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How to properly cook hard-boiled and soft-boiled quail eggs? Quail eggs

Every day quail eggs are in increasing demand. The fact is that until recently they were too expensive, only wealthy people could afford them. Today the price of quail products has decreased significantly.

In addition, they are very nutritious, low in calories, and easy to digest. According to the content of useful elements chicken eggs inferior to quails. They are recommended for people with indigestion, diabetes and other diseases.

Let's figure out how long to hard-boil quail eggs so that they remain intact, and, of course, do not lose their benefits.

How to boil quail eggs hard-boiled

Cooking eggs is quite simple, but difficulties may arise in not breaking them (quail shells are very fragile, the eggs themselves are small, their weight does not exceed 15-20 g). That is why the cooking process must be approached carefully, having studied the secrets and nuances.

Before you start cooking, they need to be carefully rinsed under water (it is recommended to wash them separately so as not to break them). Then add water to the pan (up to the level of the eggs, it should lightly cover them) and add salt.

Place it on the stove and light the fire. Bring the water to a boil, carefully add the ingredients and wait for them to be ready (everything needs to be done as carefully as possible; if you hit the shell on the edge or bottom, it will easily crack or even break). The product is cooked over low heat for about 5 minutes, after which the water is drained.

There is another way to cook eggs. They can be cooked not in boiling water, but in cold water. It is true that when cooking using this method it is difficult to correctly track the time.

Many people are concerned about the question of how many minutes to hard-boil them after boiling so as not to burst. So, they need to be removed from the stove immediately after the water boils.

We use a multicooker

People who have a multicooker at home find it much easier to prepare meals. Before cooking, everything should be thoroughly rinsed under warm running water. Then we fill the bowl with water (pour it to the bottom line).

After the ready signal goes off, you need to remove the bowl and place the eggs in cold water.

How to achieve easy shell cleaning

Hard-boiled eggs, or any other way, are difficult to peel. They are small and constantly slip out of your hands. There is a little secret that makes peeling the shell easier. All you need to do is carefully drain it after cooking. hot water and pour in cold. The quail eggs need to cool, then it will be easier to peel them.

Cooking secrets

When preparing any dish, there are small secrets and tricks that can simplify the process:

  1. Quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, do not crack due to temperature changes, so they can be safely thrown into boiling water;
  2. To achieve better taste and preserve all the beneficial properties, you must strictly follow the cooking time recommendations. The product should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment; the longer the eggs are in boiling water, the worse it is;
  3. Despite the fact that these products do not crack due to changes, it is recommended to remove them from the refrigerator before cooking and warm them up to normal temperature.

There is a myth that quail does not get sick from salmonella, which means that eggs can be eaten raw without fear of getting sick. This is wrong. Always remember this!

IN Lately The demand for quail eggs has increased rapidly. And for good reason, because one small spotted egg is a whole storehouse of nutrients that are so in demand by the human body.

They are rich in calcium and vitamins A, B, D, C, as well as easily digestible protein. All these vitamins and microelements stimulate increased immunity, improve brain activity and hematopoietic processes. Quail eggs are simply recommended for those who are watching their weight: they are low in calories - 160 kcal. per 100 grams of product. This product plays an exceptional role in the nutrition of children prone to allergies: unlike chicken, quail does not cause diathesis.

There are many cooking options: boiled, baked, fried. Some even prefer to eat them raw. However, heat treatment does not in any way affect the benefits of quail eggs, leaving all trace elements and vitamins unchanged. It is only important not to overexpose them for more than seven minutes during heat treatment.

How to choose and store correctly?

When buying these spotted eggs, you should pay attention to their appearance and freshness, because if you eat a stale product, you risk getting a gastrointestinal upset. Take a good look at the place where food is stored. They can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three months, and at room temperature - no more than one. You can check how fresh an egg is without even leaving the counter: a fresh egg should not be light in weight.

However, a quail egg is many times smaller, but also more expensive than a chicken egg. As you know, this explains the exceptional benefits of spotted eggs, which are many times greater than those of chicken eggs. This is an indisputable reason to include quail eggs in your menu whenever possible.

How to cook?

There is no special wisdom in boiling a quail egg: they are prepared in exactly the same way as the chicken eggs we are accustomed to. For cooking you will need: a clean pan, quail eggs, water, salt.

During cooking, the shell often breaks and the contents can leak out. To prevent this from happening, it is better to warm the quail eggs in advance at room temperature, removing them from the refrigerator.

First, pour water into the pan, then add a little salt so that the salt prevents the shell from breaking down in boiling water. Next, you need to put the pan on the stove to boil. After waiting for this moment, you need to lower the required number of quail eggs into boiling water and leave them to cook until done, turning the heat to medium.

How long to cook quail eggs? In order for all the beneficial substances to be preserved after cooking, it is important to withstand a certain time. Chicken ones take longer to cook than quail ones. It is worth remembering that it only takes 3 minutes to cook soft-boiled, and 5-7 for hard-boiled. You should not overexpose the product in water, as this will negatively affect the taste properties. After they are cooked, it is better to immerse them in cold water: this way they will cool faster and peeling them will be much easier.

Boiled eggs will be enjoyed both as an appetizer and as a component of some other dishes.

What can you cook?

Quail eggs are included in numerous recipes for porridges, snacks, first and second courses. These small eggs significantly improve the taste of any dish where chicken eggs are traditionally used. Some people like to drink them raw to boost immunity, but from a medical point of view there are many controversial issues on this issue. The main argument against this is the high risk of salmonellosis infection. Therefore, doctors still advise subjecting them to heat treatment - doing it correctly will not affect the benefits in any way. In addition, there are a lot of useful and delicious recipes– both for every day and for the holiday table!

Fried quail eggs

This simplest scrambled egg turns out to be both pleasant in taste and filling. useful substances, included in the list dietary dishes. To prepare this dish, take a dozen quail eggs, beat them and fry them in a frying pan with olive oil, adding salt to taste.


The waste product of quail in an omelet is much better accepted by the body due to the milk content in it. The recipe is very familiar to every housewife: you need to mix the whipped mass with milk. After this, you can add a little salt, soda, chopped herbs or tomatoes - to taste. Bake the omelette in a frying pan until cooked on both sides.


This easy-to-prepare dish is suitable for both everyday and festive table. To prepare such meatballs you need to take: minced meat - 500 g, quail eggs - 10 pcs., champignons - 200 g, cream, salt, spices, garlic - to taste. To begin, salt the minced meat and season with spices, adding three cloves of garlic to taste. Next, add finely chopped mushrooms to the minced meat and mix. We take pre-boiled quail eggs and peel them. Place one egg into the minced meat and form meatballs. Place the resulting meatballs with the egg inside on a greased baking sheet. Fill them with sauce made from salted and peppered cream. Place in the oven and bake for 35-40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Having become accustomed to ordinary chicken eggs, few housewives dare to try recipes containing quail eggs. Some people don’t know how long to boil quail eggs, while others don’t want to bother with the product because of its high cost.

However, there are no difficulties in the work if you find out how long it takes to cook quail eggs and how to boil quail eggs so that they are easy to peel and try a couple of times to make a salad with delicious small quail eggs. Believe me, it will be a completely different taste even of a familiar product.

But first, let’s answer the question: why boil quail eggs, and not take regular chicken eggs? The fact is that a quail is a bird whose body temperature is much higher than that of a chicken. Thanks to this factor, salmonella microbes do not survive in quail eggs, the product is ideal in its balance of beneficial qualities and microelements, and is also incredibly useful for children's dietary nutrition.

As for the price, the cost of quail eggs is not much higher than chicken eggs, but the benefits of the product are much greater. And, by the way, if you monitor the level of cholesterol in your blood, it is important to know that there is also less of it in quail eggs and it is “healthy”, which is confirmed by numerous studies by doctors.

The beneficial effects of boiled quail eggs on the body have been proven, there are incredibly many options for salads with the product, all that remains is to buy a dozen eggs and figure out how and how much to hard-boil quail eggs for a child and an adult.

No special difficulties:

1. The soft-boiled product is cooked for 1-2 minutes;

2. Boil hard-boiled quail eggs for 5-6 minutes.

It’s not difficult, but you need to know how long quail eggs are cooked, although you need to accurately detect the movements of the arrow so as not to overcook the product, otherwise it will lose its nutritional value and benefit. The main thing is how much and how to hard-boil quail eggs, so that they are easy to peel. And here the recommended and time-tested methods on how to properly cook quail eggs will come to the rescue:

1. The product is always washed before cooking, and it is better to wash it with cool water.

2. Place one row of eggs in a pan, fill it with cold water and only then put it on the stove over high heat.

3. Wait for the water to boil, add a generous tablespoon of salt, note the time and cook for exactly 2 minutes for soft-boiled cooking and 3-4 minutes for hard-boiled.

4. Quickly drain the boiling water, pour as cold water over the product as possible, let stand for a minute and clean.

To boil quail eggs for a child, you need to keep them on the fire for exactly 5 minutes! No more, no less. The water boiled, timed for 5 minutes, poured over the boiled quail eggs ice water, let it stand for a minute and cleaned it - everything is ready, the product can be given to the baby.

It is not recommended to increase the risk of undercooking the product and vary the time period when choosing how long to boil quail eggs for a child; a soft-boiled product is not suitable for a baby due to the high content of microelements, which only an adult’s body can cope with.

Well, now you know how to boil quail eggs so that they can be easily peeled, so there are no problems with cooking them. The most interesting thing is that if you follow the advice and after cooking, immediately pour ice water over the product, leaving it for a minute, then the shells from quail eggs are removed with a knife: just pick them up, they will easily come off on their own, like the skin from fruit. And you can decorate salads, add eggs to sauces, make cold appetizers based on them, the use of the product has no limits. By the way, eggs are very useful to add to the dough, especially if there is a person in the house with gastrointestinal problems.

If the stove is out of order, then look at how long to cook quail eggs in the microwave and how to do it:

1. Place the product in a microwave-safe dish, fill it completely with water and add salt;

2. Place the cup in the oven and set the heat mode to medium, and the timer to 3 minutes;

3. Wait for the sound of the end of the program and you can take out the cup.

Of course, quickly drain the boiling water again, pour in ice water and keep the quail eggs in it for a minute. That's the whole science: how much and how to boil quail eggs so that they are easy to peel. Good luck with your salads with boiled quail eggs!

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The quail is a small bird, weighing about 100 grams. And the eggs she lays are more like spotted, slightly oval pebbles. Having appeared on Russian shelves, they quickly gained popularity. The size of the eggs is five to six times smaller than chicken eggs, but their beneficial properties work wonders. The article gives recommendations on how to cook quail eggs and what dishes can be prepared from them.

Beneficial features

    When eaten raw, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

    Rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids.


    Contribute to mental development children.

    They have a beneficial effect on potency.

    They are not contaminated with salmonella.

    Dishes made from them are more delicate.

    Shelf life up to two months (if the shell is not damaged).

    Increases the body's immunity.

"Spotted babies" are useful for women expecting a baby. Pregnancy is easier to bear and teeth don’t “fly” as much. Such a nuisance as toxicosis is practically not an annoyance. A pregnant woman should only drink 4-5 of them raw on an empty stomach.

Cooking time

The question naturally arises: how long and how to boil quail eggs before eating? Firstly, before drinking raw or boiling eggs, they must be washed with hot water. Secondly, before cooking, they should be taken out of the refrigerator and kept at room temperature for a while, then the eggshell will not burst.

    To get a soft-boiled egg, it should be boiled in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. It will be ready with full preservation of all useful properties and substances - from vitamins to minerals.

    If you cook in boiling water for 5 minutes, the hard-boiled egg will be ready, the yolk will turn pale yellow.

    Fry for 3-5 minutes.

Experts believe

Let's ask some restaurateurs how to cook quail eggs.

    Before cooking, remove them from the refrigerator 30 minutes.

    The blunt side of the shell is pierced with a needle, which will not crack during cooking, as excess air will escape.

    Dip into salted water in a spoon.

    Do not cook longer - a bad smell may appear.

How to prepare them for a child?

Children should be given per day:

    From 1 to 3 years - 1 pc.

    From 3 to 10 years - no more than 3 pieces.

Many parents feed their babies not chicken eggs, but quail eggs. For mothers who know how long to cook quail eggs for children, we remind you that it is better to first put them in cold water. Five minutes is enough to get a “cool” option that can be given to your baby separately or as an additive to porridge or puree.

What can you cook from them?

Spotted eggs are great for salad bases. You can cook quail eggs with chicken liver, beef, canned fish, sweet canned corn. Make a salad from eggs (cut into halves), lettuce, boiled shrimp or squid, green apple, cucumber. Can add olive oil and olives. Make sure this dish has a delicate and refined taste.

Final advice

Now that you know how to boil quail eggs, one little tip on how to easily peel them. You need to “crumple” the thin shell by rolling the egg on the table and pressing it lightly with your hand. Bon appetit!

Despite the fact that quail eggs have long appeared on our shelves, not every family has introduced them into their regular diet. There are many reasons for this: and quite high prices, especially if you compare them with the prices of chicken eggs; and lack of ideas about how to properly prepare this product; and the uncertainty that the eggs will be to your liking.

Still, you shouldn’t completely ignore quail eggs. They are as easy, affordable and effective a product as chicken bouillon, which we willingly prepare when someone in the family is sick and needs light, satisfying and healthy food. The thing is that quail eggs contain many useful minerals and amino acids. The substances they contain have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, increase immunity, strengthen blood vessels and nervous system, soften the manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women. In addition, they are very nutritious and quite tasty.
Therefore, you should not deny yourself the pleasure of at least sometimes preparing dishes from quail eggs. They are good in any form - raw, boiled, fried. They can be used as ingredients for appetizers, salads, main courses and soups.

Cooking eggs does not require any special skills. The whole difficulty lies in the need to strictly adhere to the cooking time. To boil quail eggs, take a small saucepan, add water, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Place salt in boiling water at the rate of half a teaspoon per half liter of water. Now you can carefully lower the eggs into the boiling water with a spoon.

The eggs need to be taken out of the refrigerator 15 minutes before you are going to cook them, so that they have time to warm up a little and do not crack due to a sharp temperature change when lowered into boiling water. However, if you don't have any time at all, you may want to do things differently. Pour water room temperature, put salt in it, lower the eggs and put on fire. To get the water to boil as quickly as possible, pour in enough water to barely cover the eggs.

After the eggs are lowered into the water, wait until the water boils again and set the timer to the desired level or simply note the time on the clock. On the question of how long to boil quail eggs, most housewives and professional chefs agree that soft-boiled eggs need to be boiled for 2 minutes, eggs “in a bag” - 3 minutes, hard-boiled eggs - 5 minutes. If the eggs are cooked for more than 5 minutes, they will not become “cooler”, but they will lose most of the nutrients.

Boiled eggs make an excellent breakfast if served with thin slices of bread and butter. Quail eggs can be safely introduced into the diet of infants from the beginning of complementary feeding instead of chicken eggs. They are more nutritious and do not cause allergies (hypoallergenic).

The benefits and ease of preparation of quail eggs have earned them great popularity among gourmets and people who care about their health.



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