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Classic sponge cake with cocoa. Very dark chocolate cake

If you love chocolate cakes, you are in the right place and... right time. Now we will tell you how to prepare the base for your favorite dessert. There are many chocolate biscuit recipes waiting for you. You can choose your favorite one to make the cake of your dreams.

The recipes are very similar, but still they are different in complexity and final result. Some are moister, some are fluffier, and some are more chocolatey. To figure out which recipe is your favorite, you'll have to try each one.

General cooking principles

The key ingredient in biscuits has always been and will be eggs. The splendor depends on them. Therefore, it is important that they are fresh. It is important to whip up a dense foam from fresh eggs. If you don't beat the whites and yolks well, you'll end up with a pie, but not a cake. To beat easily, you can add a little salt or lemon juice.

The second important point of our recipes is chocolate. In our case, this is ground cocoa. If you want a more chocolatey, rich, deep flavor, choose chocolate over cocoa.

Classic chocolate sponge cake

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Classics are always in fashion, everyone knows that. Today this is a chocolate sponge cake that really wants to be on your table and be complemented with some delicious cream to your liking.

How to cook:

Tip: if the whites are not whipping well, you can add a pinch of salt to them.

Egg-based chocolate sponge cake

Eggs are always very important in a sponge cake. If they weren't there, you'd have to use baking powder or baking soda to raise the dough. But we still decided to knead the dough for a chocolate sponge cake with eggs, so as not to spoil the taste.

How long is it - 1 hour and 10 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 310 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Divide the eggs into different bowls as usual.
  2. Place the container with the whites in the refrigerator so they will whip up better.
  3. Add half the sugar to the yolks, turn on the mixer and start beating the mixture.
  4. Beat until creamy in color and texture. It should be very fluffy, light and tender.
  5. At this stage, the oven can already be turned on at two hundred degrees Celsius.
  6. Take out a bowl of whites, beat them into a fluffy, standing foam.
  7. When the whites are almost whipped, add the second half of the sugar and beat until all the crystals are dissolved.
  8. Mix the whites into the yolks in several stages.
  9. Each time, knead until the texture is homogeneous, carefully lifting the mixture with a spatula.
  10. Next, stir in the flour, passing it in parts through a sieve.
  11. After this, add cocoa in the same way.
  12. Grease the cake pan, pour out the dough and bake it for about forty minutes at 170 degrees until the toothpick is dry.

Tip: If you're unsure about your pan, cover it with parchment paper.

Baking recipe in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker in your kitchen, consider yourself a winner. You just need to knead the dough for a chocolate sponge cake, and your assistant will do the rest. Isn't it wonderful?

How long is it - 1 hour and 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 291 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Break fresh eggs into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour in the sugar and start beating the mass until it becomes dense, but at the same time easy time foam.
  3. In a nearby bowl, mix cocoa, vanilla and flour.
  4. Visually divide the dry mixture into several parts and add it to the eggs.
  5. It is advisable to use a sieve.
  6. Each time the mass must be brought to a homogeneous consistency using a spatula.
  7. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and pour the dough into it.
  8. Distribute it and turn on the baking mode for one hour and five minutes.

Tip: If desired, the eggs can be beaten separately. Many people believe that this is how the biscuit can become even more magnificent.

Baking with coffee

A very unusual biscuit with chocolate and coffee. Its aroma will drive you crazy even in its raw form, but what about the finished cake? Neighbors will gather at your door without an invitation, rest assured!

How long is it - 1 hour and 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 288 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, place it on the stove, turn on the heat.
  2. Bring to a boil and then remove from heat to cool slightly. In this case, the water must remain hot.
  3. Dissolve cocoa and coffee in it, stir and let cool.
  4. Mix sugar (180 grams) with salt, baking powder and soda.
  5. Place the yolks in a bowl, beat them until creamy and increased in volume.
  6. Add butter and cooled chocolate-coffee base, stir until smooth.
  7. Add prepared dry ingredients to the resulting mass.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly with a spatula or whisk.
  9. Pour the whites into a deep bowl, add the remaining sugar.
  10. Beat them with a mixer or whisk into a light, airy foam.
  11. Visually divide the whites into four parts.
  12. Mix them into the chocolate mixture one part at a time, until smooth each time.
  13. Pour the finished dough into the mold and spread it out with a spatula.
  14. Bake for 55-60 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius.

Advice: vegetable oil In this recipe, you can replace it with cream.

Baking with dark chocolate

Everyone who makes a cake dreams of the most fluffy and light sponge cake. So, this sponge cake will also be as chocolatey as possible, because we added dark chocolate!

How long is it - 1 hour and 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 248 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour flour, starch, and baking powder into a bowl.
  2. Break the chocolate into cubes and melt. It will be better, of course, if you have chocolate drops rather than a bar.
  3. To melt, you can prepare a water bath, or you can place a bowl of chocolate in the microwave for two minutes.
  4. Divide the eggs into two bowls into whites and yolks.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan, place on the stove and turn on the heat.
  6. As soon as it boils, remove from heat and stir in regular and vanilla sugar.
  7. Add slightly cooled sweet water to the yolks.
  8. Beat them into a fluffy foam using a mixer or whisk.
  9. Pour in the chocolate and bring the mixture until smooth, stirring gently with a spatula.
  10. Cool the whites a little by putting them and the container in the refrigerator for about fifteen minutes.
  11. Then take it out and beat it into a fluffy, airy foam.
  12. Add a third of the mixture to the chocolate and combine with a spatula.
  13. Next, add the bulk ingredients prepared at the beginning (flour, baking powder and starch).
  14. You need to add it in parts and preferably using a sieve.
  15. After each time, it is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  16. When all the flour has been added, stir in the remaining whites.
  17. Mix well and the dough can be poured into the mold.
  18. Distribute and place in the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Tip: You can use milk instead of water. It will be even tastier this way.

Easy cake sponge recipe

Simplest, classic recipe chocolate biscuit. Suitable for both cake and pie. It can be served in all its glory to guests or cut into family for tea.

How long is it - 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 346 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to mix cocoa with flour and pass the mixture through a sieve.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl, add the yolks to them.
  3. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.
  4. Turn on the mixer or electric whisk, beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy, yet light and airy foam.
  5. Mix in the flour and cocoa in three stages, kneading the dough with a spatula each time.
  6. Place the butter in a saucepan, put it on the stove and turn on low heat.
  7. Bring until completely dissolved, cool slightly.
  8. Take some biscuit dough, mix it with butter and return to the base.
  9. Pour the finished dough into the mold and bake at 190 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

Tip: You can use vanillin instead of vanilla sugar.

Filling - preparing the best cream for sponge cake

Chocolate cream drives everyone crazy who tries it for the first time. If you haven't tried it yet, get started soon. If you have tried it, most likely you already have a bowl with half the ingredients in your hands.

How much time - 20 minutes + cooling.

What is the calorie content - 548 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place the egg yolks in a saucepan and add cold water.
  2. Beat the ingredients a little (!) with a whisk.
  3. Pour in condensed milk and place on the stove, turn on the heat.
  4. Stirring, cook the mixture until it becomes thick.
  5. At this stage, add cocoa and mix thoroughly.
  6. Stir in the butter, bringing the cream until smooth.
  7. Cool and use as intended.

Tip: to make the butter spread faster, you can cut it into cubes.

When the biscuit is already in the oven, you should not open it for the next 30-35 minutes. If you open it, there is a high chance that it will fall due to the sudden temperature change. Unfortunately, once the dough falls, it can no longer be raised.

The finished product must be removed from the oven and cooled at room temperature. After this, you can remove it from the mold. Next, let it cool completely (!) and only then cut it to fill with cream or filling.

The chocolate sponge cake recipe is something that every housewife should keep. In a notebook, blog, notebook – it doesn’t matter. With this recipe you will always be a winner. It is very tasty, incredibly aromatic and moderately sweet!

Today I selected 4 at once best recipes preparing lush, tall, soft and fragrant homemade sponge cakes - classic (vanilla), poppy seed, chocolate and a very beautiful sponge cake - “red velvet” (in the photo below there is just a cake with such a sponge cake).

Tell me, dear reader, how do you feel about biscuits? Fine? How do they get along with you? If there is mutual love and agreement in your kitchen with this fastidious type of pastry, I can only be happy for you!

I didn’t have a good relationship with him from the very beginning... Sometimes there were successful attempts, but they were so rare that they are not worth mentioning... More often than not, instead of a tall, fluffy classic sponge cake, I ended up with something obscure and unconvincing... Of course, any failure can be generously soaked in delicious cream, decorated better, and the cake will be joyfully destroyed by hungry guests and family simply because a homemade cake is ALWAYS tastier than a store-bought one. Maybe no one will even notice your mistakes, but a residue will remain...

But sponge cake is the basis for delicious cakes and pastries, so how can you prepare them poorly?

Popular mistakes made by beginners when making homemade classic sponge cake.

Having sifted through a dozen recipes and videos from experienced housewives, whose fluffy biscuits turn out “on the count of times”, I made several important conclusions - how to still prepare a biscuit without mistakes. I will be happy to share with you!

So, the errors:

  • We cook from products of different temperatures - it turns out that it is important to “balance the temperature” of all the products that will be used
  • We don’t follow the recipe - we take fewer eggs or add more flour, we take products “by eye” rather than weighing them...
  • My typical mistake, as it turns out, is that I never sift the flour! It turns out that this is very important for obtaining fluffy sponge cake— it’s better to sift the flour not just once, but several times, so we saturate it with oxygen.
  • Beating eggs together is a mistake, although I have seen such recipes. Still, according to the classics, you need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat them separately, with a clean whisk, without mixing
  • The baking pan is not prepared. I always prepare a frying pan as it should be - grease the bottom and sides with oil, sprinkle with a little flour, or line with parchment for baking, so this mistake is not about me...
  • Oven temperature: error if you place the biscuit in an unheated oven. And it’s a mistake if you open the oven door before 20 minutes have passed from the start of baking - the dough may settle and not rise again!

With that said, we’ll move on to our wonderful biscuits.

Classic sponge cake with vanilla

Let's start, of course, with the classics. Anyone who wants to can prepare a fluffy, soft and fragrant classic sponge cake from 4 eggs - it is important to do everything according to the recipe, following the sequence of steps and measuring the components for the sponge dough strictly according to the recipe.

  • Flour 120 gr.
  • Sugar 175 gr.
  • Egg 4 pcs.
  • Vanillin 1 sachet

  1. First of all, let's separate the yolks from the whites, I hope you know how to carry out this simple procedure. Break the egg with one blow so that the shell cracks almost to the middle. Over a bowl, carefully break the two halves and drain the white, transferring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other. You can simply pour the whole egg (the whole one, make sure the yolk doesn’t spread!) into a bowl and carefully use a large spoon to pick it up and put it in another bowl.
  2. It is believed that the yolk should under no circumstances fall into the white bowl, even in small quantities, otherwise, they say, the whites will not whip into a strong foam... I don’t know for sure whether this is true, but I always try to break the eggs over a separate bowl, and not over the common one, so that if something happens, you don’t spoil all the whites at once...
  3. As already mentioned, the flour must be sifted into mandatory, and even several times. This will give our sponge cake additional fluffiness.
  4. We begin to beat the whites in a bowl on average speed, gradually adding sugar in small portions. The whites are also whipped by hand, it just takes longer. And one more thing - it is advisable to use fresh eggs, not old ones - they beat better.
  5. We stop beating when a thick foam appears, so thick that if we turn the bowl upside down, our protein mass will not fall out anywhere, but will remain in the bowl! They also say “beat until stiff peaks form.” These, you need to understand, are frozen cones that form on the beater, if you take it out of the bowl - our protein foam will still stand like a stake on this very beater. You can even bake meringues from such good foam!
  6. Now preheat the oven - approximately 180-190 degrees.
  7. Add 4 yolks to the whites and sugar, already beaten to the desired consistency, one at a time, continuing to beat.
  8. Now let's remove the whisk (or mixer) and arm ourselves with a spatula - with it we will carefully and gently mix our mass, slowly adding flour and vanillin to it. Even in the photo you can see how airy our dough turned out! This means that the sponge cake will be fluffy and tall, the main thing is not to mess it up when baking.
  9. Grease the pan and sprinkle with flour if required for this pan. Its sides should be high - the sponge cake will increase in height! If there is no high temperature, cook from 2 parts on two different forms, but - at the same time. Since this type of dough must be baked immediately after preparation, so that it does not settle.
  10. Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 185 degrees.

  11. Leave the hot biscuit in the mold until it cools completely. If necessary, cut the sides a little with a sharp knife so that the biscuit is better separated from the walls.
  12. We did not use any leavening agents for the dough, and the dough rose almost 5 cm - an excellent result! The cake of this height can even be cut into 3 parts, and not into two, as usual.
  13. But first it needs to be allowed to settle. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

Such a properly brewed biscuit will be easy to cut, with almost no meringue crumbs. This is what it looks like when cut. Wonderful result, right?

A very impressive and beautiful sponge cake - “Red Velvet”

For this unusual cake we will have to use food coloring. I don’t really like this kind of supplement, but I really liked it appearance this biscuit - I've never seen anything like it! In my circle, no one has eaten such a cake either, so those who like to surprise and like to treat themselves to something original can definitely use this recipe. Moreover, I will show you everything step by step, with photos, as it should be :)

What products are needed:

  • 110 gr. butter
  • 110 gr. corn oil(anything else is possible, the main thing is odorless)
  • 340 gr. flour
  • 10 gr. cocoa
  • 350 gr. Sahara
  • 2 eggs (100 gr.)
  • 230 gr. milk or kefir
  • 7 gr. baking powder
  • Red food coloring - select the amount according to color, if the coloring is in the form of a gel - then no more than 10 grams.

This type of sponge cake not only has a bright, unusual bright color (and looks very impressive in any cakes), but also a bright, pleasant taste.

Step-by-step work plan:

  1. Butter room temperature cut into pieces and start mixing with powdered sugar. We also add another type of oil here - refined vegetable oil (so that there is no smell), or corn oil.

  2. 2. Beat until fluffy. Due to the addition of vegetable oil, the mass turns out to be a little liquid, but still the butter will give the necessary fluffiness. We begin to add the eggs (beat them with a fork first) - pour them into the bowl in a thin stream, continuing to beat.
  3. 3. Now mix all the dry ingredients and sift them through a sieve. Flour, baking powder and alkalized cocoa powder. This type of cocoa powder has a rich chocolate flavor. But if you have a different type of cocoa powder, simply increase its volume by 10-15 grams, and flour, on the contrary, reduce the same amount.
  4. 4. Now is the time to put the oven on preheating - 150 degrees.
  5. 5. Now, continuing to beat the main mass, add milk and the dry mixture with flour alternately. At the same stage, add the dye - if it is dry, you can dilute it in milk, or you can add it to the dry mixture.

  6. 6. In the photo, a dye in the form of a gel has been added. It also needs to be added “by eye”, adding in parts and monitoring the color of the dough, but not more than 10 grams of gel.
  7. 7. The color should be approximately this rich. The only thing, keep in mind that when baked in the oven, the color will become less saturated than in raw dough.
  8. 8. It is better not to bake this volume of dough in one form - it may not bake well due to the characteristics of the dough. It is best to distribute the entire volume into 3 molds (diameter 21 cm). But keep in mind that you will have to bake them at the same time so that the dough does not fall off. If it doesn’t work out this way, for example, you only have one mold, then it is better to knead each portion of the dough again before baking.
  9. 9. Set to bake for about 30-35 minutes at 150 degrees. It’s easy to check if the biscuit is ready by drying it. wooden stick(or a match) - if we pierce

    10. We have 3 lush cake- cut each one in half and get 6 cakes. We will use one of them for topping, so we will break it into pieces and send it to dry additionally in the oven at 110 degrees for an hour.

11. This biscuit goes well with any butter cream. This beauty can be made -

Lush and fragrant sponge cake with poppy seeds

Poppyseed sponge cake has many cooking options. Sometimes it can turn out a little “heavy”... But this recipe for sponge cake with poppy seeds is chosen in such a way that its structure is very delicate and soft, at the same time, it is quite rich in poppy seeds, which always gives the dough a unique taste and aroma. This is why he is so loved by many.

I also adore poppy seeds, since childhood, when my mother prepared a gorgeous poppy seed roll for the holidays. And by the way, we grew poppy seeds ourselves in the garden back then, and they were very large and incredibly tasty in any baked goods!

But I digress, let's continue. For this poppy seed sponge cake recipe we will need the following


  • 90 gr. flour
  • 50 gr. dry poppy
  • 120 gr. Sahara
  • 4 eggs (200 gr.)
  • 20 gr. milk
  • 2 gr. baking powder
  • 20 gr. corn oil
  • 30 gr. corn starch

  1. First, grind the poppy seeds in a blender so that they fully reveal their aroma and taste in baking. Many people advise rinsing the poppy seeds well beforehand. cold water and dry completely before adding to the biscuit dough (if the poppy seeds are wet, the biscuit may not rise). But I usually remember these recommendations when I’m already “in the process” and therefore almost always just take a poppy from the bag.

  2. Sift the flour several times through a sieve and mix with crushed poppy seeds.
  3. Don't forget to turn on the oven to preheat at 160 degrees
  4. The eggs should be at room temperature - this makes them easier to beat. Start beating at medium speed and add another pinch of salt.
  5. Continuing to beat, add sugar in small portions. When half the sugar has already been added, increase the whipping speed and add the remaining sugar in one portion. Beat until our egg mass becomes fluffy and almost triples in volume.
  6. Add a mixture of flour and poppy seeds to the tightly beaten egg mass in two or three additions. But we stir everything very carefully, with a spatula, in manual mode, so as not to disturb the splendor and airiness of the mass and, ultimately, get airy dough and a fluffy sponge cake.
  7. Mix the milk with vegetable oil and add to the dough. Also carefully mix with a spatula from bottom to top.
  8. Transfer the dough to a tall pan and level the surface. You can additionally twist the mold slightly so that it fills more densely and evenly.

Bake for 35-40 minutes at 160 degrees. Check the readiness with a wooden skewer - if it’s dry, the biscuit is ready. Turn the form over and leave it to cool as is. Look what a beautiful, tall and soft sponge cake we have made. The height of this cake is 6.5 cm. If you do not coat it right away, you need to wrap the sponge cake in film and put it in the refrigerator.

Chocolate sponge cake with natural chocolate

The sponge cake according to this recipe turns out to be “very chocolatey” and fantastically delicious! To be honest, it was a surprise to me that you can add not ordinary cocoa powder to the dough for chocolate cake, but real chocolate from a melted chocolate bar. Apparently, this explains such a distinct taste of chocolate. Probably, for everyone’s favorite legendary Prague cake, just such a sponge cake will give the best result.

For the chocolate sponge cake, take:

  • 100 gr. flour
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 100 gr. Sahara
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 gr. chocolate (preferably dark chocolate, high cocoa content)
  • 20 gr. vanilla sugar
  • 10 gr. baking powder

Step-by-step recipe for chocolate sponge cake

  1. First of all, let's put the oven on preheat - 180 degrees.

2. Sift the flour together with baking powder.

3. Mix butter at room temperature with vanilla sugar until smooth.

4. Separate the yolks from the whites.

5. Break the chocolate bar into pieces and place in a container over boiling water - in a water bath. Then cool the chocolate to about 28 degrees (when the mass is still liquid) and add to the butter. Knead.

6. Add the yolks one at a time to the chocolate mixture, constantly stirring thoroughly.

7. Beat the whites until they form stiff peaks, into a thick, dense foam.

8. Combine the flour and chocolate mass in several stages, mixing thoroughly each time.

9. Add the protein mixture in parts, constantly stirring the dough. The dough turns out airy.

10. Immediately place in the prepared pan and level. For some reason, I often come across questions (or rather, requests) “how to make a tall chocolate sponge cake with a diameter of 28 cm so that it is not flat.” 28 cm is a very large diameter of the mold, you need to take a lot of eggs and other ingredients for such a dough and there is a high probability that the dough will not rise... There are two options here. The first is to make 2 or 4 low cakes, each time making a new batch of dough just before baking (since sponge dough containing a lot of liquid can release sediment into the bottom layer and therefore will not bake well in a large volume). The second option is to bake single-layer rectangular sponge cakes on a sheet (4 pieces), and then cut them with a knife-cutter into a shape with a diameter of 28 cm. From them you can already assemble a tall chocolate cake of large diameter.

11. Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

12. Here we have such a chocolate “handsome biscuit”!

And how fragrant it is, it smells magically of chocolate, this is probably the smell that reigns in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory :)

How to prepare a delicious chocolate sponge cake so that the cake based on it turns out not only the most chocolatey, but also airy and well soaked? All those who love chocolate will support my opinion that the most delicious cake is chocolate. And even though it contains a lot of calories, and it is not harmless for the figure, but this pleasure cannot be compared with any fruit salad or diet bread!

We usually prepare even the most delicious chocolate cake according to... special occasions. And if so, then it’s not so difficult to tinker a little. The result is worth it, because the delicate chocolate sponge cake differs from any other cake layer in the most favorable way. If usually the taste of a cake is created mainly by cream, filling or impregnation, then in the case of a chocolate sponge cake, the chocolate cake gets most of its mind-blowing taste thanks to it.

How to make a chocolate sponge cake: theory and subtleties

Of all the bases for cakes and pastries, sponge cake has the fluffiest structure. The natural leavening agent in biscuit dough is egg whites, the freshness and temperature of which determine how fluffy the biscuit turns out. The main components of a biscuit are eggs, sugar, flour, and often starch, butter, and cocoa. For chocolate sponge cake, cocoa is often used to taste, but usually it is 1 part cocoa and 2 parts flour. In one of the sources I found the following recommendation: take cocoa in a mass of 10% of the mass of eggs. Some recipes may also use dark chocolate.

How to get a fluffy chocolate sponge cake: preparing the dough

  • The splendor of a sponge cake depends on many factors, and if you try to take everything into account, the result will not disappoint you.
  • Eggs should be at room temperature. This will help the sugar dissolve faster.
  • It is better to beat the eggs with sugar for a long time (about 30 minutes) so that the mass increases in volume by 2-3 times. First beat at low speed, gradually increasing it. Beating time will not be a problem if you have a planetary mixer.
  • Flour and cocoa for the biscuit must be pre-mixed, sifted and mixed into the egg mass quickly (about 15 seconds), since some of the air bubbles in the dough are destroyed when the dry ingredients are mixed.
  • You should avoid mechanical impacts on the finished dough: carefully pour it into molds and immediately send it to the oven.

How to bake a biscuit?

The finished dough should not be left to stand for more than an hour. Don't be distracted by anything until your biscuits are in the oven. It is when baking that we make the most mistakes that spoil the result.

  • Prepare the molds in advance: line the bottom with parchment paper, grease the sides with butter.
  • Fill the molds no more than 3/4 full so that the risen sponge cake does not “run away” during baking.

Advice: Before baking, smooth the surface of the dough with a knife or spatula, pushing the dough towards the sides of the pan. This will help prevent the cake from puffing up in the middle.

  • Place the molds with the dough only in a well-heated oven (180-200 degrees).
  • Do not touch the pans with dough for at least the first 10 minutes from the start of baking.

When is the sponge cake ready to assemble the cake?

Before soaking the biscuit, it must be allowed to “ripen”. This process occurs 8 hours after baking. The finished biscuit is cooled as follows:

  • It is not immediately removed from the oven - it is turned off and left for 5 minutes, and then opened slightly and the temperature is allowed to gradually drop over another 5 minutes.
  • The biscuit is removed from the oven and allowed to cool directly in the pan for about 30 minutes.
  • The cooled biscuit is separated from the side of the mold using a knife.

Advice: It is better not to remove the paper from the biscuit while it is ripening - this will prevent it from drying out too much.

During ripening, the structure of the biscuit will become stronger. If you are in too much of a hurry and skip this step, your still too fresh sponge cake will wrinkle and crumble when cutting, and the soaking will simply make it soggy.

Impregnation for chocolate biscuit

Once your airy chocolate sponge cake is ready to assemble the cake, it needs to be soaked. By itself, it may seem a little dry to you, but with proper impregnation, the biscuit will get a new taste. The simplest impregnation option is syrup with cognac or dessert wine:

  1. To get 500 g of impregnation, take 250 g of sugar and water, 25 g of cognac or strong dessert wine and a drop of essence to taste - rum, almond or vanilla.
  2. Boil sugar with water and cool to room temperature, and then add cognac or wine, as well as essence.

This recipe for sponge cake impregnation can be taken as a basis, adding liqueurs and fresh juices to it if desired. You can also use strong, sweet natural coffee as impregnation. Just do not forget that such impregnation will have a rather strong taste that can drown out other tastes and odors.

Moist chocolate cake

The wonderful pastry chef Alina Akhmadieva shared this wonderful recipe for chocolate sponge cake at her webinar. Thanks to her for this great recipe! The sponge cake really turned out very tasty, and, most importantly, it was very suitable for the cake. It is strong, but at the same time quite light.

  • All dry ingredients except baking soda and vanillin must be mixed in a large bowl: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt.
  • Pour kefir into a separate container, add soda to it, stir and leave for a couple of minutes. The acid in kefir will react with soda and you will get a fluffy mass.
  • Mix kefir at low speed, add eggs one at a time, then hot water, oil and vanillin.
  • Add dry ingredients in portions, pour into prepared pans and bake the cakes at 180 degrees.

Chocolate sponge cake for Prague cake

  • Mix flour and cocoa in a separate bowl and sift well.
    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam, adding half the sugar.
  • Grind the yolks into a fluffy mass with the second half of the sugar, add soft butter and carefully mix 1/3 of the whipped whites with a spatula.
  • Add the flour mixture to the dough in portions and fold in the remaining whites.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.

Fluffy chocolate sponge cake for Black Forest cake

  • Mix flour, starch and baking powder in a separate bowl and sift. Melt the chocolate.
  • Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks with hot water, sugar and vanilla sugar until thick foam, add melted chocolate.
  • Beat the whites until stiff and add 1/3 to the chocolate mixture.
  • Add a mixture of flour and starch to the dough in portions, and then the remaining whites.
  • Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Sponge cake recipes

Moist chocolate sponge cake – delicious to the point of indecent. The confectionery cakes do not require additional impregnation. Syrup impregnation is needed only if the culinary author himself wishes it. What is needed for baking, and what nuances should you remember?

Classic chocolate sponge cake

The classic chocolate sponge cake has a delicate, moist and not at all greasy structure. The cakes can be coated with chocolate cream and covered with glaze, and then this baking will produce a “full-fledged” and incredibly tasty cake.

To prepare the baked goods, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 150 gr. wheat flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • vanilla and salt to taste;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa;
  • egg;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • a couple of tablespoons of melted butter;
  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 150 ml heavy cream;
  • fruits and powdered sugar to taste.

The dough prepares very quickly. Before starting cooking, turn on the oven to preheat it. Sift flour and cocoa through a fine sieve. Mix the ingredients together, adding a teaspoon of baking powder, as well as salt and vanilla to taste. Add milk, butter, sugar and eggs to the dry ingredients. Beat the mixture well using a blender.

Grease the mold with butter and pour in the chocolate dough. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. While the cakes are preparing, let's start cooking.

Break a bar of dark chocolate into small pieces and place in a water bath. When the chocolate melts and the mass becomes homogeneous, pour in the cream. Remove the ganache from the heat. Remove the crust from the oven and let it cool. Cover the cake with ganache and decorate the sponge cake with fresh fruit. We put the confectionery product in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then enjoy the exquisite taste. Bon appetit!

A simple and delicious recipe with cocoa

As a result of cooking, you will receive a moist sponge cake that will have a good height. Often, such biscuits are used to create a multi-layer cake. To prepare the moist sponge cake, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 50 gr. milk fat;
  • 50 gr. fat milk;
  • 50 grams of cocoa;
  • 3 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. flour;
  • vanilla extract to taste.

Melt butter fat over . Beat the eggs with sugar until a stable foam forms. Add flour here and continue beating at high speed. Add cocoa powder and vanilla extract sifted through a sieve into the white mass. Remove the melted butter from the water bath. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add hot milk, along with butter, into the chocolate dough. Mix. Bake the biscuit for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

Moist sponge cake in a slow cooker with chocolate

Making a moist sponge cake with chocolate chips couldn't be easier. And if a multicooker comes to the help of the housewife, then this action will turn into real magic. Baking in a slow cooker comes out incredibly fluffy and juicy. To prepare the confectionery product, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 40 grams of cocoa;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable fat;
  • vanilla to taste;
  • chocolate chips – 100 grams.

Beat chicken eggs with sugar. Sift the dry ingredients through a fine sieve and add to the mixture. Beat with a mixer. Continuing to beat, add vegetable fat and vanilla. Turn off the mixer. Add chocolate chips. Mix the mass. Grease the multicooker mold with vegetable oil, pour in the dough and bake on the “Baking” mode for about 1 hour.

Wet cake layers

Are you planning to make a cake? Then keep the perfect moist cake recipe. To prepare the confectionery, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 350 grams of wheat flour;
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • 5 tablespoons of vegetable fat;
  • 200 grams of water;
  • salt and vanilla to taste;
  • a teaspoon of instant coffee.

Mix flour, salt, baking soda, vanilla, cocoa powder in a dry bowl. Pour vegetable fat and sugar into another bowl, add instant coffee, lemon juice and water. Beat the “wet” products with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

Continuing to beat the mixture, add the dry ingredients into it. Pour the resulting dough into a mold coated with butter, put it in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Bon appetit.

Wet sponge cake in boiling water

A moist chocolate sponge cake has a porous structure. However, this is not his main advantage. To prepare the baked goods, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a pair of eggs;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 120 grams of vegetable or butter;
  • 6 tablespoons cocoa;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of soda and the same amount of baking powder.

Mix flour, sugar, soda, baking powder and cocoa. Beat the eggs into a dry bowl and beat a little with a broom. Add milk and the required amount of vegetable oil. Turn on the mixer and begin to beat the mixture, gradually introducing the dry ingredients prepared earlier into it. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add a glass of boiling water. Pour the dough into a dry pan and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes.

How to prepare a wet sponge cake with kefir?

With the amount of ingredients suggested below, you will get 8 pieces of pie. To saturate the taste of the confectionery product, you can cover it with ganache (see recipe above).


  • a glass of kefir;
  • 150 grams of flour;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • 50 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 50 grams of cocoa;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • vanilla to taste.

Pour kefir, sugar and vegetable oil into a bowl. Beat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pass flour, baking powder and cocoa through a sieve. Add to the kefir mass, beat with a mixer, and add the required amount of vanilla extract. Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

Secrets of making chiffon sponge cake

Very delicate and very porous - this is how chiffon sponge cake can be characterized. To prepare the confectionery product you should prepare:

  • a glass of flour;
  • a couple of teaspoons of baking powder;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 60 grams of cocoa;
  • 5 yolks;
  • a teaspoon of coffee;
  • 170 ml water;
  • 170 grams of vegetable oil;
  • 8 egg whites + 50 grams of sugar for whipping.

Pour the coffee into a glass of water and let the drink cool. Mix dry ingredients in one bowl. Using a mixer, beat the yolks, along with the butter and a mixture of cocoa and coffee. Beat the mass well. Here we also introduce the previously prepared mixture with dry ingredients. Beat with a mixer.

Beat the whites with sugar or powdered sugar until a stable foam forms. Add the protein mixture into the chocolate dough, stirring gently with a spoon. Pour the biscuit mixture into a mold and bake at 160 degrees Celsius for about 50 minutes.

A moist sponge cake is quite easy to prepare. And in order not to dry out the cakes, we advise you to get acquainted with some recommendations from confectioners.

  1. To prevent the baked goods from deflating after baking, add a teaspoon of starch to the dough.
  2. Cover the baking dish with foil. This way, the necessary moisture will remain in the cake.
  3. You can check the readiness of the pie with a toothpick.
  4. To easily remove the cake from the pan, place it on a damp towel.

Moist sponge cake - ideal with hot chocolate, tea, coffee and soft drinks. This is the perfect treat for guests at home!

Chocolate is the one product that you can’t have too much of. In the world of sweet tooths, it is a kind of ambrosia - food of the gods, only accessible to everyone. Everyone knows the undoubted benefits of this product, with the caveat that it is consumed from high-quality cocoa beans and consumed in moderation.

The delicacy brought to Europe by Cortez contains vitamins B and PP, as well as many useful minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium that we need so much. When consumed in reasonable amounts, chocolate helps improve memory and stimulates the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems.

Relieves PMS syndrome and increases sexual desire. With the help of cocoa beans, the Aztecs cured many different diseases from diarrhea to impotence. Eating chocolate promotes the production of the happiness hormone – endorphin. Helps the body cope with the effects of stress and apathy.

With all that said, it's no surprise that baking with chocolate enjoys a popularity that never subsides. The calorie content of chocolate sponge cake varies depending on the recipe chosen. If we average the data given on various resources, we get the result - 396 kcal per 100 g of product.

Chocolate sponge cake - step by step photo recipe

Take my word for it - this is a very tasty and very simple recipe for a delicious chocolate sponge cake. Yes, very chocolate!!! Sometimes you really want something richly chocolatey, but making a brownie cake or... chocolate fondant there is no mood or time... And then this dessert will come to the rescue.


  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • salt;
  • baking powder.

For impregnation:

  • condensed milk;
  • strong coffee.

For the ganache:

  • dark chocolate - 200 grams;
  • milk or cream - a couple of tablespoons;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon.


1. Beat eggs with sugar for 10-15 minutes until thick foam forms. Add flour and baking powder, mix gently with a whisk. The dough turns out liquid, but quite airy.

3. Grease a springform biscuit pan with butter and pour our dough into it.

4. Bake for 40 minutes at 170 degrees. The biscuit should rise. We check the readiness with a wooden stick - if there is no sticking dough, our sponge cake is ready.

5. Let it cool and cut into 2-3 parts. My mold is large, the sponge cake is not very tall and I was only able to cut it into 2 parts.

6. Soak the bottom part of the chocolate sponge cake with condensed milk. Regular, not boiled. It is liquid and flowing, so it will easily saturate our biscuit. Soak the second part of the biscuit with strong black coffee.

7. Prepare the ganache - melt the dark chocolate in a water bath and add cream or milk + butter to it so that it acquires a silky structure.

8. We connect the parts of the sponge cake, lay out the ganache on top, and distribute it throughout the sponge cake.

That's all - our chocolate sponge cake is ready! Very, very tasty, rich and tender.

How to make chocolate chiffon sponge cake?

Do you dream of learning how to prepare the perfect base for a variety of delicious cakes? Then you simply must master the recipe for making chiffon sponge cake.

The consistency of the cake will have a more delicate texture than classic version, which allows you to start assembling the cake without being distracted by soaking. True, more dexterity, skill and time will have to be spent on preparing it.

Prepare the following ingredients for delicious chiffon sponge perfection:

  • 1/2 tsp. soda;
  • 2 tsp each baking powder and natural coffee;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 0.2 kg sugar;
  • ½ tbsp. raises oils;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa.

Step by step steps:

  1. Combine coffee and cocoa, pour boiling water over them, stir as thoroughly as possible until the latter is completely dissolved. Give the mixture time to cool while you prepare the other ingredients.
  2. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.
  3. Thoroughly beat the yolks with sugar, after pouring a few tablespoons of sugar into a separate small, always dry container. After whipping, you should get a fluffy, almost white mass.
  4. Continuing to beat the yolks with sugar, gradually add the butter.
  5. After the butter is completely introduced, add the cooled cocoa-coffee mass to our mixture.
  6. Sift the flour into a separate container, mix it with baking powder and soda;
  7. Now you can pour the flour into the chocolate mass and start kneading the dough.
  8. Separately, beat the whites; when they turn into a fluffy white mass, add the previously poured sugar and bring them to peaks.
  9. In parts, a few spoons at a time, add the whipped whites into the chocolate dough, kneading it thoroughly. The resulting dough is similar to sour cream.
  10. We pour our future chiffon cake into a mold and send it to an already preheated oven.

In about an hour it will be ready. We take the finished biscuit out of the mold 5 minutes after removing it from the oven. Assemble from chiffon sponge cake delicious cakes only after it has cooled completely.

Chocolate sponge cake in a slow cooker

Required ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. flour and white sugar;
  • 6 medium eggs;
  • 100 g cocoa;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking process:

  1. We first prepare a metal multi-cooker bowl, grease it and lightly sprinkle it with breadcrumbs so that the finished biscuit comes out of it without loss;
  2. Mix flour, pre-sifted, with baking powder and cocoa powder;
  3. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites;
  4. In a separate dry container, beat the whites until thick. Without stopping whisking, add sugar to the protein mass.
  5. Add the yolks to the flour-cocoa mixture, stir until smooth;
  6. Using a wooden spoon, add the whites to the dough, using the same spoon, thoroughly knead with leisurely movements from bottom to top.
  7. Transfer the dough into the multicooker bowl and bake on the “Baking” setting for about an hour. We check the readiness of the dessert in the standard way by piercing it with a match or a splinter. If the stick comes out of the dough clean and dry, then your sponge cake is ready.

Chocolate sponge cake recipe in boiling water

Fans of chocolate delicacies are familiar with the recipe for the most delicate, porous and very rich sponge cake in boiling water.

We invite you to master it too:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. sifted flour and beet sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. milk and boiling water;
  • 0.5 tbsp. raises oils;
  • 100 g cocoa;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1.5 tsp. baking powder.

Cooking process:

  1. In a separate clean container, mix the dry ingredients. Pre-sieve the flour.
  2. Separately, beat the eggs using a whisk, add vegetable oil and cow's milk.
  3. Combine the liquid and dry mass, knead using a wooden spoon;
  4. Add a glass of boiling water to the dough, stir without letting it cool.
  5. Pour the resulting batter into a mold, the bottom of which is previously covered with foil or parchment paper.
  6. Place the mold in the oven, the temperature of which has warmed up to 220⁰, after 5 minutes we reduce the oven temperature to 180⁰. Continue baking for about another hour.
  7. Take the cooled sponge cake out of the mold and either serve it to the table, or cut it into three layers and turn it into an excellent base for the cake.

Very simple and delicious chocolate biscuit

Another simple recipe for chocolate delight.

You need to check if you have on hand:

  • 0.3 kg flour;
  • 1.5 tsp. soda;
  • 0.3 kg sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. cocoa;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar (take regular or wine);
  • 50 g each of olive oil and butter;
  • vanillin.

Step by step steps:

  1. As in the previous recipe, mix all dry ingredients in a separate container.
  2. Then add the rest to them: eggs, milk, oil, vinegar.
  3. Mix as thoroughly as possible and pour into a parchment-lined pan.
  4. Place the pan in a preheated oven; the baking process takes about 1 hour.

Fluffy chocolate sponge cake with eggs

Keep in mind that to prepare a truly fluffy sponge cake you will need well-chilled eggs - 5 pieces, which are already about a week old, as well as:

  • 1 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 1 tbsp. white sugar;
  • vanillin optional;
  • 100 g cocoa;

Step by step steps:

  1. Divide all 5 eggs into whites and yolks. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a special spoon with holes on the sides through which the protein flows down. Try not to let a drop of yolk get into the white mixture.
  2. Beat the whites with a mixer at maximum speed, when the mass begins to turn white, gradually begin to introduce sugar. This process takes approximately 5-7 minutes, so be patient. As a result, we get a thick, white mass that forms peaks.
  3. Beat the yolks a little, adding 1 spoon of sugar. Then pour them into the whites, continuing to beat the latter with a mixer.
  4. Add flour, previously mixed with cocoa powder, to the sweet egg mass in small portions. Mix the dough using a wooden spoon with leisurely movements.
  5. Pour the dough into a mold, the bottom of which is covered with oiled paper. When selecting utensils for baking sponge cake, keep in mind that it tends to increase in volume and rise twice as much.
  6. Since the dough tends to settle quickly, you should place it in a preheated oven without delay.

The preparation time for a tender and fluffy chocolate sponge cake is approximately 40 minutes.

Curd chocolate biscuit

Let's learn how to cook a delicious cottage cheese and chocolate dessert.


  • low-fat cottage cheese, preferably homemade – 0.25 kg;
  • 1 tbsp. white sugar;
  • 0.25 kg of sifted flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 bag of vanilla;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • a pinch of salt.

Step by step steps:

  1. Give the butter time to soften. Then beat it with a mixer until fluffy, then add vanillin and regular sugar.
  2. Grind the cheese through a sieve and add it to the butter mixture.
  3. Add the eggs while continuing to beat the dough with the mixer.
  4. In a separate container, mix flour, baking powder and cocoa.
  5. Add the flour mixture to the biscuit-curd dough.
  6. Place the thoroughly kneaded dough into a mold, the bottom of which is covered with parchment and greased with oil.
  7. The baking time for the curd-chocolate sponge cake is 45 minutes, the oven temperature should be 180 ⁰C.

After your culinary masterpiece is ready, remove it from the oven and cover it for a quarter of an hour with a clean kitchen towel, and only then remove it from the mold, sprinkle it with powdered sugar and serve it to your guests.

Recipe for chocolate sponge cake with cherries

This delicious dessert It turns out surprisingly light, tasty, and has a slight cherry sourness. In the summer version of the sponge cake, you can use fresh fruits, and in winter they can be successfully replaced with jam from a jar or frozen cherries.

In addition to the standard four eggs for biscuits, a glass of flour and the same amount of sugar, you will need:

  • 50 g chocolate;
  • 1 packet of vanillin;
  • 1 tbsp. pitted cherries.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Break the eggs over a bowl and beat them with a mixer for about 10 minutes. Without it, this process can be done manually, but it will take twice as long;
  2. Continuing to beat, add sugar and vanillin to the eggs;
  3. Flour, sifted in advance, is added in parts to the egg mass until a liquid dough is obtained;
  4. Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and add it to the dough, mix again;
  5. Leave the dough to sit for about 5 minutes, beat again;
  6. Pour half of the dough into the prepared pan and place in the preheated oven for 10 minutes. This way, the bottom of our pie will bake a little;
  7. Pour cherries onto the set dough and fill with the second part of the dough;
  8. Bake for about another half hour.
  9. Decorate the top with chocolate glaze and berries.

How to make moist chocolate sponge cake?

If you like moist, even “wet” cakes, this recipe is especially for you.

You will need:

  • flour – 120 g;
  • medium or large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cocoa – 3 tbsp. l;
  • ½ cup white sugar;
  • fresh milk – 50 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt – ¼ tsp;
  • ½ tsp. baking powder.

Step by step steps:

  1. Melt the butter over low heat, heat the milk, but do not boil;
  2. In a dry container, mix the dry ingredients with a whisk or fork (replace the baking powder with soda if desired);
  3. We share chicken eggs for yolks and whites;
  4. First, beat the whites until smooth, add sugar little by little;
  5. After the sweet protein mass is whipped to stable white ridges, gradually add the yolks, continuing to knead with a mixer;
  6. Add dry ingredients in small portions;
  7. Pour in the melted butter and warm cow's milk, mix again and pour into the prepared pan;
  8. Bake in a preheated oven for about 40 minutes.

Cream for chocolate biscuit

The biscuits themselves are delicious and delicate dessert, however, they only turn into a real masterpiece after selecting delicious impregnation and cream.

The creamy mass is used to decorate and layer cakes.

Butter cream for chocolate sponge cake

The simplest, but no less delicious cream. It contains only two ingredients:

  • butter (usually 1 pack);
  • condensed milk (2/3 of a standard can).

The butter is softened and whipped with a mixer, after which we add condensed milk to it. Beat the cream for about 15 minutes, resulting in a fluffy white mass.

Chocolate glaze


  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 0.15 l cream;
  • 5 tbsp. powdered sugar.

The cream should be boiled, then removed from the heat and a finely broken chocolate bar should be added to it. Stir with a whisk until it is completely dissolved.

After this, add the powder one spoon at a time, stirring well so that no lumps form. After the cream has cooled completely, use it to layer and decorate the cake.

Custard for chocolate sponge cake


  • 1 tbsp. fresh milk;
  • 0.16 kg flour;
  • 0.1 kg white sugar;
  • Egg yolk – 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin packet.

We start by grinding the egg yolks with sugar, add vanilla and flour, mix until smooth. We boil the milk, cool it, and then pour our mixture into it. Place the resulting mixture on the fire, stirring constantly until thickened.

Impregnation for chocolate biscuit

Impregnation will add sophistication to your chocolate sponge cake and enrich its taste. Its simplest variety is ready-made syrups or jam diluted with water.

Lemon soak

It will give your dessert a slight lemon sourness.

You will need:

  • half a lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 100 g white sugar.

First, prepare sugar syrup by heating water over a fire and dissolving sugar in it. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice, add them to the syrup. After cooling, soak the cake with this mixture.

Coffee-based impregnation for chocolate biscuit

Light alcoholic coffee impregnation goes well with the taste of chocolate biscuit.


  • 1 glass of clean water;
  • 20 ml of quality cognac;
  • 2 tbsp. coffee (natural will be tastier, but instant coffee is also possible);
  • 30 g white sugar.

Dissolve sugar in boiling water. Add coffee and cognac to the water. After the mixture boils, remove it from the heat and cool. We use it as impregnation.



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