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Constructive and destructive conflict. Causes of conflicts. Productive and destructive conflict

I am glad to welcome you, dear blog readers! I already talked in the article about how they can both destroy relationships and health and help a person develop. Accordingly, they are distinguished as destructive and constructive conflicts. Today I propose to consider their features and differences from each other in more detail.


Let's start with the definition

Conflict is the emergence and collision of contradictions, that is, when opposite parties have completely different views on circumstances, values ​​and information, as a result of which there is no agreement between them.

The outcome of such disagreements can sometimes be predicted, but most often it is unforeseen. It depends not only on the subject of the dispute, but also on the personalities who participate in it, their motivation, as well as the setting and background in which it arose. Usually people have a negative attitude towards quarrels and disputes, preferring to avoid them.

Sometimes one’s needs are ignored out of fear and unwillingness to compete, to clarify something and to declare oneself and one’s point of view, which may be different from others. But modern psychology gives a lot of arguments, based on which, clarification of disagreements is considered not only useful, but generally necessary. And not only for a person with the goal of improving his quality of life, but also for an entire organization, which stops developing if employees “escape” tense moments in every possible way.

Therefore, the task of managers and executives in large corporations and successful companies is to artificially create creative, stimulating circumstances.



The functions are to bring its participants closer together, to relieve tension that could accumulate for a long time. Defuse the situation and provide complete information about the opposite party, the absence of which destroyed both the relationship and the work process. This type of debate helps to clarify the shortcomings of the entire system in which people exist. Stabilize it and eliminate shortcomings.

If we look at the example of a family, have you noticed how much closer the partners became after a quarrel, instead of completely quarreling? How did the communication process improve, the level of satisfaction increase, and mutual understanding emerge? In addition, when a dispute is handled constructively, there is a huge chance of preventing very serious and protracted disagreements. Sometimes they have such destructive consequences that they can lead to the death of one of the opponents if the tension has reached such a level that a person becomes unable to control.

It also has the function of uniting the parties to the dispute. Then they may well group together and direct all their energy to creativity, that is, a creative and developing innovative way to solve a problem that previously seemed overwhelming. Thanks to constructivism, character is strengthened and it becomes possible to gain recognition. What increases self-esteem and self-respect.

New styles of behavior and values ​​emerge when an entire system of people understands that old methods and attitudes do not work and it is time to creatively adapt and develop new ones. After all, society is developing rapidly, and it is always necessary to adapt and be “on the wave” of change.

Basic rules and features of constructive dispute management


The very first thing that distinguishes a developmental conflict from a destructive one is clarity. When both sides are ready to hear each other’s opinion, even if they categorically disagree with it, this is, as they say, “half the battle.” With clarity, the opponent becomes understandable, it is quite possible to ask him clarifying and clarifying questions, to give “feedback” to his words. With this type of communication, a person is heard and maintains a sense of self-worth.


Both sides discuss directly specific item spore. They do not get into each other’s personalities and do not remember past incidents, even if they are somewhat similar to the one that arose at the moment.


Inclusion in the dialogue, interest and wasted energy are the same, the participants alternately both deliver and receive “blows”. If there is no dialogue and the attack is one-sided, we can talk about the so-called triangle of violence, from which it is very difficult to escape. Its essence lies in the fact that someone necessarily plays the role of victim, tyrant and savior, and, moreover, replacing each other.

The use of manipulation and “dirty methods” is not practiced when they try to offend and injure using information that is a weak point for a person. Although aggression arises, there is mutual respect and a desire to maintain contact.

No one leaves prematurely, and no matter how difficult it may be to clarify some points and listen to feedback, people remain in contact. Since they are interested in finding a way out and ending the quarrel peacefully, and not showing their weaknesses by not being able to withstand the tension. Because they understand that then they will have to continue to live with him, feeling discomfort and anxiety, and it is better to make an effort now, and still breathe a sigh of relief, having come to a compromise.

Well, for example, has it ever happened that, having quarreled with someone, you don’t say hello when you meet and try to ignore him, believing that this person is a scoundrel and is not worthy of putting up with him, punishing him in this way?

The main techniques are argumentation and counterargumentation

When arguing, they usually use the method of positive answers and present facts that prove the accuracy and truth of the opinion. When counterargumentating, one finds a fact that refutes the opponent’s opinion and arguments. I recommend reading the article in which you can find information on how to effectively negotiate a dispute, you will find


The very concept of “destruction” suggests that these are destructive situations that are not beneficial, but threaten both relationships, health, and sometimes even a person’s life. With this type of disagreement, innocent people who are not involved at all and have become victims of circumstances may well suffer. Victims become when both parties have lost control and “lost their temper,” wanting to destroy each other, both physically and mentally.

If it occurs in the workplace, it leads to a decrease in motivation, to the point where the entire organizational system suffers. Causes depression and lack of desire to be active, participate in public life, and also leads to a decrease in self-esteem. A person who is “wounded” in a verbal battle may well experience shame. It can lead to neurosis, which causes panic attacks in stressful situations and reluctance to leave home so as not to intersect with other people.

The consequences are so terrifying that they can provoke a suicide attempt if you do not receive support from loved ones in time and do not find the resources to move on. In the best case, there remains tension and disappointment, not only from yourself, but also from people with whom you were in friendly, partner and other relationships. By the way, this disappointment may, over time, lead to excessive distrust, even towards close people. Which will alienate you from everyone, again causing symptoms of neurosis, and in extreme cases leading to personality degradation.

Features and styles of conducting

  • Generalization . Sometimes completely illogical arguments and facts aggravate the communication process, delaying time and making it impossible to understand the problem. This is the simplest example, when sellers and clients quarrel at the market. There is even a phrase that characterizes the personality of the participants, namely “bazaar woman.” That is, it begins with a certain subject, over which a dispute arose, and ends with insults and mutual wishes for the worst.
  • "Dropping out" from the process. When one of the parties ceases to take part in the discussion and leaves it without the consent of the opponent. Sometimes “playing on feelings”, showing how offended and hurt she is in order to induce guilt and immediately smooth out the consequences of the disagreement with the help of apologies and other things.
  • Communication is broken. Because clearly justify your opinion on various reasons becomes impossible, and one can trace not only a misunderstanding of the other’s arguments, but sometimes also one’s own position.
  • Words are being chosen , which must certainly wound and disarm. At a critical moment, when there are no arguments at all, threats and devaluation of authority and personality may begin to pour in.
  • Depreciation . It often happens that attempts to clarify the points due to which misunderstandings arose are associated with the “bad” character of the party that took the initiative. For example, a subordinate says that the boss is unfair, who in turn simply calls him quarrelsome or sleep-deprived.
  • Flattery is also a method that does not dot the i’s, but, on the contrary, aggravates the situation. Due to the fact that it causes a lot of anger, which becomes difficult to bring against the defendant. The reasons for its use are simple - manipulation. And if a participant in a dispute decides to show anger, then for those around him he will be a negative character, because they communicated with him in a good way, and he allows himself to do this.

Ways to become a winner

In order for the quarrel not to be in vain, and, moreover, not destructive, it is necessary to transform it into constructive. Then it will be possible to hear each other and come to a mutually beneficial agreement or understanding.

1.Learn to separate the flies from the cutlets

That is, if a problem arises, do not associate it with the character of another person. At the moment of contention, this will not be your argument, no matter how much you would like, but will only distance you from your partner. And besides, it won’t help fix the situation in any way. Even children are told that it is not they who are bad, but sometimes their behavior. For example, if a woman tells her man that he is a terrible husband, then, in addition to the fact that this will cause a lot of negative feelings, it will not help him find a solution, because the only thing is to replace him with a good husband.

But if you explain what exactly in his behavior and actions makes his wife unhappy, then there is a chance to move forward in the relationship and change it a little.

2. Resolving disagreement begins with determining the overall complexity

After all, even if you are on different sides of the barricades, something unites you. Without this, there will be no motivation to withstand tension and look for solutions, which threatens to fall into destructive communication. Therefore, no matter what feelings you have for each other, discuss how this misunderstanding is bothering both of you.

3.Now each of you must propose solutions

Gain the strength to listen and hear; by showing respect, you increase your chance of being heard in return. If an option doesn’t suit you, don’t devalue it or criticize it, but simply explain what exactly you don’t like about it.

4.Use arguments

In order to become more understandable for the other side. And remember, there is no need to attract old situations and grievances.

5.The last stage is making a decision that you mutually approve

It happens that it is not always possible to discover ways to solve the complexity, then it is quite normal if you come to mutual consent do nothing for now and watch how events develop further. The level of tension will subside, you will already have experience in conducting a conversation with each other, which means that over time everything will definitely fall into place.


What if it happens that you simply have a tangle of claims against each other? Be sure to use the method of dissection and specification, otherwise you will not come to any mutually beneficial agreement if you talk about everything at once. If you have identified one problem, solve it, and only then move on to the next one.

7.Special phrases

In your speech, use phrases such as “I understood you”, “I heard you”, “Do you mean that...?”, “Did I understand you correctly?” And so on. This will endear you to you and will not provoke you into a militant position.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! No matter what kind of conflicts arise, social or interpersonal, it is important to find the courage and strength to resolve them rather than avoid them. This will help you progress in development, be healthy and experience joy in life. If you have your own ways to resolve the conflict, please write in the comments. I will be very interested to discuss your suggestions, thank you in advance. See you soon, take care of yourself!

There are a number of signs by which one can determine a person’s tendency to manifest this type of conflictogens:
1. Condescending attitude towards others
As a rule, a person treats everyone with ostentatious goodwill, while demonstrating his dominance in one aspect or another. He often says phrases like: “Don’t be offended, but I will explain to you how to do it”, “How could you make a mistake in such a simple matter?”, “How come you don’t know such simple things” and etc. This attitude definitely causes negative reactions, protest, and resentment.
2. Brag
A person often openly or covertly flaunts his merits, showing only those knowledge and skills that he possesses perfectly, carefully hushing up those where someone may be superior to him. Usually, such a person causes irritation and a desire to put him down, to put him in his place.
3. Categorical
A person is overly confident that he is right and tries in every possible way to show this to others, categorically expressing his point of view and trying to impose it on his interlocutor, while actively suppressing him. Such a person often uses short categorical statements of the following construction: “All officials are bribe takers,” “All husbands/wives cheat,” etc. and strives to leave behind the last word during conversation. Categorical and categorical behavior always provokes protest.
4. Unsolicited advice
A person, often with the best intentions, gives advice when he is not asked for it. Such behavior is perceived as an attempt to show one’s superiority, impose one’s opinion and show the inadequacy of the one to whom the advice is addressed. The natural reaction to unsolicited advice is irritation.
5. Interrupting your interlocutor
A person tends to often interrupt his interlocutor, expressing his thoughts, expressing his opinion, regardless of whether this opinion is interesting to others. At the same time, he usually raises his voice or makes some gestures that attract attention.
It is also typical for such a person to correct others, for example, in some facts or simply in the pronunciation of a particular word, interjecting himself into the conversation. By such behavior, a person makes others feel that he considers his own opinion much more significant than theirs. The reaction in this case, of course, has an exclusively negative connotation.
6. Hiding information
Some people often suppress information. They do this on a semi-conscious level and usually do not want to cause harm. As a rule, this is done in order to present your information most effectively, find the right time, and wait for a convenient situation.
However, intentions in this case do not play any role, since those people who are interested in receiving information, without having it, begin to feel anxiety, worry, think about something, and create an atmosphere of uncertainty and nervousness around themselves. Of course, hiding facts is never welcome in a team and can lead to conflict.
7. Violation of ethics
Violation of ethics can be conscious, with the goal of offending someone, showing one’s protest or sabotaging some event, and unconscious, arising out of thoughtlessness or due to ignorance of ethical standards. Violations of ethics include any violations of sociocultural norms, such as using someone else's thoughts without citing the author, causing emotional or physical discomfort without apologizing. Often such behavior may be considered, simply put, boorish and react accordingly.
8. Banter
A person tends to make fun of everyone and everything, often without having offensive intentions. However, the joke may come at the wrong place and at the wrong time. As a rule, this causes irritation and is perceived as disrespect. In a formal conversation, making fun of the interlocutor or the subject of serious discussion is regarded as a violation of ethics.
9. Lies
Deception is one of the strongest conflict generators. In the vast majority of cases, people lie in order to achieve their goal to the detriment of others. Behavior that contradicts the concept of “honor” is perceived sharply negatively and has consequences that are difficult to correct.
10. Reminder of failures
This conflictogen is also very strong, as it has an extremely large influence on mental condition person. Often, without thinking about the consequences, a person reminds his interlocutor of his mistakes and mistakes. The least that can result from this reminder is a feeling of discomfort in the interlocutor, but this is already enough to jeopardize the further course of the conversation, and, possibly, lead to conflict.

! It is important to remember: very often we ourselves become the cause of conflicts. You need to look for signs of conflictogens and eradicate them first of all in yourself.
It is possible and necessary to deal with your own conflict behavior.
In order to get rid of the desire for superiority, you must clearly understand that such behavior is a direct path to conflict, therefore, if you notice in yourself a tendency towards one or more of the described types of behavior, you should try to eradicate such habits in yourself, be more attentive to your partners and interlocutors, be aware of the impression you make on them.
Follow the advice of Eastern philosophy. The great Lao Tzu taught that all streams and rivers flow to the sea and give it their waters because the sea is lower than them; the same thing happens with people: those who do not hold themselves above others become great.

Display of aggression

The word aggression comes from the Latin aggression– attack. Aggression is clearly perceived negatively and, as a rule, causes a response and almost inevitably leads to conflict.
As a rule, the most conflict-prone people are those for whom aggressive behavior is a character trait, and not a reaction to certain stimuli and situations. However, there are relatively few such people.
Among those whose proportion of aggressiveness in character is disturbed, two types of people are distinguished:
people with increased aggressiveness
Such people are a constant source of conflict situations. They do not know how to deal with their internal problems without attracting others and without splashing out their negative emotions on them;
people with low aggressiveness
Such people are not sources of conflicts, but are often involved in them, since their behavior often borders on apathy. They are not inclined to express, much less defend, their opinions, for which they are often considered soft-bodied and spineless. These people achieve much less in life than they actually deserve.
Most often, aggression is situational, that is, caused by objective or subjective circumstances in which a person finds himself.

! It is important to remember that aggression in most cases is a person’s mental reaction to any type of conflictogen received. This means that if your interlocutor shows aggression, the reason may lie in your own behavior.
In order to contain your aggression, you need to give it a way out. However, we must remember that aggression unleashed in a team turns into a powerful conflict-generator and entails conflict. But you can’t restrain your emotions either, because... this can greatly affect your mental and even physical health, leading to depression, neuroses, insomnia, stomach ulcers, etc.
What to do?
You can remove aggression yourself. There are three ways to do this:
Passive way to relieve aggression is expressed in “crying into your vest.” To do this, you can choose a person close to you, a psychoanalyst, or simply someone who is able to listen to you without showing negative emotions. A person needs to throw out accumulated emotions in a verbal form. It is even recommended to cry, since tears, like nothing else, relieve tension, relax and soothe. Physiologically, this is explained by the fact that tears remove enzymes from the body that are produced during stress and irritation and then prevent a person from calming down.
Active method remove aggression is expressed in the use motor activity. In the fight against aggression, physical labor and sports are very helpful. Moreover, physical exercise must be associated with some activity aimed at destruction, for example, it could be chopping wood, beating carpets, etc., and sport exercises must be related to impacts, for example, it could be boxing, wrestling, badminton or tennis, etc.
Cyclic exercises are also of great benefit, that is, those aimed at methodically repeating the same elements, such as running or swimming. Fitness and aerobics are great for women.
Also, aggression is relieved by activities that absorb attention and evoke strong emotions, such as reading detective stories, watching psychological films and horror films, as well as fishing, hunting, etc.
Physiologically, the benefits of active exercise are explained by the fact that during physical activity, adrenaline, which is an invariable companion of stress, burns out.
Logical way removing aggression is most suitable for those who place the work of thought above all else and are accustomed to relying undividedly on rationality. Such people are advised to calmly analyze everything that is happening and look for the root causes. Also, the logical method involves the active use of mental activity, for example, in intellectual games, problem solving and solving complex crossword puzzles.
Thought work dulls emotions.

Manifestation of selfishness

Every person tends to love himself to a greater or lesser extent, but selfishness is the extreme degree of this feeling. Egoists tend to build their entire assessment system based on their own good. These people use others to achieve their goals, without regard for anyone's opinions. Of course, such behavior will not be perceived positively, and as a rule leads to conflicts.
In order to overcome your selfishness, you need to look around more often and take into account the interests of other people. If this is not done, then it turns out that the egoist is in a vacuum, a space is formed around him that is not filled with sympathy and understanding, or simply positive emotions, and this will negatively affect, first of all, the state of the egoist himself.

! It is important to remember that conflictogens in the communication process can and should be avoided,
for this you need:
try to always be tactful and polite, remembering that any careless word can cause a conflict;
clearly and unambiguously formulate your thoughts so as to always be correctly understood;
show empathy towards your interlocutor.
Put yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor and imagine how he will feel in response to your words and actions.

Causes of the conflict

People study the theory of conflicts primarily in order to effectively manage them, and management, as we know, begins with foresight. Thus, you can always make a prediction regarding the occurrence and further development conflict situation if you know for what reasons conflicts most often occur.
Among the reasons that most often lead to open confrontation, there are several main groups:
reasons related to information factors;
reasons related to factors of behavior of the parties;
reasons related to the value relations of the parties;
reasons related to the objective structure of the situation.
Group 1. “reasons associated with information factors” includes all kinds of processes associated with such exchange or transfer of information, in which data is lost, distorted, or for some other reason, often subjective - physiological or mental - is perceived inadequately. These reasons are often associated with the emergence of communication barriers, usually leading to misunderstandings and misunderstandings, which naturally results in conflict.
Group 2. “Behavioral factors include” various manifestations in the behavior of one party that do not suit the other party.
Group 3. “reasons related to the value relations of the parties” includes behavioral norms, moral and ethical values, principles that are significant for one of the parties and unacceptable for the other.
Group 4. “reasons related to the objective structure of the situation” includes those objective circumstances that can complicate communication and lead to its ineffectiveness. Personal parameters of opponents (gender, age, social class, etc.) are considered as objective factors. Also important are the conditions in which communication takes place (size of the room, number of people, temperature, etc.).
You need to know that the reasons leading to deconstructive conflicts (discussed above) and those leading to constructive ones differ.

! It is important to remember that if both objective and subjective reasons lead to deconstructive conflicts, then constructive conflicts arise exclusively due to objective reasons
Among the reasons leading to constructive conflicts, the following are the most common:
illiterate load distribution;
lack of resources to complete assigned tasks;
physically unfavorable working conditions;
inappropriate wages;
inconvenient work schedule.
Most conflicts can be avoided and resolved in the bud if, by analyzing the situation around you, you notice in time the presence of factors that can lead to conflict and eliminate them.

Typology of conflicts

The typology of conflicts is based on their various characteristics, for example, the composition of participants, duration, area of ​​occurrence, and others. It is the ability to identify the most important structural elements of a conflict and characterize them that makes it possible to attribute it to one type or another, and, accordingly, find the most effective way to resolve it.
In addition, the classification of conflicts makes it possible to compare them with each other. various characteristics, which plays a big role in their prediction and development of preventive measures.
The classification of conflicts can be based on, in particular, the following characteristics:
Depending on the composition of the participants in the conflict interaction, there are:
intrapersonal conflict arises as confrontation various aspects the same person as a result of dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality;
interpersonal conflict is the most common type of conflict. In an interpersonal conflict, a clash of personalities occurs either due to the incompatibility of their views, worldviews, characters, or in the struggle for the possession of values ​​and for the distribution of resources, both material and spiritual;
conflict between an individual and a group occurs when an individual goes against the opinion of the majority;
intergroup conflict (in large and small social groups, organizations) arises when different social groups strive to achieve incompatible goals and interfere with each other in their implementation.
Depending on the scale of the conflict, its different levels are distinguished:
micro level:
macro level;
global conflict.
Conflicts in organizations are distinguished according to the affiliation of the participants in the conflict to any social group:
class conflicts;
international conflicts.
Depending on the level of subjects of conflict interaction in relation to the social system, conflicts are:
Vertical are called conflicts whose participants are in a relationship of subordination to one another. Participants in horizontal conflicts are not subordinate to each other.
Depending on the sphere of life of society in which the conflict develops, there are:
legal conflicts.
The subjects of these conflicts can be both individuals and social groups:
political conflict develops regarding power relations, mainly regarding the acquisition of power and its use in the interests of various social groups;
economic conflict develops in the economic sphere of society. It is based on contradictions concerning the disposal and use, as well as the appropriation of the means of production and contradictions that arise in the process of organizing and managing the production of material goods;
ideological, religious, moral conflicts are based on contradictions in the spiritual sphere of human life;
social conflict is a consequence of contradictions in the distribution of livelihoods, social benefits and resources;
legal conflict arises regarding legal norms and legal consciousness.
Conflicts are divided according to the principle of duration and intensity into:
Depending on the area in which conflict resolution occurs, we can distinguish those that are resolved in the business sphere and those that are resolved in the personal-emotional sphere.
The classification is also based on the reasons that gave rise to the conflict - conflicts are distinguished based on objective and subjective reasons.
Based on social consequences and the presence of positive trends, constructive (productive) and destructive (destructive) conflicts are distinguished.

Checklist “Main types of conflicts”

Very often we ourselves are the source of conflicts, but we do not always realize this. We invite you to take a simple test that will help you understand how conflicted you are and, perhaps, take a different look at your own behavior.

Test “How conflicting is your behavior?”

Instructions: You should answer 7 simple questions, each of which has three answer options. You choose only one - the one that suits you best.
1. Imagine that a loud argument breaks out on public transport. What will you do?
a) will not interfere;
b) take the side of the victim or the one who, in your opinion, is right;
c) intervene in any case and defend your point of view.
2. Do you criticize management for mistakes made at team meetings?
a) no;
b) yes, but there are personal reasons for this;
c) always criticize for mistakes, not only the management, but also everyone who defends it.
3. Do you like to argue with your colleagues and friends?
a) yes, but only if they are not touchy and these disputes do not spoil your relationship;
b) yes, but only on fundamental, important issues;
c) You argue with everyone and on any occasion.
4. At home, an under-salted dish was served for lunch. What will you do?
a) you won’t focus on such nonsense; such a trifle;
b) silently take the salt shaker;
c) make a remark and, perhaps, demonstratively not eat.
5. Someone stepped on your foot on the street or in public transport. How will you react?
a) give the offender an indignant look;
b) make a dry remark;
c) Express yourself without mincing words.
6. Someone close to you bought something you didn’t like. What will you do?
a) remain silent;
b) express your opinion, but briefly and tactfully;
c) make a scandal about wasting money.
7. Unlucky in the lottery. How do you perceive this?
a) try to be indifferent, but in your heart promise yourself never to participate in it again;
b) you will not hide your annoyance, but you will treat the incident with humor and try to win back;
c) losing will ruin your mood for a long time.
For every answer "A" add 4 points; behind "b"– 2 points; behind "V"– 0 points.
Calculate the number of points. If you typed:
from 20 to 28 points– You are a tactful person, do not like conflicts and, if possible, avoid critical situations. You strive not to spoil relationships with others, therefore, in situations of conflict communication, you always try to take into account the possible consequences and avoid rudeness.
from 10 to 18 points– They say about you that you are a conflict-ridden person. However, in reality, you enter into conflict only when you see no other way out and all “peaceful” means have been exhausted. You persistently defend your opinion, without taking into account how this will affect your position. Nevertheless, you try not to go beyond the bounds of correctness. For this you are respected.
8 or less points– You are looking for reasons for arguments, most of which occur over trifles. You love to criticize, but you only do it when it benefits you personally. You strive to impose your opinion, even if you yourself are not sure that you are right.


Constructive and destructive conflict

Conflicts are divided into constructive(creative) and destructive(destructive) depending on the role they play and the consequences they entail. Constructive conflicts are beneficial and have a positive effect on functioning and development. social system lead to positive changes.
Destructive - harmful

! Managing a conflict means turning a potentially destructive conflict into a constructive one, directing the forces of the conflicting parties to find a reasonable solution.
Signs of constructive conflict:
the main thing in a constructive conflict is not to gain the upper hand over the opponent, but to solve the problem;
in the process of resolving a constructive conflict, relationships between its participants develop positively;
participants in a constructive conflict are always ready to negotiate;
in the process of constructive conflict, opponents comply with moral and ethical standards and remain within the framework of business relations.
Signs of destructive conflict:
reluctance of the parties to make concessions to each other, a rigidly fixed position;
in case of destructive conflict, instead of discussing a specific problem, “getting personal” often occurs; the parties are more interested not in the goal, but in the course of the showdown itself;
destructive conflict often provokes behavior that does not fit within the framework of moral and ethical standards;
destructive conflict leads to separation of people within the group and makes it difficult to work together.

Causes of constructive conflicts

Can conflict be beneficial? Positive consequences of conflict

Conflict reveals existing problems, and the presence of two or more conflicting parties makes it possible to look at these problems simultaneously from different points of view.
In a constructive conflict, disagreements, discussions, disputes, diverse approaches as forms of conflict behavior stimulate the search for the most effective solution Problems.
In the process of constructive conflict, the positions of the participants become clearer, the essence of the interests they defend is revealed, and people get to know each other better.
Constructive conflict brings people together based on the presence of common interests on the one hand, and points of contact on the other, and helps create a team of like-minded people.
Constructive conflicts are one of the driving forces of progress, as they help overcome stagnation and stimulate the search for new, more productive and improved solutions.
Constructive conflicts give each person the opportunity to “be heard”, express their point of view, and therefore create conditions for self-realization and personal development, satisfy a person’s need for attention and respect.
During a constructive conflict, the “submission syndrome” is removed, a person’s activity, level of self-esteem and responsibility increase.
Constructive conflicts relieve tension in the team without compromising the work process.

Checklist “Conflict Consequences”

Positive consequences constructive conflicts are implemented with their positive resolution, which has a beneficial effect on the organization as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary not to avoid conflicts, and certainly not to let them take their course, but to learn to resolve them competently, to promptly identify and eliminate the causes leading to conflict situations.

What is beneficial conflict?

Conflict scientists argue that conflict is often the beginning of social interaction. In a simplified form, this model works when children's friendship begins with a fight for one toy in kindergarten. Also in the business world, interaction begins with the struggle for the possession of the same goods, often leading to partnership.

End of free trial

The functions of conflict are dual. The same conflict can play a positive and negative role in the lives of opposite, conflicting parties, and it can be constructive and destructive at different moments of its development. It is necessary to consider for which of the participants this conflict is constructive and for whom it is destructive. If the goal of one of the parties may be to eliminate the contradiction, then the goal of the other party may be to maintain the status quo, avoid conflict, or resolve the contradiction without confrontation.

It is not the opponents themselves who may be interested in conflicts, but other forces provoking the conflict. This must be taken into account when making your own assessment of the situation.

So, in relation to participants in the conflict, it can perform constructive and destructive functions.

Design features:

· · · Conflict eliminates, in whole or in part, contradictions that arise due to imperfect organization of activities, management errors, fulfillment of duties, etc. When resolving conflicts, in more than 65% of cases it is possible to completely or partially resolve the contradictions underlying them.

· · · Conflict allows us to more fully assess the individual psychological characteristics of the people participating in it. Conflict highlights value orientations of a person, the relative strength of his motives, reveals psychological resistance to the stress factors of a difficult situation. It helps to reveal not only negative, but also positive aspects in man. In approximately 10-15% of conflict situations, the relationship between opponents after the end of the conflict becomes better than it was before.

· · · Conflict helps to reduce psychological tension, which is the reaction of participants to a conflict situation. Conflict interaction, accompanied by violent emotions, relieves a person’s emotional tension and leads to a subsequent decrease in intensity negative emotions. One of the final feelings of conflict may be catharsis, i.e. a release of accumulated energy that has been weighing on a person for a long time.

· · · Conflict serves as a source of personality development and interpersonal relationships. If resolved constructively, conflict allows a person to rise to new heights, expand the scope and methods of interaction with others. The individual gains social experience in solving difficult situations.

· · · Conflict can improve the quality of individual performance. After the end of the vertical conflict, the quality of the manager’s activity increases in 28% of cases, and decreases in 17% of cases; the quality of the subordinate’s activity, on the contrary, more often deteriorates. This is apparently due to the fact that the leader, due to his status, more often gets his way. Don't conflict with your superiors!

· · · When defending just goals, the authority of one of the participants increases, and the attitude of colleagues towards him noticeably improves. Regardless of the outcome of the conflict, this happens four times more often than in relation to an opponent who defends dubious goals.

· · · Interpersonal conflicts serve as a means of human socialization and contribute to the self-affirmation of the individual.

Destructive functions:

Expressed negative impact most conflicts on the mental state of the participants. As a rule, after the end of the conflict, the mood as a whole worsens in 31 cases out of 100 and almost never improves immediately after the end of the conflict.

Unfavorable developing conflicts may be accompanied by psychological and physical violence, injury to opponents. According to statistics, most intentional killings are committed as a result of escalation of conflict.

Conflict is accompanied by stress. With frequent, emotionally intense conflicts, the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, as well as chronic disorders of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases sharply.

The conflict forms a negative image of the other - the “image of the enemy” - which is easily restored in the event of even minor complications in the relationship and often leads to the emergence of a new conflict.

If victory in a conflict is achieved through violence, there is a high probability that a person will subsequently resort to the same method of solving the problem in a similar situation without sufficient grounds.

Defeat in conflict negatively affects a person's self-concept.

This is the impact of the conflict on the immediate participants. But conflict affects not only the parties involved, but sometimes also the macro- and microenvironment. The degree of influence of the conflict on the group is directly proportional to the degree of connection of the parties with the environment in which this conflict occurs, directly proportional to the rank of the participants, and the intensity of the confrontation.

Design features:

* Conflict acts as a means of activation social life group or society (for example, innovation conflict).

* Conflict highlights unresolved problems. Interpersonal conflicts in organizations are almost three times more likely to have a positive impact on performance joint activities than negative.

* Conflict manifests public opinion.

* Conflict sometimes contributes to the creation of new, more favorable conditions for human activity.

* Conflict can serve the function of uniting a group (and even an entire nation).

* In scientific teams, conflicts create intellectual and emotional tension, which accompanies the clash of different research strategies, which contributes to a productive search for the right solution (Truth is born in a dispute).

* The end of a conflict is often accompanied by an increase in employee discipline, a faster response of employees to each other’s comments and wishes, and the establishment of a more friendly environment.

Destructive functions:

· · · Conflict is always accompanied by a temporary disruption of the communication system and relationships in the team

· · · If the conflict ended with the adoption of a destructive decision, relationships in the team worsen in 19-30% of cases.

· · · Frequent conflicts lead to decreased group cohesion.

· · · Sometimes the quality of joint activities deteriorates during conflict. If the conflict is not resolved, but slowly fades away or the advantage is on the side of the one who, from the point of view of the group, is wrong, the quality of joint activity decreases even after the end of the conflict.

We can conclude: a little bit of good. Conflict should not be too frequent and skillfully managed. Only in this case does it bring maximum benefit

9. The impact of conflicts on the life of opponents and social group, organizations and societies.

10. Conflicts and human health.

There are four types of social interaction: a) adaptation; b) competition; c) assimilation; d) conflict.

Conflict (from Latin conflictus - collision) is an extremely aggravated contradiction associated with acute emotional experiences. Conflict is a clash of sides, opinions, forces.

The following types of conflicts are distinguished: short-term and protracted; obvious and hidden; internal (intrapersonal) and external (interpersonal, intergroup).

Internal (intrapersonal) conflicts. A clash of needs, motives, interests, drives, etc., equal in strength but opposite in direction. from the same person:

1) manifests itself externally: in instability of mood, increased vulnerability, etc.;

2) if it drags on, it can take the form of deviations in behavior, decreased performance, and neurosis.

The teacher needs to be very observant (attentive) to deviations in behavior. To return a child to emotional well-being, he needs to be helped: 1) to realize which of his internal tendencies are in conflict; 2) restore shaken self-esteem; 3) bring the level of aspirations into line with capabilities.

External (interpersonal, intergroup) conflicts. A situation that arises during the interaction of people who either pursue incompatible goals, or adhere to incompatible values ​​and norms, or in a competitive struggle strive to achieve the same goal.

Stages of conflict: 1) emergence; 2) formation; 3) maturity; 4) transformation.

Conflict correction options:

1) compromises (mutual concessions), friendly agreement;

2) involvement of objective judges (arbitrator), involvement of social institutions;

3) switching attention;

4) explosion, discharge;

5) separation of the business and emotional sides of the conflict;

6) postponement (postponing the resolution of the conflict to a more favorable time).

Social conflict is a struggle for objective goals: 1) power; 2) change of status; 3) redistribution of income; 4) revaluation of values.

Resolving social conflicts:

IN closed societies(rigid), as a rule, is accompanied by an undermining of the foundations of social harmony; destruction of social ties, revolutionary violence;

IN open societies(pluralistic) an outlet is given to the conflict, but at the same time the social tranquility of society is preserved.

You should know that conflicts, like psychosomatic diseases, can serve a protective function. They protect us from more destructive behaviors and actions.

The first to study unconsciously used by humans defense mechanisms and they were classified by the Austrian doctor and analytical psychologist Z. Freud.

Crowding out. This mechanism allows you to “forget” and not be aware of alarming events of the past and present, which painfully affect the well-being of the individual. Often, not only the conflict is forgotten, but also everything connected with it, and in order to restore events that have disappeared from memory, thereby relieving emotional stress, intensive psychotherapy or hypnosis is needed.

Rationalization, or devaluation, helps an individual in the most difficult situations to preserve his “I”. An excellent illustration of this mechanism is the famous fable “The Fox and the Grapes”. By depriving the attractiveness of something that is impossible to obtain, by devaluing an object or phenomenon, people try to maintain their image as high as possible. high level in your own eyes. By distorting perceptions, they maintain their dignity without losing self-confidence.

Compensation – seeking compensation, replacing one’s own social role to preserve your “I”, your self-esteem. Any person who finds himself in the position of an outcast in a group, who does not receive satisfaction from communicating with other people, is looking for a field of activity where he can achieve success and gain respect.

Identification is an unconscious, less often conscious, desire to put oneself in the place of another person, to take an example from an ideal.

About 30% of young people perceive their individual characteristics inadequately, and sometimes have an opposite opinion about themselves compared to the people around them. Such inadequate self-perception creates the preconditions for problems in communication and relationships.

Projection - a person attributes his own positive or negative thoughts, actions, qualities to a communication partner. We sometimes perceive our neighbor not as he is, but as he seems to us, attributing to him our own negative thoughts or actions.

Conflict resolution methods

There are three groups of methods that facilitate the search for a peaceful way out of the conflict.

The first group is aimed at preventing the development of the violent stage of the conflict. The first group of methods includes early diagnosis and identification of the causes of the conflict in order to prevent its further growth. The second is to resolve the contradictions that caused the conflict. The third is to reduce the level of confrontation between the parties, each participant to abandon unilateral actions and move on to finding a joint solution to the problem. The third group of methods includes a number of techniques that involve translating the conflict into a rational plan.

Typically, the most effective is the integrated use of various methods depending on the specific conditions and nature of the conflict.

There are other methods of reducing tension, including using forceful pressure. Thus, in international relations, sanctions are applied to parties to a conflict in order to encourage them to seek peaceful means of solving the problem. The main problem when using methods aimed at finding a mutually acceptable solution is that the conflicting parties do not always behave rationally and are not always ready to compromise in order to reach agreement. Within the framework of this group of methods, technology for conducting negotiations and providing mediation services is being developed.

11. Psychophysiological aspects of stress in conflict situations.

Tsoi L.N. "Practical conflictology"

Lecture notes of the military department. Military conflictology,

Conflictology in diagrams and comments - Antsupov A.Ya

Dmitriev A.V.. Conflictology: Textbook.

Verenko I. S. Conflictology. – M.: Swiss concern,

Conflict can be functional or dysfunctional. Functional conflicts lead to increased work efficiency. Dysfunctional conflicts end in general dissatisfaction and destruction of cooperation. Accordingly, the consequences of a conflict can be constructive or destructive. Among the first are the search and development of a mutually acceptable solution, the removal of hostility, the discharge of emotions, the analysis of problems and the development various options their decisions. The destructive consequences of the conflict are as follows: individuals feel dissatisfaction with the situation, they are overcome by a general feeling of poor health.

The constructive consequences of conflict include: a sense of involvement in solving the problem, which reduces the difficulties in implementing the solution; disposition of the parties to cooperate in future situations; reduction of submissive syndrome; expanding the range of alternative solutions to the problem; elaboration by group members possible problems in execution even before the decision begins to be implemented; drawing the attention of the parties to a problem that provokes individuals into conflict interaction and requires its solution.

The destructive consequences of conflict include: dissatisfaction, poor morale (for example, increased staff turnover and decreased productivity); less cooperation in the future; strong loyalty to one's group and unproductive competition with other groups; the formation of an idea of ​​the other group as an “enemy”, an idea of ​​one’s goals as positive, and the goals of the other side as negative; curtailment of interaction and communication between those in conflict; increasing hostility between conflicting parties; placing more emphasis on “winning” a conflict than on solving the real problem.

The post-conflict phase is especially important when we're talking about about interethnic conflicts. The most acute stage of an armed conflict, accompanied by open clashes and casualties of all parties involved in the conflict, is usually also its shortest stage. As soon as the security forces manage to stop the conflict, take control of the situation, and provide medical and humanitarian assistance to all those affected and in need, the so-called stage of liquidation of the consequences of the conflict begins.

From the plane of problems associated with stopping the bloodshed and restoring order, the conflict moves into the plane of solving problems of a political and legal nature. It often takes much more time to eliminate the consequences of a conflict than to end armed clashes. But we can talk about the complete elimination of the consequences of the conflict only after solutions have been found to all political and legal problems that, to one degree or another, hinder the settlement process. This stage may take years.

7.3. Conflict management and resolution

Conflict resolution is possible through compromise, dominance of one side over the other and through integration.

Compromise is a way of resolving a conflict, which means concessions on both sides and is therefore undesirable for both of them.

Dominance is the victory of one side over the other. Despite the relative simplicity of this method, it is ineffective from a long-term perspective.

Integration is a method that involves finding a solution in which the wishes of all parties to the conflict are fulfilled and none of the parties sacrifices anything. It is integration that opens up fundamentally new possibilities for conflict. Integration is based on the appropriate actions of stakeholders: identifying all differences and the most significant contradictions. However, resolving conflicts in an integrative way is, as a rule, complicated by the search for new solutions. Through integration, something new and valuable can be created. This affirms the understanding of conflicts as phenomena associated with the progressive development of social organization, and their content is considered as a possible evaluation criterion professional activity social worker.

J. Rubin suggests distinguishing between the following possible ways conflict resolution:

Dominance, when one party tries to impose its will on the other through physical or psychological means;

Capitulation, which involves one side unconditionally conceding victory to the other;

Withdrawal when one party refuses to continue to participate in the conflict;

Negotiations in which parties to a conflict (two or more) exchange proposals and ideas to find a mutually acceptable agreement;

Intervention by a “third party” - an individual or group not directly involved in the conflict but making efforts to move toward an agreement.

C. Dahrendorf suggests the following sequence in the use of various forms of conflict resolution.

1. Negotiations. They involve the creation of a special body designed for regular meetings of conflicting parties to discuss pressing issues and make decisions. If negotiations are unsuccessful, it is recommended to involve a “third party,” i.e., persons or authorities not involved in the conflict.

2. Mediation. This is the mildest form of “third party” participation. Mediation involves the agreement of the parties to periodically cooperate with the mediator and consider his proposals. According to C. Dahrendorf, despite the seeming optionality of this course of action, mediation often turns out to be a very effective tool for resolving conflicts.

3. Arbitration. This is the next step in conflict resolution. A special feature of arbitration is that if it is addressed as a “third party”, the execution of its decisions is considered mandatory. Arbitration makes it mandatory to both contact a “third party” and make decisions. This brings this measure closer to the actual suppression of the conflict.

C. Dahrendorf emphasizes that the resolution of conflicts does not lead to their disappearance. If there is a society, there are also conflicts. However, forms of regulation influence the violence of conflicts. A regulated conflict is, to a certain extent, a mitigated conflict.

Conflict resolution is the minimization of problems separating the subjects of the conflict, usually carried out through finding a compromise, reaching agreement, etc. External sign conflict resolution can be the completion of the incident, i.e., the cessation of conflict interaction between the conflicting parties. Elimination or cessation of the incident is a necessary but not sufficient condition for resolving the conflict. Often, having stopped active conflict interaction, individuals continue to experience a frustrating state and search for its cause. And in this case, the conflict that had died out may flare up again.

Resolution of social conflict is possible only when the conflict situation changes. This change may take different shapes. But the most effective change in a conflict situation, allowing to extinguish the conflict, is considered to be the elimination of the cause of the conflict.

Indeed, in a social conflict, eliminating the cause inevitably leads to its resolution. However, the emotional conflict is completely resolved only when the subjects stop seeing each other as an enemy.

It is also possible to resolve a management conflict by changing the demands of one of the parties: rivals make concessions and change the goals of their behavior in the conflict. A managerial conflict can be resolved as a result of the depletion of the resources of the parties or the intervention of a “third force” that creates an overwhelming advantage for one of the parties, and, finally, as a result of the complete elimination of the opponent. In all these cases, a change in the conflict situation certainly occurs.



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