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Personal account of the insured person of the pension fund. Registration of an individual entrepreneur in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as an employer. Getting health insurance

An individual entrepreneur, like an ordinary employee, must pay contributions to the pension fund. The difference is that these funds are transferred to the account of a full-time employee automatically; more precisely, this is done by the employer. The amount is invisible to him, since he did not hold it in his hands and it was not credited to the card.

In the case of an individual entrepreneur, you have to make these deductions yourself, so they are more noticeable for your wallet.

Many entrepreneurs want to bypass this procedure, but the right move is still regular payments. Both from the point of view of compliance with the rules, and for your future - a secure old age. In addition, even if you decide to accidentally “forget” about registering with the pension fund, this will be a violation of the law. Also, individual entrepreneurs are required to pay contributions for their employees, if any. This is required of him by the labor code.

In the future, after several months of doing business, legal nuances will seem like a trifle, but at the beginning of the journey a lot of questions arise. For example, when and how to register an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and what documents need to be submitted there. Businessmen are also interested in how long it will take.

Features of registration

Documents are submitted at the place of registration. Find the Pension Fund office in your area. If the place of business activity and registration do not coincide, then the issue is resolved in individually. Although it is necessary to register with a pension where a person is registered, in some cases (the same as when registering an individual entrepreneur) people calmly do this at a place of residence that does not coincide with their registration.

How much will you have to pay? This question worries many, especially those who are not yet sure that their idea will really bring in good money.

The rate for transfers to the Russian Pension Fund is fixed and will be calculated and assigned after submitting documents. On the one hand, this is convenient - even with a very good profit, you won’t have to give away a huge percentage. On the other hand, even in times of calm you will need to pay this bill.

Pay dues for this year needed between January 1st and December 31st. They can be paid monthly or once, including the full amount for the entire period at the very beginning of January, if that is more convenient for you. Payment at the end of the year is also not prohibited. In any case, the receipts must be kept for presentation to the Pension Fund in the next period.

In general, you, like any citizen of the country, have the right to add additional funds to make your pension more impressive in the future. The same applies to employees, only they pay additional contributions themselves.

ABOUT fixed contributions, including the Pension Fund of Russia, a specialist tells in the video.

Deadlines for submitting documents

According to all the rules, the tax office and Rosstat must send notifications to individual entrepreneurs that he is obliged to register with the Pension Fund. However, it happens that such letters do not arrive or are not sent at all, so you should not wait long for them. Collect the documents and do everything without reminders.

You will have to register both as an employer (if you have employees) and for yourself. For this there are certain deadlines registration of individual entrepreneurs with the Pension Fund of Russia; their violation may be punishable by a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles. Compliance with them is especially important if you are an employer. Then the maximum period for submitting documents to the Pension Fund from the date of conclusion of the contract with your employee is 30 days.

And the Pension Fund has the opportunity to immediately submit documents to a “single window”, where they will be accepted for consideration by three organizations: the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund (insurance) and the Federal Migration Service (medical insurance). This way you can at least halve the number of visits to the department pension fund.

Required documents

Below is a list of documents that an individual entrepreneur must submit to the pension fund. At the same time, it can be supplemented with other papers, for example, such as an application to the Pension Fund for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

You must provide photocopies of the following documents to register an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund:

  • passports, where the main page and the registration page must be made on one sheet;
  • SNILS (insurance certificate);
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificates;
  • a certificate confirming the registration of the individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities.

It also makes sense, if possible, to take all of these original documents with you in case you need additional copies. Review may take up to 5 days. After this, you receive a notification document about registration in the pension fund and details for which you need to deposit funds.

If you work for yourself, and no assistants are expected in the near future, then you can limit yourself to submitting documents as described above. But if you plan to hire assistants or remain only a manager, then you need to register the individual entrepreneur as an employer in the pension fund.

In this case, you should additionally submit a similar package of documents (listed in previous section copies) plus the employment contract itself. You may have to visit the Pension Fund more than once for this purpose, since employees may change.

Registration Notice

Notification of registration of an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of Russia can be received when submitting documents in about half an hour or even less. In some cases, review may take up to several days.

The above procedures are valid for those who have already registered an individual entrepreneur and now want to register with a pension. If you have not yet become an individual entrepreneur, then you can submit everything necessary documents simultaneously with the submission of an application for registration of individual entrepreneurs. Then you will receive a notification immediately.

On the official website of the Russian Pension Fund it is possible to create a personal account, from where you can view all transactions and stay up to date. You can also ask questions to consultants there.

About online calculator which will help you calculate insurance premiums in the Pension Fund of Russia is described in the video. Enjoy watching!

Chapter 3 Civil Code Russian Federation established that every adult and capable citizen has the right to conduct entrepreneurial activity and register as an individual entrepreneur (IP).

In addition, registration of an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, subject to the consent of the parents and the decision of the guardianship authorities or the court, can be carried out by adolescents aged 14 years and older. It is impossible to combine entrepreneurial activity and service to employees of state, municipal bodies and security services, and the military.

Federal law“On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” No. 167-FZ dated December 15, 2001 established the basics of compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation. Individual entrepreneurs must pay insurance “pension” contributions both for themselves and for their employees. We will consider further how an individual entrepreneur can register with the Pension Fund of Russia as an insurer in 2018.

How to register an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, a citizen submits an application and all documents necessary for registration to the tax service. Within 3 days, the entrepreneur is entered into the unified register of individual entrepreneurs (USRIP) and is issued a certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Data about the new individual entrepreneur is automatically sent to the Pension Fund from the Federal Tax Service. Registration of an individual entrepreneur as an insurer with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out within 3 days from the moment the Fund receives information from the tax authorities (clause 1, clause 1, article 11 of Law No. 167-FZ).

The Pension Fund sends confirmation of registration and registration number to the entrepreneur via the Internet at email address Individual entrepreneur, if it was indicated in the documents during registration, or using the State Services portal. Receiving a paper version of the confirmation is not necessary, but an entrepreneur can apply for it at a branch of the Fund and receive it in hand within 3 working days (Clause 2 of Article 11 of Law No. 167-FZ).

How to register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation as an individual employer

According to Art. 20 Labor Code Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur has the right to use the hired labor of other workers. Being an employer, providing jobs to people and contracting employment contracts, the entrepreneur makes insurance payments for hired employees. The amount and procedure for calculating insurance premiums is regulated by Ch. 34 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The future accrual of pensions and other benefits to the entrepreneur and his employees depends on how timely the individual entrepreneur pays contributions. Art. 122 of the Tax Code provides for the liability of individual entrepreneurs for late payments of insurance premiums.

Should an individual entrepreneur register with the Pension Fund as an employer?

Before the transfer of administration of insurance pension contributions to the Federal Tax Service, an individual entrepreneur who had concluded at least one employment, civil law or copyright agreement was obliged to contact the Pension Fund within 30 days and provide documents confirming his status as an employer, including an identity card and copies of concluded agreements . As an employer, the entrepreneur received another registration number from the Pension Fund.

From January 1, 2017, when the Federal Tax Service became responsible for insurance premiums, self-registration of policyholders-employers (including individual entrepreneurs) was no longer necessary. Registration of an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund as an employer since 2017 is carried out without his participation. Tax officials receive information about the availability of hired personnel from the reporting on insurance premiums submitted by the entrepreneur (Article 431 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Guided by the agreement on information interaction dated November 30, 2016, the data received from the calculation of insurance premiums are electronically sent by the Federal Tax Service to the Pension Fund within the established time frame (letter of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2017 No. BS-4-11/1628).

In the reporting that the entrepreneur-employer (SZV-M, SZV-STAZH) will submit for his employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, he must indicate the only registration number of the policyholder that the Pension Fund assigned to him during initial registration.

Do individual entrepreneurs need registration with the Social Insurance Fund?

The insurance premium for insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases is still paid to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, therefore registration with the Social Insurance Fund for the individual entrepreneur as its payer has not been cancelled.

To do this, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to submit an application within 30 days after the conclusion of the first contract (labor or civil law nature) and Required documents to the territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and register as an employer (Article 6 of Law No. 125-FZ of July 24, 1998).

If this is not done within the specified period, the entrepreneur will receive a fine of 5 thousand rubles. If the registration period is exceeded by 90 days or more, the fine will be 10 thousand rubles (Article 26.28 of Law No. 125-FZ).

Within 5 working days, the entrepreneur will receive confirmation of his registration and data on the amount of the insurance rate for contributions for “injuries” from the Social Insurance Fund.

So, we found out whether an individual entrepreneur needs to register with the Pension Fund. If an individual entrepreneur works in his business alone without hiring employees, then he does not need to visit the Pension Fund, since registration of an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation without employees occurs automatically, using electronic document flow between the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

An individual entrepreneur with employees also does not have to register with the Pension Fund on their own - the tax authorities will receive information about this from the entrepreneur’s reporting and will themselves transfer it to the Pension Fund.

To gain access to the electronic services of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you just need to go through a short registration on the website, or you can use the State Services service and log in through an existing account. If you decide to register, follow the instructions in this article.

Go to the official website of the Pension Fund at the link: http://www.pfrf.ru, among the tabs find the line “Electronic services”, click on it. On the page that appears, you will see a list of services for which registration is not required. You can use them and do without entering data to create account. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to have your own account on the portal so that next time you can use the services immediately, and not wait for identification confirmation for several days.

Open the “Citizen’s Personal Account” window and look at the list of services for registered citizens.

If you find the item you need, then proceed to registration.

To do this, scroll up the site with your mouse wheel and click on the top right field “Registration”.

Fill in all fields with your authentic information and click “Register”. If you already have an account on the State Services portal, then scroll down the page.

Here you will see a small blue “Login” link. Click on it.

The system will automatically redirect you to the login form of the State Services website. Enter your existing phone number and password to gain access. Click on the blue “Login” button.

As soon as you get to the site, open the “Service Catalog” tab at the very top of the service. By clicking on the “Entire catalogue” field you will find the services of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and use them without difficulty.

If you had to re-register your account on the State Services website, then at the end of registration you will need proof of identity. This can be done in many municipal institutions city, for example, at the post office or Rostelecom office. To view the nearest places, go to the official website using the link: https://esia.gosuslugi.ru/public/ra/ and select your city in the field above. Check the box next to which procedure you need to perform. IN this moment, this will be “Identity Confirmation”.

After contacting the selected office with a passport or other identification document, you will be printed out a special confirmation, which you need to keep with you until you receive an electronic notification that you have completed the full registration procedure.
After completing it, you can use the State Services service and receive any certificates and reports electronically.

After registering an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the tax authority, he needs to go through several more mandatory procedures to legalize his activities. One of these stages is the registration of individual entrepreneurs in the pension fund. The legally established period for completing this activity is three days. There are several basic points that self-employed citizens of the Russian Federation need to not only know, but also follow.

The procedure for registering with the Pension Fund of Russia

Regulatory act dated December 15, 2001 N 167-FZ established compulsory insurance citizens of the Russian Federation regarding pensions.

Therefore, after registering with the INFS, the individual entrepreneur was required to undergo an additional legalization procedure at the Pension Fund. But as of January 1, 2017, a change was made to the Legislation regarding the procedure for registering policyholders. And now you no longer need to register with the pension fund yourself. The Federal Tax Service Inspectorate sends information about newly formed enterprises to the designated authority, which, in turn, must assign a registration number to the individual entrepreneur within three days and notify it about this in writing.

If an entrepreneur hires personnel under a civil law contract or labor agreement, the order of the procedure changes.

So, within 30 days from the date of hiring the employee, the individual entrepreneur must submit the following list of documents to the pension fund:

  • entrepreneur's passport or a copy thereof;
  • application, approved form;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • copy of OGRNIP;
  • TIN photo;
  • copies work records formalized employees or agreements.

All scans of official papers, printed in advance, must be notarized, except for work books and contracts, which the individual entrepreneur himself confirms with his signature. If both originals and photocopies of documents are submitted to the fund, they can be certified in accordance with the established procedure, officials of the organization providing socially significant services to citizens.

An application to the Pension Fund for registration of an individual entrepreneur as an employer is drawn up in the following order:

After submitting a package of papers, the Pension Fund, within five working days, carries out the registration procedure and notifies the entrepreneur about the assigned policyholder status by sending it to his address registered letter.

An individual entrepreneur does not have to bring the necessary package of documents to the pension fund for registration as an employer. This can also be done by an employee of his organization. But in this case, the authorized representative must have with him confirmation of the right to conduct the procedure on behalf of the entrepreneur.

Government agencies always used great attention from citizens of the Russian Federation. Waiting in line takes up a lot of working time, which business people They are used much more usefully. But how can you quickly register as an individual entrepreneur with the Pension Fund of Russia and is it possible?

It is possible to significantly speed up the registration procedure thanks to the official website www.pfrf.ru, where there is a service - making an appointment in advance.

Let's bring step by step instructions performing this procedure “at home”:

This site allows you not only to speed up the registration of an individual entrepreneur in the specified fund, but also to order a certificate about the status of the personal account of a citizen of the Russian Federation, obtain information about formed pension rights and much other information related to the activities of the Pension Fund. Applications are also available for download here different forms which are used as a sample.

Additional features of the website www.pfrf.ru are available if you have a verified government services account. To register, you must enter the code received by mail. It arrives within approximately 14 calendar days from the date the form is filled out.

Consequences arising after assignment of policyholder status

Registration as an individual entrepreneur in the Pension Fund entails additional obligations to the state. These include the need to transfer insurance payments in the form of cash and provide reporting. Since 2017, control over the timely receipt of pension payments has been entrusted to the Federal Tax Service. Therefore, these transfers must be made to the tax office.

The size of the transferred amounts directly depends on the following conditions:

  1. The individual entrepreneur works independently, without hiring additional personnel.
  2. With the conclusion of labor or civil contracts.
  3. Amount of annual income.

If an entrepreneur operates as one person, then he must pay pension contributions only for himself.

From 01/01/2018, Federal Law No. 335-FZ dated November 27, 2017 adopted amendments regarding the amount of tariff payments to the Pension Fund, and they amounted to 26,545 rubles per year and 1% of income exceeding 300 thousand rubles. But the total payment for the year cannot exceed 212,360 rubles.

These transfers must be made for the entire existence of the individual entrepreneur, except for the periods defined in Article 34 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

These include:

  • period of residence with a spouse serving military service under a contract and inability to find a job for 5 years;
  • time spent on parental leave until the child reaches one and a half years of age;
  • period of care for a disabled person of group 1 or elderly citizens over eighty years of age;
  • moment of passing military service V Russian army on call.

But all these circumstances must be documented.

The deadline for transfers of mandatory payments for pension insurance for oneself is established: for fixed amounts in the amount of 26,545 rubles - until December 31 of the current calendar year, and for other transfers - no later than July 1 of the next year. Funds can be paid in one lump sum or in installments.

If an individual entrepreneur has registered as an employer, then, in addition to payments for himself, mandatory contributions for employees are added. Their size is 22% of the accrued remuneration of hired personnel. In addition to transfers to pension insurance, payments are made to the Social Insurance Fund and Compulsory Medical Insurance. If the total funds transferred to all government agencies exceed 1,021,000 rubles, entrepreneurs are exempt from paying pension contributions.

Transfers of funds for employees must be carried out monthly, no later than the fifteenth day following the billing month.
The work of an individual entrepreneur, without the involvement of additional personnel, frees the entrepreneur from the annual submission of final documentation to the Russian pension fund, provided that he is not a farmer. In another case, when the organization is peasant farm Submission of annual information, according to approved forms, to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is necessary.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur as an insurer-employer with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in 2019 obliges the entrepreneur to submit two reports to the specified fund:

  • form SZV-M;
  • information about the length of service of personnel (insurance).

As well as an additional form to the Federal Tax Service - data on accrued pension contributions - they are presented quarterly.

The report on insured persons (SZV-M) is provided monthly, until the 15th day of the next calendar month. And information about employees’ length of service (insurance) is made once a year, no later than March 1 of the next year.

If there are less than 25 employees registered as an individual entrepreneur, then mandatory reporting is allowed both in paper and electronic form. And for organizations with more than 25 employees, only the electronic version.

Providing summary information online

If the composition of the enterprise exceeds 25 staff members, then the employer is obliged to provide reports to the pension fund in electronic form, and up to 25 - at the request of the policyholder.

The paperless version is confirmed with a specialized signature (EDS), so there is no need to submit an additional printed version. It is easy to obtain authorization for an electronic digital signature at one of the accredited Certification Centers.

It is easy to fill out the required forms on the website www.pfrf.ru by logging into your personal account. It also provides the ability to check the generated report by installing free programs.

For the electronic version of summarizing the results of activities, there are several ways to transmit information:

  • by copying from removable media (flash drive);
  • provision of final reporting via the Internet.

The latter method requires preliminary preparation in the form of connecting to the electronic document flow in the Pension Fund of Russia. The transfer of information is carried out by telecom operators authorized for this type of activity. Their list is posted on the regional PF websites.

The procedure for joining EDF consists of several stages:

  1. An application is written to the pension fund for inclusion in the electronic reporting system.
  2. An agreement on the exchange of documents in EDF via the Internet is drawn up in two copies. Both papers are submitted to the Pension Fund for registration, then one, certified by a fund employee, is returned to the individual entrepreneur.

Samples specified documents are posted on the official website of the Pension Fund, and you can clarify the procedure for registering an electronic document by contacting the fund’s branches at your place of residence.

After concluding the appropriate agreement, they begin submitting electronic reports via the World Wide Web.

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  • filling out ready-made forms and generating final files;
  • checking the correctness of data entry;
  • correcting reported errors;
  • examination of prepared information by anti-virus programs;
  • signing an electronic signature;
  • sending electronic documents to the Pension Fund of Russia.

The fact of timely provision of final materials is confirmed by a receipt for the delivery of a particular report. The same electronic document indicates the correctness of the message. In case of an error, the information is corrected and re-sent to the Pension Fund. The final desired result is a paper recording the moment of acceptance of information by fund officials.

TO last stage This includes the signing of the control protocol for reporting by the individual entrepreneur and authorized employees of the PF. One copy of this document remains with the entrepreneur, the other is stored in the fund.

In order to comply with the Legislation, the provision of SZV-M to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in an electronic version must occur before the 20th day of the second subsequent month.

As you can see, through EDI, you can not only submit all the necessary reports much easier, but also quickly correct any errors that arise in the documents. Thanks to this, the likelihood of being fined for late or inaccurately submitted information becomes negligibly small.

Punishment for non-compliance with laws

Individual entrepreneurs are brought to administrative responsibility in the following situations:

  1. In case of late registration with the Pension Fund as an insurer.
  2. Failure to pay pension contributions on time.
  3. When submitting reports containing incorrect information.
  4. When information is provided late or with errors.
  5. When providing incomplete information about employees.

For violation of the time of registration of an individual entrepreneur as an insurer, a fine is imposed in the amount of: up to 90 days - 5 thousand rubles, more than 90 - 10 thousand rubles.

The amount of punishment for late payment of contributions depends on the conditions under which this violation occurred, so deliberate evasion of payment will entail a fine of 40% of the amount of arrears, and the usual amount of collected funds is only 20%.

In addition to administrative liability in the above case, the pension fund charges the employer a penalty in the amount of the product of the amount of debt by the number of days of delay and 1/300 of the refinancing rate, provided that the period of non-payment does not exceed 1 month.

If during on-site inspections it is determined that the individual entrepreneur provided incomplete or unreliable information about employees, and this affects the amount of insurance payments, then the entrepreneur is subject to a penalty of 1 thousand rubles. If a repeated violation is detected in this area, 5 thousand rubles. And if errors are identified in the insurance history of citizens - 500 rubles for each employee.

All violations are identified by fund employees during desk and on-site inspections. Moreover, the first type of control is carried out based on the submitted reporting materials, and with the second, any documents confirming the correctness of the transmitted information may be requested. Individual entrepreneurs are notified of the upcoming audit in advance in writing.

To deregister as an entrepreneur-employer, you must contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence and submit the appropriate application.

This paper must also be accompanied by documentary evidence of the dismissal of all employees. The exact list of official materials required to resolve the issue of insurance for employees can be found by contacting the pension fund. But for businessmen who conduct their work as one person, there is no need to contact the Pension Fund. It will be enough to submit an application to the tax authority to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

By resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), a new section has been introduced on the official website and has been successfully operating since the beginning of the year - “PERSONAL ACCOUNT OF THE INSURED PERSON.” In practice, it turned out to be convenient, easy to use and quite informative.

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Naturally, users of the new resource may have questions.

What is it needed for

The new online resource allows you to receive information on any issues related to the pension fund, monitor the status of your individual personal account (IPA), create online requests, and submit applications in real time.

The site reflects state of an account in the Pension Fund. Not to be confused with bank account! Unlike the latter, it does not store money, but information about the formed pension rights of the insured person. All data is formed from information provided by employers and the citizen himself.

To whom is it available?

Your personal account is available to everyone individuals, insured by the Pension Fund, having an insurance number of an individual personal account () and having undergone simple registration.

How to access your personal account

  • Go to the website pfrf.ru. Citizens who already use the portal public services(gosuslugi.ru), you can immediately log into your personal account. Beginners will have to go through a simple registration to access e-government services. To do this you will be asked to enter:
    • Last name.
    • Phone number or email address.
    • You will be asked to read the “TERMS OF USE” and “PRIVACY POLICY”.
  • Click the “REGISTRATION” button. A “confirmation code” will be sent to the specified phone number or email. After entering the received code, you will be asked to create a unique password of 8 or more characters, which you will later use to enter the portal. After successful registration, the user is returned to the site.
  • Fill in all the fields in the bookmark:“FILLING IN AND CHECKING PERSONAL DATA”, start the check. You will receive an SMS message about the results of the verification to the telephone number or email address specified during registration.

There are times when an error occurs when automatically checking personal data; this can happen in the following cases:

  • Your error is a typo when entering. In the lower left corner, click the CORRECT button, on the previous page, make a correction.
  • Error when checking SNILS and personal data in the Pension Fund. In this case, you need to contact the nearest branch of the Pension Fund to clarify and correct the error.
  • Error when checking passport. To correct this, you need to contact the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

After successful verification of personal data, an expanded list of government services will be available upon re-entry. Initial registration completed.

To receive a full range of services, you need to GO TO IDENTITY CONFIRMATION (button in the lower right corner).

This can be done in any of three ways:

  • Apply in person with your passport to the nearest service center (a list of addresses and a search map is attached) and immediately gain access.
  • Receive an activation code by registered mail via Russian Post (delivery time will take approximately 2 weeks).
  • Electronically via telecommunications channels, if you have an agreement with the Pension Fund.

Until your personal account is fully registered, most functions will be inactive.

How to log into your personal account

  1. Go to the official website of the Pension Fund (pfrf.ru).
  2. Click on the “PERSONAL ACCOUNT OF THE INSURED PERSON” tab (located at the bottom of the page, third tab from the left).

Log in to your personal account using the password you received during registration.

What information does it contain?

The main page of your personal account contains information about the insured person:

  • Full Name.
  • Date and place of birth.
  • Individual personal account insurance number (SNILS).
  • Phone number.

On the Pension Fund website, after activation in your personal account, you can:

  • Find out the number of points scored since the beginning labor activity to the present moment.
  • Calculate your earned pension today.
  • Check your length of work experience.
  • And much more useful information, interesting to you in this important area of ​​our lives.

What services are presented in your personal account?

In your Personal Account you can:

  • Use the GET INFORMATION tab to enter the service and find out about your pension rights. This service is intended only for persons whose pension has not yet been assigned.
  • Using the CONTACT THE PFR tab, you will be taken to the following subsections:
    • Make an appointment for a personal appointment. The convenient service allows citizens to make an appointment with a PF specialist at a convenient time, eliminating the need to wait in line.
    • Send an appeal. Allows you to create and send an Internet message of no more than 2000 characters, with subsequent delivery of a response by mail or email.
    • Order a document. The service is intended for citizens and insurance premium payers; it allows you to order any document and certificate on this issue. You will need to receive the certificate in person at the Pension Fund, having previously made an appointment here. Significantly reduces the number of visits to one, eliminates waiting in queues.
    • Obtain information about the status of the HUD.
  • On the SUBMIT APPLICATION tab, fill in all the proposed fields in the selected tabs:
    • Application for a pension.
    • Statement on the method of pension delivery.
    • Application for payment from maternity capital funds.

This functionality is currently operating in test mode in several regions.

Let's take a closer look at some interesting bookmarks.

For persons who have not yet been assigned a pension, the most interesting tab will be “GET INFORMATION about generated pension rights.” By logging in, you can find out your insurance experience and the number of pension points at the moment.

On the right side of the screen there is a vertical row of keys with which you can additionally:

  • To know general information on the procedure for forming a pension in the compulsory pension system. The tab is designed to provide complete theoretical information on the calculation of pensions in accordance with the law. In it you can find out:
    • Requirements necessary for granting a pension.
    • Retirement options.
    • The procedure for forming a pension and the formula for calculating it at present.
  • Obtain information about experience and earnings reflected on the ILS. This tab opens a table containing information about the current insurance period and the number of pension points. Below are two tables with information about length of service, wages and places of work before and after 2002. Carefully study the tables to identify inaccuracies in the information and, as a result, reflect the incorrect length of work experience. If an error is discovered, you will need to contact your employer to clarify your length of service or the Pension Fund for consultation.
  • Get information about the status of the HUD. Using this tab, you can instantly generate and print a notice containing information about the amount of savings and where they are generated. If you took part in the state co-financing program, then here you can see your additional insurance contributions to the funded part of the pension.

The notice consists of three paragraphs and is an analogue of the so-called “chain letters” sent to all of us before 2014.

The first part is a table that shows the following information:

  • The amount of insurance payments divided into periods.
  • The amount of accumulated individual pension coefficients - points.
  • Duration of insurance period.
  • Employer's name.

The second part shows:

  • Information on the basis of which the IPC was calculated for periods before 2002 and after. The information is presented in the form of tables with a full breakdown of insurance premiums for the insurance part of the labor pension, indicating periods of work and employer.

The third part contains information about the amount of your pension savings:

  • Your security option (the entire amount of contributions goes to finance the insurance part of the pension or is distributed between the insurance and funded ones).
  • Your insurer for the formation of pension savings, that is, a non-state pension fund (NPF), which you have chosen for these purposes.
  • The amount of accumulated savings (the so-called funded part of the pension).

Calculate future insurance pension

Here is your personal pension calculator.

Consists of two parts:

  • First– this is the number of pension points already accrued and the length of work experience. Here you can and should add periods of military service, leave to care for a child and a disabled person. The number of points and experience will increase.
  • Second– modeling of future years. Here you need to indicate the period you are going to work, indicate “expected” wages before personal income tax deduction, click on the “calculate” button. As a result, the amount of the insurance pension will be calculated.

Some people are only a few years away from retirement, some of us are already retired, and others think it’s too early to think about retirement. We will all sooner or later become pensioners. Therefore, now you need to think about this period of life, understand your rights, and be able to use the personal account of the insured person.



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