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Whoever remembers bad things should look out. "And whoever forgets, both will do it." Besides

Original taken from slovenorus14 c Russian refugees from Azerbaijan, like no one else, know what pogroms are.

Russian remember...

Russian refugees from Azerbaijan, like no one else, know what pogroms are. Few people know about the Baku pogroms of 1990. Due to various circumstances, this is kept silent. Although if such facts are made public, many will look differently at guests from the Caucasus.
Of all the Caucasian republics (not counting Chechnya), the Azerbaijanis were the most cruel to Russians. In Baku in January 1990, Russians were killed simply because they were Russians. One of the reasons for the aggression was the weakening of state power and the collapse of the country. January 13th began bloody massacre.
Refugee N.I. T-va:
“Something unimaginable was happening there. On January 13, 1990, pogroms began, and my child, clinging to me, said: “Mom, they’re going to kill us now!” And after the entry of troops, the director of the school where I worked (this is not a bazaar!), an Azerbaijani, an intelligent woman, said: “Nothing, the troops will leave - and here there will be a Russian hanging on every tree.” They fled, leaving their apartments, property, furniture... But I was born in Azerbaijan, and not only me: my grandmother was also born there!..”

Yes, Baku in 1990 was seething with hatred towards the “Russian occupiers”. The mountaineers created Azerbaijan for the Azerbaijanis: “a crowd of thugs is operating on the streets and in the houses, and at the same time the protesters are walking around with mocking slogans: “Russians, don’t leave, we need slaves and prostitutes!” How many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Russian people survived dozens of pogroms and “Holocausts” in order, in the end, to be convinced that there is no friendship of peoples? “The woman from Zagorsk turned out to be a Russian refugee from Baku. Outwardly she looks like a suddenly aged teenage girl, pale, her hands are shaking, she speaks with a strong stutter - so much so that it is sometimes difficult to understand her speech. The problem is simple: under what clause of which legal document should they be considered refugees? they are not registered, and they are not accepted for work without a registration (“though I earn extra money by sewing, I clean the floors in the entrances”), they are deprived of refugee status, and they are not given the money required in this case. Galina Ilyinichna began to explain... The refugee took out a sheet of paper and a fountain pen, but could not write anything down - her hands were shaking so much that the pen left only jumping scribbles on the sheet. I took it upon myself to help.
“Why is this so with you?..” “Oh, it’s almost gone now! I’ve become better at speaking now (And I, it’s a sin, thought that things couldn’t get any worse!) But then, when they killed us...” “Where were you killed?” “Yes, in Baku, where we lived. They broke down the door, hit my husband on the head, he lay unconscious all this time, they beat me. Then they tied me to the bed and began to rape the eldest girl - Olga, she was twelve years old. Six of us. It’s good that four-year-old Marinka was locked in the kitchen, I didn’t see it... Then they beat everything in the apartment, raked out what they needed, untied me and told me to clean up until the evening. When we were running to the airport, a girl almost fell at my feet - they threw her out of the upper floors somewhere. Blast! Her blood splattered all over my dress...
We ran to the airport, and there they said that there were no places for Moscow. On the third day they just flew away. And all the time, like a flight to Moscow, dozens of cardboard boxes with flowers were loaded onto each flight... At the airport they mocked me, they promised to kill everyone. That's when I started stuttering. I couldn't speak at all. And now,” something like a smile appeared on her lips, “I speak much better now.” And my hands don’t shake so much...”

Like this. Do you have some questions for the joyfully smiling Azeri people who are abundant in our markets? Remember, looking at them: IT IS THEY who raped twelve-year-old Olga, IT IS THEY who threw Russian children out of the windows, IT IS THEY who robbed and humiliated our brothers!

Another story - “Today there are tanks on the streets of Baku, houses are dressed in black mourning flags.

— On many houses there are inscriptions: “Russians are occupiers!”, “Russians are pigs!” My mother came on assignment from Kursk to a remote mountainous Azerbaijani village to teach children Russian. This was thirty years ago. Now she is a pensioner. I worked at school as a teacher for the second year... I came to school a week ago, and in the corridor there was a sign: “Russian teachers, go to the cleaners!” I say: “What are you guys doing?” And they spit at me... I taught them the alphabet. Now here my mother and I are here /in Russia/. We have no relatives in Russia. No money, no work... Where? How? After all, my homeland is Baku. Women teachers, with
with whom I talked in a small room, every now and then they wiped away involuntary tears of resentment.

“I ran away with my daughter with one bag in three minutes.” A terrible insult! I’m not a politician, I taught children and I’m not to blame for the troubles that happened in the republic. I didn’t see Aliyev’s name on the slogans of the Popular Front. But they did not represent Gorbachev at its best. It's a shame, because I know these people, I have friends there, my whole life is there.

— The extremists are well organized, which cannot be said about the local authorities. Late last year, housing agencies across the city required everyone to fill out forms, supposedly to receive food stamps. The application form also had to indicate nationality. When the pogroms began, the exact addresses were in the hands of extremists: where the Armenians live, where the Russians live, where the mixed families are, etc. It was a well-thought-out nationalist action.

The next victims according to the plan of the pogromists were to be Russian officers and their families. In the first days it was captured kindergarten, however, quickly repulsed by our military, then in the Caspian Sea they tried to scuttle ships with refugees, the attack on which was miraculously repelled. Alexander Safarov recalls: “The third day of the massacre, January 15, began with a terrible roar. First there was a sound reminiscent of an explosion, then a roar, and the new flotilla headquarters building on the Bailovskaya cone disappeared in clouds of dust. The headquarters slid down the slope, destroying and covering with debris the canteen of the coastal base of the OVR brigade.

Over the next months, Russians were evicted from their apartments en masse. In the courts, all claims were answered frankly: “Who seized? Azerbaijanis? They did it right! Go to your own Russia and rule there, but here we are the masters!!!” But Russian military personnel received the heaviest blow after the collapse of the State Emergency Committee. Having come to power, Boris Yeltsin declared the flotilla based in Baku Russian, and transferred the Russian military personnel under the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan. This act was rightly regarded by the military as a betrayal. “It was at this time,” writes A. Safarov, “taking advantage of this situation, the Azerbaijani court
sentenced the lieutenant of the general military school, who used weapons to repel an armed attack at the school checkpoint and killed several bandits, to death.

The guy spent more than a year on death row, awaiting execution, while under pressure public opinion in Russia (mainly the newspapers "Soviet Russia") Heydar Aliyev was forced to hand it over to the Russian side.

And how many others like him were betrayed and did not return to their homeland? All this remained a mystery, including the number of victims of the massacre. You can’t tell about everyone...”

According to the report of the Chairman of the Russian Community of Azerbaijan, Mikhail Zabelin, in 2004 there were about 168 thousand Russians left in the country, while on January 1, 1979, about 476 thousand citizens of Russian nationality lived in Azerbaijan, in 22 regions of the republic there were about 70 Russian settlements and settlements. In 1989, 392 thousand Russians lived in Azerbaijan (not counting other Russian speakers), in 1999 - 176 thousand...

Against this background, a lot of Azerbaijanis successfully settled in Russia, in Moscow. But this seemed not enough, and in January 2007, the Organization for the Liberation of Karabakh issued a threat against the Russians remaining in Azerbaijan. Threat
was motivated by alleged discrimination against their compatriots in Russia: “The situation of Azerbaijanis in all regions of Russia, and in particular in central cities, is deplorable. Retail facilities, owned by our compatriots, are closed, those who try to open new ones are subject to inspections, fines are imposed on them, searches are carried out in the homes of Azerbaijanis, and violence is used.

(from last. "Whoever remembers the old, look out" - about reluctance to remember past grievances, troubles, etc.)

1) original value;

2) the need to remember old grievances.

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  • - Don. About smb. uncertain. SDG 1, 25...

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  • - =...

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  • - /,...

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  • - ...

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  • - to that "...

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  • - He who is simple has a cow's tail, and he who is cunning is all about the benefits, the advantage of cunning over simplicity...
  • - Whoever remembers the old things, look out. “Whoever remembers the old will be punished by the devil.” Wed. Basta, said the uncle - whoever remembers the old things, look away - and extended his hand to him. Grigorovich...

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  • - See WEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ABUSE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See PRAISE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See Grief -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

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by Dorofei Avva

Moreover, do not be surprised, my son, if, being on the path that leads to grief, you fall into thorns and mud; smooth places will happen again: for those who are in a feat sometimes fall, and sometimes (themselves) overthrow (their opponents). The Great Job said: Is not the life of man on earth a temptation (Job


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofei Avva

In addition, just as shadows follow bodies, so temptations follow the fulfillment of commandments, for no one, said the Great Anthony, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven without temptations. So, do not be surprised, my son, that, while caring for your salvation, you encounter temptations and sorrows. But endure without


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofei Avva

Moreover, We are the creation and work of a good and humane God, who said: As I live, says the Lord, I do not want the sinner to die, but to turn and live to him (Ezek. 33:11). Also: For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Matthew 9:13). So if this is true, and


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofei Avva

Moreover, Avva Pimen judged well that the saying commanding not to worry about tomorrow(Matt. 6:34), said to a person who is in temptation. And the saying: cast your sorrow upon the Lord (Psalm 54:23) also applies here. So, leave, my son, human


From the book Soulful Teachings by Dorofei Avva

Moreover, do not be surprised, my son, if, being on the path that leads to grief, you fall into thorns and mud; smooth places will happen again: for those who are in a feat sometimes fall, and sometimes they themselves overthrow their opponents. The great Job said: is not man’s life on earth a temptation (Job 7:1).

author Lopukhin Alexander

4. He who watches the wind must not sow; and whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. When doing good, a person should not show excessive prudence, caution and suspiciousness, so as not to be left without any harvest, like one who too diligently watches the wind and

9. Woe to him who quarrels with his Creator, shard of earthly shards! Will the clay say to the potter, “What are you doing?” and will your work say of you, “He has no hands?” 10. Woe to the one who says to his father: “Why did you bring me into the world?”, and to his mother: “Why did you give birth to me?”

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

9. Woe to him who quarrels with his Creator, shard of earthly shards! Will the clay say to the potter, “What are you doing?” and will your work say of you, “He has no hands?” 10. Woe to the one who says to his father: “Why did you bring me into the world?”, and to his mother: “Why did you give birth to me?” From 9-13

10. Just as rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there, but water the earth and make it capable of giving birth and growing, so that it gives seed to the one who sows, and bread to the one who eats - 11. so is my word, which comes from My mouth - it does not return to Me empty, but fulfills what I want

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

10. Just as rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return there, but water the earth and make it capable of giving birth and growing, so that it gives seed to the one who sows, and bread to the one who eats - 11. so is my word, which comes from My mouth - it does not return to Me void, but

Chapter 273: He who forgets to pray should pray when he remembers it.

From the book of Mukhtasar “Sahih” (collection of hadiths) by al-Bukhari

Chapter 273: He who forgets to pray should pray when he remembers it. 346 (597). Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “If anyone forgets to pray, let him pray when

61 years ago, the ex-president of Finland and the ex-commander-in-chief of its army, Marshal of Finland, field marshal, lieutenant general of the Russian army during the Provisional Government, died in Lausanne, Switzerland. Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim . Not to say that suddenly - at the age of 84.

In memory of this figure in St. Petersburg on Shpalernaya Street there is a whole hotel called "Marshal", in which, as I understand from the hotel presentation, two busts already coexist Mannerheim and a museum exhibition dedicated to him was opened.

At the opening of the “left” bust, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the marshal’s birth (which the civilized world celebrated on June 14, 2007), where the future marshal is depicted during his cavalry guard youth, spent precisely in St. Petersburg, there was even an armed guard of honor from military personnel of the Russian Army.

You can hear all sorts of things about the marshal. They even agree that he almost saved Leningrad during the war, saying that the Finnish cannons did not fire at the city, and the Finns did not cross the old border. What, I wonder, was the Finnish army doing on the northern approaches to the city? Did she let convoys with humanitarian aid into the blockaded city from the commander-in-chief, Marshal Mannerheim, who was nostalgic for the city of his youth, and during breaks performed national Finnish songs and dances for those surrounded?

Maybe the Finns didn’t shoot at Leningrad. But their allies, the Germans, fired at the city and barbarously bombed it - from positions and airfields kindly provided by the Finns. Well, we mined the Gulf of Finland a little together with the Nazis - a couple of days before the start of the war. German bombs and shells were quite enough to turn life in the city into hell. And the Finns - in order not to let food into the city. Hell is hot and hungry at the same time - the Germans and their allied Finnish troops took care of this with their usual care, closing the blockade of the city from the north. Those who survived this hell are still alive.

The Fuhrer made a special trip to Finland in the summer of 1942 to congratulate his comrade-in-arms on his 75th birthday.

I found several revealing photographs on the Internet. Three moments of a great war. Here is a Soviet sailor captured by the Finns on Hanko.

The photo from the Finnish archive is signed: “Suomalaiset upseerit keskustelivat venalaisdesantin kanssa Hangon lohkolla 17.7.1941. Desantti nauroi viimeiselle toivomukselleen.” (Finnish officers tried to interrogate a Russian paratrooper captured on July 17, 1941. The paratrooper only laughed in response.)

The photo from the Finnish archive is signed: “Suomalaiset upseerit keskustelivat venalaisdesantin kanssa Hangon lohkolla 17.7.1941. Desantti nauroi viimeiselle toivomukselleen.” (Finnish officers tried to interrogate a Russian paratrooper captured on July 17, 1941. The paratrooper only laughed in response.)

Here are Finnish gentlemen officers talking to a prisoner.

The source says: “The text on the reverse notes that the Russian is laughing at his "last request"" (Text on back side notes that the Russian laughs at the question about his last request.)

The source says: "The text on the reverse notes that the Russian is laughing at his "last request."

But Finnish soldiers are solving the Russian question. Not otherwise, without the knowledge of his commander-in-chief.

Desantin kuolemantuomio. (Death sentence for a paratrooper.)

Desantin kuolemantuomio. (Death sentence for a paratrooper.)

I immediately remembered another photo series, which we owe to an unknown German war photographer. A few more moments of the war, recorded relatively close, on the Kola Peninsula.

Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets is both.

(from last. "Whoever remembers the old, look out" - about reluctance to remember past grievances, troubles, etc.)

1) original value;

2) the need to remember old grievances.

Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions. - M.: PAIMS. V.P. Belyanin, I.A. Butenko. 1994 .

See what “Whoever remembers the old is out of sight, and whoever forgets is both” in other dictionaries:

    WHO SUPPORTS SPARTAK// IS A CLOUD AND A FOOL// HIS BRAIN IS WRONG- teasing, childish Spartak fans. Whoever remembers the old, look out, and whoever forgets, both words. before.: Whoever remembers the old, look out. Whoever calls you that name is called that by an adjective, childish. Did someone say something, or did I just hear it? ... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

    Hyperbole (literature)- Hyperbole (gr. ὑπερβολή, “transition, exaggeration”) is a stylistic figure of obvious and deliberate exaggeration, in order to enhance expressiveness and emphasize the said thought, for example, “I said this a thousand times” or ... ... Wikipedia


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