. Immortal life For physical body Not provided for by nature. Although, it would seem, what could be simpler? The ability to regenerate is inherent in any organism, and the same mollusks can live for 400 years. Obviously, this was done for a reason, but, apparently, with a very specific purpose.

What is this goal? What is the secret and deep design of limiting the life of the physical body on the material layer of the planet’s reality?

Why does the Spirit need matter?

I am afraid that there will be no simple answers to these questions. You'll have to start a little further away. With an explanation of some non-obvious things. For example, from the fact that our world is dual (for those who master dialectical thinking this is obvious, others simply feel it intuitively). And this duality includes both material and ideal (otherwise, spiritual) parts.

The meaning of the existence of matter is very simple - it is a space for the deployment of the Spirit. In matter (physical reality) the Spirit knows itself in the process of self-realization. Both Spirit and matter are dialectical dualities or opposites (in the process of merging polarities using the PEAT technology or during the Gnostic intensive, its participants realize that there is no difference between dualities as such), being in the process of eternal contradiction. This contradiction is gradually resolved only possible way– through the act of creation, when an idea (spirit) is embodied in matter.

Socially, this leads to the fact that slowly, clumsily, with excesses (like attempts to build communism), humanity is moving towards recognition creative personality(and not bankers, not oil workers, not top managers, not stock speculators) the elite and the pinnacle of social evolution. Humanity is greedily hungry for everything new, interesting, and diverse. And without creativity this does not appear.

On the way to the unprecedented

It would seem, what does the purpose have to do with this? Those who strive to find it in their lives do not always think about creative self-realization. And is purpose always connected with creativity? I don't have a clear answer to this question.

But there is a clear understanding that a person’s purpose is a category from the spiritual layer of reality. In other words, destiny is a certain task that a person must complete within the framework of his earthly life. The soul (spirit) sets this task for itself before realizing itself in the material part of the world.

Every person in his life has asked himself a key question at least once. “Why am I in this life and what is my goal?”. And this is not without reason, since the answer to this question allows you to guarantee a connection with your spiritual nature. And everyone who avoids looking for an answer to it always finds himself in the power of the prince of this world.

Can a soul not set itself any task, but incarnate solely for the sake of entertainment? So to speak, just play around. This idea is very pleasing to immature, selfish and infantile minds. Indeed, in this case, there is no need to work on yourself, develop, overcome the inertia and limitations of matter - just know that enjoy and have fun, thereby serving the prince of this world.

In reality, recognizing the presence of a soul, we cannot help but admit that:

  • the soul is eternal (since it exists outside the categories of space and time invented by the mind)
  • the soul is inextricably linked with God
  • the soul knows and sees much wider and deeper than the limited egoistic mind

This leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the soul is in the process of achieving something. A goal, the achievement of which will lead to the final resolution of the contradiction between spirit and matter in an unprecedented and unthinkable act of Creation.

Each soul strives to bring this act closer, for which it is embodied in the physical layer of reality with a specific task, the implementation of which contributes to the deployment of the spiritual (ideal) in the material, helps to bring the act of Creation closer.

If the soul manages to “reach out” to the consciousness of the individual, then a person’s life acquires a deep meaning, is filled with true, genuine happiness, and is gradually cleansed of everything dirty and superficial. God is good to those who strive to hear him, giving such a person good luck, protection, opening new opportunities and prospects, helping in difficult situations. After all, how can you refuse someone who strives for you with all his heart, following his destiny?

When you follow your destiny, everything else comes on its own.

Going beyond

As a rule, awareness of one’s purpose in life is very general, even abstract. It lacks specifics. This is comparable to how a fighter in an advancing army understands his task - to participate in the offensive and defeat the enemy. But at the same time, for some reason he does not realize what exactly his role is and what exactly he should do.

Of course, in a real army, during real combat operations, this cannot happen - at all levels, to each unit, upcoming tasks are communicated clearly and specifically. And every fighter knows what he needs to do when performing a combat operation. But with the embodiment of the soul in reality, it turns out that not everything is so simple - the limited egoistic mind, like an enemy pest, prevents you from seeing and understanding the meaning of a specific human life, causing a person to become a deserter, a traitor against the truth.

The soul rings the bell to inform the mind about a person’s purpose, but the person does not hear, because he has lost contact with his spiritual beginning and has been taught through the education system since childhood NOT TO HEAR and is not taught to HEAR the voice of his soul, his intuition, but is trained to hear only the voice of his mind.

Therefore, in order to see, to find your purpose, it is pointless to reflect, to analytically probe for answers. Here is another solution, simple but correct - you need to go beyond the limits of the mind, beyond the usual left-hemisphere thinking.

This can be done either by learning to directly (that is, without the filters of lies and illusions of the mind) perceive reality, when a state of reciprocal balance is achieved, otherwise the silence of the mind, which requires long and persistent training and the ability to ask yourself honest and frank questions.

Either as part of a special process (and I carry it out for my clients in two stages), when, with the help of special techniques, the mind is literally “cut out” and a person realizes reality directly, gaining the experience of direct experience of the truth. At this moment, contact is achieved with the spiritual component and the person is able to receive an internal answer about his purpose in life.

The next step is its specification and implementation.

Astropsychology and numerology are sciences that allow you to read a person like an open book. In addition to character and temperament, using the date of birth, you can also find out a person’s purpose in life. The magic of numbers and the formula discovered by A.F. Aleksandrov will help you find the secrets of existence. They will allow you to find out your purpose in life in accordance with esotericism.

One day, the founder of the school of numerology came across an interesting brochure, which talked about the ancient Egyptian method of personality analysis. Having become interested in the teachings of Pythagoras, Alexandrov developed an entire system that is still used to calculate the matrix of life.

You can tell a lot about a person by their date of birth. And we are talking not only about the zodiac sign and the constellations significant for it. Having received data about a person’s birthday, it is possible to accurately determine a person’s life path, as well as their energy level.

There are online services and tests on the Internet for calculating the so-called psychomatrix, which determines a person’s vocation. You just need to enter the data in the fields provided by the site and the machine will calculate the matrix in a few seconds. However, for those who are seriously interested in numerology, it will be useful to learn how to calculate the psychomatrix on their own. It's easy to do.

  1. The first working number is obtained by adding up all the numbers of the date of birth. For the example given, the calculation would look like this: 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 41.
  2. The second digital code will be made up of two numbers of the first: 4 + 1 = 5.
  3. To get the third number, the first digit in the birthday is subtracted from the first, which is multiplied by two. For concrete example it will look like this: the first digit of the date is 19. That is, we multiply 1 by 2. From 41 we subtract the result: 41 – (1 x 2) = 39.
  4. The fourth number is formed by adding the digits of the third working number: 3 + 9 = 12.

The first working number symbolizes the qualities of a particular individual that she needs in her life. life path. These are skills that need to be developed and traits that need to be nurtured.

The second number represents the purpose of incarnation, that is, the purpose of a person. This number also demonstrates a leading quality in character.

The third number describes the innate qualities and traits that a person owes to his parents. This is the so-called basic set with which a person enters life.

The number 4 is the main innate quality.

All birth date numbers are tools, personal data on the path of life. It is with their help that the individual will be able to achieve his goals.

Numbers that don't break

In numerology there is a concept of unbreakable numbers. If in any calculation the numbers 10, 11, 12, 13 were obtained, then they are left unchanged, without being reduced to single digits.

The unbreakable whole obtained in the second working number symbolizes a person’s personal destiny. What was obtained in the fourth is the task of the ancestors, which turned out to be unrealized:

  • 10 is the number of leadership, received in any number, it signifies the need to lead and lead people;
  • 11 - good organizational skills and ability to influence the crowd;
  • 12 - the spiritual community needs this person, his purpose is the church or volunteer work;
  • 13 - developed creativity, it is useful to organize creative groups or historical clubs.

Decoding the received numbers

The Pythagorean square is a 3x3 table in which each cell is occupied by a certain number. The presence of this number (or repetition of several) among the calculated working numbers means the presence of certain traits in a person’s character.

The first line of the square is filled with the following numbers: 1, 4, 7. These cells symbolize strong-willed qualities personality, as well as determination, ambition and the ability to achieve what you want. Also, using this line, the numerologist determines how ready a person is to defend his own point of view. Number of digits in the first line among the working numbers:

The absence of numbers in the first line of the square indicates a weak-willed character and a desire to rely on others. The individual cannot set plans for himself and more often acts as a pawn.

The second line of the square symbolizes family qualities and the desire to be with loved ones. The numbers responsible for family are 2, 5, 8. They are placed in the second row. The second line and the presence of numbers in it:

The absence of numbers in this series indicates indifference to family ties. A person does not strive to devote himself to loved ones. It is quite possible that he does not want to be responsible for other people's destinies. Often, individuals without numbers in the second row plunge headlong into work, which is how they justify their failures on the personal front.

In the third row there are numbers symbolizing the constancy and habits of a person. This is conservatism or the lack thereof. These numbers encode the individual’s consent to change, as well as, on the contrary, reluctance to change the usual way of life. The third line is filled with numbers 3, 6, 9 . Number of numbers in the third row:

The absence of numbers in this line speaks of a revolutionary character and a desire to change everything. A person despises conventions and often goes against the norms of society.

Columns, like rows, describe a person’s character, so with their help you can find out your purpose in life. The meaning of the columns in the Pythagorean square:

To calculate a person’s purpose by date of birth, it is not enough to interpret only the rows and columns of his square. The interpretation of the diagonals, which carry their significance in calculating the fate matrix by date of birth, will be important.


The ascending diagonal passes through the cells marked with the numbers 3, 5, 7. This is the personification of a person’s carnal interests. This includes a craving for physical intimacy and sensual pleasures: delicious food, beautiful clothes, passionate sex.

The absence of numbers (or one) in the ascending diagonal indicates a cold personality. The character is not inclined to patronize his own or others’ experiences. Can cheat without a twinge of conscience.

From 2 to 4 digits - a person with normal carnal desires. He is not prone to exaggeration, but also does not underestimate the significance of “earthly” sensations. Able to understand deep meaning sensual pleasures.

5-6 numbers are a sign of a passionate and thirsty person. Intimacy for him is an art. Without sensual pleasures, this person withers away, therefore he needs constant bright emotions. More than six numbers indicate a constant thrill seeker, which leads to failures on the personal front.

Heading down

Downward diagonal - a stripe running from the upper left to the lower right corner. This line describes spirituality. The aspiration and highest mission of the soul is described by the number of numbers in these cells.

The absence of numbers in this diagonal describes a callous and down-to-earth person. This is a complete lack of spirituality.

Five numbers indicate the maximum development of spirituality. This is honesty, nobility and serving your mission. The presence of 6 or more numbers in this strip of cells is considered dangerous. Such a soul can become mired in fanatical teachings and sectarianism. It happens that when analyzing a particular person, more than 7 digits are found in the descending band. This is a sign from above that describes a person with a high mission that concerns not only herself, but also the karma of the people around her.

Numerology is a complex science that allows you to look into the secrets of the universe through numeric code. Calculating karmic destiny takes only one chapter of philosophical teaching, and reading a personality using numbers can take a very long time.

Rows and diagonals of the Pythagorean square - just an introduction to analysis life purpose person.



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