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What role does it play in works of art? The role of art in my life. Synthetic or real

Art- this is a creative understanding of the surrounding world by a talented person. The fruits of this understanding belong not only to its creators, but to all humanity living on planet Earth.

The beautiful creations of ancient Greek sculptors and architects, Florentine mosaic masters, Raphael and Michelangelo... Dante, Petrarch, Mozart, Bach, Tchaikovsky are immortal. It takes your breath away when you try to grasp with your mind everything created by geniuses, preserved and continued by their descendants and followers.


Depending on the material means with which they are constructed works of art, three groups of types of arts objectively arise: 1) spatial, or plastic (painting, sculpture, graphics, art photography, architecture, arts and crafts and design), i.e. those that deploy their images in space; 2) temporary (verbal and musical), i.e. those where images are built in time, and not in real space; 3) spatio-temporal (dance; acting and everything based on it; synthetic - theater, cinema, television, variety and circus, etc.), i.e. those whose images have both extension and duration, physicality and dynamism. Each type of art is directly characterized by the method of material existence of its works and the type of figurative signs used. Within these limits, all its types have varieties, determined by the characteristics of a particular material and the resulting originality of the artistic language.

Thus, varieties of verbal art are oral creativity and written literature; types of music - vocal and different types instrumental music; varieties of performing arts - dramatic, musical, puppetry, shadow theater, as well as stage and circus; varieties of dance - everyday dance, classical, acrobatic, gymnastic, ice dance, etc.

On the other hand, each type of art has generic and genre divisions. The criteria for these divisions are defined in different ways, but the very existence of such types of literature as epic, lyric poetry, drama is obvious. visual arts, such as easel, monumental-decorative, miniature, such genres of painting as portrait, landscape, still life...

Thus, art, taken as a whole, is a historically established system of various specific methods of artistic exploration of the world,

each of which has features that are common to all and individually unique.


All types of arts serve the greatest of arts - the art of living on earth.

Bertolt Brecht

Now it is impossible to imagine that our lives would not be accompanied by art and creativity. Wherever and whenever a person lived, even at the dawn of his development, he tried to comprehend the world around him, which means he sought to understand and figuratively, intelligibly pass on the acquired knowledge to subsequent generations. This is how wall paintings appeared in caves - ancient human settlements. And this is born not only from the desire to protect one’s descendants from the mistakes already made by one’s ancestors, but from the transfer of the beauty and harmony of the world, admiration for the perfect creations of nature.

Humanity did not mark time, it progressively moved forward and higher, and art also developed, accompanying man at all stages of this long and painful path. If you look at the Renaissance, you admire the heights that artists and poets, musicians and architects reached. The immortal creations of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci still fascinate with their perfection and deep awareness of the role of man in the world, where he is destined to walk his short but beautiful, sometimes tragic path.

Art is one of the most important stages in human evolution. Art helps a person look at the world from different points of view. With each era, with each century, it is improved more and more by man. At all times, art has helped people develop their abilities and improve abstract thinking. Over the centuries, man has tried more and more to change art, improve it, and deepen his knowledge. Art is great secret a world in which the secrets of the history of our lives are hidden. Art is our history. Sometimes you can find answers to questions that even the most ancient manuscripts cannot answer.

Today, a person can no longer imagine life without a read novel, without a new movie, without a theater premiere, without a fashionable hit and a loved one. music group, without art exhibitions... In art, a person finds new knowledge, answers to vital questions, calm from everyday bustle, and pleasure. A real work of art is always in tune with the thoughts of readers, viewers, and listeners. A novel can tell about a distant historical era, about people who seem to have a completely different way and style of life, but the feelings with which people at all times were imbued are understandable to the current reader, consonant with him, if the novel was written by a real master. Let Romeo and Juliet live in Verona in ancient times. It is not the time or place of action that determines my perception great love and true friendship, described by the brilliant Shakespeare.

Russia has not become a distant province of art. Even at the dawn of its emergence, it declared loudly and boldly about its right to stand next to greatest creators Europe: “The Tale of Igor’s Host”, icons and paintings by Andrei Rublev and Theophanes the Greek, cathedrals of Vladimir, Kyiv and Moscow. We are not only proud of the amazing proportions of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl and the Moscow Intercession Cathedral, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, but also sacredly honor the names of the creators.

It is not only ancient creations that attract our attention. We constantly encounter works of art in Everyday life. By visiting museums and exhibition halls, we want to join that wonderful world, which is accessible first only to geniuses, and then to others, we learn to understand, see, absorb the beauty that has already become part of our everyday life.

Pictures, music, theater, books, films give a person incomparable joy and satisfaction, make him sympathize. Eliminate all this from the life of a civilized person, and he will turn, if not into an animal, then into a robot or zombie. The riches of art are inexhaustible. It is impossible to visit all the museums in the world, you cannot listen to all the symphonies, sonatas, operas, you cannot review all the masterpieces of architecture, you cannot re-read all the novels, poems, poems. And there's no point. Know-it-alls actually turn out to be superficial people. From all the diversity, a person chooses for his soul what is closest to him, what gives the basis to his mind and feelings.

Art plays a vital role in our lives, helping future generations to grow morally. Each generation makes its contribution to the development of humanity, culturally enriching it. Without art, we would hardly be able to look at the world from different points of view, differently, look beyond the ordinary, feel a little more keenly. Art, like a person, has many small veins, blood vessels, and organs.


Art is an integral part of the life of every state, city and person. The word “art” has many definitions, characteristics and features, but each person represents it in his own way.

In my opinion, art is a figurative reflection of reality, main goal which is the introduction of a person to the beautiful, sensual, interesting and beautiful, sometimes even to the inexplicable and contradictory. I think that cinema, painting, architecture and other forms of art should evoke different emotions, feelings and thoughts in the soul and mind of a person. Undoubtedly, the same work of art can evoke completely opposite feelings in the souls of people.

Art plays a huge role in our lives as long as it makes us think about important problems and things happening around us, while art excites human consciousness and does not leave us indifferent.

I enjoy reading. Reading broadens my horizons and makes me more erudite. From books I learn a lot of new interesting things about the world around me, about human life, about his values, feelings. Classic literature develops character and instills moral traits. Reading the works of classics such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky enriches my inner world, give an idea of ​​such values ​​as honor and dignity. Also from books we learn about friendship, love, betrayal, hatred, sympathy and other things. But I believe that you need to read not only the classic world literature, but also books by contemporary authors. Still, in their works all feelings, problems and values ​​are adapted to modern society. From the books of our contemporaries we can find a concrete solution to the problem in our society, in our century.

If we talk about the sense of beauty, the development of taste, then I like the art of photography. Through photography, the author expresses his inner world on objects of the surrounding world, in nature. In the works of photographers we see their style, their taste, their outlook on life, and thus we can reconsider our values, and sometimes use their worldview for self-improvement. Very often I look at the work of contemporary photographers, photographers of different styles and directions, and I can say that each of them sees the world in their own way. Photography for them is a way of self-expression. She means the same to me.

Besides literature and photography, I am also interested in cinema. Movies are like books. They perform the same function. For me, films are not only a way to have a good time, but also a reason to think about the relevance of the problem raised in it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that art has a huge impact on my life. Without art, my life would be boring, monotonous and meaningless. Art brings a touch of beauty into my life.

No matter how complex and unpredictable our life may be, there are always moments and events that decorate it and make it beautiful. We always try to strive for the best, for something good. Living, loving, doing something useful for yourself and society is wonderful. The role of art is as important as life itself. Everything that surrounds us is a kind of art.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors tried to depict some pictures, events of their lives, battles, and hunting on walls, pieces of leather, and stones. At that time, they had no idea that their attempts would bring a lot of new knowledge for humanity in the future. Their sculptures, utensils, weapons, clothes have great importance, thanks to these finds, we know the history of the development of our ancestors. Then they had no idea that everything they did was art, and that the role of art in human life would be very great.

Cultural development and morality are promoted by different areas of art (the essence of which is to show and teach the real and beautiful world). With the help of music, poetry of professionals and amateurs, we can understand the aesthetic perception of our world. Therefore, the role of art in human life is simply enormous!

Artists, sculptors, poets, musicians and every person who tries to convey through their creativity the perception and vision of something special that surrounds us, occupies an important place in cultural development humanity. Even Small child Having made his first drawing, appliqué or craft, he has already to some extent touched the world of art. At an older age, as a teenager, his tastes in choosing a clothing style, preferences in music, books and his perception of life are formed. Worldview and aesthetic taste are arranged in a logical chain during direct communication with works of art, but only personal assessment influences the choice and formation of taste. Therefore, it is necessary to encounter the world of art and real masterpieces more often.

The role of art in human life is so great that, once having acquired the habit of visiting museums and art galleries, read interesting books, poetry, you will want to touch the spiritual and historical world, get acquainted with new and interesting people, learn the artistic creations of other peoples, get acquainted with their history and culture. All this brings variety and bright colors to our lives, contributes to the desire to live better, more interesting. There is a lot of spiritual wealth around us and the role of art in modern world is not in last place. Having touched the beautiful, a person tries to bring as many beautiful things into his life as possible, strives for the perfection of his body and speech, correct behavior and communication with other people. Studying and communicating with art, there is a desire to come up with something new and original, you want to create and invent.

Art- one of the main forms of spiritual culture of humanity, which arose in ancient times. Thus, already in the Upper Paleolithic era, 40 thousand years ago, there was “cave art” - wonderful rock engravings and paintings in which our distant ancestors depicted animals and hunting scenes.

Later sculpture, music, architecture, theater, fiction. These are classic art forms that are thousands of years old. The development of forms and types of art continues in our time. In the modern world, thanks to the development of technology, some new types of art have appeared, for example, the art of cinema, artistic photography, and now the art of computer graphics is emerging.

All this suggests that human life is impossible without art, that it meets some of his deepest needs. To explain her character, we need to remember that man is an active being. Through their activities, people learn the world and transform it.


practically active- it is regulated by such general needs and goals as benefit and benefit;

educational- its goal is truth;

artistic- its value is beauty.

Therefore, we can define art as a way of mastering and transforming the world according to the laws of beauty.

The specificity of art is to reflect reality through artistic images, that is, in a concrete sensory form, and not with the help of concepts and theories as in scientific knowledge. This is obvious in painting or sculpture. But even literature, although its figurative side is not striking, differs significantly from knowledge. For example, historians or sociologists, studying noble society in Russia XIX, describe and explain it using concepts such as “class”, “serfdom”, “autocracy”, etc. In contrast, Pushkin and Gogol brilliantly depicted the essence of this society in the images of Onegin and Tatyana, Chichikov and a series of landowners from " Dead souls" These are two different, but complementary ways of cognition and display of reality. The first is aimed at discovering the general, natural in the reality being studied, the second - at expressing reality through individual images, through the consciousness and experiences of individual characters.

The role of art in the life of man and society is determined by the fact that it is addressed to the consciousness of man in his integrity. Artistic creativity and the perception of works of art gives a person a deeper understanding and knowledge of life. But at the same time, art influences his feelings, experiences, and develops his emotional sphere. The great role of art in the formation of a person’s moral ideas has already been noted above. And, of course, the perception of works of art gives people aesthetic pleasure, the experience of beauty, and also makes them involved in the artist’s work.

In all these respects, art has great power; it is not for nothing that Dostoevsky said: “Beauty will save the world.”

Ideas about the role of art have changed throughout history. The important role of art was already recognized in ancient society. For example, Plato and Aristotle believed that art should cleanse the soul of base passions and elevate it. They assigned a special role to music and tragedy in this.

In the Middle Ages The main role of art was seen to be subordinate to the tasks of worship. Art played, for example, a very significant role in the design of churches and in the religious rites of Orthodoxy.

During the Renaissance art, especially painting, took a central place in spiritual culture. Leonardo da Vinci viewed art as a “mirror” of the world and even put painting above science. Many thinkers of this era saw in art the most free and creative activity person.

During the Age of Enlightenment The moral and educational function of art was emphasized above all.

In the 20th century many thinkers began to talk about the crisis of art, that contemporary art was losing its functions in society. For example, German philosopher culture of the early twentieth century. O. Spengler believed that modern western culture enters the period of sunset. High classical art is giving way to technical arts, mass entertainment, and sports. Modern Art loses harmony and imagery, appears abstract painting, in which the holistic image of a person disappears.

Social structure(from lat. structure- structure, location, order) of society - the structure of society as a whole, a set of interconnected and interacting social groups, as well as the relationships between them.

At the core social structure lies the social division of labor, the presence of specific needs and interests, values, norms and roles, lifestyle and other various social groups.

The role of social structure:

1) organizes society into a single whole;

2) contributes to maintaining the integrity and stability of society.

Social relations- these are certain stable connections between people as representatives of social groups.

Now it is impossible to imagine that our lives would not be accompanied by art and creativity. Wherever and whenever a person lived, he tried to comprehend the world around him, sought to understand it figuratively, to pass on the acquired knowledge to future generations. This is how wall paintings appeared in caves - ancient human settlements.

Humanity did not stand still, it moved forward and higher, and art also developed, accompanying man along the entire path.

If you turn to the Renaissance, you admire the heights that artists and poets, musicians and architects reached. The immortal creations of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci still fascinate with their perfection, plasticity and deep awareness of the role of man in the world where he is destined to walk his short but beautiful, sometimes tragic path. The creations created in Europe are also majestic: “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” icons and paintings by Andrei Rublev and Theophan the Greek, the cathedrals of Vladimir, Kyiv and Moscow.

It is not only ancient creations that attract our attention. We constantly encounter works of art in everyday life. By visiting museums and exhibition halls, we want to join that wonderful world, which is accessible first only to geniuses, and then to others, we learn to understand, see, absorb the beauty that has already become part of our everyday life.

The beauty of art is that it is created by a select few and belongs to millions. We are trying to understand what the masters created, getting closer to their vision of the world. Isn't this the main purpose of art? It is intended for human improvement.

It is impossible for everyone to be creators, but it is within our power to try to penetrate into the essence of the creation of a genius, to come closer to understanding the beautiful. And the more often we become contemplators of paintings, architectural masterpieces, listeners of beautiful music, the better for us and those around us.

Art has many faces, is eternal, but, unfortunately, it cannot influence people without their will, mental effort, and a certain work of thought. A person must want to learn to see and understand beauty, then art will have a beneficial effect on him and society as a whole. This will probably happen in the future.

In the 20th century, the role of cinema, television and video increased. They became the main idols of youth. And it’s wonderful if this is a good, humane beginning, that is, true art with centuries-old traditions. But if the propaganda of violence, the cult of power, and evil steps onto our screens, we will die after the hapless heroes of these one-day action films.

I believe that all this is temporary, passing, people will soon understand this. Many people already realize that not a single film can replace communication with books, music, and painting.

Art is eternal and beautiful because it brings beauty and goodness to the world!

Essay on the topic “The role of art in human life” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru



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