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Who is Turgenev's girl? Turgenev girls - the central city library of Kislovodsk. What is the character of Turgenev's young lady?

F The photographs of these girls speak for themselves. This is a type, I would even say, a diagnosis. Clean and modest, without bright makeup or vulgarity, but feminine and with good manners. They have strict moral principles. They are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of business or love. Men often call them ideal wives. I wonder what they will say after looking at the photos?

B Belgian photographer Philipp Erbe collected them for his project throughout Russia. With the help of his friend Irina, he looked for them all over Russia: those who do not swear, love classical music and classical literature, and wear formal clothes. That is why there is no information about whether they are virgins - who would ask a lady such a thing - but, probably, yes. Or only out of great love. They are not necessarily beautiful, but, as they say, they have enormous moral strength. IN modern Russia They live, misunderstood by no one, and wear skirts no shorter than knee-length. Let's look at the portraits:

“...was not absent-minded: on the contrary, she studied diligently, read and worked willingly. She felt deeply and strongly, but secretly; Even as a child, she rarely cried, and now she rarely even sighed, and only turned slightly pale when something upset her” (Natalya Lasunskaya from the novel “Rudin”)

“Weakness outraged her, stupidity angered her, she did not forgive lies “forever and ever”; Her demands did not yield to anything, her very prayers were more than once mixed with reproach. As soon as a person lost her respect—and she pronounced judgment quickly, often too quickly—and he ceased to exist for her.” (Elena Stakhova from “On the Eve”)

“All imbued with a sense of duty, the fear of offending anyone, with a kind and meek heart, she loved everyone and no one in particular” (Liza Kalitina from “The Noble Nest”)

“She was very pretty, with a lively and gentle disposition. Her gray, light eyes looked good-naturedly and directly from under childishly raised eyebrows; she smiled almost constantly and laughed quite often too. Her fresh voice sounded very pleasant; she moved freely, quickly, and blushed cheerfully. (Lisa Ozhogina from “The Diary of an Extra Man”)

So I want to ask - would you fall in love with such a woman?

Would you feel good with her? What do you think about them? Anachronism, or?

all photos from the site

Reading time: 1 minute

Thanks to the work of I. S. Turgenev, the stable expression “Turgenev girl” or “Turgenev young lady” appeared in the Russian language. The generalized image of Turgenev’s heroines fit so organically into the lives of Russian intellectuals of the 19th century that this expression is still used today. But in Lately by this they mean an infantile, sentimental young lady who is waiting for a prince on a white horse and is completely incapable of independent life. This does not at all correspond to the original understanding. What is the “Turgenev girl” really like?


Turgenev's favorite heroines grow up away from secular society with its corrupting influence. Their upbringing takes place not in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in a secluded noble estate. Because of this, Turgenev’s girls are close to nature and the people and are sensitive to the beauty of the world around them. They are very educated and well read.

What does Turgenev's girl look like?

The girls from Turgenev's novels are not distinguished by that bright appearance that amazes all the men on their way. The heroine can be portrayed as ugly (“Nov”). However, she has that hidden beauty that only a true connoisseur of beauty can notice.

What is the character of Turgenev's young lady?

  • She is reserved and dreamy, has a hard time getting along with people, but has a rich inner world.
  • Capable of heroic deed and self-sacrifice.
  • True to your heart.
  • She is very strong, despite her external weakness.

Who is the lover of the “Turgenev girl”?

Of all the contenders for her hand, Turgenev’s heroine chooses not the most successful match (“Rudin”). Both parents and the entire secular society are against such marriages, but the girl is unshakable in her choice and follows her lover even to war (“On the Eve”).

You can draw the following parallel: “Turgenev’s girl” is Russia, and her man is the brightest Russian type at that time. In the novel "Rudin" a type of Russian philosopher and intellectual is deduced who is incapable of fruitful activity. It was this type that was characteristic of the 1840s, when the novel takes place.

Unfortunately, in none of Turgenev’s novels do we find a successful ending to the love line. Even if the heroes have created personal happiness, it turns out to be destroyed by elemental forces (“On the Eve”). Now you know who the real “Turgenev girl” is!

The heroine of Turgenev's novels, you are arrogant, gentle and pure, There is so much of stormless autumn in you From the alley where the leaves are circling. N.S. Gumilev
Why was Turgenev able to create such a bright image that has not faded for almost two centuries? The study of the psychology of the Russian person, his inner world, and the Russian national character greatly fascinated the writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. “Beauty is scattered everywhere... But nowhere does it shine with such power as in human individuality,” he once wrote to Pauline Viardot. It was Turgenev who created a series of truly Russian female images that incorporated subtle femininity, romance and dreaminess along with extraordinary strength of character and self-sacrifice. In his works, Turgenev captured the image of a Russian woman at the moment of her spiritual awakening, at the time when she began to realize herself as an individual: “... what is a Russian woman? What is her fate, her position in the world - in a word, what is her life ?" Turgenev's heroine is not satisfied with ordinary household chores, she "demands a lot from life, she reads, dreams... about love... but for her this word means a lot." She is waiting for a hero who embodies everything for her: Without him, we would not have known the suffering of women for a long time. loving soul, Her cherished thoughts, silent sadness; Only with him those songs that were hidden in silence sounded for us for the first time. He disturbed the silence of the stagnant waters, gave a loud answer to secret queries, out of the darkness he brought the woman into the light, into the wide world of aspirations and consciousness, onto the path of living delights, battles and troubles. (K. Balmont)
Turgenev's heroine grew up among forests and fields, she thinks and reads a lot, she has a rich inner world into which she is in no hurry to let strangers in. She is not very attractive in appearance, but to a young man accustomed to secular splendor, may seem completely ugly. Despite the fact that her circle of acquaintances is limited, she has a good understanding of people and can distinguish the real from the show. Among the young people around her, she will unmistakably choose someone who is ready to serve a noble idea, and she is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. Outwardly, she seems weak and gentle, but if necessary, she shows a very strong character, determination, and determination. The male hero usually turns out to be weaker than her. Pushkin also emphasized in a woman the moral advantages of strength, integral and pure characters, which placed her above " extra people"of the noble intelligentsia. Turgenev deepens and develops this contradiction, opposition. "No matter how much you knock on nature’s door, it will not respond with an understandable word, because it is dumb... Alive soul- she will respond, and mostly female soul". These words of Shubin from the first chapter of "On the Eve" are justified by all Turgenev's novels. It was Natalya who "responded" to Rudin's call; it was Lisa who was most excited by Lavretsky's life drama, and she responded to his love; it was Elena, leaving her loved ones and homeland, who went together with Insarov to fight. Almost everywhere in Turgenev, the initiative in love belongs to the woman; her pain is stronger and her blood is hotter, her feelings are sincere, more devoted than those of educated young people. The Russian woman is always looking for heroes; she imperiously demands submission to the power of passion. She herself feels ready for a sacrifice and demands it from another; when her illusion about the hero disappears, she has no choice but to be a heroine, to suffer, to act. The novelist endows his heroines with traits of captivating femininity, which is reflected not only in her pretty appearance, but also in her spiritual softness and grace. Delicacy here does not mean spinelessness. Distinctive feature Turgenev’s female images consist precisely in the fact that, despite their outward softness, they retain complete irreconcilability in relation to the conservative environment that raised them. In all of them, the “fire” burns despite their relatives, their families, who are only thinking about how to put out this fire. They are all independent and live “their own lives.” The image of the “Turgenev young lady” has changed greatly over the course of a century and a half. Similar characters appeared in the books of other Russian writers - for example, by Chekhov or Bulgakov. They had quite a lot in common with Turgenev's heroines. Over time, this expression became commonplace. Its meaning has changed significantly. Now this is what they call romantic, overly sensitive young ladies, about whom one can say that they are not of this world. In modern language, there has been a partial confusion of the image with the characteristics of the “muslin young lady” - nervous, unadapted to real life. Most likely for this reason, the expression “Turgenev girl” modern writers has a different meaning than that of the author. “Turgenev’s heroes are sketchy, and Turgenev’s famous women evoke any feelings other than the desire to get to know them,” wrote the ironic Sergei Dovlatov. For the vast majority of ordinary people, the image of Turgenev’s girl is associated with a certain infantile creature, always in a modest dress with a long girlish braid, waiting for Prince Charming on her porch. But this image bears little resemblance to the image of Asya, the very girl whom Turgenev described in the story of the same name, which gave its name to the definition of “Turgenev’s girl.” The modern Turgenev girl, rather, looks exactly like Asya. She is proud. Dreams about active life, active and sublime. Her chosen one, according to her plan, should help her in everything, just as she is ready to give him all of herself, worshiping and admiring. This moral and pure nature is capable of strong passions, she dreams of a feat so that life does not pass unnoticed and without a trace. She has quite high self-esteem, but she places the same high demands on her chosen one. And here she is not ready to waste time on trifles - she is ready to wait for him as long as she has enough strength, without thinking that the girl’s beautiful age is not so long.
The world does not stand still, and modern ideas about Turgenev's girl also undergoes changes. And here lies the misconception of many, for whom Turgenev’s girl is a wordless quiet person who accidentally wandered into the present from the noble nineteenth century. Yes, this girl is different from the rest both in her character and in her desire to find the one, to truly love and be loved. But in modern world these girls live quite comfortably, they are often quite successful at work, in addition to tightly buttoned Puritan dresses, they can afford trousers, jeans, and sneakers.
Such girls are widely represented in books of the romantic prose genre by both domestic and foreign authors. And in the famous Scarlett O'Hara you can find, if you look closely, many of the features of Turgenev's heroines. English writer Jojo Moyes images of sublime and purposeful girls can be found in almost every book. In the 8th issue of the magazine “Friendship of Peoples” for 2018, under the title “Turgenev girls in an information storm”, the opinions of Belgorod high school students were published. Yes, many boys and girls doubt that “Turgenev’s girls are dating now.” However, more than half of those who spoke out are sure that such girls, “a little strange, obscene and great romantics,” exist; moreover, in every girl there lives a special one, Turgenev’s. Ovcharova Maria, 9c: “At all times, people are the same by nature. Evil and kind. Stingy and generous, sad and cheerful. Of course, something changes in character, behavior, understanding of the world. But the essence remains the same. We live in age of information, technology and promiscuity. Many people do not even try to improve, set goals. Digging into this endless information flow of information, we become weak-willed vegetables. But I have met many girls who have principles, values ​​and high goals. They read a lot, "They develop comprehensively. They dream and go towards their dreams. Existing in our century, when vulgarity and vulgarity are imposed, a girl trying to achieve her ideals accomplishes a feat."
She is not as beautiful as Rostova - the Countess with the Russian spirit in Tolstoy. She does not have the charm of Tatyana Larina, whose virtue Pushkin zealously defends. Turgenev girl. Where does this miracle come from in Russian literature? “Her whole being strived for the truth.” Turgenev reflected his character, appearance, behavior, and disposition truthfully, and this diva is surprisingly pleasant. Her soul was waiting, “eager, languishing, Like a bird struggling alone in a cage.” The melancholy of her excited soul was calling for freedom from the empty wilderness. In her, overflowing with thirst for action, everyone could find complicity. Her face is charming, not sad, “And everything about it is subtle, smart, sweet.” With sublime with a pure soul She is not looking for peace for herself. In love, she is rather an adventurer, She rushes to her on the verge of risk. Turgenev girl. It’s unlikely you’ve never met such a girl in your life... (

Karmelaeva Daria Grigorievna

In this work, an analysis of S. Streltsov’s story “Turgenev’s Girl” is carried out and an interpretation of the image is given main character Susie's story.






Section: literary studies

Topic: Interpretation of the image of the “Turgenev girl” in S. Streltsov’s story “Turgenev girl”.

Scientific supervisor: Kezina Elena Vitalievna

Place of work: Municipal educational institution “Lyceum No. 230”, Zarechny, Penza region.


Preface 3

I. Introduction 4

II. Main part 5

  1. Analysis of the concept “Turgenev girl” 5

1.1. The image of Asya from the story of the same name 7

1.2. The image of Lisa Kalitina from the novel “The Noble Nest” 8

1.3. The image of Natalya Lasunskaya from the novel “Rudin” 9

1.4. The image of Elena Stakhova from the novel “On the Eve” 11

1.5. The main character traits of the “Turgenev girl” 12

2. Characteristics of the main character of S. Streltsov’s story “Turgenev’s Girl” 13

III. Conclusion. 15

Afterword 16

List of sources and literature used 17

Appendix 18


One of the main problems of our time is the problem of the moral and cultural decline of people. IN modern society Such qualities as cunning, resourcefulness, the ability to flatter and make money, often by dishonest means, are more valued. We respect a person rich financially more than a person rich spiritually. But why have qualities such as nobility, kindness, mercy, compassion, and the desire for self-improvement become irrelevant?

Probably one of the main reasons can be considered the reduction in reading people. After all, books are one of the main sources of human spiritual enrichment. They contain the experience of many generations of people. They teach us to think, analyze other people’s mistakes, and therefore not to make them in our lives. In my opinion, the works of Russian classics are best suited in this regard. There are so many truly smart and moral thoughts in the works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky and others. Their heroes are true role models.

Likewise, the works of I. S. Turgenev have their own ideal heroes. These are the so-called “Turgenev girls”, who embodied all the most best qualities that you should have real woman. They became examples for many generations of women who left their mark on history.


Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is one of the generally recognized geniuses of Russian literature. His works live and will live for centuries, giving readers and critics the opportunity to think and reason about eternal philosophical questions. He has an outstanding place in the development of Russian literature of the 19th century century. It is with the name I.S. Turgenev is associated with the literary concept of “Turgenev’s girl”. It arose primarily to designate a number of heroines of I.S. Turgenev. And already in the twenty-first century (2008), a story by the modern writer Sergei Streltsov, called “Turgenev’s Girl,” appeared in the Neva magazine. This indicates that the work of I.S. Turgenev not only has not lost interest among readers, but is also relevant to this day.

During the preliminary discussion, we put forward the following hypothesis : if S. Streltsov’s story is called “Turgenev’s Girl,” then in it we can see the coincidence of the main character’s features with the generally accepted concept of “Turgenev’s Girl.”

To test the validity of the hypothesis, we set ourselves the following tasks :

  • get acquainted with the literature on the works of I.S. Turgenev and S. Streltsov;
  • find out what the features of the concept of “Turgenev girl” are;
  • characterize the heroines of Turgenev’s works, who are considered to be truly “Turgenev’s girls”;
  • characterize the main character of S. Streltsov’s story, Susie;
  • compare the image of the main character of the story with the generally accepted concept of “Turgenev’s girl”.

During the work, we became acquainted with the works of the following authors: D.I. Pisarev, N.A. Dobrolyubov, S.N. Lapina. In addition, we turned to the schoolchild’s dictionary “Literary Heroes” and the Encyclopedia literary heroes, but we did not find a comprehensive answer to the question we posed.


1. Analysis of the concept of “Turgenev girl”.

Significance female characters Turgenev's work was noted by his contemporaries. At one time, N.A. Dobrolyubov, analyzing the novel “On the Eve,” emphasized that the main person in it is Elena, and in relation to her we must analyze other persons (1:57). This idea was undoubtedly supported by the author himself, as evidenced by the fact that in the French translation the novel was called “Elena”, and the title was approved by the author himself.

The study of female characters in Turgenev’s works has more than once attracted the attention of scientists.

In the typology of female images in Turgenev’s novels, it is customary to distinguish two types of female images (7: 2-3). The first group is those who live by their own interests, because they are focused on themselves (although this can, of course, be expressed in different ways). These are women like Odintsova and Rotmirova. And the second group is precisely Turgenev’s girls, whose thoughts are always turned to life and the suffering of others. These include the following heroines: Asya, Lisa Kalitina, Natalya Lasunskaya, Elena Stakhova.

The image of Turgenev's girl develops Pushkin's tradition of the “ideal female type.” In relation to these heroines, the statement of G. B. Kurlyandskaya is true that their “nature is devoid of opposite principles, to one degree or another it is distinguished by integrity, therefore their behavior, determined by nature, is always unambiguous and does not suffer from unexpected turns.”

The study of the psychology of the Russian person, his inner world, and the Russian national character fascinated the writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. “Beauty is scattered everywhere... But nowhere does it shine with such power as in human individuality,” he once wrote to Pauline Viardot. In the 50s of the 19th century, the writer was imbued with the artist’s restless desire to comprehend the secrets of existence, life and death, eternal nature, and beauty.

In his stories of those years, Turgenev captured the image of a Russian woman at the moment of her spiritual awakening, at the time when she began to realize herself as an individual: “... what is a Russian woman? What is her fate, her position in the world - in a word, what is her life? Turgenev's heroine is not satisfied with ordinary household chores, she “demands a lot from life, she reads, dreams... about love... but for her this word means a lot.” She is waiting for a hero who embodies everything for her: “happiness, love, and thought” - a hero who is able to change the course of life and resist “human vulgarity.” Having believed in the hero, Turgenev’s heroine “reveres him... studies, loves.”

The image of Turgenev's girl was not motionless. From story to story, the typical generalization that this image carried within itself became more and more profound and modern, absorbing features that each time illuminated a new side of Russian reality. Turgenev's girls are similar in the main thing - in relation to the ideal of life. These are girls full of rainbow, “winged hopes”, discovering for the first time new world strong feelings and thoughts. In “Ace” (and other stories, for example, in “First Love”) Turgenev psychologically accurately described how in a young heart that has fallen in love for the first time, all feelings become heightened, and the heroine sees and feels the flow of life, its imperceptible flow.

1.1. The image of Asya from the story of the same name.

The ideal of a truly “Turgenev” girl can be called Asya, the heroine of the story of the same name.

The main character is the brightest image in literature (8: 40-41). A pretty girl of seventeen with “a dark, roundish face, a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black, light eyes. She is gracefully built, but not yet fully developed.”

Asya's life is tragic: she is the daughter of a landowner and a serf. She was brought up in her father's house as a young lady, but could not be his heir. All this leaves an imprint on her character. She is shy and doesn't know how to behave secular society. She lost her mother early, and a few years later also her father. This made her think early about the meaning of life and become disillusioned with some things.

But she did not stop loving life, moreover, she wanted to leave her mark on history. “The days are passing, life is passing, and what have we done?” - says the heroine. Asya strives for something special, for an active life, for accomplishing a feat. She is a subtle, romantic nature, to whom everything ordinary and vain is alien. No wonder she wants to fly like a bird. She likes romantic stories and legends. And she considers Tatyana, the heroine of the novel “Eugene Onegin,” to be her idol.

Its main feature is inconstancy, mystery and strangeness (6: 273-274, 7: 4). That is why N.N. exclaims: “What a chameleon this girl is!” First she climbs the wall like a goat, waters the flowers on the walls, immediately after that she behaves like a well-bred young lady, sews and again shows her childishness. Asya is an open, passionate, noble and spontaneous person.

Turgenev talks about how she was overcome by love for the first time. She completely surrenders to this feeling. Love inspires her, and there are no barriers to flight. Asya does not know how to hide her feelings or pretend, and therefore she is the first, like Pushkin’s Tatyana, to confess her love to N.N. But this news frightens him, and he does not dare to connect his life with such an extraordinary girl. Asya's impulsive and sincere love is broken by N.N.'s timid sympathy, his indecision and fear of confronting public opinion. Not quite clear explanations of N.N. deeply wound Asya's trembling soul, and she and Gagin leave the city. Her strange behavior, the strength with which she fell in love with N.N. amazes us, and Asya’s fate, the dramatic nature with which she broke up with N.N., makes us sympathize with her. But what is most amazing is her attitude towards life, the goals she wants to achieve, the fact that she strives to achieve something in life. Asya dreams of “going somewhere far away, to pray, to perform a difficult feat.” This is a distinctive feature of her character - a thirst for activity.

1.2. The image of Lisa Kalitina from the novel “The Noble Nest”.

The main character of the novel “The Noble Nest”, Lisa Kalitina, is considered a typical image of the “Turgenev girl”. D.I. Pisarev considered her one of the most graceful female images of Turgenev (5: 273-274). This is a spiritually gifted girl, a seeking nature, crystal clear and honest. Lisa combines obedience, humility and strong will. Her parents did not raise her, which is why she is different from them. Lisa thinks a lot, any injustice hurts her heart. This leads her to believe that people lead meaningless lives. However, being poorly educated, she incorrectly determines the meaning of life and activity. “Love everyone, and really no one” is her motto. Lisa is convinced of the falseness and imperfection of the world by the example of her family. The image of Lisa is quite contradictory (3: 251,253). The author does not give the heroine’s internal monologue, but gives her psychological picture: through the perception of other characters, a portrait sketch. Turgenev constantly compares Lisa’s actions, dictated by her moral duty, with her words about humility. The writer makes it clear that ascetic morality leads Lisa to renounce happiness, but she yearns for a normal life. She still has a thirst for love and happiness. Due to circumstances, she cannot be with her beloved, so she decides to go to a monastery. Lisa explains her decision this way: “My life with you is over. Happiness did not come to me, even when I had hopes for happiness. I know everything, both my own and other people’s sins, and how daddy acquired our wealth; I know everything. All this needs to be forgiven. I feel like I can’t live here, something is calling me away, I feel sick, I want to lock myself away forever.”

1.3. The image of Natalya Lasunskaya from the novel “Rudin”.

Another bright representative of the “Turgenev girl” type is the heroine of the novel “Rudin” - Natalya Lasunskaya.

This is a typical heroine of Turgenev’s prose: well-mannered, modest, gentle, smart beyond her years, with a rich inner world, and most importantly, capable of great and sincere feelings, of self-sacrifice in the name of love.

Natalya's main activities, like those of her peers from noble families, are walking, embroidery on canvas, reading: the author notes; that she read not only historical books and edifying works, but also - secretly from the mother and governess - Pushkin. In addition, Natalya was fond of horses and, according to the author, “studied diligently, read and worked willingly.”

From the first lines, the author's sympathy for Natalya is noticeable. Drawing her portrait, he says that “at first glance (Natalya) might not have been liked. She had not yet had time to develop, she was thin, dark, and stood a little stooped. But her facial features were beautiful and regular, although too large for a seventeen-year-old girl.” Describing Natalya’s appearance, the author focuses on her facial expression, which almost always reflected the “inner work of her thoughts”: “she felt deeply and strongly, but secretly; As a child, she rarely cried, and now she rarely even sighed, and only turned slightly pale when something upset her.”

Turgenev himself repeatedly notes that his heroine is not at all a young, inexperienced girl, and certainly not a “cold”, uncriminal noblewoman. This idea is confirmed after the meeting between Natalya and Rudin. Like many others, the eloquent Rudin made a huge impression on Natalya, but her feelings are far from simple curiosity and blind admiration. She saw in Rudin a man with a rich soul and intellect, capable of bright, significant actions that bring undoubted benefit. It was precisely this (that is, the ability for useful activity) that she convinced him during numerous conversations, which, without knowing it, nurtured Rudin’s pride, elevating him in his own eyes.

But Rudin behaved like a weak-willed and insecure person in a situation that required him to act instantly and decisively. He advised Natalya to submit to fate and the will of her mother when Natalya herself was putting her life and well-being on the line and was ready to do anything just to be with her loved one. How beautiful Natalya is in her natural impulse at the last meeting with Rudin, and how low and pathetic Rudin himself is, who did not even make an attempt to change anything or at least give hope.

Even in an upset state, Natalya finds the strength to say wonderful words to Rudin: “... I still believed you, I believed every word you said... Go ahead, please weigh your words, don’t say them to the wind. When I told you that I love you, I knew what this word meant; I was ready for anything... Now all I have to do is thank you for the lesson and say goodbye.”

A few lines express the pain of disappointment, sadness and humility that many heroines of Russian literature experienced (primarily Pushkin’s Tatyana Larina comes to mind), but especially Turgenev’s girls.

1.4. The image of Elena Stakhova from the novel “On the Eve”.

Elena Stakhova is the heroine of I.S. Turgenev’s novel “On the Eve” (1860). The author portrays a type of new woman who goes from unaccountable impulses and dissatisfaction with the usual way of life to independent choice of her destiny, to self-sacrifice in the name of the homeland of her husband, Dmitry Insarov, a fighter for the independence of Bulgaria. Elena is characterized by dreaminess and moral purity, but in her, unlike her predecessors, readiness for a feat is combined with the ability to accomplish it.

Elena Nikolaevna is an extraordinary person. She has just turned twenty years old and is attractive: tall, with large gray eyes and a dark brown braid. In her entire appearance, however, there is something impetuous, nervous, which not everyone likes. Nothing could ever satisfy her: she longed for active good. Since childhood, she was worried and occupied by the poor, hungry, sick people and animals. When she was ten years old, a beggar girl, Katya, became the subject of her concern and even worship. Her parents did not approve of this hobby. True, the girl soon died. However, the trace of this meeting remained in Elena’s soul forever. From the age of sixteen she already lived her own life, but a lonely life. No one bothered her, but she was torn and languished: “How can I live without love, but there is no one to love!”

It was no coincidence that Dobrolyubov gave in the novel “On the Eve” great importance image of Elena. He considered her a real heroine, in many ways towering over Natalya Lasunskaya and Liza Kalitina; In terms of strength of character, he put only Katerina from Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” on a par with Elena. Elena is characterized by an extraordinary thirst for activity, determination, and the ability to disregard opinions and conventions environment and, most importantly, an irresistible desire to be useful to the people.

1.5. The main character traits of the “Turgenev girl”.

Having analyzed these images, we can identify common features characteristic of the concept of “Turgenev girl”. The heroines are endowed with a kind and sensitive soul that responds to everything beautiful. Both Lisa, Asya, and other heroines have a sense of duty; their actions can be called moral.

Asya was not afraid to be the first to confess her love to N.N., although at that time it was the height of indecency, she loved so much. And Lisa, realizing that she cannot be with her beloved, gives up everything and goes to the monastery.

All heroines are ready to do anything for love. But Asya is proud, so after an explanation with N.N., she immediately leaves in an unknown direction. Lisa, having entered a monastery, sacrifices herself for the happiness of others.

Each heroine lives a dream about the future, they make plans and try to bring them to life.

Turgenev girls make all decisions themselves, be it leaving for another country or entering a monastery, and are fully aware of their responsibility to other people for their actions.

It is no coincidence that the main characters fall in love with Turgenev's girls. Their soul conquers everyone.

Thus, general features The character of all Turgenev girls can be called the following features:

  • the wealth of the inner world;
  • the ability to have sincere strong feelings, the absence of falsehood and coquetry;
  • focus on the future;
  • strong character, ability to self-sacrifice;
  • activity and independence in deciding one’s destiny.

2. Characteristics of the main character of the story by S. Streltsov
"Turgenev's girl"

Sergei Streltsov is a modern Russian writer. Author of many famous works. Born in 1971. In 1991, he created the first ever multimedia English language textbook for children. He was the editor-in-chief of the Internet portal “The Saint George Journal”. Lives in Moscow (2: 88). Considered one of the best Orthodox writers of our time.

Sergei Streltsov in his story “The Turgenev Girl” presents us with his vision of the “Turgenev Girl” in the image of the main character of the story - the young American Susie.

Susie is the main character of the story. This is a young American woman, an orphan. She doesn't know her father, and her mother is dead. The girl spent her entire childhood in an orphanage. Here she became acquainted with the work of I. S. Turgenev and literally fell in love with his works. For her, the image of the “Turgenev girl” becomes an ideal that she wants to follow. Susie begins to study Russian in order to read the works of her favorite writer in the original.

Hoping to realize her dream, she goes to Russia, where she finds happiness.

Susie is an extraordinary and exceptional person. As was usually the case with Turgenev’s heroines, the girl has a difficult fate. From birth she was left alone; she spent her entire childhood in an orphanage. Loneliness taught the girl to rely only on herself. The heroine is very persistent in achieving her goal. She decides to learn Russian - and she does it, although it was very difficult. Susie works for a long time on her pronunciation and stress; in order to improve her skills, she even gets a job as a nanny for a Russian-speaking family. We see the same tenacity in Asa when she decides to be with her loved one at all costs.

In addition, Susie is also a creative person. She writes beautiful poetry and prose. This is her way of expressing herself. Her poems are published in a famous magazine, and an influential website recognizes her as poet of the year (4: 5, 8-9). Although we cannot say about any of Turgenev’s heroines that she was a poet or writer, they also had a desire for self-expression. Lisa found herself in religion. And Asya was still searching. She was sometimes serious and prim, sometimes cheerful and playful. It is no coincidence that N.N. exclaims: “What a chameleon this girl is!” Susie, like Asya and Lisa, firmly believes in her own strength. They are all characterized by a desire for activity, a desire to do something useful for others. If Asya dreams of accomplishing some kind of feat, then for Susie this feat becomes the opportunity to look after her fiancé, a poor disabled artist.

Naivety is another distinctive feature of the heroine of Streltsov’s story, bringing her closer to Turgenev’s heroines. It can be noted that, despite all the harsh trials of life, these girls managed to retain the best feelings and thoughts. But childish daydreaming and gullibility do not bring happiness to Asya and Lisa, and Susie, on the contrary, helps to make their dream come true.

It is no coincidence that Sergei Streltsov calls the story “Turgenev's Girl”. Hidden in both the title and the story itself deep meaning. By showing us this girl, the author paints an image of a person for whom it is not the material, but the spiritual side of life that is important. This is also typical for Turgenev’s heroines. In our age, in which money rules everything, people most often strive to acquire material well-being and build a career, and leave spiritual needs in the background. But the writer S. Streltsov shows us that there are still unselfish people for whom material well-being does not matter. The author makes us involuntarily think about what we live for, about the meaning of our existence. Having made his heroine an American, the author says that the features of the “Turgenev girl” are not limited to Russian women. These are universal human traits characteristic of people of all nations and nationalities.

Thus, the main character of S. Streltsov’s story, Susie, can be called a “Turgenev girl”, since she has traits characteristic of this type. Only, unlike Turgenev’s heroines, whose fates were tragic, Susie finds her happiness at the end of the story.


In our research work, we identified the similarity of the features of the main character of S. Streltsov’s story with the generally accepted concept of “Turgenev’s girl.” Based on this, we concluded that Susie can be called a truly “Turgenev girl.” The initial hypothesis was confirmed. The author in his story continues the traditions of Russian classical literature and gives us, readers, lessons of kindness, as I.S. did in his time. Turgenev. We can say that these traditions continue to exist in the works of modern Russian writers.

We believe that this work can be used both in literature lessons dedicated to the works of I.S. Turgenev, modern writers, and in extracurricular work on moral education the younger generation.


Thus, the problem of the decline in the moral and cultural level of people is one of the most pressing today. And if nothing is done, then a disaster will probably happen soon.

So what needs to be done to solve this pressing issue? Of course, you need to read a lot. Books are the best helpers in the moral enrichment of a person. In addition, it is necessary to preserve traditions and customs, as S. Streltsov does. He preserves and develops the traditions of Russian classical literature in his works. And therefore, it is necessary to include such modern authors in the school curriculum in order to develop the best human qualities in children from school.

List of used sources and literature.

1. Dobrolyubov N.A. Collected works: In 9 volumes. T.2. M-L, 1962.

2. Magazine “Neva” 2008 No. 10.

3. Classic for school. I.S. Turgenev “The Noble Nest”. Publishing house: “Dragonfly-press”, 2002.

4. Lapina S.N. Discourse analysis of S. Streltsov’s story “Turgenev’s Girl” www. revolution.allbest.ru

5. Pisarev D.I. “Female types in the novels and stories of Pisemsky, Turgenev and Goncharov” op. in 4 volumes. T.1, articles and reviews 1859-1862. M.: State Publishing House of Fiction, 1955.

6. Schoolchild’s dictionary “Literary heroes”. Publishing house: “Sovremennik”, 1988.

7. Typology and originality of female images in the works of I.S. Turgenev. revolution.allbest.ru

8. Encyclopedia of literary heroes. Publishing house: “Agraf”, 1998.

10. www. revolution.allbest.ru


S. Streltsov

Turgenev girl

Susie was born an orphan, her father abandoned her mother when he found out she was pregnant. And her mother died in childbirth. From birth, Susie wandered around shelters, but did not lose heart at all. At the age of six she learned letters and began writing poetry.

Government food, clothing and housing did not bother her at all; she felt like a poetess. She read her first experiments in class, in church, and in libraries when the days of young poets were held there. Her favorite poet was King David; above him she placed only Jesus Christ, considering the Lord's Prayer to be the most beautiful poem.

When she turned twelve, she decided to try publishing. I sent my poems to magazines via the Internet. The only one that published it that year was the Times Literary Supplement. Usually only mature poets are published there, but she was included in the publication’s pages because she did not indicate her age. She didn't know this. Desperate, I decided that I would write prose. To decide what kind of prose to write, she began reading books by famous authors.

When she was fourteen, she read in Henry James's book "Portrait of a Lady" that the author of this book spoke enthusiastically about some Russian named Ivan Turgenev, and found the book "Fathers and Sons" in the library of her orphanage. The book surprised her because Americans and English don’t write like that. She began to look for other books by the same author and found two more: “Rudin” and “The Noble Nest.” They were sadly carefree, strange, and teased her curiosity. She decided that she should learn Russian.

She found a Russian family that sometimes needed to babysit the children and bought a textbook with laser discs. She learned the alphabet for two weeks, but her trials did not end there. After trying to read, she realized how difficult it was to cope with pronunciation. Everything was difficult - from the simplest sounds to accents. After six months of regular conversations with Russians and studying in her free time, she realized that she was beginning to speak a new language. She began to take Russian books for children and tried to read them, it was more difficult than a textbook. This is how she recognized Pushkin, Lermontov and Agnia Barto. Things moved forward, and at the age of sixteen she read all of Turgenev in Russian, downloading his books from the Internet. Her joy knew no bounds. In addition, American magazines began to publish her poems and stories. It didn’t bring in any money, but it was nice to see my word in print.

When she finished school, she was recognized as poet of the year on www.poetry.com, and she received a ten thousand prize. With this money she decided to go to Russia in the summer. While packing her things, she wrote in her notebook with multi-colored markers: “Flight / to the sky / is / whatever / am I // dash / to the rot / is / whatever / I’m not» .

She liked the poem and went to the airport. On the way, she opened a book - it was a parting gift from the Russians, whose child she periodically babysat for. The book contained a lurid portrait of an old man. She knew that Russians highly respect such images and call them icons. She smiled at the old man and said: “If you are a saint, then give me an adventure.” The old man's name was Saint Nicholas.

Upon arrival in Moscow, she decided to first visit Red Square. Without stopping at the hotel, I went there directly from Sheremetyevo-2.

On the square she saw a church and was surprised, since she only knew about Lenin’s mausoleum. She climbed the stairs and entered the temple. She found this old man from the icon and immediately recognized him.

Where is my adventure? - she asked cheerfully, and it seemed to her that he smiled back at her.

Leaving the church, she discovered that the backpack with her things, which she had left at the entrance, was missing. The backpack contained all her money and documents, except for her passport, which was in her jeans pocket. She didn’t cry right away, but when she did, she started crying seriously.

She didn't know what to do.

She walked and cried. Near the wall Historical Museum There were two people sitting on a bench. One was dressed and made up like Lenin, the other like Marx.

What's happened? - he asked.

I'm robbed clean “,” she muttered through tears.

Don't you speak Russian? - he asked her.

“I was robbed,” she was finally found.

“Well, that’s it,” said Lenin.

I only have my passport left.

Do you have somewhere to live? - Lenin asked her.

“No,” she answered, shaking her head.

Then come with me, and we will figure out where you will sleep tonight.

“I’m American,” she said.

“I understand that,” he smiled back at her.

Coming out of the subway, she realized that they were in some kind of suburb. They boarded the bus and soon got off in a well-kept place lined with identical houses.

This is Novogireevo,” Lenin waved his hand around himself.

Is this not Moscow anymore? - she asked.

This is still Moscow,” he consoled her.

They entered some entrance. The house was cheap, the walls of the stairwells were painted, bottles and cigarette butts were everywhere.

This is where you will live for now,” Lenin said, opening a door.

They entered a poor but neatly decorated apartment.

Dad, I thought you’d be there later,” came a voice from the next room.

Kolya, come, we have guests.

A young man in a vest and training clothes rolled out of the room in a wheelchair.

“Hello,” he said.

Hello, I'm Susie,” she extended her hand.

And I’m Kolya,” he shook her light palm.

“I’ll move to the sofa in the kitchen for now, and she will be in my room,” Lenin told his son and went to wash his hands.

In the evening, when it turned out that she did not have one soul mate in the world, they decided that while the trial was going on, she would stay with them and help Kolya around the house.

“We are poor, and the poor must help each other,” said Lenin and introduced himself: “Nikolai Nikolaevich, son of Nikolai Nikolaevich and father of Nikolai Nikolaevich.” We don’t have a wife; my wife died a year ago from cancer.

“I understand,” Susie said.

I have to make fun of tourists in order to somehow survive. I am a physicist by profession.

Doctor? - she asked.

No, scientist,” he answered her.

They were making an atomic bomb,” she said, after thinking.

Yes, I did.

And I write poetry.

And Kolya is an artist. Have you seen it? His entire room is covered in canvases.

Yes, that's good, said Susie.

What's good? - asked Kolya Jr., - I’m disabled, and also an artist, so I’ll never get married.

No, get married,” she said and blushed.

On whom? - he asked, not seeing her blush.

“I will look after you,” she said and blushed even more.

“Don’t look at him that he doesn’t walk,” said Nikolai Sr. “It was the bullet in Chechnya that deformed him.”

Are you a soldier? - she asked the young man.

“Former,” he said and, looking into her eyes, also blushed.

“He is also a nobleman,” said the father. - We even have our own estate. They gave us an outbuilding on a collective farm estate, in a former estate.

How about Turgenev? - she asked, holding her breath.

Almost,” said the father.

“I’ve been dreaming about this for several years,” she said with a serious smile.

Then we are at your disposal,” said Nikolai Sr. and left the kitchen to leave the young people alone.

Flying to the skies is what I am. The desire to fall is not typical for me ( English).

I was completely robbed ( English).

29/04/2017 - 20:00

"The word is ours..."


Kadyrova Alina, Bykova Anastasia

MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Tuymazy, Republic of Bashkortostan

Russian Federation


Fedorova Evgenia Sergeevna, Leshchenko Olga Aleksandrovna



Material overview

Every time has its own heroes, bearers of ideal qualities. Chroniclers Ancient Rus' left us with the memory of courageous princes and their faithful wives. The first Russian writers: M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavin - sang strength, grace, becoming royalty. Our great classics - A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy - presented deep psychological images, distinguished by high morality. At the same time, a special place in literature is occupied by female images that personify the ideal qualities of a guardian. folk traditions and foundations, family hearth and moral health of humanity. And in this regard, our close attention was attracted by the work of I.S. Turgenev, or rather the image of the “Turgenev girl” created by him, to which we turned in our research work. The topic of studying female characters created by Turgenev has received a lot of attention in various works, both by past critics and modern literary scholars. In Appendix 1 we presented poems and famous expressions, dedicated to Turgenev's girls.Woman...Girl...Who is this? Dream, vision, person? For Ivan Sergeevich this was always a mystery, alluring and incomprehensible. The women who surrounded him in life were different, but invariably they all left an imprint on the writer’s soul. They taught Ivan Sergeevich to see beauty, to appreciate life, preserving in him faith in goodness, kindness and the desire to love. Ivan Sergeevich transferred their images, which influenced the worldview and sensitive soul of the writer, to paper. Analyzing the images of Turgenev’s heroines, one can identify a number of characteristic qualities on the basis of which the type was formed feminine character with a certain set of features, called the “Turgenev girl”. Many critics and literary scholars note the inconsistency of this image: along with strong character, tenacity to follow her idea to the end and the desire to love deeply, devotedly, the “Turgenev girl” has childish naivety and dreaminess. Thus, Yu.V. Lebedev notes that “ main feature Each Turgenev heroine is a delightful femininity. His heroines combine seemingly incompatible traits, such as timidity and strength of character, dreaminess and determination, manifested in everything. A Turgenev woman has self-esteem and is able to patiently and smoothly build relationships with people. And all these are the qualities of character that from time immemorial have constituted the ideal of beauty of a Russian woman in a variety of class societies.” Literary historian I. I. Ivanov noted that in Turgenev’s works, the heart of a Russian woman is the touchstone of the hero’s behavior, his determination, and his emotions. The controversy surrounding the image created by Turgenev has not subsided to this day. New times and mores make adjustments to the images of modern heroines. Is there really no place left in the 21st century for the ideals of female images glorified by the creator? We decided to look into this issue by deeply studying and analyzing the typical character traits of “Turgenev girls”, and to identify their relevance in our time. This topic is relevant because... Over time, the characters of girls change, adapting to changing living conditions, but the features of the “ideal” female image can also be found in our contemporaries. This once again proves that classics find their relevance regardless of time.

Object of researchania: creativity of I.S. Turgenev.

Subject of researchania: the image of the “Turgenev girl” in the stories of I.S. Turgenev and in modern life.

Purpose of researchatelskaya rabots – identify the main features of Turgenev’s heroines and trace them in the appearance of a modern girl.

The goal determines the statement hadah:

    study reference, critical, and fiction literature on this topic, incl. researchers of I.S. Turgenev’s creativity;

    identify the significance of women in the writer’s life and determine the prototypes of his heroines;

    to trace the creation of the image of the “Turgenev girl” in the works of I.S. Turgenev through the analysis of individual works taken from the cycle of stories about first love: “Asya”, “ Spring waters" and "First Love";

    on the basis of the collected materials, identify the qualities of the “Turgenev girls” and draw up a psychological portrait of the literary type “Turgenev girl”;

    identify the relevance and manifestation of the character traits of the “Turgenev” girl in modern society through benchmarking opinions of different age groups of the population.

Hypothesesa: despite the dramatically changed social conditions of life, many qualities of the “Turgenev girl” are relevant and in demand in our time.

Theoretical basis of the research: information from Russian, Soviet and Russian literary studies and Turgenev scholars, such as Ginzburg, Pisarev, Byaly, Pustovoit, Lebedev.

TheoreticallyaI knowapurity: systematization of material on this topic.

EtcacticaI knowapurity: The work can serve as a preliminary stage to a larger-scale study - about the role of female characters in Russian literature of the 19th century. Also, the work can significantly facilitate preparation for literature lessons on the works of I. S. Turgenev.

Research methodsania: literature study, data comparison , comparative analysis, testing, survey.

Research base: 1) stories by I. S. Turgenev “Asya”, “Spring Waters” and “First Love”;

2) 9th grade students of MBOU Secondary School No. 2 in Tuymazy

Chapter I. Female images in the life and work of I.S. Turgenev 1.1 Researchers of creativity I.S. Turgenev

The study of creativity by I.S. Turgenev has always received a lot of attention. The significance of the writer’s female images was noted by his contemporaries. Each of his works that appeared in print immediately became the focus of criticism. At one time, N.A. Dobrolyubov, analyzing the novel “On the Eve,” emphasized that the main person in it is Elena, and in relation to her we must consider other persons. A.I. Maikov wrote in a letter to Ya.P. Polonsky that Turgenev’s women “were not seen by nature,” but such rare women exist. According to L.N. Tolstoy, Turgenev “did a great job by painting amazing portraits of women. Perhaps there were none, as he wrote, but when he wrote them, they appeared.” P. A. Kropotkin wrote: “Turgenev<…>showed us what a Russian woman is, what treasures are hidden in her heart and mind, and what she can be as an inspiration to a man. He taught us how the best people treat women and how they love...” Turgenev's work was highly appreciated by both his contemporaries, critics and literary scholars, as well as leaders, leaders of the Soviet state, and foreign writers. In the 21st century in Russia, much attention is also paid to the study of Turgenev's work. Every five years, the State Literature Museum of I. S. Turgenev in Orel, together with Oryol State University and the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, holds international scientific conferences. Turgenev anniversaries are celebrated not only in Russia, but also abroad. Thus, the Ivan Turgenev Museum in Bougival annually hosts music salons where music by composers from the times of Ivan Turgenev and Pauline Viardot is heard. In recent decades, much has been done in the study of Turgenev’s novels, which was facilitated by the publication full meeting the writer’s works in 28 volumes (1960-1968) and followed by a 30-volume collected works. The study of female characters in Turgenev’s works has more than once attracted the attention of scientists: in the monograph by I.A. Belyaeva “The Work of I.S. Turgenev” (2002), the writer’s works are studied, starting with early lyric poems and ending with “Poems in Prose”. In our work, we systematized researchers of the creativity of I.S. Turgenev and for ease of use compiled the data into tabular form (Appendix 2).

1.2 Women in the life of a writer

I.S. Turgenev has an outstanding place in the development of Russian literature of the 19th century and a special place in the creation of female characters. The women who surrounded him in life were different, but they all left an imprint on the writer’s soul. The despotic, strict mother, Varvara Petrovna, the sweet and life-loving princess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya (his first love), the smart and brave Tatyana Bakunina (friend student years), timid, thoughtful Avdotya (a serf who gave birth to a daughter from Turgenev), passionate, addicted Polina Viardot (the love of his life), young beauty Olga (distant relative), romantic Maria (sister of Leo Tolstoy), talented, sensual artist Maria Savina - they taught Ivan Sergeevich to see beauty, to appreciate life, preserving in him faith in goodness, kindness and the desire to love. V.N. Toporov notes that “Turgenev was an unhappy man in his own eyes: he lacked female love and affection, which he sought with early years. The tragedy of his life was rooted in an obsession with the feminine principle, in a sharp and bitter awareness of its deficiency and its irreplaceability." Turgenev’s personal life somehow did not work out from the very beginning, his first love was unrequited and left a bitter aftertaste: the daughter of Princess Shakhovskaya, who lived next door, Katenka, captivated the 18-year-old Turgenev with her girlish freshness, naivety and spontaneity. But, as it turned out later, she had long had a permanent lover - a well-known Don Juan in the area and... Turgenev's father. In 1841, the student became interested in the seamstress Dunyasha, who in 1842 gave birth to his daughter Pelageya (Polina), who was raised by Turgenev’s mother. In 1843 he met Pauline Viardot, French singer, who was touring in St. Petersburg at that time, falls in love and follows the object of her passion everywhere. It was not an easy relationship, so he tried to arrange his personal life without Polina: with his cousin’s 18-year-old daughter, with Maria Savina, Maria Tolstoy, but nothing worked out, his heart was occupied. Without an official marriage, Turgenev lives in the Viardot family, where he takes his illegitimate daughter. From then on, Turgenev was convinced that his beloved was a holy woman, and he would spend the rest of his life with her. In the works of Turgenev a large number of female images taken directly from life. The writer was personally acquainted with such women or observed them (Appendix 3, 4). So, Turgenev’s life is an eternal search for truth, a desire to comprehend the “mysterious Russian folk soul,” and the theme of love is one of the main ones in his work.

1.3 Female images in the works of I.S. Turgenev

Analyzing the texts of selected works by I.S. Turgenev “Asya”, “Spring Waters” and “First Love” (Appendix 5), we found out that the prototypes of the heroines were real girls who occupied an important place in the writer’s biography, influencing at one time the formation of his personalities, and also reflected in themselves those wonderful traits that he admired all his life. The story “Asya” was written in Germany in the 50s of the 19th century, which the writer considered a turning point for himself in on a personal level. He dealt with issues of a person’s “personal happiness” in conflict with his moral and social duty. The story of the main character's childhood is reminiscent of the fate of Turgenev's illegitimate daughter, Polina (from a serf peasant), who was brought up in the house of his mother, as well as the half-sister (paternal) of the writer himself, Varya. Asya is a proud, open, passionate girl, striking at first glance with her nobility, spontaneity and unusual appearance. She is the daughter of a landowner and a serf peasant woman, which is the reason for her unusual behavior in society. After her mother dies, the girl is left to her own devices; she early begins to think about everything that surrounds her and the contradictions of life. What Asya has in common with other female images is sincerity, moral purity, a dream of heroism, and the ability for strong passions. She is accustomed to making high spiritual demands on herself and the people who surround her, which proves one thing: the heroine is strong personality demanding truth and frankness in everything, possessing enormous spiritual potential and great moral strength.Turgenev’s story “First Love” (1858), written on the family estate Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, - favorite piece writer. “This is the only thing that still gives me pleasure, because it is life itself, it is not composed,” he admitted. The writer did not hide her autobiographical nature: the prototype of young Volodya was Turgenev himself, the main character was the poetess Ekaterina Shakhovskaya (a neighbor at the dacha), the prototypes of Volodya’s parents were the parents of I.S. Turgenev. A.V. Polovtsev also writes about the autobiographical nature of “First Love”: “I reread only one story with pleasure. This is "First Love". She is, perhaps, my favorite work... in “First Love”... a real incident is described without the slightest embellishment... the characters appear as if alive before me” (Tsar Bell, illustrated universal calendar for 1887). In the story, the writer very poetically describes the feeling of unrequited love, which brings him both joy and sorrow, but always makes him purer, more sublime. The plot of the story is very simple. The heroine of the story, Zinaida, at first glance, is an infantile person, but main character I saw in her a light that spoke of inner purity, despite all the contradictory behavior of the princess. She wants the love of a strong man: “who would break me himself.” She is tired of stupid flirting with fans, she is waiting for a big, strong feeling. This image is permeated with lightness, light and love of life, which makes it feminine and memorable.No less lyrical image of Gemma from the story “Spring Waters”. While in Frankfurt, Turgenev fell in love with a beautiful Italian woman, who served as the prototype for Gemma. The story appeared in the "Bulletin of Europe" in 1872 and was close in content to the stories "Asya" and "First Love", written earlier. Turgenev admitted that in his youth he “experienced and felt the content of the story personally.” But unlike their tragic endings, “Spring Waters” ends in a less dramatic plot. Gemma is a sensitive, kind, graceful and talented girl with extraordinary beauty. A reverent attitude towards loved ones and attention to others characterize Gemma as a sincere, caring, affectionate, sweet girl, capable of self-sacrifice. Having fallen in love, a girl reveals herself in her full beauty. We see that she is brave, noble, sensitive person“with that Italian grace in which the presence of strength is always felt.”So, Turgenev’s life is an eternal search for truth, the desire to comprehend the “mysterious Russian folk soul.” The theme of love is one of the main ones in his works. With love, he tests the value of his heroes, their compliance with the high rank of a person. Ivan Sergeevich makes the most stringent demands on the personal life of his characters. Comparative characteristics We presented the images of Asya, Gemma and Zinaida from I.S. Turgenev’s stories “Asya”, “Spring Waters” and “First Love” in Appendix 5.

Chapter II. Characteristics of the images of the "Turgenev girl"

2.1 Psychological portrait of the literary type

"Turgenev's Girl"

One of the researchers of Turgenev’s creativity A.G. Tseitlin noted Pushkin’s primacy in the field of creating female characters, who “already emphasized in women the moral advantages of strength, integrity and purity of character, but Turgenev’s innovation was undeniable. Turgenev put into the images of his heroines all the qualities that an ideal woman can possess. Most of all, he valued soul and character in a woman; and the way she manifests herself in relationships with her loved one was for the writer the main criterion for assessing her. This was confirmed by Pustovoit, who believed that “the charm of many Turgenev heroines, despite the difference in their psychological types, lies in the fact that their characters are revealed at the moment of intense poetic feeling, which Turgenev learned from Pushkin.” Researchers classify Turgenev's female characters as follows: the first group - they live by their own interests, are focused on themselves, the second group is precisely the “Turgenev girls”, whose thoughts are always turned to life and the suffering of others. The work of I. S. Turgenev gave Russian literature a vivid image of a girl, which over time transformed into a stable stereotype; the concept of “Turgenev girl” became a household word. It is based on a whole string of images of heroines created by the writer during the 1850-1890s. They are all united General characteristics: this is a harmonious and integral inner world, innate modesty, simplicity, strong will and unyielding character. Despite some detachment from everyday life, this girl organically feels alone with nature, often she has to come into conflict with the existing family structure or the conventions of the world, but in her desire to achieve her goal, she goes to the end. Femininity is the main feature of every Turgenev heroine. To depict female images, Turgenev uses various artistic methods: portrait characteristic, dialogue, the author's narration about the childhood and youth of the heroines, music and others. Compiling a psychological portrait of the “Turgenev girl”, we noted the main components: external data, “ideal” character traits, a rich inner world, attitude towards people and love. However, the image of Turgenev’s girl was not static: from story to story it became more and more profound and modern, absorbing the features of the new Russian reality. Turgenev's girls are similar in the main thing - in relation to the ideal of life: they are filled with rainbow, “winged hopes”, they live with dreams. But in our opinion, such dreaminess cannot be considered a positive property, because you need to live in reality. Turgenev’s girl “demands a lot from life, she reads, dreams,” and is waiting for a hero in whom all her dreams will be embodied.Thus, we traced how the image of the “Turgenev girl” took shape, we saw what feminine qualities Turgenev glorifies them, embodying them in his heroines. “Turgenev's girl” is a capacious and broad concept, it is an ideal collective image of femininity and purity (Appendix 6.7). The female images are original and recognizable; the methods of their creation have much in common: dialogue and portraiture. They attracted attention and aroused admiration for their ability to love deeply and selflessly, revealing themselves as individuals with a deep inner world. The topic of studying female images of Turgenev is one of the most popular in the study of the writer’s work in various works of past critics and modern literary scholars. This once again shows that classic literature relevant regardless of time.

2.2 Turgenev girl in the modern world

Over the course of a century and a half, the interpretation of the image of the “Turgenev young lady” has become distorted: this expression has become commonplace, its meaning has changed significantly. A modern young man already looks, thinks and speaks completely differently. But the modern girl has changed life priorities: getting an education, self-realization, etc. And this is all besides eternal values: love, family. Today, many responsibilities lie on the fragile shoulders of the modern woman/girl. How can “ideal” character traits not change? Many people think that the concept of “Turgenev girl” is inappropriate in our time; there are no such girls anymore. Nowadays this is what they call romantic, overly sensitive young ladies, about whom one can say: “not of this world.” But this is a misconception of many. Yes, this girl is distinguished by her purity, lack of bad habits, the desire to find your one and only, the willingness to love and be loved. But in previous chapters we found out that Turgenev’s heroines are, of course, romantic to some extent, but far from naive. Their ability to feel deeply is combined with the ability to follow the intended path, overcoming obstacles. “Turgenev girls” is a more capacious and broader concept - it is a collective ideal of femininity and purity. In modern society, you shouldn’t look for girls who fully meet the ideals of the 19th century. But girls who have many typical “Turgenev” differences in their character and behavior are found now and, it seems to us, quite often. Having made a comparative analysis of the main characteristics of the life of girls of the 19th and 21st centuries, we highlighted the same or similar characteristics in red (Appendix 8).Analyzing the data obtained, we can conclude that, despite the changed social conditions of life, there will be a place for such girls at any time. Intellectuality, modesty, intelligence, and good manners will never lose their weight in society. If modern Asya manages to find her Prince, then he will be happy with her, just as she is with him. They will be rewarded in the form of happy life in the family, with the fulfillment of the dream of a quiet, cozy home, raising children and an active life and work to improve the world. This will be a modern Turgenev girl, but descended from the world of dreams and daydreams into the real one. earthly life.

Chapter III. Practical part

3.1 Psychotype of the “Turgenev Girl”

In previous chapters we found out that “Turgenev’s girl” is a collective perfect image, identified the main character traits of such an image and came to the conclusion that in modern society there is still a place for qualities that will never lose their importance. Further, in our work we also want to identify the character traits of the “Turgenev girl” that are “relevant” for our time. To do this, we will use modern methods of studying the problem. When identifying personal qualities, psychologists advise taking into account a person’s psychotype. A person’s character is a set of actions, habits and skills. Its traits are certain habits and specific skills. And they are the ones who dictate what a person should do in a given situation. But, in addition to the habits and skills formed during life, character can be attributed to one of the psychological types that also influence his actions. The terms “extrovert” and “introvert” have been known for a long time, but they were firmly introduced into everyday use by Carl Jung at the beginning of the 20th century. These are two completely opposite personality types. It is believed that every person has traits of both types, but one predominates. The definition of a personality type is based on a set of qualities such as ambition, activity, assertiveness, and sociability. An extrovert is a person who loves to communicate. He may have a rich inner world, which he turns to if only necessary to achieve some goal. An introvert is a person who is self-absorbed. Nevertheless, if necessary, he can communicate with people, but only as much as necessary. Turning to Wikipedia (Appendix 9), we found out that the “Turgenev girl” is “a clear introvert”: since she is closed, sensitive, “does not get along well with people, but has a deep inner life" To compare this image with the appearance of a modern girl, we decided to conduct a test to determine the personality type among students, the research base was the 9th grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 2. We found out the following: out of 48 students, 19 (40%) are extroverts, 24 (50%) are introverts and 5 (10%) are amboverts (dual natures) (Appendix 10). Thus, we came to the conclusion that the psychological type , close to the image of the “Turgenev girl,” is now more widespread than any other.

3.2 Social survey to identify the relevance of the character traits of the “Turgenev” girl in modern society

Next, we conducted a survey to identify ideal female qualities and compiled an approximate list of signs of modern “Turgenev girls”: modest, romantic, with good manners, feminine, avoid vulgarity and aggressiveness, dress decently, read books, understand classical music, many play the musical instruments, speak several foreign languages, can dance the waltz, adhere to strict moral principles, and come from different social classes. We decided to find out how and to what extent the main typical features of Turgenev’s heroines are manifested in modern girls. To do this, we conducted a survey to identify the relevance of the character traits of the “Turgenev” girl in modern society among 9th grade students and their parents. We asked participants to rank all qualities in order of importance, grouping them into “family”, “business” and “creative”. It turned out that business qualities were rated highest by mothers and girls, family qualities by mothers and fathers, creative qualities were rated lowest by boys and fathers (Appendix 11). At the same time: in the 1st place, according to the girls, is modesty, and in the last place is determination; according to boys, attractiveness is in first place, willpower is in last place; mothers put femininity in 1st place, determination in last place; Dads ranked modesty first and willpower last. From this we can conclude that modern girls and women are concerned about the development business qualities, since they need it for personal growth and confidence in tomorrow, at the same time, the stronger sex does not see the point in the creative inclinations of ladies. We also turned to the Internet and social networks to confirm or refute the hypothesis put forward about the relevance of the issue we are considering. There we found a lot of evidence that this topic excites minds and souls younger generation(Appendix 12).

3.3 Organization of a school-wide creative project “Women’s images in Russian literature”

In the process of studying and researching the images of the “Turgenev girl”, many of our classmates became interested in this topic. They participated in surveys, information analysis, and debates. Gradually, for us, “Turgenev’s girls” began to emerge not only verbally, but also figuratively. I wanted to bring them into reality. This idea was supported by technology teacher Olga Aleksandrovna Leshchenko. A school-wide creative project“Female images in Russian literature”, in which everyone in grades 6-8 took part. The project was timed to coincide with the Year of Literature in Russia. The girls created female images using different techniques: cross stitch, glass and wood painting, silhouette paper cutting, dolls and more. We focused specifically on the images of “Turgenev’s girls”: we created a series of cross-stitched miniatures (Appendix 13). Visual images helped us in revealing the topic of the work. And the school-wide creative project “Women’s Images in Russian Literature” received a diploma “For the best exposition” based on the results of the municipal exhibition of arts and crafts “The World of My Hobbies-2015”.


In the process of research work, an analysis of selected works by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Asya”, “Spring Waters” and “First Love” was carried out. We found out that the prototypes of the heroines were real girls who occupied an important place in the writer’s biography, who at one time influenced the formation of his personality, and also reflected those wonderful features of the “ideal” female character that he admired all his life. “Turgenev’s girl” is a capacious and broad concept, these are ideal collective images female beauty, femininity and purity, despite many differences in life circumstances.Over the course of a century and a half, the image of the “Turgenev girl” has changed a lot; in modern society one should not look for girls who fully meet the trends of the 19th century. In Turgenev’s time there were no such morals as in our time. But everyone wants to experience wonderful feelings; a person has always had and will always have all the bright feelings, regardless of the time and level of development of society. Having made a comparative analysis in our work of the main characteristics of the life of girls of the 19th and 21st centuries, we identified the same or similar characteristics and came to the conclusion that, despite the changed social conditions of life, there will be a place for such girls at any time.

In the practical part of our work, we conducted a survey among ninth-graders, as representatives of modern youth, in order to find out what qualities are relevant in our society. The results showed that modern girls and women are more concerned with the development of business qualities than creative ones, but “ideal” family feminine qualities are more valuable among the male part of society.

Having analyzed all the work done, we came to the conclusion that the qualities of the women we admired great classic, modern society is undergoing changes. The appearance of modern young ladies is strikingly different from the image of the “Turgenev girl”; this is dictated by the spirit of the times. But our hypothesis that, despite the dramatically changed social conditions of life, many qualities of the “Turgenev girl” are relevant and in demand in our time, is confirmed. “Turgenev’s girls”, who descended from the world of dreams and daydreams into real earthly life, will have a place at any time.




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