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Card index of games with water (junior preschool age). Summer entertainment for senior and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions “Water Games”

Card index of water games for educators

Game "Colored Water"

Goal: establishing contact with the child, relieving psycho-emotional stress

Equipment: watercolor paints, brushes, 5 transparent plastic glasses (in the future the number of glasses can be any), water.

Option 1.

Place glasses in a row on the table and fill with water. Take a brush with paint of one of the primary colors - red, yellow, blue, green (you can start with the child’s favorite color, if there is one, this will help to involve the child in the game) - and dilute it in one of the glasses. When commenting on your actions, try to attract the child’s attention, introduce an element of “magic”: “Now let’s put your favorite yellow paint on the brush, like this. Now... let's put it in a glass of water. I wonder what will happen? Look how beautiful it is!” Usually the child watches in fascination as the cloud of paint gradually dissolves in the water. You can diversify the effect and in the next glass you can understand which method he likes best.

Option 2.

When the fascination with the pure sensory effect begins to wane (different children require different time and number of repetitions), you can begin to expand the game. Possible variant game development - organization active participation child in it and the development of everyday skills. So, if a child likes the game, most likely he will agree to follow your instruction request - invite him to open the tap, pour water into a plastic bottle, then fill the glasses with water. If you spill water on the table or floor, ask your child to wipe the puddle with a rag. Instructions must be clear. At the beginning of such work, you act together with the child: “Let's open the tap. Where is our bottle? Here it is, let's pour some water into it - wow, what a heavy bottle it is now, let's carry it together. Now let's pour the water into glasses. Glug-glug-glug - water flows. Oh! Spilled water on the table! What a puddle it turned out to be! Let's take a rag and wipe the table. Now it’s good,” etc. When the child is sufficiently comfortable with this game and clearly understands some simple actions, give him more and more independence when completing tasks.

Game "Mixing colors"

By mixing paints, we can create new colors. To do this, pour water of different colors into one glass or dissolve it in a glass with clean water several colors in turn. So, from yellow and red we get orange, from blue and yellow we get green, from red and blue we get violet.

The process of drawing can give you vivid sensations watercolor paints on a wet sheet. To do this, place an oilcloth on the table or floor. Wet a thick sheet of watercolor paper (simply dipping it in a bowl of water) and place it on oilcloth, smoothing it with a damp sponge. Dip your brush into one of the paints and gently brush over the paper. Continue with other colors.

As if by chance, you can run a brush with water over the paper, but without paint - the water mixes with the paints and delicate, blurry, light halftones appear on the sheet.

Experiment with your child!

Game "Doll's Lunch"

Goal: establishing contact with the child, relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Equipment: cups, dolls, toys.

Set the table, arrange the glasses, seat the dolls and bears and treat them to different drinks. In the game, red water turns into tomato juice, white - in milk, orange - in Fanta, and brown - in coffee...

You can start a game of “Restaurant” or “Cafe”, taking into account the experience and age of the child. The game can be an opportunity to practice counting - count the glasses of drinks so that they correspond to the number of “guests”. Using cups of different sizes, you can introduce your child to the concept of size.

Game "Water Transfusion"

To make it easier for your child to reach the tap, move a chair to the sink. Take plastic bottles, vials, cups, bowls of various sizes. Now fill them with water: “Glug-glug, water is flowing. Here is an empty bottle, and now it’s full.” You can pour water from one container to another.

Game "Open - close"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correction aggressive behavior.

Equipment: plastic bottle, water tap.

Turn over a plastic bottle filled with water. Then place your palm under the stream flowing from the neck. Comment on your action with the words: “Stop the water! How do you ask to open the water? Say: “Lena (encourage the child to use addresses), open up!” So, I opened it and the water started flowing again, glug-glug-glug!” Next time, use your baby's palm to encourage him to close and open the water.

Game "Fountain"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

If you place a spoon or a bottle with a narrow neck under running water, you will get a “fountain”. Usually this effect delights children: “Psh-sh-sh! What a fountain it turned out to be - hurray!” Place your finger under the stream of the “fountain” and encourage the child to repeat the action after you.

Game "Pool"

After filling the basin with water, organize a game of “pool” where toys learn to swim. Carrying out such a game is recommended if the child has already visited the pool and has a real idea of ​​​​it. Accompany the progress of the game with a verbal comment: “Our dolls have come to the pool. What a big pool! They learn to swim in the pool - like this. Let's swim!"

Game "Lake"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, reset negative emotions, correction of aggressive behavior.

Fill a large basin with water: now this is a “lake” in which fish or ducks swim: “This is such a deep lake - a lot of water! Ducks swim in the lake. Here's the mother duck. But her children are little ducklings. “Quack-quack-quack! - says the duck. “Children, follow me!” Here the ducks have come out to the bank and are basking in the sun,” etc.

Game "Sea"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

A basin of water can turn into a “sea” on which boats sail: “A boat sailed on the sea and hummed: oooh! Who wants to go on a boat? The bunny wants it! (you can use figures molded from plasticine, which are firmly installed on the deck) The wind has risen! What strong waves! Our boat capsized - let's save the passengers quickly! Now let’s fix the boat and we can sail on,” etc.

Game "Bathing dolls"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

Bathe the naked dolls in warm water, scrub them with a washcloth and soap, wrap them in a towel: “Now let’s bathe the dolls. Let's pour warm water into the bath - try the water with your hand, is it warm? Great. And here are our dolls. What are their names? This is Katya, and this is Misha. Who will be the first to swim? Kate? Fine. Let's ask Katya, does she like the water? Isn't it hot? etc.

Game "Washing dishes"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

Wash the dishes after the doll’s “lunch” using a sponge and dishwashing detergent: “We’ll wash the dishes. Open the tap! What kind of water is here? Hot. And here? Cold. Let's open it and cold water, and hot - then you get warm water. Let’s rub the plate like this with a sponge. Now let's rinse. The dishes are now clean!”

Game "Soap Bubbles"

Children love to watch the spinning soap bubbles, with cries of delight, they rush around the room until they “catch” every single one, and immediately ask for a repetition. But they often refuse to blow bubbles themselves - this requires skill and a certain level of breathing development. We suggest pre-preparing your child for playing with soap bubbles. To do this, you need to teach him to blow hard, to direct the air stream in the right direction.

Game “Sail, little boat!” »

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior.

Blow on a small light boat on the water (for example, while swimming).

Game "Bulki"

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior.

Blow through a straw into a glass half filled with water. The game will show whether the child has formed a targeted exhalation and whether he is blowing strongly. When playing with soap bubbles, take precautions. Make sure your child does not suck liquid into his mouth. He can do this by inertia if he is used to drinking juice from bags through a straw, or wants to taste the bubble liquid. Therefore, use harmless substances and little by little.

Game "Foam Castle"

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior.

Pour some water into a small bowl, add dish soap and stir. Take a wide cocktail tube, put it in a bowl and start blowing - with a loud gurgling, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow in front of the child's eyes. Invite your child to blow with you, then on his own. Place a plastic or rubber toy inside the foam - this is “a prince who lives in a foam castle.

Game "Holiday on the water"

Having filled the basin with water, lower one or more floating candles onto its surface - in a dark room (for example, in a bathroom with the door closed) you will get a spectacular spectacle, with light reflections shimmering in the water. For stability, you can place candles on plastic plates made from doll dishes.

Game "Ice"

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior and fears.

Make ice in advance. During class, take out the ice and, together with your child, squeeze it out of the mold into a bowl: “Look how the water froze - it became cold and hard.” Warm a piece of ice in your palm: “Oh, what a cold piece of ice! And the handle is warm - let’s hold it in our palm. Look, the water is dripping - it’s the ice melting and turning into water again.”

Game "Ice Melts"

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior and fears.

Heat a piece of ice over a candle flame or over a switched on stove. Or in glass tumbler pour hot water (you can tint it), drop in a piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how ice melts differently in water of different temperatures.

And when the child drinks very hot tea, add a piece of ice to the cup of tea so that “the tea cools down faster.” You can also cool the juice for the bear, the bear drinks and says: “Oh, what a cold juice!”

Game "Colorful Ice"

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior and fears.

You can make colorful ice by adding colors to water. Or paint on a large piece of ice.

Game "Funny Boats"

children launch various objects into the water (mini-pool) - boats, wood chips, boats; They watch them, make “waves”, “wind”, and send small toys swimming.

Game "Dives"

Goal: development of tactile sensitivity, visual perception, imaginative thinking, arbitrariness.

Children plunge small balls, rubber inflatable toys, ping-pong balls into a basin or bathtub, unclench their fingers - and the toys jump out of the water.

Game "Nimble Fingers"

Children soak foam sponges of different colors and shapes in water and wring them out, pouring water from one container to another.

Game "Bulbochki"

Purpose: regulation muscle tension, relaxation.

Children gurgle air from rubber toys and observe the air bubbles, gurgle with different bottles, immersing them in water and filling them with water, and observe in which cases more “bubbles” are obtained.

Game "Drowning - Don't Drown"

Goal: familiarization with the properties of water and objects.

Children experiment with various objects. Throwing them into the water, they note what floats and what sinks.

Game "Sea Treasures"

Children take out “treasures” from the bottom of the container (“sea”) - pebbles, shells, large shiny buttons and various unusual small objects. A complication is to get it out using a scoop, spoon, or strainer.

Game "Funny Animals"

Goal: development of visual coordination, familiarization with the properties of water.

playing with mechanical water toys, observing the trajectory of movement.

Game “Get the shell” (“Get the pebble”)

Goal: development of attention, coordination of movements.

An adult places several pebbles and shells at the bottom of a container with water. Then he invites the child to get the “treasure”. To do this, he chooses a very beautiful stone or shell and looks at it together with the baby. Then the pebble or shell sinks to the bottom (depth no more than 15-20 cm), and the child must try to get it by finding the desired item among other stones and shells. The watery layer usually makes it difficult to get out, so an adult can help the baby.

Game "Catch the Ice"

Target : development of coordination of movements, familiarization of children with the properties of various materials.

The teacher puts 5-10 small pieces of ice into a container of water and says to the child: “Look, look what’s happening. The ice floes were big, but they are becoming small. Let's save them!"

The child uses a net or scoop to remove larger pieces of ice from the water and places them in a separate bowl. After all the pieces of ice have been removed, the teacher asks: “Where did the rest of the pieces of ice go? What happened to them? - They melted and turned into water.”

Game "Warm - Cold"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “warm” and “cold”.

The teacher fills one container with warm water and the other with cold water. He says to the child: “Ducklings like to swim in cold water, and fish like to swim in warm water. Let's "buy" them. The kid puts the ducklings in a container with cool water, and the fish in a container with warm water.

Game "What floats"

Goal: familiarize children with the properties of various materials.

The teacher invites the child to lower all the objects into the water: “What a beautiful boat!” Ready to set sail. Put him in the water and let him float. We have so many other items! They also want to swim. Let's set them sailing." During the game, the adult always asks the child to name the objects and helps to comment on the actions.

Game "Captains"

Goal: activation of the lip muscles, development of the ability to alternate long, smooth and strong exhalations.

The teacher fills a container with water and launches a paper boat into it. The child sits on a chair nearby. An adult invites the child to take a boat ride from one shore to the other. Shows that the banks are marked with stripes of different colors. He explains that in order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it. You can blow by simply stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. Shows how this can be done. Draws the child’s attention to the sound that is produced: “F.” The kid repeats.

“But then the wind came, it doesn’t blow smoothly. Like this!" - an adult blows on the boat abruptly, unevenly: “P - P - P.” Draws the baby's attention to what sound is heard now - “P”. He offers to blow the same way and drive the boat to the other shore. The game is repeated several times. The teacher makes sure that the child does not puff out his cheeks or blow too hard.

During games, the teacher must praise the child for correctly completing the task, support or help, and in no case reproach the child for spilling water, scattering sand, or getting his clothes wet. Playing with sand and water should

Game “Pouring water from mug to mug or through a funnel”

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the properties of water - “flowing”, “wet”, “dry”.

The teacher calls the children to a bowl of water, gives each a mug, and shows how to scoop and pour the water. “Look, the water is pouring, do the same, pour water for each other.” (names who will pour it for whom).

Game "Wet - dry"

Goal: to consolidate the concept of “wet” and “dry”. Fix the name of the clothing.

A group of children stands near a basin of water.

“Today I want to wash the doll’s clothes,” says the teacher. She washes herself and accompanies the actions with the words: “First, I’ll pour warm water. I'll wet my dress. I’ll lather it properly, scrub it, rinse the soap in water, wring it out. In another basin I’ll rinse it in clean water and I'll squeeze it again. Now I’ll stretch the string and hang the laundry. Let it dry. Now it is wet, and then it will be dry. Then he invites the children to do their laundry and gives each doll’s underwear and soap. Children tell who washes what (fix the name of the clothes).

Game "Hot and cold"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​cold, warm and hot water.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle around the table. The teacher sets up a basin or bathtub and tells the children that now the Tanya doll will bathe. He pours cold water and lowers the doll. The doll “pops out.” She doesn't want to swim. Why? The water is cold. Children come up and touch the water with their hands.

I'll add hot water, it will become warm. Children make sure the water is warm. Now the doll is placed in the basin again, and she bathes with pleasure.

Activation of the dictionary: cold, warm, hot.

Game "Ducks are swimming"

Purpose: to give an idea that objects “float”, about the numerical definition of “one”, “many”.

The teacher floats rubber toys in the water. “Look how the duck swims. Now I will swirl the stick in the water (makes circular movements with the stick). The duck is moving. That's how interesting!

And now, Kolya, you have a stick on you, twirl it, etc. to the other children.

There was one duck, but now how many?

Afterwards, the teacher offers to remove the toys from the water and wipe them with a cloth. They are wet, wipe the toys, now they are dry.

Put the toys back where they belong. Let's pour the water out of the basin. That's how it flows.

Game "Water Takes Shape"

Purpose: to give the concept of floating and sinking objects, heavy and light objects. Conclude that light objects float and heavy objects sink.

For this game you will need: an inflatable ball, a rubber glove, a plastic bag, a plastic cup. The baby fills the ball, glove or bag with water using a plastic cup. Parents should draw his attention to the fact that water takes the shape of the object into which it is poured.

Game "Clean"

Goal: instilling basic labor skills. To give the concept of “dirty” and “clean”.

The teacher brings toys in a basin and offers to roll up his sleeves.

He pours warm water from a bucket into another basin and gives everyone an assignment: wash the toy. The teacher involves the whole group of children and, talking with them, tells them what and how to wash.

Then each child wipes his toy with a cloth.

Game "Hit the Target"

Goal: teach how to throw a ball up and catch it.

Develop accuracy. Give the concept of distance “closer” and “further”.

A small group of children stands or sits in a semicircle at a distance of 2.5 meters from a basin of water. The teacher invites the child to take the ball from the basket, indicates how to stand at a distance of 1 meter from the pelvis, and offers to throw the ball at him. If the ball does not hit the target, he offers to throw again, but stand closer. After 3 balls, the child must collect them, put them in the basket and sit down.

Game "Homemade Waterfall"

Goal: development of fine motor skills.

For this game, you will need any toys that can be used to pour water: a watering can, a small bowl, a small jug or a simple plastic glass. The baby draws water into a container and, pouring it out, creates a noisy waterfall with splashes. Please pay attention to the crumbs that the higher the waterfall, the louder it “makes noise”. And if you tint the water, the waterfall will turn out to be multi-colored.


  1. Alyabyeva E. A. How to organize work with children in the summer. Part 1. Sphere, 2012.- 128 p.
  2. Baryaeva L. B., Kondratyeva S. Yu. Playing with water // Children with developmental problems. 2004. No. 1.
  3. Baryaeva L.B., Gavrilushkina O.P. Games and activities with natural and man-made materials. - SPb.: NOU SOYUZ, 2005.
  4. Correctional work in an enriched subject-development environment / Ed. L.B. Baryaeva. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006.
  5. Novikovskaya O.A. A collection of educational games with water and sand for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2010 - 64 p., ill.
  6. Sokolovskaya N.V. Adaptation of the child to the conditions kindergarten. Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

Summer is the best good time to allow children to play with water. Even if the baby splashes his clothes or gets his feet wet, the hot sun will warm him up, dry him and prevent him from catching a cold.

TOP 10 games with water!

In this article, I present to you 10 water play ideas for kids. Believe me, this is the ideal way to keep your child busy in the country, on the summer playground, on the lawn or in the courtyard of a multi-story building.

  1. Wall with waterfalls

Children love to watch how water pours from container to container, smoothly flows down the wall and fills the bucket, so I recommend making a wall for pouring water with your own hands.

Attach the plastic bottles to the wall in stepwise order and the wall is ready!

2. Sponge bombs

They can be played in the water and thrown on land.

Just take colorful washcloths and cut them into strips. To make each ball you will need to take 12 strips (preferably multi-colored) and connect them in the center with a thread.

3. Playing with balloons in a container filled with water.

This is the perfect way to play in the bathtub.

Fill the bathtub with water and place about 30 multi-colored inflated balloons in it. Children love squeezing them, turning them, crushing them, throwing them up or trying to submerge them in water. They giggle as the balls slip from their hands, change shape, and slip between their legs. This game is with water and balloons provides an excellent opportunity to explore sensations and use words to describe feelings. When you ask, “What do the balls feel like?” Children answer: slippery, soft, naughty, etc.

4. Game "Perivashki".

We learn to pour water from a jug into glasses.

For this game you will need water, plastic disposable cups and a plastic jug. The child will arrange the cups and pour water from the jug into them.

Pouring water from container to container will give the child a life skill so that later he can pour himself water without spilling it on the table or dousing himself with it.

5. Game “Hit the Bullseye”

The fifth game is throwing wet washcloths at a target painted on the asphalt.

Draw a target on the asphalt and write a number on each sector in ascending order as you approach the center. Children will take turns throwing wet washcloths at the target. Wherever the washcloth landed, the child earned that many points. By summing up the points, you determine the winner.

By the way, the washcloths must be well saturated with water so that when they land on the ground they do not bounce off.

6. Draw on wet asphalt

Use water from a watering hose or container to wet the asphalt and give the children crayons, paints and brushes for drawing. Believe me, kids will spend hours dragging crayons and brushes along the asphalt, pretending to do whatever comes into their head. The fact is that crayons are easy to draw on wet asphalt, and the images turn out bright and expressive. With the same passion, children paint on the asphalt with paints and brushes. A positive point is that the drawings are easily washed off with water, and children again have the opportunity to demonstrate their artistic abilities.

7. Shooting game.

The seventh idea is a great way for children to play with water if the weather outside is not entirely clear or cold.

The child will not come into contact with water, but will shoot plastic disposable cups with a water pistol. For more excitement, you can build him a pyramid of plastic cups. By the way, not only boys, but also girls like to shoot with a water pistol.

8. Waterbed

A giant water bed is another way (eighth on our list) that can satisfy your curiosity: “What summer games most interesting and exciting for children?”

In order to make such a bed you will not need a lot of money and time! Just buy good quality plastic film (quite strong) and good adhesive tape (I used tape). Unroll the film on the grass or tarp, fold it in half, and tape the ends together, leaving a small hole. Insert the hose into it and fill the product with water. This way you will make a water bed. I recommend watering the surface of the bed too!

Believe me! Children will enjoy playing on this bed!

9. Water games for kids

And the ninth method will appeal to parents who are looking for summer games with water for very young children.

Here, preparing the game is quite simple: take a container, fill it with water and throw toys, figurines, and children’s dishes into it. Allow your baby to play by splashing his hands in the water.

Just look: how much delight there is in the game!

10. Homemade shower

And finally, the tenth idea: build a rain shower from pipes with holes, as shown in the pictures.

Splashes of water from the pipes will delight the child, cause extraordinary joy and a lot of positive emotions.

Read more:

Lessons for a 1 year old child

7 ways to instill a love of reading in your children!

There is nothing more submissive and weak in the world than water.

However, there is nothing tough and strong that can surpass it.

Playing with water is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and here games with water come to his aid. By acting out situations that agitate him with the help of toy figures, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience of getting out of the many life situations, because in a fairy tale everything ends well!

Playing with water has a therapeutic effect. The very texture of the water has a pleasant calming effect and provides emotional release. By playing with water, a child can relieve negative emotions and receive a positive charge of energy.

Purpose of using water games:

1. Contribute physical development child: hardening, development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, since regular exercises in water prevent diseases and form healing processes in the body;

2. Promote concentration, development of logic and speech, games are a good prevention of optical dysgraphia;

3. Contribute to the development of the child’s artistic and aesthetic perception;

4. Stabilize the problems of children that arise during the adaptation period of visiting a preschool educational institution, as well as reduce the manifestations of the child’s hyperactivity.

By organizing children’s games with water, we solve the following problems:

1. We promote the physical development of the child (we develop fine motor skills, visual and motor coordination).

2. We introduce the child to the world around him, including the properties of water. In the process of playing with water and various toys or natural objects, children form ideas about the natural world around them.

3. Children master spatial concepts (on the surface of the water, over the entire surface, under water, on the left, on the right, in the center).

4. Expand and enrich lexicon baby.

5. We help children master basic mathematical concepts: full - empty, far - close. placing a specified number of toys into the water, natural material By relating one quantity to another, children form quantitative ideas.

6. Comparing the number of objects located on and under water contributes to the development of a child’s visual and effective thinking.

7. By throwing a given number of objects into the water, children learn to follow the verbal instructions of an adult.

8. In the process of such games, we develop children’s tactile sensations. They learn from eyes closed find the corresponding toys, numbers or letters on the surface of the table, on the edge of the bath and lower them into the water, as well as catch the required amount from the water.

10. We form geometric representations, for which we use plastic geometric figures. Children learn to make various pictures from these figures, which are located on the tiled wall: an ornament, a house, a path, etc.

11. Relieve mental stress and aggression.

When organizing water games, it is good to use artistic word. It is advisable to accompany such games by listening to audio recordings - the sound of rain, a waterfall, the murmuring of a brook, the roar of the surf. The good thing about these games is that both children and adults can participate in them. Remember that in a natural environment the child feels comfortable and protected, while he has the opportunity to show his activity and creativity.

Equipment for water games:

· table for playing with water or basin;

· waste material (pebbles, shells, twigs, sticks, large buttons, disposable cocktail straws, etc.)

· plastic toys (geometric shapes, numbers, letters, pictures, etc.), which, if wet, will easily attach to a smooth surface (tiles, mirror, table top).

· a variety of wind-up toys that move on the surface of the water;

· toys and devices for playing with water;

· natural material (shells, pebbles, nuts, acorns);

· fishing rods;

· spoons, ladles;

· plastic algae for aquariums, etc.;

· cups of different sizes;

· a set of rubber toys;

· fishing game;

· strainers, tweezers, nets;

· waterfloating candles;

· tubes; sponges; paints.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 56 “Iskorka”

Card index of water games

Educational psychologist

Talipova Yu.R.


Explanatory note

There is nothing more submissive and weak in the world than water.

However, there is nothing tough and strong that can surpass it.

Lao Tzu

Playing with water is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and here games with water come to his aid. By acting out situations that agitate him with the help of toy figures, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience of getting out of many life situations, because in a fairy tale everything ends well!

Playing with water has a therapeutic effect. The very texture of the water has a pleasant calming effect and provides emotional release. By playing with water, a child can relieve negative emotions and receive a positive charge of energy.

The purpose of the aquamethod:

  1. Promote the physical development of the child: hardening, development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, since regular exercises in water prevent diseases and form healing processes in the body;
  2. To promote concentration, the development of logic and speech, games are a good prevention of optical dysgraphia;
  3. Contribute to the development of the child’s artistic and aesthetic perception;
  4. Stabilize the problems of children that arise during the adaptation period of visiting a preschool educational institution, as well as reduce the manifestations of the child’s hyperactivity.

By organizing children’s games with water, we solve the following problems:

1. We promote the child’s physical development (we develop fine motor skills, visual and motor coordination).

2. We introduce the child to the world around him, including the properties of water. In the process of playing with water and various toys or natural objects, children form ideas about the natural world around them.

3. Children master spatial concepts (on the surface of the water, over the entire surface, under water, on the left, on the right, in the center).

4. We expand and enrich the baby’s vocabulary.

5. We help children master basic mathematical concepts: full - empty, far - close. By placing a given number of toys or natural materials into water, correlating one quantity with another, children form quantitative ideas.

6. Comparing the number of objects located on and under water contributes to the development of a child’s visual and effective thinking.

7. By throwing a given number of objects into the water, children learn to follow the verbal instructions of an adult.

8. In the process of such games, we develop children’s tactile sensations. With their eyes closed, they learn to find the appropriate toys, numbers or letters on the table surface or on the edge of the bath and lower them into the water, as well as catch the required amount from the water.

9. In the process of comparison, we form ideas about the value. For example, when launching boats on the water, the child names their size: large boat, medium and small. The pebble is heavier than the leaf, so it sinks, but the leaf is light, so it floats on the water.
10. We form geometric representations, for which we use plastic geometric shapes. Children learn to make various pictures from these figures, which are located on the tiled wall: an ornament, a house, a path, etc.

11. Relieve mental stress and aggression.

When organizing games with water, it is good to use artistic words. It is advisable to accompany such games by listening to audio recordings - the sound of rain, a waterfall, the murmuring of a brook, the roar of the surf. The good thing about these games is that both children and adults can participate in them. Remember that in a natural environment the child feels comfortable and protected, while he has the opportunity to show his activity and creativity.

Equipment for water games:

  • table for playing with water or basin;
  • waste material (pebbles, shells, twigs, sticks, large buttons, disposable cocktail straws, etc.)
  • plastic toys (geometric shapes, numbers, letters, pictures, etc.), which, if wet, will easily attach to a smooth surface (tiles, mirror, table top).
  • a variety of wind-up toys that move on the surface of the water;
  • toys and devices for playing with water;
  • natural material (shells, pebbles, nuts, acorns);
  • fishing rods; toys;
  • spoons, ladles;
  • plastic algae for aquariums, etc.;
  • cups of different sizes;
  • a set of rubber toys;
  • fishing game;
  • strainers, tweezers, nets;
  • floating candles;
  • tubes; sponges; paints.

Game "Colored water"

Target: establishing contact with the child, relieving psycho-emotional stress

Equipment: watercolor paints, brushes, 5 transparent plastic glasses (in the future the number of glasses can be any), water.

Option 1.

Place glasses in a row on the table and fill with water. Take a brush with paint of one of the primary colors - red, yellow, blue, green (you can start with the child’s favorite color, if there is one, this will help to involve the child in the game) - and dilute it in one of the glasses. When commenting on your actions, try to attract the child’s attention, introduce an element of “magic”: “Now let’s put your favorite yellow paint on a brush, like this. And now... put it in a glass of water. I wonder what will happen? Look how beautiful it is!” Usually the child watches in fascination as the cloud of paint gradually dissolves in the water. You can diversify the effect and in the next glass you can understand which method he likes best.

Option 2.

As the excitement for the pure sensory experience begins to wane (different children require different amounts of time and repetition), you can begin to expand the play. A possible option for developing the game is organizing the child’s active participation in it and developing everyday skills. So, if a child likes the game, most likely he will agree to follow your instruction request - ask him to open the tap, pour water into a plastic bottle, then fill the glasses with water. If you spill water on the table or floor, ask your child to wipe the puddle with a rag. Instructions must be clear. At the beginning of such work, you act together with the child: “Let's open the tap. Where is our bottle? Here it is, let's pour some water into it - wow, what a heavy bottle it is now, let's carry it together. Now let's pour the water into glasses. Glug-glug-glug - it flows water. Oh! We spilled water on the table! What a puddle it turned out to be! Let's take a rag and wipe the table. Now it's good," etc. When the child is sufficiently comfortable with this game and clearly understands some simple actions, give him more and more independence when completing tasks.

A game " Mixing paints»

Target : establishing contact with the child, relieving psycho-emotional stress.

By mixing paints, we can create new colors. To do this, pour water of different colors into one glass or dissolve several colors alternately in a glass of clean water. So, from yellow and red we get orange, from blue and yellow we get green, from red and blue we get violet.

The process of painting with watercolors on a wet sheet can give you vivid sensations. To do this, place an oilcloth on the table or floor. Wet a thick sheet of watercolor paper (simply dipping it in a bowl of water) and place it on oilcloth, smoothing it with a damp sponge. Dip your brush into one of the paints and gently brush over the paper. Continue with other colors.

As if by chance, you can run a brush with water over the paper, but without paint - the water mixes with the paints and delicate, blurry, light halftones appear on the sheet.

Experiment with your child!

Game "Doll's Lunch"

Target: establishing contact with the child, relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Equipment: cups, dolls, toys.

Set the table, arrange the glasses, seat the dolls and bears and treat them to different drinks. In the game, red water turns into tomato juice, white into milk, orange into Fanta, and brown into coffee...

You can start a game of “Restaurant” or “Cafe”, taking into account the experience and age of the child. The game can be an opportunity to practice counting - count the glasses of drinks so that they correspond to the number of “guests”. Using cups of different sizes, you can introduce your child to the concept of size.

A game " Pouring water»


To make it easier for your child to reach the tap, move a chair to the sink. Take plastic bottles, vials, cups, bowls of various sizes. Now fill them with water: “Glug-glug, water is flowing. Here is an empty bottle, and now it’s full.” You can pour water from one container to another.

A game " Open - close»

Target: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correction of aggressive behavior.

Equipment: plastic bottle, water tap.

Turn over a plastic bottle filled with water. Then place your palm under the stream flowing from the neck. Comment on your action with the words: “They closed the water! How do you ask to open the water? Say: “Lena (encourage the child to use addresses), open it!” Here, I opened it - the water started flowing again, glug-glug-glug!” Next time, use your baby's palm to encourage him to close and open the water.

Game "Fountain"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

If you place a spoon or a bottle with a narrow neck under running water, you will get a “fountain”. Usually this effect delights children: “Psh-sh-sh! What a fountain it turned out - hurray!” Place your finger under the stream of the “fountain” and encourage the child to repeat the action after you.

Game "Pool"


After filling the basin with water, organize a game of “pool” where toys learn to swim. Carrying out such a game is recommended if the child has already visited the pool and has a real idea of ​​​​it. Accompany the progress of the game with a verbal comment: “Our dolls came to the pool. What a big pool! They learn to swim in the pool - like this. Let's swim!”

Game "Lake"

Fill a large basin with water: now this is a “lake” in which fish or ducks swim: “What a deep lake - a lot of water! Ducks swim in the lake. Here is a mother duck. And here are her babies - little ducklings.” Quack-quack-quack ! - says the duck. “Children, follow me!” The ducks have come to the shore and are basking in the sun,” etc.

Game "Sea"

Target: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

A basin of water can turn into a “sea” on which boats sail: “A boat sailed on the sea and buzzed: oooh! And who wants to sail on a ship? The bunny wants to!” (you can use figures sculpted from plasticine, which are durable are installed on the deck) The wind has risen! What strong waves! Our boat has capsized - let's quickly save the passengers! Now let's fix the boat and we can sail on," etc.

Game "Bathing dolls"

Goal: obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

Bathe the naked dolls in warm water, rub them with a washcloth and soap, wrap them in a towel: “Now let’s bathe the dolls. Let’s pour warm water into the bath - try the water with your hand, it’s warm? Great. And here are our dolls. What are their names? This is Katya , and this is Misha. Who will swim first? Katya? Okay. Let's ask Katya, does she like the water? Isn't it hot?" etc.

Game "Washing dishes"

Target : obtaining a therapeutic effect, emotional release, relieving negative emotions, correcting aggressive behavior.

Wash the dishes after the doll’s “lunch” using a sponge and dishwashing detergent: “We’ll wash the dishes. Open the tap! What kind of water is here? Hot. And here? Cold. Let’s open both cold water and hot water - then you’ll get warm water. Here So let’s rub the plate with a sponge. Now let’s rinse. The dishes are now clean!”

Game "Soap Bubbles"


Children love to watch soap bubbles whirling; they rush around the room with cries of delight until they “catch” every single one, and immediately ask for repetition. But they often refuse to blow bubbles themselves - this requires skill and a certain level of breathing development. We suggest pre-preparing your child for playing with soap bubbles. To do this, you need to teach him to blow hard, to direct the air stream in the right direction.

Game “Sail, little boat!” »

Target: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior.

Blow on a small light boat on the water (for example, while swimming).

Game "Bulki"

Target: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior.

Blow through a straw into a glass half filled with water. The game will show whether the child has formed a targeted exhalation and whether he is blowing strongly. When playing with soap bubbles, take precautions. Make sure your child does not suck liquid into his mouth. He can do this by inertia if he is used to drinking juice from bags through a straw, or wants to taste the bubble liquid. Therefore, use harmless substances and little by little.

Game "Foam Castle"

Target: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior.

Pour some water into a small bowl, add dish soap and stir. Take a wide cocktail tube, put it in a bowl and start blowing - with a loud gurgle, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow before the child's eyes. Invite your child to blow with you, then on his own. Place a plastic or rubber toy inside the foam - this is a “prince who lives in a foam castle.

A game " Holiday on the water»


Having filled the basin with water, lower one or more floating candles onto its surface - in a dark room (for example, in a bathroom with the door closed) you will get a spectacular spectacle, with light reflections shimmering in the water. For stability, you can place candles on plastic plates made from doll dishes.

Game "Ice"

Target: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior and fears.

Make ice in advance. During class, take out the ice and, together with your child, squeeze it out of the mold into a bowl: “Look how the water froze - it became cold and hard.” Warm a piece of ice in your palm: “Oh, what a cold piece of ice! And the handle is warm - let’s hold it in our palm. Look, water is dripping - this is the ice melting and turning into water again.”

Game "Ice is melting"

Target : relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior and fears.

Heat a piece of ice over a candle flame or over a switched on stove. Or pour hot water into a glass glass (you can tint it), put in a piece of ice and watch how quickly it melts. You can take several glasses and observe how ice melts differently in water of different temperatures.

And when the child drinks very hot tea, add a piece of ice to the cup of tea so that “the tea cools down faster.” You can also cool the juice for the bear, the bear drinks and says: “Oh, what a cold juice!”

A game " Multi-colored ice»

Target: relieving psycho-emotional stress, correcting aggressive behavior and fears.

You can make colorful ice by adding colors to water. Or paint on a large piece of ice.

Game "Funny Boats"

Target : activation of the lip muscles, formation of the ability to alternate long, smooth and strong exhalations.

children launch various objects into the water (mini-pool) - boats, wood chips, boats; They watch them, make “waves”, “wind”, and send small toys swimming.

Game "Dives"

Target: development of tactile sensitivity, visual perception, imaginative thinking, arbitrariness.

Children plunge small balls, rubber inflatable toys, ping-pong balls into a basin or bathtub, unclench their fingers - and the toys jump out of the water.

Game "Nimble Fingers"


D Children soak foam sponges of different colors and shapes in water and wring them out, pouring water from one container to another.

Game "Bulbochki"

Target: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Children gurgle air from rubber toys and observe the air bubbles, gurgle with different bottles, immersing them in water and filling them with water, and observe in which cases more “bubbles” are obtained.

Game "Drowning - Don't Drown"

Target : acquaintance with the properties of water and objects.

Children experiment with various objects. Throwing them into the water, they note what floats and what sinks.

Game "Sea Treasures"


Children take out “treasures” from the bottom of the container (“sea”) - pebbles, shells, large shiny buttons and various unusual small objects. A complication is to get it out using a scoop, spoon, or strainer.

Game "Funny Animals"

Target: development of visual coordination, familiarization with the properties of water.

playing with mechanical water toys, observing the trajectory of movement.

Game "Get the shell"(“Get the pebble”)

Target: development of attention, coordination of movements.

An adult places several pebbles and shells at the bottom of a container with water. Then he invites the child to get the “treasure”. To do this, he chooses a very beautiful stone or shell and looks at it together with the baby. Then the pebble or shell sinks to the bottom (depth no more than 15-20 cm), and the child must try to get it by finding the desired item among other stones and shells. The watery layer usually makes it difficult to get out, so an adult can help the baby.

Game "Catch the Ice"

Target : development of coordination of movements, familiarization of children with the properties of various materials.

The teacher puts 5-10 small pieces of ice into a container of water and says to the child: “Look, look what’s happening. The ice floes were big, but they are becoming small. Let's save them!"

The child uses a net or scoop to remove larger pieces of ice from the water and places them in a separate bowl. After all the pieces of ice have been removed, the teacher asks: “Where did the rest of the pieces of ice go? What happened to them? - They melted and turned into water.”

Game "Warm - Cold"

Target: consolidation of the concepts “warm” and “cold”.

The teacher fills one container with warm water and the other with cold water. He says to the child: “Ducklings like to swim in cold water, and fish like to swim in warm water. Let's "buy" them. The kid puts the ducklings in a container with cool water, and the fish in a container with warm water.

Game "What floats"

Target: introducing children to the properties of various materials.

The teacher invites the child to lower all the objects into the water: “What a beautiful boat!” Ready to set sail. Put him in the water and let him float. We have so many other items! They also want to swim. Let's set them sailing." During the game, the adult always asks the child to name the objects and helps to comment on the actions.

Game "Captains"

Target: activation of the lip muscles, formation of the ability to alternate long, smooth and strong exhalations.

The teacher fills a container with water and launches a paper boat into it. The child sits on a chair nearby. An adult invites the child to take a boat ride from one shore to the other. Shows that the banks are marked with stripes of different colors. He explains that in order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it. You can blow by simply stretching your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. Shows how this can be done. Draws the child’s attention to the sound that is produced: “F.” The kid repeats.

“But then the wind came, it doesn’t blow smoothly. Like this!" - an adult blows on the boat abruptly, unevenly: “P - P - P.” Draws the baby's attention to what sound is heard now - “P”. He offers to blow the same way and drive the boat to the other shore. The game is repeated several times. The teacher makes sure that the child does not puff out his cheeks or blow too hard.

During games, the teacher must praise the child for correctly completing the task, support or help, and in no case reproach the child for spilling water, scattering sand, or getting his clothes wet. Playing with sand and water should

A game " Pouring water from mug to mug or through a funnel"

Target: give an idea of ​​the properties of water - “flowing”, “wet”, “dry”.

The teacher calls the children to a bowl of water, gives each a mug, and shows how to scoop and pour the water. “Look, the water is pouring, do the same, pour water for each other.” (names who will pour it for whom).

Game "Wet - dry"

Target : consolidate the concept of “wet” and “dry”. Fix the name of the clothing.

A group of children stands near a basin of water.

“Today I want to wash the doll’s clothes,” says the teacher. She washes herself and accompanies the actions with the words: “First, I’ll pour warm water. I'll wet my dress. I’ll lather it properly, scrub it, rinse the soap in the water, wring it out. In another basin, rinse it in clean water and wring it out again. Now I’ll stretch the string and hang the laundry. Let it dry. Now it is wet, and then it will be dry. Then he invites the children to do their laundry and gives each doll’s underwear and soap. Children tell who washes what (fix the name of the clothes).

Game "Hot and cold"

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​cold, warm and hot water.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle around the table. The teacher sets up a basin or bathtub and tells the children that now the Tanya doll will bathe. He pours cold water and lowers the doll. The doll “pops out.” She doesn't want to swim. Why? The water is cold. Children come up and touch the water with their hands.

I'll add hot water, it will become warm. Children make sure the water is warm. Now the doll is placed in the basin again, and she bathes with pleasure.

Activation of the dictionary: cold, warm, hot.

Game "Ducks are swimming"

Target: give an idea that objects “float”, about the numerical definition of “one”, “many”.

The teacher floats rubber toys in the water. “Look how the duck swims. Now I will swirl the stick in the water (makes circular movements with the stick). The duck is moving. That's how interesting!

And now, Kolya, you have a stick on you, twirl it, etc. to the other children.

There was one duck, but now how many?

Afterwards, the teacher offers to remove the toys from the water and wipe them with a cloth. They are wet, wipe the toys, now they are dry.

Put the toys back where they belong. Let's pour the water out of the basin. That's how it flows.

Game "Water Takes Shape"

Target: give the concept of floating and sinking objects, heavy and light objects. Conclude that light objects float and heavy objects sink.

For this game you will need: an inflatable ball, a rubber glove, a plastic bag, a plastic cup. The baby fills the ball, glove or bag with water using a plastic cup. Parents should draw his attention to the fact that water takes the shape of the object into which it is poured.

Game "Clean"

Target: instilling basic labor skills. Give the concept of “dirty” and “clean”.

The teacher brings toys in a basin and offers to roll up his sleeves.

He pours warm water from a bucket into another basin and gives everyone an assignment: wash the toy. The teacher involves the whole group of children and, talking with them, tells them what and how to wash.

Then each child wipes his toy with a cloth.

Game "Hit the Target"

Target: teach how to throw a ball up and catch it.

Develop accuracy. Give the concept of distance “closer” and “further”.

A small group of children stands or sits in a semicircle at a distance of 2.5 meters from a basin of water. The teacher invites the child to take the ball from the basket, indicates how to stand at a distance of 1 meter from the pelvis, and offers to throw the ball at him. If the ball does not hit the target, he offers to throw again, but stand closer. After 3 balls, the child must collect them, put them in the basket and sit down.

Game "Homemade Waterfall"

Target: development of fine motor skills.

For this game, you will need any toys that can be used to pour water: a watering can, a small bowl, a small jug or a simple plastic glass. The baby draws water into a container and, pouring it out, creates a noisy waterfall with splashes. Please pay attention to the crumbs that the higher the waterfall, the louder it “makes noise”. And if you tint the water, the waterfall will turn out to be multi-colored.


  1. Alyabyeva E. A. How to organize work with children in the summer. Part 1. Sphere, 2012.- 128 p.
  2. Baryaeva L. B., Kondratyeva S. Yu. Playing with water // Children with developmental problems. 2004. No. 1.
  3. Baryaeva L.B., Gavrilushkina O.P. Games and activities with natural and man-made materials. - SPb.: NOU SOYUZ, 2005.
  4. Correctional work in an enriched subject-development environment / Ed. L.B. Baryaeva. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006.
  5. Novikovskaya O.A. A collection of educational games with water and sand for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg:“CHILDHOOD - PRESS”, 2010 - 64 p., ill.
  6. Sokolovskaya N.V. Adaptation of the child to the conditions of kindergarten. Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

Prepared by Svetlana Dmitrievna Shadrunova, teacher of MBDOU No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Studying the properties of water

All children are very attracted to playing with water.
If your baby is fussy, try to distract him by putting him in the bath, full of water, and giving empty shampoo jars and bottles, plastic cups, sponges and small terry towels. Very soon the child’s mood will change - he will be busy with an interesting game.
The baby will begin to pour water, watch how
Containers filled with water sink and empty ones float up from the bottom.
In summer, on a warm sunny day, you can organize games with water in the fresh air,
Pouring it into a basin or inflatable pool. If you and your child spend time on the shore of a pond, the games will become even more varied and exciting. During the experiments and games, the young experimenter will probably have a lot of questions that you will certainly have to answer.
So, the child begins to get acquainted with the properties of water. To do this, provide him with everything
Prepare a watering can, funnel, and transparent containers different shapes and sizes, measuring cup. First of all, draw the child’s attention to the fact that the water is clear. Give your child a small toy or pebble and ask him to hide it in his fist. Then ask: “Where is the toy? No, she is not visible. Now let’s hide the toy in the water, put it in the basin.” Having completed the task, the child makes sure that the toy lying on the bottom is visible. Explain to your child that the water is transparent, so everything is visible in it. If you have an aquarium, look at the pebbles, fish and plants in it with your child. Ask your child why they are so visible.
Show your child one more property of water: water has no taste. To prove it, pour boiled water into three cups.
Water: put a teaspoon of sugar in one cup
Ra, put salt in the other, and leave the third untouched
Chickpeas. Invite your child to taste the water from all the cups.
You can make sure that the water is odorless by sniffing various liquids, for example, shampoo, fruit juice, water solution vale-
Riana and comparing their smell with the “smell” of clean water.
Show your child that water is pouring and
Shapes the vessel it is poured into. To play, give the young explorer a watering can filled with water and several transparent jars of different shapes. By pouring water into them, the child will see for himself the ability of water to fill vessels of any shape.
Invite your child to check the saying “Water will find a hole.” For the experiment, offer a plastic bottle, in the lower part of which several holes of different sizes are made. Moreover, the wider the hole, the thicker the stream of water flowing from the bottle will be.
To measure the volume of bottles of different shapes, offer your child a measuring cup and a funnel. Inserting a funnel into the neck of the bottle, show your child how to carefully pour water from a measuring cup into it. Do not forget to count out loud the number of glasses that are poured into
Measured capacity. By doing the same with a bottle of a different shape, the child will find out which one it contains. large quantity water, and together with you he will be able to draw a conclusion about which of the two bottles is larger.
You can also spend it with your child
One interesting experiment, immersing in water
Objects made from different materials and seeing which ones sink and which ones don't. Draw the child's attention to the fact that wooden and hollow toys, which contain air inside, float on the surface of the water, and metal objects sink.
The following experiment will prove that air is lighter than water and therefore always tends to escape from the water. Take an empty transparent plastic bottle and carefully open the neck
Place it down into the water. Then bend the bottle under water so that air bubbles run up from it. Surely the child will want to repeat this experience himself.
Introduce your child to the properties of water as a solvent. To do this, give your child several transparent cups of water and paint, watercolor or gouache. He will be interested in getting different shades of the same color by adding more paint to one glass and less to another. You can create three shades by adding just a little paint to the water. And if you try really hard, there will be even more shades. Coloring water will help your child understand the patterns of color mixing. Combination
Red and yellow paint gives orange water,
Yellow and blue - green, blue and red - purple.
When young artist When you finish your experiments on coloring water, put it in the freezer. And the next day, show your child the colored pieces of ice and watch together how they melt. In this way, the child learns about another property of water - its ability to turn into ice in the cold.
In order to demonstrate to the child the ability of water to turn into steam
(evaporate), watch with your child
Over boiling water. And then conduct an experiment: cover a container with boiled water and watch how the condensed steam again turns into drops of water and flows down.
Pour some water into a saucer and leave it for a few days. Eventually the water will evaporate and the saucer will become empty.
While walking with your child, observe
Behind the puddle. The surrounding objects are reflected in the water.
You, but they instantly disappear if you throw something into a puddle. Puddles come in different sizes
Ranks and depths: large and small, deep and shallow - some need to be bypassed, while others can simply be stepped over. The depth of the puddle
Can be measured with a stick or spatula.
Demonstrate to your child the life-giving properties of water. To do this, place the branches of a bush or tree in the water; after a while, leaves will appear on them. If it’s summer or autumn outside, then you can put a flower in water and leave another one without water - let the child see for himself which one withers first.
That's how many interesting observations can be made by studying the properties of ordinary water itself.

Useful and funny
water games

This chapter describes games that
You can play both at home and outside in hot weather. The main thing that unites them is that by playing them, the child gains new knowledge and useful skills. Some of these games can be played as fun competitions or competitions. And not only children, but also their parents can participate in these competitions.
Bathing toys
Invite your child to bathe his toys himself.
Rushki in a basin with warm water. Give him everything he needs for this: a basin, soap, a brush, a sponge.
And a towel. If you add foaming detergent to the water, then this is an activity for re-
Byonka will become more attractive.

We do the laundry and help mom.
When you get ready to do the laundry, involve your child in this useful task, providing him with everything necessary for this. Let him wash the handkerchiefs or doll's dress in a small basin next to you, and then, after wrung out, hang them to dry. Along the way, you can ask your little helper riddles or read poems.

It slips away like something alive, but I won’t let it go.
It foams with white foam and is not too lazy to wash.

Let's do the laundry now, we need soap, we need...

I am my mother’s only son, my mother has no daughter.
How can you not help your mother wash the handkerchiefs?
The soap foams in the washtub, I wash it, look.
The diligent daughters washed all the handkerchiefs.
And then they pet it themselves - they know how to help mom.

Buy a game in the store in which plastic fish with a metal center are caught with a magnetic fishing rod. If you were unable to buy the game, you can make it yourself by cutting out fish from thin plastic and attaching a metal paper clip to each of them. It’s also not difficult to make a fishing rod, you just need a magnet.
Place the finished fish into a basin or transparent jar of water. Let the child

He catches them with a fishing rod, saying: “Catch them, fish, big and small!” During the game, explain to your child why fish are attracted to the magnetic fishing rod. And with homemade fishing rod You can remove the paperclip and demonstrate to the child that the fish has stopped being “caught.”

(game for older preschool children)
Tell your child that builders in their work use one of the simplest and most convenient devices called a level. With its help, workers determine whether the floor in the house is level and whether there is a slope in any direction. You can make this device yourself. For this you will need
A transparent tube with a diameter of 1.5 to 4 cm and a length of 10-18 cm, sealed or tightly sealed with a stopper at one end. It is necessary to fill it with water almost to the very edge, and then securely plug it with a stopper. It is important that one remains near the surface
Air bubble. When you place the “level” on a horizontal surface, the air bubble will begin to move and then stop exactly in the middle of the tube. If the surface is inclined, the bubble will run away from the center to the edge. Ask your child to check whether the table in your house is level and whether there is, even a slight, slope at the floor or window sill.

Sinking ship

Place a soap dish, bowl or unbreakable bowl on the surface of the water in a basin or bathtub.
A plate. Then show your child how to pour water into it in a thin stream from a watering can or other container with a spout, waiting for the moment when the water level in the floating container reaches a critical level and it begins to tilt and sink. Invite the young tester to conduct this experiment himself.
You can organize this game for 2 children, introducing a competitive element into it. Let
Children pour water into identical containers in very thin streams so that the “ships” remain on the surface longer. Wins
In this competition, the one whose ship will sink last. Ask your child why the ship first floated and then sank.

Long voyage

Make a paper boat with your child (how to do this is shown in the picture), and then lower it into the water in a basin or bathtub. Show your child how to blow on it so that the boat begins to move, moving away from you. The stronger and longer the air stream you blow, the longer the boat will float. Compete with your child to see whose boat will sail farther. Ask your child what, in his opinion, the distance of the boat depends on.

Playing with water on a hot summer day

In these funny Games you can play while relaxing on a hot sunny day at the dacha or sunbathing on the beach, when it’s not scary to be wet from head to toe, but on the contrary, it’s nice to splash water on each other.

Accurate shooter
For this competition, you need to place bottles on the table or bench according to the number of players. Place a light plastic ball (for playing table tennis) on the neck of each bottle. Make a sprinkler for each child. It can be made from any plastic bottle by poking a hole 3-5 mm in diameter in the cap. The sprinklers are filled with water. Now everything is ready for the competition in accuracy.
Participants in the game stand at a certain distance (marked by a line) and, using a water jet from a spray bottle, try to knock the balls off the bottle. The one who succeeds first wins.

Wet fight
Two or more children, armed with splashing
Kami are trying to pour water on each other. The participants in the game take turns dodging
From the jet, on the contrary, they go on the attack on the enemy, trying to spray him with water. Truce comes only when the spray
Jackdaws are running out of water. The winner in this game is the one who managed to wet the opponent the most.

Splatter tags
The game is reminiscent of traditional tag, differing from them only in that the driver does not stain the players with his hand, but tries to spray them with a stream of water. The one whom he managed to pour water on becomes the driver and receives a sprinkler. And the driver turns into a player.

Scoop up the water
For this game, give two players identical basins or buckets of water and mugs of the same volume. Players compete to see who can quickly scoop water out of a bucket using a mug, pour it into a basin without spilling the water.

Water carriers
Each player is given a glass filled to the brim with water. Children run at the leader's signal
To the finish line and return back to the start line. The player who comes first and does not splash the water wins.

Development of Prototype in the Uncategorized section and published on July 3rd, 2016
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Each child reaches cognitive age at its own time. Someone begins to make their first discoveries as soon as they turn one year old, while others are ready to study and conquer this world a little earlier... or later. The main thing is that parents are prepared for this significant moment. They could help the little one in his research, quench the little naturalist’s thirst for knowledge. And this can be done using ordinary water. It surrounds us everywhere. She is changeable and fluid. It is fraught with a lot of “interesting things” and “unknowns”. And she's so much fun to play with. So why not make this ubiquitous H2O the subject of educational games for your child? Surely, your little one will perceive such an idea with great enthusiasm.

Water: knowledge of the world

Rain and puddles, a river and the sea, a bath and just a cup of water. They contain a lot of discoveries.

  • Water can be warm or cold.
  • It pours and pours out.
  • And sometimes the water turns into ice.
  • All sorts of objects drown in it.
  • And there are those who don’t drown.
  • You can wet something with water.
  • Or spray it.
  • And then it evaporates or dries out.

All the “talents” of water cannot be counted. But you can gradually study them in a simple but fun process. And don’t think that children’s pouring bottles are mere pampering. In no case. These simple discoveries are nothing more than the baby’s first steps in understanding the reality around him.

Playing with water develops a child’s logical thinking and prepares him for the upcoming study of school disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

Games with water for children 1-3 years old

Before inviting your baby to play with some water, you need to prepare a “field of activity” and necessary equipment. Don't be alarmed. The baby is unlikely to get to the point of scuba gear and a submarine. To begin with, a bowl of water or even a small saucepan will be enough.

Can be purchased for playing with water. Games can be played in the bathtub or kitchen sink. In summer - on the banks of a river, lake or sea. Water is quite democratic in this sense. An inquisitive mind will reveal its secrets, wherever it may be. Indoors, of course, it doesn’t hurt to get a rag in advance to wipe away puddles, which, believe me, cannot be avoided.

To play with water, you will need all kinds of play containers and utensils (plastic cups and bottles of different sizes, cups, spoons, plates, in general, anything you can pour water into). Also prepare balls made from different materials. And other toys that, in your opinion, will help to clearly show the baby what water “can do.” Games can be combined with swimming. You just need to control the time your baby stays in the water.

The skin of a one-year-old baby is very delicate. And water play procedures should be continued no longer than 30-40 minutes. To avoid drying out the baby's skin.

One more thing. When playing with water, don't go into too much complicated explanations. It will be enough to show the child what can be done with some water and comment with short, simple phrases: “The water is pouring,” “The boat is sailing,” “The pebble is sinking.”


To begin with, show your child the process of water movement itself. You can get water from the tap. Or you can pour it from a bottle. And then pour it into another glass. Or you can pour it into a saucepan and it will mix with other water. The stream of water may be thin and the glass will fill slowly. And if the stream of water is thicker, the container will fill much faster.

Let the baby pour water into jars and bottles, cups and cups himself. This way he will understand that any container can be filled with water. And then invite the little one to check how many small glasses will fit in a large bottle. Or how many spoons of water will fit into a tea cup. Keep count with your child. If he is not yet familiar with counting, use the concepts “many” and “little.”


Ask your child what will happen if you put an empty bottle in water. The baby will definitely be interested. And imagine his surprise when the bottle, once under water, begins to release air bubbles to the surface. Explain to your child that air is light and water is heavy. She “expelled” the air from the bottle, and it “ran away” to the top. So what happened to the bottle now? She remained lying at the bottom of the container with water.

What if you empty the bottle again and close the lid? Then the water will not be able to expel the light air. And the bottle won't sink. She will float on the surface.

The game will be more fun if you have several ping-pong balls among your inventory (there is also air inside them). When they are immersed in water and then suddenly released, the balls jump high out of the water, giving these little ones a lot of fun.

"Sprinklers, crushers, expulsors"

For this game you need to make several small holes in the cap of a plastic bottle. Then fill the bottle with water and invite the baby to “kick” it out of the bottle. The harder the baby presses on the bottle, the more intense the water will flow out of it. In the summer, you can stage a whole battle, armed with similar “sprinklers”.

Games with water (video)

Water games for children: bath games

The bathroom can also be used beneficially for its development.

By playing with your baby in the water, you teach him the basics of all natural sciences, equipping him with knowledge about the world in which the baby lives.

"What floats and what sinks"

For this game, select items made from different materials (wood, metal, glass, fabric, foam, etc.). Let the little one see for himself that the “buoyancy” of toys depends on what material they are made of.

"Water in a sieve"

Try pouring water with your baby using a colander or sieve. Explain that water will leak out of dishes with holes.



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