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What is the deepest ocean on Earth? Where is the Mariana Trench located?

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8 deepest points of the world's oceans on planet Earth

At the bottom of the oceans there are special depressions (trenches) in which darkness reigns. Due to the strong pressure, these places are still poorly studied, but at least their depth is already known. To find out which ocean is the most deep depression, read our article to the end.

8 - Japanese groove

The Japan Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean and connects with the Kuril-Kamchatka depression. According to the latest data that can be found on Wikipedia, its length is 1,000 km, and depth - 8,412 meters. Will this data change? Anything is possible, because research carried out in 1989 using the Shinkai 6500 11 apparatus showed that the depth of the depression is only 6,526 m. Less than 20 years later, this information was refuted by a Japanese-British expedition, which in this place managed to film sea slugs on depth 7,700 m.

7 - Puerto Rico Trench

On the border Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is the Puerto Rico depression. It occupies a fairly large area of ​​1,754 by 97 km and has depth 8,742 meters. The area in which the depression is located poses a serious danger to residents of this region. For example, in Haiti in 2010, an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 was recorded. The trench itself was the site of a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in 1787.

6 - Kuril-Kamchatka Trench

Some 100 years ago, the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench had a different name - the Tuscarora Trench. This is a deep sea trench ( 9,717 meters) 59 km wide. The depression was explored for the last time in 1950 by Soviet scientists on the Vityaz ship. There is information that the bottom of the depression is uneven, and on the slopes there are valleys, terraces and ledges. We do not yet know whether the trench will be examined in more detail in the near future.

5 - Izu-Boninsky Trench

The Izu-Bonin Trench, which is located in the Pacific Ocean. The depression connects to the Japan Trench and has depth 9,810 meters. The bottom is flat and in places narrow. It is divided by rapids into several depressions, the depth of which varies between 7–9,000 m.

4 - Kermadec Depression

It cannot be said that the Kermadec oceanic trench is the deepest. It has a maximum depth 10,047 m and length 1,200 km. There is a depression at the eastern foot of the island of the same name. The trench is not only deep, but also quite cold, and the reason for this is the current from the Arctic. Is there life in the marine world at such depths? - a question to which we also would not mind getting an answer.

On a note. This depression was named after the French navigator and traveler Jean-Michel Huon de Kermadec.

3 - Philippine chute

It is logical that the Philippine Trench is located near the Philippine Islands. It appeared as a result of the collision of earth layers. Since the gutter has depth 10,540 meters, then it is on the third step of our rating. As for the other sizes, they are also not small: the length of the depression is 1,320 km, and the width is 30 km.

This place was first discovered during an expedition that took place in 1883–1884. And it happened like this: the corvette Vettore Pisani (Italy) reached the eastern side of the Philippine Islands and recorded great depths. Palubmo, who commanded the expedition, did not attach any importance to this and moved on. A little later, a German hydrographic expedition commanded by W. Brenneke began exploring the depression.

2 - Tonga Trench

A deep-sea trench, 860 km long, is also located in the Pacific Ocean. The depression has depth 10,882 meters and connects to the Karmadek gutter. If you think that this is the greatest depth of the world's oceans, then you are very mistaken. The gutter only gets second place on our list.

The peculiarity of Tonga is that, compared to other places on our planet, the greatest movement of lithospheric plates is observed here. If they usually move 2 cm per year, then in this place they move 25.4 cm. Since the depression is not very well explored, big discoveries may await us ahead.

1 - Mariana Trench

Finally, you will find out what the deepest depression in the world's oceans is. Mariana Trench. It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and its most deep point « Challenger Deep"(aka Mariana Trench ) is located depth near 10,994 m. You can find it 340 km southwest of the island of Guam. The latest research into the depression was carried out by an American expedition in 2010, which discovered mountains on the surface of the bottom. Using a modern device, scientists were able to explore 400 thousand m2 of area.

Mariana Trench coordinates: 11.22, 142.35.

Interesting fact: if you get to a depth of 10,994, then the atmospheric pressure there will be 1,072 times higher than normal. To make it clear to you what this is, imagine that you have 100 elephants on your head. It's scary to even think about it. At great depths there is such pressure that even modern devices cannot withstand it. An example of this is the Nereus apparatus, which disappeared to an unknown location while exploring the Karmadec depression.

What would you answer if you were asked which ocean has the deepest depression? Do you know which one or ? If you don't know, it's okay. Stay with us and we will tell you a lot of interesting things.

Incredible facts

The earth is still full of secrets even though many of them have been revealed scientists and researchersfor many years.

About several unusual places, created by people, but mostly by nature, you can find out here.

Plunge into the depths of our planet and imagine how many open secrets our planet holds within itself.

The world's deepest well (the deepest well in the USSR)

In the Murmansk region, in 1970, 10 kilometers west of the city of Zapolyarny there is Kola ultra-deep well SG-Z, whose depth is 12,262 meters, making it the most deep well in the world. The cost of drilling work is equal to the cost of the project to fly to the Moon. In 1989, the Guinness Book of Records registered the well as the deepest on Earth. It was drilled to study the boundaries of the lithosphere of our planet.

The deepest metro

The Kyiv metro station "Arsenalnaya" ("Arsenalna") is the deepest in the world. It is located on the Svyatoshinsko-Brovarskaya line and was opened on November 6, 1960. The "English type" station has a short middle hall and its depth is 105.5 meters.

The deepest ocean

The Pacific Ocean is not only the largest ocean on our planet by area, but also the deepest.

The deepest trench (the deepest place in the ocean, the deepest depression)

The Mariana Trench (or Mariana Trench) is an oceanic deep-sea trench. Its name comes from the nearby Mariana Islands. The most deep place The depression is called the Challenger Deep and it goes 11,035 meters deep.

The deepest lake in the world

Lake Baikal, which many Russians call the sea, is a lake of tectonic origin and is located in the southern part Eastern Siberia. In addition to being the deepest lake in the world - 1,642 meters, Baikal is also the largest natural reservoir fresh water. There is a unique diversity of flora and fauna here - more than 1,700 species of plants and animals, 2/3 of which cannot be found anywhere else on the planet. In addition, the lake is considered the oldest on Earth - its age is about 25 million years.

The deepest sea

The Philippine Sea, located near the Philippine archipelago, has average depth 4,108 meters, and it is considered the deepest thanks to the Philippine Trench, the deepest point of which is 10,540 meters.

The deepest river

The length of the Congo River is 4344-4700 kilometers, the basin area is 3,680,000 square kilometers, and the maximum depth is more than 230 meters, making it the deepest in the world. It is also worth noting that this is the second most water-rich river on Earth after the Amazon and the only large river that crosses the equator 2 times. As the lower Congo begins to break through the South Guinean Highlands in a deep gorge, it forms the Livingston Falls, and it is here that the river reaches its greatest depths.

Deepest mine

On this moment The deepest mine in the world can be called the Tau-Tona mine, which is located 70 kilometers from Johannesburg (South Africa). The name of the mine can be translated from one African language as “great lion”. Gold is mined here, and so far this deposit has a depth of about 4 km, but mining is carried out at a depth of 2.3 to 3.595 kilometers.

Deepest cave

The Krubera-Voronya cave, located in Abkhazia, can be called the deepest in the world (at least among the caves studied). The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of approximately 2,256 meters in the Orto-Balagan tract. It is worth noting that the Krubera-Voronya cave was discovered by Georgian speleologists in 1960. At the moment it has been explored to a depth of 95 meters.

There is no doubt that the Mariana Trench is the deepest trench in the world's oceans. Its depth is about 11 km.

The trench stretches along the Mariana Islands for 1,500 km. Located in the area where two tectonic plates meet, where the Pacific Plate goes under the Philippine Plate. It has steep slopes (up to 7°) and a V-shape. The huge distance to the bottom, which is greater than to the peak, creates colossal pressure that exceeds normal atmospheric pressure by 1072 times and amounts to 108 MPa. The water temperature at the bottom, where sunlight does not penetrate, is about 0°C.

Corvette Challenger (1875)

The first explorations of this area were carried out by English sailors back in 1875, when sailing over the trench, the corvette Challenger measured a depth of 8367 m using a lot (a device that measures depth).

Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh (23 January 1960)

On January 23, 1960, the first human dive to the bottom of the trench took place. American sailor Don Walsh and researcher Jacques Piccard (Switzerland) on the bathyscaphe Trieste sank to a depth of 10,915 m. During the dive, the submariners met several flat fish about 30 cm in size at the bottom.

Don Walsh is an American naval scientist and lieutenant in the US Navy, recognized by Life magazine as one of the greatest explorers. Jacques Piccard is a Swiss oceanographer and the main pilot for the dive. Jacques received Active participation in the creation of the Trieste bathyscaphe itself, the chief designer of which was his father Auguste Picard. The main work on the design and assembly of the 150-ton deep-sea vessel took place in the Italian city of Trieste, after which it was named. Currently, the bathyscaphe is a museum exhibit at the Naval Historical Center in Washington.

James Cameron (March 26, 2012)

For the second time, the deepest depression in the ocean was “conquered” by man on March 26, 2012. Director James Cameron reached a depth of 10,908 meters in the single-seat deep-sea submersible Deepsea Challenger. The $7 million device was equipped with a variety of equipment, including lighting equipment for photography and video shooting. In addition to filming and photography, samples of rocks and living organisms were brought to the surface. Construction of the 11-ton bathyscaphe took place in Australia over 8 years and was completed in January 2012.

Currently, there is no need for a person to dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench himself. Research is carried out by unmanned automatic vehicles made of heavy-duty materials.

At such depths there are no algae, no sunlight, little oxygen, a large number of carbon dioxide, low temperatures, and of course enormous hydrostatic pressure, which increases by 1 atmosphere every 10 meters. Most representatives of the animal world are not able to survive in such conditions. For a long time, scientists believed that at depths of more than 6 km, life simply could not exist.

However, as you know, you can adapt to anything and, as it turns out, to life at such depths as well. Thanks to numerous studies, it turned out that

at depths of 6-11 km live:

Pogonophora - in the Mariana Trench there are entire colonies of these invertebrate animals living in chitinous tubes;

Xenophyophores - these simple barophilic bacteria were recently discovered at the bottom of the deepest depression on Earth at a depth of 10,641 m. Despite the fact that they contain many heavy metals (uranium, lead, mercury), poisonous to ordinary organisms, xenophyophores are a habitat for numerous deep-sea animals;

Foraminifera (an order of protozoa of the subclass of rhizomes with a cytoplasmic body covered with a shell);

Bivalves and gastropods;


Polychaete worms;

Holothurians - in deep-sea representatives of this class, the legs are greatly elongated and are used as stilts;


Also inhabitants of the Mariana Trench are:

The rarest of all known octopuses, it dives to a depth of more than 7 km. The size of the largest representative of this species ever discovered was 1.8 m. It mainly feeds on small crustaceans and amphipods, which, unlike other species of octopuses, it swallows whole;

- its maximum size reaches 32 cm. It lives at a level of 200-1500 m in all parts of the world's oceans, except the northern part of the Pacific and northwest Atlantic oceans;

It was discovered at a maximum depth of 4 km, females grow up to 60 cm in length, males up to 4 cm;

Immerses 3 km;

Found in the Arctic and Pacific oceans;

Or the monkfish lives at a level of 1 km from the surface of the ocean.

Lasiognathus saccostoma at the American Museum natural history(1933)

Among numerous studies, several unexplained incidents have been recorded. One of them is described by the New York Times. The research vessel Glomar Challenger conducted research of the Mariana Trench using a deep-sea vehicle. At one point, a device recording sounds transmitted to the ship noises similar to the grinding of saw teeth on metal. At the same time, fuzzy objects appeared on the screens. A decision was made to urgently raise the equipment to the surface. When he was lifted onto the ship, scientists discovered that the 20-centimeter steel cable used to lower the equipment was half cut and the hull was seriously damaged. However, most likely this information is a “duck”, since there is no evidence of this, and it was also not possible to find the same issue of the New York Times newspaper.

The most mysterious and inaccessible point on our planet, the Mariana Trench, is called the “fourth pole of the Earth.” It is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and extends 2926 km in length and 80 km in width. At a distance of 320 km south of the island of Guam there is the deepest point of the Mariana Trench and the entire planet - 11022 meters. In these little-explored depths hide living creatures whose appearance is as monstrous as their living conditions.

The Mariana Trench is called the "fourth pole of the Earth"

The Mariana Trench, or Mariana Trench, is an oceanic trench in the western Pacific Ocean, which is the deepest geographical feature known on Earth. Research of the Mariana Trench was initiated by the expedition ( December 1872 - May 1876) English ship "Challenger" ( HMS Challenger), which carried out the first systematic measurements of the depths of the Pacific Ocean. This military three-masted corvette with sail rigging was rebuilt as an oceanographic vessel for hydrological, geological, chemical, biological and meteorological work in 1872.

In 1960, a great event took place in the history of the conquest of the world's oceans

The bathyscaphe Trieste, piloted by French explorer Jacques Piccard and US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh, reached its deepest point. ocean floor- the Challenger Deep, located in the Mariana Trench and named after the English ship Challenger, from which the first data about it were obtained in 1951.

Bathyscaphe "Trieste" before diving, January 23, 1960

The dive lasted 4 hours 48 minutes and ended at 10911 m relative to sea level. At this terrible depth, where there is a monstrous pressure of 108.6 MPa ( which is more than 1100 times more than normal atmospheric) flattens all living things, the researchers made a major oceanological discovery: they saw two 30-centimeter flounder-like fish swimming past the porthole. Before this, it was believed that no life existed at depths exceeding 6000 m.

Thus it was installed absolute record depth of immersion, which is impossible to surpass even theoretically. Picard and Walsh were the only people to reach the bottom of the Challenger Deep. All subsequent dives to the deepest point of the world's oceans, for research purposes, were made by unmanned robotic bathyscaphes. But there were not so many of them, since “visiting” the Challenger Abyss is both labor-intensive and expensive.

One of the achievements of this dive, which had a beneficial effect on the environmental future of the planet, was the refusal of nuclear powers to bury radioactive waste at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The fact is that Jacques Picard experimentally refuted the prevailing opinion at that time that at depths above 6000 m there is no upward movement of water masses.

In the 90s, three dives were made by the Japanese Kaiko device, controlled remotely from the “mother” ship via a fiber-optic cable. However, in 2003, while exploring another part of the ocean, the towing steel cable broke during a storm and the robot was lost. The underwater catamaran Nereus became the third deep-sea vehicle to reach the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

In 2009, humanity again reached the deepest point of the world's oceans.

On May 31, 2009, humanity again reached the deepest point of the Pacific, and indeed the entire world ocean - the American deep-sea vehicle Nereus sank into the Challenger failure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The device took soil samples and took underwater photos and videos at maximum depth, illuminated only by its LED spotlight. During the current dive, Nereus' instruments recorded a depth of 10,902 meters. The indicator was 10,911 meters, and Picard and Walsh measured a value of 10,912 meters. Many Russian maps still show the value of 11,022 meters obtained by the Soviet oceanographic vessel Vityaz during the 1957 expedition. All this indicates the inaccuracy of the measurements, and not a real change in depth: no one carried out cross-calibration of the measuring equipment that gave the given values.

The Mariana Trench is formed by the boundaries of two tectonic plates: the colossal Pacific plate goes under the not so large Philippine plate. This is a zone of extremely high seismic activity, part of the so-called Pacific volcanic ring of fire, stretching for 40 thousand km, an area with the most frequent eruptions and earthquakes in the world. The deepest point of the trench is the Challenger Deep, named after the English ship.

The inexplicable and incomprehensible have always attracted people, which is why scientists around the world want to answer the question: “ What does the Mariana Trench hide in its depths?

The inexplicable and incomprehensible have always attracted people

For a long time, oceanographers considered the hypothesis that life could exist at depths of more than 6,000 m in impenetrable darkness, under enormous pressure and at temperatures close to zero, to be crazy. However, the results of research by scientists in the Pacific Ocean have shown that even in these depths, much below the 6000-meter mark, there are huge colonies of living organisms, pogonophora, a type of marine invertebrate animals that live in long chitinous tubes open at both ends.

IN Lately The veil of secrecy was lifted by manned and automatic underwater vehicles made of heavy-duty materials, equipped with video cameras. The result was the discovery of a rich animal community consisting of both familiar and less familiar marine groups.

Thus, at depths of 6000 - 11000 km, the following were discovered:

- barophilic bacteria (developing only at high pressure);

- from protozoa - foraminifera (an order of protozoa of the subclass of rhizomes with a cytoplasmic body covered with a shell) and xenophyophores (barophilic bacteria from protozoa);

- from multicellular organisms - polychaete worms, isopods, amphipods, sea cucumbers, bivalves and gastropods.

At the depths there is no sunlight, no algae, constant salinity, low temperatures, an abundance of carbon dioxide, enormous hydrostatic pressure (increases by 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters). What do the inhabitants of the abyss eat?

Research has shown that there is life at depths of over 6,000 meters

The food sources of deep animals are bacteria, as well as the rain of “corpses” and organic detritus coming from above; deep animals are either blind, or with very developed eyes, often telescopic; many fish and cephalopods with photofluoride; in other forms the surface of the body or parts of it glow. Therefore, the appearance of these animals is as terrible and incredible as the conditions in which they live. Among them are frightening-looking worms 1.5 meters long, without a mouth or anus, mutant octopuses, extraordinary sea ​​stars and some soft-bodied creatures two meters long, which have not yet been identified at all.

Despite the fact that scientists have made a huge step in researching the Mariana Trench, the questions have not decreased, and new mysteries have appeared that have yet to be solved. And the ocean abyss knows how to keep its secrets. Will people be able to reveal them in the near future? We will follow the news.

The Mariana Trench (or commonly referred to as the Mariana Trench) is the deepest known place on Earth. Based on recent research data, we can say that the depth of the lowest point of this trench, called the “Challenger Deep,” is 11 kilometers (adjusted 40 meters). The depression is so named because of the nearby Mariana Islands (which are part of the state of Guam). It is the most distant point from sea level (even further than, whose height is 8,848 meters).

Geographical position

The Mariana Trench is a deep-sea trench located in the western Pacific Ocean off the coast of Micronesia and Guam. The deepest point in the gutter is Challenger Deep, is located in the southwestern part, 340 kilometers from the island of Guam in a southwestern direction.

It is very difficult for a simple tourist to get to the place where the Mariana Trench is located, since visiting it requires full preparation of the expedition, in accordance with all safety rules, and this costs a lot of money. Therefore, it is not surprising that the depression is visited either by the very rich and famous people(like James Cameron, director of the films Titanic and Avatar), or scientific groups from various countries.

Diving into the Mariana Trench

The first mention of the trench appeared in 1875, when the British Empire corvette Challenger explored the bottom Pacific Ocean near the Mariana Islands. Then, using a deep-sea lot (a device for measuring depth), an approximate depth of 8,137 m was established. It should be mentioned that depth studies are hampered by the properties of water, which change depending on the horizon level at which the device is currently located .

Man managed to visit the bottom of the Mariana Trench for the first time in early 1960 (01/23/1960). These were the son of the famous designer and engineer Jacques Piccard (father, Auguste Piccard, just designed the bathyscaphe on which the dive took place) and US Navy lieutenant Don Walsh.

The second dive was carried out not by a person, but by a probe of Japanese origin in March 1995 (03/25/1995). Then the device recorded a depth of 10,911 meters. After the device was lifted from the water, a large number of living “foraminefera” organisms were found in pieces of silt on it.

The next dive took place on May 31, 2009 by the American Nereus apparatus, which took several photographs at the bottom and collected soil samples.

The last dive you've probably heard about took place March 26, 2012 famous American director James Cameron(directed films such as Titanic and Avatar). The dive was carried out on the DeepSea Challenger apparatus.

Mysteries of the Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench, if explored, is only 5%. According to recent studies of the trench, its area is about 400,000 square kilometers and its relief resembles mountainous areas of the earth.



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