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The ring is not on the left thumb. A ring on a girl’s thumb - a fashion trend or a manifestation of individuality

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Let's look at the meaning of rings on women's fingers and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes an image; they are seen as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman's fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both the wearing of rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time.

Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, knowing the meaning of the rings on the fingers is useful for every woman. Modern girls wear 2-5 rings on 1 hand. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed due to the fear of losing family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. To prevent the abundance of rings from looking vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put accessories made of the same metal on 1 brush;
  • do not combine jewelry with costume jewelry;
  • avoid variegation.

Two rings made in the same style on one finger look like a single piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide, massive products look ridiculous on short and chubby arms. Often women have a question: on which fingers should they not wear rings? You can do it on anyone, even on everyone at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.

Which finger to wear the ring on (video)

Large - finger of Venus

What does the ring mean? thumb girls? In ancient times, women thus adapted to wear the jewelry of their dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. A ring placed on the thumb speaks of perseverance and energy. It is difficult to convince such a woman. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.

Wearing rings on the thumb is typical for a woman with a non-traditional sexual orientation, and depending on its location, others can notice different signs: on the left hand it speaks of readiness to have a girlfriend, and on the right hand that she already has a partner. However, this meaning of wearing rings on the thumb is not relevant today, since such accessories are in trend. They are made from metal, ivory, leather and stone, come in a variety of styles, and many confident girls like them. It should be noted that a silver ring with a cold-colored stone helps develop insight and get rid of excessive practicality. Gold jewelry with a red, orange or yellow stone will enhance logical thinking. Typically, more than two rings are not worn on the thumb.

Index - symbol of Jupiter

Symbolizes strength and power, people pointing and leading. If you wear it constantly, your self-esteem increases. On index finger right hand Most often, vain people and those striving for leadership wear rings. Over time, they may develop a need for fame and arrogance. The ring on the index finger of the left hand is worn to develop and realize abilities. It is especially necessary for girls with low levels of self-esteem. Gold and tin have the greatest impact. On the index finger of the left hand, the decoration will be clearly visible, so if desired, you can arrange a demonstration. Some women specifically look for rings for him. Massive accessories with stones speak of the hysteria and unpredictability of their owner.

If a ring is worn on the index finger, there should be no other jewelry with stones on the hand. Minerals of blue, blue and turquoise color in a silver frame.

Middle - under the sign of Saturn

What does the ring on it mean? Psychologists say that its owner wants to show not only the decoration, but also herself - the most irresistible and important. The more massive the rings on the fingers, the more narcissistic and vain the woman is. A modest accessory speaks of self-esteem. They are often worn by those who believe in magic and fate. Rings on the fingers of Saturn on both hands mean a tendency to thoughtfulness, detachment from everyday bustle. Simple and compact decorations are very convenient. The talisman ring has a positive effect on your reputation and protects you from gossip. A family ring on the middle finger emphasizes the connection with ancestors, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Purple and black stones are most suitable for him. Wedding ring on the finger of the right hand it says that its owner is engaged, on the left - about widowhood.

Which finger is the ring put on (video)

Nameless - finger of the Sun

Wedding rings represent Family status women. She herself emphasizes the fact of marriage or engagement by wearing a ring on her right hand. Often a ring with a stone is worn along with it, wanting to emphasize the special meaning of marriage. Unusual wedding rings (with notches or stones) are chosen by people who do not allow passive relationships. They want a vibrant married life. The ring on the ring finger of the left hand speaks of widowhood. A miniature ruby ​​decoration protects the family from quarrels and betrayals, unmarried girl with its help, on a subconscious level, it can indicate a sensual and dreamy nature and a desire for passionate love.

Most often, women wear a ring on their ring finger. Ordinary decoration speaks of a calm character and an even attitude towards people. Pretentious and extravagant are characteristic of creative people who prefer pleasure and luxury. If the ring fingers of both hands are ringed, then the girl is at her peak positive emotions. You cannot have someone try on the ring from your ring finger. In this case, your personal space turns out to be too open. On which finger should the bride wear the ring after getting engaged? During an engagement among Slavic peoples, it is worn on the right hand. On the wedding day, the bride takes it off so that she never wears it again. It becomes a family heirloom and is passed on to children.

Why do people wear wedding rings on the ring finger? One version is this: if you put your hands in a lock and begin to lift them in pairs (index, middle, and so on), you will find that the ring fingers do not come off the lock, thereby symbolizing strong bonds.

The meaning of rings on the fingers for spouses, as a symbol of fidelity and love, is important for modern people, just like a thousand years ago. What finger should I wear the ring on after a divorce? The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Mehdi advises hiding and storing it as a sign of respect for the past. If a woman wants to return ex-husband After the divorce, she wears the engagement ring he gave her on the ring finger of her left hand.

The little finger is a symbol of Mercury

The ring on the little finger is often worn by coquettes who are prone to intrigue, subject to frequent mood swings, but always satisfied with themselves. They are usually very gambling, often sexually available. The ring on the little finger emphasizes the peculiarity of people associated with art. If this person is not creative, he has other talents and claims social significance. His specialty is his communication skills and ability to persuade. However, you should be careful with him, as he can be cunning and lie. Wearing expensive jewelry on the little finger of the left hand is not recommended, as this can lead to loneliness and poverty. On the right one you can wear one ring made of any metal, but green and yellow stones are preferable.

How to choose a jewel

The ring always attracts the eye to the hand, so it should be well-groomed. For colored minerals, you need to choose a suitable shade of nail polish. In addition, accessories should be combined with clothing. Before ringing your fingers, think about how the jewelry will suit the occasion. For business style Scattering of stones is unacceptable on clothing, even if they are an imitation of precious ones. Everyday jewelry should feel like a natural complement. Wearing massive and sophisticated rings with a light dress or sportswear is prohibited. Eye-catching and unusual jewelry is suitable for a formal occasion. You can wear stones of 2-3 colors with your evening dress.

Before choosing a piece of jewelry, you should determine which finger it will be worn on. You should go for fitting in the evening. At this time of day, the hand swells a little and becomes fuller.

When choosing jewelry, you need to take into account the age and structure of the hand. Massive jewelry looks better on the hand of an elderly lady. The gaze from the ringed finger does not switch to the skin, which reveals one’s true age. Delicate rings look better on the finger of a young girl. Women's hearts at any age are drawn to jewelry.

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The ring is an elegant accessory. It not only emphasizes the tenderness of women's hands, but also carries symbolic meaning. The meaning of rings on fingers can influence fate or reveal hidden talents. Jewelry on the right hand is designed to activate the capabilities and qualities of the individual. On the left - they protect from negativity and pacify internal disagreements.

From the history of rings

The ring is one of ancient jewelry person. Already in the Paleolithic era, bone jewelry was worn on the fingers. The first metal rings appeared in the Bronze Age. Later they became a symbol social status. Thus, in ancient Rome, the prerogative of horsemen and senators were gold rings.

The peculiarities of the profession contributed to the functional features of the rings. Archers put on 3 rings at once to prevent cuts from the bowstring. And shoemakers wore special thimble rings that prevented needle pricks.

There were signet rings engraved with the family coat of arms. Thanks to them, it was possible to leave an impression on wax, sealing an important document or letter.

Rings with a secret were created according to a special design. Their top lid opened. Underneath there was a cavity in which poison could be hidden.

Wedding rings appeared in the 1st century BC. They were exchanged as a sign of love and fidelity. Later, rings appeared that were given as a sign of engagement.

The meaning of rings on fingers carries a certain semantic load. In psychology, jewelry reveals how a person positions himself in society. In palmistry, each finger has its own name and meaning.

Palmistry and rings

The science of palmistry originated a long time ago. People have always been interested in what lines are drawn on the palms and how they influence fate. The shape of the hand and fingers can determine a person's character. The interpretation of the lines on the palm will allow you to find out the past and future.

In palmistry, each finger has a hidden meaning and affects personality traits. Therefore, in order to achieve success in a particular area, palmists advise wearing rings on the corresponding fingers. The entire palm is divided into 9 zones, which are named after the ancient gods.

The meanings of the rings on the fingers will allow you to develop necessary qualities personality.

Finger of Mars (Venus)

You need to know when hidden meaning certain wearing of rings on fingers. Their meaning should be taken into account only if the decoration was selected specifically for this finger. The interpretation will lose its validity if the ring is worn depending on its size.

The thumb is named after Mars, in some cases Venus. The thing is that the thumb has its base at the Mount of Venus. But next to the hill, in the center of the palm, is the zone of Mars. Therefore, palmists have a double name for the thumb.

The ring will help develop logical thinking. Worn on the thumb, it expresses the desire to assert oneself. Emotionality and internal energy characterize such a woman. At the same time, the ring will help pacify aggressiveness and curb outbursts of anger. Will help you keep yourself in control, will do harmonious relationship with the people around you.

points to hidden potential. The finger of Mars and the decoration on it symbolize sexuality and the desire to dominate. The ring will help you realize your attractiveness in the eyes of men.

Jupiter's finger

The meaning of the rings on women’s fingers gives a hint, a clue to their character. The index finger originates from the Mount of Jupiter. A ring on this finger indicates pride and a thirst for power. It will add confidence in your abilities and help you achieve success. Develops intuition and insight. The hand on which the jewelry is worn is of great importance.

Ring on the index finger of the right hand means prudence, a tendency to think. Identification of cause-and-effect relationships. It symbolizes the ruler's wisdom and leadership qualities.

Ring on the index finger of the left hand confirms a tendency to hysterical outbursts and unbalanced emotionality. In rare cases, it means delusions of grandeur.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of Jupiter on both hands indicates the desire for a goal. A woman is capable of sweeping away all barriers and will stop at nothing to achieve what she wants. Rings on the index fingers of both hands are a symbol of ambition and disregard for the laws of human morality.

Finger of Saturn

The middle one is the finger of Saturn. Palmists recommend wearing a ring on this finger for unlucky women. For those who don’t have a successful career or family life. A ring on the middle finger will help you overcome all adversity, cope with difficulties, and achieve success.

The meaning of rings on fingers demonstrates personality traits. The decoration on the middle finger indicates the irresistibility of a woman, her spiritual wealth and desire to please others.

Usually they wear birth rings on it. They help smooth out the destiny. The power of the ancestors pacifies Negative influence for life. Stabilizes wealth and gives strength.

Finger of Apollo (Sun)

The ring finger is Apollo's finger. He is patronized by the Sun. It gives a desire for refined things. The desire for comfort, fame, and wealth can be symbolized in this case by wearing rings on the fingers. The meaning and influence on a woman’s life also depends on the type of jewelry. Its small size will give calmness and balance. A large and bright ring will add emotion.

Decoration on the ring finger indicates satisfaction with life and oneself. Striving for fun and variety. Wedding rings are also worn on Apollo's finger. If another piece of jewelry is worn on top of the engagement ring, it means that the woman values ​​family ties.

The energy of the Sun endows the owners of rings on the ring finger with honor and success. Helps promote career ladder, gives creative energy.

Mercury Finger

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. The ring on the little finger indicates impermanence, variability, and instability of nature. Sophistication of thinking, tendency to intrigue. Important information can be gleaned based on which finger the rings are worn on. The meaning of decoration on the little finger is coquetry, narcissism, excitement.

The ring on the Mercury finger indicates Creative skills women. Acting, the desire to be the center of attention, the ability to attract viewers in an unconventional way. These are bright, interesting women with the gift of words and internal magnetism. They are independent and capable of achieving their goals by any means.

When communicating with ladies, you should pay attention to which finger the rings are worn on. The meaning of jewelry carries information about what qualities a woman wants to develop in herself. The ring on the little finger will help you find mutual language With different people, establish business contacts. Teaches diplomacy and flexibility of mind.

Metal for the ring

The ring is a beautiful accessory and a mystical talisman that helps to acquire or pacify personality traits. It is necessary to take into account the interpretation of palmistry about which finger the ring is on. The meaning of metals will help you choose the right jewelry.

Gold has solar energy, patronizes generous and generous people. Gives strength and power to whole individuals. It harms cowardly, unspiritual people.

Silver attracts lunar, mystical energy. It can protect against negative information release. If you put silver in water, it will become healing.

Platinum can smooth out the negative manifestations of stones. For example, pearls, the stone of tears, will lose their negative meaning if set in platinum.

Iron will give strength and courage. This metal is suitable for timid, indecisive people. Iron best conducts the energy of the stone to the human mental body.

Copper should be worn open. Even a ring shouldn't represent vicious circle. Copper prolongs life, has a positive effect on the heart, and stimulates sexual energy.

A thin gold ring on the ring finger immediately says a lot about its owner. For example, that she is going to or has already gotten married. Occasionally, rings are also worn on the ring finger by girls who are simply confident in their relationship and wear the ring in such a way that strangers will not approach them.

But what can a ring on your thumb say?

For a man, such a ring speaks of self-confidence and inner strength. Such a ring, according to legend, should restrain the uncontrollable energy of such a person. But these are men. What about the beautiful half of humanity?

Of course, someone wears a ring on their thumb because it falls off others. The girl could have lost weight, or the young man simply made a mistake with the gift and gave a slightly larger size than necessary. Previously, a ring on the thumb indicated a person of an extraordinary and rebellious character.

In Russia, mostly girls of non-traditional sexual orientation now wear rings on their thumbs. Someone is sure that there is a special system of signs, for example, that if the ring is on the right hand, then the girl takes an active position, if on the left, then a passive one. But in fact, it's like with language. In every village, in every city, they seem to speak the same language, but the words are sometimes very changeable. Let's say, in Japan, two native residents may not understand each other because they will speak different dialects. Same with rings. Somewhere one thing is considered, somewhere their location is given a completely different meaning. In order to understand the meaninglessness of such signs, you need to go back to the origins. Where did this definition even come from?

IN ancient Rome It was believed that the ring on the thumb was a symbol of the phallus. For men, wearing a ring on their thumb was a protection of their virility. Perhaps the girls also want to show with such a gesture that they are not worse than men? But wait, then it turns out they’re not lesbians at all, but simply feminists.

Then, let's turn to the modern USA. In the United States, a ring on the thumb signifies freedom of choice. Choosing a lifestyle, choosing a profession, as well as choosing a sexual partner. Here it is - the solution. One of the girls, having visited the States, decided that: “I free man, I choose who I love!” and put the ring on his thumb. From there it began that if you have a ring on your thumb, then it is quite possible that you are a lesbian.

Of course, it is very stupid to consider any girl who wears a ring on her thumb to be a supporter of non-traditional sexual orientation. She may well not know about this little feature, or she may know, but she won’t care.

We are always free to choose what is more convenient and comfortable for us, what we consider beautiful and suitable for us. This is what is called freedom of choice, not who we love. After all, let us honestly admit to ourselves, in more than half of the cases, we do not choose who we love, but fate confronts us with a fact. This could be a person from a different environment, from a different layer of society, from a different country, from a different gender - the main thing is what we feel. And rings are just rings. For such girls they are only a small hint to find “their ones”, and they often don’t need this.

Rings have always been the most popular jewelry, today they are mostly worn only for beauty, without considering the meaning. Since ancient times, every object on the body has had its own meaning and energy that affects a person.

Knowledgeable people, especially astrologers, psychologists and palmists, can tell a lot about what the rings on different fingers mean for women and others.

In our country, most people are sure that jewelry rings have no meaning at all; they should only be worn in accordance with their outfits. Unlike us, eastern peoples give it great importance. Most often, rings are placed on fingers from the index to the little finger.

However, there are those who wear a ring on their thumb. Today this fashion is gaining momentum and many people have a question: “What can rings on girls’ fingers mean?” Our article will tell you in more detail about what this could mean.

"Language of Rings" in modern times

Basically, the ring is a sign of infinity; in ancient times, this decoration was associated with great power; only people with authority were allowed to wear it. The Chinese wear jewelry on this finger to stimulate the nerve endings. Palmists and representatives of some popular teachings agree with them. These were also identifying marks different societies. A little later, such decorations became symbols of marriage.

So, what is the meaning of these accessories:

  • on the thumb. Understanding what a regular thumb ring means, you need to go back in time. Even in those days, such decoration gave away strong man who could achieve his goals. He also likes to tell other people what they need to do and when. The owner of such a ring likes attention, his energy is in full swing, he is quite ambitious and can even be too stubborn in some situations. In ancient times, such a ring was worn mainly by men as a confirmation of their strength;
  • on the index finger. Vain people choose such a place for a ring. They love to lead weak people. Their high self-esteem does not allow them to consider their intelligence. In ancient times, such rings were seen on the hands of famous commanders. The type of hand the ring is placed on also plays a significant role. If only on the right - this is a strong character and pride, then the left indicates delusions of grandeur. We are sure that many will also be interested in knowing what the ring on the middle finger could mean. Below this information will be presented quite broadly;
  • on the middle finger. People who love to wear a ring on this finger are charismatic and confident in their complete irresistibility. The cost of the ring is directly proportional to the level of self-esteem. Its owner does not care about the opinions of others, especially regarding his loved one. The girl who owns such an accessory has faith in her constant development and self-esteem;
  • on the ring finger. Ordinary decoration speaks of balance of character and trust in other people. The owner is self-sufficient, has his own opinion and principles, however, does not like to stand out from others. Wearing extravagant accessories says the opposite. In general, the owners of jewelry in this place are creative people with delicate taste who love beauty and exquisite things.

Regarding the wedding ring. Its meaning has not changed throughout time. In ancient times it was considered the “artery of love.” which leads straight to the heart. It is customary to wear wedding rings on this finger, which palm depends on the person’s religion. The Orthodox wear it on the right, and the Catholics on left hand depending on the hand with which one is baptized. However, it happens that it becomes large, in which case they wear a wedding amulet of family happiness on the middle finger;

  • on the little finger. The ring is worn creative people, thereby emphasizing your abilities. If there is a person in front of you who has nothing to do with art, then psychologists assure that he can greatly surprise you at any moment. Women who love such jewelry can be called coquettes. They love to flirt with men.

Thumb and planetary influence

Today, a whole science has become known that connects each finger with a specific planet. So the thumb symbolizes Mars. This is a large planet with quite aggressive and strong energy. Therefore, in ancient times, warriors of many nations increased their strength and belligerence with the help of such decoration. In this regard, women who wear rings on this finger want to appear more masculine.

In most cases, the decoration on the thumb is worn as a repetition of what was seen in a movie or on the street. Also, sometimes the ring is put on due to the fact that it simply falls off from the remaining phalanges. However, few people know that today this arrangement of jewelry means girls are gay.

Today, very few people attach importance to information about what the rings on the index and other fingers mean. For some, it is an ordinary accessory; for others, it is an opportunity to show their social status, but there are also those who wear them as magical talismans.

Despite all this, knowing what it means to wear jewelry on different fingers, if you take a good look at their owners, you can learn a lot about a person without any problems.

What does a ring on your thumb mean?

The meaning of a ring on a finger

The ring is considered a symbol of infinity and means the eternity of being, the eternity of the Universe, the eternity of nature and life. In ancient times, rings were associated with power, so wearing them was the prerogative of people with great powers. Later, rings became a symbol of the inviolability of the marriage union. It is worth noting that these decorations served as identification marks of certain societies, families, clans: the Order of the Templars, the Masons, the Order of the Jesuits, etc.

There is an opinion that rings on fingers do not mean anything at all, so they can and should be worn in a way that is convenient, first of all, for the person himself. They are often put on the fingers according to the principle of compatibility with each other on the hands of one hand or another. However, some eastern peoples, palmists, psychologists, representatives of sexual minorities and other communities attach great importance to the location of the ring on the hand. This particularly applies to thumb rings.

Thumb ring. Meaning

In China, wearing a ring on your thumb is considered beneficial. The Chinese claim that it is in this place that the rings are able to stimulate nerve endings. It is curious that their point of view is shared by both palmists and representatives of other teachings. Psychologists have their own opinion, different from the opinion of the Chinese and palmists. They believe that a ring placed on the thumb indicates the extraordinary behavior of its owner.

According to psychologists, women or men wearing rings on their thumbs are trying their best to attract the attention of people around them to their person. Psychologists believe that these people try to assert themselves in every possible way. Moreover, men wearing rings on the thumbs of both hands are trying to establish themselves sexually. It’s just not clear why they “tell” society about their intimate problems in this way.

Another meaning of the ring on the thumb is a sign of non-traditional sexual orientation. Interestingly, this only applies to women. At the same time, a ring put on the thumb of the left hand indicates that its owner is currently single, and a ring put on the thumb of the right hand says that her heart is already occupied by some lady. By the way, the vast majority of women who wear rings on these fingers are not even aware of their dubious meaning.

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What does a ring on a girl's thumb mean?

#1 aleksandr1

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Posted 3 Feb 2010 09:24

This question has been troubling me for a long time; some people say: “A ring on the thumb is a sign of lesbianism!” (On the right hand - a lesbian, but I have a constant companion, I’m not looking for acquaintance; on the left - a lesbian, looking for acquaintance) If possible, do not wear rings on these fingers, do not mislead girls! And it will be awkward for you if you are misunderstood.”
And others: “It is recommended to wear a ring on the thumb for people who are expansive, emotional and have huge reserves of energy. According to astrologers and palmists, the thumb corresponds to Mars, and the ring on this finger should curb their temperament."

#2 Masyanich

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Posted 3 Feb 2010 12:59

What do you think about this or are there other options?!

tritka is a diagnosis.


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Posted 3 Feb 2010 16:22

Masyanich (3.02.2010 - 13:59), quote:

What does it mean for a girl to have a full-length dome tattoo on her back?

What do you think about this or are there other options?!

“A ring on the thumb is a sign of lesbianism! (On the right hand - a lesbian, but I have a constant companion, I’m not looking for acquaintance; on the left - a lesbian, looking for acquaintance) If possible, do not wear rings on these fingers, do not mislead girls! And it will be awkward for you if you are misunderstood.”

Does this work on guys? If yes, then gay

#4 trash

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Posted 4 Feb 2010 04:48

(3.02.2010 - 16:22), quote:

I think that such girls have no place on Krivukha.

What are the meanings of rings on women's fingers?

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time. Let's look at the meaning of rings on women's fingers and how to wear them correctly. They are valued for their beauty and nobility, as an accessory that completes an image; they are seen as talismans with magical influence. What do the rings on a woman's fingers mean? According to psychologists and astrologers, jewelry can tell a lot about its owners, and both the wearing of rings on the fingers and the jewelry itself are important.

Hand jewelry has been popular and loved by people for a long time.

The meanings of each of the fingers

Rings sometimes play a mystical role in life. They are often used in magical rituals. Therefore, knowing the meaning of the rings on the fingers is useful for every woman. Modern girls wear 2-5 rings on 1 hand. According to anthropologists, the desire to wear many rings on your fingers at the same time is an ancient instinct. This habit was formed due to the fear of losing family jewels. In addition, in the Middle Ages, rich people, having strung rings on their fingers, could use them at any time as a bargaining chip or a gift. To prevent the abundance of rings from looking vulgar, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put accessories made of the same metal on 1 brush;
  • do not combine jewelry with costume jewelry;
  • avoid variegation.

Two rings made in the same style on one finger look like a single piece of jewelry. It should be noted that wide, massive products look ridiculous on short and chubby arms. Often women have a question: on which fingers should they not wear rings? You can do it on anyone, even on everyone at the same time. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and appropriate.

Which finger to wear the ring on (video)

Large - finger of Venus

What does a ring on a girl's thumb mean? In ancient times, women thus adapted to wear the jewelry of their dead husbands in memory of them. Nowadays, wearing a ring on your thumb is a desire for freedom and independence, characteristic of a modern strong-willed girl. A ring placed on the thumb speaks of perseverance and energy. It is difficult to convince such a woman. She may be dissatisfied with the sexual aspect of her life and have a desire to assert herself in it.

Read also: Jewelry with dancing diamonds

Wearing rings on the thumb is typical for a woman with a non-traditional sexual orientation, and depending on its location, others can perceive different signs: on the left hand it indicates readiness to have a girlfriend, and on the right hand, that she already has a partner. However, this meaning of wearing rings on the thumb is not relevant today, since such accessories are in trend. They are made from metal, ivory, leather and stone, come in a variety of styles, and many confident girls like them. It should be noted that a silver ring with a cold-colored stone helps develop insight and get rid of excessive practicality. Gold jewelry with a red, orange or yellow stone will enhance logical thinking. Typically, more than two rings are not worn on the thumb.

Index - symbol of Jupiter

Symbolizes strength and power, people pointing and leading. If you wear it constantly, your self-esteem increases. Rings are most often worn on the index finger of the right hand by people who are vain and striving for leadership. Over time, they may develop a need for fame and arrogance. The ring on the index finger of the left hand is worn to develop and realize abilities. It is especially necessary for girls with low levels of self-esteem. Gold and tin have the greatest impact. On the index finger of the left hand, the decoration will be clearly visible, so if desired, you can arrange a demonstration. Some women specifically look for rings for him. Massive accessories with stones speak of the hysteria and unpredictability of their owner.

If a ring is worn on the index finger, there should be no other jewelry with stones on the hand. Minerals of blue, blue and turquoise colors in a silver frame are recommended.

Middle - under the sign of Saturn

What does the ring on it mean? Psychologists say that its owner wants to show not only the decoration, but also herself - the most irresistible and important. The more massive the rings on the fingers, the more narcissistic and vain the woman is. A modest accessory speaks of self-esteem. They are often worn by those who believe in magic and fate. Rings on the fingers of Saturn on both hands mean a tendency to thoughtfulness, detachment from everyday bustle. Simple and compact decorations are very convenient. The talisman ring has a positive effect on your reputation and protects you from gossip. A family ring on the middle finger emphasizes the connection with ancestors, but it is not recommended to wear them all the time. Purple and black stones are most suitable for him. A wedding ring on the finger of the right hand indicates that its owner is engaged, while on the left - about widowhood.

It has been known since ancient times that wearing rings with natural stones allows you to enhance the effect of certain planets in your horoscope. And today it is believed that each finger corresponds to a separate planet of the solar system.

For example, the thumb is Venus, the index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is the Sun, and the little finger is Mercury. Thus, by putting a ring with a certain stone on your finger, you can control your destiny. If a woman previously took a vow of celibacy, she wore a silver ring on her thumb, blocking the energy of the planet Venus. Therefore, if a girl wants to establish personal life, meet your soulmate, you should not wear a ring on your thumb.

Jewelry on the index finger

The index finger is a symbol of a person's ego. Many have noticed how unpleasant it is when another person points their index finger in our direction. This is because the finger emits powerful energy. Wearing a ring on the index finger is necessary for those who want to become a leader. In this case, you need to choose silver products. Gold is not suitable in this case. It is recommended to wear sapphires, turquoise, aquamarine and lapis lazuli on the index finger. Coral and opal will help get rid of stress and strengthen family relationships.

Jewelry on the middle finger

Only strong, strong-willed people can wear rings on the middle finger. Decoration with a natural stone on the middle finger can activate karmic tasks and attract unexpected turns of fate. It is recommended to put a ring on your middle finger if your soul requires change. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to bright rings with expressive stones. Ring decorated moonstone, perfect for the middle finger. If a person is satisfied with everything in life, there is no need to put a ring on his middle finger.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring on this finger is a bright symbol of success in society, as well as happiness in personal relationships, prosperity, and love. If you need to activate all of the above spheres, you must put a gold or silver ring on this finger. It is noteworthy that the product can be complemented with any natural stone.

Pinky ring

Decoration on this finger can activate communication skills. In this case, the person will develop charisma and charm. If you put a gold ring on your little finger with any natural red stone, success in your career, money and business is guaranteed. For the little finger, you can also choose jewelry with amber, topaz, as well as chrysolite and emerald. Speakers, politicians, businessmen, analysts, doctors should wear a ring on the little finger. Wearing rings on this finger is recommended for lovers of flirting, gambling. It is better for calm, family people to choose jewelry for another finger.



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