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How to damage a person? Black magic. Damage at home. Ritual with photo and needle

Damage can be caused different ways, but one of the most dangerous forms of negativity is a photo curse. Such a magical ritual cannot be performed accidentally; it is done deliberately to cause harm to another person.

Some consider a curse to be a form of negativity that can occur on its own in a place where violent death a person died. In reality this is not entirely true. Death itself, without human participation, cannot cause negative energy. It’s another matter if the dying person, with his last breath, cursed someone or something. In this case, damage will really arise, and it will have simply incredible destructive power. But in this article we will talk about another form of negativity, which is directed at a person intentionally, due to some negative emotions, for example, because of envy or a desire for revenge.

Damage from photographs is popularly considered to be a very strong negative magic, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. Popular rumor, as in most cases, has very good grounds. The negativity induced through the image of the photograph is very strongly deposited in the body and energy level of a person, therefore, for complete cleansing, several long sessions with a professional sorcerer may be required. If damage is caused to death or to serious illness using photography, it is completely impossible to get rid of it on your own, therefore, if the diagnosis shows a strong negative impact, you should not try to fight it yourself, especially if you are not familiar with magic.

You can believe in corruption or not, it’s everyone’s personal business and it’s pointless to prove something to someone. Another thing is that when a person feels negativity on himself or sees it on his loved ones, not a trace of skepticism remains.

There are many different types of damage based on photography, which are aimed at causing various harm to a person. Some of these programs can seriously damage the health of their victim, others bring with them a series of failures that cover all areas of a person’s life, from work to relationships with a lover and family.

Negative magic is really easiest to induce using a photograph of the target. Any practicing sorcerer will tell you that a photograph is not just a small piece of paper with a person imprinted on it. A piece of your energy remains in the photo, to which you can transmit the necessary information. It is difficult to cause severe damage even with the help of a fresh photograph, however, even a person who is far from any magic can harm you.

In some cases, just looking closely at a photo with anger, envy or other negative feelings is enough for the emotions to take on physical form. Of course, such random damage cannot do much harm, but there is nothing good in it either, and several small negative effects at once can still bring various troubles.

IN various types Damage provides for various manipulations with the photograph, which must be carried out by the performer. Most often, the necessary information is first transmitted to the photo through a black conspiracy, and then the photo is torn into pieces, burned, buried in a cemetery, and the ashes scattered to the wind. In other words, the photograph is physically destroyed, which is the consolidation of the induced negative.

In addition, today a dark ritual with a photograph in which a pin is used is very popular. In the process of pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the performer must pierce with a pin those parts of the victim’s body where problems should arise. For example, if a magician pierces a person’s heart with a needle, then a heart disease will manifest itself, if the head, then a head disease, an injection in the eye - blindness, etc. In this ritual, you can even use an incomplete photo. If you only have a photo of the head, then all other parts can be completed on an attached sheet of paper, the negative effect will not become weaker.

The easiest way to harm a person using his photograph is to simply bury the photograph in a grave where a person with the same name as the victim is buried. Such simple manipulations will lead to severe illnesses. If you want to take your enemy to the grave, then all you need to do is place his photograph in the coffin of the deceased.

Of course, not a single magical ritual gives a 100% guarantee of results; there are too many individual characteristics of both the victim and the performer. Some people, for example, have an innate good health and strong immunity to magical interference. To harm them, you will have to use more reliable and effective means.

Damage to a rival's photo

If for some reason you want to use a more reliable method than burying a photo of the enemy in the cemetery ground. Then this simple magical ritual will suit you.

Place a pot of water on the stove, wait for the water to boil, throw a photo of your rival into the boiling water and read the words of the conspiracy: “The body of God’s servant (name of the rival) will henceforth burn, her blood will boil in her veins, and then completely emanate, she will never rest find. May what has been said come true. Amen".
After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, the photograph should be boiled for five minutes, then taken out and dried, and the water should be poured into the toilet or trash.

This magical ritual must be carried out during the waxing moon, since your task is to bring sacrifices to life negative energy, which has not existed until now. This is not the most powerful ritual, therefore, in order to guarantee troubles for your rival, it must be performed daily, throughout the entire lunar cycle. The photograph will not withstand more than one or two boilings and will dissolve in water, so you need to stock up on photographs of your victim in advance so that they are enough for the required number of rituals.

Ritual for flogging the enemy

To carry out this magical ritual you will need an aspen rod, which you will have to cut yourself. Place the prepared twig in cold water all night long. The next day, remove the rod from the water and let it dry. This entire procedure must be carried out with the rod for 12 days. On the 13th day, wrap a photo of the enemy in red silk, place it on the floor and beat it with a rod, reading the words of the conspiracy: “Behind the distant mountains, behind the dark forests, lies the iron sea. On the sea there stands a stone pillar from the ground to the highest sky. On that pillar stands a wooden man, and he speaks to everything in the world: stones, trees, iron, go to the servant of God (name of the victim), torment her, stab her, beat her, flog her. Just as locks have strong bolts, so my words are true and strong. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to damage yourself: 4 ways

Chakra blocking is the simplest and most effective damage on one's own

Damaging requires at least basic knowledge about human energy and the chakra system as a whole.

If damage as such is the placement of a negative program in a person’s biofield or simply a breakdown of the aura, its artificial thinning, then the effect on the chakras occurs in other ways.

The easiest way is to act through them, blocking the natural energy exchange in the body.

To do this yourself, you will need:

  • wax candle;
  • safety pins with multi-colored heads: 7 pieces.
  1. First, place the image of the victim on the candle, so that the wick is just above the head of the image, and the end of the candle is just below the groin area.
  2. Without lighting the candle, stick 7 pins into it, making sure that the color of the head matches the color of the chakra.
  3. When performing manipulations, maintain concentration on the object and the upcoming torment.
  4. When all 7 pins are inserted, light the wick.

As the candle burns, the pins will fall out.

Your task at this time is to clearly imagine and understand that with each new pin the work of the corresponding chakra is destabilized.

Nothing needs to be said here.

The only point is to wrap all leftovers after work in natural fabric and bury them under a dry tree with the words

“Just as a dead thing does not bear fruit, so you will not know joy. It’s ordered!”

Bring it yourself: use the energy that is around

In order to harm someone, it is not necessary to create powerful multi-move combinations and complex rituals.

There is already a lot of pain, envy, ingratitude and despair in the world. All you need is to enter this flow, become part of it.

This is not difficult, but it requires the ability to detach yourself from what is happening, to clearly understand that all the emotions you experience are not yours. This is the collected pain of the Earth, of all people.

When you enter this flow, imagine your victim.

If possible, imagine her energy system as brightly as possible and direct all this dark dense energy towards the person.

Try to see how energy connections in the body are broken, how thin areas appear on the aura.

The main thing is don’t overdo it and don’t lose control so that all this blackness doesn’t hit you.

How to damage yourself using a photo

Damage from photography has always been considered one of the most powerful, although it can be done independently.

At first, when photographs were rare, people thought that with each photograph a person loses some of his energy. But it turned out that the issue here is different.

A photograph is an almost absolute image of a person, and with the help of a ready-made image it is easier for a magician to tune in to the object. Less effort is spent on this process, and the communication channel is much stronger.

How to damage a photograph?

Paradoxically, you can cause harm even if you have no magical abilities.

To do this, you need to bury the photograph in the cemetery.

This will not lead to death, but the person will be sick for a long time, and his affairs will go downhill.

In order to bring a person to the grave, in addition to manipulation, there must also be certain abilities for black magic.

If you - good healer, then, most likely, the effect of your manipulations will not be much, although there are also so-called generalists.

So, for damage to death you will need:

  1. Find a fresh (up to 30 days) grave in the cemetery with the name of the victim;
  2. Take a black handkerchief;
  3. Pour soil from the grave into it;
  4. Stab the victim’s photo an odd number of times, putting all your anger and hatred into your actions;
  5. Then fill everything with candle wax, as if sealing it;
  6. Bury it on the grave;
  7. Go home another way without looking back;
  8. When you reach the third intersection, throw the coins you saved in advance over your left shoulder with the words Turn around

How to damage yourself with runes

If you want something effective, radical and simple, use runes. There are a lot of formulas for runic damage on the Internet, but this is precisely the case when the number of runes in the formula is not always proportional to the quality of the work. In order not to suffer for a long time with the selection of a position, use the ancient and proven formula - triple Vunyo in an upright position. Mentally apply three runes to the victim's forehead or heart area. This is a very strong rune.

And an excess of its energy has a destructive effect on the human body, and allows it to cause damage on its own.

How to damage an offender with the help of Dark forces?

Every person has an enemy or a person who often brings a lot of trouble. There are a number of rituals that can help punish the offender. It is not easy to send such damage, but the result will not keep you waiting. Remember that these rituals are strong black magic, and its use may be unsafe for you.

Damage using volts

If you cannot make a lining or give something to the offender, then use an effective method of causing damage using a figurine - a volt. To do this, make a small figurine of a person from wax or clay (you can add nails to it, wrap it with a piece of the victim’s clothing). At 2 a.m. for 9 days, light 9 black wax candles around the volt and whisper the text:

I entrust fate (name) to the devil, I invite misfortune to him! Let money, love and grace leave him and not a drop remain! So that (name) lives like a gentleman, so that he suffers, suffers, washes himself with bitter tears, wipes himself with food! Let the black river wash away his peace! Let the black wave leave the void! And he will take away love and kindness from (name)’s life! My word is strong! Key, lock, tongue. Be as you said!

On the last day of the ritual, the volt is buried in the cemetery at any unmarked grave. If this ritual is interrupted or carried out incorrectly, then all its effects will fall back on the sorcerer himself.

An eternal companion for an enemy

In order for everything to go wrong with the enemy and everything to be upside down, attach to him an eternal companion who will spoil everything. To do this, choose the road that your enemy always walks on. There should be a clear path from one point to another. Follow him, and every nine steps say:

The devil is following you! It sticks and drinks all your blood! To be my way.

Now the devil will definitely not leave the victim and will not only ruin her life, but also drain all her energy and strength.

How to damage and kill female beauty?

It is quite easy to send damage to a woman. There are many rituals to eliminate a rival and mutilate her body and soul. These rituals are not strong enough to bring a person to the grave, but they are capable of disfiguring the appearance of the victim.

Mirror as a gift

The linings were made by our ancestors at all times. It's pretty effective way eliminating victims and placing damage or the evil eye on them. In order to carry out the ritual, you need to buy a new mirror. The old one will not work, since it contains a lot of your energy, and the item will need to be given to the woman.

At night, on the waning moon, sit in front of the window, pick up a mirror and say:

As the moon wanes in the sky, so your beauty will quickly fade. As the stars fade, so will your youth fade. Just as the moon ages, so you will not escape rapid old age.

The ritual is carried out over 3 nights. You can't skip days. After the mirror has been enchanted, it must be given to the victim. Make sure it is passed from hand to hand.

Before the victim takes it, no other person should touch it.
If you cannot give the lining to the woman, then slip it into her bag unnoticed. The more often she looks in this mirror, the faster her beauty will fade.

Obesity conspiracy

In order to disfigure a woman using a witchcraft ritual, you will need:

  • a piece of lard (with bristles);
  • dense black threads;
  • image of a woman;
  • black candle;
  • old needles.

Late at night, go out into the yard, light a candle, put a photo of the victim in front of you and place a piece of lard on it. It is best to choose a piece that is not very thick so that it can be sewn to the image with threads. Now stick a few needles with the words into these attributes:

So that you (name) are like a pig. So that men avoid you. May you (name) be alone all your life! And she toiled, and suffered, and wiped her bitter tears from her face!

When the conspiracy is pronounced, take all the attributes and bury them in a vacant lot. Within a few days the damage will begin to take effect.

An effective method of punishing a homewrecker

A black magician with good experience or a very large supply of energy can damage a person in this way. This knowledge should be used carefully, since in the event of an incorrect purchase, the entire negative program will pass on to you. Initially, prepare the following attributes for the ritual:

  • any thing the homewrecker can pierce (a piece of clothing that she often wears);
  • personalized icon of the victim;
  • two wax candles;
  • 13 new needles.

The ritual is carried out at midnight, at 16-19 lunar day. Light one candle and place it on the table. Melt the other one and drop it 13 times onto the face of the saint depicted on the icon.

Until the ritual is completed, pay off the Black forces and get their approval to carry out the ritual. Prick your ring finger and drip the blood onto a burning candle. This should be done whispering:

Here, demon, is my payment for my request.

When the ransom is completed, bring each of the 13 needles to the fire in turn and heat them well, saying:

It is I, the witch (name), who at midnight spoil the face of the saint, in the name of Satan, I spoil it, and for this the devil will spoil the face of my rival (name). So that the face of the slave (name) is strewn with sharp arrows, so that purulent ulcers and terrible hernias appear on it. So that she would know bitter grief, terrible suffering, and terrible sorrows. Let what is said come true.

Stick them one by one into the victim's clothes. If it catches fire, use your left palm to extinguish the flame.

The next day, take coins, two bottles of vodka, water, yesterday's attributes and go to the cemetery. There, find an unmarked grave. Place alcohol and a defaced icon with a woman’s personal item on it. Leave silently and don't look back. When you reach a road intersection, stop. Place an open bottle of alcohol here, throw money over your left shoulder and say:

To you, eternal Mistress of this graveyard.

At the second road intersection, bury the used needles and pour water on top, whispering:

This is for you, bloodthirsty demons, terrible demons. I give it to you, I treat you. And you will repay me with deeds, endow my ritual with power.

Now go home and don't look back. This is very powerful damage, which will forever make her rival unhappy and bring her many illnesses.

How to spoil a negligent neighbor?

Not all neighbors are kind and friendly people. Sometimes there are times when they make life simply unbearable. This ritual is not very dangerous for the performer. Therefore, beginners can use it as practice.

To carry out the ritual, arm yourself with one candle. Set it on fire and imagine that it is your neighbor. With all the anger that has accumulated in you, bite the candle several times. You need to do this from time to time, reading the text:

It’s not the candle that I bite, it’s the life of God’s servant (name) that bites.

In total, you need to bite the wax at least 13 times. After this, tilt the candle parallel to the floor and whisper:

Just as I turn this candle over, so I shorten the life-being of the slave (s) (name). Just as my candle stands crooked, so the life of the slave (name) will go crooked. As the candle burns, so will the slave (name) burn. Let what is said come true.

Now return the candle to its original position and place it on the table. Let it burn freely. And after that, collect the remaining wax and throw it under your neighbor’s threshold.

A strong ritual using personal belongings

You can damage your home yourself using this ritual. It is very strong and effective, but no less dangerous. It is strictly prohibited to carry it out if you are not sure about own capabilities.

If you hesitate, it is better to postpone this idea or trust a professional sorcerer. With the help of this ritual, you can punish any enemy, offender or homewrecker. Not a single person who stands in your way will be able to resist the power of this corruption.

Sit on the floor, light 5 black candles around you and say the text of “Our Father” in reverse:

Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, He eineshuksi ov san idevveni; Mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and Ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i; Send man jad yinshusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub ad, Eovt Eivtsrats Tediirp ad, Eovt yami Yastityavs ad! Heseben an ise, Jerzy Shan Echto.

Now pick up the victim’s personal item (it could be a ring, a chain, something that a person always carries with him). Imagine that she (he) is standing next to you. Concentrate all your hostility, resentment and say 5 times:

Antichrist, almighty evil descend! Turn your face towards me, your servant! I struggle in suffering and anger! Take away the pain and magnify the hatred! Let her serve you, for I make a sacrifice! Help yourself and me destroy the creature of God, which is called (name of the enemy). Curse my enemy! May Satan bring eternal torment upon him. Let there be Hell on earth!

The attributes should be buried near the enemy’s house or in the forest if you do not know where exactly the victim lives.

Ritual to Summon the Devil

This is a ritual of black magic that should not be performed by beginners and even experienced sorcerers who are unsure of own strength. In order to perform the ritual, go to the road crossing exactly at 12 o'clock at night and take with you some salt in a small bag. Stand at the intersection of roads, open the bag and say loudly:

I call upon the forces of Hell! Come, help. Damage the enemy. Devil and devil from the underworld, bring your strength, take the enemy to the grave. May (name) have neither health nor happiness! His fate is pain and bad weather! I’ll salt the threshold, I’ll poison happiness and life! I open the road from Hell to (name)'s threshold!

It is best to pour the prepared salt under the threshold of your enemy that same night. The damage will take effect very quickly, and the enemy will be punished. It is forbidden to leave even a little salt for yourself. Also, you can’t store it until next time. If you leave the product with you, then everything that was prepared for the enemy will pass on to you.

If you decide to do damage, weigh all the pros and cons before doing it. If you have even a shadow of doubt in your soul, it is better not to start the ritual at all. It will be much worse if you interrupt in the middle of the ceremony. In this case, the awakened forces can bring down all their anger on you.

Nothing in life should be unpunished. It happens that physical or moral pressure comes from a person who cannot be resisted for a number of reasons. This could be a traitorous friend who is far away, a strict boss or a traitorous husband. Their misdeeds brought you great pain, and they did not even repent, but there is a way out. Damage from a photo is the simplest and most quick way finally get even for the suffering caused.

Efficiency of spoilage

Everyone has noticed some unusual, magical phenomena in life more than once. And although this has not yet been scientifically proven, magic was, is and will be. To believe or not to believe this is a personal matter for everyone. As for photography, it is the most powerful conductor of energy. In the world of psychics, it is this element that is most often used in work, because photography is an energetic copy of a person.

In order to dispel the myth about the uselessness of damage, magical scientists decided to conduct a simple experiment. They photographed one newborn chick a few days after birth. Having made many copies of the photograph, the psychics distributed them to 15 people. The essence of the experiment was that for a month people had to look at this photograph when some kind of misfortune happened to them.

We cannot explain this fact to science, but after 3 days the chicken, whose photo was distributed, began to look noticeably worse, and a week later it actually died. The second one grew quickly and painlessly. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to damage a photo is obvious.

Even if people did not wish the chicken harm or illness, it still could not develop normally, since all these 15 people fed on its positive energy, destroying normal life.

Photos of a newborn child under six months cannot be shown for this very reason. The baby has not yet established any protective barriers, so contact with big amount people is harmful to his health.

Of course, severe damage from a photo for a person requires much more outside influence, but the process is no different from an experiment with a chicken.

Damaging a photograph will help to annoy the enemy, but only if all requirements are met in strict accordance. It is better for the entire process to be carried out or at least supervised by a professional psychic, because he knows how to effectively damage a photograph.

Independent intervention in such matters if at least one point of damage is performed incorrectly can cause a backlash.

How to cause damage through a photo correctly?

The ritual of corruption itself, although simple, has many important nuances. Some magicians are inclined to believe that the person who performed the ritual cannot be punished for performing it incorrectly, but, as they say, they don’t want to check.

There are 3 basic rules that everyone must follow. magical ritual from photo:

  • A newcomer to esotericism should not perform damage. Cope with higher power, from whom a person wants to ask for help is not so easy. It is important to choose the right words, and only an experienced sorcerer can do this.
  • Protecting yourself from the rollback of damage is the basis of magical influence. Any damage can be redirected in the opposite direction if you understand that it exists. Therefore, after performing a ritual with a photograph, you need to protect yourself.
  • Damage through a photograph will only be effective if the photograph fully complies with the stated standards. First, it must be clear. Secondly, the photo should only show the person you want to annoy. Other people, children, animals distract from the main thing, so the ritual may not work correctly. It would be nice if the photo was taken no more than 6 months ago in full length.

Advice: rituals, the subtext of which includes an appeal to the forces of Darkness, must be formulated briefly and unambiguously. It is better to prepare the text in advance so that the interpretation of desires is clear.

As we see , Damaging a photo of an enemy is a rather complex process that requires a lot of attention and a responsible attitude, so before starting the ritual you need to thoroughly study all the nuances of causing damage to a photo.

Consequences of damage in the photo

Any intervention in a person’s energy field will, one way or another, affect his life. As mentioned above, a photo is an ideal conductor of energy, so you can have an impressive impact on your destiny and health.

Depending on how the damage was done in the photo, what was used for the ritual, how strong the desire was to annoy, and the result of the ritual depends.

The main consequences of damage to the photo:

  • health problems. Almost all damage affects this indicator. The enemy first feels general malaise, stress, and only then its more serious consequences;
  • family problems. Some rituals are geared specifically towards discord in relationships. If the mistress managed to take her husband away from the family, she can get even for the offense;
  • lack of purpose, lack of desire to move on. To the man who persistently moved along career ladder by walking over heads, you can also chop off your wings;
  • bad luck in some particular area (love, work, leisure) or in life in general;
  • suicidal thoughts, death. It is important to be careful with such rituals, since they have an irreversible result that cannot be corrected.

This is the kind of damage damage to a photograph can cause, the consequences of which, as we see, are very diverse. Carrying out some rituals requires special preparation, so it is better not to take risks by doing this without supervision experienced magician or psychic.

5 effective ways to damage a photograph

Today there are quite a lot of options , how to make damage from a photo minimal costs time and effort. But in this matter, the result is much more important, so experienced psychics identify 5 effective methods of damage:

  1. Cooking photo in boiled water.
    This ritual is performed for the enemy's painful condition, general ailments and feelings of guilt. It must be done on the waning moon. To carry out this you will need several different photos (it is better if they are taken from different angles and with different time) and a pot of water. When the water boils, we gradually put the photo on it and say:

    “(name)’s body is to burn, my blood is to puff, my strength is to come out, and my desire is to be.”

    In order for the effect of damage to be more noticeable, you can repeat the process several times during the waning moon.

  2. Damage to a photo in a cemetery.
    It’s worth saying right away that this is a powerful ritual that will not only greatly affect the enemy’s life, but, perhaps, even take his life (it all depends on the state of his energy field and desire). To carry out damage, you need to come to the grave with the name of the enemy on the 17th-18th lunar day, having printed out his photograph in advance. Next, you need to bury the photograph in the cemetery soil and quickly leave the cemetery. Under no circumstances should you look back and talk until the morning. At the first intersection on the road from the cemetery, you need to throw 10 coins over your left shoulder and whisper: “I paid (was).” This is a rather difficult method to perform, which not everyone can do, but is considered one of the most effective.
  3. A ritual that will influence fate.
    The uniqueness of this pori is that it has absorbed several rituals at once to more effectively influence the fate of the enemy. It can be carried out at any calendar time. To perform this you will need a vat of boiling water, a photo, pepper, salt and needles. The ritual begins by simultaneously throwing a pinch of pepper and salt into boiling water. At this moment, you need to imagine the face of the enemy in front of you and then lower the photo, saying:

    “The water is boiling, and your life is boiling.”

    Now the most important stage is conscious and desire destroy the fate of the victim (illness, divorce, theft), along with which needles are lowered into the vat. The contents of the vat must be poured under an old, dry tree with a masculine name (maple, oak). This is another effective and simple way to damage a person using a photo.

  4. Ritual using a black, sharp knife (dagger).
    This ritual cannot be performed to an ordinary person, because it has a very strong energetic effect. Even a novice magician, knowing how to damage a photo using a knife, is not able to cope with the pressure. The ritual must be carried out on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. To do this, the witch places an image of the enemy in front of her at midnight, lights 4 wax candles and takes 2 black threads of medium length (they need to be tied together in advance to make 6 knots). Next, you need to bring each knot to your lips and pronounce misfortune for your enemy. You need to burn the thread immediately after this. The next stage of damage is cutting out a cross from a photograph. This must be done with a black knife, putting all the hatred towards the offender into the process.

    The last thing to do is to bury the ashes and cross on the cemetery grave. The ritual is the most effective, therefore it should be treated carefully at each stage of the damage.

  5. Ritual "Cross".
    This ritual is considered one of the fastest-acting, since the victim begins to waste away literally immediately. To carry out this, you need to come to the cemetery at night to any grave, taking with you 3 nails and a photo of the enemy. You need to nail a photo on the front side of the cross so that the image is not blown away by wind or rain. Next, you need to go around the grave 3 times counterclockwise and immediately leave the place You need to leave the cemetery quickly, without looking back or listening to extraneous sounds. You cannot talk to the person who performed the ritual until the sun rises for the ritual to work correctly.

Is it possible to cause severe damage without a photo?

It is believed that damage from a photograph is the most effective and efficient way of causing harm to the offender. But there are many other options for inducing negativity. In many of them, cemetery soil is used, since it has strong negative energy.

Even bringing water from a grave to the house of an unwanted person (a flower in a pot) can significantly affect his health. Damage without a photo is not very popular in the world of gadgets and technology, but it exists and is used as an option.

How to protect yourself from the effects of damage?

Protection from damage is as necessary a measure as a scarf in rainy weather. It is especially necessary for those who have many ill-wishers or enemies. Therefore, if there is a need to protect a comfortable life for yourself and your family, you need to know and follow certain rules so that haters cannot influence you with the help of a higher power:

  • Amulets. You can purchase amulets associated with your date of birth for the whole family. These can be images of animals carved out of stone or stones that suit a person’s temperament.
  • Pin. This simple item repels negative energy. For protection, you just need to pin it on the wrong side of the thing you wear every day. Important rule: the pin should not be visible, because in this form it loses its properties.
  • Mirror. This amulet will protect against loss external beauty. For the fair sex, this is an indispensable accessory, which will also become strong defense from the influence of magicians.
  • Red bag. Few people know, but it is the red color that personifies the light energy side. Putting a bag of red material in the bag, inside of which there will be sea ​​salt or any dried herb can protect yourself from evil intentions.
  • The power of thought. Sometimes pressure is intuitively felt at a time when there are no aids nearby. The main thing in this case is not to panic. You need to protect the aura from the inside, and to do this, imagine how bright, silver and gold threads pierce the body from the inside. It is important to feel harmony with your body and soul so that forces cannot penetrate inside. As soon as possible, you need to protect yourself with the above items.

Remember that it is not enough just to know how to do damage from a photograph for an effective and efficient result. Most rituals with images will require experience.

You also need to remember the consequences of damage due to mistakes and lack of experience, which often produce an irreversible effect.


Features of damage and the evil eye

Damage and the evil eye have characteristics by which the victim of influence is determined dark forces. It is necessary to make sure that the person has been damaged. There are often cases when people confuse it with an ordinary series of failures.

Evil eye

The evil eye is the effect of one person’s biofield on the energy of another. When casting the evil eye, a hole appears through which energy escapes.

Lack of strength and lethargy are the first signs of the evil eye.

The evil eye can be brought on purposely or unintentionally. The latter can be caused by a person with strong energy; it can easily damage the aura of a weak-willed person.

Causes of the evil eye:

  • anger;
  • hatred;
  • envy;
  • irritation.

Pay attention to the symptoms that indicate the evil eye:

  • constant lack of energy;
  • regular problems at home and at work;
  • financial difficulties;
  • hot temper;
  • apathy;
  • depression.


This is a strong, deliberate influence of a black magician on a person. Only white magicians can remove damage. Damage greatly damages the biofield and can harm health and life. The black rite is performed by a person who comes into contact with evil spirits. Usually it is pointed at some object that subsequently affects the object of damage.


  • painful condition without any reason;
  • indifference turning into irritation;
  • excessive sleepiness or insomnia;
  • panic attacks, depressed state;
  • constant problems at home and at work;
  • suicidal thoughts.

Basic tips for getting rid of spoilage at home

If damage is detected, you should immediately begin removing it. Please contact to the white magician for help, or do everything at home and stay safe.

Rules for removing exposure:

  • these rituals should be performed on the waning moon;
  • belief in the power of the conspiracy is important;
  • the ritual must be performed on an empty stomach;
  • the damage is removed exactly at midnight;
  • after the ceremony, you cannot talk to anyone until the sun rises;
  • the presence of other people is unacceptable;
  • Take all equipment for the ritual new, and after use it must be destroyed.

The power of thought as protection against the evil eye

To protect against evil eye, special amulets, amulets, etc. are required. But if they are not at hand, the power of thought comes to the rescue.

A person is able to jinx himself by saying out loud about something important, something on which he has high hopes.

To make the evil eye pass by, say mentally three times, “Beware of me.” And in order not to get the evil eye from envious people, you need to discreetly bite the tip of your tongue in your mouth. Then, smiling, look into the face of the offender, reflecting the gaze and mentally protecting yourself from the evil eye.

Charms for protection against damage

Every person is susceptible to damage or the evil eye, so it is useful to have a talisman with you.

Safety pin

An affordable and effective amulet. But for protection it is not enough just to pin it to your clothes.

Rules must be followed:

  1. Buy a new pin on Friday afternoon.
  2. In the evenings, you need to inspect the sharp end for darkening.
  3. If the pin is in normal condition, you need to unfasten it and leave it overnight. In the morning, attach it to its original place.
  4. If the pin has darkened (someone tried to cause damage), it should be buried away from the house, in an open state.

Red thread

This protection was used previously and is practiced today in many cultures. The Slavs tied a red thread as a talisman on their hands to protect themselves from bad influences; they tied it to children to protect them from diseases. Jews wear such a thread on their left hand to attract wealth and protect themselves from negativity. In Islam, such a thread is not used as a talisman; for them it is just a tribute to fashion.

Follow the rules:

  1. The person who loves you should tie the thread.
  2. You need to tie seven knots, while reading the Jewish prayer - “Ben Porat Yosef, ben Porat Aley ain Banot Tsaada Aley Shur Ammalah Agoyel Oti Mikol ra Evareh et Annarim Veikare Baem Shemi Veshem Avotai Avraham ve Yitzchak veidgulyarov Bekerev Haaretz.”
  3. Before the ceremony and tying, get rid of bad thoughts.
  4. You need a woolen thread, and preferably bought in Israel, in the city of Netivot.

Christian amulet "God's Eye"

This amulet is endowed with:

  • very strong protective property;
  • heals and protects against diseases;
  • brings good luck;
  • protects against deception;

The eye can influence a person's fate:

  • it will help you reach your goal;
  • suggest the right path;
  • find the right solution.

It can be:

  • carry in your pocket;
  • put on the neck.

Turkish eye

Another almost universal amulet. In Turkey, it is customary to hang a ribbon with a blue eye on a newborn baby. Older children and adults prefer to attach the blue eye to a pin, which is hidden in their clothes. But be sure to wear the eye itself outward to reflect an envious glance.

This talisman is often used to protect real estate, so it can often be found in hotels or shops. Drivers also use this amulet, which is why the blue eye can be seen in cars and trucks.

Stone jewelry to protect against damage

Natural minerals can protect humans from negative effects. Stones are born by nature, and they are able to tune into the same energy wave as a person.

Each mineral stone has its own protective function:

  1. Aventurine is a stone that creates a mood and encourages action. With this property, it repels negative influences from a person.
  2. Agate is a stone with the strongest energy that can overcome any black magic.
  3. Axinite - transforms bad energy in a good way, it establishes peace and love in the home.
  4. Diamond - suitable for people with strong character. It increases the energy of its owner. Much also depends on the color of the stone. Green helps with fertility, and blue or transparent absorbs negative energy.
  5. Jet is very strong amulet. It creates a shell around a person that does not allow magical influence and reflects it.
  6. Moon rock the most mysterious of all. It is directly related to the Moon, and its action depends on its phases. The highest magical activity of the stone occurs during the full moon. Such a stone will protect you from any negative impact.
  7. The tiger's eye will protect against damage, the evil eye, and relieve karmic consequences. When danger threatens, the stone becomes heavy and warm. Since it absorbs bad energy, it can crack from its excess.
  8. Black onyx not only protects from impact, but also reflects the blow, returning everything to the enemy. Helps a person maintain his inner spirit.

Agate Axinite Diamond Aventurine Black Onyx Jet Moonstone Tiger's Eye

Orthodox prayers for protection from damage

Orthodox prayers are powerful protection from evil spells. If trouble happens, you need to turn to the saints, they will definitely hear and come to the rescue. But thoughts must be pure.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

One of the strongest. It can be used as protection to remove damage and the evil eye in church and at home.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  1. Place seven church candles on the table.
  2. Sit down and light one.
  3. Read the text by heart.
  4. After reading the prayer, let the candle burn out.
  5. Repeat the ritual for seven days.

Text of the prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and others heavenly powers disembodied, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra Lycian Wonderworker, Saint Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, the abbots of Radonezh, the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker, the holy martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, the saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all Your saints, help us, unworthy, servant of God (name). Deliver him from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, may they not be able to cause him any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save it for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

To remove the damage, you can pray to Matrona of Moscow. Turn to Matrona not only when something happens, but also for protection.

This prayer will ward off any attack. It must be learned and read daily.

I am addressing you, oh Matrona of Moscow. Help me get rid of the evil eye and damage, rejecting the damn dirty tricks of evil people. Cleanse my soul from the soot of sin and do not punish my mortal body with pain. I sincerely repent to you for sorrow, intolerance, anger, swearing and lack of faith. Ask the Lord God for pity and send me mercy in the form of spiritual Orthodoxy. Let corruption, the evil eye and mental anguish not kill my faith in the Lord God. Let it be so. Amen.

The best ways to protect yourself from damage, the evil eye and negativity

Simple and effective rituals will help protect yourself and your home from damage and ill-wishers.

Protective ritual for the home

For the ritual you will need a sharp object. Previously they used a scythe, now a knife or scissors will do.

You need to treat a knife like an animate object.

In order to secure your home, you need:

  1. Place and light a candle.
  2. Bring the knife to the lit candle.
  3. Read the prayer by heart.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it your name yes he will come Your kingdom, Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Then, clasp the blade with both hands and read:

The knife is like a knife, in appearance, the handle is wooden, the blade is sharpened, but it is only a visible blade, and it also has a long, invisible blade. The invisible blade of the visible continues, it goes far, two or even three meters. Let this blade have power, let it define the enemy, let it protect me and my house, protect me from danger, shelter me from evil. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From now on, the selected attribute will protect you. If an enemy enters the house, he will not be able to do anything bad, because the blade will reflect his actions like a mirror.

Ritual for home protection using salt


  1. On Thursday, heat the salt a little in a frying pan.
  2. In the process, read the Lord's Prayer.
  3. The salt will turn gray.
  4. The resulting salt should be sprinkled in the corners
  5. Sprinkle on the doorstep of the house.

Ill-wishers will be burned by such salt and will not be able to enter the house.

Collection to protect your home from negativity

The magic of plants is also quite significant. With the help of plants you can protect your home from evil spirits no worse than using white or black magic. Remember that the effect of herbal magic does not last long, and you need to periodically collect new amulets.

The most versatile herbal amulet is a bouquet. It will not only decorate the house, but also drive away evil spirits.

Herbs that drive away negativity include:

  • sagebrush;
  • cornflowers;
  • cloves;
  • periwinkle;
  • nettle;
  • juniper;
  • mint;
  • clover.

It is customary to hang herbs over pita bread, scatter them in the corners of the house, fumigate the home with them, and add them to cleaning products.

“Brick Wall” protection from negativity at work

If your attitude at work doesn’t work out and your colleagues not only start to envy you, but also ruin your life, you need to:

  1. Sit down.
  2. Close eyes.
  3. Imagine a brick wall between you and your opponent.
  4. Mentally lay each brick.

Imagine how this wall protects you from the envious. If several people are suspected of witchcraft, surround yourself with a wall on all sides. Be sure to repeat the ritual every morning, and then everything will be in order with your career, no one will be able to get through your wall.

Ritual to protect loved ones from negativity at a distance from the photo

The rite of protection based on a photo with snow is done to those close to you, at any distance. It should be carried out closer to the full moon, always on a waxing moon.

The ritual can save you from guidance:

  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • vampirism.

Here's what you'll need for the ceremony:

  • photo of the person being protected;
  • bowl with snow;
  • wax candle.

The ritual is done like this:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Place a photo below it.
  3. Read the plot by heart three times.

On seven roads, on seven rays, on damp earth I'll make a fireplace. Let the candle burn, wax flow onto the snow, let the frost weave a talisman on the snow. Alluvial evil will disappear without a trace, just as melt water disappears in the spring. The candle will leave a trace in the ground, (name) will receive power. No one can take that power away, you drown, my wax, you burn, candle. Let my words be molded, for (name) careful, strong. Amen.

When the candle burns out, wash your face with melt water and let your face dry on its own.

A strong protective ritual against damage

This protective ritual is performed for oneself and loved ones. It can protect from the most powerful curse, from the evil eye and other influences.

Be sure to wait for the waning moon.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a handful of salt;
  • a bucket of water.

The ritual is performed like this:

  1. Place a bucket of water between your legs.
  2. Take a handful of salt in your left hand.
  3. Take the knife to the right.
  4. Slowly pour the salt into the water.
  5. Rotate the knife counterclockwise in the water.

Read the text of the spell three times:

Just as this salt dissolved in the water, so all the witchcraft against me, before reaching me, will dissolve and turn to dust. Just as this water goes into the ground, so the evil deed of my enemies will go away from me and go into the ground. Amen.

Pour the water in the forest and bury the knife.


Vadim Vadim in his video describes in detail what damage and the evil eye are and how to protect yourself.

Hexing is a powerful program aimed either at a person’s failure in a certain area, or at depriving him of health or even life. Just yesterday people were friends, went to visit each other, shared their most secret things, but today they quarreled and are looking for a way to take revenge. Overly emotional people are not limited to scandals and begin to become interested in the topic of how to damage someone who has seriously offended them at home. If the offense is really great, and there is no forgiveness for yesterday’s friend, you can try to punish him in a magical way. Let's look at a few effective rituals using simple means.

If you are very offended and think only about revenge, carefully evaluate your goal, i.e. what area of ​​life you want to spoil for the enemy. For example, if this person is unsociable and prefers a calm, quiet life, you should not spoil him for loneliness, because a hermit’s lifestyle is absolutely normal for the offender. But if the enemy is rich, successful and healthy as a bull, then he has something to take away. And your task is to take away material or physical benefits.

In order for the magical effect to be effective, it is necessary to prepare for the ritual of spoiling the offender. If you are going to work with a photograph, use a picture where the enemy looks natural, does not have red eyes from the flash, and the image itself is complete (you cannot cut out the victim if he is taken surrounded by strangers) - this is an important condition.

In addition to the photo, you will need a black candle and a loaf of black bread. Damage from midnight to dawn, from Saturday to Sunday. Think about your offender and send mental curses to him. Remember all the troubles associated with him, look at the photo and express what is boiling in your soul. Wish poverty for the greedy, bankruptcy for the rich, impotence for the lover of women. You must ruin the most significant part of your adversary's life.

Damage to someone who greatly offended at home

A simple but effective way for the offender to cause damage at home would be a ritual with a black candle and rye bread. Prepare a piece of dark fabric and some change if you punish the enemy with lack of money.

After 12 o'clock on the night from Saturday to Sunday, the one who damages the offender must do the following:

  1. Cover the table with black cloth.
  2. Place the bread in the center of the countertop.
  3. Stick a candle into the loaf and light it.
  4. Voice the most negative wishes, throwing out your hatred.
  5. Look at the photo and direct all the negative energy towards the enemy.

Important! When inflicting such damage, send only one misfortune. In our example we're talking about about lack of money. So, don’t wish your adversary anything other than collapse material assets. When performing the ritual, place a small coin on the loaf of bread, and in the morning throw it to the greedy person, or try to give it to the greedy person under any pretext if the communication continues.

After speaking negative speech 6 times, break it last sentence photograph into small pieces and immediately start crumbling the bread on the table. At this moment, say:

Just as these crumbs do not become grains, so you (name of the enemy) will lose peace. From this moment on, trouble is on your heels, beating your thresholds, comfortable life displaces misfortunes!

Take the crumbs, along with scraps of photos and black cloth, into the yard and in the morning, when dawn, throw the bread in a place where birds often gather. The birds must peck the crumbs. In ancient times, it was customary to throw a charmed loaf into an enemy’s yard. When the ritual was performed correctly, the living creatures began to get sick, which indicated the launch of a negative program.

In modern conditions, especially in the city, few people keep poultry. Therefore, bread crumbs are thrown away by street birds or, alternatively, taken to a cemetery and left on an abandoned grave. They do not keep candle stubs in their home and do not dispose of them. If possible, it is buried at the gate of the offender or, along with crumbs and a torn photograph, taken to the graveyard. And they only try to hand over the coin to the enemy in any way.

Damage to death

You can apply mortal damage to someone who has seriously offended you, if the enemy is at a great distance from you, using a photo. The method works to punish a close and non-blood relative. By various reasons Relationships between family members deteriorate. In a fit of anger, they may insult you or wish you bad things, and because of envy, there is a chance of getting the evil eye. In this case, it is natural to want to take revenge by doing damage to death.
The waning moon and several materials will help you realize your plans:

  • Photo of the offender.
  • A jar that can be tightly sealed with a lid.
  • Liquid honey in small quantities.
  • A handful of cemetery soil from the grave of the same name (if damage is directed at Anna, for example, the soil should be taken from the grave where Anna, close to the age of the victim, is buried).

After dripping honey on the photo and pouring graveyard soil, you need to read a short conspiracy:

Just as bees love sweets and flock to honey, so the dead attach themselves to my offender (name). And until this spell is lifted, otherworldly power will work and cause harm to my offender (full name). And if the accursed force does not subside, death will put my enemy in a coffin. Amen.

Place all the attributes in a jar, close the lid and bury it at the end of the field.

Send rapid spoilage For someone who has seriously offended you, you can die on an unmarked grave. First you need to get the thing that your enemy wore on his body for a long time, and find the grave. At night, when the moon is waning, approach the unmarked grave with this thing, tear out the cross and go to the cemetery crossroads. Throw the item on the ground and press it with a cross.

Read the conspiracy word for death:

He covered himself with one cross, and with that he was ruined. Death comes quickly, made by me, evil spirits my actions are witnessed. Amen.

Go home without looking back and don’t talk to random passers-by. You can't even say hello. Behind the cemetery gate, say this:

The suicide bomber was created, but not for me. My path is different. Amen.

It is easy to apply mortal damage if you have the genetic material of the offender. It could be a clump of hair or a fingernail. Take one thing and say:

An evil eye, a conspiracy and a spell - I impose everything on the servant of God (name). Let life not seem like honey to him, let troubles, misfortunes, worries, sores and troubles come to him in a caravan. May life not be a joy for him. Let the evil eyes mock him, let all the bad things cling to him, the slave (such and such).

Throw a charmed hair or nail into the coffin with the deceased on the day of the funeral. You can read the text on the material earlier. The main thing is that he gets into the coffin within 3 days. Otherwise the ritual will not work.

Damage to illness

The practice of black magic includes many rituals that allow you to spoil the disease of someone who has seriously offended you, and they can be performed at home or in nature. Widespread among sorcerers is rotten black damage, inflicted on a victim in the forest during the waning moon. The program triggers incurable diseases, which the offender suffers very hard and dies.

If the disease is directed at a man, a rooster will be needed for the ritual. If the victim is a woman, then chicken is used. The bird must be alive.

What tools will you need:

  • Axe.
  • Long thick needle.
  • Image of the victim.
  • A ball of coarse thread made from natural material.

The right time for the ritual is the night before the winter solstice, February 29, Third Savior, Good Friday, the third Thursday of every month and the night before the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

How to damage the offender’s illness? IN evening time Before the sun sets, you need to go into the forest with all your supplies and the bird and find a strong stump. Cut off the head of a rooster or chicken on it, making sure that no one is watching you.

At the moment of cutting off the head, pronounce a spell against a bad person:

Just as God’s creature endures all this, so my adversary, the servant of God (name according to his passport), will endure everything, but he will not endure it and the cruel death will kill him from the world. As soon as the holy day passes, this corruption in the servant of God... will enter and take root. Amen.

When the bird is left without a head, hold it with its neck down to drain the blood. Then open the belly, put a photograph of the enemy in the inside and sew up the carcass. In doing so, read:

I will do without the Father, without the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will neglect their help and will not say amen. I see a house - a meat grave. Everyone avoids her, and there are no guests for her. Only the servant of God (name of the enemy) will not pass by this house, will find refuge here, and will begin to rot until the end of his time. Just as any coffin goes into the ground, so damage to a mortal illness on a slave... finds. Amen. Amen. Amen.

During the reading process, bury the bird and quickly leave, without having conversations even with close relatives until dawn. Never return to the place where the ritual was performed. Your victim will be seriously ill, even to the point of death.

Damage to destroy a marriage

This damage is designed to dissolve a marriage. If you really want to take revenge on your offender in this way, think about the fact that, according to the boomerang law, your relationship with your loved one may also go wrong. If you are determined, you will need a family photo of the couple you plan to separate (there should be no strangers in it), water blessed in the church and a jack of spades from a brand new deck of cards.

How to spoil the marriage of someone who has seriously offended you:

  1. Sprinkle the jack with holy water.
  2. Near one head of the jack write full name husband, and on the opposite side - the name of the wife.
  3. Bury the map next to the graveyard gate.
  4. Make a jack from a photograph by cutting out the heads of the spouses and joining them with their lower sides (fix with glue).
  5. When making a “jack,” say: “Just as the heads of the same jack should never lie next to each other, so you (the names of the spoiled) should not be loved in the same bed and should not share food under the same roof.”
  6. Toss the enchanted jack to the married couple.

The fight will work as soon as the husband or wife touches the strange photograph. A surprised person will definitely take the find in his hands, and after that family life problems will begin.

Damage to loneliness

This type of damage is inflicted on the enemy using a photo. At the back of the image, draw an inverted triangle with sides of 3 cm and burn the edges of the photograph with the flame of an unconsecrated church candle. The photograph must smolder; burning in a fire is not allowed.

When all sides of the photo card are damaged, burn a hole in the center of the triangle with a candle. Start the mechanism of black magic by reading the following text:

In a witchcraft circle under the supervision of a thief's eye, you (name of the victim) will never have a way out in an advantageous direction. No one will look at you and no one will talk to you. And if you turn to people, everyone will refuse you. Don't be happy, be lonely. I conjure you. Amen.

Pay off evil spirits with ten coins, leaving them at the crossroads at midnight. And quickly go home.

Damage to relationships

You can spoil relationships for friends, relatives and business partners. Salt spat is needed to damage someone who has seriously offended; it is performed on a new pack purchased without change.

Left alone in the room, place a package of salt in front of you and recite a spell on it:

A gray wolf walked through the black forest and swampy swamp. An angry dog ​​ran after her across the damp ground and through the thorny grass, and a tattered cat followed the dog. Suddenly they all grappled and rolled into a ball. They fought so hard that fur flew, and I stood on the sidelines and watched. I command that the servants of God (list the names of those who need to be quarreled) swear and fight all their lives, even becoming entangled in a ball. I convey the spell word to this salt and seal it with “Amen.”

Spread a pinch at a time magic salt into the house of those whom you plan to quarrel with, and scatter the grains unnoticed. Throw any remaining salt in the trash or down the drain.

Damage to relationships can also be done from photographs. Late at night on the waning moon, stay alone in the room and place a black candle in the center of the table. Draw a circle around yourself with salt (take the salt from a new pack). In front of the candle, place photographs of the enemies you want to quarrel with. Take salt with your left hand and sprinkle it on the pictures with the words:

Just as this salt easily falls from my hand, so let your strong relationships crumble with the same ease. Expect only conflicts and troubles from life. Wash yourself with salty tears and part forever. There is no reconciliation for you. Amen.

Complete the ritual when the images are completely covered with salt. While you read the text, mentally draw pictures of the separation of people you dislike.

Damage to impotence

Damage to impotence is usually done by women in resentment against men who abandoned them, cheated on them, walked around, or simply against those who caused unbearable heartache. Overcome the feeling of emptiness and fill your heart new love Not all women succeed. The most touchy ladies take revenge on their former lovers in such a way that men become inferior in bed.

What you will need for the ritual:

  • Black candle – 1.
  • Red candle – 2.
  • New needles – 3.
  • Black fabric the size of a tablecloth.
  • Bowl with salted water.
  • A figurine of a person, sculpted by hand from wax or clay.

Make a figurine so that it has genitals. Place it in the center of a table covered with black cloth and light red candles on the sides. Spray the model with salt water 6 times, pronouncing the name of the offending man each time.

Stick a needle into the genital organ with the words: “By sticking a needle, I take away your power forever.” At the moment of inserting another needle, say “By inserting this needle, I take away carnal desire.” When you insert the third needle, say “I command this organ to hang for a whole century!”

Light a black candle and drip wax on your genitals with the words:

As soon as this candle burns out to the end, my plot will immediately fly to you.

When all three candles go out, go outside and bury the figurine where people don’t go.

Damage to infertility

Do damage to infertility to a person unpleasant for you in women's days– Saturday, Wednesday or Friday in the waning phase of the moon. Place your victim's bloody panties, used tampon or pad on a table with a dark tablecloth and place two black candles on the sides. In advance, with a new needle, scratch on them the name of the person you will spoil.

Say this: Where did this blood come from, new life will never come from there. From now on and forever!

When the candles are half-burnt, extinguish them with your fingers. Wrap the bloody attribute in a dark cloth or tablecloth lying on the table and sew it up with new black thread. Use the needle you used to scratch the name on the candles. While sewing, when the needle sticks into the bundle, say:

I'm sewing up the birth canal now. They won't give new life not during the day, not at night, not at any time of the day. Just as these candles will never burn, so God’s servant (the name of the hated woman) will never give birth. I command - let it be so and be fulfilled immediately!

Bury the craft along with a needle and candle stubs under a dry non-bearing tree or stump.

If desired, the ritual can be completed in the cemetery by burying sewn panties or a pad on the grave of the same name. In this case they say:

They give birth with this blood, and they kill with it. Just as the servant of God did not give birth, she shed her blood in vain, so let her never be fruitful - she does not give birth, she sheds her blood in vain. Let it be so!

Then go to the church and buy 6 thin candles in the memorial part of the temple. Tie each with natural black thread (from a new spool) in a counterclockwise motion. Leave the bottom edge of 1 cm free so that you can stick the thread into the wax and tie a knot.

Place the candles on the memorial table and whisper:

Remember the children that the servant of God could not give birth to...

The ceremony is considered complete when the last candle burns out. Leave the church without looking back and watch the results of the magical action.

Good day. The magician Azal is with you, and today we will discuss how to spell damage to a person. Why does this topic require a separate detailed discussion when there are many available ways ruin a person's life? Because the main thing in magic is to work correctly and safely!

Many craftsmen know a variety of ways to cause damage, but they do it with disastrous consequences for themselves and their customers. Moreover, they often deliberately set up customers, and not out of ignorance. In addition to masters, there are simply people who do not have a base of magical knowledge and want to damage someone who has greatly offended them.

All of the above people will find it very useful to know about the pitfalls in this matter. Many have heard about recoil, kickback and kickback, but few know how to avoid these phenomena, so today we will discuss the following important issues:

  • what kind of damage to inflict on a person, work strategies;
  • what are the consequences of causing damage to the victim, the performer and the customer;
  • how to cause damage without consequences for yourself and the customer.

What kind of damage can be done to a person?

From articles on “Magician about magic” we knowwhat is damage and what are there types of damage . We know that damage can be domestic and comes from envy. But today we are talking about damage as a professional magical work. Such damage can be:

  1. groundless - its reasons also lie in envy;
  2. Damage that has a reason - damage as punishment for any offense.

In each of these cases, the master’s work strategy is completely different!

If the damage is groundless, then the person will certainly receive serious consequences for punishment without reason. He punished the man for no reason, simply at his own request. By doing this, he has upset the balance of justice, so he will receive the punishment himself - “what goes around comes around.”

In this case, special mastery techniques allow you to avoid the earned consequences - diversion (retraction from a rollback and diversion from a reverse strike). The main thing is to know where the serve will come from and be able to prevent this strike in time.

In cases where the desire to damage a person is justified and has a reason, damage acts as a weapon of revenge, as punishment, as retribution to a person for a committed offense. Retribution leads to balance, balance, restoration of justice, but this does not mean that in this case there will be no consequences.

Why? Because man is not able to choose fairlyproportionate punishment to another. For different offenses, higher powers “hand out” different punishments, the severity of which also varies.Damage punishment can be different:

  • illnesses and injuries (punishment in the health sector);
  • problems in life situations(punishment in the sphere of luck);
  • lack of money (financial punishment);
  • loneliness or relationship problems (love punishment);
  • death.

In general, damage-punishment is a much safer type of damage (for the one who makes and orders), but due to the problem of proportionality of punishment, a backlash in this case is still inevitable. Therefore, when inducing this type of damage, it is imperative to include a diversion from the reverse strike into the work plan.

What are the consequences of damage to the victim?

So, one person decided to spoil another person and wants to understand what will happen to him. And he will get exactly what happens from using the method of damage he has chosen. The main thing is to do your job correctly, without making mistakes. Each method of damage has its own consequences for the victim.

For example, if there is damage to health, then the person will get sick or get injured; if the damage is to finances, then the person will suffer losses (crashed a car, had their wages stolen, was fired from work, or will need money for the treatment of a relative, etc.).

If a combination of methods is chosen, the consequences for the victim will not be as straightforward as in the examples above. For example, a combination of egylet and magical work on passion they give a painful effect of “wants, but cannot.”

What are the consequences of causing damage to the customer and the master?

So, one person decided to spoil another and wants to understand what will happen to him personally for this. Everything is very simple - “what you sow is what you reap”, “whoever comes with a sword will die by the sword.”

In other words, be prepared to take on what you want for the victim of your damage. If you want to spoil death, then be prepared to put your life on the line.

How is responsibility for damage distributed? Two situations are possible:

  1. a person does damage of his own free will; in this case, it is he who bears all the consequences;
  2. a person orders damage from a master, and the master acts as an instrument of punishment; here responsibility is shared between the customer and the contractor.

In the second situation, you need to understand that for the master this is work, and not his personal will, that the master most often knows about the mechanisms for distributing responsibility and about methods for avoiding this responsibility. If he doesn’t know, then such a master will not live long or happily :)

If you order damage, make sure that your master works responsibly and performs all related work and diversions, and not just the damage you ordered!

Why do I say this? Because people often come in with similar stories like this: “I ordered a love spell 5 years ago, they did it inexpensively, the love spell worked, but now I’m left without a job, my father lost his business, my mother is sick and I can’t give birth to children. All this could have been avoided if you had chosen a smart professional.

By the way, I personally guarantee my customers safe damage. I always carry out all related work and protect my work from viewing and removal.

If you want to cause damage yourself, then you personally need to know and be able to do this without disastrous consequences for yourself.

How to damage a person without consequences

In general, it is not difficult to damage a person. “To break is not to build.” It is difficult to do this safely, without consequences for yourself and the customer. This is what professionalism is all about. It is possible to do damage without recoil, without rollback and without a backlash, if you know and be able to do it.

So, let’s look at how to damage a person step by step. Choose a specific working method of damage or combine different methods to achieve the effect we need. If you have chosen one method of damage, then it must be duplicated several times. For what? To be sure to break through the victim’s energy field.

If the victim of your influence is an energetically strong person or a person who constantly prays, performs spiritual practices, conducts cleansing and purification rituals, then it is necessary to first weaken such a person. This is done before damaging it in order to weaken its field and minimize recoil and rollback. (A separate article will be published soon about what recoil and rollback are and there will be a link to it here.)

In addition, I advise you to duplicate each of the taps 2-3 times - this will avoid disastrous consequences for both you and your clients. After such work, you will be confident that you have reliably covered your grateful clients with your wide back :)

The work is not finished yet. Next, it is necessary to carry out protective work - from removing exposure and from viewing. These are different works, but I strongly advise you to close them from viewing. We follow the principle: “If he doesn’t see the work, he won’t shoot it.”

In any case, a “blind” person won’t shoot much, even if he decides to shoot. If the master doesn’t see what to shoot, it means he doesn’t know how to shoot. That is, another master will have to blindly simply select cleaning methods - this is a game of “whether it works or not.” It’s long, tedious and often fruitless, and there are very few patient people in the world. Lately:)

And one more thing. Be sure to protect your workmagical traps . Don't be lazy about setting traps and don't be greedy with resources. I speak from my own experience - this approach is as safe as possible and such work pays off with interest.

If they remove your damage, they will definitely run into traps - this will give you at least time to confront another master. You will gain time and gain an advantage.

If all this is done, then the work is now considered completed, you can sleep peacefully :)

For those who do not understand how to damage someone who has greatly offended, and do everything that I wrote about above

I am sure that you have noticed that for masters and adepts the version of the work that I have described will be interesting, informative and give food for thought. But there will be people who will not understand anything from what is written above.

I want to say to such people - don’t be upset. There are other areas where you are a professional, but this is not the area of ​​magic. The main thing that you now understand is that damaging an enemy without consequences for yourself is not as easy and simple as it might seem at first glance due to a lack of magical knowledge.

If you want to figure it all out, go ahead, this article contains a lot of tips and direct instructions. Good luck to you :) If you realize that you can’t do it yourself, then entrust this work to a professional magician. In this case, this article will help you choose an intelligent specialist and understand what you are paying money for.

With that, thank you for your attention. Subscribe to the site news so as not to miss the latest articles. Ask your questions about the topic of the article in the comments. If you want to order damage, then write not in the comments, but directly to my email. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site “



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