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What kind of hatred can there be? Hatred as self-denial. Self-hatred - origins and possible consequences

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Hatred is a pronounced feeling of rejection, a persistent desire and goal to cause harm, accompanied by a persistent aversion to a living being, person, event, object, phenomenon.

One of the reasons for the emergence of a feeling of Hatred is a person’s lack of understanding of a clear, unambiguously understandable structure of life and the location of oneself relative to the point and axis - Hatred and the axis -. Where is the origin of coordinates and the starting point of the Good - Evil scale?

Hate and Love are opposite feelings, however, these concepts are emotionally and logically interconnected. If the main slogan is the desire to selflessly give and bring joy, then the main slogan of Hatred is the desire to deliberately take away and bring pain. At first glance, this statement seems controversial, but it is correct.

Hatred is very difficult to fully understand, structure, and position due to the multifaceted nature of its manifestations. There is an assumption that people have this condition Hatred and Hostility exists for the survival of the species, progress in development and stimulation in the development of species and subspecies.

The strength of the connection between Love and Hate and the conditions for the transition of one into the other may depend on the culture of the person himself. A person himself may suffer from a hidden form of Hatred, direct it against all living things and not be aware of its true causes.

A child has a serious influence on the formation of the foundations of Love and Hate when communicating with his parents, kindergarten, school. Greatest influence provided by parents.

In the future, the child’s grievances and wrong attitude within himself and the projection of his views on society, society, and parents are transmitted for the rest of his life. While receiving education, a person grasps additional data and attitudes from easy and unverified sources. Layering on additional shells and layers of Hatred transmitted from relationships in society, the Internet, and television, a person is completely closed off from the opportunity to show love to others and hear love.

Age-related irreversible human conditions.

This is the state of the psyche and the very essence of a person in which he will no longer be able to completely erase incorrectly acquired knowledge or incorrect views on life. This condition is called stagnation of mental development.

According to preliminary data from working with clients and my observations, the age of a person’s closure and deep Defeat of women by Hatred is 39 years old. U men age, a state of deep Hatred and the inability to return, constitutes 59 years old. At this age, both men and women, their character, outlook on life, internal beliefs and negative attitudes are subjected to very strong pressure and corrosion. Here is an example of real, easily recognizable household psychoviruses broadcast by people. Examples of psychoviruses and catchphrases destroying the psyche of people and cultivating Hatred in a person:

  • You do not love me at all.
  • You want to drive me into a coffin.
  • Why do you hate your brother so much?
  • You don't care about me at all.
  • Have you completely forgotten your family? Have you decided to leave us?
  • Weak, impotent, woman.
  • You will work as a janitor.
  • Yes, our second child was born a fool...
  • Whore. All you can think about is who to jump into bed with.
  • He will leave you.
  • You will be deceived again.

Hatred is not always a consequence of our thoughts and actions in creation or an irreconcilable contradiction between our vision and perception of something and what is in reality.

Now let's look at the emergence of this negative feeling from the perspective of interpersonal relationships. For example, a wife was raised in the traditions of a strong, friendly family based on love, devotion and fidelity to each other. Her inner potential is to give her love and care to her family and husband. Accordingly, she does not accept betrayal and lies in the family.

My husband was brought up on different principles. For some time he played the role of an exemplary family man, but he met another woman and left his family, leaving his wife with two children.

If the wife were with life position, not very different from her husband’s views on the family, the separation could have passed without powerful emotional upheavals for her, but the whole point is that she loved her husband, and his treachery shook her to the core. External realities associated with betrayal and separation from her husband do not correspond to her internal ideas and attitudes.

In this example, each side had different views and different position– assessment actions should be carried out as close as possible to each of the parties. Perhaps hatred on the part of the wife will look like a wish for happiness and vice versa.

Point of relativity Love - Hate

It would seem that hatred, in its structure, should be homogeneous and the same for everyone. It is enough to give a definition - this is good, this is bad, this is Love, but this is Hate. However, this is not entirely true; it goes much deeper. Let's ask questions:

Where is the point of relativity - this is Good and this is Evil?

Where is the generally accepted, global scale of values? Where is the point of relativity - this is Love, and this is Hate? Where is your personal scale of values ​​and point of relativity? What is the unit of measurement for Love or Hate? What are the most extreme positions of these feelings. Our society and human development, moving towards a technogenic society, have come up with and assessed many parameters of physical quantities, but there are no strict values ​​and assessments of the degree of impact of destructive psychoviruses. We can say that the cause of hatred is ourselves and our high expectations and ideas, but this is not entirely correct.

Everyone has their own axis of evil and Hatred. For example, dogs hate cats. Muslims hate Christians.

The search for truth and attitude towards Hatred is complicated by the position of the starting point of coordinates and the point of relativity. Looking at even this simple example from different points of view, one can see that cats also have deep reasons to hate dogs, and Christians to hate Muslims.

High expectations and own views

Hatred is an irreconcilable contradiction between our high expectations, our idea of ​​something, our vision of something and what exists in reality. These are our high expectations, views, position in life.

Our pain and disappointments that come from high expectations are not just in marriage, they are a deadly poison in every relationship that strikes at the very heart of every relationship. This is the problem of our whole life.

Marriages end in divorce for one reason and one reason only: the high expectations of two people. A gaping chasm of disappointment forms between external realities and human demands. This abyss, the depth of this abyss, is Hatred.

Causes of Hatred

The causes of Hatred are intentional and unintentional actions. Unintentional is the lack of the correct educational process and the correct explanation of the realities of life and fictitious idealistic pictures of the world. The reason is also the parents' own ignorance in these matters.

Deliberate Hatred, transmitted from the outside, is a method of inciting conflicts in society, enmity between people. Broadcasting negativity, openly lying flows of information, distorting facts and nurturing hatred are methods of starting wars. The objects of Hate can be children, teenagers, groups of people, city society, nation, country, continents, countries, political systems, religions, etc.

The unleashing of open information propaganda can be considered as a fact of aggression against an object, country, state. This is an integral tool for waging Wars, a universal destructive method of exterminating all living things. These are elements of Aggression from the enemy.

Hatred can be hidden. She is extremely dangerous and difficult to escape from. Hidden hatred is not directed at those people who actually caused it, but at anyone they meet along the way.

Hatred, turning into various types of character distortions, can persist throughout life and pose a serious threat not only to the people around them, but also to the person himself who carries it within himself.

Proper upbringing of children and inoculation of Love

Your children, as a continuation, are a kind of reflection of the aggression of their parents. Moreover, their accumulated aggression far exceeds yours. If you are filled with hatred, your children bear an increased responsibility, since they have an enhanced program to destroy the object of hatred.

If you hate people, you can easily get a son who is a murderer. In order to eradicate hatred, we must first stop justifying it. Many people believe that there is a kind of law of conservation of hatred in nature, that if you stop hating someone who did you bad, you begin to hate yourself, that hatred is a manifestation of our vitality that if a person is deprived of hatred, it will be the amputation of his entire emotional life.

Energy of Hate

Some philosophers are trying to prove that Hatred can be not only destructive, but also a creative feeling, like Love. All these are attempts to whitewash Hatred, without bothering to analyze the true essence of this strong and deep feeling - just a delusion.

If a feeling of Hatred arises, implement plans for Revenge or forgive. A superficial vision within the framework of rejection - hatred - punishment does not reveal the essence of the problem. If you hate, then you need to realize this desire and feeling, get emotional satisfaction and close this flow of negative energy that devastates. In other words, act, bring your plans for revenge to fruition. real strength, get satisfaction, extinguish internal dissatisfaction.

Do not accumulate or intensify the feeling of Hatred, do not add additional facts or comparisons, conclusions. The faster you remove the source of tension, the more productive and calm your future peace of mind will be. Read and remember the concepts of Revenge and Forgiveness.

You should know the consequences of this feeling. The nature of the problem or illness depends on the strength and direction of Hatred. When we experience a feeling of hatred, we release a powerful charge into space. negative energy and attract more powerful negativity.

Unrealized and uncontrolled release of energy, in the form of outbursts of Anger and adrenaline, can provoke tumors, severe skin diseases, and acne. The depth and duration of exposure to feelings of unsatisfied Hatred can cause serious problems and additional negative qualities personalities such as Resentment, Malice, Vengeance, Unforgiveness, Grudges, Intransigence and other states and feelings.

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Hatred does not appear spontaneously. It starts with anger. And if anger and anger are feelings inherent in nature, then embitterment and hatred are the creation of man. To better understand the difference between these feelings, it is necessary to consider each of them separately.

  1. Anger and anger- feelings that arise, as a rule, on the basis of injustice. Such emotions are quite acceptable, since they force the subject to take certain measures related to improving the quality of life. They differ from each other only in the intensity with which they are experienced by the subject.
  2. Bitterness and hatred– a long-lasting and unsatisfied feeling of anger and disgust. It can manifest itself both in relation to certain living beings and to the world as a whole. As in the previous case, they differ from each other in the intensity with which they are experienced by the subject.

How does hatred affect a person?

Any emotions, depending on their quality, affect the human body.

The highest qualities are possessed by bright feelings, such as love, kindness and gratitude. Feelings with the lowest qualities are bitterness and hatred. It is low-quality emotions that can cause harm to a person, including:

  1. Long-term depression.
  2. Detachment from normal life in society.
  3. The development of diseases in different organs of the body.
  4. Mental disorders due to dissatisfaction with oneself.
  5. Cutting ties with family and friends.
  6. Failures at work and in personal life.
  7. Loss of desire and opportunities for self-realization.

Anger at the world and people

Such hatred manifests itself in people who have created an insurmountable gap between the desired vision of the world and society, and the world that it is in reality. This negative emotion also manifests itself in relation to a certain segment of society, united general characteristics. Typically, the following people experience hatred:

  1. Envious.
  2. Unrealized as individuals.
  3. Unrealized as specialists in a certain field.
  4. With a lack of love in childhood and adulthood.
  5. Limited by something or deprived of something.

Hatred towards a specific person

You can hate a specific person for understandable reasons.

For example, one might consider aversion to ex-husband. Let's say a woman hates her ex because of his addiction to alcohol, uncultured speech, or disrespect for her. Perhaps he beat her or otherwise suppressed her potential. In this case, her negative attitude towards this person is quite understandable. But in reality, this woman hates not only the actions of her batterer. She hates the dream he destroyed of an ideal marriage and an ideal husband.

Let's also consider bitterness towards the boss. He is rude, overwhelms you with work, never thanks you, deprives you of bonuses and is generally completely unfair. And even in this case, the subordinate hates not only personal qualities boss This negative feeling concerns the same shattered dream. In this case, the personal vision of an ideal job does not coincide with reality. Directly or indirectly, a person blames his boss for this, which is why he becomes the subject of hatred.

And if anger in this case stimulates a person to search best options for life, then hatred makes everything different.

Hatred is completely consuming. It leads to fixation on the subject towards whom negative feelings are experienced. And such a condition is fraught with serious consequences.


Considered the most dangerous. It can be hidden, or it can be obvious.


Often manifests itself along with hatred towards to a specific person, for example, to the same ex. In this case, the woman hates herself for her weakness, inability to fight back, indecisiveness, etc. Subconsciously, she blames herself as much as she consciously blames her ex-husband.


It assumes that a person is disgusted with his own appearance, physical characteristics, mental abilities, etc. Most often, self-loathing appears due to childhood complexes. And often the parents themselves are to blame for this. Even the most common remark, “You’re being disgusting,” can seriously harm a child. These words, repeated many times, make the child think that he is disgusting. After all, parents are the main authorities in a child’s life, and they are always right. Therefore, a parent must understand the importance of every non-forest word spoken to his son or daughter.

Determining the cause

Correctly identifying the cause of anger will help you deal with it faster. A method that involves having a pen and a sheet of paper is great for this.

  1. First, you need to write down all the qualities and actions of the subject of hatred that cause disgust. Such a list consists of three or more items.
  2. Next, you need to consider each point in detail.

Almost all the negative qualities on the list can be found in many other people, even in yourself. This does not mean that a person hates himself. This means that a woman or man is biased towards the subject of their negative feelings. After all, in reality, there are only one or two points that really generate disgust. They can be quite serious, but they can also be minor. And depending on their type, it is necessary to select one or another method of getting rid of hatred.

Search for the positive

Positivity is The best way getting rid of negative feelings. For people, this method involves a minimum of effort, since pleasant emotions can be experienced from anything, for example:

  • From communicating with friends and loved ones.
  • From walks in nature.
  • From attending various events.
  • From mutual feelings of love.
  • From doing something that a person likes.

The ability to forgive

Forgiveness helps you get rid of hatred. This skill allows you to cope with many troubles in life. It eliminates internal discomfort caused by other people.

A person who knows how to forgive is in a much better position than a person who continues to react to irritants with insults.

Those who leave old grievances in the past are much less susceptible to stress and depression. They have better health, and life is full of pleasant events.

However, not everyone is capable of this generous act. After all, it is easier to hate than to forgive. But it is important to always remember that the ability to forgive is an integral part of a high-quality life.

Self love

Self-love should be instilled from childhood.

Parents are obliged to make it clear to the child that every person is beautiful in their own way and deserves love.

To overcome self-loathing and hatred, a person needs to love himself. This feeling can heal not only the soul, but also the body. There are many confirmed cases where a person, by changing his attitude towards himself, completely changed his life for the better.



- RED color is anger.
- Bright red color - wildness, extreme jealousy.
- Scarlet color – irritability
Ancient Chinese medicine associated liver disease with anger and increased irritability. Modern medicine claims that it is in this organ that anger, irritation, anger, hatred, and primitive feelings are localized.
- Red-brown color - sensuality and greed.

Negative emotions those experienced towards another person create attachments along the chakras.
Muladhara (base chakra) – fear, aggression.
Svadhisthana (gender chakra) – lust, obsession.
Manipura (umbilical chakra) – submission or, conversely, the desire for power.
Anahata (heart chakra) – love and hate.
Vishuddha (throat chakra) – the desire for self-realization.
Ajna (frontal chakra) - attachments to what a person considers to be true, principles and attitudes.
Sahasrara (crown chakra) – attachments to egregors.

"There is no fire greater than passion; there is no misfortune greater than hatred; there is no misfortune greater than the body; there is no happiness equal to peace of desire"

Disdain, contempt, bias, mockery, ridicule, causticism, irony - all these are manifestations of hatred. Hatred flares up again and again. She is insatiable, like lust and greed. She may retreat temporarily, but then returns with a vengeance. If a father does not like someone, his children also begin to hate this person, without any reason, because he did not cause them any harm. Such is the power of hatred. Sometimes one memory of an old offender who insulted a person forty years ago causes an outburst of hatred in the latter.

Hatred is strengthened by repeated manifestations of hatred. Hatred cannot be defeated by hatred, it is destroyed only by love. This illness requires long and persistent treatment, as it takes deep roots into the subconscious. It lurks in the most unexpected corners of the soul.

The Englishman hates the Irishman, and the Irishman hates the Englishman. A Catholic cannot stand a Protestant, and a Protestant cannot stand a Catholic. This is enmity between peoples and religions. Sometimes a person at first sight, without any reason, begins to hate another. This hatred can come from previous incarnations. In our world ordinary people don't know what it is pure love. Selfishness, envy, greed and lust are the companions of hatred. During the period of Kali Yuga, hatred intensifies.

We need to cultivate pure, selfless love. There is one Self in all living beings. Why be angry with others? How can you treat them with contempt? Why divide and look for differences? Realize the unity of life and consciousness! Feel the Spirit of Unity (Atman) everywhere. Rejoice, radiate peace and love.

In my first battle of power, I faced my enemies in the fog.
- But you have no enemies.
It's not in your nature to hate people.
- But it was in me.
My hatred of people was a way for me to indulge my weakness.
Now this is gone.
I conquered hatred in myself, but in that first battle of power it almost destroyed me...
Power is a very strange, magical thing.
In order to fully possess and command it, you must first acquire a certain amount of power, sufficient to begin with.
However, you can do it another way: gradually accumulate strength, not using it at all until you gain enough strength to withstand the battle of strength.
K. Castaneda. Travel to Ixtlan.

Hatred is the ultimate manifestation of rejection

Let's break down the word "hate" into its components - no – on – I see. It turns out that when we hate, we mentally get rid of the person: “I don’t see you anymore.” That is, you are no longer there. How often do we say: “My eyes wouldn’t see you” or “I don’t want to see you.” That is, not wanting to see a person is also hatred.

There is another manifestation of hatred - indifference and indifference. It is the same hatred, only suppressed. If you have a feeling of indifference towards someone, it means that you once hated this person, but did not forgive or thank him and did not realize why you attracted him into your life. And now this hatred in the form of indifference sits deep in the subconscious and poisons your life.

Hatred at the energetic level is not just a wish for death, but it is already murder. The first message from John the Theologian says: “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer...” And such a program of destruction necessarily unfolds against the author himself and turns into a program of self-destruction.

Hatred leads to very serious illnesses. First of all, it “hits” the head and eyes. Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, head injuries and injuries in general, migraines, eye diseases, tumors, severe skin diseases can be a consequence of hatred. In fact, people destroy each other on a subconscious level, and then wonder why there is so much violence in the world.

If a person has several gallstones, then he experiences hatred towards several people. How more to a person you have to keep a smile, hiding anger in your soul, the more you have to pretend, the more often kidney stones occur.

The nature of the problem or disease depends on the strength and direction of hatred. For example, if a man hates a woman, then his “manhood” suffers. Everything is very simple. After all, in every person there is a male and female principle of the Universe. And by directing his hatred at a woman, a man destroys himself. A man has been suffering from prostatitis for several years. Sexual weakness is already appearing. No medications or procedures help. And the cause of the illness is his hatred and contempt for his wife, his desire to take revenge on her for her betrayal. If a woman despises and hates a man, she receives a “blow” to her genitals. The wife has been offended for a long time and hates her husband for his immoral behavior and insults. After some time, she is diagnosed with a uterine tumor. Children who hate their parents suffer from an unsettled personal life and receive the same attitude from their children towards themselves. The daughter condemns and hates her alcoholic father. And the father is the embodiment of masculinity Universe. Since childhood, a program for the destruction of men has been operating in her subconscious. She grows up and gets married. First marriage - unsuccessful - divorce. A girl is born from the first marriage (boys will simply not be viable). The second marriage was also unsuccessful. And a girl is also born from the second husband. A woman is trying to build a family with another man, and even lives with him for some time. But then the relationship breaks down. And her daughters grow up and marry men who drink, insult and beat them. The program of hatred towards men, laid down by the mother, acting in the subconscious of the descendants, returns back with retaliatory aggression.

If a person hates a group of people, a society, a country, then not only himself, but also his children will suffer. Hatred is a powerful program for the destruction of those against whom it is directed. In children this program is intensified many times over. A man who hates scoundrels, scoundrels, got a son who is a drug addict. A woman who hated people got a killer son.

Hatred as a way of behavior also has a positive intention. If you hate a government for its actions, then with your hatred you want to destroy this government so that it can be replaced by another that would meet your demands. After all, you want to live in a fair, highly moral state, in which you would be respected. If you hate your neighbor for his meanness, then you want to destroy him so that justice can reign. If someone wants to take your money, then you start hating that person. You want to save your money. If someone “steals” your loved one from you, then you hate this person and are ready to destroy him. If you hate a loved one, it means that he humiliated, insulted or offended you so much that you are ready to kill him. And you kill him. Only mentally.

Hatred, as a derivative of

This is the desire to put your feelings, your morality, justice and decency above all else. But the higher you rise, the harder it will be to fall. And in general, on what basis do you believe that your model of the world, your worldview, is true? Your worldview is just one point of view on Reality out of several billion. And every point of view deserves respect. And moreover, how can you make the world a better and cleaner place with the help of murder caused by hatred? This is absurd! There is nothing bad or dirty in this world. God created a pure and beautiful world. It is necessary to accept the idea that this world is very harmonious and fair. And indeed it is. After all, everyone is rewarded according to his thoughts and actions, according to his faith. Everyone creates their own world. This idea is difficult for some people to accept. It is very difficult for them to give up their old beliefs and principles.

Doctor, are you suggesting that I speak of “black” as if it were “white”? - the patient, an elderly man suffering from a serious illness, is indignant.
- How can I approve of the actions of a thief who stole the last money from a pensioner, or the actions of our government, which stole from millions of people?
“I’m not forcing you to approve of the actions of thieves, swindlers and murderers,” the doctor answers. “I propose to accept the idea that the Universe is very harmonious and fair, and begin to see this in your life.”
If a thief stole money from a pensioner, it means that she herself attracted him into her life with her thoughts. Maybe she felt sorry for her neighbor, a poor pensioner. Or maybe she despised or hated the rich man. It was these thoughts and feelings that attracted the thief.
So who is to blame? No one. Everyone just got their own thoughts. High power, The Universe taught the pensioner through the thief the correct attitude towards money.
You may disapprove of the thief's actions, but you shouldn't condemn him either. Wish each of them good luck on their life path: for a pensioner to handle money correctly, and for a thief to take care of her material well-being in other, positive ways.

- What about murder, and even innocent children?
- A child attracts a murderer into his life because even before incarnation his soul decided to work off some part of karma in this way; this can also be a lesson for people who will be associated with this murder.
- Doctor! With all due respect to you, everything you say does not fit in my head. And to be more frank, this is all nonsense. You give me medicine that will cure me, and that’s all. And I don't want to change anything. Even in the face of death, I will not change my principles.
- Well, then I can hardly help you. But in any case, I wish you good luck.

How strongly and deeply certain dogmas and principles have been implanted in us, which bring pain and suffering into our lives. And we unconditionally accepted them on faith, without even trying to doubt their justice.

If you want to be healthy and have healthy offspring, free yourself from hatred. To do this, take responsibility for your world! Start with yourself. Change your thoughts and your behavior - and the world will change. New thoughts will create new situations. Learn to accept! Accept yourself, other people, your life and destiny. Respect yourself and others! By showing respect to others, you respect yourself first. Learn to approve and praise! Strive to notice only the good, positive, and useful in people. Remember that every person has any qualities. And if your thoughts are pure, then people will show you their best sides.

If you want to change the world and people around you, you can use violence. There is such a way. This is very good way. Good for making your life and the life of your children miserable. And if you take responsibility for using this particular method, then remember the consequences that will follow. According to one of the laws of the Universe - like attracts like - your hatred will attract retaliatory violence into your life.

The outside world is my world, and I create it myself, then by changing my worldview, I change my world, and therefore the world around me.
If you want to change those around you, change yourself. Then there will be no complaints against anyone - after all, everything depends on you.

“Self-hatred is a feeling that we are rarely aware of,” says Charles Roizman. – Firstly, it is so unpleasant and destructive that we force it out. Secondly, when we encounter difficulties, we most often think that they were caused by other people or unfavorable circumstances. It is difficult for us to admit that they are caused by our internal problems and by what creates these problems: an unworthy image of oneself.”

Why do we talk about hatred and not about lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem? “Because this is a very specific feeling that causes a distorted image of ourselves as a monster: we perceive ourselves entirely as bad, inadequate, good for nothing.”

The disgusting creature that we want to hide at all costs from others and from ourselves is in fact a wounded being: as a child, family members or others tortured us, tormented by ridicule, incessant accusations, exclusion, rejection and mistreatment, and all this makes us still be ashamed of ourselves.

Past experiences of violence make us think that we do wrong all the time, force us to give up ourselves in favor of others or to submit to those who instill fear in us. But in most cases we do not even have a clear awareness of what we have experienced. And instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, we continue to treat ourselves badly and consider ourselves pathetic.

Am I really to blame or do I feel guilty because I was regularly made to feel guilty?

In essence, self-hatred is love that has been disappointed and turned into its opposite. Trauma prevents us from becoming who we hope to be. And we don’t forgive ourselves for this.

Our flawed ideas about ourselves cannot but affect our lives. But if we find them, we will have a chance to free ourselves from them.

Charles Roizman offers three paths to healing:

“First, look at how we treat others - demandingly, critically - in order to better understand how we were treated.

Secondly, identify our negative beliefs about ourselves and try to understand where they come from.

Thirdly, and most importantly, learn to distinguish between fantasies and reality: are the reproaches that I address to myself justified? Am I really to blame or do I feel guilty because I was regularly made to feel guilty?

At some point, you need to start fighting with yourself and stop condemning yourself in advance. Recognizing the signs of self-loathing in different areas life, we will be able to more calmly accept our shortcomings, as well as our virtues.”

In our relationship

Reproduction of violence, difficulty creating intimate space. Because we are not aware of what has been done to us, we risk, without noticing it, in turn being inattentive, blaming, suppressing and humiliating partners, children, colleagues... “It is the violence that we reproduce that limits our ability to love others in the same way.” as they are, and show ourselves as we really are. That is, ultimately create intimacy.”

We're hiding behind (too) positive images yourself (sweet, ideal, devoted) or for those who are too provocative (“I am who I am, whether you like it or not,” “I value my freedom too much to get involved with someone”). These positions allow us to keep others at a distance, but also reveal deep-seated self-doubt.

In our achievements

Dreams abandoned, talents buried in the ground.“Because we don’t love ourselves enough, it’s difficult for us to achieve our goals: we don’t take our dreams seriously, we don’t dare to fulfill our desires, we simply don’t give ourselves this opportunity,” notes Charles Roizman.

We always put off until later the life we ​​would like to lead: we feel neither worthy of happiness nor capable of it.

And then we either console ourselves or engage in self-sabotage. And yet we never realize our underestimated potential. Boredom and the feeling that we are not living our own lives are sure signs of self-hatred that we do not recognize. To cope with our disappointments, we convince ourselves that no one ever does what they want in life.

In our work

Unfulfilled ambitions, impostor syndrome. Likewise, self-hatred holds back professional development. If we are convinced of our insignificance, if we do not give ourselves the right to make mistakes, then any encounter with difficulties in mastering new tasks, any criticism can become unbearable. Instead of listening to our desire to develop, we pretend that we have no ambitions, that we give this right to others. “We direct the contempt we feel towards ourselves towards those who succeed and whom we envy, although we cannot admit it to ourselves,” notes Charles Roizman.

If, despite all this, we achieve a responsible position, we are faced with impostor syndrome: “We do not feel capable of performing the functions entrusted to us, and we are terrified at the thought of being exposed,” he explains. Self-hatred prevents us from recognizing our strengths: if we succeed, it is only because others were mistaken about us.

In our body

Non-recognition of beauty, neglect of health. How we take care of ourselves is obviously related to how much we value ourselves. If we were once neglected, now we neglect ourselves: shapeless clothes, sloppy hair... If we cannot appear in public without complex makeup or an elaborate outfit, this also indicates a lack of self-confidence and a reluctance to be seen in natural state.

What is not so obvious is that “self-hatred also manifests itself in neglect of one’s health: we don’t go to the dentist or gynecologist. We think we deserve this destruction, this suffering, and we don’t dare show anyone the parts of our body that we have been made to feel ashamed of.

In our affections

The need for “crutches”, difficulties with choice.“When we were children and we failed to receive confirmation of our existence through approval, permission, recognition from our parents, this dealt a blow to our ability to be independent,” explains Charles Roizman. Having matured, we do not know how to make decisions, make choices on our own. We still need to lean on someone, and if that someone is unavailable, then something. This dependence creates the ground for obsessive needs and painful attachments. It also makes us vulnerable to sexual harassment and malicious manipulation. One way or another, it testifies to our conviction that on our own we do not deserve the right to exist.

About the expert

(Charles Rojzman) – founder of social psychotherapy; co-author of the book “How to Learn to Love Yourself in hard times" His website.



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