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How to transfer apps to SD card in Android. How to transfer applications to a Xiaomi memory card

Today, there is probably not a single person who does not use the camera of their device. Many smartphones have such a camera, which is even better than many cameras. However, some users are experiencing shortages internal memory on a smartphone. To fix this problem, there are several tips on how to transfer photos to .

Before you start moving photos from the internal memory of a portable device to an SD card, you need to make sure that the device sees the external drive. To do this, you need to go to settings, find the memory item, click on this name.

If everything is in order, the free and used space will be displayed on external storage. If MicroSD is not displayed, some Android devices have an option to connect an SD card. There are three types of drives, and they are also connected in different ways:

  • MicroSD – inserted directly into a smartphone or tablet;
  • SDHC – most often connected using an adapter;
  • A USB flash drive is connected to a phone or tablet using a cord.

The second and third options are suitable for those devices that do not have additional connectors. Then you need to buy a special cord to transfer data from your phone to a third-party storage device. In the case of SDHC, on one end there must be a connector suitable for the device, on the other side there must be an adapter into which MicroSD will be installed.

When everything is ready, go to the tablet and smartphone settings, go to the cell called “my files”, find the tab with photos, and long press to bring up an additional menu. In the list that opens, click on the Move item, then select the MicroSD option.

Additional Applications

After checking, you should install a file manager; the best options for transferring photos from Android to a third-party storage device are programs such as ES Explorer or Total Commander. Any of the managers can be downloaded for free from the Play Market. After launching the ES application, a screen with two sections appears before your eyes. The first section is a flash drive, and the second section is the internal memory of the smartphone.

Since you need to transfer photos from your phone to an external device, let’s move on to the second tab. After this, you need to find the name DCIM and select “Camera” in the list that opens. After the images appear, you need to hold your finger on the picture until the picture is highlighted with a tick. Thus, mark all the photos.

At the top of the display, click on the scissors. When the pictures are cut out, you should go to the SD card by clicking on the plus picture to add the folder in which the images will be stored. Next, click on the new tab, tap on the picture of two squares at the top of the screen, after which the photos are automatically saved in the selected location.

Total Commander is another very convenient application that will help you find the answer to how to save photos to a third-party storage device. When you enter the program, a window appears containing all the phone files. Find the name DCIM, then “Camera”, after that there are two options by ticking the required pictures, the root of the folder and ticking the required pictures, or selecting the entire package.

After the desired images are marked, click on the arrow to go to the next window. When the transition is completed, click on MicroSD and select the desired location to save. Then go to the previous window and click on move files.

Saving photos to a card

In order not to have to worry about transferring photos from one place to another, you can enable saving files to additional media. How can I save photos to the required location? There are several ways to do this. The first option is very simple, it involves going to the camera parameters:

  • First you need to click on the camera;
  • select settings in the menu;
  • save option;
  • Check the external device.

If there is no such item, it means that the smartphone developers automatically saved it to a flash drive in a thoughtful manner.

The next point applies not only to photos, but to all applications. You need to download a program called “Download Manager” from the Play Market. After installation, the main display opens. By clicking on the three vertical bars, a list opens, in it you should click on the name “download”, then select the desired path and click OK. When these actions are completed, all files will be saved to the specified location.

By default, all applications are installed on the internal memory of the Android device. It is also used to store their cache. But even the memory of modern smartphones is sometimes not enough to download all the necessary software. It's good that there are memory cards with enough capacity for this. We will look further at how to use them to offload main memory.

How to switch Android phone memory to memory card

Let us clarify that in this case we are considering a situation where the user needs to ensure that downloaded files and programs are saved on microSD. IN Android settings By default, automatic downloading to internal memory is set. So we will try to change this.

First, let's look at the transfer options already installed programs, and then - ways to change the internal memory to flash drive memory.

On a note: The flash drive itself must have not only a large amount of memory, but also a sufficient speed class, because the quality of the games and applications located on it will depend on this.

Method 1: Link2SD

This is one of best options among similar programs. Link2SD allows you to do the same things you can do manually, but a little faster. In addition, you can forcefully move games and applications that are not moved in the standard way.

You can download Link2SD

Instructions for working with Link2SD are as follows:

  1. The main window will display a list of all applications. Select the one you need.
  2. Scroll down the app information and tap " Transfer to SD card».

Please note that those applications that are not transferred in the standard way may reduce their functionality. For example, widgets will stop working.

Method 2: Setting up memory

Let's return to system tools again. On Android, you can specify the SD card as the default installation location for applications. Again, this doesn't always work.

In any case, try the following:

1. While in the settings, open the “ Memory».

2. Click on " Preferred installation location" and select " SD card».

3. You can also designate storage to save other files by designating the SD card as " Default memory».

The location of elements on your device may differ from the examples given.

Method 3: Replacing internal memory with external memory

And this method allows you to deceive Android so that it perceives the memory card as system memory. From the toolkit you will need any file manager. The example will use Root Explorer.

Attention! You perform the procedure described below at your own peril and risk. There is always a chance that this will cause problems with Android, which can only be corrected by flashing it.

The procedure is as follows:

1. In the system root, open the folder “etc" To do this, open your file manager.

2. Find the file " vold.fstab" and open it with a text editor.

3. Wednesday and the entire text, find 2 lines starting with “ dev_mount"without a grid at the beginning. They should be followed by the following values:

  • « sdcard /mnt/sdcard»;
  • « extsd /mnt/extsd».

4. You need to swap the words after “ mnt/", so that it becomes like this:

  • « sdcard/mnt/extsd»;
  • « extsd/mnt/sdcard».

5. Different devices may have different symbols after “ mnt/»: « sdcard», « sdcard0», « sdcard1», « sdcard2" The main thing is to swap them.

6. Save the changes and restart your smartphone.

As for the file manager, it is worth saying that not all such programs allow you to see the above-mentioned files. We recommend using ES Explorer.

Method 4: Transfer applications in the standard way

Starting from Android 4.0, you can transfer some applications from internal memory to an SD card without using third-party tools.

To do this you will need to do the following:

1. Open " Settings».

2. Go to the section "Applications».

3. Tap (touch with your finger) the desired program.

4. Click the button Move to SD card».

The disadvantage of this method is that it does not work for all applications.

In these ways you can use SD card memory for games and applications.

Almost every application on Android is installed in the internal memory of the device. But it’s not rubber, so it tends to fill up. So any user can face this situation. An SD card will come to the rescue, the volume of which can reach tens or even hundreds of GB. Now we will tell you in detail how to transfer the application and cache to an SD card.

It is also worth noting that not every card is suitable for replacing internal memory with external memory. It's all about the speed classes of SD cards, which vary from slow (C2 and C4) to fast (C10 and C16). If the procedures discussed below are performed on slow SD, then the data transfer will affect the overall performance of the device, therefore it is recommended to use only fast flash drives.

There are not so many ways to replace internal memory with external memory, so we will focus only on the most effective ones, and they will be described sequentially: from simple to more complex.

Cache transfer for Android versions 4.0+

It is worth noting that this method does not require ROOT rights, but is not suitable for all applications. So, if the application description does not contain the necessary buttons, you should not be upset, because this was the most easy way. For even greater ease, you can use a utility or similar, where all applications are conveniently structured, which speeds up the search for the ones you need.

ATTENTION! The methods presented below can only be used on devices with RUT rights. All further operations are done at your own peril and risk; no one gives a 100% guarantee that in case of failure you will not receive a brick. We also do not accept any responsibility for the loss of personal data.

Transfer using third-party programs

If the application does not support standard data transfer, then you can do it forcibly using third-party utilities, such as:

The principle of operation of these programs is very similar, so let’s consider the method using Link2SD as an example.

This method, unlike the next one, does not require special knowledge from the user, except for basic concepts about Root rights.

Complete transfer of Android applications to SD memory card

An attentive user was able to notice that Link2SD and other similar utilities have an interesting “Send” function. With its help, not individual parts of the program are transferred, as in the previous paragraphs, but absolutely all data. In this case, the program will consider that it is working in the internal memory of the device, which for some of them is an important condition normal performance.

To implement this method, the SD card must be “split” into two sections, after which all data will be deleted from it, so be careful and do backup copy important information.

Partitions on a memory card can be made as on a computer, using programs such as Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Server or MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition. But this is a rather labor-intensive process, and therefore we will do everything right on the smartphone, using.

  1. Download and install the utility.
  2. In the device settings we find the “Memory” section, where we click “Eject SD”.

  3. We go directly to AParted and in the first tab Create, click ADD twice.

  4. In Part 1 we leave Fat32, and in Part 2 we select ext2 or any other format, if you know what they are needed for.
  5. Make sure that the Format field is checked and select the required memory size for each partition. In this case, Part 1 will remain our standard “flash drive”, but Part 2 will be referenced by applications.
  6. Click APPLY and confirm the action.

  7. We patiently wait for the process to complete.

Now applications and games can be safely linked to the second section of the memory card using the corresponding Link2SD function or its equivalent.

Transferring cache to a flash drive

This method is useful for users who like games with a large cache. Now many large projects (for example, a series of games) occupy several gigabytes. The same goes for navigation maps. Not all devices can boast this amount of built-in memory, so FolderMount comes to the rescue. It allows you to create virtual folders so that the system still thinks that the application data is in the internal memory, although in fact all the files are located on the flash drive.

  1. We install.
  2. Launch and grant Superuser rights.
  3. Open the pull-out menu on the left side of the screen.

  4. Go to “Application Analyzer”, look for the game you want and click on it.

  5. In the window that opens, we see the volume occupied separately by the application data and its cache.
  6. Click the “Create pair” button next to the cache size.

  7. Answer the question “Yes” and click the checkmark at the top of the screen, after which you must answer “Yes” again.

  8. You will be able to see the process of file transfer in the notification bar.
  9. As soon as the transfer is complete (reaches 100%), open the pull-out menu again and select “List of pairs.”
  10. All that remains is to press the switch next to the name of the game you transferred.

Replacing internal memory with external memory

This method allows you to deceive the system, i.e. Android will consider the SD card to be the device’s memory. One of the main advantages is the fact that all applications will be automatically installed on the flash drive. Ideal for devices with very little internal memory. To implement this, you will need a file manager; it is best to use Total Commander. The point of the method is to swap the paths to the device memory and the flash drive.

  1. Install
  2. Click on the file, then “Edit”.

  3. The file contains many lines that begin with # (the hash character). But we need a line that starts with the words “dev_mount” and without (!!!) a hash at the beginning.
    There should be 2 such lines: the first indicates internal memory, the second - external.

    For example, if your lines are:
    dev_mount sdcard/mnt/sdcard
    dev_mount extsd/mnt/extsd

    Then they should become:
    dev_mount sdcard/mnt/extsd
    dev_mount extsd/mnt/sdcard

    That is, the most important thing is to swap the words after /mnt/.

  4. You don’t need to change anything else, click the “Save” button (floppy disk icon).
  5. Reboot the device.

With the development of technology, content is becoming more and more voluminous, which leads to a constant lack of free space on our devices. Fortunately, many smartphones have a special slot for a memory card, with which you can significantly increase the amount of free memory on your phone. Some users refuse to purchase SD cards and hope that the internal memory of the device is enough for them. They often make mistakes and still purchase microSD, which is perhaps difficult to do without. As a result, there is a need to move all the data accumulated over months (and possibly years) to a memory card. This is exactly what will be discussed further. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to transfer applications from internal memory to an SD memory card in Android. Let's figure it out. Go.

Let's look at popular utilities

The ability to transfer applications, unfortunately, is not available on all versions of the Android operating system. Therefore, only owners of Android above 2.2 Froyo (inclusive) and below 4.4 KitKat can perform this operation. Also, this cannot be done with every application. It is necessary that the developers provide such an opportunity, otherwise you will not succeed.

Now let's move on directly to how this is done. The first thing you need to do is open “Settings” and go to “Applications”. Select the utility or game you would like to move. If the program is installed in the main memory, you can move it by clicking the “Move to SD card” button. In this way, one by one, transfer each available program.

You must click the corresponding button in the application properties

If there are a lot of applications on your smartphone, this method can be tedious, because you will have to open each utility in turn and add it separately. So, this process can take you the whole day. Fortunately, there are more comfortable ways to solve this problem.

For example, use a special utility called FolderMount. With its help, it will be possible to move even those programs that are not available for transfer in the standard way.

For the application to work correctly, do not forget about root rights

To install and use FolderMount, you must be rooted. Then download and install this utility on your smartphone. Next, you will need to grant the program root rights upon its request. Through the "Application Analyzer" you can see a list of all games and programs that are available for transfer. FolderMount will then prompt you to create a folder on the SD card that matches the internal memory folder. Agree to this action to begin the data movement process. All this may take some time. Depends on the size of the folder being moved. When FolderMount completes the operation, tap on the pin icon located next to the folder. As soon as she becomes Green colour, you can close FolderMount, as this indicates that the partition has been mounted.

Continue to follow the instructions

The application cache is a very important component and often takes up even more free space than the program itself. Luckily, the cache can also be moved to a memory card using FolderMount. After launching the application, tap on the “+” icon located at the top right. In the input field, write the name of the game or program whose cache you want to transfer. Then select the cache folder, which you will find along the path “SD/Andoid/obb/utility name”. Next, in the “Destination” section, select the folder on the SD card where the cache will be moved. After filling out all the items, tap on the pin icon, as in the previous case, and wait until it turns green.

Usually the cache size is quite large, so you will need to wait

The undoubted advantage of this utility is that it is available for all versions of Android. In some cases you may need full version FolderMount. However, do not rush to get upset, it costs only one dollar. Agree, this is very little money for a comfortable and complete expansion of the memory of your phone.

In addition to FolderMount, there are other programs that allow you to transfer games and utilities from internal memory to microSD. One such program is Link2SD. A very easy to use, convenient utility that also copes with the task well.

The application displays information on the size of programs in the list and card of each of them

Another great software product is AppMgrIII (App 2 SD). It is also free and perfectly solves the problem of data transfer. In addition, using AppMgr you can clear the cache and delete junk files from your smartphone. In AppMgrIII, all programs on your smartphone are divided into groups:

  • On Phone. Those that are stored in the internal memory and can be transferred to microSD.
  • On SD Card. Those that are already stored in external memory.
  • Phone Only. Here are those applications that cannot be moved.

First of all, pay attention to the “Movable” tab (On Phone, Movable) and the cache size

If you want to immediately install games on a memory card, then, unfortunately, this will not work. In any case, the game will be installed on the main memory, and from there it will have to be transferred to the SD card. This function is only available through the Move2SDEnabler utility.

These are the ways to move games and applications from the main memory of a smartphone to external memory. As you can see, this is done quite simply and quickly. Working with microSD is much more convenient and enjoyable, so feel free to copy all your data there. Write in the comments whether this article helped you understand the issue and share your experience of carrying out similar operations with other users.

Most smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system have a relatively small amount of built-in physical memory, which does not allow storage on mobile device large files. This drawback is easily compensated for by installing external memory, usually represented by MicroSD cards. However, photos, audio and videos are not the only type of content due to which users have to resort to expanding the internal memory of the device; games and applications can also fill it.

There are two ways out of this situation - either delete some of the software, or try to transfer applications from the phone to a memory card. Why try? Because this procedure, although simple at first glance, can cause certain difficulties for a beginner. In addition, the method of transferring software from the internal memory of a mobile gadget may depend on the model and version of the operating system, however, these differences, if present, are not so significant. So, let's learn how to transfer apps to SD card in Android.

Moving applications using standard Android tools

The function of transferring applications to a card using standard means appeared in Android 2.2 and was removed in version 4.4, but many firmware still have it. If you have the fourth version of the system, do the following. Go to Settings - Application Manager or Settings - Applications, select the desired program and click the “To SD memory card” button, if available.

If the button is missing or inactive, then you cannot transfer the application to the card using Android. This mainly concerns system applications, as well as programs whose manipulations are not intended by the developer.

You can try to move applications from your phone to a memory card on Android up to 4.3 in this radical way. Go to the “My Files” folder, by default it is designated as sdcard0, select, and then cut out all its contents or folders of selected programs in Explorer and paste it into the location extSdCard, that is, to the external memory of the SD card. Everything that can be moved will be moved, system files will remain in place. You can use this method if the application transfer button is not active, however, there is no 100% guarantee that everything will work perfectly after this.

As a rule, when using the standard function of transferring applications, not all data is transferred to the memory card, but only part of it. The cache, for example, may remain, and special utilities are required to transfer it.

Now let's see how to move applications to an SD card in Android 5.0 and 5.1. IN Android versions 4.4 KitKat, due to improved security, the application transfer algorithm was changed, but soon many third-party developers adapted their applications to the new algorithms, thus making application transfer accessible. First of all, go to the section with third-party applications and check whether there is a corresponding button in their settings. If yes, use it, if not, proceed as follows.

Go to settings, select Memory - Main memory, activate the “Memory card” radio button and click “Change”. After the reboot, the system will consider the SD card memory internal, and from now on all applications and games will be installed on it. The disadvantage of this method is that it is already installed applications, you may have to reinstall them, since they will not be automatically transferred to the memory card.

In the sixth version, transferring applications from your phone to a memory card on Android has become a little easier, and the transfer function itself has been improved. Here is the simplest example. After opening the settings, go to the “Applications” section, select the desired program, click Memory - Change and select “SD card” from the menu that appears. The application will be transferred.

In addition, in Android 6.0 and above you can take advantage of the new feature Adoptable Storage, which allows you to use a memory card, albeit with some restrictions, as part of the internal storage. To use it, after creating a backup copy of the data on the card, go to the phone settings, select “Memory”, click on your SD card there and follow the chain of options Settings – Format as internal memory – Erase & Format.

Upon completion of the procedure, select the “Use as internal storage” option, click “Next” and reboot the gadget. After these manipulations, a new “Memory” tab will appear in the application menu, with which you can move applications from the internal memory of the smartphone to the external one.

Since the SD card will be encrypted for security, you will not be able to use it as a regular storage device, that is, read and write data to it from a PC.

Transferring applications to an SD card using special programs

Unfortunately, all of the above transfer methods, including the last one, cannot guarantee one hundred percent success. If the transfer is not supported by the firmware or its possibility is not provided by the developer of a particular application, it will not be possible to move the software using standard operating system tools. In such cases, special programs should be used, however, even they cannot promise that everything will go as it should. Here you need to try, if one program does not cope with the task, you should choose another, and so on. There are quite a lot of methods and programs invented and designed for these purposes, but we will limit ourselves to only three examples of transferring applications from a phone to a memory card on Android.

Method 1

To move applications to external memory, you can use free program AppMgr III (App 2 SD). It is extremely easy to use. The program automatically sorts all installed applications into three groups: On phone (transferable), On SD card (already transferred) and Phone only (not supporting transfer).

Clicking the icon of any application in the list brings up a menu where you can find the desired option. If available, the function of automatically transferring the application to the card when installing it will also be available.

Method 2

This method is more effective and reliable, but to use it, you will need root rights and two applications - Link2SD and any disk manager, since you will need to create two partitions on the memory card, preferably one in the FAT32 file system, the other in the Ext4 file system (for older versions of Android Ext3). To split the map into sections, you can use desktop programs like Paragon, and mobile, for example, Aparted.

After the partition is created, launch Link2SD and immediately select the file system of the second partition (Ext4), after which the program will ask you to reboot the device to mount the new volume. After rebooting, launch Link2SD again. This time you will see a list of applications installed on your smartphone. Everything else is simple. Through the main menu of the program, go to the “Memory” section, open the menu of the application being moved and click the “Send” button in the properties.

This method allows you to move almost any games and applications, including system ones, to a memory card, but we would not recommend transferring the latter unless absolutely necessary. The risk that after completing the procedure they will begin to work incorrectly, although not great, is still present. You should also be careful with the most frequently used applications, such as browsers and Internet instant messengers.

Method 3

The two examples above showed how to transfer applications from internal memory to an SD card on Android. The third method relates not so much to the programs themselves, but to their cache, the size of which, as is known, can significantly exceed the size of the application itself. To do this, you will again need root rights and a utility FolderMount. After launching this program, click the plus sign in the upper right corner, in the next window, in the “Name” field, enter the name of the application whose cache you are going to move, and in the “Source” field, specify the path to the directory with the cache files.

Cache folders are located at SD/Android/obb, the name of the folder you need will contain the name of the application. Finally, in the “Destination” field, you must specify the directory on the SD card to which the cached data will be transferred. Having configured the transfer settings in this way, first click the checkmark in the upper right corner of the screen, and then the pin button opposite the selected application. After a few seconds, the application cache will be moved to the memory card.



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