the main - Family matters
Comprehensive analysis of the fat strength of childhood. L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth": description, characters, analysis of works. Reading and analyzing the chapter "Classes"

The story "Childhood" became the first work of 24-year-old Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy and immediately opened the way for him not only to Russian, but also to world literature. The young writer sent it to the editor-in-chief of the most famous literary magazine Sovremennik at that time, Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, along with money in case the manuscript was returned, but the poet could not help but see that he had a creation of real talent. Although Tolstoy's subsequent books brought him even greater fame, Childhood did not in the least fade in comparison with them. The work had depth, moral purity, and wisdom.

The main character of the work is 10-year-old Nikolenka Irteniev. The boy grows up in a noble family in a village estate, he is surrounded by his closest and beloved people: a teacher, brother, sister, parents, nanny.

Readers get acquainted with the world of Nikolai through his story, and many actions are analyzed by an already grown young man, but for whom childhood memories are so vivid that he carried them through many years. But they also shape the personality. Already in the early stages of growing up, it becomes quite clear what you will be like.

What can you say about Nikolenka? He's smart but lazy, so learning doesn't always go smoothly. However, the boy's conscientiousness and kindness fully compensate for the lack of diligence. He is very attached to close people, subtly feels their mood. Especially touching is his tenderness for his mother. In addition, he is prone to prudence and reflection: he loves to delve into himself, to sort out thoughts and feelings on the shelves. But a firm character has not yet developed in him: for example, he follows a friend's lead and commits a low deed.

Little Nicholas had all the best that later formed an adult personality. But he laments, where are the purity and sensitivity that were in abundance in childhood, and which he does not find in himself today? Have they disappeared without a trace? No, it's just that in a world where emotions are usually held back, sincere impulses were locked deep in the soul.

Karl Ivanovich

Tolstoy devotes the first chapter of the story to his teacher, Karl Ivanovich, whom little Nikolai loves very much, although sometimes he is childishly angry with him. The boy sees the kind heart of the mentor, feels his great affection, he describes him as a person with a clear conscience and a calm soul. The pupil takes pity on his dear teacher and sincerely wishes him happiness. His heart responds in response to the old man's feelings.

But Kolya is not at all ideal, it happens that he gets angry, scolds his teacher or nanny to himself, does not want to study, thinks a lot about himself and puts his “I” above others, participates in bullying Ilenka Grap together with others. But who did not do the same as a child? The reader recognizes himself in many ways: how he wants to grow up as soon as possible and stop doing homework, how he dreams of becoming a handsome man, because then this is very important, like any mistake is perceived as a tragedy. Therefore, the teacher was characterized by patience and restraint, as well as a sense of humor and sincere affection for the boy.


Nikolai is a very sensitive child, he loved his mother very much, but he only remembers her kind eyes, affection and love. Just being next to her, feeling the touch of her hands, falling in love with her tenderness was real happiness for him. She died early, it was then that his childhood ended. The matured hero thinks that if he could see the smile of maman in the most difficult moments of his life, he would never know grief.

A ten-year-old boy has a very rich inner life, egoism and love for loved ones, good and evil, often struggle in him, and yet the already laid down morality helps to make the right human choice already in the subconscious. There is a lot of conscience and shame in him. He analyzes his feelings very deeply, any of their external manifestations are often backed up by an internal contradiction. Nikolai notices that his tears bring him pleasure, that, having lost his mother, he grieves as if for show. His prayers are always for the health and well-being of loved ones, for mama and papa, for poor Karl Ivanovich, he asks God to give happiness to everyone. It is in this compassionate impulse that the influence of the mother is manifested, to whom the writer pays little attention. He shows her through his son, a kind soul did not sink into oblivion, when the body died, she remained on earth in a child who took over her responsiveness and tenderness.


Nikolenka also loves her father very much, but this feeling is different from tenderness to her mother. Dad is an undoubted authority, although we see a man with many flaws in front of us: he is a player, a mot, a womanizer.

But the hero talks about all this without any condemnation, he is proud of his father, considering him a knight. Although dad is undoubtedly stricter, tougher than mom, but he has the same kind heart and boundless love for children.

Natalia Savishna

This is an elderly woman who is in the service of Nikolai's family (she was his mother's nanny). She is a peasant serf like the other servants. Natalya Savishna is kind and modest, her gaze expressed "calm sadness." In her younger years, she was a plump and healthy girl, and in old age she was hunched over and haggard. Its distinctive feature is dedication. She devoted all her strength to caring for the noble family. Nikolai often speaks of her hard work, diligence, and kindness.

The main character trusted the old woman with his feelings, because her sincerity and honesty were beyond doubt. She is only proud of the fact that she has never stolen from the masters, so they entrust her with the most responsible affairs. The heroine's love for the whole family was all the more surprising, because Nikolenka's grandfather forbade her to marry her beloved. However, she did not harbor resentment.

Sonya, Katya and Seryozha

Kolya is still at the age when playing Robinson, where you can swim along an imaginary river, go hunting in the woods with a stick-gun, brings pleasure, without such childishness it is difficult for him to imagine his life.

The hero describes a not very long period of his childhood, but manages to fall in love three times: with Katenka, Seryozha and Sonya. These are completely different feelings, but they are childishly pure and naive. Love for Seryozha made me imitate him and bow before him, and this led to a very cruel act. Nikolai did not intercede for Ilenka Grapa, whom they unjustly offended, although he could sympathize even with the wounded bird. As an adult, he considers this to be the most unpleasant memory of a bright, happy childhood. He is very ashamed of his callousness and rudeness. Love for Katya was a very tender feeling, he kissed her hand twice and burst into tears from overflowing emotions. She was something very sweet and dear to him.

The feeling for Sonya was very bright, made him different: confident, handsome and very charming. It instantly overwhelmed him all, everything that came before her became insignificant.

Nikolai's childhood immerses each reader in his bright memories and gives hope that the kindness, love, purity that was there cannot completely go away. She lives in us, you just have to remember that happy time.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

In 1851, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy traveled to the Caucasus. At that moment, there were fierce battles with the highlanders, in which the writer took part, without interrupting his fruitful creative work. It was at this moment that Tolstoy came up with the idea of ​​creating a novel about the spiritual growth and personal development of a person.

Already in the summer of 1852, Lev Nikolaevich sent the first story "Childhood" to his editor. In 1854, the "Boyhood" part was published, and three years later - "Youth".

This is how the autobiographical trilogy was drawn up, which is now included in the compulsory school curriculum.

Analysis of the trilogy of works

The main character

The plot is based on the life of Nikolai Irteniev - a nobleman from a noble family who is trying to find the meaning of existence and build the right relationship with the environment. The characteristics of the main character are rather autobiographical, so the process of finding spiritual harmony is especially important for the reader who finds parallels with the fate of Leo Tolstoy. It is interesting that the author seeks to present the portrait of Nikolai Petrovich through the points of view of other people who are brought together with the main character by fate.



In the story "Childhood" Kolenka Irteniev appears as a modest child who experiences not only joyful, but also sorrowful events. In this part, the writer maximally reveals the idea of ​​the dialectic of the soul. At the same time, Childhood is not devoid of the power of faith and hope for the future, since the author describes the life of a child with undisguised affection. It is interesting that in the plot there is no mention of Nikolenka's life in the parental home. The fact is that the formation of the boy was influenced by people who did not belong to his immediate family circle. First of all, these are the tutor Irtenyeva Karl Ivanovich and his housekeeper Natalya Savishna. Interesting episodes of "Childhood" are the process of creating a blue drawing, as well as a game of rowers.


The story "Adolescence" begins with the thoughts of the protagonist, who visited him after the death of his mother. In this part, the character touches upon the philosophical issues of wealth and poverty, intimacy and loss, jealousy and hatred. In this story, Tolstoy seeks to convey the idea that an analytical mindset inevitably reduces the freshness of feelings, but at the same time does not prevent a person from striving for self-improvement. In Otrochestvo, the Irteniev family moved to Moscow, and Nikolenka continued to communicate with the tutor Karl Ivanovich and receive punishments for poor grades and dangerous games. A separate storyline is the development of the relationship of the protagonist with Katya, Any, and also his friend Dmitry.


The final of the trilogy - "Youth" - is devoted to the attempts of the protagonist to get out of the labyrinth of internal contradictions. Irteniev's plans for moral development are crumbling against the background of an idle and petty way of life. The character is confronted here with the first anxieties of love, unfulfilled dreams, the consequences of vanity. In "Youth" the plot begins with the 16th year of the life of Irteniev, who is preparing to enter the university. For the first time, the hero learns the joy of confession, and also faces difficulties in communicating with friends. Tolstoy seeks to show that life has made the protagonist less sincere and kind towards people. The neglect and pride of Nikolai Petrovich leads him to be expelled from the university. The series of ups and downs does not end, but Irteniev decides to create new rules for a good life.

Tolstoy's trilogy was realized with an interesting compositional idea. The author does not follow the chronology of events, but the stages of personality formation and turning points in fate. Lev Nikolaevich conveys through the main character the basic values ​​of a child, undergrowth, and youth. There is also an edifying aspect in this book, since Tolstoy appeals to all families with an appeal not to miss the most important moments of the upbringing of the new generation.

According to many literary scholars, this is a book about the essential role of kindness, which helps a person to stay away from cruelty and indifference, even in spite of serious life trials. With the seeming ease of the narrative and the fascination of the plot, Tolstoy's novel hides a deep philosophical implication - without hiding moments from his own life, the author seeks to answer the question of what challenges of fate a person has to answer in the process of growing up. Moreover, the writer helps the reader decide which answer to give.

The themes that Leo Tolstoy touches upon in his work are truly eternal! In the lesson, you will get acquainted with a work in which all the skill of Tolstoy as a writer, psychologist, philosopher was manifested. It will be about the autobiographical story "Childhood". You will read and analyze the chapters "Classes", "Natalia Savishna", "Childhood".

Topic: From 19th century literature

Lesson: Leo N. Tolstoy. The story "Childhood". Analysis of selected chapters

Fig. 1. Book cover ()

Reading and analyzing the chapter "Classes".

The main role in this chapter is played by the teacher Karl Ivanovich, we have already met him in the chapter "Maman". But, of course, the peculiarity of the work is how the little boy Nikolenka Irteniev, who is 10 years old, perceives the life of adults and his teacher Karl Ivanovich. The chapter begins like this:

"Karl Ivanovich was very out of sorts."

Let's observe the reaction of the adults in this chapter, the reaction of the child, his thoughts, his understanding of life.

“It was evident in his knitted eyebrows and in the way he threw his coat into the chest of drawers, and how angrily he girded, and how hard he scribbled his fingernail across the book of dialogues to indicate the place to which we had to press. Volodya studied decently; I was so upset that there was absolutely nothing I could do. "

Fig. 2. Illustration for Leo Tolstoy's story "Childhood" ()

As we know, Nikolenka was upset at the news that they were now being taken to Moscow, and the teacher Karl Ivanovich would no longer teach.

“For a long time I stared at the book of dialogues, but from the tears that were typing into my eyes at the thought of the upcoming separation, I could not read ...” “When it came to calligraphy, from tears falling on the paper, I made such blots as as if he wrote with water on wrapping paper. "

How keenly does the boy feel about himself?

“Karl Ivanovich got angry, put me on my knees, insisted that this was stubbornness, a puppet comedy (that was his favorite word), threatened with a ruler and demanded that I ask forgiveness, while I could not utter a word from tears; finally, probably feeling his injustice, he went into Nikolai's room and slammed the door. "

Despite the fact that Nikolenka is still a child, he perfectly sees and understands the actions of adults. Nikolenka hears a conversation in Nikolai's room, where Karl Ivanovich complains about the injustice of the owner, who takes the children away to study and deprives him of work.

“I have been living in this house for twelve years and I can say before God, Nikolai,” Karl Ivanovich continued, raising his eyes and snuff-box to the ceiling, “that I loved them and did them more than if they were my own children. Do you remember, Nikolai, when Volodenka had a fever? Do you remember how I sat at his bedside for nine days without closing my eyes. Yes! then I was kind, dear Karl Ivanitch, then I was needed; and now, ”he added, smiling ironically,“ now the children are big: they must study seriously. Are they sure they don't study here, Nikolai? "

And, of course, Nikolenka sympathized with the grief that Karl Ivanovich felt. Here is how Tolstoy writes about it:

“I sympathized with his grief, and it hurt me that my father and Karl Ivanitch, whom I loved almost equally, did not understand each other; I went back to the corner, sat on my heels and talked about how to restore agreement between them. "

These were the feelings of the child, but let's see how Karl Ivanovich's resentment manifests itself during the lesson.

"Several times, with different intonations and with an expression of the greatest pleasure, he read this saying, expressing his soulful thought." And the saying was: "Of all vices, the most serious is Ingratitude."

How does Nikolenka perceive the behavior of her teacher?

“His face was not gloomy as before; it expressed the contentment of a person who was worthy of revenge for the offense inflicted on him. "

Nikolenka understands the behavior of Karl Ivanovich and perceives him as a person who almost kept track of his feelings.

“It was a quarter to one; but Karl Ivanitch did not seem to think about letting us go: he kept asking new lessons. Boredom and appetite increased equally. I watched with intense impatience for all the signs proving the proximity of dinner. Here is a woman from the yard with a washcloth going to wash the dishes, you can hear the noise of the dishes in the buffet ... "

But Karl Ivanovich was relentless. This is how the chapter "Karl Ivanovich" ends.

Reading and analysis of the chapter "Natalia Savishna".

Fig. 3. Illustration for Leo Tolstoy's story "Childhood" ()

“In the middle of the last century, a barefoot, but cheerful, fat and red-cheeked girl, Natasha, ran around the courtyards of the village of Khabarovka in a shabby dress. Due to the merits and request of her father, the clarinet player Savva, my grandfather took her up - to be among the female servants of my grandmother. The maid Natasha was distinguished in this position by her meek disposition and diligence. When mother was born and a nanny was needed, this responsibility was assigned to Natasha. And in this new field, she earned praise and awards for her work, loyalty and affection for the young lady. But the powdered head and stockings with buckles of the young lively waiter Foki, who had frequent intercourse with Natalya at work, captivated her rough but loving heart. She even decided to go to her grandfather to ask permission to marry Fock. Grandfather took her desire for ingratitude, got angry and sent poor Natalya for punishment to a cattle yard in a steppe village. Six months later, however, since no one could replace Natalya, she was returned to the courtyard and to her former position. Returning in a shabby meal from exile, she came to her grandfather, fell at his feet and asked him to return her mercy, affection and forget the nonsense that had found her and which, she swore, would never return. Indeed, she kept her word.

Since then, Natasha became Natalya Savishna and put on a cap: she transferred the entire supply of love that was stored in her to her young lady. "

“When maman got married, wanting to thank Natalia Savishna in some way for her twenty years of work and affection, she called her to her and, expressing in the most flattering words all her gratitude and love for her, handed her a sheet of stamp paper on which was written free to Natalya Savishne, and said that, regardless of whether she continued to serve in our house or not, she would always receive an annual pension of three hundred rubles. Natalya Savishna silently listened to all this, then, picking up the document, she glared at it, muttered something through her teeth and ran out of the room, slamming the door. Not understanding the reasons for such a strange act, maman a little later entered Natalya Savishna's room. She was sitting with tear-stained eyes on the chest, fingering a handkerchief with her fingers, and gazing intently at the scraps of torn free lying on the floor in front of her.

“Since I can remember myself, I also remember Natalia Savishna, her love and affection; but now I can only appreciate them ... "

And again, this is the view of an adult on what happened to him in childhood, a view from the position of time, from the position of wisdom.

“... then it never occurred to me what a rare, wonderful creature this old woman was. She not only never spoke, but did not think, it seems, of herself: her whole life was love and self-sacrifice. I was so used to her disinterested, tender love for us that I never imagined that it could be otherwise, I was not in the least grateful to her and never asked myself questions: is she happy? are you satisfied? "

And we meet an interesting case in the chapter "Natalia Savishna".

Think about how the human character and character of the protagonist will manifest in this scene.

“That's how it was. At dinner, pouring myself some kvass, I dropped the decanter and poured over the tablecloth.

Call Natalya Savishna to be happy with her pet, ”said maman.

Natalya Savishna came in and, seeing the puddle that I had made, shook her head; then maman said something in her ear, and she threatened me and went out.

After dinner, in the most cheerful mood, jumping up and down, I went into the hall, when suddenly Natalya Savishna jumped out from behind the door with a tablecloth in her hand, caught me and, despite desperate resistance on my part, began rubbing my face wet, saying : "Don't stain the tablecloths, don't stain the tablecloths!" It offended me so much that I burst into tears with anger. "

The first feeling that arises in the hero is a feeling of resentment and a feeling of anger.

"How! - I said to myself, walking around the hall and choking with tears. - Natalya Savishna, just Natalya, you say to me, and also hits me in the face with a wet tablecloth, like a yard boy. No, it's terrible!"

It is in this scene that Nikolenka perceives all those traditions that were characteristic of noble families, the level of understanding that she and Natalya are not on the same levels of the social ladder, it is already understandable for Nikolenka.

However, this feeling of anger, resentment, gives way to other more moral categories.

"When Natalya Savishna saw that I was drooling, she immediately ran away, and I, continuing to walk, talked about how to repay the impudent Natalya for the insult inflicted on me."

See how feelings develop: resentment, anger, and latent anger.

“A few minutes later Natalya Savishna returned, timidly approached me and began to admonish:

Completely, my father, do not cry ... forgive me, fool ... I am to blame ... forgive me, my dear ... here's to you.

She took out from under the handkerchief a cornet made of red paper, in which there were two caramels and one wine berry, and with a trembling hand held it to me. I didn’t have the strength to look the good old woman in the face: I turned away and accepted the gift, and the tears flowed even more abundantly, but not from anger, but from love and shame ”.

Reading and analyzing the chapter "Childhood"

Fig. 4. Illustration for Leo Tolstoy's story "Childhood" ()

The chapter "Childhood" begins with wonderful words that could become an epigraph to the whole story:

“Happy, happy, irreversible time of childhood! How not to love, not cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me. "

Pay attention to the vocabulary used in the chapter. How many good, warm words! Try to see the most important of them, keywords.

“... You sit and listen. And how not to listen? Maman speaks to someone and the sounds of her voice are so sweet, so welcoming. These sounds speak so much to my heart! "

“No one’s indifferent looks do not hinder her: she is not afraid to pour out all her tenderness and love on me. I do not move, but I kiss her hand even harder. "

"Tears of love and delight."

“... Love for her and love for God somehow strangely merged into one feeling.

After prayer, you would wrap yourself in a blanket; the soul is light, light and joyful; some dreams drive others - but what are they about? They are elusive, but filled with pure love and hopes for bright happiness. "

How many warm words we saw: heart, tenderness, love... Word "love" is repeated several times during the chapter. Love, love, love, tears of love and delight, bright happiness, love and hope, the soul is light, light, gratifying - these are the feelings of childhood that Nikolenka carried.

“Will that freshness, carelessness, the need for love and the power of faith that you possess in childhood return? What time could be better than when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need for love - were the only motives in life? " "Are there really only memories left?"

This is the question the chapter "Childhood" ends with. And Tolstoy poses this question to the reader, will that freshness and carelessness ever return? What time could be better than childhood? Probably, you need to love, appreciate your childhood, treat both mom and dad with love.


A feature of the hero of the story "Childhood" is that he constantly expresses his feelings and is often merciless towards himself, often reproaches himself for some actions, for which he himself then becomes ashamed.

Nikolenka recalls the happy time spent in the village. He recalls people who were selflessly devoted to their family, he recalls his childhood.

A large place in the story is occupied by a description of the feeling of love for people, the ability to love oneself. These are the feelings that Tolstoy himself admires. But at the same time, Tolstoy shows how very often the world of adults can destroy children's understanding of life.

The story "Childhood" ends with the death of the mother. And there comes another, completely different time, which Nikolenka will never call the happy, irrecoverable time of childhood.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
  2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework on literature for grade 7 (to the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina). - 2012.
  3. Kuteinikova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
  4. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2012.
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook. 7th grade. Part 2. - 2009.
  6. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. - 2012.
  7. A source).


  1. What episode in the story made the strongest impression on you? Why?
  2. What does Tolstoy's story "Childhood" teach? What makes you think?
  3. Do you think it is useful to read this story not only for children, but also for adults? Why?
  4. Remember a vivid episode of your childhood. Try to talk about it or describe it in a Tolstoyan manner. Try not only to outline the course of the event, but also to convey feelings, experiences, thoughts about people and events.

Analysis of L. Tolstoy's story "The Power of Childhood"

This story strikes, touches, excites some special, unique, namely "Tolstoy" the wisdom of simplicity.

The heroes told. Tolstoy's "The Power of Childhood" - ordinary people, but they had the lot to live in a difficult historical era, an era of storms and upheavals, an era of human suffering, tears, grief, blood.

The story begins with a series of short shouts “Kill! Shoot! " etc. Such a beginning is extremely expressive, for it encourages the reader to find out what exactly happened.

In the midst of chaos, in the midst of a huge, screaming, brutal crowd, we see a man who is proud and calm. He's coming " with a firm step, lifting his head high. " His face is beautiful and courageous. However, he is connected. And his whole appearance expresses contempt and anger towards the people around him. Why? Because the people around him are his enemies, he fought against them "on the side of the authorities", he is a policeman, on his order people were shot at. Now he has to walk past the uncleared bodies of killed people. " He was seized and is now being executed, ”- L. Tolstoy briefly informs the reader.

The hatred and contempt of this man for the brutal crowd is great. " What to do! The strength is not always on our side. What to do? Now their power. To die like that, it can be seen that it is necessary ”, - thought this man and, shrugging his shoulders, smiled coldly at the cries that continued in the crowd. " Describing the attitude of a person to the crowd, L. Tolstoy uses the epithet "cold", participial turnover "Shrugging shoulders" and other language tools.

At first glance, the crowd confronts this arrogant, proud, cold man. The mass of people screams fiercely: "Kill! .. Now shoot the bastard! .. Cut the killer's throat! .."

L. Tolstoy enhances this effect with the following expression: “ Kill everyone! Spies! Kings! Popov! And these scoundrels! Kill, kill now! - squealed female voices". The text repeats terrible calls to murder, and shout them out female voices, the author adds here to reinforce the connotative word squealed.

L. Tolstoy by the power of his talent shows us that the hatred of these people can be understood and justified. What unites the person going to the execution and the crowd surrounding him with a ring of anger and contempt? Hatred and anger towards each other.

Oh, how strong is the malice in this world! On her account are the distorted destinies of people, human souls corroded by her, mutilated lives ... Is there really nothing that could withstand anger, hatred, violence ?! L. Tolstoy brings us to this idea and then gives the answer: “Yes! This is the power of childhood! "

Here is Tolstoy's wisdom of simplicity, here is the true meaning of the story, its idea: childish purity, naivety, love and faith in people will save the world from chaos, universal hatred, violence; the strength of childhood is precisely the strength that can unite people, that will teach humanity the most important thing - the ability to forgive. The author brings us to this idea primarily through the title. This title contains the idea and the entire content of the text, which is, as it were, compressed in it. The title "The Power of Childhood" provides the first reference point by which the perception of the text as a whole is organized. It is the dominant of the meaning of the entire text, subordinating to itself all its construction, and, consequently, perception (Vygotsky, 1968).

Strong positions in the text are the title and the first phrase. The reader's attention is always lingering here, which is explained by the action of the laws of speech forecasting. It has been experimentally proven that the brain makes predictions continuously. The title, on the other hand, directs and orients the forthcoming mental activity of the reader, gives him initial information about the text, and contains the main storyline. However, the content-conceptual information carried by the heading is fully developed and perceived only against the background of the whole text. What does the text give us for this?

L. Tolstoy shows a six-year-old child, a crying boy, so trusting (after all, he does not understand that the crowd can tear him to pieces), so defenseless, so lonely, in need of the strong hands of his father, in the support of people. And this is precisely what a child is strong in! Here again the author uses the method of antithesis, which "works" as if in subtext. In the text, we see only the result: in front of the sobbing child, the crowd parted, letting him in to his father. The strength of childhood is such that in people from the crowd, humanity, compassion for their neighbor begins to emerge.

Here is one woman, who may have just demanded death, says: “L what a cute one! " « Whom do you want? "- another is interested. When it becomes clear from the dialogues that the boy does not have a mother, some kind of breakdown occurs in the crowd, the mood of people begins to change. And when the father, having talked with his son and convincing him to go home, was left alone, he said: “ Now I am ready, kill me. " And here happened what the author calls "Incomprehensible", "unexpected": Woke up in them at the same time "Some spirit"- the spirit of kindness, sympathy, compassion, forgiveness. One woman said:

  • - You know what. Let him go.
  • - And then, God bless him, - someone else said. - Let go. - Let go, let go! - the crowd thundered.

This is the culmination of the story. L. Tolstoy shows us what the power of childhood is capable of. It was she who prevented the blasphemy from happening - to kill the father in front of his son. The maddened crowd under the pressure of pure childish love changes before our eyes. The same force has an unexpected effect on the father of the child. At first, a proud, ruthless man who hated the crowd even more than she hated him, he suddenly burst into tears, but these were tears of guilt, tears of remorse, shame and relief. He felt guilty before his son, before people, and tears cleansed his soul of anger, pride, heartlessness.

This story once again proved that L. Tolstoy is a subtle connoisseur of the human soul, he knows how to penetrate into its most intimate corners.

With the help of what linguistic, compositional, subtextual means and techniques did the author manage to achieve such an effect, to influence the reader in this way?

The language and style of the writer is specific. His word is precise and concise. The story has no "decorative" linguistic means (metaphors, comparisons, hyperbole, etc.). There is only one metaphor for the whole story - spirit woke up- and a little more than ten complex (complex) sentences. Simple syntax is a manner of writing unusual for L. Tolstoy, which in itself is expressive for the reader who knows the author better as a master of the most complex constructions of 5-8 predicative units (see "War and Peace", "Resurrection", "Anna Karenina") ...

The story is built almost entirely on dialogues. Moreover, there is a great difference between the speech of the author and the speech of the characters. The author's speech is characterized by less dynamism, longer phrases, an abundance of evaluative words, epithets: the crowd went berserk, hating people, proud man, handsome, courageous face and etc.

Crowd lines are more dynamic, they are replete with verbs. shoot, cut, kill, hang. This is the speech of people who have smelled the smell of blood, thirsty for it. And here is another word next to it, spoken by a woman from the same crowd - dear. This is the voice of an awakening conscience, nascent kindness. Tenderness breaks through in the speech of the captive father: honey, be smart. And the word of the child dad melted the cold in my father's soul, shaken his hatred, melted pride.

L. Tolstoy masterfully develops the plot with the help of dialogue. Dialogue replicas are natural, the author avoids excesses in them, the measure is observed here, which is evidence of the author's talent and high culture. In fact, the entire plot is built on dialogue, and the words of the author are just remarks, more precisely, introducing the reader into the events of the story.

The composition of this story is peculiar. Its peculiarity consists in a quick start, unexpected climax and rapid completion.

It took the writer just a few phrases to describe the beginning of the action: "A huge crowd of people was leading a tied man along the street." Already at the very beginning, L. Tolstoy lays down the opposition: a crowd and one person, the anger of the crowd and the helplessness of a tied person, etc. It seems that the oppositions in this story are the main pivot around which the entire narrative unfolds. This is the opposition of guilt and remorse, strength and weakness, good and evil.

The ending of the story does not “close” it, but as if “opens up” the work even more, forcing the reader to think about the questions raised by L. Tolstoy, over the eternal questions that make up the essence of the human soul.

31.12.2020 - At the site's forum, work has ended on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko. "

10.11.2019 - At the site's forum, the work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the USE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko, has ended.

20.10.2019 - At the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays 9.3 on the collection of tests for the OGE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

20.10.2019 - At the site's forum, work has begun on writing essays on the collection of tests for the USE 2020, edited by I.P. Tsybulko.

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29.09.2019 - For all the years of our site's work, the most popular was the material from the Forum, dedicated to the works based on the collection of I.P. Tsybulko in 2019. More than 183 thousand people watched it. Link >>

22.09.2019 - Friends, please note that the texts of the statements at the OGE 2020 will remain the same

15.09.2019 - A master class on preparation for the Final Essay in the direction of "Pride and Humility" has started on the website's forum

10.03.2019 - At the forum of the site, work on writing essays on the collection of tests for the Unified State Examination by I.P. Tsybulko has been completed.

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