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Bulgarian canned cucumbers – a step-by-step recipe with photos of preparation for the winter. Pickled Bulgarian cucumbers

Bulgarian-style cucumbers for the winter without sterilization, as in a store in the USSR, were remembered by millions because of their characteristic taste. Once you try these crispy, spicy cucumbers, you won’t be able to confuse them with others. Unfortunately, over time, they have practically disappeared from store shelves, and those that remain often scare consumers away with their price. But what to do if you really want to feel this inimitable taste again? It's simple, prepare them yourself at home, it's quite simple, especially with our step-by-step recipe!

Bulgarian cucumbers from the USSR recipe:

For a two liter jar.


  1. Cucumbers - one and a half kilograms;
  2. Hot pepper - 1 piece;
  3. Twenty grams of dill;
  4. Mustard seeds - three teaspoons;
  5. Laurel leaf - 6 pieces;
  6. Black peppercorns - 12 pieces;
  7. Carnations - 4 pieces;
  8. Onion - 1 head;

Preparation of brine:

  1. Two liters of water;
  2. 120 grams of salt;
  3. Granulated sugar - 100 grams;
  4. One hundred grams of table vinegar (9%).

How to prepare pickled cucumbers in Bulgarian style, just like in a store in the USSR:

  • Cucumbers need to be picked from a fresh harvest; take small, hard, and strong ones. Choose them the same size;
  • Before canning, the fruits must be inspected, the soft ones must be discarded, then the stalks must be removed, washed under running water, and then placed in a bowl of cold water. They are left there all night. Sometimes ice is added to them, because the colder the water, the tastier dish it will work out in the end.

  • In the morning, drain the water and wipe the greens with paper towels. Place them back in the bowl and scald with boiling water. Then drain the hot water and immediately fill it with cold water again.

  • For now, let's leave the vegetables in the water and get on with it.
  • We clean the onion and chop it into half rings, after which we send it to the bottom of the jar and add spices to it.

  • Then we lay out the greens, the largest ones on the bottom, the smallest ones towards the top. We insert the pepper pod along with the cucumbers, leaving a little space for the brine.

  • Place a saucepan on the fire with clean water, preferably from a well or purchased. Bring it to a boil, and add salt and sugar to it, and wait until they completely dissolve. Then turn down the heat and add vinegar at the end.
  • Add the marinade to the jar with cucumbers; it should be hot, but not boiling water, so that the jar does not crack. Fill it to the top.
  • Roll up the lid, turn upside down, cover with a warm blanket and wait until they cool completely. Then we put the jars in a dark, cool place.

That's all the Bulgarian cucumbers are ready, bon appetit. Remember this long-forgotten taste with nostalgia and remember that better days still to come. See you again on our website, we have many more interesting recipes twist for the winter.

Bulgarian pickled cucumbers are crispy, sweet, with a spicy note that comes from onions and cloves. Canning these cucumbers is a little different from other recipes. The composition does not use dill, horseradish leaves, cherries or currants.


To prepare Bulgarian pickled cucumbers we will need:
For each 1 liter jar:

6 black peppercorns;
3 pcs. carnations;
2 bay leaves;
1 sprig of parsley;
1 slice of onion.
For marinade per 1 liter of water:
1 liter of water;
100 g vinegar 9%;
20 black peppercorns;
7 pcs. bay leaf;
3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1 tbsp. l. salt.

Cooking steps

Place pepper, cloves, Bay leaf, a sprig of parsley and onion. Press the cucumbers tightly on top, after soaking them in cold water 3-5 hours.

Mix all the ingredients for the brine, except vinegar, and bring to a boil. Let the brine boil for 2-3 minutes and add vinegar. Let the marinade boil, strain it and pour the marinade into our jars of cucumbers, cover with boiled lids.

Sterilize liter jars for 3 minutes.

We roll up the sterilized jars with a preservation key, turn them over and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely. Our very tasty Bulgarian pickled cucumbers are ready.

Bon appetit!

Preparing cucumbers in Bulgarian style for the winter will be a great idea for any housewife. They can be served both as a snack for alcoholic drinks and as a dish for festive table. There are many recipes for preparing cucumbers, but not all of them give the expected result. We present only the most proven and delicious recipes for Bulgarian cucumbers.

The peculiarities of preparing Bulgarian cucumbers include the need for careful selection of vegetables according to several parameters, as well as a different method of laying out cucumbers in a jar.

All ingredients, except powdered ones, must be thoroughly washed, and containers should preferably be sterilized. After cooking and sealing, the jars should be taken to a cool place and it is advisable to wrap them there in a thick rag.

How to select and prepare Bulgarian cucumbers

For preservation, it is customary to select only small-sized cucumbers, and they must also be young. Such pickled vegetables will have a pleasant sweetish taste and crunch when bitten. The surface of the cucumber must be dotted with delicious pimples. Because smooth specimens are used only for preparing salads and are not suitable for preservation.

You can determine the “age” of a cucumber by its color; for pickling, those that are not too dark and without yellowish spots are suitable. The most in a simple way is the definition by touch - young cucumbers are hard, with a thick skin. It is also worth remembering that bitter “greens” are not suitable for preservation.

As for the actual preparation, the vegetables must be placed in a container with water and left there for at least a couple of hours, and better yet for half a day.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers at home for the winter

Nowadays, choosing a recipe for canning vegetables is not difficult, since their variety is truly impressive. Below are 7 of the most interesting and popular options for preparing cucumbers. You may already know some of them, but there are also some that few people know about. So get ready to share the recipe with your friends after they try your preserves.

A simple method of cooking in a liter jar

The recipe will allow you to get it in moderation spicy cucumbers, while this will take a minimum of time. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Vegetables must be washed thoroughly.
  2. For aroma, you can use currant, cherry and horseradish leaves.
  3. Place leaves, dill, 3 pieces of garlic, allspice (to taste) and, in fact, cucumbers (the tops of which should be cut off) into a clean jar.
  4. To sterilize, pour boiling water into the container and leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Then you need to drain the water and add 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar.
  6. Pour in the marinade and add half a spoon of vinegar. After that you can roll it up. As a result, the cucumbers should turn out tasty and crispy.

Recipe from USSR times

This method was extremely actively used by housewives Soviet Union, since as a result the preservation turned out to be the most delicious, and not much time was spent on preparation. Distinctive feature This method is a two-layer arrangement of cucumbers in a jar, as well as the absence of sterilization. Recipe:

  1. Soak the vegetables in water for 3 hours, changing it after every hour.
  2. Prepare and process jars and lids.
  3. Place onion and garlic (to taste) on the bottom of the jar.
  4. Place the container filled with water, salt and sugar on the stove and bring to a boil; add vinegar. After this, adjust the heat to low and put the cucumbers there (for 7-8 minutes).
  5. Then we put them in a jar, fill them with solution and close them. After this, the preservation must be cooled.

With carrots and onions

This cooking method involves using a small amount of onions and carrots, which will give the pickled cucumbers a special aroma and flavor. Recipe:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and pour boiling water over them. Place one chopped onion and half a chopped carrot on the bottom of the jar.
  2. Make a marinade (standard set: water, sugar, salt). However, in this case it should be used not hot, but cold.
  3. Pack cucumbers in a jar, pour in the solution and add vinegar.
  4. Roll up with metal lids.

If desired, the jars can be sterilized (depending on the storage method).

Without sterilization

The essence of this method is only the absence of sterilization; all other components, such as herbs, onions, garlic, etc., can be added at your own discretion, or from the pickling recipes given above. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Soak the cucumbers for several hours.
  2. Sterilize containers and prepare greens.
  3. Complete the jars and fill them hot water.
  4. Drain everything into a saucepan, cook and add vinegar.
  5. Pour this liquid into jars and seal.

With mustard

It is immediately worth noting that for this method mustard is used not in its usual form, but in dry (powdered) form. This recipe will appeal to lovers of spicier snacks. To pickle cucumbers with mustard, you need:

  1. Pour water over the vegetables and wait a couple of hours. Then cut each into 4 slices and sprinkle with salt. After that we wait another 3 hours.
  2. Mix the following ingredients in one container: vinegar, sugar, mustard, pepper, garlic. Pour this solution over the cucumbers and let it brew (about an hour and a half).
  3. Stir the vegetables into jars and pour in the resulting liquid.
  4. Sterilize for about 20-22 minutes at 100 degrees.

With citric acid

This marinade ingredient is added primarily to make the cucumbers crispier and more flavorful. Recipe:

  1. Place dill and mustard seeds on the bottom of the jar. And also garlic, leaves, etc., at your discretion.
  2. Pack the soaked cucumbers with the ends cut off into jars. Then pour boiling water over it.
  3. Drain the resulting liquid into a container, add salt, sugar and boil.
  4. Fill the jars, add citric acid(1 teaspoon will be enough).
  5. Roll up the prepared jars of pickles and place them in a cool place.

With tomatoes

Pickling cucumbers together with tomatoes is a very good solution. Since the “red” ones secrete a special substance that strengthens the cucumbers and makes them durable. Recipe:

  1. We sterilize the jars in an acceptable way (over a kettle or simply by pouring hot water).
  2. Place ingredients to taste on the bottom of the containers (horseradish leaves, currants, dill)
  3. Place the soaked vegetables into jars and add garlic (you can also add onions if desired).
  4. Fill with hot water (let it sit for 30 minutes), and then drain the liquid and make a brine.
  5. Roll up and store.

Recommend to your friends:

I am sure that every housewife has her own favoriterecipe for canned cucumbers for the winter - after all crispy homemade cucumbers from a jar – this is delight and recognition from everyone around. But, if you want to please yourself and your loved ones with a new cucumber flavor, try closing it for the winterBulgarian crispy cucumbers In my original recipe. This one is wonderfulcanned cucumber recipe with sterilization became an accidental find, which will now happily take root in my family. If you like cucumbers with a sharper taste, we suggest closing or

Turned out great, delicious recipe for fragrant and crispy cucumbers, although they are prepared with sterilization (I canned such cucumbers for the first time, but I am very pleased with their taste).

Crispy cucumbers for the winter - recipe. Bulgarian cucumbers from

To preserve for the winterBulgarian cucumbers , we will need:

2 kg. cucumbers without butts - this is based on 2 2-liter jars.

Soak the cucumbers for 2 hours in cold water. Then we thoroughly wash the cucumbers with a sponge, cut off the tail and butt of the cucumbers.

Spices for marinade for a 2-liter jar:

Bay leaf – 4 pieces

Black peppercorns – 12 pieces

Cloves – 6 pieces

Salt – 1.5 tbsp. heaped spoons

Sugar – 4.5 tbsp. spoons

Vinegar 9% - 100 ml. for 1.5 liters of marinade

Recipe for canned cucumbers. Bulgarian cucumbers with sterilization

Place a couple of pieces of chopped onion and two sprigs of parsley into sterilized (or cleanly washed) jars.

Place tightly cucumbers in a jar .

Pour a portion (one and a half liters) or a double portion of water into the pan. (I immediately made a double portion of the marinade, it is just enough for 3 two-liter jars.) Add the rest of the ingredients, except vinegar.

Turn on the gas, bring to a boil and let simmer for 3 minutes. Turn off the gas, add vinegar. Pour the marinade with spices into jars.

Pour water into a deep saucepan so that it covers the jar of cucumbers halfway, and place a cloth on the bottom. We heat the water. We make sure that the difference in temperature between the jar and the water in the pan is not very different.

From the moment of boiling, sterilize for 6 minutes. Upon completion of sterilization, immediately roll up the lids on the jars. It is not necessary to wrap the jars.

Bulgarian cucumbers with such spices, and even more socucumbers with sterilization . I made it for the first time, and I didn’t know whether the cucumbers would turn out crispy and what kind of acidity the cucumbers would turn out to be. Although I assumed that the strength of vinegar evaporates during sterilization or boiling.

In progress canning cucumbers First, I tried the ready-made marinade for cucumbers, already poured into jars, I liked the taste and smell of the resulting preparation for the winter.

Before you start canning cucumbers, you need to wash them and soak them in cold water for at least half an hour. At the same time, wash all the jars with soda and sterilize them along with the lids. Then peel the onion and garlic in the required quantity, and cut the onion into rings. Place garlic cloves, onion rings, black peppercorns and bay leaves at the bottom of the jar.

Trim the “butts” of the cucumbers and place them tightly together in a jar.

Boil water in advance and pour boiling water over it for 10 minutes. Water must be poured to the brim to completely cover all the cucumbers. This will be additional sterilization for both jars and cucumbers. After 10 minutes, the water in the jars will cool down a little and you can safely pour it into the sink without fear of burning your hands. If you store the preserved food in an apartment, you need to do this procedure twice. If you have a cellar, then once is enough.

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Then prepare the marinade, in which the cucumbers will be rolled. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Put it on the fire and before the water starts to boil, pour vinegar into it.



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