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How to correctly say Christ was resurrected on the first day of Easter. “Christ is Risen” - traditional greeting and congratulations for Easter

“Christ is Risen” - what is the correct answer and why. Easter greeting (christening) is a common custom among all Christians.

On the first day of Easter and for the next 40 days, it is customary to greet each other with the words “Christ is Risen!”, receiving in response “Truly He is Risen!” – the greeting is accompanied by a three-time kiss.

“Christ is Risen!”, what is the correct answer?

This tradition has its roots in apostolic times. The greeting expresses the same joy that the apostles had when they learned that Christ had risen. When meeting people, the phrase “Christ is Risen!” the younger interlocutor should pronounce, and the answer should be pronounced by the senior.

What do these phrases mean?

1. “Christ is Risen!” - Bless the father/honest father!
2. “Truly He is Risen!” - God bless!

What are the traditions of celebrating Easter?

While the house is being decorated and preparations are underway for the celebration, you can learn about other traditions of the celebration. Easter always begins with church service(it begins at midnight from Saturday to Sunday) the air is saturated with grace and the approaching joyful news.

After praying and completing the entire service, blessing Easter cakes, eggs, wine and other Easter basket products, the parishioners head home. On the way, when meeting those coming towards them, they say “Christ is Risen,” and in response they say “Truly He is Risen.”

Easter message of His Eminence Kirill, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America.

“Today we celebrate a miracle that the world cannot understand. In our countries we have seen too much death in the past year, even in the most recent days, but we proclaim that death has been abolished. We have witnessed the tragedies of human sin, but we proclaim that sin has been defeated. We watched as the gates of hell seemed to open and release the evils of hell throughout our world - bombs, murder of children, even unborn, torture and kidnapping of the laity, but we proclaim that hell is destroyed and its power is abolished. The whole world around us is trying again and again to crucify our Lord, they talk about the inappropriateness and uselessness of the Savior in our days, but we exclaim at the top of our voices: “Christ is Risen!”

Faithful children of the Church, my beloved flock: do not be afraid if the world does not understand our proclamation of true hope. Let us find edification even in ourselves easter eggs, which we so joyfully distribute these days, remembering the tradition on the basis of which they were given to us: in the days following Christ’s Resurrection in the flesh, His beloved disciple Saint Mary Magdalene gained great boldness in preaching the Gospel. Called by none other than the Emperor Tiberius to condemn the atrocities committed against the Lord by Pontius Pilate, she proclaimed to the highest worldly ruler of that time the real truth: that Jesus, whom Pilate ordered to be crucified, is Risen. At the same time, she was holding an egg in her hands, symbolizing new life in Resurrection.

The hard-hearted Emperor answered Saint Mary: “I would rather believe that this egg will turn red before my eyes than believe that a person can rise from the dead!” And then another miracle happened: while he was still uttering these words, the egg turned bright red. What he couldn't believe turned out to be true. The world may not understand our joyful exclamation, my dears, but it should hear this exclamation now, more than ever. May each of us find the same boldness that Saint Mary possessed, to proclaim the Resurrection without fear, knowing that the Lord is able to soften even the hardest heart. So, let us sing, rejoicing, without hesitation, filled with grace: Christ is Risen! He is truly Risen!”

How the sun shines brightly,
How bright the depths of the sky are,
How fun and loud
The bells are ringing.
Silently in God's temples
They sing “Christ is Risen!”
And the sounds of a wondrous song
They reach the sky.
Christ is Risen! People are brothers!
Each other in warm arms
Hurry up to joyfully accept!
Forget quarrels, insults,
Yes, the bright holiday of Sunday
Nothing will overshadow.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart
For all the kind words
And for the fact that this Easter
You haven't forgotten me!

May you have love and happiness too
This Easter will bring!
May the Lord always love you
And it will save you in any trouble!

How to respond to Easter greetings in verse

Congratulations to everyone on Happy Easter
And today I want to wish
Live in love, harmony and affection,
Hold back, believe and forgive.

Let no one be destitute
Let him not be betrayed, let him not betray.
Act according to God's will,
And the Lord will reward you for this.

Greetings from everyone Great Easter Congratulations
And I wish you divine miracles.
I’m already breaking an egg...
Congratulations to all of you. Christ is risen!

All around nature is washed by the sun,
A new spring has arrived!
Let the grievances be forgotten,
Life is illuminated with a wonderful light!

We sincerely wish you a Happy Easter,
Christ is risen - these are the main words!
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
And reward for good deeds!

How to respond to Easter greetings in pictures

How to respond to Easter greetings via SMS

Christ bless you
From any bad weather,
From an evil tongue
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And God grant you
If it is in His power,
Health, long years,
Love and happiness again!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The sun is shining from heaven!
The dark forest has already turned green,
Christ is truly risen!

Spring has come - it's time for miracles,
The spring is babbling - Christ is risen!
There are no brighter words in the world -
Truly Christ has risen!
This great day has come!
It is called Good Easter.
And may the divine shadow
Will touch you today.

And let the bad things go away
And in life there will be only happiness,
Who seeks will always find,
Taking part in your destiny!

How to respond to Easter SMS greetings

Happy Easter, happy day of the Lord's love!
Happiness, many blessings, warmth!
Let life begin today -
Always full of goodness!

On Easter Day I want to wish you health,
May grace descend to us from heaven!
Love, hope, faith and luck,
May God grant everyone happiness and “Christ is risen!”

Christ is risen! The soul sings
Rejoices, rejoicing in salvation!
May grace find you
On such a magical spring day!

How to respond to congratulations on Easter in prose

On Easter, let the flowers of happiness, gratitude, faith and kindness bloom in your soul. It was not in vain that Christ gave his life so that we could all live in harmony with each other. Have a delicious Easter cake and a rich Easter feast! Christ is risen!

Happy holiday! Let the angel protect you from all adversity with his large, reliable wing, let your thoughts be bright, let happiness come to your home with every dawn. And life will be filled with bright events, honest friends, positive mood, pleasant sensations.

Great Easter is a holiday for all Orthodox Christians. On such a festive day, I would like to wish good health, peace, and prosperity to everyone. Let your home be filled with comfort, warmth, happiness, and prosperity every day. Give each other attention and care, love and loyalty. Happy Easter!

Congratulations on Great Easter! Have a bright and joyful day! May God protect you from all kinds of adversity, give you peace and comfort. So that harmony and understanding reign in the family, and troubles are avoided. May the holy holiday bring goodness to you and the people around you.

How to respond to congratulations on Easter, short in verse

The domes shine in the bright sun,
And the bells sing again in the temple:
"Christ is risen! Truly risen!”
On this day I wish you miracles,
Health, vigor, patience, a lot of strength,
And may the Lord bless you!
On a bright day, to the sound of bells
The gates of the temple open,
Easter - best holiday of all times
Resurrection of the Lord Christ!

So accept this good hour
Wishes of happiness and good luck,
Let the supply of love be replenished
And the relationship will give you joy!
Let grace reign in your soul
and the generosity of the heart will not fade!
The Lord will save and preserve
and will give you prosperity!
Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen! Clear day
It overshadows everyone with grace.
Don't let the shadow darken you,
Let your eyes shine with joy.

Traditionally, the celebration of Easter always begins with a church service, which begins from midnight on Saturday to Sunday. It is this holiday that fills human soul joy, since it was on the day of Easter that Jesus Christ rose again, having conquered death forever.

With the resurrection of Christ, the people were able to repay all their sins, and the son of God himself showed privilege over death. It has long been customary on this day to rejoice and greet every passerby, giving good mood and warmth.

From ancient times to this day, the Slavic people are famous for their many traditions, which are strictly observed and passed on from generation to generation.

However, when people with Soviet ideology came to power, any religion became criminally punishable. Believers began to be persecuted, fired from their jobs, sent to places of exile, and in some cases it even came to execution, the site reports. Most traditions were lost due to such methods of persecution, and some were completely forgotten. But there is absolutely no room for despair, because after many years, people’s interest in the origins of their traditions is renewed. Most people begin to observe traditions and become interested in the past of their ancestors.

But there is another side of the coin, the problem of misunderstanding of some church rules and the custom remains to this day. All sets of rules that were previously observed by our ancestors are now considered strange and unnecessary. But knowing the traditions of your people is very important, because in order to truly know the origins of your nation, you need to sincerely feel the faith and love of the Lord.

And Easter is one of the key points for the revival of church beliefs and traditions.

How and how much to say on Easter Christ is Risen: Easter greeting

There are various rituals that have been performed by believers for many centuries in a row. The main tradition of this holiday is greeting each other during Easter, exalting that Christ has risen.

It is customary to greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” and answer “Truly he is risen!”, and then kiss each other three times. With these words, the people express joy, which is similar to the joy of the apostles, who at one time learned about the resurrection of Christ.

However, there are also rules in greeting: when two people meet, the youngest of them should greet, and the elder should answer.

There are absolutely no restrictions on how many times you can greet each other. After all, what more people greets others, the purer his soul becomes.

Easter in 2018 falls on April 8. This day is especially important for Orthodox believers. Great Lent ends and Holy Week, traditional treats are waiting in every house. Most believers will go to church on the night from Saturday to Sunday Easter Service. At its end, Christification begins, when Christians of different denominations greet each other with the greeting “Christ is risen!”

Easter greeting is common among most Christians. Christening begins on the Resurrection of Christ and lasts for the next 40 days. At this time, it is customary to rejoice at the resurrection of Christ and kiss each other on the cheek three times. This tradition recalls the happiness of the apostles when they learned that the Savior had risen.

Easter greeting

Easter Matins ends with three hugs and kisses, which are accompanied by a joyful greeting about the resurrection of Christ. Believers have completed Lent, and now is the time to celebrate and honor the Savior. Over the next 40 days, people meeting each other say words that contain main meaning throughout Lent and Easter - “Christ is risen,” “Truly risen.” This is not just a tradition, this greeting contains the joy of all Christians. It reminds people of faith in goodness, brotherly love, and peace on Earth.

Now believers have the opportunity to congratulate loved ones living in other countries using the Internet. Many people are at a loss as to how to correctly respond to the greeting “In truth” or “In truth.” In this case, the word should be written together. After all, the Easter greeting means that the Savior has really risen, and not risen for the sake of truth.

Interesting! There has long been a tradition of translating the words of christening into different languages. In this way, Christians show the unity of all people.

Rules for making Christ

When it ends Procession, in front of the doors of the temple the clergyman announces “Christ is Risen!”

Important! Some say “resurrected”, others “resurrected”. You can say both options. The word “risen” is Old Slavonic and is used by church officials.

Easter greetings have their own rules.

IS IT CORRECT TO SAY “CHRIST IS RISEN!” AT EASTER?(Some questions about Easter)

“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,

but for us who are being saved, it is the power of God.” (Apostle Paul).

“Easter is the holiday of the bright resurrection of Christ.” Religion says so. What is it written in the Bible? The Bible says differently.

The Holy Scriptures say that Easter is not the resurrection of Christ, but His death. On Easter, Christ died and did not rise. That's what the Bible says.

Christ never commanded anywhere that people should mark or celebrate His resurrection from the dead. You won't find a word about this in the Bible. This does not mean that celebrating the resurrection of Christ will be a fundamental mistake. But Christ Himself did not command to celebrate His resurrection from the dead.

The Lord commanded to celebrate and remember His death. This is a matter of principle. And this, according to the Bible, is Easter. To say “Christ is risen!” at Easter means demonstrating spiritual ignorance and simple illiteracy. In fact, Christ was resurrected not on Easter, but on the third day after Easter.

What do Easter cakes and colored eggs mean?

The celebration of Easter, as it occurs among the people, does not in any way correspond to what the Holy Scripture says about Easter. The current celebration of Easter is the most striking example of a mockery of common sense, and of Jesus Christ Himself. It’s such a stupid and evil mockery that I can’t wrap my head around it. A normal mind simply cannot imagine that someone could mock us so evilly and meanly. A person really cannot contain this!

For example, it is enough to take at least the so-called “Easter”, specially baked, sweet-coated Easter cakes and muffins. Why do they have this shape? There is nothing even close to this in the Bible. Just like there are no colored eggs. But where did they come from among the people?

Today only one answer can be found to these questions: these are purely pagan symbols. They came from antiquity, from pagan superstition, from those peoples who professed a phallic religion and worshiped the genitals as a symbol of fertility. It is this moment that is captured in the widespread “Easter” culinary product. The baked “Easter”, which is “blessed” in churches, is a symbolic image of the phallus that has accomplished fertilization. Therefore, “Easter” is definitely sprinkled with something else...

In this same regard, colored eggs are always present at the celebration, as a symbol of the organs necessary for fertilization.

This is the reality. Isn't it shocking information? The fact is that the responsible leaders of religions know all this well... Their ridiculous explanations regarding the use in church tradition such Easter cakes and decorated eggs do not stand up to criticism, and, of course, are in no way supported by Holy Scripture. God is their judge.

Easter is the death of Christ. What does the death of Christ mean for people? Why did Christ need to die?

GOD DIDN’T CREATE INTELLIGENT CREATIONS WITH A “READY PROGRAM” OF BEHAVIOR. God did not create either Angels or people so that they were incapable of making mistakes. If God created Angels or people incapable of making mistakes and sinning, this would mean that He created robots. God created His intelligent creatures in such a way that they themselves must make their own conscious choice. They themselves must decide whether they will be good or evil, whether they will side with good or evil.

Yes, God knows the future, knows who will be born and when. God knows everything. But knowing and predetermining are different things. A person must decide for himself which side he is on, must make his own choice. And then God will accept him. God doesn't need biological machines. Don't you want to live according to God's laws? Don't want to obey God? Please! Live as you want. But you won’t be able to live long. Because it is impossible to live without God. Life is only from God. He who is without God has no eternal life. Without God, everyone will die, both Angels and people...

As you know, Adam and Eve took advantage of their right to choose, given by God, and deliberately sided with... evil, sin. This was their choice. They had two options: Either fulfill God's commandments and live forever, or not fulfill God's commandments, live at their own discretion, but only for a while, and then die forever. In other words, they had to decide for themselves whether to become immortal or mortal. And they chose the second option.

The wisdom of the Creator is such that He does not force life on anyone, or against the wishes of the living person. God gives everyone complete freedom of both choice and action. Showing life to a person who has come into the world, he seems to say: “Do you see how beautiful the world is and how beautiful life is? But there is also death. And you yourself choose what suits you best - life or death?..”

This Divine principle in the Bible is formulated as follows: “I call heaven and earth as witnesses before you today: I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live.” (Deut. 30:19).

For those who choose life, there is Christ who will deliver them from death. And for non-believers, there is no God, which means they cannot avoid death in any way, because death has become their choice.

How can one be sure that Christ will truly deliver from death? What is the guarantee?

The guarantee is His death. Christ died INSTEAD of people. This is called the "Sacrifice of Christ." Christ sacrificed Himself for the people who believe in Him. The sacrificial death of Christ for sinful people worthy of death is called EASTER in the Bible.

Many people ask: Could the issue of atonement be resolved somehow differently? Why did Jesus Christ need to die? Couldn't God Almighty find another solution?

Answer: There was no other way. A person is worth too much! The price required per person was too high. Why was such a high price paid for a person? Because that’s how much a person’s life is worth.

Who was the ransom paid to? The Apostle writes: “You were bought with a price...” From whom were you “bought”? Who “paid” whom?

The biblical term "atonement" is a special term. In this case, it does not imply commodity-money relations. In the Bible, “redemption”, “ransom”, means “liberation”, “justification”. When it is said that Christ redeemed people from death, it means that Christ freed and delivered people from death. By His death, Christ delivered people from their deaths.

Human life is unique and inimitable. Every person's life is unique. Man is given one life from God. One life per person. This is the same as in anatomical terms: for one person - one head, one heart, etc. If a human “one heart” fails, then in order to replace it with another, you must first remove this donor heart, take it from someone else. This “other”, who gave his heart to the patient, no longer lives. But for the sick person he is a savior, a redeemer who “redeemed” him from death.

Christ, having given His life for people, became a donor of life for us. God can give life to a dead person again only if he takes it from some other person. Only in this case, the one who died will be resurrected, and there will not be another, newly created person similar to him, or his clone. But it will be himself. Christ became a man and died as a man so that his human life could be used to bring dead people back to life.

At the resurrection of the dead, God will give life to His Son, Jesus Christ, to the resurrected people. It was for this purpose that Christ voluntarily died. He gave His life as if for “transplantation”, so that it would revive those who believe in Him.

So, after all, to whom did Christ bring His sacrifice?

Who does the donor give his blood or kidney to? The doctor, the minister of health, the president of the country? No. To the patient.

So Christ brought His sacrifice first of all to us, sinful people, so that, thanks to His sacrifice, we could get rid of sin and death. He “amputates”, takes away from us our worn out, sinful, dying life, and in return he “transplants” into us His perfect, unwearable, eternal life.

What does “before the foundation of the world” mean?

At the very beginning, when he began creation, God saw that some of the intelligent creatures would sin. Either by mistake, or they will be deceived. And someone, out of stupidity, will simply want to “try” sin, but then will bitterly regret it. And God immediately created the possibility of repentance for such people. Before planting the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” in Eden, God had already provided for the possibility of repentance for those who had sinned. (It is known that the Lord called Adam and Eve to repentance. Unfortunately, they rejected God's mercy and refused to repent of their sin.)

So, God's love to people - in advance, even before their appearance, it already provided for them the option of repentance if they sinned. In this regard, I recall one remarkable text from Holy Scripture. It is about Christ. And it sounds like this: “...by the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, predestined before the foundation of the world...” (1 Peter 1:19,20).

What is this talking about? It is obvious that the Heavenly Father, the Most High God and His Only Begotten Son, when starting to create intelligent inhabitants of the Universe and people on Earth, immediately saw that some of the intelligent beings they created would sin and lose the right to life. And then the Son said to Father God: “If necessary, I will come down to earth and give my human life for them, so that they would have the opportunity to repent and be saved from death...” It so happened that the “lamb”, Christ, became “slain before the foundation of the world.” Or, as it says in Revelation: “...Slain from the foundation of the world...”, which, in principle, is the same thing. (Rev. 13:8).

No one forced Christ to make a sacrifice. He went voluntarily. Until the very last hour, already at the moment of execution He had the opportunity to change His decision and not give Himself up to death. And no one would reproach Him for anything. And He would not be guilty of anything. He Himself said to the Apostle: “I can ask the Father and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of Angels...”. But Christ did not take the opportunity to avoid death.

This is the feat of Christ, that He did everything voluntarily. He is a reflection of the Heavenly Father, Almighty God. Therefore He said: “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father.” The love that Christ showed for people, giving His human life for them, showed what kind of love the Almighty God has for people.

Since Christ on earth was not just a man, but the Son of God, His sacrifice would have been enough for everyone. If we fantasize a little and assume that all sinners would repent, then the death of Christ would probably be much easier, but it would still happen. He still had to die, because “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.” Christ would have died in any case, giving His life for repentant sinners. But how? We cannot know this.


The voluntary death of Christ for sinners is the greatest feat in the entire Universe. This event should be memorable. Christ personally commanded that people who believe in Him remember and celebrate His death. Easter is a commemoration, a remembrance of the death of Christ. Christ died on Easter.

Celebrating Easter and remembering the death of Christ requires certain food and drink. But not with disgusting pagan Easter cakes and shameful colored eggs. And with bread, preferably unleavened, without sourdough. And with wine.

To eat a piece of unleavened bread on Easter with prayer means to remember with gratitude to God the sinless Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He gave for our sinful bodies, so that we could get rid of sins and become sinless.

Taking a sip of pure grape wine with prayer on Easter means remembering with gratitude to God the Holy Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, which He shed to cleanse our sins.

Who can eat of bread and wine? How often? What do Passover bread and wine mean?

All who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, all who are grateful to Jesus Christ for His feat and for His sacrifice, must remember His death, must celebrate Easter.

Eating Easter bread and wine does not mean joining the Church of Christ, or the “Body of Christ.” And this does not mean “acceptance into New Testament" Eating bread and wine is a REMEMBERING of the death of Christ. This ceremony has no mystical, hidden meaning.

Both Christ and the Apostle Paul pointed to only one meaning of eating Easter bread and wine - REMEMBERING the death of Christ. “Do this in remembrance of Me,” said the Lord. “As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord...” said the Apostle Paul.

Most Christians celebrate Easter once a year. But some celebrate more often, every month, or even more often. Arguing with them is useless and pointless. The Bible says that “every one will give an account of himself to God.”

In ceremonial religion, in general, everything is turned upside down: Pagan vile symbols are sacred on Easter, and the “bread and wine” that should be on Easter are transferred to the so-called “communion”. Well - everything is mixed up!


The voluntary death of Christ for sinners (EASTER) showed what great love God has to people. As the Bible says, God “gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Easter also showed how expensive a person is, that God’s Son Himself had to die for him! The Bible says, “You were bought with a price. Do not become slaves of men." (1 Corinthians 7:23).

Celebrating EASTER means recognizing that Christ died for sinful people. Now these sinners, if they believe in Christ, will be able to get rid of death and rise from the dead, because Christ died for them.

“...For our Passover, Christ, was sacrificed for us.” (Bible, 1 Corinthians 5:7).

The Great Holiday of Easter is coming soon. For all believers, this is a reason for joy and glorification of the Savior. Congratulations on the holiday are heard everywhere. We’ll look at how to properly congratulate and respond to congratulations below.

"Christ is Risen!" soon we will hear this joyful exclamation from everyone. The answer should be “Truly He is Risen!” But besides these words, everyone is in a hurry to congratulate each other and wish them all the best and brightest. How to do this correctly and how to respond to congratulations via SMS or verbally, we will consider in the article.

Easter poetry

It is customary to begin any address or congratulations on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen!” Then you can express your thoughts and wish all the best, what you want for your dear people. Here are some congratulations to poetic form. They are always perceived very easily and solemnly:

  1. White tablecloth, candle,
    The aroma of Easter cake,
    Cahors is pouring into glasses.
    Drinking a little is an agreement.
    Colorful eggs
    And the smiles of bright faces.
    Happy holiday!
    Christ is risen!
    Kindness, love, miracles!
  2. Christ is Risen! I congratulate you on Easter,
    Beautiful spring reigns
    The flowers are fragrant around,
    And she gives us happiness!
  3. Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ!
    We wish you peace and great joy!
    Let love warm you with warmth in life,
    And the Easter bell sanctifies with goodness and happiness!
  4. Today is Easter! Birth without end!

    Christ is Risen!

    Hallelujah to God!

    And angels move into hearts!

    And the brightened souls kiss!

    Today everyone, forgetting about the heavy cross,

    Burns with a candle, blazing with love.

    And the divine Light pours from heaven,

    And the gospel sounds like a song from heaven!

The poem can be sent on a holiday card or beautiful letterhead. Even a simple letter with such kind lines will delight the recipient.

Prose for congratulations on Easter

You can congratulate on the holiday not only in poetry. Congratulations in prose sometimes express the speaker’s thoughts more clearly. Check out the options below:

  1. "Christ is Risen! May Easter Sunday be warm, kind and affectionate! Let him give enlightenment to the soul, and let him be in a wonderful mood!”
  2. "Christ is risen! We wish you peace and goodness with all our hearts! Let the mood be light! Joy to you today and always! We wish you the fulfillment of your kindest and most secret hopes! May Easter Sunday illuminate your souls with light!”
  3. “We sincerely congratulate you on your bright Christ's Sunday! May this Easter holiday be the beginning of a new joyful and happy life! God bless you!"
  4. "Christ is Risen! May goodness, peace and light come into your life with this joyful news!”
  5. “Happy Easter! We wish you goodness, joy and peace in your heart! Happiness and good health To you! May peace and goodness reign in your family!”
  6. “Happy Easter! I wish you fulfillment of your wishes and fulfillment of all good endeavors! Peace, kindness and love to your home!

Everything you wish from your heart on this day will be received properly and will bring joy to your dear people! Add “Christ is Risen!” to your wish. This message on Easter should spread throughout the world and sound in every home.

SMS congratulations on Easter

According to our modern realities, we often communicate via SMS or short messages on social networks, programs for communicating on a smartphone. Here are a few short poetic congratulations for Holy Easter that express all the joy and light of this holiday. At the end of the message, do not forget to write: “Christ is Risen!”

  1. To the clouds and to the skies
    SMS is flying today,
    Christ came down from the cross, and behold,
    The people rejoice and celebrate!
  2. I congratulate you on Easter,
    I wish you happiness and joy!
    To make it more fun
    Eat eggs, whoever is faster!
  3. I baked a cake for Easter,
    I'll send it to you as a gift.
    And I’ll also tell you with affection:
    I love you all very much.
  4. Congratulations! Easter holiday
    Finally at the door.
    Sends rays to all people.
  5. Congratulations! Easter holiday
    Finally at the door.
    The sun, as in fairy tale,
    Sends rays to all people.
  6. The ringing of bells spreads
    Good news to heaven.
    I congratulate everyone on Easter,
    Congratulations to you, Christ is Risen.

These are short poetic congratulations that are convenient to write in SMS. You can also congratulate in prose, even the news that “Christ is Risen!” on this day it sounds like congratulations.

We respond to congratulations on Easter

You should respond to Easter greetings with the phrase “Truly He is Risen!” But this is only if you have been told good news. If the congratulation does not contain the phrase “Christ is Risen!”, say or write it in response, thanking for the congratulation. The answer to Easter greetings can be in poetry or prose. Choose what you like best:

  1. Christ is truly risen!
    Thank you all for your congratulations.
    Let him lighten your cross,
    It will save life from grief.
  2. May Easter bring light to your home,
    And it will open doors for you in happiness.
    Let the sadness pass with grief,
    Just try to believe in the best.
  3. Christ is truly Risen.
    He brought us salvation.
    Delivered, gave joy
    And he protected me in every moment.
    He warmed us with his love,
    He was kind to all people.
    He treated and restored his sight,
    He raised the lame to their feet.
    Thank you, we ask for everything
    And we are waiting for his return.
  4. Thank you for your congratulations,
    He is truly Risen, I say.
    I wish you happiness on Easter
    And I'll reward you with a kiss.
  5. Good luck to you, happiness and dacha,
    Let love, like Cahors, intoxicate,
    And the path to your beautiful dreams
    May it be open to you forever.
  6. Christ is truly risen!
    Let it become brighter around,
    And there will be happiness to heaven,
    And let your heart never tire of singing.
  7. Luck will cover you with joy,
    And will overshadow with his wing,
    Easter will open the door to hope
    In its golden radiance!


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Presentation of the unique properties of water chemistry

Presentation of the unique properties of water chemistry

Epigraph Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! You can't say that you...

Lesson topic "gymnosperms" Presentation on biology topic gymnosperms

Lesson topic

Aromorphoses of seed plants compared to spore plants Aromorphoses are a major improvement, the boundary between large taxa Process...

Man and nature in lyrics Landscape lyrics by Tyutchev

Man and nature in lyrics Landscape lyrics by Tyutchev

*** Human tears, oh human tears, You flow early and late. . . Flow unknown, flow invisible, Inexhaustible, innumerable, -...

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