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How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany: rules, tips. Swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany. Dipped? Forget about social networks! Or what should not be done on the feast of Epiphany

Every year everything large quantity Russians take part in the celebration of Epiphany - one of the biggest Christian holidays.

It is believed that on this day a person immersed in the Epiphany pond washes away all his sins and emerges from the font cleansed and renewed. Is it really?

History of the custom

The history of the Epiphany holiday is inextricably linked with the name of the Forerunner of Jesus - John the Baptist. This Jewish saint preached the need to cleanse the people from sins. As a sign of his determination to part with an unrighteous life, he baptized those who repented by immersion in the waters of the Jordan River.

One day, Jesus and His disciples came to him to perform the sacrament of Baptism. Although John immediately recognized who Jesus was, the ceremony was completed, and all the people saw how the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove on Christ, washed by river water. In memory of this event, Orthodox Christians annually. Another name for this day is Epiphany (Epiphany).

Traditions of celebrating Epiphany

Traditionally, Epiphany is celebrated on a nearby natural body of water - a river, lake or even the sea. On the eve, Orthodox Christians attend evening service church service, where the blessing of water takes place. On this evening, many bring with them vessels of water, which then whole year stands without deterioration. Upon returning home, you must:

- drink a few sips of water;

- sprinkle Epiphany water the entire house inside and out, outbuildings and other property;

- pour some water into the well;

- wash your face with holy water at dawn.

The rest of the water should be hidden and used in cases of illness of one of the family members as a medicine.

Is swimming in an ice hole an Epiphany custom?

Nowadays, the custom of plunging into an ice hole at Epiphany after the rite of blessing the water is becoming increasingly widespread. It is believed that this is an ancient Russian custom. However, if you turn to ancient liturgical books and chronicles, you can find out that in ancient times everything was not quite like that.

Only those parishioners who “dressed up” during Christmastide were immersed in the ice hole for Epiphany, that is, they gave themselves too much freedom by participating in a pagan ritual, for which it was necessary to pull on the skin of an animal.

Yuletide joy in the first years after the baptism of Rus' was preserved by many pagan traditions and was very far from chastity. It is not surprising that after the stormy holidays, some needed to undergo cleansing from pagan filth.

However, nowhere does it say that you can’t swim in the Epiphany ice hole - nor does it say that this swimming is an indispensable part of the ritual. If a person feels a spiritual need to undergo this cleansing action, then it will certainly benefit the soul and body.

Symbolic meaning of Baptism

As is known from Old Testament, water in the biblical tradition represents the beginning of life. From the water fertilized by the Holy Spirit, everything that exists on Earth and the Earth itself arose. But it can also play the role of a destructive element, as during the Flood, when all living things disappeared in the water except the righteous Noah and his family.

Therefore, it was water that was used for Baptism. By immersing in water, a person dies to the old sinful life and is born renewed and sinless. He has a chance to cleanse himself of filth and start a new one, clean life according to the rules that Jesus Christ commanded.

The main renewal occurs not in the body at all, but in the human soul. Many of those who have decided to dive into an ice bath claim that this unforgettable sensation really brings peace and purity to the soul.

To the surprise of doctors, the percentage of those who caught a cold and fell ill after Epiphany bathing is extremely small. Of course, everyone decides for themselves whether they need to be immersed in water for Epiphany, but among those who took this test, there are practically no disappointed ones.

One of the main Orthodox holidays, Epiphany, will be celebrated on Friday, January 19. Preparations will begin even earlier, on the evening of January 18 - Epiphany Eve. According to tradition, then the time for Epiphany bathing will come. Moreover, not only believers, but also simply lovers of winter swimming, as well as those who want to test their fortitude, actively plunge into the ice holes. What is the essence of this ritual, how safe it is for health and how to properly prepare for swimming - in a special guide on the portal website.

What does this holiday mean?

Epiphany is one of the oldest and most important holidays in the history of Christianity. It was installed in honor gospel history about the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. Therefore, on the evening before the holiday, the ceremony of blessing of water is required in all churches.

Ice holes intended for traditional dipping are also blessed. The ice hole symbolizes the river into which Jesus entered, and therefore another name for it is Jordan. An ice hole prepared specially for the holiday is easy to recognize: it usually has the shape of a cross.

What does Epiphany bathing actually look like?

It is expected that swimmers should submerge their heads in the water (but be aware that diving with their heads increases the risk of hypothermia). This must be done three times, while the believers are baptized with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” It is correct to take a dip in long undershirts specially prepared for this: it is a religious holiday and swimsuits are too revealing for this purpose.

I am a believer. Is it necessary to take a dip?

Representatives of the Orthodox Church approve of the ritual of bathing on the night before Epiphany or on the holiday itself, but emphasize that this is far from its main component. For those who would like to celebrate the holiday, but do not consider themselves ready to dive into cold water, it is not necessary to take a plunge. It will be enough to simply come to church the day before or on the day of the holiday, stand for the service and collect blessed water in the temple.

How does this affect your health?

Regular immersion in cold water can help improve blood circulation and boost immunity. But in case we're talking about about one single attempt, not everything is so simple. A sudden immersion in cold water puts a lot of stress on the heart, increases blood pressure, and increases the pulse rate. Therefore, before swimming, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Dipping into an ice hole is definitely contraindicated for those who have problems with cardiovascular system who suffer from cystitis, nephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as simple colds.

Even if you have no contraindications and you think that you are ready for contrast swimming, you should not do this without preparation.

In a good way, you need to start preparing several months before, gradually hardening the body (for example, rubbing yourself with cold water or taking a cold shower). If the moment for long-term preparation has already been missed, try taking a contrast shower at least a day or two before swimming to see how your body reacts.

Can you take a dip in any frost?

Temperatures around 2-5 degrees below zero are considered suitable for beginners. If it gets colder, you can still take a dip. But it is necessary to remember that frost of -10 degrees is considered an acceptable limit. Behind it begins one continuous risk zone.

How to understand which ice hole is correct?

You can only dip in specially equipped ice holes. Firstly, in most of them, divers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations specifically check the bottom beforehand. Secondly, doctors and rescuers are always on duty at such ice holes, which guarantees you timely assistance in case something goes wrong. Finally, you don’t have to worry that, say, extreme sports enthusiasts on snowmobiles will jump onto the ice at the same time.

If you are a parishioner of the temple, then you can find out about the consecrated ice holes there. If you don’t go to church, but would just like to join in the swimming, you can check the list of equipped swimming pools from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or on the website of the local administration. Moscow fonts, for example, can be found.

In any case, under no circumstances should you dive alone.

What can you do and what can't you do?

If you participate in swimming for sport, remember that for many it is part of religious holiday and this must be treated with respect. You should not laugh loudly, shout, or even use foul language while swimming.

Do not plunge into the ice hole if you have drunk alcohol before. If you decide to take a plunge, then show restraint and abstain from alcohol the day before. It is better not to go into the water when you are hungry. Eat a large meal, but not right before, but a few hours before.

Make sure you have suitable clothing - it should be warm, easy to take off, and, most importantly, you should put it on easily and quickly. Laces, buttons, and any complex fasteners are excluded here.

Bring a bathing shirt if you have one, a warm terry towel or robe (or better yet, both) and tea in a thermos to make it easier to warm up afterwards.

And finally, do not sit in the ice hole for a long time - this will lead to serious hypothermia.

What to do after?

For diving, it is better to choose a font equipped with a ladder and handrails, and, when leaving the water, hold on to them tightly. This will help if you feel very dizzy after taking a dip.

Even if it seems to you that you passed the main test easily, you should not waste time taking pictures or showing off in front of other bathing participants. Immediately dry your body with a terry towel and change into dry clothes. To prevent the risk of catching a cold, it is better to drink pre-prepared tea or herbal decoction after swimming.

Published: 14.12.2017 Category: Author's essay

Russia is an Orthodox country. During the difficult period in the life of the church, from the revolution to perestroika, tens of thousands of churches were destroyed, and an entire generation grew up knowing nothing about Orthodoxy. But, like a phoenix from the ashes, Orthodoxy is being revived in the lives of Russians. Temples and monasteries are being restored and working Sunday schools, Orthodox television channels.

The return of the church to people's lives means a return to Orthodox holidays. There are many such holidays, but among them there are 12 most significant, the so-called twelve. In large church iconostases there is a so-called “festive rite”. The icons of this series depict these the most important holidays Orthodox faith. One of them is Baptism.

John the Baptist, at the request of Jesus Christ, performed his baptism in the waters of the Jordan River. At that moment, the Holy Spirit descended on Christ. The Feast of Epiphany is celebrated in memory of this event.

To be baptized in the waters of the Jordan is still considered a very important event for a newly converted Christian. Believers from all over the world strive to visit this place, take a dip or draw water from the Jordan.

How is Epiphany celebrated?

In Russian Orthodox Church Epiphany is always celebrated on January 19, it is a permanent holiday, i.e. not connected, like Easter with the lunar calendar.

At Epiphany in Russia, water was blessed. A hole was cut out of the ice, often in the form of a cross, over which a temporary chapel “Jordan” was installed. In the 17th and 18th centuries, this chapel was called the “Jordan Canopy”. Walked from the temple to the ice hole procession to bless the water. The procession was very colorful. At the head of the procession, the priest sprinkled the road. Behind him were people with banners and icons. They were followed by women with small icons from the monasteries and the cathedral. At the end of the procession, in accordance with the ranks, the priests of the city and its inhabitants followed.

From the cathedral to the Jordan they carried an altar cross for the blessing of water, which was immersed in the water of an ice hole.

Modern church leaders They claim that mass swimming in the wormwood is a relatively new tradition. Until 1917, only a procession of the cross took place on Epiphany, and the water was blessed. But only after perestroika, swimming in the ice hole on Epiphany became widespread.

Blessed, baptismal water is considered holy and has healing power. Such water stands and does not spoil more than a year. This water is used to treat all illnesses, to wash oneself, and to sprinkle the sick person’s bed. Only for women critical days You cannot use this kind of water.

Translated from Greek, “to baptize” means “to immerse in water.” Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany is washing away sins and entering into New Year sinless.

Why do they bathe at Epiphany? To some extent it has become a fashion. Not all people entering the ice hole are believers. But the church supports this innovation. Every year extreme entertainment becomes closer to the church holiday.

Bathing in ice water, which is also blessed, is an excellent way to harden yourself. The clergy claim that in all the years of mass bathing, no cases of the disease have been recorded.

Every year everything more people want to plunge into the baptismal font. Most of them believe that swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany will cleanse them of their sins.

How to prepare for swimming at Epiphany?

The feast of Epiphany is preceded by a rather strict one day fast. On January 18, you are allowed to eat sochen - flatbreads with hemp oil and kutya. The house should be cleaned and garbage should be thrown away.

Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany is not recommended for people with certain illnesses. Such diseases include bronchial asthma, pulmonary diseases, hypertension, hypotension, thyroid diseases, epilepsy, and heart diseases.

Prayers said at Epiphany will certainly come true. On this day, according to church canons, the heavens open, and they will be heard.

How to bathe properly on Epiphany?

The rules for Epiphany bathing are quite simple. They do not require special preparation for swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany.

How to bathe properly on Epiphany? Before swimming, you need to warm up a little. You need to undress for swimming in a certain sequence: first take off your outerwear, then undress to your swimsuit, and shoes should be removed only before entering the water. On ice and snow, your feet freeze very quickly. Enter ice water you need to quickly, and stay in it from 20-30 seconds to 2 minutes, depending on your state of health and habit cold water. According to the canons, you must plunge your head into the water three times and, emerging, be baptized.

Swimming in an ice hole is not a church requirement, but simply a tradition that is welcomed by the church. But since it is a church holiday, the swimsuit and swimming trunks do not look very harmonious against the background of the cross in front of the font. In monasteries, long shirts similar to baptismal shirts are sewn for bathing. They are the same for men and women.

After leaving the water, you need to quickly dry yourself, put on dry, warm clothes and drink hot tea. It is strictly forbidden to combine swimming in an ice hole with drinking alcoholic beverages, and only after swimming can you drink a small glass to warm up.

In principle, there are no significant differences between bathing at Epiphany for women and men. You just need to take into account that the female body is more fragile, the skin is more delicate.

To protect the skin, before swimming in the ice hole on Epiphany, women are advised to smear themselves with rich cream, vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. This will make it easier to get used to cold water and protect your skin. Pregnant women and women on menstruation should not swim.

To the list of previously listed diseases for women, you can add acute infectious and chronic diseases of the female organs.

Bathing a girl in an ice hole at Epiphany is practically no different from bathing women. Girls should be more careful about their bodies. After all, many of them swim “for company” with friends and husbands, solely out of the desire to take a spectacular photo in a beautiful swimsuit. Baptism bathing for a girl with a weak immune system who is prone to frequent colds is undesirable. It can lead not only to a cold, but also to chronic inflammation of the female organs. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare for such an event in advance, gradually hardening yourself by pouring cool and then cold water, swimming in autumn in already cooling water bodies, gradually leading the body to Epiphany bathing.

How to choose a place for swimming?

Every year the number of people taking part in the procession and Epiphany bathing increases. Therefore, the number of places for swimming is increasing. This is especially noticeable in large and rapidly developing cities. Usually the media prints in advance a list of places where you can swim on Epiphany.

Swimming at Epiphany should be in places specially designated for this. As a rule, these are rivers and reservoirs that are located near temples and monasteries, so that the procession to the Jordan is not too long. Since the holiday of Epiphany has been celebrated in our country for many centuries, these places are well known.

When Epiphany bathing became widespread, it was time to take care of arranging bathing areas. After cutting a hole in the ice, a cross made of luda or wood is installed next to it. The perimeter of the ice hole is laid with boards or wooden flooring, and a ladder is installed on one side to make it convenient to enter and exit the water. If the hole is large, then there may be several such stairs. Epiphany frosts in last years have become very rare, but the water temperature is still close to zero. Therefore, they increasingly began to install a heated tent next to the font, where you can change clothes, warm up, and also drink hot tea.

In public swimming areas, there should be an ambulance with doctors on duty who can provide assistance if necessary.

This is how it should be ideally. But given the size of our country, not all swimming places are equipped this way. The presence of doctors is generally exotic in the provinces. Therefore, when choosing a place to swim on Epiphany, try to find a traditional place where many people come. They can always help. Provide insurance and provide assistance if necessary.

Epiphany bathing in different regions of Russia

Epiphany bathing takes place throughout Russia from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, from Sochi to Arkhangelsk. Every year the number of people who take part in them increases, and, accordingly, the number of equipped places. In St. Petersburg, several swimming pools will be installed on the Neva. Home – at Peter and Paul Fortress, the rest on Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment, Universitetskaya embankment, as well as on the street, on Obukhovskaya Oborony Avenue. Fonts are being installed in Kolpino, Krasnoye Selo, Sestroretsk, Peterhof and Pushkino.

The most widespread Epiphany bathing take place in the Volga cities - Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Uglich, Nizhny Novgorod, Tutaev and others. Here, the traditions of Orthodoxy were not lost during the most difficult times for the church. Churches and monasteries, as a rule, were built on the high banks of the Volga. Today many Orthodox churches and the monasteries were restored. Of these, on the night of January 18-19, a religious procession takes place to the fonts on the Volga. After the consecration of the ice hole, Epiphany bathing begins, which continues all night from January 18 to 19 until the evening of January 19.

Moscow and the Moscow region do not lag behind the Volga cities, Epiphany bathing here is organized with the utmost responsibility, tents are set up at the ice hole for changing clothes, and the process is monitored by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulance doctors. We have prepared a review.

Return Orthodox traditions It's not just fashion that plays into the lives of Russians. This is a return to the roots of spirituality.

Safety rules for Epiphany bathing

We hope our review was useful to you, and now you know why people bathe at Epiphany and how to prepare for swimming at Epiphany. If you have experience of swimming in an ice hole, share it in the comments to the article.


Epiphany of the Lord is perhaps one of the three most important holidays in Orthodox world. It is associated with many traditions and rituals that come to us from the very beginnings of the history of Christianity. These rituals also include swimming in an ice hole.

History of Baptism

To understand the essence of swimming in an ice hole, it is necessary to remember what Baptism is and how it is connected with the history of Jesus Christ. It all started when the Savior turned 30 years old. According to legend, he had to find the Baptist, who turned out to be the Apostle John. John heard the words of God that Jesus was obliged to be baptized like any other person. Jesus came to him asking for baptism, that is, washing with water in order to be cleansed of sins. However, with his divine essence, Christ himself baptized the water, and not his water.

This symbolized that in the future the son of God would save people from troubles, the devil and bad thoughts and actions. On the day of baptism, any water carries a special power, since Jesus Christ plunged into it 2000 years ago and made it a source of light, goodness and life.

Another name for Baptism is Epiphany. Christ came to John in order to have the right to appear to people with his teaching. It was the day of God's appearance to the people and the world.

When swimming in an ice hole

According to the rules bathing takes place on Christmas Eve- on the evening before the holiday. January 18 is held evening service, after which every believer can draw holy water. After this, no one forbids you to refuse the bathing procedure, because this should be done only at will and at the call of the soul.

Swimming in an ice hole miraculously not only does not lead to colds, but, on the contrary, helps to get rid of various kinds of ailments and improve health. This is not only spiritual, but also physical cleansing, which is given to us by God himself. By the way, there are no strict rules for swimming - many simply plunge headlong into the ice hole three times with the words: “In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.” The main thing is to remember desired date— swim in the ice hole from January 18 to 19, starting in the evening and ending at night.

For those who are still afraid of getting sick after swimming for Epiphany, there is an alternative - on the morning of January 19, you can wash yourself with holy Epiphany water, also praying and asking God for health and peace of mind. One way or another, the feast of Epiphany is a symbol of how God can help us, ordinary people find happiness. Be kind, honest, God bless you, and don't forget to push the buttons and

16.01.2016 00:50

The holiday of Epiphany is approaching, which means it’s time to go to church for holy water. Epiphany water - ...

Almost all Orthodox holidays are preceded by an evening liturgy. That is why every great celebration begins with the Vespers. ...

Orthodox people On January 19, Epiphany, or Epiphany, is celebrated, and the day before, on the 18th, Epiphany Eve is celebrated. There is a popular tradition among believers - to swim on this day. How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany without harming your health? We will try to sort this out.

Baptism is an important event in the Orthodox religion

On this day, believers celebrate two events in the history of religion at once - the baptism of the Son of God by John the Baptist in the waters of the river called Jordan, and the appearance of the Trinity of God, that is, the Epiphany. They say that from the moment of Baptism, Jesus Christ began to come out to people.

Epiphany completes the cycle of Christmas holidays and requires special preparation. How is it observed before Christmas? strict fast, and on the eve of Epiphany it is necessary to adhere to the same strict Epiphany Eve.

Swimming in Jordan - healing the soul and body

For the holiday, they make an ice hole in the shape of a cross and call it “Jordan,” which was the name of the river in which Jesus was baptized. On the night of January 19, absolutely all water becomes holy, even from the tap. But on this day, believers still go to church to bless it and light a candle. used to cure diseases, strengthen morale and physical strength, removing the evil eye and damage. You can wash your face or drink the holy liquid in small sips. It is used to consecrate a home with all its belongings, as well as a barn where livestock are kept. But plunging into an ice hole for Epiphany is an optional procedure, especially if a person is not ready for this, either morally or physically. This step should be approached consciously and with faith in the heart.

Diving into an ice hole for Epiphany is an act that not everyone can do. Firstly, frost and icy water are very difficult to withstand, even with psychological point vision, and secondly, some believers are prohibited from doing this for health reasons.

How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany? This procedure means washing three times, not necessarily with the head. Before this, you must cross yourself and say a prayer, traditionally this is “Our Father.”

What happens to the human body when immersed in ice water

Swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is possible even without a special hardening procedure. The human body is accustomed to periodic cold, which allows it to tolerate low temperatures. It is very important to prepare mentally before swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany, and also to observe everything. Next, we will consider what basic processes occur in the human body during immersion in cold water.

  • As soon as a person’s body comes into contact with ice water, the central part of the brain instantly awakens and its work intensifies.
  • Ultra-low temperatures are perceived by the body as severe stress. Basically, this situation has a positive effect - pain relief occurs, spasm goes away, inflammation is relieved and swelling decreases.
  • When immersed in water, a person’s body temperature reaches forty degrees. At first glance this is very bad, but in fact there is no harm from it. This temperature lasts for just a few seconds, and for this a short time Various microbes, harmful bacteria, and viruses have time to die in the body.

For whom is such a sacrament taboo?

How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany without causing harm to yourself? Before you go swimming, you should consult your doctor. After all, there are many people for whom such events are taboo. There are various diseases for which swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is strictly prohibited, as this can be fatal.

These include the following pathologies:

  • hypertension, angina pectoris - high blood pressure is fraught with a sudden sharp narrowing of blood vessels, which can lead to such serious consequences as a stroke;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure) - a sudden change in temperature is fraught with fainting, after which a person’s life is completely dependent on rescuers and doctors;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (nose, throat, ears);
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • epileptic seizures, traumatic brain injuries, atherosclerosis;
  • neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • high blood sugar levels, thyrotoxicosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • pathologies (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • digestive diseases (ulcers, enterocolitis, hepatitis);
  • venereal diseases;
  • allergic reaction to cold.

The benefits of winter swimming

After hardening the body with cold, it is worth noting the following positive points:

Disadvantages of winter swimming

It should be remembered that along with the advantages there are often disadvantages:

  • breathing becomes frequent and deep;
  • there is a very fast heartbeat, there is a high probability of developing arrhythmia, hypertension;
  • Blood sugar levels increase significantly, which can trigger the development of diabetes;
  • cholesterol in the blood increases, which is fraught with the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • immunity against cancer is suppressed;
  • the body's protective functions aimed at combating seasonal influenza and ARVI viruses are disrupted.

General principles of hardening

If you decide to harden your body, you need to remember that three factors play a huge role in this matter: and sunlight.

There are a few general simple rules:

How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany? Now let's try to deal with this issue. If you decide to take a plunge for the first time, then decide why you need it. It’s good if this is real faith, but many perform the sacrament for company with friends or because they lost an argument. You must enter the hole only with true faith and a short but sincere prayer. Words that are addressed to God must come from a pure heart and charge the water with enormous power (at least the Orthodox believe this).

What to take with you?

  • Terry towel and warm robe.
  • Comfortable non-slip shoes.
  • Dry warm clothes.
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
  • Thermos with tea.
  • Willpower and desire.

Ten rules that should not be ignored

Based on the above information, we can highlight the rules for swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany, which in no case should be neglected:

  • consultation with a doctor;
  • correct choice of ice hole;
  • availability of all necessary things;
  • warming up before dipping;
  • refusal to dive headlong;
  • compliance with the time spent in water;
  • drinking warm warming drinks;
  • abstinence from alcohol.

If the very thought of swimming causes horror, then you shouldn’t do it. Don't forget to pray. Let this bathing bring you only the desired cleansing and benefits.



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