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What stones are suitable for the sign of Pisces. What stones are suitable for Pisces women according to the horoscope?

Talismans, like many other things, should be chosen correctly. An amulet that is not suitable for a person will be of no use, and in general such a talisman can have a negative effect. From this article you will learn which stones are suitable for Pisces women according to their horoscope and date of birth.

Suitable stones

Suitable for women born under the zodiac sign Pisces big number precious and non-precious stones. Below are the best of them along with their magical characteristics.



Masks the negative traits of Pisces, helps overcome isolation and become more noticeable. In addition, your appearance improves. The stone helps to properly spend a woman’s strength, saving energy on people unworthy of them. This mineral is best placed in a necklace for maximum effect.


Capable of stimulating an emotional image, but it only affects women who have strong character. Astrologers claim that alexandrite has medicinal properties: cleanses the blood, helps with joint problems, improves digestion.


Drives away negative thoughts and fears of Pisces women, helps to set life goals and priorities. It is well suited for girls who have decided to build a career, as it gives new strength and self-confidence. But this mineral sometimes needs to be removed.


Helps you make the right choice and drives away unnecessary anxiety. To attract attention, it should be worn in your left pocket. There will always be prosperity in the house if you place a rather large piece of the mineral in it; it is also excellent for treating certain diseases.

Pearl agate or cacholong

It will teach a woman to trust and give her confidence. He will help you find love and become happy.

Green Diamond

Will flaunt your best qualities. Decorating with it will become a talisman against any negative emotions and will help build relationships with others.


Often placed nearby during meditation and relaxation, as it is ideally soothing nervous system. Therefore, it will become an excellent amulet against rash decisions and bad thoughts. The mineral will help a woman listen to her inner voice, and green color relaxes.


Will help a Pisces woman change her life, giving strength and helping her choose the right decision. can act as an indicator: if it becomes darker, then the woman is in danger. Darkness can also speak of sin that lies on the soul.


Protects a woman from negative influences; it should be worn when there is a loss of strength and morale, as it gives energy and joy to life.


Suitable only for a strong woman, and if you really are like that, you can achieve results in any matter.


Develops logical thinking and helps in difficulties. The stone is indispensable when traveling, because it will help you save money and can even bring profit.

Important! When wearing a mineral in any decoration in the shape of a butterfly, harmony and love in the family are guaranteed.


To achieve success and high earnings, you need to wear the following stones:


This mineral is a real magnet for money. But don't forget - money won't appear out of nowhere. He will only help keep you busy high position on meaningful work, thereby bringing a good salary. Aquamarine is excellent in transactions and journalism because it helps Pisces negotiate and persuade the interlocutor.

Rose quartz

It will also help Pisces become rich. It relieves stress and depression due to routine work, giving Have a good mood and new strength. Strengthens hard work and develops imagination, which will help women make unusual decisions.


The stone will reveal your hidden talents, mainly creative ones. Develops imagination and creativity, the ability to solve problems out of the box. Perhaps the owner of the hair will become a designer or fashion designer, but she will also be successful in other professions.


Same a good choice for making money, as it makes Pisces more persistent and stronger, which is indispensable in honest work. For Pisces who have a family, the stone will work doubly, because it is called the family stone.

Now you know which stones are suitable for Pisces women and which stones should not be worn. We figured out what properties they have: some of them are protective, some will lead to happiness or wealth. All you have to do is understand which mineral you need, purchase it and learn to appreciate it.

People born between February 20 and March 20 were born during the period when the sun passed through the zodiac constellation Pisces. The vibrations of the planets, time, date, birthday have a direct impact on the rest of your life. To enhance the positive influence, various talismans are often used in order to achieve the greatest results.

This article will tell you which stones are suitable for Pisces according to the horoscope. But first, a short excursion into the world of people born under the constellation Pisces.

Jewelry made from different stones

  • The brief motto of the representatives of the Pisces constellation: “I dissolve, I empathize”;
  • If we draw a parallel with natural processes during the year, then these include ice drift, melt water, which symbolize the departure of everything that has become obsolete, dissolution, the end of the cycle;
  • If we talk about natural archetypes corresponding to them, then this is the swelling and germination of seeds in the ground under heavy rain; they symbolize calm, inner restraint, and a philosophical attitude.
  • Each zodiac sign corresponds to certain parts of the human body, and Pisces, in particular women, are no exception. They correspond to the toes and feet.
  • Their element, like that of Scorpio and Cancer, is water, which is why they have some of its properties, such as coolness, fluidity, variability, and the ability for internal transformation;
  • The Zodiac sign Pisces is the last of the zodiac constellations. This is a kind of twist evolutionary development. The character of people belonging to the constellation Pisces by date of birth has two symbolic paths of development: the first is to swim against the tide, striving for new development, the second is to go down, become obsolete, dissolve. This is reflected in the symbol of the zodiac constellation, which consists of two fish, one of them swimming up, the other down.
  • They are characterized by strong intuition, the ability to connect to cosmic consciousness, they are easily influenced by others, and a tendency to drugs or alcohol is possible. This Zodiac Sign is characterized by developed artistic abilities, philosophical thinking, and psychotherapeutic capabilities. Talisman stones that suit Pisces are designed, among other positive aspects, to help develop rational thinking.
  • Strengths: mercy, compassion, readiness for self-sacrifice, dreaminess, rich imagination. TO weaknesses can be attributed to: the ability to intrigue, resourcefulness, psychological mimicry, unprincipledness, and a tendency to subjectivism.

Talisman stones and their effects

Let's take a closer look at which stones are best suited for a Pisces woman according to her horoscope, and which magical influence they provide:

In the photo below, from left to right: a ring with peridot, pearls, a ring with blue opal, a pendant with a moonstone.


A beautiful gem will help warn against wrong actions; if there is disappointment in a woman’s life, then peridot crystals and jewelry with it will help restore former confidence.


Based on the date of birth, it is ideal for Pisces women; it enhances innate spiritual abilities and helps to develop rational thinking, which, due to their dreaminess and predisposition to fantasies, representatives of this sign sometimes lack.


Able to give inspiration, inspire, enhance natural intuition. As a stone of compassion and tender love, opals promote purification of thoughts and clarity of mind.

Moon rock

It has the power to have a calming effect on its owner, to perceive and attract love into her life. Some ladies experience a certain sensation during the full moon. Negative influence, so, for those subject to similar influences, this mineral is able to provide assistance by absorbing an excess of excited lunar energy.

In the photo below, from left to right: a ring with corals, belomorite, a set with jet, a pendant with an aquamarine in the shape of a heart.


IN medieval Europe was considered a symbol of modesty. For Pisces women, jewelry with coral will help them cope with negative manifestations of character, such as sarcasticity, resourcefulness, and subjectivity. Coral will help develop logic and neutralize envy and anger.


This is another name for the mineral olicoglaze. The shimmering gem is often confused with moonstone. When there is confusion, illegibility or an inability to “sort everything out” in the personal, professional or other spheres of a Pisces woman’s life, belomorite will be an indispensable assistant in such situations.


Dark minerals are ideal as absorbers of all lower-level negative vibrations. In addition, with its deep black color it absorbs all negative thoughts directed at its owner, heartache and fears, while becoming even blacker.


The stone can stabilize peace of mind, to extinguish violent emotions, if your zodiac sign is Pisces and you are subject to internal vibrations, aquamarine will become an excellent talisman that establishes harmony. There is an opinion that it is contraindicated for dishonest people to wear jewelry with a gem, otherwise they will be exposed. Although, if there is a desire to change and overcome deceit in yourself, aquamarine with its blue color will remind you of this intention.

The use of the information provided does not at all mean that a Pisces woman, based on her date of birth, must simultaneously “pin” all the listed stones on herself and she will be happy. Exactly, it doesn’t mean that other minerals or jewelry with them are radically unsuitable for you.

This is more food for thought common features a rather complex science located at the intersection of astrology and the magic of stones. Taking into account the above classification, you, dear women whose zodiac sign is Pisces, should listen to yourself, using the knowledge gained, relate it to your personality and choose talismans to your liking.

To accurately determine which stone is suitable for Pisces, you need to know the date of birth of the sign’s representative.

Astrological decades and stone selection

  1. Pisces related by date of birth ( February 19th - March 1st) by the first decade of the sign, are under the protection of Saturn. They like to play capriciously and dream, and are not afraid of change, including in personal life. Suitable stones for them are carnelian, aventurine, blood jasper, Moonstone, amethyst and tiger's eye.
  2. Those who are in the second decade by date of birth ( 2nd - 11th March), feel the influence of Jupiter. They strive for fame and recognition and are very sensitive to deception. Suitable stones Pisces of this period are heliotrope, opal, pearl, coral and hairy.
  3. Pisces of the third decade by date of birth ( 12th - 20th March) are exposed to Mars. They love to move in society and are always ready to provide a service to their neighbor. Astrologers say that the sign reacts positively to the following minerals: alexandrite, emerald, chrysolite, aquamarine, sapphire, diamond and tourmaline.

Precious amulets for Pisces

For those who belong to the astrological sign of Pisces by date of birth, aquamarine is very suitable. A talisman with this stone corresponds to the calm, thoughtful energy of the representatives of this sign. Aquamarine helps its owner control emotions and restrain excessive manifestations of altruism characteristic of Pisces. The gem makes the sign bolder and more persistent in achieving its goals.

Aquamarine teaches Pisces, according to their zodiac sign, to react more calmly in stressful situations and not to worry about trifles. This Pisces stone prevents its owner from flying too high in the clouds, helps to complete started projects and embody ideas. It is better for Pisces to wear aquamarine during the day, then it will fill them with energy and strength.

Pisces' gemstones should give them energy and protect them from external negativity. Astrologers believe that sapphire will do this best. This is a stone of altruists and honest people, to whom this sign belongs. Sapphire protects its owner from illness and nervous shock. A talisman with a mineral teaches Pisces, according to their zodiac sign, to take care not only of others, but also of themselves.

According to the horoscope, Pisces obeys the element of water, so pearls suit them. The sign is very sensitive to public opinion, blame and criticism. Pearls as a talisman protect against evil words, betrayal and betrayal. It brings joy and happiness into the life of its owner. White pearls fight illness and fatigue. Decorating with it helps this horoscope sign to relax and escape from business.

Pisces often cannot relax because their thoughts are constantly busy with something. Golden topaz helps to “clear” your head, distract yourself and calm down. The straw-colored mineral brings good luck in all endeavors and does not allow you to give up in case of failure.

Topaz blue color reduces the consequences of stressful situations, gives enlightenment and protects against diseases.

The Pisces sign often becomes a victim of deceivers both in business matters and in personal life. Topaz helps them not to be disappointed in people, not to succumb to the tricks of provocateurs and scammers. Blue topaz develops intuition and logical thinking.

Stones for female Pisces

The sign is very “feminine”, so everything characteristics are most clearly manifested in women of this zodiac sign. Beautiful representatives of Pisces sacrifice their time and health for the sake of their loved ones. Topaz of blue color helps a woman recover psychologically and physically. A talisman with this gem takes care of the health of its owner. In addition, topaz allows a woman to preserve her beauty and youth for a long time.

For an unmarried Pisces woman, pearls are very suitable as a talisman. It attracts the attention of men to its owner and gives her confidence in his irresistibility. Pearls tell a woman when she needs to pay special attention to her health.

A talisman with an amethyst suits the Pisces woman's zodiac sign. This gem preserves marital love and brings constancy in relationships. Amethyst makes a woman more sociable and open. The mineral helps to find true friends and associates. Decoration with amethyst protects against lies, pretense and envy.

Choosing a talisman for a man

The sign of Pisces makes its male representatives somewhat soft and confused in difficult situations. Golden sapphire helps its owner build a career, teaches him to defend his own opinion. A talisman with this gem protects the sign from ill-wishers, enemies and envious people. Astrologers believe that sapphire is capable of fulfilling cherished desires its owner.

Aquamarine is suitable for Pisces men who occupy high positions. A talisman with this stone makes them confident, protects them from dishonest partners and dangerous deals. Aquamarine teaches you to defend your opinion and helps in the fight for justice.

For a Pisces man, a talisman with peridot. This stone helps to achieve success in the professional field. The mineral is useful for men's health and improves sleep quality. Peridot teaches patience, wisdom and improves oratory skills. The gem gives courage, eliminates doubts and warns against making wrong decisions.

Which stones are best to avoid?

Many astrologers do not advise family Pisces to wear blue topaz often according to their zodiac sign. He can plant unnecessary doubts in their hearts about the fidelity of their spouse.

It is not advisable for Pisces zodiac sign to wear jade. The stone is capable of turning an already hardworking representative of the sign into a person obsessed with work. Jade can make you feel depressed and make you lose faith in your abilities. When choosing a stone for Pisces, you should not categorically refuse powerful gems. They can be worn for a short time in difficult situations when energy replenishment is required.

The most mysterious Sign on the astrological horizon. Outwardly very nice, sensitive, kind representatives of the Sign do not always know what they want from the world around them and from themselves, first of all.

Their creativity and talents are unparalleled, but they rarely achieve significant success in this field, preferring to “go with the flow.” Pisces love both recognition and material wealth, but will not bother themselves with finding a way to acquire them.

They have all the makings for self-development and improvement, but Pisces lack the dedication and perseverance to achieve any success in this direction. Representatives of this Sign are characterized by frequent mood swings, without visible reasons cheerful and cheerful Pisces suddenly become melancholic and apathetic, then suddenly again acquire optimism and faith in a wonderful future.

Friendly and responsive representatives of the Sign are very trusting and terribly dependent on the opinions of others. Often Pisces become losers, not so much because of their own laziness or unwillingness to struggle with difficulties, but because of their ability to let through all the negativity of others and take it to heart negative emotions strangers.

Combination of birthstone and date of birth

Saturn (21.02 - 01.03) - , bloody jasper, tiger's eye - will force romantic and dreamy representatives of the Sign, born during this period, to descend from heaven to Earth and change their lives for the better.

Jupiter (02.03 - 11.03) - hairy, coral, opal - indispensable for Pisces who want to achieve recognition and fame.

Mars (12.03 – 20.03) - tourmaline, chrysolite - are irreplaceable for those who want to achieve all the benefits of civilization on their own, representatives of this Sign.

  1. Opal. The mineral gives representatives of the Sign inexhaustible energy to maintain family and friendly relationships, will become a reliable protector from other people’s evil and envy, and will give a good supply of physical and spiritual stamina.
  2. Jet. A reliable and proven protector of the creative and mental potential of the owner born under the sign of Pisces. Often, representatives of this Sign rush to protect the interests of others and themselves become victims of malicious intent. An amulet with jet will reliably “cover the back” of its owner in such a situation and will force him to be more careful.
  3. Heliodor. Responsible for the mood of Pisces, gives them new hopes and faith in own capabilities, lifts the owner’s fallen mood, preventing depressive and apathetic states.
  4. Moon rock. It will have a calming effect on the owner, remove nightmares from dreams and the habit of getting nervous over trifles.
  5. Aquamarine. It will teach Pisces to think more about their own interests than about strangers, and will force the owner not to waste money on helping people who are not worth it.
  6. Jasper. It will bring more real, grounded interests into the owner’s life, reduce the owner’s daydreaming, and remove “rose-colored glasses” from his eyes.
  7. Chrysolite. It will make you love your appearance, give you awareness of your own beauty and attractiveness, and confidence in your own importance.
  8. Coral. It will give the owner courage in resolving important issues and decisiveness in defending his own interests. The stone tries to attract as many as possible to the owner’s side. interesting events, capable of enriching his beloved owner. A talisman with coral will reliably protect against all manifestations of other people’s magic, strengthen logic and intuitive thinking. Coral will also try to comprehensively strengthen the physical health of its favorite.
  9. Hematite. The mineral will be useful for Pisces who want to change their usual life. The gem will strengthen you physically and spiritually, suggest the necessary solutions and give you strength to implement the owner’s innovative aspirations. The mineral will make its pet a little more stubborn, but will not allow it to turn into a narrow-minded fanatic of its business.

Stones for a woman born under the Sign of Pisces

Stones for a man born under the sign of Pisces

Nephritis. Capable of turning representatives of this sign into a worthless sufferer, bearing his heavy cross with a martyr's look. The mineral will surround Pisces with loneliness, pushing people close and dear to him away from the owner.

Pisces are the antagonists of Virgo, so sardonyx, jasper, yellow topaz and olivine are completely unsuitable for them. These stones have quite strong energy, just like all minerals of an intense red color, they greatly harm the subtle spiritual world representatives of this Zodiac Sign, both physically and morally. For example, all shades force representatives of this Sign to treat loved ones and relatives with cruelty unusual for this Sign, which can undoubtedly lead to a split personality on a spiritual level.

When choosing precious or semi-precious stones as a gift for a person born under the sign of Pisces, one should remember the subtle mental organization of this Sign, the extraordinary sensitivity and internal emotions that he experiences almost from the moment of his birth until his death. Therefore, the selected gem should not dominate. Its purpose is to support and protect the owner in Hard time or when solving difficult problems and carrying out your own plans.

All gem stones recommended for representatives of the Sign should be left alone from time to time so that the negativity accumulated in the mineral can leave the jewelry or talisman, giving the gems the opportunity to cleanse themselves and with new strength attract good luck and protection of the Universe into the life of Pisces.

Pisces is perhaps the most mystical zodiac sign of all twelve. They are characterized by unearthly intuitiveness and divination, a subtle sense of Nature and the laws of the Universe, and many gifts and talents.

A variety of talismans can suit representatives of this sign. This magic items, which can enhance necessary qualities character, attract good luck and make fate happy, as well as amulets that will ward off trouble and protect from all misfortunes.

To choose a talisman or amulet that is right for you, you need to decide for what purpose you are looking for the item. A talisman for is one thing, but a talisman for good luck is another. To find which amulet suits Pisces most, you should find out the characteristics of the sign. It is as follows:

  • Patron planet - Neptune.
  • Good luck stones - sapphire, pearl, emerald, amethyst.
  • Symbols: a knot, a daffodil, two fish, a shell.
  • Shades – purple, lilac, violet-red, steel, blue.

Based on these characteristics, you can already select talismans for Pisces. But let’s not rush, and let’s try to figure out which amulet is most suitable for representatives of this sign.

Women's magic and men's helpers

For women of the Pisces sign, there are many different talismans designed to enhance feminine qualities, intuition, wisdom, attract luck and love into life and protect.

This zodiac sign has a water element, and it is especially characteristic of women - because water is “yin”, feminine, emotional environment. And women's talismans are mostly “water”.

1. The best amulet, which is suitable for a woman of the Pisces sign is a stone. As already mentioned, Pisces is the most mystical sign of the zodiac throughout the horoscope, and accordingly, it is inherent in them greatest number. The stone can be either precious or simpler - its influence will be equally strong.

Thus, sapphire will give its owner wisdom and strengthen her intuition, help her make only the right decisions and find a way out of difficult situations. Precious pearls will bring love and strengthen the family, give mutual understanding and happiness in relationships. And moonstone is suitable for women both as a talisman and as an attraction of good luck.

2. Shell is a wonderful female talisman, which is very suitable for wearing every day. A pendant or pendant in the shape of a shell is a reliable women's amulet that will protect against failure, illness and misfortune.

The shell will also become an amulet for good luck and will attract successful events into a woman’s life, and will also lift her spirits and relieve stress. The jewelry itself can be made of any material - it can be a precious metal, such as silver or gold, or bone, plastic, or a real shell from the sea.

3. Another excellent amulet for this zodiac sign is the lotus. This amulet will enhance all those qualities that distinguish the sign, qualities of character and soul that will help you become happier and achieve a lot. The lotus is suitable not only for ladies, but also for men of this sign.

This mystical zodiac sign makes its male representatives, from birth, subtle and sensitive, wise and careful. What talisman would be ideal for a man of this sign?

1. Stones as talismans are suitable according to the horoscope for men. You can choose a talisman individually based on your date of birth. Universal and successful for all Pisces men is emerald. It will give strength, will and wisdom, increase the power of the intellect and help you make exceptionally correct decisions. Amethyst and similar stones produce the same effect.

2. An excellent amulet for men is a cord with magic knots. You can make such a cord yourself and wear it on your hand as a bracelet. There should be six, seven or eleven knots, and the cord itself should be blue or green. It will protect its owner, give strength and confidence, attract luck and luck in all matters, every day.

3. Any images related to water are suitable for Pisces. This and gold fish. And a sea wave and a boat. You can even carry a picture or a pocket calendar with you, not necessarily a decoration.

Listen to your heart: it will tell you which amulet is “yours” and literally asks to be held in your hands. Find your thing and it will always bring you happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova



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