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What kind of women do men of different zodiac signs like? Video: “How guys of different zodiac signs kiss.” Gemini needs a smart woman

It often happens that we cannot even explain to ourselves what exactly attracts us to a person. We just feel that he is our other half, and no reason can convince us otherwise. Astrologers understand that everything has its own reason, and it lies in zodiac compatibility. So what kind of woman do men of different zodiac signs dream of seeing next to them?

Aries needs a female rival

An Aries man needs a woman who will not only match him, but also be able to challenge him. Such a girl will not give up or succumb to him; she will stimulate him to constantly grow and achieve new goals. The Aries ideal always takes what she wants; for her there are no insurmountable obstacles.

Taurus needs an “earthly” woman

Taurus needs a woman who will be sensual and can satisfy all his needs. She must cook well, be the keeper of the family hearth, and an excellent housewife. Taurus loves gentle, sweet and calm girls.

Gemini needs a smart woman

The ideal wife for a Gemini man is a woman who can share his life interests and hobbies. To do this, she simply needs to be smart, well-read, be able to speak well and defend her point of view in an argument. In addition, Geminis are very sociable, and it is important for them that their significant other can easily find mutual language with people.

Cancer needs a mother woman

Cancers are always overwhelmed with emotions, so they need a woman who will take care of them, who can listen and offer kind and constructive advice. Cancers value support and loyalty above all else.

Leo wants a girl who knows how to impress

Leos are always the center of attention, so they need a girl who is difficult to outshine. She should be beautiful, stylish, sharp-tongued and cheerful - in short, the whole package. Together, this couple will make an impression in any society.

A Virgo man needs a very scrupulous and pedantic woman

Since Virgos have an analytical mind, they know exactly what they want. The ideal girl for them is well-groomed, independent and smart. She is not too sentimental and knows exactly what she deserves. She must be able to withstand criticism and the tough nature of Virgos.

Libra needs a balanced woman

Libras are charming, sociable and straightforward. They do not tolerate confusion or aggression. These men need a woman who knows how to take things as they come. She is attractive, sweet, calm and knows how to support in a difficult situation.

Scorpio needs an independent woman

Scorpios are very passionate and strong personalities. They need a woman who will not break under the pressure of their emotions. She must be able to not only stand up for herself, but also go on the attack if necessary. Scorpios need the best, which is why an independent, fiery woman is their ideal.

Sagittarius needs an energetic woman

Sagittarians are always on the move: they love new ideas, places and people. These men want a girl who is easy-going and will always enthusiastically accept all Sagittarius' proposals.

Capricorn needs a sociable woman

Capricorn men can sometimes be too quiet and conservative. Therefore, they need a woman who can talk to them and cheer them up. She is confident, sociable and cheerful; those around her love her. At the same time, she is also very hardworking and faithful to her husband.

Aquarius needs an unusual woman

Aquarians are unorthodox and need someone who is as unique as they are. She, of course, must have her own opinion, unconventional thoughts and lead unusual image life. At the same time, it would be ideal if their interests and views on life coincided.

Pisces needs a loving woman

Pisces are incorrigible dreamers. They want a woman with the same romantic and creative mind. At the same time, she must be able to return her husband from heaven to earth. Pisces men will appreciate it if their woman takes care of all household chores and surrounds them with love and support.

Of course, the horoscope is far from the only thing that should guide you when choosing a partner, but still it explains a lot. And who would refuse a hint in such a delicate matter as relationships?

How to interest a man in a purely feminine way. Zodiac signs unite representatives of the stronger sex into twelve groups, where each of them has distinctive feature from each other. Using them, it is easy to determine a man’s interests, preferences or character traits, knowing only his date of birth.

Astrology is a very fascinating science. She can tell about those traits of a person that he is not even aware of or refuses to accept in himself. She will tell you about your hobby, the elements, a comfortable living environment and shed light on the interesting aspects of your personality. As for amorous affairs, the stars will reveal secrets about how to attract the attention of the man you are interested in and how to properly present your sympathy to him in a feminine way, softly and not intrusively. Astrological horoscopes- this is an excellent option for those who are looking for a reasonable explanation for actions and behavior young man. Next, about a fascinating journey into the world of male constellations, where the secrets of each of the zodiac signs are revealed.

Diagnosis or horoscope

The date of birth significantly influences the formation of his character, habits, and lifestyle of the individual. It’s not in vain that there are twelve signs of the Zodiac that unite people according to similar parameters. But, in total, other factors also influence a person’s life, including astrological ones - the position of the Moon at birth, upbringing, social environment, position in society. These concepts are very related to each other. The path of an individual is prescribed from above, even before his birth. It happens that children of parents live their karmic path, as well as previous generations. This side of the coin is explained by esoteric science. But a horoscope, for example, will help answer the question of what kind of girls Aries likes or how to attract Aquarius, what kind of husband will come from Cancer or. The stars will suggest the right approach to a particular man, answering only for the characteristic behavior of his sign.

It is better to immediately understand the psychological aspects of a young man yourself, so as not to give up false hopes. If he has hundreds of problems that he creates for himself, leave him alone and don’t look for excuses in horoscopes. An exceptional case is close person who may need either your help or a consultation with a professional psychologist.

From Aries to Pisces

To draw psychological picture men by zodiac sign, you need to know the characteristics of each of them. What characteristics does your chosen one have if he:

Aries. What kind of girls do Aries men like? The attention of this sign will be attracted by a feminine woman - well-groomed, alluring, wise, able to yield to a representative of the stronger sex. Aries like to take the initiative, feel successful, strong and confident, show all their capabilities and protect. Next to him, do not be afraid to be defenseless, because he is always ready to protect you. He can be quick-tempered, he can say unpleasant things - don’t pay attention, it will pass in a couple of minutes. It’s better to remind him more often that he is the best and the bravest. To be close to Aries, you must have a riddle, an elusive secret. A woman’s ability to maintain passion, jealousy and constant intrigue is an alluring attraction for this sign. Now we know what kind of girls Aries men like.

Calf. Despite the characteristic stubbornness of this sign, Taurus loves tenderness, both verbally and physically. They prefer sophistication in everything: food, drinks, clothes, perfume. Therefore, to be a companion of Taurus, you must be able to live with taste. Don't make him jealous and make peace first, otherwise separation is inevitable.

Twins. These are very flighty and unpredictable men. They do not like to sit in one place and float in the routine of life. To please Gemini, you need to love change, be able to be different and change with him. Representatives of this sign will, first of all, be attracted by their partner’s intelligence, and only then by her external characteristics. Sharp and unpleasant odors irritate Gemini, so you should be more selective with your perfume and keep your body clean. Inconstancy and irresponsibility are something you have to come to terms with.

Cancer. These are lovers of delicious food. They will praise a woman who has surpassed herself in the culinary arts. Also, such men are very attached to their parents, especially their mother, and consciously look for a woman similar to her. Crayfish are of particular value family traditions. But indecision and changeability in mood, passivity are fundamental traits that cannot be changed. If Cancer is surrounded by your care and tenderness, he will be there forever.

a lion. Very noble and strong sign. Women who know how to admire, praise and sincerely enjoy gifts are very popular with Leo men. Give him the opportunity to love himself. For such a sign, this is much more than loving yourself. Leo men like girls who have exquisite taste and the ability to be different, but do not give them reasons for jealousy - they are terrible owners. To be together with Leo, you need feminine wisdom, sometimes humility and a desire to adapt to his mood.

Virgo. Men in this sign may seem like complete pedants. They love cleanliness, do not tolerate intrusiveness and are very economical. Virgos are cold in relationships and do not know how to show tenderness. But what they really value in a representative of the fair sex is, first of all, intelligence, and then they pay attention to appearance. For Virgos, the quality of love is more important than its quantity. If a Virgo man finds positive sides, then a long and happy relationship is guaranteed.

Scales. This man will leave only positive impressions of himself only after you have captured his heart. Libra men really like ideal girls - from their appearance to their direct behavior towards him. Stop expecting anything from Libra, and take the initiative into your own hands. They will definitely appreciate it.

Scorpion. This young man can be passionate, gentle, romantic and a real man at the same time. Never doubt him and let him make his own decisions. Better give him more passion and physical intimacy. In this they are insatiable. What kind of girls do Scorpio men like? Those that can provide psychological support, but at the same time they do not show their obsession. Here it is. Be faithful - they do not forgive betrayal. But tenderness, romance and vulnerability, on the contrary, will attract his attention.

Sagittarius. His life is a daily celebration. If you want to please Sagittarius, you need to be an interesting, enthusiastic person who loves traveling. Men of this sign love freedom very much, but if you become a friend and ally for him, then a long-term relationship is guaranteed. To ignite passion between you, tell him about your adventures.

Capricorn. This is a practical, stingy, pedantic, but very reliable sign. Capricorn is completely devoted to work - she will be your constant rival. In a companion, young people value modesty and refined taste. A woman with an excellent reputation must become the wife of Capricorn. But, despite the rigor and pedantry of the sign, in a relationship with it you will gain reliability, confidence, seriousness and practicality. How to please him, read.

Aquarius. This is the most freedom-loving sign. He will not tolerate intrusiveness and talk about marriages. Boredom and despondency are worse for Aquarius death penalty, so you should get used to frequent gatherings with friends, travel and adventures. Don't demand passion from them, rather try to be a cheerful, interesting person in order to keep your companion close. If boredom, tediousness and despondency appear in the house, you will lose Aquarius forever.

Fish. Very sensitive and immersed in their own world. Often this is creative personalities. Pisces need your support, attention, and ability to listen. But you will have to take the initiative into your own hands, while remaining cheerful and cheerful for them.

Among the signs presented, you can find a real man. But you can’t order your heart if he chose a pedantic Capricorn or a cold Virgo. Now you know what kind of girls Aries men like. Perhaps this is what a close friend wants to know more about. I just want to wish only one thing - strong love and harmony in relationships, despite any astrological predictions.


Every girl wants to feel attractive. The assessment of one's own beauty depends on personal feelings, depending on self-esteem, and on the degree of interest of the opposite sex. Therefore, the question of what kind of girls guys like always remains relevant. Knowing the opinion of your stronger half helps you draw useful conclusions and determine ways to improve your appearance and behavior.

What type of girls do guys like? (photo)

Sympathy between a man and a woman arises even before the first communication. Guys determine the attractiveness of girls, first of all, by appearance. When assessing, both the overall appearance and individual appearance parameters are taken into account. Almost all men say that they experience pleasant feelings when they see a girl who is beautiful, harmonious, blooming, and radiant. Let's take a closer look at what is meant by these characteristics.

What should the appearance be like?

Men like beautiful women. Almost all guys in love say that their girlfriend has an attractive appearance. Others may consider her only cute or even ordinary-looking. This suggests that every man has his own beauty parameters. Some people like green-eyed blondes, others like dark-eyed brown-haired women. There are several appearance parameters that do not leave any man indifferent. Here are some of them:

  • Shining eyes. Guys great importance give women's eyes. The color fades into the background. Most men remember a beautiful shape, warmth and radiance. Achieving a radiant look is possible through external and internal transformations.
  • Well-groomed skin. Clean skin exudes freshness and health, which does not leave the stronger sex indifferent. Anyone who wants to look attractive needs to carefully monitor the condition of the skin of the face and body, regularly visit a cosmetologist and use suitable care products.
  • Well-groomed hands and nails. Cases when a woman attracted the attention of her future husband with a beautiful manicure are not uncommon. Modern men great attention pay attention to the little things. It is important to always have a perfect manicure and pedicure. Even such an inconspicuous detail as cracked heels can completely ruin the first impression.
  • Naturalness. Guys like girls with natural beauty. A thick layer of makeup creates an unnatural effect and creates suspicion: what will she look like if she is not put on makeup? It is not at all necessary to completely abandon cosmetics; it is important to use it carefully and create a “makeup without makeup” effect.

The listed appearance parameters play an important role, but there is one more detail that is not visible in the mirror - smell. An unpleasant aroma will turn any beauty into an unpleasant person, so it is important to carefully monitor personal hygiene. It is permissible to use perfumed products, but only in moderation.

Figure: thin or plump?

In assessing a woman's appearance, men give a big role to the figure. This is explained by the instinct of procreation. The guy subconsciously evaluates every girl he likes as the future mother of his children. A girl should have a figure that indicates health, but painful thinness or excessive looseness of the body indicates the opposite. As a result, most representatives of the stronger sex like moderately plump girls. Fullness can also attract fans, but only if it is characterized by attractive rounded shapes: large breasts, buttocks.

Height: tall or short?

Growth estimates are always conditional. The concepts of “high” and “low” depend not only on the average height of residents in a certain area, but also on the height of the person conducting the assessment. So, for a man 170 cm tall, a girl 156 cm tall will not seem small at all. And for a guy over 2 meters tall, a 175 cm tall model may seem like a fragile little inch. In most cases, men prefer women who are 10-15 cm shorter than them. A significant percentage of the stronger sex considers it normal if the chosen one is taller.

Body type

The attractiveness of a physique is determined by its proportionality. A girl should be slim, which is not at all synonymous with thinness. Rather, it means harmonious proportions, correct posture and an even gait, which is achieved by regularly performing certain sets of exercises. The proportions of the figure are difficult to change, but slight disharmony can be corrected by a competent selection of clothing and accessories. Here are a couple of recommendations for improving your silhouette:

  • At short legs and a long body are shown wearing skirts and dresses with a high waistline, and high-heeled shoes.
  • Long arms can be visually shortened by a stylish jacket or pullover with three-quarter length sleeves.

What do the statistics say about this?

Official statistics There is no study that studies what kind of girls men like. Many magazines and websites regularly conduct such surveys. According to their results, men unanimously agree only on the ideal height of a woman - 170 cm. On the rest, views diverge. Most respondents find it difficult to name the ideal weight, but note that a woman should have the correct body proportions and a toned figure. The most popular breast size is 3, and the most attractive body type is hourglass.

As for hair color, there are almost always equal numbers of fans of blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads among respondents. Most respondents prefer natural hair color, length below the shoulder blades and natural hairstyles. The same situation applies to eye color. There is no one, only attractive eye color from a male point of view. Many respondents note the importance of a warm look.

What kind of character and behavior do guys like the most?

An attractive appearance can arouse male interest, but to continue a long and strong relationship, you must have character traits that a guy considers important. Harmony in a couple, the quality of communication and the number of conflicts depend on them. All guys want to feel spiritual comfort next to their chosen one, and this will not provide a beautiful appearance. What kind of girls do guys like? Here are the main character traits that attract most men:

  • Caring. Any guy likes it when a woman is attentive not only to herself, but also to her chosen one. Selfish bitches who only want to use guys to solve their problems are always a turn off.
  • Self confidence. People with adequate self-esteem does not concentrate on his shortcomings, does not humiliate other people, does not irritate him with constant whining about his appearance. It's nice to joke with a confident girl different topics, without fear of sudden offense.
  • Calm. Most guys are annoyed by girls being overly emotional. Guys like calm girls who are not prone to hysterics or causeless tears. A classic example of bad behavior in the male sense is the scandal of breaking dishes and throwing things out of the window.

What kind of girls do guys like based on their zodiac sign?

  • Men of water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio - like feminine girls who are capable of sincerely loving and caring for their partner. Representatives of the water element value thriftiness and the ability to create comfort in the home. Appearance is not particularly important; the presence of a riddle is of great importance. According to the horoscope of these signs, the girl must have something special, bewitching.
  • Guys of the earthly zodiac signs - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus - like practical ones, combining the features of an ideal housewife and lover. Representatives of the earthly element like it when a girl values ​​traditions, knows how to organize her life, and skillfully manages finances. Outwardly, men of earthly zodiac signs are attracted to classic beauty, elegant ladies who know how to behave in society.
  • Guys of the air zodiac signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - like funny, full of life, easy-going girls. For men air element It is important that their chosen one shares their hobbies and is ready for frequent trips, adventures, and walks. A girl with a bright, well-groomed appearance can attract representatives of the air.
  • Guys with fire zodiac signs - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius - like stately girls with a sleek appearance. It is important for representatives of the element of fire that their significant other is successful, has many hobbies, and knows how to stand up for themselves. Guys of these zodiac signs appreciate when a girl stands out from the crowd and arouses the admiration of others.

Video: What do guys and men like in girls?

Representatives of the fair sex are constantly racking their brains over what kind of girls do guys like? Everyone tries to be well-groomed, sweet, modest and caring. These are just some of the characteristics of an ideal woman. The video below will help you find out what else guys like in girls.

What is more important in women - intelligence or beauty?

The answer to this question may differ depending on the man's zodiac sign.

Some of them are greedy for beauties.

Some, on the contrary, value intelligence, a broad outlook and inner peace more.

1. Aries

Aries men - true connoisseurs of female beauty who, first of all, look at the lady’s appearance. But not every beauty can win the attention of a representative of a fire sign.

A woman does not have to meet classical standards of beauty, but her appearance must certainly be noticeable, expressive and spectacular. Also, men of this sign value temperament, energy and natural charm in the opposite sex.

If the girl is also smart, this will be a nice addition, but she should not try to become a leader in the union - Aries men do not like this.

2. Taurus

Although Taurus are quite down-to-earth, they are... subtle connoisseurs of female beauty, but it must be combined with intelligence, dignity and elegance. A man of this sign prefers smart women with developed intellect and good education.

Unlike Aries, they choose ladies who are not too bright, but who are well-groomed, sophisticated and able to successfully highlight their own advantages.

3. Gemini

Gemini men I like smart and erudite women who have a broad outlook and a good sense of humor. For this sign, the girl’s ability to carry on a conversation is important - these men can talk about lofty matters even in bed.

Age, appearance and social status are not overly important for Gemini. The main factor for them is intellectual compatibility and the pleasure they get from communicating with their partner.

4. Cancer

Cancer men are distinguished by a tendency to daydreaming, impressionability, and sentimentality. They like gentle, attractive and feminine ladies. In their minds, beauty should not be aggressive.

A Cancer companion should be sophisticated, graceful, and balanced. They like discreet beauty: blonde hair, natural makeup, clothes in pastel shades. Demonstration high intelligence in a relationship with Cancer is not necessary, but manifestations of spirituality, romance and emotional intimacy are important to them.

5. Leo

Leo men are true aesthetes and connoisseurs of beauty. They are attracted to chic, charismatic and luxurious ladies. Leo's pride will be flattered by the fact that there is a well-groomed and bright girl nearby who attracts the attention of others.

At the same time, the chosen one must be majestic and truly regal, so beauty is not all that interests Leo. A girl's intelligence is also important and her ability to feel confident in any society.

6. Virgos

Virgos are recognized intellectuals, so they choose erudite and intelligent women with a developed mind and a broad outlook. The chosen one must have correct speech, devoid of obscene language and slang.

In appearance, neatness and naturalness are important for the Virgo man. He will not like too sexy clothes and bright makeup, since representatives of this sign do not like vulgarity.

Video: "Which man should you choose based on your zodiac sign?"

7. Libra

Libras fall in love easily and are always looking for the ideal. It is important for them that the chosen one looks perfect. A man of this sign will notice every detail in the image, so everything should be on point. Since Libra tries to find harmony in everything, in addition to an attractive appearance, a woman must be smart, interesting and competent.

8. Scorpio

Scorpios are sexy and sensual, and they... very much appreciated feminine beauty . They will not ignore the spectacular beautiful girl, which can unobtrusively emphasize one’s own sexuality.

At the same time they may be off-putting by lack of taste, excessive extravagance and vulgarity. A bright appearance will attract the attention of Scorpio, but in order to keep it, it is also important to show your education and intelligence.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are active and inquisitive. They are attracted to smart, sociable, well-read ladies. The girl should become a friend to Sagittarius, share his interests and hobbies. They like it when a woman shows her knowledge in some of the purely “male” fields, for example, technology, politics, sports.

Representatives of this sign also value female beauty, but if behind the attractiveness lies an inner emptiness, the girl is unlikely to hold the attention of Sagittarius.

10. Capricorn

Capricorns are quite down to earth. In women, intelligence and intelligence are important to them. A too bright and catchy appearance can alert a representative of this sign, as it will cause associations with frivolity and emptiness, and it will be difficult to convince Capricorn.

This sign I like serious, smart, rational ladies. The chosen one should dress in classic style, but it’s better that the image is not overly bland. A man of this sign will appreciate a certain “zest”, a secret that he wants to reveal.

11. Aquarius

Aquarians are extraordinary personalities. They often pay attention to spectacular and shocking ladies.. A representative of this sign will certainly not be able to pass by a girl who has a non-standard or exotic appearance.

He may like unusual clothes, a non-trivial hairstyle, some interesting makeup. A mystery woman will interest a representative of this sign, but interest will quickly disappear if the chosen one’s intelligence is insufficient to communicate with her on various topics.

12. Pisces

Pisces Men quite controversial and often tend to go to extremes. They are attracted either to inaccessible intellectuals or to doll-like beauties. In general, they choose women who can combine visual attractiveness and sophistication with a developed mind and strong character.

When communicating with a representative of this sign, a woman should be prepared for the fact that the initiative in meeting and developing relationships in the future should be hers.

Video: “How guys of different zodiac signs kiss”

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For some reason, in our society it is generally accepted that men choose women solely based on external appearance. But in reality, every man holds in his head a certain image of a woman with certain character traits. Let's take a closer look at which women are capable of turning the heads of men of different zodiac signs.

Daring and impulsive Aries men always love with their eyes. They, like a match, light up at the sight of a bright, long-legged beauty. And, unfortunately, Aries most often fade away just as quickly. If you want to keep a man of this zodiac sign, high heels, mini skirts and red lipstick should become your irreplaceable “friends”.

Taurus men belong to the category of decent family men and owners. They look closely at women for a long time and always make their choice carefully. Ideal woman for a Taurus man, she has restrained beauty and charisma, she has good manners, she is intelligent and sweet, but at the same time unpredictable and even eccentric.

Gemini men They always immediately turn their attention to women who are open, bright and emotional. And since Geminis are mostly dualistic and fickle, their chosen ones constantly need to feed their interest. A man of this zodiac sign is unlikely to choose a quiet and housewife, but he will undoubtedly like an eccentric and childishly naive lady.

Vulnerable, tender and often unsure of himself Cancer man Since childhood he has been dreaming of a woman-mother. No, not about a strict teacher who will rub his nose in his mistakes. And about the one who will greet him from work with a delicious dinner and strong hugs, who will turn a blind eye to his grievances and bad mood, who will give wise advice and help him find his place in life.

Any typical Leo man longs to see every man's dream next to him. His companion must certainly be bright, educated and easy-going. She doesn't necessarily have to know how to cook or cross-stitch, but she definitely has to be good at professional activity. Leos like active and enterprising women who inspire admiration among others.

Please for a man of the zodiac sign Virgo It's not always easy. The whole catch is that representatives of this sign like beautiful, but at the same time discreet women. They want to see an activist and a hostess nearby, an erudite and not annoying companion. Such conflicting preferences often lead Virgos to a bachelor life.

Libra Man, undoubtedly dreams of a beautiful, intelligent intellectual. Representatives of this sign love not only with their eyes. The Libra man's companion should be able to conduct a dialogue and support it in any situation. These men don't like high-profile scandals and breaking dishes, so they are definitely not on the same page with drama lovers.

Scorpio Man- an adherent of the classical family model, where a woman is the keeper of the hearth, and he is her strong shoulder. In addition, Scorpio always chooses a sexually attractive woman. This does not mean that she should look vulgar. Sexuality, rather, lies in her grace and presentation. Do not forget that these men are terribly jealous, so you need to be extremely careful with sexuality.

Sagittarius men- typical hunter-conquerors. For them, the woman of their dreams is the one they have to achieve for many months, or even years. And to please this conqueror of peaks, you need to be an extraordinary, bright, active and slightly narcissistic woman.

Capricorn men constant and conservative, easy flirting and one-night stands are not for them. They are usually attracted to self-sufficient and highly organized women with a pleasant appearance and good manners. It is important for Capricorns that their chosen one makes a pleasant impression on those around them and does not re-educate them.

Aquarius by nature they are freedom-loving and unpredictable, so their chosen ones should stock up on considerable patience if they are going to connect their lives with these “loners”. For Aquarius, what is most important in women is a mystery. They don't like "read books." Undoubtedly, these men like prominent women, but in addition to beauty, they must have some feature that will make them stand out from the crowd.

To please Pisces man, a woman should be on the same wavelength with him. Pisces have good intuition, so they very quickly begin to feel their person. Pisces are not too hasty, impractical and dreamy, so a woman who knows how to organize and gently guide in the right direction will always be of interest to these incorrigible romantics.



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