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Kukryniksy works. Kukryniksy artists caricatures. Significant works of the Kukryniksy

Kukryniksy Kukryniksy

(pseudonym based on the first syllables of their last names), a creative team of Soviet graphic artists and painters: Mikhail Vasilievich Kupriyanov (b. 1903), Porfiry Nikitich Krylov (b. 1902), Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov (b. 1903). People's Artists of the USSR (1958), full members of the USSR Academy of Arts (1947), Heroes of Socialist Labor (P. N. Krylov - since 1972, M. V. Kupriyanov and N. A. Sokolov - since 1973). Studied at the Moscow Vkhutemas-Vkhutein (between 1921-29). Working together since 1924, they appeared in newspapers and magazines (Pravda, Krokodil, etc.) with a new type of caricature, marked by acute topicality, a destructively caustic solution to the topic, and a cartoonish characterization of the characters (the Transport series, ink, 1933-34). The cartoons, posters and “TASS Windows” created by the Kukryniksy during the Great Patriotic War were extremely popular. Patriotic War 1941-45 (“We will mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, gouache, 1941; “Pliers in pincers,” 1941). Kukryniksy’s post-war satire, castigating warmongers, enemies of peace and socialism, also has significant political power (“Warmongers”, ink, 1953-57). Behind political cartoons and Kukryniksy's posters were awarded the USSR State Prize (1942) and the Lenin Prize (1965). The range of Kukryniksy’s creativity in the field of book illustration is wide - from sharp graphic grotesque (illustrations for the works of I. Ilf and E. Petrov “12 chairs”, ink, 1933 and 1966, and “The Golden Calf”, ink, watercolor, 1969; to “Lefty "N. S. Leskova, USSR State Prize, 1975) to lyrical and picturesque images (illustrations for “The Lady with a Dog” and other works by A. P. Chekhov, 1940-46, USSR State Prize, 1947; for the novels of M. Gorky "Foma Gordeev", 1948-49, USSR State Prize, 1950, and "Mother", 1950, USSR State Prize, 1951). In easel painting, the Kukryniksy, developing the traditions of Russian realistic art and sometimes using the techniques of their satirical graphics, turn to historical subjects (series "Old Masters", 1936-37, Tretyakov Gallery), denounce fascism ("The End". 1947-48; USSR State Prize , 1949), embody the theme of the heroism of the Soviet people ("Tanya", 1942-47, Tretyakov Gallery). Individually they work as portrait and landscape painters.

“Have I lost my ring? (and there are 22 divisions in the ring).” Ink, gouache. 1943. Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.

Illustration for the story by A.P. Chekhov “The Lady with the Dog.” Black watercolor. 1945 - 1946. Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.
Essays: Collection production, vol. 1-2-, M., 1984-. Literature: N. I. Sokolova, Kukryniksy, 2nd ed., M., 1975.

(Source: Popular art encyclopedia." Ed. Polevoy V.M.; M.: Publishing house " Soviet encyclopedia", 1986.)


(pseudonym based on the first syllables of their last names), a creative collaboration of three cartoonists and illustrators: Mikhail Vasilievich Kupriyanov (1903, Tetyushi, Tataria - 1991, Moscow); Krylov Porfiry Nikitich (1902, village of Shchelkunovo, Tula region - 1990, Moscow); Sokolov Nikolai Alexandrovich (1903, Moscow - 2000, ibid.). Studied at Moscow Vkhutemase – Vkhuteine(1921–29). Full members of the USSR Academy of Arts (1947), folk artists USSR (1958). We met while studying together at the graphic arts department of Vkhutemas, and then the three of us began working together, creating the first cartoons for newspapers and magazines. Since 1933 they worked for the newspaper Pravda.
Kukryniksy proved themselves in different genres: political poster, caricature, book illustrations, a historical picture. Kukryniksy’s cartoons always contain dramaturgically rich action, folk humor is widely used, tragedy and farce, tears and laughter are combined. Their bright posters inspired people during the Great Patriotic War (“We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, 1941, etc.). Based on personal impressions, the canvas “Flight of the Nazis from Novgorod” (1944–46) was created. The painting "The End" (1948) was painted in innovative genre satirical historical painting. In the 1940s–60s. The Kukryniksys worked fruitfully in the genre of book illustration (for “The Lady with the Dog” by A.P. Chekhov, 1945–46; for the stories of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, 1937–39; illustrations stylized as 19th-century popular prints for “Lefty” N. S. Leskova, to “The Golden Calf” and “12 Chairs” by I. A. Ilf and E. P. Petrov, 1967–69, etc.). While creating numerous caricatures and caricatures together, the artists never stopped working individually: they wrote picturesque portraits and landscapes.
The Kukryniksy left a bright and noticeable mark on history Soviet caricature. Masterly draftsmen, keen observers, they had an unsurpassed sense of humor and style.

(Source: “Art. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Edited by Prof. Gorkin A.P.; M.: Rosman; 2007.)

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    Kukryniksy- Kukryniksy. I lost my ring... 1943. KUKRYNIKSY (pseudonym based on the first syllables of their last names), a creative team of Russian graphic artists and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilievich (1903 91), Krylov Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolai ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (pseudonym based on the first syllables of their last names), a creative team of Russian graphic artists and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilievich (1903 91), Krylov Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolai Alexandrovich (born in 1903). Topical cartoons on topics... Modern encyclopedia

    - (pseudonym based on the first syllables of their last names) a creative team of graphic artists and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilievich (1903 91), Krylov Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolai Alexandrovich (b. 1903). Full members of the USSR Academy of Arts (1947), people's... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (pseudonym based on the first syllables of the last name and the last name), a creative team of graphic artists and painters: Kupriyanov Mikhail Vasilievich (1903 91), Krylov Porfiry Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nikolai Alexandrovich (born 1903). People's Artists of the USSR... ...Russian History

    Kukryniksy- Kupriyanov, Krylov, Nikolai Sokolov collective pseudonym Soviet artists cartoonists of the USSR... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    This term has other meanings, see Kukryniksy (meanings). “We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, the first military poster of the Kukryniksy, 1941 (Hitler tore up the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany ... Wikipedia

    - (pseudonym based on the first syllables of last names) creative team of Soviet graphic artists and painters: Mikhail Vasilievich Kupriyanov [b. 8(21).10.1903, Tetyushi, now Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic], Krylov Porfiry Nikitich [b. 9(22).8.1902, village of Shchelkunovo, now... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    KUKRYNIKSY- Creative team of artists, masters of Russian caricature of the 20th century. The team, named after the first letters of the surnames of its members (as well as the name of one of the participants), included: Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov, Porfiry Nikitich Krylov, ... ... Linguistic and regional dictionary

    Kukryniksy- pseudonym of three artists. Kupriyanov Mikh. You. (1903 91), Krylov Porf. Nikitich (1902 90), Sokolov Nik. Al al. (1903 2000) adv. artists of the USSR (1958), actual. member Academy of Arts of the USSR (1947). Studied at VKHUTEMAS VKHUTEIN (Moscow, 1921 29), began joint... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

The famous Soviet poet Alexander Zharov recalls that in 1925, when he was the editor of a youth magazine, three art students once came into his office and offered their services. “What can you draw?” asked Zharov. Then the young people immediately got down to business and, in the process of working, passing the drawing on to one another, quickly sketched several apt caricatures of the writers present, which aroused general admiration. Since then, sharp and expressive drawings by young authors, signed with the compound surname Kukryniksy, began to appear regularly in the magazine.

This was at the dawn of our joint creative activity talented Soviet artists Mikhail Vasilyevich Kupriyanov, Porfiry Nikitich Krylov and Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov.

The Kukryniksy’s creativity amazes with its diversity. Thoughtful artists work with inspiration and persistence on large paintings, caricatures, posters, book illustrations, and even sculptural portrait achieving high results in every art form. The extraordinary relevance of the subject matter, the ideological orientation and clarity of the content, the originality and laconicism of the artistic language - these clearly visible advantages of the Kukryniksy’s works make them understandable to the widest circle of Soviet viewers and readers.

Caricatures by artists Kukryniksy

Being gifted painters, the Kukryniksys, first and foremost, are the most prominent masters of Soviet political graphics, artistic satire. It is difficult to name at least one significant event in international life from the 30s to the present day that would not have caused a corresponding response in their work.

At one time, Kukryniksy’s cartoons mercilessly exposed the conspiracy of the imperialist powers against Republican Spain, the preparations for the Second World War (“Scheme for strict control of Spanish borders,” “Continuation last war"and others). In these, as in all other works, artists act as exponents of the views and interests of our people, who tirelessly fight for world peace.

Kukryniksy performs with no less success in the region everyday satire. Their blows are directed against everything that is outdated, inert and ugly, which hinders the movement of the Soviet people towards a wonderful future. From the extensive series of works by Kukryniksy on household topics It is worth highlighting the series “Transport”, the drawings “Never-ending Day Off”, “Office Note”, “Toadstools” (about young people subservient to foreignness).

Kukryniksy's cartoons are so unique in form that the viewer immediately recognizes their authors without even looking at the signature. Inexhaustible in artistic invention and inventiveness, the Kukryniksy are able to recreate for us with a few bold and precise lines the appearance of one or another political degenerate (Stolypin, Kerensky, Wrangel), to show the typical in the images of a bureaucrat, a swindler, a grabber. The sophistication of Kukryniksov’s graphics is a striking example of great importance collectivity in creativity: each artist proposes his own solution to the topic, during the discussion the best is selected from them, and then all the forces of the team are directed to developing the final version.

WWII posters in the works of Kukryniksy

Still fresh in our memory are the numerous posters in “TASS Windows” created by the Kukryniksy during the harsh years of the fight against fascist invaders: “We will mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, “Transformation of the Krauts”, “Volga Cliff”, “Harvesting is a formidable blow to the enemy” and others. Responding to the most pressing tasks of the time, extremely expressive, they were a powerful ideological weapon, giving even more more strength Soviet soldiers at the front and the working population in the rear.

On the pages of Pravda, Krokodil and other Soviet publications, sharp caricatures of the Kukryniks invariably appeared, pillorying troubadours cold war and their accomplices. In 1958-1959, cartoons “The Berlin Question”, “The Militant Parrot” and others were published. In No. 2 of “Crocodile” for 1960, dedicated to the memory of A.P. Chekhov, the witty caricature “Intruder on an International Scale” is memorable: West German Chancellor Adenauer diligently unscrews the nuts from the rails, which have a sign “Towards Peaceful Coexistence”.

Paintings by artists Kukryniksy

Veliky Novgorod in January 1944. Against the backdrop of a gloomy sky, a majestic bulk rises St. Sophia Cathedral. The wreckage of the barbarically destroyed monument “Millennium of Russia” sticks out from under the snow. Hitler’s soldiers are fussily rushing around the buildings with torches. Forced under mighty blows Soviet army shameful to run away from ancient city, in impotent anger they are trying to destroy the priceless treasures of Russian culture.

This is the content of the widely known paintings by Kukryniksy"Flight of the Nazis from Novgorod." Despite the dramatic tension of the moment, well conveyed by the contrasts of dark and light spots, the picture is imbued with an optimistic mood. The artists were able to show in it the complete doom of the degenerates who intended to enslave our socialist Motherland.

Other paintings by Kukryniksy, dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, are also imbued with a patriotic feeling - “Tanya”, “Truth”, “The End”.

In the last picture in the images of a large artistic power shows the inglorious death of Hitlerism, in the defeat of which the Soviet Union played a decisive role.

By illustrating the works of Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chekhov and Gorky, the artists strive to fully reveal to the reader the humanistic orientation of great Russian literature. The most successful in this regard are the Kukryniksy’s drawings for Gogol’s “The Overcoat” and Chekhov’s stories “Tosca” and “I Want to Sleep.”

It should be noted that each of the Kukryniks has a bright creative individuality and works a lot independently. Thus, M. Kupriyanov is especially fascinated by the landscapes of the Moscow region and the Volga, P. Krylov performed many portraits and perfectly conveyed the picturesque originality of Paris, Rome and Venice, and N. Sokolov lovingly depicts the life of his native Moscow and the touching beauty of Russian nature. Continuously enriching their knowledge and experience, artists combine them in one or another common plan, persistently achieving in each new work greater completeness of the plot and its artistic embodiment.

How many artists are there in Kukryniksy?

What does the pseudonym “Kukryniksy” mean - transcript

*The pseudonym “Kukryniksy” is made up of the first syllables of the surnames of Kupriyanov and Krylov, as well as the first three letters of the first name and the first letter of the surname of Nikolai Sokolov.

Years of life

*Mikhail Vasilievich Kupriyanov 1903-1991

Porfiry Nikitich Krylov 1902-1990

Nikolai Alexandrovich Sokolov 1903-2000 (source - Wikipedia)

Tags: biography and creativity of artists Kukryniksy.

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The nickname “Kukryniksy” is made up of the first syllables of surnames Ku Priyanova and Kry fishing, as well as first three letters of the first name and the first letter of the last name Nick Olaya WITH Okolova. The turn to political satire was made by the Kukryniksy under the influence of Gorky. In his article for the catalog of the exhibition organized in 1932 at the Federation Club Soviet writers, Alexey Maksimovich not only paid tribute to their talent, but also determined the main social direction for the development of their future work. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Kukryniks’ skill had reached maturity. Their satirical graphics became powerful weapon Soviet propaganda, received national recognition and international fame. Whatever the Kukryniksy did before June 22, 1941, whatever they did later, the main thing in their lives is what they did during the 1418 days of the Great Patriotic War. The Kukryniksy entered the battle along with millions Soviet people as soon as they heard about the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union. They themselves recalled the beginning of the war and their military art service: “We immediately go to the editorial office of Pravda.” Everyone on the bus is excited. A woman is trying to hold back her sobs. At Pravda, all the employees are already assembled. We were greeted with the words: “Now the three of you will have work!” Returning home from the editorial office, we immediately sat down to work and made two sketches. One drawing depicted a Red Army soldier piercing with a bayonet Hitler, who had torn up the non-aggression pact against the USSR. Another caricature - Hitler faces the fate of Napoleon, who was defeated in his time.

“Both of our sketches were approved. On the morning of the next day, the posters went to the printing house, and on the third day of the war they were posted on the streets of various cities across the country.” This poster is remembered to this day by millions of people. An angry, fiery red Red Army soldier rushes with a bayonet at the ready at an unimaginable reptile in its abomination - Hitler. The poster called: “We will mercilessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”. It remains in memory as the first work that ushered in the era of art during the Great Patriotic War. The poster set the right tone for all Soviet isosatire and the creativity of the Kukryniksy themselves.

The enemy was studied in the pre-war years. And from the first days of the war, the Kukryniksy began to “beat” the enemy, clearly realizing his criminal goals and inhuman essence.

There has probably never been such a general creative upsurge among cultural masters as during the Great Patriotic War. Their inspiration became the weapon of a besieged country. Satirist artists dealt tangible blows to the enemy. Using specific means of satirical graphics, they recreated the history of fascism in phantasmagoric but objectively accurate images, dealt crushing blows to it, its ideology and practice, and put an end to it with a kind of reportage from the Nuremberg trials.

The Kukryniksy also subordinated their lives to the interests of war and the coming victory. They understood: for an artist, a figure of Soviet culture, there is no higher task than the fight against fascism and the defense of the Motherland. People stayed in the Pravda editorial office until late at night. The discipline and deep mutual understanding that developed in peaceful days, that amazing creative friendship that for many years amazed everyone who dealt with the Kukryniksy, helped out and contributed to successful work.

Once in their commune apartment (having evacuated their families, the Kukryniksy, for the convenience of work, settled together, as in student years) Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak entered. “...Very excited,” Kukryniksy recalls, “he began to talk about how good it would be these days to combine poetry and drawing. Of course, we liked this proposal, and the very next day we sat at the table spread to all the boards, not the three of us, but the four of us.”

The joint work of the Kukryniks and Marshak took place in an atmosphere of mutual exactingness.

“Samuel Yakovlevich looks at the drawings. He likes it, but he is afraid that the subtlety and sharpness of the lines will be lost when done with ink. We are mutually worried: he is for the drawing, we are for the poetry. In his cartoons, Marshak praises the use of everyday trifles. We notice: the shorter the verses, the stronger it turns out. They are more difficult to write. Marshak composed several versions, until the following poems came out:

During the day the fascist said to the peasants:

- Off your hat!

At night he gave it to the partisans

A helmet and head.

Or (text for the famous poster):

We fight great

Kolem desperately -

Grandchildren of Suvorov,

Children of Chapaev.

Here are short poems under the cartoons on the wrappers of food concentrates produced in millions of copies:

- Look - the Russians have porridge, Let's eat porridge!

- Sorry, our porridge is not about your honor.

Or these lines (on tobacco packages):

Shag is dear to a fighter, Smoke and smoke the enemy!

“During air raids, the three of us went out on duty in the yard, wearing gas masks. The duty officers usually tried to take Marshak to the shelter. He always resisted:

I want to be with the Kukryniks in the yard!”

The collaboration of artists with the poet brought many creative successes. Caricature and poster were truly high genres in the hierarchy of tasks that fell on the Kukryniksy.

The main ideological task of all their work in 1941 - asserting moral superiority over the enemy, strengthening people's faith in mandatory victory, awakening the memory of the great victories of their ancestors - was determined by the requirements of the historical moment.

In August 1941, Pravda “hit” with a whole salvo of artists’ drawings. Were published

"Goebbels' bonanza",

"Arap Tales of the German High Command",

“A cannibal vegetarian, or two sides of the same coin”,

"Fascist kennel".

The cartoons made me laugh. And laughter, as one of the heroes of A. Beck’s book “Volokolamsk Highway” notes, is the most serious matter at the front. When laughter comes to the battlefield, to the front line, fear flies away from there.”

The epic of 1941 ends with a wonderful poster "Ticks to Ticks",

rightfully included in the number classical works Soviet satirical journalism. The poster is laconic and expressive. Hitler's paws in the form of disgusting claws are intercepted by red pincers. It feels like the hands holding them have an iron grip. This is how artists responded to the failure of Hitler’s adventure near Moscow and to the victorious counter-offensive of the Soviet Army.

Success near Moscow was a guarantee of hope for the Soviet Army and our people in the most difficult days of 1942. After the defeat of the fascist hordes on the approaches to the capital, the satirical works of artists intensified the mood of cheerfulness and confidence in victory.

The last months of 1942 became a turning point in the course of the war. In the bend of the Don and at the walls of Stalingrad, the Soviet Army turned the wheel of history. To the hardest days Battle of Stalingrad refers to drawing “There is a cliff on the Volga...”

A banner with the victorious sounding word “Stalingrad” flutters on a powerful rock. The waves of the fascist offensive crash against the base of a granite rock. Military equipment and ranks of attacking soldiers turn into water splashes. In the foam of the surf are machine gears, iron crosses, boots, spurs, gun barrels and glasses of unlucky warriors.

The year 1943 arrived. The military-political situation at the beginning continued to remain difficult. It was clear that the Nazis would seek revenge for the defeat at Stalingrad. Because of this, further mobilization of all the forces of the Soviet people was required to continue the fight against the fascists, to strengthen the spirit of our army and inspire home front workers. Cartoonists continued to flawlessly fulfill their duty to the people and country.

The name Kukryniksy became near and dear to millions of people who fought for victory. Letters from front-line soldiers came to Pravda and Krokodil, the most valuable reviews that the Kukryniksys had ever received. They carefully store these triangles. Here are some of them. Fyodor Vasilyevich Tyulenev writes: “Hello, our dear artists Kukryniksy! We received "Front Illustration". Your artwork is posted there. "History with Geography".

We all, and there are many of us, looked at this drawing after a successful battle, and we all had to have fun. We laughed and there were conversations that it was drawn very accurately and fairly.” Yuri Panteleevich Poluyakh reported: “We really loved your drawings, which are published in our newspapers and magazines. When you look at your work, you just want to spit at the vile faces of the fascist executioners... And only the consciousness that this is a work of complex art, the art of caricature, keeps us from such an act.” Another yellowed leaf: “Laughter sounds in our little cold dugout. These are the soldiers laughing, looking at the cartoons of the Kukryniks. Your work reaches us, and for that we thank you.” And here is the order: “Work, work for the good of our Motherland. Your cartoons bring us special joy.”

From the active army they sent subjects for cartoons, texts of signatures, requests for drawings for front-line printing. Was there any greater encouragement for artists in those days than these precious sheets of paper? The Kukryniksy felt like truly folk artists, inseparable from the “man with a gun” who rose up against the hated enemy. Their imaginative artistic commentary on Hitler's defeats and our victories in 1943 is amazingly passionate and convincing. They came up with new stories, did not accept cliches or easy solutions, knowing that in every situation, in every event there were possibilities for an original interpretation.

In August 1943, an exhibition of works by the Kukryniks opened in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery. On the poster, three brushes in the hands of the artists formed the likeness of three bayonets, bringing death to the enemy. The main focus of the exhibition is their combat satire. For the first time, an easel series of graphic cartoons of the leaders of Nazi Germany and their foreign henchmen was shown.

The Kukryniksy’s interest in the figure of Hitler was not self-sufficient. The Fuhrer in Kukryniksy’s cartoons always personifies fascism, aggressive German imperialism, Prussian arrogance, and national swagger.

This is why Hitler became a symbol of the madness, blunders and defeats of the Reich. Hitler, riding Antonescu, rushes to the sea along the famous Odessa stairs (“On the Odessa Stairs”), he and Goebbels dance “Elastic Krakowiak” near Krakow, he also accompanies the Spanish dictator (“Spanish Neutral Tenor”).

In one of the cartoons "End of the game"

The Kukryniksy portrayed the German General Staff as hapless gamblers. In accordance with the traditions of the officers' meeting, one of the losers shoots.

On a sheet "At the Gates of East Prussia",

where Hitler is depicted holding out binoculars to the general with a request to find out how far away the Russian front is, the general replies: “It is so close, alas, that I am already without a head!” The saber of a Soviet warrior blows the general's head off his shoulders.

It is noteworthy that in this grotesque drawing, the Kukryniksy objectively inform readers about the emerging situation in the high command of the German army - it was actually beheaded.

In 1944, artists made several drawings marking the approaching denouement. Wonderful drawing - "Peak Position".

On playing card“King of Spades” - Hitler, model 1941, holds Mussolini’s head as a scepter, his other hand rests on the globe. The second half of the map shows Hitler in 1944, overthrown and deprived of his satellites.

On February 23, 1945, the Soviet people celebrated the 27th anniversary of the Red Army and Navy. How could the Fuhrer meet such a day? The Kukryniksy knew this. Hitler says goodbye to his general's uniform, the Iron Cross and the Prussian cap ( "The Night Before Judgment").

He has two options for exiting the game - escape (suitcase in hand) or suicide (coffin tied with straps). There is no third way. This is also evidenced by the arrows of the Soviet Army's strikes aimed at Berlin, indicated on the map.

The idea of ​​historical justice, long-awaited retribution drives the Kukryniksy’s work in last days Great Patriotic War. "History with Geography"

a poster built on the principle: how it was and how it will be. At the top there is a picture of Hitler with a globe instead of his body.

Geographic grid

He wanted to turn it into a vest.

So that it has a colorful pattern

Countless seas and mountains.

Once upon a time, the French king Louis XIV told his courtiers: “I am the state!” The Fuhrer claimed absolute mastery of the world: he himself was a globe with his hand raised in a fascist salute. In the second part of the poster, the Kukryniksy propose a project for keeping the fascist beast in a cage, the bars of which repeat the shape of parallels and meridians.

And he himself ended up, as if in a cage,

In a geographic grid.

He can't escape the cage.

Like an animal, he sits locked up.

Artists respond to the final operation of the war with drawings "Defeated Berlin".

A victorious red banner flutters over the smoking ruins of Berlin. Its shaft penetrates deep and strikes with lightning at the crown of Hitler, hiding in the dungeon. “Defeated Berlin” brings to mind another work that turned out to be prophetic: we mean the first poster of the Great Patriotic War, “We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, where a red fighter struck a blow at the fascist reptile that had invaded the borders of our Motherland.

Victory Day Kukryniksy, in the words of a famous song, “brought closer as best they could.” How many drawings, posters, leaflets have been made - more than a thousand! The artists were soldiers who wielded sharp and effective weapons. It was universal in nature: their works inspired army soldiers and home front workers, penetrated into territory occupied by the enemy, and charged citizens of the enslaved countries of Europe with faith and hope.

The Soviet government appreciated the work of the artists - they were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

Mikhail Kupriyanov (1903-1991), Porfiry Krylov (1902-1990) and Nikolai Sokolov (1903-2000).

Biography of the team

Three artists worked using the method of collective creativity (each also worked individually - on portraits and landscapes). They became most famous for their numerous skillfully executed caricatures and cartoons, as well as book illustrations created in a characteristic caricature style.

The joint creativity of the Kukryniks began during their student years at the Higher Art and Technical Workshops. Artists came to Moscow VKHUTEMAS from different parts of the Soviet Union. Kupriyanov from Kazan, Krylov from Tula, Sokolov from Rybinsk. In 1922, Kupriyanov and Krylov met and began working together in the wall newspaper of VKHUTEMAS as Kukry and Krykup. At this time, Sokolov, still living in Rybinsk, signed Nix on his drawings. In 1924, he joined Kupriyanov and Krylov, and the three of them worked in the wall newspaper as Kukryniksy)

The group was searching for a new unified style that would use the skills of each of the authors. Heroes were the first to come under the pen of cartoonists literary works. Later, when the Kukryniksys became permanent employees of the Pravda newspaper and the Krokodil magazine, they focused primarily on political cartoons. According to the recollections of the artist of the Krokodil magazine German Ogorodnikov, since the mid-1960s the Kukryniksys practically did not visit the magazine:

The Kukryniksys have almost never been to Krokodil. Never been! I don't remember the incident. Sokolov was only there once, but I never saw Krylov, and I never saw Kupriyanov either. But I worked since 1965, so maybe there were before me, but I never saw them on our floor.

The milestone works for Kukryniksy were grotesque topical cartoons on topics of domestic and international life (the series “Transport”, “Warmongers”, -), propaganda, including anti-fascist, posters (“We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, 1941) , illustrations for the works of Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin (), Anton Chekhov (-), Maxim Gorky (“The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Foma Gordeev”, “Mother”, 1933, -), Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov (“ The Golden Calf"), Miguel Cervantes (Don Quixote).

A significant moment in creativity was the military poster “We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!” He was one of the first to appear on the streets of Moscow in June - immediately after the attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR.
The Kukryniksy went through the entire war: their leaflets accompanied Soviet soldiers all the military road to Berlin. In addition, the series of posters “TASS Windows” was very popular.

They became classics of Soviet political caricature, which they understood as a weapon in the fight against the political enemy, and did not at all recognize other trends in art and caricature, which were fully manifested primarily in the new format of the Literary Newspaper (the humor department of the 12-Chair Club ). Their political cartoons, often published in the Pravda newspaper, belong to the best examples of this genre (“Ticks in Ticks”, “I Lost a Ring...”, “Back at the Eagle, Responsible in Rome”, “Wall-haircut”, “Lion’s share”, series of drawings “Warmongers”, etc.). The team owns numerous political posters (“The Transformation of the Krauts”, “People Warn”, etc.). The Kukryniksy are also known as painters and masters of easel drawing. They are the authors of the films “Morning”, “Tanya”, “Flight of the Germans from Novgorod”, “The End” (1947-1948), “Old Masters” (1936-1937). They made pastel drawings - “I. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov", "I. V. Stalin in Kureika”, “Barricades on Presnya in 1905”, “Chkalov on the island of Udd” and others.

The members of the team also worked separately - in the field of portrait and landscape.

Works and exhibitions

Extensive collection artwork, written by the Kukryniks, was collected in the private collection of the Mamontov family.

The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve has been exhibiting posthumous exhibition, dedicated to Victory Day “History through the eyes of the Kukryniks. 1928-1945. Military poster. Caricature. Painting. Graphic arts"


Our team, to tell the truth, consists of four artists: Kupriyanov, Krylov, Sokolov and Kukryniksy. All three of us treat the latter with great care and concern. What was created by the collective could not be mastered by any of us individually.

... Creative disputes occur in isolated cases, but they do not violate unanimity in the work. But it is joyful to see how one of ours is enriched general work bringing into it the best that each of us has. And everyone contributes, without sparing or saving it for themselves personally. In such work there should be no painful pride or indifferent attitude.

Kemenov V. S. Articles about art. - M., 1965. - P. 104-105.

Kukryniksy in art

  • Painting “Kukryniksy” (Portrait of People’s Artists of the USSR M. V. Kupriyanov, P. N. Krylov, N. A. Sokolov) (1957)

A creative team of Soviet graphic artists and painters, which included full members of the USSR Academy of Arts, People's Artists of the USSR (1958), Heroes of Socialist Labor Mikhail Kupriyanov (1903–1991), Porfiry Krylov (1902–1990) and Nikolai Sokolov (1903–2000) .

The pseudonym “Kukryniksy” is made up of the first syllables of the surnames of Kupriyanov and Krylov, as well as the first three letters of the first name and the first letter of the surname of Nikolai Sokolov. The artists always worked together, and this was the phenomenon of their collective creativity. The greatest fame of “Kukryniksy” came from numerous skillfully executed caricatures, cartoons, posters and book illustrations, created in a characteristic satirical style.

The joint creativity of the Kukryniks began during their student years at the Higher Art and Technical Workshops. Artists came to Moscow VKHUTEMAS from different parts of the USSR. Kupriyanov from Kazan, Krylov from Tula, Sokolov from Rybinsk. In 1922, Kupriyanov and Krylov met and began working together in the wall newspaper of VKHUTEMAS as Kukry and Krykup. At this time, Sokolov, still living in Rybinsk, signed Nix on his drawings. In 1924, he joined Kupriyanov and Krylov, and since then the three of them worked as Kukryniksy.

At first creative path The group was searching for a new unified style that used the skills of each of the authors. The first to come under the pen of caricaturists were the heroes of literary works. Later, when the Kukryniksys became permanent employees of the Pravda newspaper and the Krokodil magazine, they focused primarily on political cartoons.

Big role in patriotic education Soviet people were played by caricatures, posters and “TASS Windows” created by the Kukryniksy during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, combining evil satire and heroism in symbolically generalized images (“We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, 1941). The post-war works of Kukryniksy, which expose warmongers, imperialists, enemies of peace and socialism, also have significant political power. For political cartoons and posters, Kukryniksy was awarded the USSR State Prize (1942) and the Lenin Prize (1965).

Kukryniksy's works are in almost all major museum collections in Russia; State Tretyakov Gallery, Russian state library, Rybinsk and Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Art Museums-Reserves, Tula Museum fine arts, private collections in Russia and abroad.

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