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Card index of outdoor Russian folk games in preschool educational institutions. Card file of folk games for kindergarten

Russian folk games

for middle age children preschool age

"Grandfather Mazai"

The game begins with the choice of a driver - “Grandfather Mazai”. The driver sits on a chair. Children come up to him and say:

Hello, grandfather Mazai. Get out of the box!

The driver answers:

Hello children, where were you, what were you doing?

We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did!

Children use gestures to show actions that are agreed upon in advance:

“baked pies”, “picked mushrooms”, “sewed on buttons”, “played the balalaika”, etc.

Baba Yaga

The driver - Baba Yaga - is blindfolded and in the center of the drawn circle. The players walk in a circle without entering it. One of the players says:

IN dark forest hut

It stands backwards and forwards.

There is an old woman in that hut,

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Her eyes are big

My hair stands on end.

Wow, how scary

Our Grandma Yaga!

On the last word the players enter cool and touch Baba Yaga. She is trying to catch someone. The one who is caught becomes Baba Yaga.

Two Frosts

On opposite sides of the site, two “houses” are marked with lines. The players are located in the same “house”. Two “frosts” are selected: Blue Nose and Red Nose. At the signal, the “frosts” say:

We are two young brothers,

Two Frosts are daring,

I am Frost Red Nose,

I am Frost Blue Nose.

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

All players answer in chorus:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “frost” all the players run to the “house” n,i opposite side of the site, and the “frosts” try to “freeze” them by touching someone with their hand.

Jump rope

One of the players takes the rope and unwinds it. The rest jump over the rope. Before the game starts, the following words are said:

So that the spikelet may last long,

So that the flax grows tall,

Jump as high as possible.

You can jump above the roof.

Butterflies and swallow

The players pretend to be butterflies, and the driver catches them. Everyone sings:

Butterflies are flying

Pollen is collected

The swallow will rise

And he will catch butterflies.

The one who is caught becomes a “swallow”.


According to the counting, a “lark” is selected. He has a bell in his hand. He enters the circle that the players form and runs around in it. Everyone says:

A lark sang in the sky,

The bell rang.

Frolic in silence

I hid the song in the grass.

The one who finds the song

It will be fun whole year.

Then the players close their eyes. The “Lark” runs out of the circle and rings the bell. Then he carefully places it behind someone's back. The one who guesses who has the bell behind his back becomes a “lark”.

Subsequently, the bell hides anywhere.


The counting players are divided into two equal teams. One team is the “bees”. The other is “flowers”. The "bees" catch them. “Flowers” ​​say:

Bees, bees,

The pities are pathetic

Gray, small,

The wings are scarlet.

They fly above

They fall to the flowers,

The honey is collected

They drag it into the deck.


The “bee” that caught the “flower” says: “Freeze!” - and the “flower” stands still, without moving. When the “bees” catch all the “flowers,” they change roles with them, and the game continues.


Children form a circle, in the middle there is a child with a rope and his hand. This is a "spider". Everyone sings:

Spider cobweb

Got caught on a blade of grass

And then for the piece of paper:

The result is a bridge.

From the beginning of the singing, the “spider” gives one end of the rope to someone standing in the circle, and the other to someone standing opposite. At the end of singing, children who have a rope in their hands squat down, pulling on the rope.

The rest of the children, with the words “Let’s go along the bridge, we’ll come to visit the sun,” cross the “bridge.” Those guys who never stumbled or fell into the “river” are celebrated.

Bucket sun

They choose a driver - “sun”. The rest of the children are “sleeping”. They are singing:

Burn, sun, brighter -

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

The players dance in a round dance to the first two lines of the song. For the next two, they turn to face each other and bow. Then they come closer to the “sun”. It says, “It’s hot,” then catches up with the kids. The “sun”, having caught up with the “sleeping” one, touches him. He “wakes up” (drops out of the game).

In circles

The driver is selected.

The players form a circle. In the center with eyes closed The driver is standing. The players walk around him and sing:

Standing in a circle

And quickly someone

Touch with your wand.

Answer quickly

Hurry up and guess.

Then they stop, and the driver feels everyone’s heads. The one he correctly calls by name goes into the circle.


The “mistress” and “wolf” are chosen. The rest of the players are “geese”. The “mistress” calls the geese, the “geese” answer her.



Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes!

Well, fly home!

Gray wolf under the mountain, won’t let us home, sharpens his teeth, wants to eat us!

Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings! The “geese” scatter, the “wolf” catches them. When the “wolf” catches all the “geese,” the “mistress” tells him:

Wolf, you have a lot of pigs and other animals in your yard. Go chase them away.

The “wolf” asks her to drive them away. The “mistress” pretends to drive away the animals three times, but cannot drive them all away. Then the “wolf” goes to drive them away himself, while the “mistress” takes the “geese” home.

By the bear in the forest

Draw two circles: one - “village”, the other - “forest”. “berries” are placed in this circle. One of the participants pretends to be a bear and sits in the “forest”. The rest go from the “village” to the “forest” to pick berries; one of the players has a basket in his hands. Everyone sings:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

The bear is fed up

He froze on the stove.

Then they surround the “forest”. Throwing and passing the basket to each other, they try to run into the “forest” and throw “berries” into it. Whoever the “bear” catches in the “forest” becomes the new “bear”. Game continues.

Zarya Zaryanica

Two drivers are selected. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle with the carousel. Then they dance in a circle and sing:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow,

And run like fire!

At the last words, the drivers run in different directions. Whoever takes the vacated ribbon first is the winner, and the remaining one chooses his next partner.


The players sit next to each other. The first person in the row whispers a word into his neighbor’s ear. He stands up and portrays this word with facial expressions and actions. The others must guess it. The game continues, everyone guesses the words in order. Usually the game is very fun, but according to the rules you can’t laugh - you pay forfeit for it.

Golden Gate

The players join hands to form a circle. In the center of it, two players stand, take hands and raise them up - they make a “golden gate”. One of the participants in the game: the driver, takes one child by the hand and leads everyone like a “snake” and passes through the “golden gate”. At the same time everyone sings:

Go through the golden gates, gentlemen:

The first time - goodbye

The second one is prohibited

And for the third time, we won’t let you through!

On last sentence songs, the gates are lowered and whoever is trapped stands behind the player representing the gate. When all the children have been caught, the "Which Team Can Win" competition begins.

Empty place

The players, except the driver, stand in a circle, the driver behind the circle. Everyone puts their hands behind their backs or simply lowers them down. The driver walks around the circle and touches someone, touching their hands. This means that he challenges this player to a competition. Having touched, the driver runs in one direction around the circle, and the called one runs in reverse side round. Whoever takes the empty seat faster remains there, and the one left without a seat becomes the driver.

Third wheel

The players stand in pairs in a circle, facing the center so that one of the pair is in front and the other is behind it. Two drivers take a place behind the circle. One of them runs away, and the other catches him. Fleeing from pursuit, the runner can stand in front of any pair. Then the person standing behind turns out to be the “third wheel”. He must run away from the second driver. If the catcher catches (touches, touches) running away, they change roles. Thus, the drivers change all the time.

Fishing rod

All players form a circle. One driver is selected to stand in the center of the circle. The driver is given a rope. The driver can also be an adult. The driver begins to rotate the rope. The task of all players in the circle is to jump over it and not get caught. There are two options for developing the game.
1st option: without changing the driver (adult). In this case, those who fall for the bait are eliminated from the game and go outside the circle. The game is played until the most agile and jumping children (3-4 people) remain in the circle.
2nd option: with a change of driver. The “fish” that takes the bait takes a place in the center of the circle and becomes the “fisherman”.


Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands - this is a mousetrap. One or two are “mice”. They are outside the circle. Holding hands and raising them up (collars), say the words:
Oh, how tired the mice are,
They gnawed everything, ate everything!
Beware, you rascals,
We'll get to you!
Let's slam the mousetrap
Let's catch everyone at once!
While pronouncing the text, the “mice” run in and out of the circle. WITH the last word“The mousetrap is slamming shut” - they lower their hands and squat down. Those who did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle. Other "mice" are selected.

Guess who called

Participants stand in a circle, leading in the center of the circle with their eyes closed. One of the players calls the driver by name, and he must guess who called him. If the driver guesses correctly, the loser takes his place.

Larisa Borisova

Russian folk games have a long history, they have been preserved and come down to the present day from ancient times, passed down from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions.

It is impossible to imagine holidays in Rus' without games. In Russians folk games Oh, a lot of humor and enthusiasm. They are always figurative and are accompanied by rhymes, nursery rhymes, funny rhymes, and jokes.

I present to your attention a small selection of folk games that we used during the holidays.

Game "Stream"

tasks: Develop spatial orientation, easy running, play together.

Children use a counting rhyme to choose a “stream”.

Stream, stream!

Hello, dear little friend!

"stream": Can I play with you?

Children: You hurry up and run

And choose your friends here.

Children raise their hands. “Little Stream” runs in and chooses a mate. The remaining one child runs and chooses a mate.

"Burners"(with a handkerchief)

Objectives: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal and practice running.

Players stand in pairs one behind the other. The driver is in front, holding a handkerchief in his hand above his head.

All in chorus:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky,

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One two Three!

Last couple run!

Children last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who reaches the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with it in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns,” that is, leads.


Children are divided into pairs and pretend to be fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game. You can hold your hands on your belt, behind your back, cross in front of your chest, or hold the knee of a bent leg with your hands.


The “lark” is selected according to a counting rhyme (he has a bell in his hand).

He runs inside a circle. Everyone says:

A lark sang in the sky,

The bell rang.

Frolic in silence

I hid the song in the grass.

The one who finds the song

It will be fun all year long.

The players close their eyes; the lark runs out of the circle and rings the bell. Then he carefully places it behind someone's back. The one who guesses who has the bell behind his back becomes a “lark”.

a game "Pots."

2 drivers are selected: “seller” and “buyer”. Children sit in a circle on their knees - these are “potties”. To the tune of a Russian folk melody, the “buyer” and “seller” walk around the circle towards each other. Dialogue at the meeting:

-How much are the pots?

For the money!

Aren't they full of holes?

Try it yourself!

The “buyer” walks in a circle, choosing a “pot”. The “seller” walks behind, persuading him: “Excellent pots! New, shiny! Choose, buy, you won’t regret it! When the “buyer” has chosen a “pot,” he stops and says: “I’ll take this one!” They shake hands and run in different directions. Whoever reaches the “pot” first becomes the “seller”, and the “pot” becomes the “buyer”. The loser sits in a circle, he is the “pot”.

"Mother Spring"

Objectives: Develop the ability to act on a signal, exercise children in walking and forming in a circle.

Spring is selected. Two children holding hands form a gate.

All the children say:

Mother spring is coming,

Open the gate.

The first of March has arrived

He spent all the children;

And behind it comes April

He opened the window and the door;

And just as May came -

Walk as much as you want!

Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and into a circle.

Rules: Do not break the chain.

Outdoor games are one of the greatest achievements folk pedagogy. They reflect national traits, the way of life of the people, their worldview, public life. Children’s passion for play and role-playing dedication confirm the advisability of their inclusion in any activity.

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Card index

Russian folk games

V senior preparatory to school group

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MBDOU Sitnikovsky kindergarten"Star"

Currently, the task of preserving national traditions and forming a person’s national self-awareness is urgent.

Russian folk games have absorbed the best national traditions. They clearly reflect the way of life of people, their work, way of life, and national principles. Folk games have a lot of humor, jokes, and enthusiasm, which makes them especially attractive to children. The accessibility and expressiveness of folk games activates the child’s mental work, contributes to the expansion of ideas about the world around him, and the development mental processes. Folk games have everything: folk text, music, dynamic action, and excitement. At the same time, they have strictly defined rules, and each player is accustomed to joint and coordinated actions, to respect the generally accepted conditions of the game. In such games you can excel if it does not violate established order- this is the pedagogical value of folk games.

Russian folk games were used in joint, independent activities: when organizing morning receptions, walks, and in the evening hours.

We also use folk games during holidays and entertainment. Various characters from fairy tales come to the children and play imitative games with them - “Peter the Cockerel”; round dances - “Vasya the Duckling”, “Game”; fun games - “Granny the Hedgehog”; competitive games - tug of war, wrestling, etc.

IN Everyday life, especially during walks, our pupils love to play the so-called yard games: “Tags”, “The Sea is Worried”, “Colors”, “Fanta”, “Big Ball”, “Burners”, “Ring”.

Using folk games in working with children allows us to convey to children the identity of the Russian people, the color of their customs, the uniqueness of the Russian language, and to generate interest in Russian folk culture, to its traditions.

It is important to develop attentiveness, creative imagination, cognitive activity, communication skills, ability to reason, analyze and compare, generalize and highlight essential features of objects. The acquired skills will help the child successfully master new knowledge in the future. And these skills must be developed unnoticed by the child, in play. Therefore, in kindergarten we widely use games to develop cognitive processes.

For example:

Development games various types memory: “Memories”, “What was missing”, “Telegram”, “Artists” and others.

Games for the development of communication skills and the emotional sphere of the child: “Tender steps”, “Gift”, “ Good wizards", "Locomotive with a name", "Compliments" and others.

Games for the development of mental operations: “An extra word”, “Say the opposite”, “The fourth odd one”, “Tricky puzzles”, “Choose a word”, “Fact and fable”, “Mysterious words” and others.

Games to develop imagination: “What happened”, “What will happen”, “Whoever comes up with the end will be great” and others.

Games to relieve emotional stress.

Children play such games with pleasure and interest, they become more confident in themselves and their abilities. Moreover, this affects both communication with peers and behavior in other classes. They develop communication skills and form the prerequisites for further successful educational activities.

"Strike on the Rope"

Target: Development of dexterity and coordination of movements.

equipment: rope closed in a circle

To play, you need a rope closed in a circle. Players grab the rope from the outside with both hands. One driver is selected, who should be in the center of the circle formed by the rope.

The purpose of the driver is to add salt, i.e. hit the hand of one of the players located on the outside of the circle. Those who are on the outside of the circle can only release one hand from the rope during the leader’s attack. If the player releases two hands from the rope or the driver hits one of them, then it is he who stands in the circle and the game continues.

"Into the Ice"

Target: Develop coordination of movements, practice jumping on two legs in place.
Equipment: piece of ice
Children stand in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle. He jumps on one leg and pushes a piece of ice in front of him with the other. At this time the players sing:

Captain, captain,
Don't hit your feet with ice,
On crooked boots!
Your nose is knotty
Head with a bow,
Back with a box!

To this the driver answers:

I'm galloping along the path
On one leg
In an old shoe
Over stumps, over hummocks,
Over the hills, over the mountains.
Bang! On your feet!

The driver’s task, with the words “Boom! On your feet! try to hit the guys’ feet with a piece of ice. And the guys must jump so that the ice does not touch them.
Whoever the piece of ice touches becomes the new driver and continues the game.

"Big Ball"

Target: Development of dexterity, development of communication skills

Equipment: ball

A game in which you need to form a circle. Children join hands, and one driver is selected, who stands in the center of the circle and there is a large ball near his feet.

The task of the player in the center is to kick the ball and push it out of the circle. The player who misses the ball goes outside the circle, and the one who hits takes his place. At the same time, everyone turns their back to the center of the circle and tries not to miss the ball into the center of the circle.

An important condition is that the ball cannot be picked up during the entire game.

"Ball in the Hole"

Target: Development of accuracy, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: ball (ball), sticks 1 meter according to the number of players

A game with many varieties.

To play, a shallow hole is dug in the ground and a ball is placed in it. All players must have straight sticks about a meter long.

The performer is chosen by lot - the player who will guard the ball. All other players move beyond the conventional line, at a certain distance from the hole, and begin to throw sticks in the established order, trying to hit the ball. For everyone who throws it past, the sticks remain in place.

If no one hits, then the performer rolls the ball with his stick towards the stick closest to him, trying to hit it. If he succeeds, he runs behind the starting line for throwing, also called the house. The performer becomes the one whose stick the ball hits.

If during the game someone manages to knock the ball out of the hole, at the same moment, those players whose sticks are in the field run to pick them up, and the performer must put the ball in its place.

This gives players the opportunity to make an extra throw.


Target: Practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, while running, develop agility.

Equipment: none

The game is played in an open space. One hunter is chosen from all the players, all the others pretend to be hares, trying to jump on two legs.

The hunter's task is to catch the slowest hare by hitting him with his hand. But there is one important condition in the game: the hunter does not have the right to catch a hare if it is on a “tree”.

In the context of this game, a tree will be any sliver or stump. This condition makes life very difficult for the hunter, which often makes him angry during the game.

However, as soon as he manages to kill one of the hares, he immediately becomes a hunter, taking on the unenviable responsibility of catching hares.

"Jumping with Tied Feet"

Target: Practice jumping on two legs while moving forward, developing speed and strength qualities.

Equipment: scarves according to the number of players

All participants have their feet tied with a thick, wide rope or scarf. After which everyone stands near the starting line and, at a signal, begins to jump towards the finish line. The winner is the one who covered the distance the fastest.

The distance should not be too large, since jumping with tied legs is quite difficult.

Folk outdoor games are, as a rule, games that are passed down from generation to generation. For preschoolers, they are simple and interesting, and without any effort the child gets acquainted with the customs and character traits of his people, absorbs the unique flavor that folk art carries....



P/i "Zhmurki"

Goal: teach to listen carefully to the text; develop coordination in space.

How to play: Zhmurka is selected using a counting rhyme. He is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the site, and turned around several times. Conversation with him:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

On Bridge.

What's in your hands?


Catch the mice, not us!

The players run away, and the blind man's buff catches them. The blind man's buff must recognize the caught player and call him by name without removing the bandage. He becomes a blind man's buff.

P/i (Russian folk) “Wintering and migratory birds»

Goal: develop motor skills; reinforce the idea of ​​bird behavior in winter.

Progress of the game: Children put on hats of birds (migratory and wintering). In the middle of the playground, at a distance from each other, there are two children wearing Sunny and Snowflake hats. “Birds” run in all directions saying:

Birds fly, grains are collected.

Little birds, little birds».

After these words, “migratory birds” run towards the Sun, and “wintering birds” run towards the snowflake. Whose circle completes the fastest wins.

P/i (Russian folk) “Bees and Swallow”

Goal: develop dexterity and speed of reaction.

Progress of the game: The playing “bee” children are squatting. "Swallow" - in its nest. “Bees” (sitting in a clearing and humming):

The bees are flying and collecting honey!

Zoom, zoom, zoom! Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Martin: - The swallow flies and catches the bees.

He flies out and catches the “bees”. The one who is caught becomes a “swallow”.

P/i "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell"

Goal: to entertain children, to help create a good, joyful mood in them.

Progress of the game: One of the children is given a bell. The other two children are blind man's buff. They are blindfolded. The child with the bell runs away, and the blind man's buff catches up with him. If one of the children manages to catch the child with the bell, then they change roles.

P/i (Russian folk game) “Potato”

Purpose: to introduce the folk game; learn to throw the ball.

Progress of the game: The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other without catching it. When a player drops the ball, he sits in a circle (becomes a “potato”). From the circle, jumping from a sitting position, the player tries to catch the ball. If he catches it, he goes back to the players, and the player who missed the ball becomes a potato.
The game continues until one player remains or until one gets bored.

P/i (Russian folk) “Snow Woman”

Goal: to develop motor activity.

Progress of the game: “Snow Woman” is selected. She squats down at the end of the platform. The children walk towards her, stamping their feet,

Baba Snow is standing

He dozes in the morning and sleeps during the day.

In the evenings he waits quietly,

At night he comes to scare everyone.

At these words, the “Snow Woman” wakes up and catches the children. Whoever he catches becomes the “Snow Woman”.

P/i (Russian folk) “Duck and Drake”

Purpose: to introduce Russian folk games; develop speed of movement.

Progress of the game: Two players portray a Duck and a Drake. The rest form a circle and join hands. The Duck stands in a circle, and the Drake stands behind the circle. The Drake tries to slip into the circle and catch the Duck, while everyone sings:

Drake catches a duck
The young one catches a gray one.
Go home, little duck,
Go home, gray one.
You have seven children

Eighth drake.

P/i (Russian folk) “Cabbage”

Goal: to develop dexterity of movements.

How to play: The circle is a vegetable garden. Scarves are folded in the middle to represent cabbage. The “owner” sits down next to the cabbage and says:

I'm sitting on a pebble, playing with chalk pegs,

I'm making small pegs, I'm growing my garden.

So that the cabbage is not stolen, do not run into the garden

Wolves and tits, beavers and martens,

The hare is mustachioed, the bear is clubfooted.

Children try to run into the “garden”, grab the “cabbage” and run away. Whoever the “owner” catches is eliminated from the game.

Fun outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide-and-seek, blind man’s buff, catch-up, and tag?
When did these games originate? Who invented them? It is probably impossible to find an exact answer to these questions. These games, like songs and fairy tales, were created by the people. They perfectly temper the body and soul.
These games force you to move a lot and require resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity and perseverance. They are usually carried out on fresh air in an open area.
Children from all ages can participate in such games. different ages– from preschoolers to high school students.
Their rules are simple and clear.

The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and make fun of the players running around the site.
But this game has several options that complicate it.
1. The taunted player becomes the driver, and he must run, holding his hand on the part of the body for which he was taunted.
The first player whom the driver touches becomes the driver himself.
2. The upset player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: “Tea-tea-help out.” He is "bewitched".
Other players can “disenchant” it by touching their hand. The leader must “bewitch” everyone. To do this faster, there can be two or three drivers.

This game is probably familiar to you, however, it has a lot various options.
The basic rules are: one person leads and the others hide.
The driver must find all the players and make fun of them before they have time to hide “at home.”
The driver, chosen using a counting rhyme, stands in the appointed place with his eyes closed. This place is called "con".
While the driver counts loudly to 20–30, all the players hide in a certain area. After the end of the count, the driver opens his eyes and goes in search of the hidden ones.
If he sees one of the players hiding, he loudly calls his name and runs to the stake. As a sign that the player has been found, the stake must be knocked on a wall or tree.
If the found player runs to the stake and knocks there before the driver, then he is not considered caught. He steps aside and waits for the game to end.
The driver must “catch” as many hidden players as possible.
Next time, the driver becomes the player who was found and “caught” last (or, according to the decision of the players, first).
Every time the driver moves far from the horse, hidden players can sneak up to the horse unnoticed and knock. In this case, they will not be considered detected.

On the site, at a distance of 10–15 meters, two lines are drawn - two “houses”.
In one there are geese, in the other their owner.
Between the “houses”, “under the mountain”, lives the “wolf” - the leader.
The “master” and the “geese” conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- So fly!
- We are not allowed. The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!
After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them.
The caught player becomes a “wolf”.

The players line up in a column in pairs, holding hands.
The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:
Burn-burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple run!
On the word “run”, the last couple standing must quickly run around the column and stand in front. And the driver strives to get ahead of them and take one of the places of the first pair. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver.
Instead of the words “last pair,” the driver can say: “Fourth pair” or “Second pair.” In this case, everyone playing must be very careful and remember where they stand in the column.

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 6–8 meters from one another.
Behind one line is the driver - the “bear”, behind the other is the “house” in which the children live.
Children go out of the “house” into the “forest” to pick mushrooms and berries.
They approach the bear's den with the words:
By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us.
At the last words, the “bear” jumps out of the “den” and tries to grease the children running away to their house.
A player hit by a bear becomes a bear.

The driver is selected - the “monk” and the leader - the “seller”.
All other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.
The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk in blue pants, have come to you for some paint.”
Seller: “For what?”
The monk names any color, for example: “For blue.”
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!”
"Monk" starts the game from the beginning.
If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him.
If you catch up, then the “paint” becomes the driver; if not, then the paints are guessed again and the game is repeated.

The game takes place on a small limited area with no dangerous obstacles.
The driver is blindfolded, or simply closes his eyes. He must make fun of one of the players with his eyes closed.
The players run away from the driver, but do not go beyond the boundaries of the site and always raise their voices - call the driver by name or shout: “I’m here.”
The spoiled player changes roles with the driver.

They choose Alyonushka and Ivanushka and blindfold them. They are inside the circle.
The players stand in a circle and join hands.
Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka.
To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” Alyonushka must always respond: “I’m here, Ivanushka!”, but she herself is in no hurry to meet Ivanushka and, sensing his approach, runs away to the side.
The drivers' movements are comical and sometimes unexpected.
It happens that Ivanushka mistakes someone standing nearby for Alyonushka and rather grabs onto him. The mistake is explained to him.
As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts all over again.

The players are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other – robbers.
The Cossacks have their own house, where there is a watchman during the game. His responsibilities include guarding captured robbers.
The game begins with the Cossacks, remaining in their house, giving the robbers the opportunity to hide. At the same time, the robbers must leave traces: arrows, conventional signs or a note indicating the location of the next mark.
The traces may also be false in order to intimidate the Cossacks. After 10–15 minutes, the Cossacks begin searching.
The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one whom the Cossacks saw is considered caught.
It is better to play the game in a large area, but limited by some signs.
At the end of the game, the Cossacks and the robbers change roles.

A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver.
All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope.
The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the legs of the players with it.
The “fish” must protect themselves from the “fishing rod” and jump over it. To prevent the “fish” from interfering with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them.
The “fish” should not leave their places.
If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, that is, touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”.
The following condition must be observed: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it cannot be lifted from the ground higher than 10–20 centimeters.

Two people are selected for the game: one is the “cat”, the other is the “mouse”. In some cases, the number of “cats” and “mouses” is even greater. This is done to spice up the game.
All other players stand in a circle, holding hands, and form a “gate”.
The task of the “cat” is to catch up with the “mouse” (that is, to touch it with your hand). In this case, the “mouse” and “cat” can run inside and outside the circle.
Those standing in the circle sympathize with the “mouse” and help it as best they can. For example: by letting the “mouse” into the circle through the “gate,” they can close it for the “cat.” Or, if the “mouse” runs out of the “house”, the “cat” can be locked there, that is, you can give up, closing all the “gates”.
This game is not easy, especially for a “cat”. Let the “cat” show its ability to run, its cunning, and its dexterity.
When the “cat” catches the “mouse”, a new pair is selected from among the players.

The driver and the players are on opposite sides of two lines, which are drawn at a distance of 5–6 meters from each other.
The task of the players is to reach the driver as quickly as possible and touch him. The one who did this becomes the driver.
But getting to the driver is not easy.
The players move only to the words of the driver: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further.” Stop!" At the word “stop” all the players freeze.
The driver, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks.
If at this moment one of the players moves, and the driver notices this, then this player will have to go back beyond the line.
The driver can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also returns beyond the line. And then the game continues.

The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5–7 meters.
One of the teams starts the game with the words: “Ali Baba!” The second team answers in unison:
“About what, servant?”
The first team speaks again, calling the name of one of the players on the opposing team, for example: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!”
The named player leaves his team and runs to the enemy team, trying to break the chain with a run, that is, to unhook the players’ hands.
If he succeeds, he takes the player who unclasped his hands to his team.
If the chain is not broken, then he remains on the opposing team.
The teams start the game one by one.
The team that has the most players after a certain time wins.

For this game you need a board and twelve sticks.
The board is placed on a flat stone or small log to create something like a swing.
Twelve sticks are placed on the lower end of the board, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart.
The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide.
When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game.
Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the “swing” unnoticed by the driver and scatter the sticks again.
At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again.
The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks.
The last player found becomes the driver.

This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.
With your right hand, point to the floor and say: “Floor.”
Then point to your nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: “Nose,” and then raise your hand up and say: “Ceiling.”
Take your time.
Let the guys show with you, and you will call.
Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: “Nose,” and at this time point to the ceiling. The guys must listen carefully and show correctly.
It’s good if you cheerfully comment on what’s happening: “I see someone’s nose fell on the floor and is lying there. Let's help find the fallen off nose."
The game can be repeated many times at a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the “highest nose in the world” to the stage.

Take small sheets of paper and write the name of the animal on each.
Give the sheets to the children and ask them to draw the animal they received.
While they are doing this, place chairs in a circle, one less chair than the children.
Children occupy chairs, and one of the players becomes a wild animal tamer.
He slowly walks in a circle and names all the animals in a row.
The one whose animal is named stands up and begins to walk slowly after his handler.
As soon as the tamer says the words: “Attention, hunters!”, all the players, including the tamer, try to take empty chairs.
Anyone who does not have enough space becomes a tamer of wild animals.

To play you need a large basin of water.
Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.
Since children will almost certainly spill water and get splashed themselves during play, it is better to play outside and dress the children in something that will not fade or get wet.

This is a fairly old game and traditionally uses an object that children may have never seen before.
The clothespin can be replaced with a coin, candy, or other small item.
Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play with) into a box or basket.
The one who could throw the most items into the basket won.
If the game involves candy, the child takes whatever is in the basket as a prize at the end of the game.

It is better to play this game outside, in a spacious and level place, and it is advisable for more people to play.
Children choose a leader, and the rest sit on the ground in a circle.
The leader begins to walk slowly from the outside of the circle, touches each player with his hand and says the word “duck” or “goose.”
If the player is called a duck, he continues to sit quietly; if he is a goose, he jumps up and catches up with the leader before he has time to take over. free place goose.
If the leader succeeds, the “goose” leads the next game.

To prepare for the game, take a button, thread a string or wire through it, and make a ring large enough for children to sit around the ring and grasp it with their hands.
One of the players is the leader, he is outside the circle.
At a signal, the children begin to pass the button to each other along the wire in such a way that the presenter does not guess who has it. this moment.
Whoever gets caught with a button in his hand leads the next race.

Children choose a leader, he leaves the room for one minute, and at this time the children appoint a “chief”.
When the leader returns, at his command, the “main” begins to make various movements, for example, shaking his head or stamping his foot, and the children must repeat these movements after the “main”. They must do this so that the presenter does not guess who comes up with these actions.
The presenter’s task is to try to quickly guess who is “in charge”, and if he succeeds, then the “main person” becomes the leader in the next game.

This is a relay race, it is similar to the game “Collect a box”.
Children are divided into two or more teams, each team is given a plastic cup of water.
A large pan or bucket is placed at a certain distance from the start.
At the signal, the participants of both teams begin the relay race. They run with a glass of water in their hands to the pan and pour water into it. Then the players run to their teams as quickly as possible and pass the cups to the next participant.
The cup is filled with water from a hose or other source (both teams share the same hose for more fun) and the player runs to the pot again.
The first team to fill the bucket with water wins.

The game is intended for children, it is better to play it outside, where there is plenty of space.
Children choose a leader. His task is to come up with and perform actions that would be difficult for other players to repeat, for example, jumping over something, jumping 50 times on one leg, etc.
Anyone who fails to repeat after the leader is eliminated from the game.
You can also introduce a rule that children take turns driving, then no one drops out of the game, everyone plays just for fun.

Children sit in a circle. One of the players receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it, or one of the adults speaks this sentence to him in his ear (if the child cannot read).
Next, the player whispers into the neighbor’s ear what he heard or read, who whispers to the next one, and so on, in a circle.
The last player says the sentence out loud, and then you read out the original version.
What the children end up with is usually very different from your version!

This is a very simple game and, most importantly, no one loses at it. The players' task is not to laugh.
Children sit down or stand in a circle, and one of the players says as seriously as possible: “Ha!”
The next one says: “Ha-ha!”, the third says “Ha-ha-ha!”, and so on.
Anyone who says the wrong number of “Has” or laughs is out of the game.
The game continues, and those who dropped out try to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh (just without touching them).
Whoever laughs last wins.

Players stand opposite each other, feet shoulder-width apart, the right foot of one participant is next to the right foot of the second participant.
They then clasp their right hands and, on cue, begin to push or pull each other, attempting to make the other lose their balance.
Whoever moves first from the original position loses.

This game is played by 8 or more people.
You must have 1 coin of 10 rubles or 1 ruble (for small ones).
Children are divided into two teams and sit opposite each other at a long table.
One team receives a coin and the children pass it to each other under the table.
The leader of the opposing team slowly counts to ten (you can silently), and then says: “Hands up!”
The players of the team that passed the coin must immediately raise their hands up, with their hands clenched into fists.
The commander then says, “Hands down!” and the players must place their hands, palms down, on the table.
The one who has the coin tries to cover it with his palm.
Now the players of the opposite team confer and decide who has the coin.
If they guessed correctly, the coin goes to them; if not, it remains with the same team.
The team that correctly guesses who has the coin the most number of times wins.

There are many variations of this game.
Give the kids a high five playing cards, shelled nuts, drinking straws, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects while standing at a certain distance from the target.

Three circles with a diameter of 1, 2 and 3 steps are drawn on the floor from one center.
The numbers 10, 5 and 3 are written in circles; the smaller the circle, the larger the number.
The player stands in the smallest circle. They give him a matchbox and blindfold him, placing a strip of clean paper under the bandage.
The player walks 8 steps in any direction and, turning around, takes the same number of steps back.
Stopping, he places the box on the floor and removes the blindfold.
The number of the circle in which the box is placed determines how many points the player is awarded.
The box may appear on the line between the circles, then the winnings are equal to the smaller of the two numbers.
If the player, when returning, veers too far to the side and places the box outside the circles, 5 points are deducted from his score.
Each participant in the game, when it comes to his turn, if desired, has the right to indicate in advance in which circle he will put the box.
Under this condition, if the player is lucky, the number of points that is twice the number that marks the circle is counted; If the player makes a mistake and puts the box in the wrong circle that he indicated, then he will not be counted a single point.

Five to six bags measuring 6x9 cm are sewn from dense fabric.
The bags are tightly stuffed with uncrushed peas and sewn over the edge.
Place a stool on the floor and mark a line 4-5 steps from it.
From the line, the player throws three bags, one at a time, so that the bag falls on the stool and remains on it.
Each time the player manages to do this, he gets 1 point.
The organizer of the game stands near the stool and, if a bag remains on it, immediately removes it.
The player who scores 10 points before others wins.

Holding their hands behind their backs, the players stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle. One of them is holding an “invisibility hat” - a cocked hat folded from a sheet of paper. The driver is in the middle of the circle.
At a signal, the participants in the game begin to pass the hat to each other behind their backs, trying to do this so that the driver does not know who has it.
The driver walks in a circle and vigilantly watches the movements of the players. From time to time he stops and, pointing at one of the players, says loudly: “Hands!” The one to whom the driver is addressing must immediately stretch his arms forward.
If the player ends up with the cap, he changes the driver.
In a moment of danger, you should not throw your hat on the floor. Anyone who violates this rule leaves the game.
Any participant in the game, when he gets a hat, can put it on his head, unless the driver pays attention to him or is not very close.
After showing off your hat for a second, you need to take it off and pass it around.
If the driver gets dirty while the hat is on his head, you will have to give him your place and drive him yourself.

Traditionally, the game used real potatoes, but they can be replaced with a tennis ball or volleyball.
Children sit in a circle, the leader is in the center. He throws a potato to one of the players and immediately closes his eyes.
Children throw it to each other, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible (as if it were a natural hot potato).
Suddenly the presenter commands: “Hot potatoes!”
The one who currently has a “hot potato” in his hands is eliminated from the game.
When one person remains in the circle, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.

This game is familiar to everyone; as a rule, two people play it.
Each player, on the count of three, draws a shape with his hand - a stone (a clenched fist), paper (an open palm) or scissors (two fingers extended in a letter).
The winner is determined as follows: the scissors will cut the paper, the paper will wrap the stone, the stone will dull the scissors.
For each victory, the participant receives one point; the one with the most points wins.

This game, like other outdoor games, is best played outside, with big amount players.
Children stand in a circle, hold hands, and the leader slowly walks inside the circle.
Suddenly he stops at any two players, unclenches their hands and says: “Run, otherwise you will be left without dinner!”
Two players begin to run around the circle of children in opposite directions, and the leader stands in the circle instead of one of the players.
Whoever fills the empty space in the circle first wins, and the second player becomes the leader.

This game is the opposite version of hide and seek.
Players close their eyes and count to 10 while the leader runs away and hides.
After some time, one of the players goes in search of the leader and if he does not find him in one minute, he drops out of the game. If he finds the leader, he hides with him.
Then the next participant goes out in search of the leader, and if he finds him, he also hides; if not, he drops out.
The game continues until the player leaves the game last man or until everyone hides with the leader, like sardines in a barrel.
The main thing is not to laugh!

Players are divided into two teams, each team receives a sealed envelope with a “secret” task - to find another package, in it there are instructions on how to find the next one, etc.
(Each group is given different tasks and envelopes).
If the children are younger, the envelopes can be hidden at home or in the yard. For children older task You can make it difficult to hide all but the last envelope outside the house.
In this case, the penultimate package will contain instructions on how to discover the last “secret package” in the apartment.

All the guys know the spinning top. You can start with a spinning top fun game. 5-6 guys stand in a circle.
One takes plywood the size of a notebook, launches a spinning top on it and quickly says: “I had a spinning top, it whined and left.”
Having said this tongue twister, you need to immediately pass the plywood with the spinning top to the neighbor on the right.
So the spinning top passes from one player to another; You can pass it on only when you say a tongue twister.
Some of the guys will have a spinning top fall sideways onto the plywood and “freeze.” Then everyone shouts: “Yula froze!”
The one who has a spinning top frozen in his hands is considered an “onlooker” - he passes the spinning top along with the plywood to his neighbor, and he himself jumps in a circle on one leg.
When the onlooker gets to his place, his neighbor launches the spinning top and the game continues.
Be careful not to drop the top on the floor when passing the plywood: whoever drops the top also becomes an onlooker - he will have to jump on one leg.

Russian folk round dance game "Loaf"

Probably the most famous round dance game in Russia! It is almost a mandatory attribute of any children’s birthday from one year to the end of the year. primary school. Such a Russian analogue of the American " Happy birthday! The round dance is very simple. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:

How to... name day (say the name of the birthday child)

We baked a loaf.

Such a height! (hands raised as high as possible)

Such lows! (squat down, hands practically placed on the floor)

That's how wide it is! (spread to the sides, trying to make a round dance of as large a diameter as possible)

These are the dinners! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday boy)

Loaf, loaf, choose who you love! (the round dance returns to its “normal” size and stops)

The birthday boy says: I love everyone, of course.

But here... more than everyone else! (calls the name of the selected child, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the round dance)

Now the birthday boy joins the round dance, and the child he chooses becomes the “birthday boy.”

Russian folk round dance game “Bubble”

This game is very fun and dynamic. Children play it with pleasure. The guys hold hands and form a circle. Before the game starts, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Next, the bubble is “inflated”, i.e. disperse to the sides, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance-bubble is “inflated” until one of the round dance participants, unable to withstand the tension, lets go of their hands. This means the bubble has burst. The game is accompanied by the following text:

Blow up, bubble,

Puff up big!

Blow up, hold on

Don't rush!

Russian folk round dance game "Dubok"

This round dance of the Kostroma province. Children, standing in a round dance, sing (or rhythmically say) about the oak tree and, without breaking their hands, show the movements.

We have an oak tree growing

This is how it is

That's it!

(The round dance moves in a circle. With the last word the round dance stops)

The root of it -

That's how deep

This is so deep!

(Children bend over, trying to reach the floor with their hands)

Branches and his -

So high

So high!

(hands raised up and swayed)

Leaves and his -

So wide

So wide!

(the round dance diverges and expands)

Instead of oak, you can take any other tree - pine, maple, etc.

You can also play this round dance with a driver. One of the children is chosen as an oak. He stands in the center of the round dance. Together with all the guys, he shows what leaves, branches, etc. he has. At the end, the “oak” selects a new leader from the round dance, and they themselves join the round dance. At the same time, he can “assign” the new driver the name of another tree, for example, maple, rowan. And then they will sing about this tree.

Russian folk round dance game “Berezka”

The birthplace of this round dance is the Kaluga region. This is a rather complex round dance. It is suitable for children at least 6-7 years old. And this round dance is, rather, for girls. After all, the birch tree is a symbol of a beautiful maiden. And the girls led such round dances on Trinity Day.

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. A “birch” girl is selected. She is in the center of the round dance. If the round dance is large, then you can choose several “birch trees”. Each participant in the round dance has a scarf in his right hand. Children move in a circle saying:

You, birch tree, belena, belena,

And the top of the head is green, green.

In the summer it’s furry,

In winter it’s a bit knotty.

Where you stand is where you make noise!

While this song is playing, the birch girl collects scarves from all the children. The round dance continues to move, and the “birch tree”, raising its scarves above its head, sways and waves its scarves, depicting the movement of branches and the noise of the branches:

Green birch,

It's merry in the spring,

Stands in a clean pole

Yes, it makes noise with leaves.

The branches curl,

Plays with the etras.

Then the “birch” girl goes around the entire round dance and puts a handkerchief on everyone’s shoulder. This is done under the following sentence:

And in the slushy autumn,

In the cold autumn,

Birch tree is elegant,

Incredible beauty

Washed by the rain,

Says goodbye to beauty.

The roots are drying out

Leaves fall.

He keeps one birch handkerchief for himself. The one who does not have enough handkerchief becomes a new “birch tree” and the game is repeated.

Russian folk round dance game "Vyun"

This round dance game requires quite serious preparation. Therefore, rather, this is no longer a round dance game, but a number for performance at a folklore festival. All round dance participants stand in a circle. You can hold hands. The song “I Walk with Loaches” is performed:

I walk with the vine,

(all round dance participants move towards the center, smoothly raising their arms)

I go with gold

(the round dance diverges from the center, hands drop)

I don’t know where I’ll put the loach,

I don’t know where I’ll put the loach.

(round dance participants raise their arms up and swing them from side to side)

I'll put the loach, I'll put the loach

I'll put the vine on my right shoulder,

I will put the vine on my right shoulder.

(The left hand is placed on your right shoulder, and with your right hand you take the left hand of the person in front of the round dance. The round dance moves slowly in a circle)

And from the right, and from the right,

And I’ll put it from right to left,

And I’ll put it from right to left.

(The round dance changes the direction of movement, the position of the hands changes - now right hand on your left shoulder, and left hand on the neighbor's left shoulder)

Burners with handkerchief

All participants in the game stand in pairs one after another, the driver stands in front of the column and holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head. The players say in chorus:

After the words “Birds are flying!” the players of the last pair quickly run forward, and whichever of them is the first to take a handkerchief stands with the driver in front of the column, and the latecomer “burns.”

Burners with handkerchief

Based on materials from Maria Litvinova’s collection “Russian folk outdoor games”
Artists E. N. Rudko, I. S. Slutsner

A game "Stream"

Goal: To develop spatial orientation, easy running, play together.

Children use a counting rhyme to choose "trickle" .

Stream, stream! Children stand in pairs holding hands.

Hello, dear little friend!

Can I play with you? "Stream" standing in front of the children

You hurry up and run in. Children raise their hands. "Stream" runs in with

And make friends here! end of the column and chooses a mate. A

the remaining one child runs to the end

columns and chooses a mate.

A game "Pike"

Goal: To consolidate the ability to walk in small steps in a circle. Rearrange in a circle without releasing your hands, orient yourself in space.

At the beginning of the game they choose "Pike" And "network" .

  1. option to learn the lyrics of the song. Children sing in circles. To words "beware" "Pike" begins to twist in a spiral. On signal "Stop" the children stop. As the songs begin, they go in a different direction and unravel.
  2. option

Like walking along a river (Children walk in a circle)

A pike swam in a reed

(fractional step)

And behind her are the little squirrels, little kids

Beware, pike of the net, (at the signal "beware..." ,

And behind her are small children. pike with squinting

Beware, pike nets, they dive under the nets.

And behind her are small children. without loosening your hands. Circle like

would wriggle out and

children stand with their backs in a circle.

The song is sung a second time. The movements are the same, only the children line up in a circle with their faces.

A game "Gardener" .

Goal: To develop dexterity, dexterity, speed of reaction, attention.

Place in the center of a large circle "stump" (high chair), pegs are stacked in a circle (or toys representing vegetables). All players stand behind a circle. "Gardener" sits on a stump and "plays the pegs" , while saying:

I'm sitting on a stump

I play with small pegs,

I'm planting a vegetable garden.

With the end of the words, the players try to quickly run into the garden and carry away the pegs. ("vegetables" ) . The child who was touched "gardener" , is eliminated from the game. The one who collects the most pegs wins.

A game "Roll a loaf" .

Goal: To develop orientation in place, to cultivate the desire to play together.

One of the children is blindfolded, then turned several times around its axis and, continuing to turn, they sing:

Roll a loaf

Turn around, come on,

To the forest - to the frolic,

I'll go into the garden,

I will break the fence,

I'll dig up the ridges.

Speak, blind man,

Where are you heading?

"Blind" must guess and name the place where he is turning his head. For example, to a wall, to a window, etc. If he guesses correctly, another participant takes his place.

A game "Storks and Frogs" .

Goal: Practice running lightly, without bumping into each other, and maintain balance while standing on one leg.

Children are divided into two groups: "storks" And "frogs" - and are located on opposite sides of the site. Storks stand on one leg, and Frogs jump towards them with the words:

You stand on one leg

You're looking at the swamp

And we're having fun, jump and hop,

Catch up with us, my friend!

The storks are catching up with the frogs. Next time the children change roles.

A game "Drake" .

Goal: To consolidate the ability to walk in a circle, practice fast running, develop agility, reaction speed, and speed.

The players line up in a circle and choose "drake" And "duck" . Children walk in a circle, holding hands, and sing:

The drake was chasing a duck

The young duck was chasing:

“Go home, little duck,

Go home, gray one!”

The Drake walks clockwise inside the circle, and the Duck goes counterclockwise outside the circle. With the end of singing, the drake catches the duck in a type of game "cat and mouse" . Having caught "Duck" , The drake brings her into a circle and kisses her on the cheek.



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What do the terms “beneficiary” and “ultimate beneficiary” mean - complex concepts in simple and accessible language

Evgeniy Malyar # Business Dictionary Terms, definitions, documents Beneficiary (from the French benefice “profit, benefit”) - physical or...

Simplicity does not come at the expense of quality - cod dishes in a slow cooker

Simplicity does not come at the expense of quality - cod dishes in a slow cooker

Cod is an ideal lunch option for those on a diet, because this fish contains a minimum of calories and fat. However, to get the maximum...

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Calories, kcal: Proteins, g: Carbohydrates, g: Russian cheese is a semi-hard rennet cheese, made from pasteurized cow's milk...

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